
Author Topic: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)  (Read 267394 times)


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2200 on: September 10, 2011, 04:45:48 AM »
So Record of Agarest War Zero, where every paragraph begins with so.

So, when time permitted us a break we were on the verge of... actually we were slogging through yet another dungeon.  First I double-back to grab some loot before heading further in.  Wherein I run into the Jumbo Cock's successor palette-swap the Garuda.  Or is it recolor?  Whichever.  He's backed up by the next level of annoying fairies who absorb darkness because why not.  Also he's so blazingly fast on the attack turn that he gets first strike and can promptly initiate a combo that kills anyone unless Leonis gets lucky.  Anyone else just gets overkilled... but really the only ones that can be hit are Leon, Minmel and Eugene.  And then on a sidepath I encounter two of them at once along with four fairies.  Fun!  Deadly!  Not a minor drain on resources at all!  More fighting, more sidepaths and... a Forbidden Tome?  SQUEEEEEE!  Clear out the rest of this stupid dungeon, open up the south path, go back to town.

So, the Forbidden Tome, it allows you to create a marionette at an Alchemist's Shop in town.  Now, a marionette in this game is not some simple puppet, well it is, well, simple in one way at least.  So, what a marionette is, is a character.  One you've lost.  So, for a low low price of more money then I actually have ever had I can get Sieghart back!  Which would be yay!  Sorta.  The problem being beyond making me liquidate too much crap to pay for this, is that my team is almost synergized well right now.  Plus it kinda feels more like their story or something.  Consistency!  Anyway, a bit more on the character front, Leon has a willpower that gives him SP on his turn, inherited from Linda.  But compared to her it gave him 15 Sp to her 25.  Until I relized it's actually a differnt willpower that gives SP to everyone in his Extended Area.  Which would be useful if it only gave SP when they got their turn while Alice's Energy gives everyone AP on her turn when she's usually first or second to move.  On the flipside, that also means Leon gets his EX skills like lightning.  And on another not, magic has become useful for something beyond chip damage and healing!  Just only in combo magic which I could never use because Alice was my only mage until Apli.

So, it looks like the next town has an Event over it, and there's yet another dungeon after it.  I go to the town expecting some free scene when actually it's another battle series.  So then I remember that the dungeon I see is probably a bonus dungeon.  There I am proven right as I trade attack turns with enemies and manage to barely kill some of the 3x3 squares.  Luckily, they have the materials I need to make the best daggers for Leon.  And I'm getting high enough in level to start promoting.  Where I promote everyone but Leon and Apli.  That I use anyway.  Actually I do have enough items to promote everyone...  Uhhh, anyway, promotion boosts AP--to the point where everyone is now near equal with Leon--gains stats, gain new skill slots.  All the good things.  In the dungeon I also manage to find the acessory with AP++.  That'll be fun to enhance.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2201 on: September 10, 2011, 08:30:21 AM »
Disgaea 4: DAMAGE PROJECTIONS *hallelujah chorus*
That is all.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2202 on: September 14, 2011, 06:30:21 AM »
Stocke blows ass. He brings so little damage compared to the major heavy hitters (Eruca, Aht*, Gafka) and doesn't have any powerful healing or support to make up for it, while his enemy movement skills are too limited. I definitely do consider him the shitty kind of red mage and I spent a lot of the game wishing I could switch him out, even when availability issues were keeping a bunch of the later PCs out of the picture.

Raynie's even worse, so sometimes having to use Stocke felt like a lesser evil worth living with - yay for him I guess? But whenever more than one of Rosch/Gafka/Aht/Eruca was available, I found myself yelling at the game "pleasePLEASE let me use two of them and marco." Even when those characters were terribly underleveled due to being unusable for 10 hours, I'd have gladly dropped Stocke for any of them.

*Even in boss fights where traps can't be used, Aht can help out your damage significantly by racking up combo hits with dancing death. You're not strapped for MP in this game so the high cost doesn't matter, and something like Quigong wave nukes so much harder with those little knife hits to help build it up.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2203 on: September 14, 2011, 07:14:05 AM »
Record of Agarest War Zero, where the day is not spent, it is wasted.

So, when we last left off we had a vote to decide that I should start all paragraphs with something else.

Wellity wellity well, my last fight that I couldn't actually finish because of... things... had me facing off against two new 3x3s at once.  Going back to that same place after the sudden shutdown caused me to refight yet another giant squid.  Yeah.  Clear out, more and more of this dungeon.  Eventually on the last battle I fight it's against 3 3x3s including another new one.  Oh yeah, it wasn't the Black Dragons I didn't mention by name before, it was the next color change of the giant wolf line.  And ooooo, he has an Overkill item that'll get me a title and riches!  So, seems an ideal place to grind, and yet another new 3x3 shows up, a Sandworm.  After my usual tactic of exhausting all my AP on one target leaves him at full health, I realize that he absorbs Earth damage which Leon's daggers have and what my finisher combo is.  Well, at least all the other runts die somehow!  So, I actually get enough SP saved to unleash Alice and Gallios' combo EX which barely allows me to kill it.  So, results screen comes up and... 400% bonus?  What in da heck?  Well that promptly finances a spending spree.  After I get new stuff and stuff I head back to hunting the worm for more delicious grinding and to try for its Overkill item.  Those of you reading this who have a brain might have thought getting a huge bonus like that meant something about the monster difficulty if you actually knew any of the game mechanics.  So, after the next sandworm promptly reintroduces me to pain and having 5 guys dead, I unleash the fury and win.  Then kill another barely as well before getting scared.  Leon and Apli are promoted and it's go time for the big story fight!

