Author Topic: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)  (Read 267522 times)

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1525 on: June 07, 2011, 11:01:33 PM »
Yep. I only have the absolutely ridiculous dismantler achievement left to get.

*high-fives*.  Nice job raping the game.

EDIT:  Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Turbo Hyper Third Strike New Age of Heroes:  Fooling around with the changes.  Hakan has fast jabs now; I just have to remember to use them since I'm trained to ignore them.  Also holy shit at the frame advantage on Dan's normals now.  If he gets you in the corner and you don't have an invincible wakeup move, you're fucked (i.e. Hakan).

Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure:  I have five ponycorns in jars.  I friggin love ponycorns.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 02:15:05 AM by Captain K. »


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1526 on: June 08, 2011, 03:40:06 AM »
Super Street Fighter 4: WE Promise This Is the Last One, HONEST!: Yeah, downloaded this too, played through as Evil Ryu and Oni. 

Evil Ryu is...exactly what I expected, which I'm not sure if good or bad, but regardless, if you played with him in the CvS games or in SFA3, then you pretty much know what you're getting.  I just wish he didn't have Shungokusatsu as a Super cause it feels like saying "Just use EX Moves" cause the move has such limited applications.  Its also a pain to pull off, and would have prefered something less...Akuma...

Oni was hoping he was just teasing the notion of another Shoto without actually being one (kind of like how Gouken did)...I was wrong.  He's just another Shoto.  Hadoken, Shoryuken, Hurricane Kick, and then a few unique things to make him not a clone, but nonetheless, he felt like playing the same damn character again.
Its more insulting here than Evil Ryu because Oni is suppose to be kind of a new character.  Evil Ryu, you knew what you were getting, and feels like they were trying to get in Metsu Goshoryu (which was fun to get to use again!) in some manner, but regardless, Evil Ryu was an already established character, so the question there is more just "why him?" if anything.
Oni is someone who pretends to be new (I mean, he's totally NOT Akuma <_< >_>), so was a chance to come up with some cool stuff.  Instead, its just like a 7th take on a Shoto, and kind of annoying as a result.

Haven't had a chance to use the 3rd Strike Twins, will get to them...eventually.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1527 on: June 08, 2011, 04:11:18 AM »
inFamous 2: A strange beginning as you get used to Cole and Zeke's new voices and scratch your head wondering why they bothered. Opening sequence was... dunno. Needed to let you use your full arsenal from the first game and not be a tutorial. Oh well. Now that I'm into the game itself it's pretty good. You've got pretty much everything at the start except for the storm and rockets (that'd be broken as hell). Game should take off soon, feels like.

Used a coupon to get a free $20 PSN card. Grabbed a smattering of DLC including Platinum for BB:CS, Knives for Scott Pilgrim, some LBP stuff and a SHEEP MAN avatar. Sexy.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1528 on: June 08, 2011, 04:13:37 AM »
Dissidia: Finished the 12th cycle, on to the original plot. After the length of the first set of chapters, Cloud's is rather stunningly short.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Played and beaten, 120 puzzles solved. Great game. Lots of style, very engaging and the puzzles are rarely unfair (although there are a couple of hints/directions that are annoyingly wrong). Will definitely play Diabolical Box soon, and Layton vs. Phoenix Wright MUST be translated. Please?
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1529 on: June 08, 2011, 07:45:01 AM »
999: Got the ending symbolized by a certain fireman's tool.  Junpei you foolish fool of a fool.  Still, good stuff, as plenty of speculation still live over who did what...  though I'm pretty sure my general suspicion is correct even if the details of who did certain bad deeds might be off.  Spoilerish thoughts: Ace >>>> Seven > Lotus >> Dead captain dude > Dead Number 9 dude > Somebody else > Clover-Santa-Junpei-Akane on the suspect list.  First off, dramatically, the nice older gentleman is the 'shocking' culprit, so these days he's kind of obvious as the dramatically interesting one.  Secondly, the game is actually making a pretense at realism from the speculation the characters make about who could have arranged this and why, and large amounts of the cast are plainly too young to have arranged such a venture, unless their billionaire parents were in on it too.  Only Ace / Lotus / Seven seem to be adults.  Also, everybody ignored Zero's statement that "some of you are already familiar with the Nonary Game", so um yeah.  Anyway, Snake went through door 3, and Clover assumed Seven + Santa (2+7+3).  But Santa is a violently unlikely culprit- the loudmouth show off is always all bark, no bite - so um yeah.  Clover was also crazy so if anything her bloody rampage disproves them as the real culprits.  Clover / Akane is stupid...  but...  Ace / Number 9's collected bracelet works (2+1+9), or Ace and his own Zero bracelet also gets through 3 (2+1+0, ignoring that Zero can probably cheat wildly).  Plus Ace has always been the one to play the good guy, "sacrifice" himself, and say "I trust all of you" etc.  He also took Lotus aside shortly before Junpei got slashed...  1+8+0 = 9, or for that matter 1+8+9=9, so yeah.