Wellity wellity well, it seems the first fight is against yet another new 3x3.  I am able to do just enough damage to get them in a full combo, and because they position themselves so badly I wipe them out and all their support in two turns, getting a fat bonus and going into the next fight with topped health.  Not that the health helped.  Oh right, anyway the story reasons for the story fight were monsters were attacking a village for some reason.  Now after defeating them we're still running away and run right into Senior Good-NPC-turned-Evil.  Now, I know you're sick of reading how much more health bosses have, but this is frankly the first real boss fight in the Second Generation except not really since you have to survive until the start of turn 4 and that's difficult.  What was my point?  Oh yeah, 44k something health, hits like a truck on steroids on steroids on acid on prancer.  And he has three of those 3x3 naked giants who I can't kill in one turn anymore.  And Eugene's sword heals the boss.  Yippy.  So, after spending about half the day fighting him--Saturday, I think--I finally survive!  With 4 guys dead!  Booooo.  After a couple.... well dozen sounds about right, retries I eventually do a full party survive.  But, but on that fight I come so close to killing him I can taste it.  So, it's time for a grind.  And to think I was worried promoting would make this fight easy.

Wellity wellity well, I grind rather a lot, get everyone the next armor tier I wanted, upgrade some stats and levels a bit.  I really want Eugene and Gallios to go before the naked giants so they get Agility boosted like mad.  So, in uhhhh, well take anything below 12 is just wrong so... take 13?  In the first battle I somehow manage to not kill a giant in one turn and frankly do worse on the easy battle.  But come round... battle 2 with mister menacing black cloak, and it's on!  This time I take out all three giants before the timelimit and my complete stupidity regarding position screws me!  I could have had it too.  So, the next fight is a bloody mess, but the next next one?  Oh boy, is that exciting!  I manage to pull off everyone's 2nd EX at once, along with Alice-Gallios combo, and Leon's 3rd EX which is frankly more powerful then every attack I hit him with before I used it.  I actually used it last, since I finally realized the Break Bar is... front-loaded?  Uhhhh, well I'll say that using the 3rd EX first then launching combos, and launching combos then EX would have both broken the Bar.  But, by using he EX last, it is the one getting all the damage bonus from the broken bar.... which is basiclly the opposite of how I've been using them until this point.  Granted, that wasn't a bad idea in first generation since nothing short of bosses wouldn't be broken but... uhhh... oh right, non-mechanics stuff.

Wellity wellity well, I get so much EP for this fight I have more of it then Gold, and all my characters gained five levels.  Getting Leon the sweet-ass willpower Unleash All!  Which he will probably never use.  Spiffy.  After battle cutscenes happen and... are the exact bloody same.  UGH.  I put effort into this!  Give me at least a single different line!  Whatever, party still abandons villagers to their fate to save themselves but villagers don't die because that would be consequences.

Wellity wellity well, After that mess... another dungeon.... UGH!  And the closest town is at this point completely across the landmass so it's kinda a pain to get over there.  The new dungeon is... a swamp.  In any other RPG this would be some sort of a pain in the ass, but not here!  It's only a pain in the rear because the enemies are too weak because of all my shiny levels to pose a threat and I'm getting docked into 75% bonus for A-ranks.  Dungeon of boring done, more travel, beac-scene where Decimal continues being the best NPC as he beats the shit out of Shernini and Niel, and yet another goddamn dungeon.

Wellity wellity well though, it seems mister slighty-more-evil-in-appearance-as-a-villain is here!  Time to kick his ass and JKFGAF, he has two giant rot dragons backing him up.  And as they fly my best combo magic can't hit them.  And they probably absorb dark like their maniac master so... crud.  But frankly this is actually the far easier fight despite this big boss man getting right in our faces.  he's just so concentrated on killing Minmel and missing Leon with his few group attacks that I wipe out his minions and have enough SP and AP for another barrage of the Leonis kill you special!  This of course occurred on Turn 4 which was the cut-off for the last fight.

Wellity wellity well, it seems victory is actually mine for real!  As I only get a 105% bonus and the jerk is laying facedown in the dirt and--ohwait he's up.  I'd say this was cheating but frankly I bluntly say words that mean a thing.  So, Decimal continues his trend of being a stone cold badass and distracts the jerkface and dodges better then Minmel while the party... well Niel shoots the ground and black mist just sorta engulfs mister grumpy-face while the party beats feet and wing and claw.  And then there's a dungeon!  Which I was too broken at the time to do because ARGH real monsters attacked me.  And then Fire Emblem was in my dream for some reason.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2204 on: September 14, 2011, 07:51:44 AM »
FFTA2- This really just makes me want to play FFT. Guessing I'm 60% of the way through the game now (Just got Hurdy, and more importantly Parivirs. Although not seemingly any of Parivirs damage moves)

TO PSP- This really just makes me want to play FFT, but just switched back to A2.

Brave Story- This just makes me want to play anything else. Not like I've seen a battle yet, but the intro does not bode well.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2205 on: September 14, 2011, 12:19:41 PM »
Big combos don't really do that much more damage unfortunately. I know, I've used Ayt against the final boss to get something like a 70 hit "brilliant" combo. (Aht still rocks)
Weird to have such different experiences with PCs, I'm guessing getting skills or not has a big influence. I had to use Stocke's healing a lot, might have to do with levels.
Anyway, my view is the best. Obviously. By far. Aht > Stocke >> Marco > Raynie > Rosche > Gafka >> Eruca.

Infinite Undiscovery Hard Mode Solo Blah Blah: Beat Vermified spoiler. I tried using only Capell and Aya, but Aya acted like a moron. How dare you disappoint me, Aya?? I gave you a +500 ATK enchantment!!
After a few tries I realized I was playing solo precisely to avoid having to deal with bad ally AI I can't control, so I put the bear in my team and auto-won.

Capell's skills:
Slashing Canon is now worthless.
Cutting Gavotte is the skill I always use all the time against everything, and I'd still use it more than the others even if it had the highest MP cost in the game.
Reginleif is kinda useless but fun in that "DEATH FROM ABOVE" special way. I like welcoming enemies with its shiny 6000 damage.
Eternal Refrain is just plain bad, I don't know why I'm still levelling it up. It costs 7x more MPs than Cutting Gavotte, does less damage, takes a long time to charge and a long time to execute. It's only good at owning foes who try to run away.

SMT Strange Journey: No fusion challenge.
This was an awesome challenge in Nocturne because it completely changed the game, here it's going to be a lot less interesting. But hey, I love Strange Journey, that's at least a reason to pick it up again.
I had forgotten a few cool things about the game.

I also like how enemy analysis works. Each demon has an analysis bar. For every round of fighting against or with a kind of demon, this bar slowly raises and you regularly get more info on him, the info being displayed on the DS lower screen. At first you don't even know what he looks like (every demon appears as the same blue mess-thing at first), and in the end you know his skills, weaknesses, alingment, etc etc.

The regular battle theme in this game is magical:
The beginning of the theme is... bad. Too loud and grating. The second part is mundane. You really don't notice the battle music most of the time, honestly.
BUT during those few times where you're fighting very difficult random enemies, those critical times where your next choice means life or death, the battle lasts long enough and the theme suddendly goes into OMG EPIC mode. Everything clicks and you feel like you're fighting Magus for the first time, again. But it's only a random battle!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 12:25:09 PM by Fenrir »

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2206 on: September 14, 2011, 03:29:02 PM »
Monkey: Um, Air Assault. It's quite a lot better at boosting followup damage than combos are. See Fenrir on that one. Against immobile bosses your best bet is Marco for Trans-Turn/buffing, Air Assault with Stocke (he's forced) -> Raynie/Eruca magic. Granted, Air Assault doesn't work on the final (though does work on other immobile bosses). I won't defend Stocke much there. EDIT: On second thought, I will a bit. Stocke with MAG-boosting sword does perfectly capable damage with G-Fire, which he has picked up by then probably.

RH is really another one of those games where buying items is much more important than equipment! Kinda like BoF5, it's much more important to skimp on the latter. Even Area G-Heal (at 150) can't really compare to the 300 MT item, while the 100 MT item often suffices. Or ST stuff of course. You can argue Aht saves you money but I don't buy it, since I could use e.g. Marco instead of Aht (or whoever) and never buy armour for them and they'd still be more durable than Aht was, so I'd save a lot of money there. Marco is even better because you don't need to buy offence upgrades for him either, Trans-Turn is awesome like that. The dude could pretty much fight with initial equipment.

I think both Aht teams have notable flaws compared to Stocke/Marco/Raynie. (You're stuck with Stocke, so I'm not going for Monkey's theorycraft.) If you kick out Marco you lose Grapple entirely and only have one PC who can push enemies anywhere but back, which is a greatly reduced ability to gather things up. If you kick out Raynie you lose a shit-ton of damage against anything you can't use traps on, and a fair bit of damage against randoms in general.

Part of the problem here is Aht's speed; unless you twink Stocke, you're going to have her with 2 turns in pre-emptive attacks, which sucks because you can't actually do much with the second. With S/R/M, Stocke gets 2 turns, so you get three turns for pushing (possibly all from Stocke unless you're happy saving a little MP to get Marco's inferior damage) and then you hit 4 enemies with a big blast. With S/A/M before Aht learns Push Assault (which admittedly makes her a bit better, though is still limiting), you typically can't do better than "lay trap, push two enemies into it, use some weak damage move on top of it". Even lategame, there's no reason to use Aht in randoms because you have Gafka. Wind God Strike -> big Raynie/Eruca damage is the obvious best strategy (and yes, Stocke is the worst here, although he can use Air Assault in the middle). If you could push an enemy out of the centre with Stocke, then lay a trap, then use WGS, then you would use Aht instead of the other two girls, but you can't.

Main three (unsure on order, need to think about it) > Gafka > Eruca > Aht > Rosch. The main three is the best party, Gafka is in the best party when you have WGS, others are have small windows. Like Fenrir, my view is also the best.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2207 on: September 14, 2011, 04:52:49 PM »
*Crazy Fire Emblem tier discussion mode to defend Aht*

Aht makes great use of those HP+ rings, while other characters have basically no use for it. (except Eruca, but you don't want Aht and Eruca in the same team) Her durability isn't much of a problem because her availability is great. Unlike some other characters I know, she doesn't need things like speed boosting accessories because she's so incredibly fast that it is apparently a problem!
(Edit: Her durability isn't as bad as the stat topic suggests because she has a -30 HP weapon there)

Aht gives you much more control over the battle thanks to her speed (You'll see bosses get doubleturns or tripleturns on people not named Aht), especially if you have Marco potentially using Trans-Turning on her. Aht's healing costs basically nothing since you're showered with MP healing items. (while those great HP healing items cost a leg and are more rare)
You have the choice between an awesome, sexy team with traps (!!), more stealing opportunities and uber shiny equipment, or a team with crappy equipment that runs a risk of running out of items and money every now and then, and who has to constantly go back in time to restock.

Non-Aht teams have more difficulty dealing with status too, which is why I'd use her even against bosses that can't be moved around just in case. Marco has MT status recovery, but that's useless if you can't use skills, for example. Aht's Polaris is much better. And she has so much speed she still get more turns than the others even if she spends one turn every few rounds to cast it.

I'd say that Stocke/Aht/Marco is the best team (traps are far too awesome and go extremely well with Stocke/Marco) for most of the game, except against bosses that can't be pushed around where you're probably better off with Stocke/Aht/Raynie for the damage. (or you can stay with Stocke/Ayt/Marco if you're lazy, because you cannot die with this team, and an offense oriented Stocke is not that bad)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 03:02:05 AM by Fenrir »

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2208 on: September 14, 2011, 06:22:51 PM »
F-Zero X: Fad.  This game is so hilariously evil. Currently on Standard, I'm not sure I will be good enough at the game ever to get past this. >_>
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2209 on: September 14, 2011, 08:52:05 PM »
Disgaea 4: Up to chapter seven, which claims it's the final chapter but obviously isn't. Notably better than Disgaea 3 just for having a much more entertaining lead. Cast in general is amusing enough (outside of Emizel, who whines a lot and aspires to blandness once he stops whining), which is about all I ask for with these games. Plot is Disgaea plot and mostly serves to remind me how warped concepts of the afterlife really are, so less thinking more grinding. Heart's Cannon is pretty fucking broken, on that note. Free attacks at the end of a combo equal to the number of people participating in the combo? Uh. The chapter three through five bosses all proceeded thusly: "Damn, the boss lived through a full-party combo." *Cue repeated Heart's Cannon activation and massive overkill* "Oh."