Silly quote of the game: "Do you know Japanese?  No?  Well, san means three!"  Uh, dude.  My name is Junpei, this over here is Akane Kurisomething, and several of us have crazy hair colors.  I'm pretty sure we're speaking in Japanese right now.

Anyway, good game.  Recommended for all that the puzzles could be better designed - your characters speak up too much, so just picking everything up and following orders works most of the time.  But plot is still interesting.  I do like how the characters don't just blindly accept the crazy situation they're in and wonder about crazed multimillionaires with nothing better to do than set deadly puzzles up - I am entirely willing to accept bizarre situations if the characters wrestle with what this means and try to MacGuyver cheat some, even if it ultimately fails.  See game below for a prime example of how not to do this right.

Metroid Prime: Finished.  ~5:30 roughly, 51% item collection, for all that items other than Energy Tanks were irrelevant (had one bar of the "top" meter- so 11 tanks I think?).  Kind of ambivalent.  It was definitely a good game!  But it definitely does feel like this is a Metroid designed for people who like Metroid-style combat, and I have to say that I'm not really one of them.  The boss fights toward the end of the game ended up frustrating, but I respect that they were balanced aggressively - it's the choice between Super Metroid style "you have the durability to puzzle out how a boss works and defeat their gimmick in your first playthrough" vs. "Yeah, your first few attempts are going to be learning how this boss works then dying followed by a real run."  The second approach to game design does give more challenge on replay, I'll grant.  Still, screw you, Nightmare.  Only managed to beat him once he got into a constant loop pattern in his "ram Samus to death" phase for some reason, but that was after ~13 deaths.  A case where "challenging" is not always equal to "fun."  

Fusion is also bizarrely linear.  Known fact and all, but I guess they want you to uncover all the items before you get the cheaty equipment?  Seriously, WTF with constantly locking all the doors.  SA-X is a non-trivial boss fight, and since all the sectors that aren't Sector 1 are locked, if you didn't pick up enough energy tanks I guess you're just screwed.  More generally the game locks the path behind you really often, which is just bizarre.  That's the equivalent of not letting RPG characters level up.  It's fine if there's a really good plot reason, or it's a temporary condition that really means "there is a tough puzzle ahead and yes, you must solve it to advance and it is doable now, hence why we are locking you in."

Music was generally terrible - weird, I don't recall Zero Mission having that problem.  Fusion didn't have any sequence as cool as Metal Gear Samus from Zero Mission either, so Fusion felt kind of a step back from Zero Mission.  Huh.

Also, what happened with the script to Metroid Fusion?  I like the *idea* of Metroid Fusion, but this is a game that would seriously have been better if they'd gotten rid of *every single line* of text after the intro.  Really.  Nuke it all.  It's not like plot's the thing anyway; why graft a terrible and nonsensical script on that spends all its time fussing over stupid gameplay details?  It'd be like if 70% of the dialogue in Lufia II / Wild Arms dealt with the puzzles in dungeons, and attempted to upgrade it into plot.  It's something blatantly nonsensical, so why draw attention to it if you're not going to make it make any more sense?  "Selan: Sorry, Maxim, the King of Paracytle ordered me to betray you!  You were doing too well in solving the Sinistral's puzzles that they were afraid of your power.  They sent me the new tool you need to solve this upcoming puzzle anyway, but I can't tell you where it is.  I've hidden it up ahead and you can't ask me anything more as we explore.  Once you find it, you can use it to trigger the blue switch and open the way forward to Amon's trap."  Buh?!