Really, though, the highlight so far is encountering a random enemy named ZARDOZ.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2210 on: September 14, 2011, 09:36:55 PM »
Fudo you....
Soppy, words cannot describe my joy. I'd he is a far more loyal believer than you now!

The regular battle theme in this game is magical:
The beginning of the theme is... bad. Too loud and grating. The second part is mundane. You really don't notice the battle music most of the time, honestly.
BUT during those few times where you're fighting very difficult random enemies, those critical times where your next choice means life or death, the battle lasts long enough and the theme suddendly goes into OMG EPIC mode. Everything clicks and you feel like you're fighting Magus for the first time, again. But it's only a random battle!

Between "Faithfully in Fear" and "An Honour Worthy of that Name", which one you think works out better, assumign the fight lasts long enough for whoel track to play out?

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2211 on: September 14, 2011, 09:41:19 PM »
Maybe, but let him happily play through GoCIV 7 times before you make that call.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2212 on: September 14, 2011, 10:57:19 PM »
Fudo you....
Soppy, words cannot describe my joy. I'd he is a far more loyal believer than you now!

Fudo is no mere follower!  He is a leader.  Sometimes over cliffs.  OK over a lot of cliffs.

why are there so many cliffs in my path...?

Maybe, but let him happily play through GoCIV 7 times before you make that call.

If I knew what that was I would gladly do it!


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2213 on: September 14, 2011, 11:28:01 PM »
Fudo you....
Soppy, words cannot describe my joy. I'd he is a far more loyal believer than you now!

Fudo is no mere follower!  He is a leader.  Sometimes over cliffs.  OK over a lot of cliffs.

You only get to say that when you have renounced your life to the Netherworld, which you can start by climbing the 100000 floor of Spectral Tower 2. Or try to track down and purchase all the out of print limited editions of the Neverland games for the past decade. Then you have to start on Netherworld's mass produced dating sim products and "I can't read Japanese" does not serve an excuse (a certain anime on Shinsengumi is a good place to start if you have problem on this area).

After you have done all this, you can finally claim the name of Mugen and reign as the high king of the Netherworld.

Maybe, but let him happily play through GoCIV 7 times before you make that call.

If I knew what that was I would gladly do it!

You heard him Soppy!
Now, who has an ISO, send one to Fudo!!!

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2214 on: September 14, 2011, 11:44:12 PM »
Infinite Undiscovery:  Beaten.  Amusingly enough, I ended up with the exact same set of achievements earned as Fenrir.  Apparently we both thought that 20 down strikes and IC Writing level 6 were bullshit.

While the game was kind of meh initially, I ended up liking it more and more as it went on.  Capell is a really refreshing main character.  Very believable, and it was interesting to see the way he dealt with being stuck in the role he was in.  Also, reading everyone's Title 1s when Evil Capell surfaced was creepy.  The humor was mixed in at just the right amount - it wasn't just downright silly like Radiata Stories.  Also really loved the ending.

Gameplay-wise, it wasn't spectacular.  A bit more in-depth than Radiata Stories, nowhere near as good as Star Ocean.  I found little use for the MP-using skills.  They're nice enough, but take forever to level (I don't think any of my characters hit level 2 in any skill throughout the game).  Dancing Rhapsody is serviceable enough that I never felt the need to rely on skills.

Healing requests were pretty bad.  Because *everybody* responds to a healing request, not just characters that have healing spells.  So your party members spam 100% healing potions on you like they're infinite (ooh, maybe that's where the title comes from!).  And you're forced to use this method, because the item menu itself is so clunky that you don't want to be using items with Capell.

The split between normal and "secondary" PCs seems fairly strange.  The secondaries have skillsets just like primaries, and can even be in parties that aren't led by Capell, so splitting them out was just pointless.

What I did like about the battle system was how Capell was a real bard-type character.  It was frequently more effective to have Capell playing songs to disrupt the enemy/buff allies instead of just rushing in and slashing things.  Loved the 100% immune to magic song against magic bosses.   8-)

Item Creation was much more transparent than in the Star Ocean games, which means considerably more open to abuse.  For example, before the final dungeon I made Gustav some claws with 3500 attack.  The next strongest weapon for other characters that could be made at that point had less than 1000 attack.  Yeah, I think that was worth two character slots.

Final party was Capell, Aya, and Gustav.  Last bosses weren't a problem with the amount of ICing I did.

It's a 6/10 game, but I'll give it 7/10 for making me enjoy it.


Dungeon Crawl:  So I'm playing a Minotaur Monk.  I'm in a sewer, and the kobolds there drop several runed swords.  I pick them up and read a Detect Curse scroll.  They're all uncursed, so I start wielding them to see if any of them have any useful properties.

An uncursed short sword of distortion.


Distortion is the effect where I can't unwield it without taking massive damage or getting banished to the Abyss.  Both of which are pretty much instant death for a character at my level.  So I'm stuck with this thing.

But it turns out, distortion brand does a crap-ton of damage!  Plus you occasionally get instant kills when the enemy is devoured by a hole in reality.  Well, I guess they're kills... you get experience, but Trog isn't giving me a message about being happy with the kill...

So I continue on through the dungeon, kicking massive ass with this short sword.  Then the unique Louise casts banishment on me and sends me to the Abyss.  Remember all those enemies I "killed" instantly by sending them through a hole in reality?  They're here.  Including the uniques.  Game over.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2215 on: September 15, 2011, 01:27:00 AM »
Don't make me choose Niu, I love them both. But the second one is more consistently great, while the first one is bad then really awesome.

And you even made all your characters vermify too! I did reach Writing level 6 this playthrough because books are the quickest way to make money right now. Silvio is my money printing machine, I press A every few seconds to get more cash.

You can forbid allies from using items by going to the item menu and pressing... Y? The same way you stop Rena from using attack spells all the time in SO2. You can keep them for the boss battles that way. (not that I ever remembered to do it)

Nice avatar. Are you planning  to try the harder modes and / or the Seraphic Gate?

Infinite Undiscovery: Beat the spider boss. This sounded like the hardest part of the solo, so I'm glad. Uber IC equipment + Atk+500 enchantment > Things. I did have a few resets in this hellhole though.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 01:28:53 AM by Fenrir »

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2216 on: September 15, 2011, 02:06:09 AM »
Well, I did this playthrough on Easy after starting on Normal and quitting (got pissed at the retarded save every prisoner achievement).  So I still have to do a Normal playthrough before I can do Hard.  I was thinking about just starting over on Normal and getting Compulsive and everything else out of the way.  And leaving a mysterious 31-point gap in my Achievement log.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2217 on: September 15, 2011, 02:34:07 AM »
I'm more with Fenrir here than Dark Holy Elf.  Yes, at the absolute endgame, the MT 300 healing item is pretty awesome and you should invest a lot of money into them (though I'd argue that having someone in your party with MT free healing is still a benefit).  But for the entire rest of the game, equipment is excellent - notably investing in 3 Bishop Studs for every character early makes a lot of the multihit nasties considerably less scary.  I usually feared fights like "6 soldiers" more than "1 badass" and defense buffing was very important for the former type of fight.  Super Heal was also useful.

Re Aht defense antihype, that's certainly a problem early with her, but she gets the Giant's Cloak fairly fast, which makes her physical defense merely suspect rather than bad.  And yeah, to be clear, by equipment I mean "armor and accessories."  Marco was an obvious choice for Madre Blade / Gaia Blade / etc. since he cared far more about the HP boost than the damage cut.  I think this is a case of you not doing the sidequests - I found the sidequesting fun myself and it helps Aht & Eruca way more than everyone else.  You said you didn't get the advanced traps - they are pretty much insane.  Don't get me wrong, Gafka WGS -> G-Frost will kill the enemies nice & efficiently, but so does X Star Trap -> Stocke positioning.  (Don't forget that he also gets the fire wall explosion off his sidequests so you can often get more than just one enemy.)  I'm not going to quibble much with different ways to chop random enemies in half on turn 1.  So yeah, I have no idea what you mean by "losing a fair bit of damage against randoms in general" vs. Raynie - Aht kills 'em just fine and for less MP.  Don't get me wrong, Aht is situational, but when traps work, she's clearly top tier, and when they don't work, she's not dead weight.  This is fine by me.

I usually used one of two teams toward endgame - Marco / Raynie is the "safe" team especially for bosses, and Aht / Eruca is the "kill them all now" glass cannon team.  Aht / Marco was also perfectly serviceable, as was Gafka / Eruca.  Rosch kind of loses out in the endgame since his area damage stuff is less relevant when forced-Stocke has that as well by endgame, Eruca has true MT, and Gafka gets WGS for a better positioning game anyway, but he was certainly far from useless earlier.  So yeah, I thought the balance in RH is pretty great, actually.  I actively wanted to use all my party members and they all had useful things they brought to the table.  Probably something like
Aht (traps work) > Marco = Eruca (endgame she's around for) > Stocke = Raynie = Gafka (endgame) > Rosch (midgame) > Rosch (endgame) = Gafka (midgame) = Aht (traps don't work) >> Eruca (midgame). 
You can see that for the midgame I used a lot of the basic main party, but everyone else did catch up, and it's a tight ranking by the end.  (Stocke is probably the only character who goes down in value a bit, as his revival is less important by the end once revival items are comparatively cheap.)

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2218 on: September 15, 2011, 04:57:59 AM »
Mmm, good ol' debates. I suspect this deserves its own thread by now.

Aht makes great use of those HP+ rings, while other characters have basically no use for it. (except Eruca, but you don't want Aht and Eruca in the same team) Her durability isn't much of a problem because her availability is great. Unlike some other characters I know, she doesn't need things like speed boosting accessories because she's so incredibly fast that it is apparently a problem!

Yeah, you can buff her HP of course. Granted, it'd take two accessory slots to match e.g. Marco/Raynie durability, and they could use those two slots to match/beat her speed. I was kneejerk overestimating how large the gaps were in both directions.

Looks like my complaints about Aht's speed were a little suspect, looking at it; it's not too hard to get Stocke faster than her, and his overall stats are good enough that he can afford a bit less durability without it being a problem.

Of course this also invalidates your whole point about her speed letting you control battles, since others can match her while she covers your HP (as you suggest she does. I agree).

You have the choice between an awesome, sexy team with traps (!!), more stealing opportunities and uber shiny equipment, or a team with crappy equipment that runs a risk of running out of items and money every now and then, and who has to constantly go back in time to restock.

Stocke + Marco (or Eruca) is already two thieves effectively. I don't exactly need a third. If you aren't running from everything in sight you don't run short on cash for good items, trust me. I even finished below the stat topic levels and ignored most sidequests, so it's not like I grinded or anything! You're also really exaggerating Area G-Heal vs. other healing options; it's only 60 points better than Area Heal, 50 points better than the 100 MT healing items which are almost free, while it's 150 points worse than the uber healing items which I could easily afford enough of for bosses (you don't heal in randoms).

Non-Aht teams have more difficulty dealing with status too

Polaris' resistance doesn't seem that incredible to me (I actually thought it was 20% but not sure where I got that idea now; guess it could be better?). I used Marco with status resistance stuff (since he doesn't need offence or durability anyway!) and used Area Recover if things really went south. Final's the only boss with good enough status that I found this especially useful anyway.

I'd say that Stocke/Aht/Marco is the best team

I strongly disagree as a kneejerk, but... let's see.

Randoms, and bosses which are largely multipart affairs (RH has plenty of those!):

Before Raynie gets G-spells: It's got a case, though I'm skeptical (Aht is fairly underlevelled here, and immobile enemies throw a wrench in its offence more than S/R/M).
After Raynie gets G-spells: These do the same damage as traps, but you don't waste the action pushing a group of enemies into them, giving you an extra target per round. Raynie is clearly better than Aht here.
After Star Traps: It's really a matter of damage vs. targets, now. Spells target one more character, traps do more damage (provided speed-twinked Stocke). It's worth noting that if you want to target one less enemy with S/R/M, you use Air Assault after the first two pushes and suddenly G-spell damage isn't far from Trap damage, though does still lose. And the usual concern of immobile enemies. Feels like a push, honestly.
After Wind God Strike: Best party is Gafka and someone who can deal big damage to the group he collects, no contest. As mentioned, you can't reliably trap the centre, so Raynie or Eruca is a better choice.