On the bright side, as noted, I like the *idea.*  The infected suit thing is just plain cool, and a bona-fida excuse to mix up Samus's power set more than usual, for all that they didn't really take the opportunity.  (One of my friends really really hated the idea of ice missiles.  I can't agree at all, and wish they'd done *more* mixing up the default weapons from Super Metroid, really.)  That's another annoying thing about the data room plot - aside from being dumb, see above (Samus has an ancient hyped up Chozo spacesuit, as noted in Zero Mission / Super - since when can the Federation help at all with it?!), it'd just be plain cooler if Samus was constantly slurping up X and stealing their mimicking powers for herself to get new abilities.  Oh, well.

BlazBlue: This is the first fighting game I have bought, ever.  Always played other people's copies of Smash / other stuff, and the only fighter I put really serious time into was Smash, because I can't be bothered to memorize the exact timing of down down semicircle quick reverse B A to unleash super move X.  The awesome music was what sold me, really - odd that people nommed some of what I feel to be lesser pieces in the Music Tourney (though still decent!), but yeah, some of the stuff is really good.

Anyway, I bought Continuum Shift, but the GameStop clerk gave me Calamity Trigger.  Uh, free rental, sure!  Plot was actually fun.  Sure, ridiculous, it's a fighting game, but they did a good job of making characters with lots of reasons to fight each other and ham it up.  Since this is an RPG site, they were able to sell power differences a lot better in a fighting game, I felt, too.  Overpower a character in an RPG and they just OHKO everyone which is no fun; balance them as normal and they feel like "just another boss."  It's especially tricky for duels, since you can't control evasion / blocking at all in an RPG duel, which tends to make them attack / attack / heal fests.  (I'd propose Suiko III "you don't have to win" fights where winning results in a plot cutscene of losing is about the best compromise you can have, and even that has issues.)  Always using Unlimited Nu-13 for the final boss, and occasionally spicing in Unlimited Rachel for when she's serious, was pretty good at generally selling that Nu-13 / Hakumen / Rachel >>> the rest of the cast.  

Have a ton of plot questions on the more serious parts of the plot - I actually wrote them down! - but will wait for Continuum Shift plot before asking 'em.  Speaking of which.  Went and traded Calamity Trigger for Continuum Shift, and...  what the crispy shit is this.  No more throw button?  Right stick no longer maps to pre-input special moves?  Geez, thanks for screwing over people who don't want to have to memorize and learn a ton of, for fighting game noobs at least, rather difficult to perform sequences.  I really enjoyed BB:CT's Smash-esque controls for at least some specials to help ease into a character, but this is going to severely nuke my capabilities for characters with more complex moves (i.e. not Jin.  I can at least do quarter-rotations!).  But more importantly nuke some fun factor, since not consistently getting a move to execute is meh.  What were they thinking on getting rid of functionality they already had?!  Sigh.   (I hope there is some way to map the right stick to moves after all and I eat my words.  But I'm not seein' it.)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 07:48:23 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1530 on: June 08, 2011, 10:45:32 AM »
Shadow Hearts: Back to playing this, now that I'm not training Pokemon teams. Still preferring it to SH:C, honestly. Picked up the save having lost to Wugui2 last time (Yamaraja: War, to be precise) and had to beat the boss at the end of the trials again. Derp. Gave everybody Leonardo's Bears and smashed Wugui, haha. Interesting plot stuff happens, and now I... forget to save before fighting another Yamaraja entering Kuikai Tower. ._. Beat him with relative ease, thankfully. Got completely lost in this place and was tempted to FAQ at one point, before suddenly remembering that I'd ignored a platform earlier and got through it from there. Beat the Badger thing and Dehuai with absolute ease - Zhuzhen's magic is OP as fuck, and Yuri is a Yuri. Margarete's.. well, kinda there. Aqua Edge was used, I guess. She also spammed items.
Then, drop Margarete for Alice and fight a Dehuai2 (Yamaraja: Calamity (or however they shorten it)). This fight was annoying, not for being a difficult or spammy fight, but just because of Crimson Flame. No idea why, but it was causing my controller to rumble constantly until the next time something caused it to rumble, which was usually Yuri's attack. That made timing the Judgement Ring on Alice/Zhuzhen really awkward if they came in between Dehuai's and Yuri's turns, since I could barely hold the controller for 10 second without my hands going numb. :|
Anyways, with Dehuai down, more plot and cutscenes, and then a mini-dungeon in Bistritz. Heh, predictable as hell, but fun! Also, didn't know who the Valentine in SH1 was, so that was good. :P Pretty solid character from the looks of things, too! Back into a tower and I reach the top. Win the fight there and then Alice enters the Graveyard - now this is the part where I am a moron. Went into the fight against Fox Face and he used an HP->1 move. My instant thought was "Either he's nearly dead or it's one I can lose to plot!", ignoring the ACTUAL FUCKING PLOT FIVE MINUTES EARLIER. Needless to say, his next attack killed me and I Game Overed. Derrrp.