Mobile solo bosses: Yeah, probably, except for the part of the game between G-spells and Star Traps. This situation pretty much negates all the weaknesses of traps, besides incompatibility with Air Assault (which closes the gap certainly, but traps still generally win outside the aforementioned point in the game).

Immobile solo bosses: I can't see it at all. This team lacks the Regeneration buff, so right away, Area G-Heal is matched by Regen + just plain Area Heal and the team does't even win healing like it should. Never mind the offence is just lame; Stocke x2 is worse than Stocke+Raynie, and Stocke x2 + Aht is way worse than Stocke + Raynie x2. There's S/A/R as an option, but... compared to Aht Marco offers the magic buff and the flexibility of Trans-Turn, while all Aht can do is slightly improve your MT healing on turns where you aren't willing to shell out the cash. Defence buff is probably better than Polaris too, especially since Marco can cover status with Area Recover (which works better requires precise Polaris knowledge which we lack; regardless, status isn't so common as to lend this much weight, and if we FAQ the game we can prepare for each boss with blockers anyway).

This is making me reconsider Aht vs. Eruca, though. Eruca's damage is just so damn high in that window right before she leaves lategame. I sorta figured this was worth more than Aht's spiky performance against mobile solo bosses but now I'm not sure.


That said, how about Marco for best PC? Four people have commented on RH parties in this thread and the only thing we've all agreed on is we seem to be assuming Marco in many parties. Trans-Turn off good stats (i.e. not Eruca HP) and availability really lets him do everything without having to worry about his own stats, and fit most any party. You need to add someone with good damage, but there are plenty of options for that (Raynie, Eruca, Gafka, Aht w/ traps), and as soon as you do he pretty much has their damage.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2219 on: September 15, 2011, 05:06:50 AM »
Eh, unless you need the separation for your own notes, I don't see it disrupting the thread in the slightest.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2220 on: September 15, 2011, 09:22:38 AM »
I can get behind Marco as best PC, because he doesn't die.  In this game, that's important!


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2221 on: September 15, 2011, 10:41:12 AM »
Dungeon Crawl:  So I'm playing a Minotaur Monk.  I'm in a sewer, and the kobolds there drop several runed swords.  I pick them up and read a Detect Curse scroll.  They're all uncursed, so I start wielding them to see if any of them have any useful properties.

An uncursed short sword of distortion.


Distortion is the effect where I can't unwield it without taking massive damage or getting banished to the Abyss.  Both of which are pretty much instant death for a character at my level.  So I'm stuck with this thing.

But it turns out, distortion brand does a crap-ton of damage!  Plus you occasionally get instant kills when the enemy is devoured by a hole in reality.  Well, I guess they're kills... you get experience, but Trog isn't giving me a message about being happy with the kill...

So I continue on through the dungeon, kicking massive ass with this short sword.  Then the unique Louise casts banishment on me and sends me to the Abyss.  Remember all those enemies I "killed" instantly by sending them through a hole in reality?  They're here.  Including the uniques.  Game over.

Distortion's unwielding damage isn't too massive-generally fatal only if you have sub-40 HP IIRC(Basically, unequipping Distortion is the same as hitting yourself once with it, IIRC.). And in general, the uniques showing up there are...not too big of a problem at early levels, because a Executioner could have shown up and ganked you instead. You've hit on why I think Distortion weapons are really really just, you know. Not want another weapon. At all. Even if it's an artifact. Because otherwise it has a 15%~ chance of abyssing you.

Which as you saw can gank you. The Abyss is an unfriendly place that I've had kill people with multiple runes in hand before. Rarely, but...

More of an issue with blunt weapons that can't carve corpses. Now *that* is a problem for non-necromancers.

(Incidentally, Distortion and Elec are the only flat-rate damage effects on weapons...well, and Pain but that's based on your Necromancy skill. As such they tend to kick utter ass with small low damage fast weapons. Like short swords!)

Dungeon Crawl: yeah I just finished my seventh ascension(Orc Priest, now with exactly one randart[Edit: Wait, two. FORGOT THE BOOTS OF SLAYING how could I forget those.]! That could have been outclassed by a good cold resistance normal shield-wait I forgot to look for one of those argh... for the morgue that I babbled incredibly in the notes of.). I need to play something else I think.

That and TF2(with a short break for BoD7/CSTW/few other FPS) are all I've played for the last two months. >_>

On the upside getting a clear with a damned Troll is something I'm genuinely proud of. That took *entirely* too much theorycraft to get a workable one.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 11:04:39 AM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2222 on: September 15, 2011, 11:11:05 AM »
Speaking of RH: My DS came back! Yay! Now I can pick that up again! And Ghost Trick! And my EF EXCEED replay!

Just as soon as I find the charger.
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2223 on: September 16, 2011, 01:58:47 AM »

Yeah, you can buff her HP of course. Granted, it'd take two accessory slots to match e.g. Marco/Raynie durability, and they could use those two slots to match/beat her speed. I was kneejerk overestimating how large the gaps were in both directions.

Looks like my complaints about Aht's speed were a little suspect, looking at it; it's not too hard to get Stocke faster than her, and his overall stats are good enough that he can afford a bit less durability without it being a problem.

Of course this also invalidates your whole point about her speed letting you control battles, since others can match her while she covers your HP (as you suggest she does. I agree).
Wait, didn't you say that getting items mattered more than equipment earlier? You'll need some money to get those accessories.
You're backing off, but that's okay. I'll agree about being able to afford both equipment and a reasonable amount of healing items. (this is still far from having infinite 300 HP healing) This does invalidate the point about Aht's insane speed letting her control battles, and we have Aht with potentially roughly the same speed and durability as Marco and Raynie then.

Stocke + Marco (or Eruca) is already two thieves effectively. I don't exactly need a third. If you aren't running from everything in sight you don't run short on cash for good items, trust me. I even finished below the stat topic levels and ignored most sidequests, so it's not like I grinded or anything! You're also really exaggerating Area G-Heal vs. other healing options; it's only 60 points better than Area Heal, 50 points better than the 100 MT healing items which are almost free, while it's 150 points worse than the uber healing items which I could easily afford enough of for bosses (you don't heal in randoms).

You might not always have Marco in your team, and using Eruca to trans-turn to Stocke so he can steal is just awful. Really.
Stealing does give you money (not that awesome, but always nice) AND it also nets you neat items from bosses, like the best studs. The stealing rate is pretty low; this is almost like FF9, where I would have certainly LOVED to have someone other than Zidane to steal things.
"Only 60 points better than Area Heal" sounds bad until you realize it's 150 vs 90 healed. There's a world of difference here. If you have Marco and Aht in the same team too, Marco can switch to Aht instead of using his own Area Heal, to heal even more.

About money. You still save a ton of money by using Aht. You can use that money to:
- Fully equip both Marco and Raynie (so you can switch at will between, say, S/A/M or S/A/R)
- Buy A LOT MORE of those great healing items (Aht can use them too!)
- Buy some equipment for Aht (obviously) so she and Stocke can beat the optional arena bosses.
- Buy equipment for Gafka so he can beat his difficult optional boss battle.
- Order a wheat beer in a pub and reflect on how worse your life would be without Aht.

Polaris' resistance doesn't seem that incredible to me (I actually thought it was 20% but not sure where I got that idea now; guess it could be better?). I used Marco with status resistance stuff (since he doesn't need offence or durability anyway!) and used Area Recover if things really went south. Final's the only boss with good enough status that I found this especially useful anyway.
I don't have numbers, but I've only seen status get through Polaris once, and I used the spell against almost every status oriented boss. I could have gotten lucky!
About Aht vs Marco. Comparing Aht to only Marco for status healing is not necessarily the best way to debate (I'll say more later), but I'll play along.
The main problem is that it's hard to get good, reliable status resistance with accessories. You can't just give Marco a ribbon and call it a day.
- First, those slots are used for speed boosting items if Marco wants to match Aht's speed. Let's not forget that!
- Second, there's like only one status resistance item that protects against every status, and it's late and weak (+2 against everything) Most other accessories only protect against one status. Restarting a battle just to switch accessories is a pain too, just use Solaris to make everything better.
- Third, I had everyone loaded with sleep resistance items against the optional boss and the status still had a crazy success rate (This might be because it's an optional boss, I'll give you that)
- Fourth, those accessories cost money. See my earlier point. Fully equipping your team AND buying speed boosting accessories AND buying a bunch of status resistance accessories AND buying a ton of items is starting to be a stretch.

Before Raynie gets G-spells: It's got a case, though I'm skeptical (Aht is fairly underlevelled here, and immobile enemies throw a wrench in its offence more than S/R/M).
After Raynie gets G-spells: These do the same damage as traps, but you don't waste the action pushing a group of enemies into them, giving you an extra target per round. Raynie is clearly better than Aht here.
After Star Traps: It's really a matter of damage vs. targets, now. Spells target one more character, traps do more damage (provided speed-twinked Stocke). It's worth noting that if you want to target one less enemy with S/R/M, you use Air Assault after the first two pushes and suddenly G-spell damage isn't far from Trap damage, though does still lose. And the usual concern of immobile enemies. Feels like a push, honestly.
After Wind God Strike: Best party is Gafka and someone who can deal big damage to the group he collects, no contest. As mentioned, you can't reliably trap the centre, so Raynie or Eruca is a better choice.

Mobile solo bosses: Yeah, probably, except for the part of the game between G-spells and Star Traps. This situation pretty much negates all the weaknesses of traps, besides incompatibility with Air Assault (which closes the gap certainly, but traps still generally win outside the aforementioned point in the game).

Immobile solo bosses: I can't see it at all. This team lacks the Regeneration buff, so right away, Area G-Heal is matched by Regen + just plain Area Heal and the team does't even win healing like it should. Never mind the offence is just lame; Stocke x2 is worse than Stocke+Raynie, and Stocke x2 + Aht is way worse than Stocke + Raynie x2. There's S/A/R as an option, but... compared to Aht Marco offers the magic buff and the flexibility of Trans-Turn, while all Aht can do is slightly improve your MT healing on turns where you aren't willing to shell out the cash. Defence buff is probably better than Polaris too, especially since Marco can cover status with Area Recover (which works better requires precise Polaris knowledge which we lack; regardless, status isn't so common as to lend this much weight, and if we FAQ the game we can prepare for each boss with blockers anyway).

Now hold on a second. You're only comparing all of Aht's qualities to the best options available: Is her healing better than items? Is her damage always uber compared to Raynie? (at least you didn't say Eruca) Is Polaris as good as Marco's MT status healing?
Let's use that logic on Stocke:
Stocke is worthless. His stealing doesn't matter because Aht can steal too, his damage is awful compared to Raynie and Eruca, his healing is awful compared to items (and Aht) He's the best person for pushing things around in the earlygame.... Then Marco gets better because he can push left, right and back, and Trans-Turn to Aht or Rosch to push forward. (or Stocke)
In truth, while he looks bad here, Stocke makes for a really good jack of all trades in game. (Unless you're MF) Similarly, the sum of all of Aht's qualities makes her the MVP. (or at least better than freaking Eruca, dude)

That's why I won't nitpick about everything here.
I'll mention a few things though.
- Regenerate only works once a round (worthless if your team is fully healed, inferior if your team is hurt and you want to use a lot of healing in one turn), is weak and needs to be cast every few rounds. It just stops being useful after the earlygame.
- Did you know that Star Traps target two panels? So, either Aht gets an additional turn whenever she uses a star trap instead of a trap, or Stocke pushes his enemies into two traps at once for uber damage.
- Wind God Strike actually works well with traps. You CAN target the center... But you can also target one of the 3 of the squares surrounding the center and have Stocke push enemies into it in a single round.
- Raynie gets G-Thunder kinda late, you want it against thaumachines. She gets G-Ice even later. This is not significant, but she never gets G-POIZN or even regular POIZN (there was at least one boss is weak to Aht's poison trap)
- We're not FAQing the game. We're real men (and women)

This is making me reconsider Aht vs. Eruca, though. Eruca's damage is just so damn high in that window right before she leaves lategame. I sorta figured this was worth more than Aht's spiky performance against mobile solo bosses but now I'm not sure.
Eruca is really made of tissue paper (she dies all the time), she only has one element and you can pretty much forget about fighting the final boss with her.
Gafka's clearly worse too. He is extremely one dimensional, his one big damage move can often be hard to use (unless you have Aht!), Wind God Strike can't compare with all that Aht brings to the team.
Both have a level disadvantage compared to Aht.