Important part, though, is that I'm enjoying playing this a hell of a lot - even more than I enjoyed SH:C (which, honestly, while it had good moments, I find to be a little overrated.) Solid gameplay, challenging bosses (sort of) and an amazing cast, all coupled with an interesting plot. ^^ (As a point, plot was probably the one part I really felt SH:C slipped up, apart from challenge obviously, haha.)

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1531 on: June 08, 2011, 11:38:35 AM »
No more throw button?  Right stick no longer maps to pre-input special moves?  Geez, thanks for screwing over people who don't want to have to memorize and learn a ton of, for fighting game noobs at least, rather difficult to perform sequences.  I really enjoyed BB:CT's Smash-esque controls for at least some specials to help ease into a character, but this is going to severely nuke my capabilities for characters with more complex moves (i.e. not Jin.  I can at least do quarter-rotations!).  But more importantly nuke some fun factor, since not consistently getting a move to execute is meh.  What were they thinking on getting rid of functionality they already had?!  Sigh.   (I hope there is some way to map the right stick to moves after all and I eat my words.  But I'm not seein' it.)

While the loss of the Right Stick quick-attacks sticks, you can have easy specials/throws in beginner mode, and it's not default, but you can go into the button input menu and set a button for Throws when outside of Beginner Mode.

That said, I will never be able to do Bang's Astral without it being really really gamed.  Double HCB in the air?  Go away.  CS is also FAR more picky about precise inputs compared to CT, so be prepared for that.

WA4 - And I've gone back to banning my nephew from my room, due to him saving over my file AGAIN.  Dammit.

So, start of game.  Blah blah blah, Tony1 almost kills Jude, but Arnaud manages to Evade tank him so I don't have to use any items.  Not that I couldn't spare them - I restarted my file where Mariel was L100 in ACF, so I started with 50 Heal Berries and 33 Revive Fruits, among other things.

Blah blah blah, learn Force Arts, go get Raquel's WOMD named Lombardia (transfer data~), which has about 3350 ATK to start.  Then I go get Raquel.  Blah blah blah, I go back to the previous dungeon to grind for Mind Recovery (Yulie/Raquel combo that restores 40 MP to everyone) and Hi-Material (just 'cause).  While grinding for those, I manage to run into two Grow Apples (Raquel, strangely enough, got the first turn before ANYTHING against the first, and Arnaud knew Shut Out for the second).  Then I run into a Greater Beast.  My character levels average about 24 and it's level 80 OSHI- it's 2HKOed by Raquel when she can actually hit the damn thing and spent most of the battle using Dispel.  I have Jude Mystic a Lucky Card and use a Gella Card, so I wind up with everyone getting 100K+ EXP and 60K Gella.

Slow Down is broked, as is Shut Out.

At the end of the Great Stairway, so I get the fun of going through the White Orphanage.  Again.  Woo.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1532 on: June 08, 2011, 03:45:10 PM »
Dissidia: Finished the 12th cycle, on to the original plot. After the length of the first set of chapters, Cloud's is rather stunningly short.

Well, part of this was because of how the first game handled "Overworlds".  Everything was map based, and it used this DP system which rewarded you based on how many you ended with and blah blah blah.  In Dissidia, they were also focused heavily on trying to give some sense of equality among the 10 Heroes (barring WoL who they gave a little extra emphasis on), and so they had to keep everyone having roughly same number of plot scenes, etc.

Also, the 2nd half of the story (which use to be called Shade Impulse) was A LOT longer than the final section of the 012 story.   Its still a good deal longer, though its cut down notably, and naturally takes advantage of the new party system (use to be "Choose one of the 10 heroes, play through that section."  Shade Impulse was split into 3 full sections and a 4th 2 map tease that was basically 10 low level opponents then the final boss.)

The 013 story is also worsely written than 012, cause they were focused more on the whole fanservice thing than telling a story, and several are mostly just immensely abbreviated retellings of the character's story from their home game, now with voice acting.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1533 on: June 08, 2011, 08:21:46 PM »
The Burned Man's base DT is 50. I don't think there is anything in the entire game that could kill him except for the Courier.

Let's not even get in to the possibility of reverse-pickpocketing power armor and morphine on to him. Would push it up into the low 90s.

As far as I know its impossible to pickpocket him unless some mod on the PC allows you to. Tested it myself and he instantly turned around and started talking.
The fight wouldn't be quite as clear cut as you make it out I think as Lanius does have near three times Joshua's HP and his sword can cause knockdowns meaning with luck he could win. Of course Lanius can barely scratch Joshua so he still takes it.

Rorona: I fear I might not be able to max out everyone but I worry too much. Currently using Sterkenburg as the dudes a murdermachine.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1534 on: June 09, 2011, 12:25:58 PM »
Broken Sword Director's Cut - Finished

I had somehow gotten the impression that Broken Sword was supposed to be an A-grade series. This seems to be yet another of the endless line of sticks the wrong end of which have picked up by me. Game was fairly good, but nowhere near the top end.

Complaint stream time:

Nico's segments don't really seem to have any relation to the main meat of the game. If I'm understanding things correctly, they were added for the DC version. Maybe they relate more to some other game in the series then, but even if that's true it doesn't make them a good addition.

George is a jerk.

So there's a character who early on seems like they are going to be a major character. Then they fall completely off the radar for the majority of the game. Then they show back up near the end for 1.5 shocking twists! except no why are you trying to shoehorn this person back in.

So I'm trying to figure out what to do at an area and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do. So I fall back on the in-game help and it's all like hey, there's nothing you can do here yet, why are you not off doing this vastly more urgent thing. Said thing had been alluded to previously but nothing had ever implied that it was urgent. So I meander on over to the area relevant to that and there doesn't look like there's anything I can do there? So I randomly try interacting with an item I have tried interacting with previously, which is clearly a futile endeavour as the last time I interacted with it one of the people in the area was unhappy with my attempts at such and they were still around. So it turns out that this was what I was supposed to do as they did not even care this time around despite there being no reason for this to be the case.
So as a result of my interaction with said item, George waits until nightfall. Clearly this was the most urgent of urgent things. On top of that, once things start happening George turns out to be completely ineffectual and the day is saved by almost completely unrelated means. Great.

The endgame is pretty woefully basic and pointless. The final click especially. What, there is one single item on the screen I can interact with whatever will I doooooooo and it is not some sort of climactic item that the player will get satisfaction from initiating personally or anything. Also romance out of nowhere.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1535 on: June 09, 2011, 02:12:13 PM »
Shadow Hearts: Spent yesterday getting Yuri back. Literally did nothing else. :)

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1536 on: June 09, 2011, 07:26:32 PM »
The Burned Man's base DT is 50. I don't think there is anything in the entire game that could kill him except for the Courier.

Let's not even get in to the possibility of reverse-pickpocketing power armor and morphine on to him. Would push it up into the low 90s.

As far as I know its impossible to pickpocket him unless some mod on the PC allows you to. Tested it myself and he instantly turned around and started talking.
The fight wouldn't be quite as clear cut as you make it out I think as Lanius does have near three times Joshua's HP and his sword can cause knockdowns meaning with luck he could win. Of course Lanius can barely scratch Joshua so he still takes it.