That said, how about Marco for best PC? Four people have commented on RH parties in this thread and the only thing we've all agreed on is we seem to be assuming Marco in many parties. Trans-Turn off good stats (i.e. not Eruca HP) and availability really lets him do everything without having to worry about his own stats, and fit most any party. You need to add someone with good damage, but there are plenty of options for that (Raynie, Eruca, Gafka, Aht w/ traps), and as soon as you do he pretty much has their damage.
To be fair, Marco's in most parties because he goes well with anything, with pushing skills, not awful durability and speed, and Trans-Turn. You wouldn't pair Raynie with another character with no pushing skills for example. I'll agree that he beats Stocke.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 02:45:24 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2224 on: September 16, 2011, 07:44:37 AM »
I think it's about time I took a break and played a game where I'd be lucky if the hours counter reached double digits.

Star Wars, Force Unleashed 2--haha just messing.  Record of Agarest War Zero, where the cha-cha-boogie is dead and buried.

When we last left off... honestly it's kinda of blurry when that happened since I'm pretty sure I've broken 100 hours I just can't tell because there's no easily visible clock.  So, uh, I was... done with a dungeon?  Was I starting one?  Uhhh, well there was a dungeon!  Some sort of underwater cave.  There were some zombie dragons and stuff and some really great daggers dropped from the next tier of catgirl.  All dat AP.  And finally!  A new town when we're done!  No longer do I have to travel to the other side of the half which is actually not that far from a direct line because we're supposed to be skirting the enemies main force but keep running into them anyway.  Not stockpiling northern resources continues to bite me in the ass as I can't make half the next tier of weapons.

So, after getting lost in a magic mirror it's time for a glorious plot scene that for once doesn't actually have a series of battles or dungeon or anything!  It just has Minmel betraying the party and forcing us to use Shernini and her under-leveled pale butt.  Granted I had another pair of the daggers Leon was using but they weren't enhanced so small wonder it's a supposed-to-lose battle.  Minmel is actually probably the worst of these since she can just spam her first EX to fully heal herself.  Fun.

Grind time!  I can do this, I want to do this.  I want a reward!  I didn't get any gold or EP because it was a solo battle.  So, tag in Shernini and go for grind.  Which fails hilariously since it takes like three fights to level her and it's so boring so go tactics!  Too bad the cutscene before the fight is 2 minutes if I'm on Skip, jeez.  So, try 2 somehow manages to go even worse because of the normal thing of me being a dumbass.  So try 3, this is it, I boost up Leon's SP high enough for him to pull out his 3rd EX, Gallios and Alice can do their combo, everyone else can do something, and most importantly, Leon has Unleash All activated.  I attack with my combo, it's looking good, by the time Leon's EX gets ready to fire the Break Bar is Broken and.... HOLY HELL GO UNLEASH ALL.  Leon does over 60,000 damage and Overkills Minmel getting me some swanky new loot that's a scythe which crap.  So of course my glorious victory doesn't get me anything but those items and not another even sentence change bluh.

Some more optional things were Shernini explains why her elf-type and Alice's type are at odds because Shernini elves were made to be selfish douches by the gods.  She explains this by acting bothered around Alice and Leon all day and getting him to chase her at night because he's worried.  Hilarious.

Next plot fight go!  Round 2 with mister-good-NPC-gone-bad!  Wait, no, that's later... oh yeah, first even before that space which has that fight there's a battle series against... a slightly boosted naked men and barely boosted somehow-supposed-to-be-a-big-deal-generics.  Who go down in two rounds and give enough EXp that Shernini could promote to Poultry Princess if I could use items between battle series when I can use items in normal menu.  So, round 2 is a big old boss with.... two more of those fodder generics.  He has a decent chunk of health--most I've seen actually-but uh.... well I finish the fight in one turn so he's really just a giant wanker.

So!  Back to Good-bad-NPC!  Another example of things going to hell.  Like the previous-only-actual-beatable-boss he only has two stupid generics for help.  At this point I actually defeat him in two turns and the battle ends before I finish off the last useless minions.  Minmel--oh yeah she stole the artifacts and is here handing over the artifacts to him because she doesn't want her ~friends~ to get hurt--decides nooooooooo!  And switches sides again.  NPC-flipside runs away.  Minmel splits into two people for some reason and her second person drops the shocking revelation that the gods are dicks that created Minmel--actually named Mimel but misspelling's my thing--and that Minmel pushed her power unto Sieg to not sacrifice herself.  But Sieg was already dying so whatever.  Also Minmel's evil twin ate all the artifact's power and runs away to... kill the supposed main villain?  I dunno, she doesn't seem to have much purpose beyond be useful to the big bad super-dark god who treated her like a daughter as he tossed her away because the dark god who made her was making a mockery of life.  Or something.

Uhhhhh, optional scenes gooo?  MAx out haremette affection!  Oh YEAH!  .....wait, why am I happy about this?  I mean, I know my life's that empty, but experiencing happiness over something I was hand-held through?  Have I really dipped that far down?  Was I always that low?  The darkness is all-consuming, but I want the light!  SAVE ME!

uhhhhh, where was I?  Optional dungeon show up, nice, strong enemies including ones that actually give me 300% bonus for fighting.  And Minmel's new scythe gives a lot of AP.  And there's nice new armor that gives equal AP but actual defense, four-digit even!

So, I make a quick run at the next plot area and.... wait... this is the bridal choice isn't it?  Ughhhhhhh, back to the hidden dungeon I go!  The spirally dungeon dungeon....