I think his sword has to overcome your DT to knock you down, cause I've never seen it happen to me.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1537 on: June 10, 2011, 02:04:28 AM »
Twiklitiri: Pretty much.  I chatted with a friend about the extreme WTF nature of the SHOCKING PLOT TWIST about a character who's uh showed up like twice, and apparently in a bizarro move that character had their screentime cut from the original PC version?  I'm not sure whether it was a straight screwup, or there wasn't room, or there was some kind of "artistic" Lucas-esque revision.  But yeah, they traded Nico plot for getting rid of scenes developing said character - apparently you're supposed to have a long conversation with him at the chapel where he tries to warn you off the case - so the plot twist ends up utterly botched.  Since they took out the characterization and development.  Nice one, guys.

That one incident you're referring to was pretty random, yes.  No way at all to guess that mind control rays had touched said guard in the interim.

As a side comment, the only way George's plot makes a smidgen of sense is if he is a bored dilettante with nothing better to do than travel Europe and the Middle East solving puzzles in his spare time.  Which is fine.  Except there's a puzzle in Damascus where you're scraping for money.  Wut.  Didn't we just fly out here on no notice, and don't we have plans to fly back to Paris?   ...sigh.

Agree that the game's finale was incredibly disappointing.  Both a plot and a puzzle failure...  they could have come up with way better puzzles.  As for the plot, either there is mystic nonsense that exists in the world, or there isn't.  There is nothing in the game that you see that is actually supernatural before the finale.  So...  if this is just crazy old rich people, then whatevs, no need to track them down, let them have their big ritual archaeology party in a mine.   Why are we murdering them?  OTOH, if this sword is for realz and will give mega-charisma and world domination to he who holds it...  I dunno, you need to SELL this idea somehow.  It didn't seem to work in the past!  George & Nico don't talk about this with the urgency required I feel.

On the bright side I liked how everybody has their own personal response as George shows off his smeared tissue paper to everyone, or anything else in your inventory.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1538 on: June 10, 2011, 05:05:23 AM »
Working on a Godhand "kick me" playthrough on normal.  With the moves you unlock on a clear game it's been pretty easy.  Easier than beating the game on hard by a longshot.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1539 on: June 10, 2011, 08:33:25 AM »
Started and finished P3FES: The Answer. Verdict: Kinda disappointing, but the bosses were fun. Also, Metis is terrible and I dislike being forced to use her.

Aigis was better off without her.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1540 on: June 10, 2011, 11:48:02 AM »
Pokemon Black (yeah, just calling it by its actual name for once): Just beat Gym 4 and did some trainer fights outside of town.  I should make more progress on this game or something.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1541 on: June 11, 2011, 12:30:05 AM »
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Beat. Good game, better than the original in almost every way.

Suikoden Tactics: Started this up.
-blah blah creatures as weapons blah blah blah I need a drink
-Hey look, it's Chibi-Snowe!
-And Lazlo... the f***?! He talked?!
-Snowe, you f***tard, listen to the nice man.
-Get first party, and oh look, it's the guys on the cover... and Walter. He's a dead man walking, isn't he.
-Clear the fight, new chapter. That was fast.
-Hey, it's Sigurd and Hervey. Hi, guys!
-I nearly get wiped out in my first real fight, but just barely win with two people left.
-Why is Jerry Lawler shooting at me?
-Hello, Marlon Brandeau, the Falcon Rune, and someone I don't recognize. I'm sure glad nothing bad's going to happen to any of you.

And that's all for now.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1542 on: June 11, 2011, 06:00:03 PM »
I think his sword has to overcome your DT to knock you down, cause I've never seen it happen to me.

Never read anything about that myself and I can't find any info on the matter. I'd test it myself but I'm sure some PC player will pit them against themselves on youtube soon anyway and we'll see then.

Infamous 2 - Anyone who says Infamous 1 is better then 2 is mad pure and simple. Most fun I've had in a sandbox game and the mission maker is great. Yes it has its limits but with the era we're in I'm sure they'll add in much more in the future to expand it.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1543 on: June 12, 2011, 12:40:37 PM »
Now Playing: Fantasy WWII on the Not!European Front: Featuring the LGBT Army!

So yeah, I started up Valkyria Chronicles finally. Really good game all-around. Scouts are overpowered for completing most mission objectives, but I'm okay with this. It's nice to have an SRPG that -doesn't- require you to defeat all enemies on every map as the standard every now and then.

Up to chapter 10 and amused how my army keeps getting canon homosexual recruits to join up. No Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in Not!Europe it seems.

I actually like Welkin. He's got some anime trope-ness going on, but overall, he actually feels like a real person, if a bit too nice at times. He and Alicia actually make a cute couple and have some semblance of chemistry, which is more than I can say for most games. The voice-acting definitely helps. The game has really nice presentation in general. The political story gets highlights in the main plot and lots of details in the newspaper articles. The character development seems to have taken a page from Suikoden and added investigative profiles for each of the generics, and the main cast gets little optional side-stories that take the form of "Interviews" with the war correspondent. All skippable if it feels too -ANIME- for you, but nice for people who care about the units they're using. My only gripe on the character front is that there's too many major ally characters who aren't playable. I'd like Captain Varrot or Lt. Faldio to actually get in on the action. It would have been cool at least on the rescue mission inside the big city where both of them were around and it was an emergency situation. No, instead we have Welkin running off to fetch his squad first. Bah!

I'm calling this now: Isara is Dead Bro Walking. (Dead Darcsen Walking?)


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1544 on: June 12, 2011, 01:02:33 PM »
Beat it on normal, so Godhand "Kick Me" on Hard - up to stage 4.  Nothing in those 4 stages has been even close to as hard as the carnival bros, and frankly I don't think anything will be, outside demon Elvis, great Sensei, and that one stage near the end where you get ganged up on by 8 dudes, one of whom is Tiger Joe possessed by a lvl 4 demon.  ...oh god that's gonna be hard...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 01:06:55 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1545 on: June 13, 2011, 05:05:52 AM »
Music was generally terrible - weird, I don't recall Zero Mission having that problem.  Fusion didn't have any sequence as cool as Metal Gear Samus from Zero Mission either, so Fusion felt kind of a step back from Zero Mission.  Huh.

Fusion is several years older than Zero Mission, so it can't really be a step back. GBA sound is usually pretty bad and it was especially so early in the system's life, so yeah.

Also I literally never even noticed doors locked behind you in Fusion, which is probably a testament to a different style of playing the games!

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1546 on: June 14, 2011, 04:11:47 AM »
Pokemon Shading: The Dark one: 7 Gyms down!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1547 on: June 14, 2011, 03:56:14 PM »
SRWL: Picked this up again now that I can play it on an actual DS. Finished stage 22, recruited Ken and finally unlocked the full 10 upgrade slots. Game is pretty darn stylish now that it moves at a full framerate. Pretty darn easy too, even without really bothering with the partner bonuses.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1548 on: June 14, 2011, 10:20:42 PM »
Infamous 2 - Got the good ending as evil paths in Infamous just involve a lot of blind murder which I dislike. The final battle while easy was just how I like them as the whole city including your enemies start bombarding The Beast to slow him down enough so you could activate the RFI. The Rebels having a navy was a little odd but it added to the scene as they attacked The Beast from land and sea.


A shame they kill off Bertrand though. The man had major flaws and as he himself said the lures of Satan had consumed but I feel after he became a superhuman that could transform into a giant pile of shit he truely thought he was doing things for the good of mankind, transforming some people into monsters was to him merely a way to control the people so he could better protect them. Also him dying means we miss out on Bertrand going toe to toe with The Beast to protect Humanity.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #1549 on: June 15, 2011, 04:52:20 AM »
Finished LoH:TitS abotu a week ago, started off a tad slow but managed to pick up at the end, am now cursing the fact that I must stare at Xseed like a kitten in hopes that the other two games in the trilogy get localized.

Working on TOPSP, on chapter 3 Chaos path.  Apparently in my attempts to not be a jackass who kills innocent people I have brought myself to kill a pregnant woman and an old lady, I feel like a jerk. Employing a deathsquad of three Archers and Canopus who all tend to just kind of murder shit.  Backup is MC as a Two hand sword wielding warrior, he just kind of walks wherever and does what he pleases, occasionally getting a chance to hit something when they're dumb enough to walk in range and not be dead from arrow spam, a berserker whose job is basically to just spam mend leaves on himself, two enchantresses for physically durable monster control and a cleric.  Did use to have 4 archers but decided I should try other classes, so switched on to ninja, who basically gets to hide in a corner because low level class and lol frail.  This games balance is something.