I have just completed two games within like one day of each other. As such, I must do the logical thing and directly compare...


They are both sequels that came out around the same time, to games that both came out around the same time, made by Capcom. CLEARLY THEY SHOULD BE DIRECTLY COMPARED TO ONE ANOTHER AS A RESULT!!!
First off...lets start with the protagonists of both. DR2, you play as Chuck Greene, a celebrity motorcyclist who is a father of a young girl. After Frank West of DR1, whose really one of those "Kind of a stuck up douche, but not actually a bad guy" characters, Chuck Greene is surprisingly likable as a human. The guy is just a father who wants what's best for his daughter, even if it means risking life and limb to insure his daughter gets one more day of life. His motives for actually going ahead with the story are simple; he got framed for doing something HORRIBLE and wants to clear his name. He's not a complicated or deep character, but he's likable and realistic. He doesn't feel like a Video Game cliche. Oh sure, he has action movie one-liners (Villain says something like "You'll never catch me alive!" only to fall off the rafters onto a buzz-saw and get sliced in half. Chuck Greene responds with "I saw what you did there.")
Really, its more that its nice to play as someone who while still having those "bad ass" qualities of an action hero, but is not actually a cliche ridden super guy, just a father willing to go the extra mile.
Okamiden, meanwhile, you play as the son of the hero of the first game! So you're a puppy. I...uhh...lets just be blunt:
Seriously, just look at him. How can you not want to hug him? He's got the same personality and temperament as his mother...which is fine cause hey, actual character! He barks, growls, howls, etc. Honestly, he's exactly what you'd expect out of a character named "Chibiterasu." He also shows large amounts of emotion and lot of potential tear jerker moments related to him.
So whose better? Likable father figure with cheesey oneliners or one of the single cutest things to ever be directly playable in a video game...really, there's no contest here.
But what about the game openings?
Dead Rising 2 opens with Chuck Greene on a motorcycle with dual chainsaws attached to it, riding through zombies, in Not!Vegas. Then has to barrel through a bunch of zombies after the contest to save his daughter and get to the safe house.
Okamiden opens with an explanation of the backstory, followed by Issun ranting and meeting Chibiterasu, followed by several other Okami cameos.
...yeah, those openings are totally similar. So lets move onto MOOD AND TONE!
Dead Rising 2 is your typical zombie apocalypse. Zombies have broken out, kill them, rescue people, find the conspiracy. You do this by using whatever you can find as a weapon ranging from baseball bats to guns to park benches to servbot helms...and sometimes a combination of these things! Chuck Greene can also put on a dress if you're so inclined. All the characters sans Katey are adults, and Katey is very clearly treated like a young girl, who loves stuffed animals, plays video games, etc. She even has a scene where she hides under the couch because "The bad guy appeared." Otherwise, Chuck's two allies are both adult females who are strong in their own right (They both had DiD moments but those were exceptional circumstances not related to their incompetence. And Chuck Greene himself got into some binds as well), the villain consists of a stereotype pimp black guy obsessed with money, and then there's old security guard dude whose just there because a safe house should have SOME security
ok, really, he's the REAL villain of the game, albeit TK is still the final boss but by then the situation has shifted so dramatically, it was more just built up to be "Chuck finally gets his chance for payback" as well as setting up Stacey as the implied future Step-Mother of Katey.Okamiden is a game where you play as a puppy teaming up with children younger than the FFTA cast, running around restoring nature! There's lots of humor, the dark stuff comes off as lighthearted, and...ok, if you've played Okami, you know exactly what to expect.
In Dead Rising 2, you beat up zombies and psychopaths. You have time limits to do things. You save people and get EXP. You then smash a zombies head against the pavement, and grab a sledgehammer and beat up more zombies. Then you grab a Paddle and a Chain Saw, and create the sacred forbidden weapon of THE PADDLE SAW and murder everything around you. So basically, FUN HAPPY MINDLESS SLAUGHTERING!!!!
Okamiden, you run around beating up demons, solve puzzles, draw pictures in order to solve these puzzles, and buy stuff at shops.
So yeah, those games are basically the exact same thing, if we ignore...well...everything! I mean, you can run, jump, attack, and blow things up with bombs. That's close enough as far as I'm concerned.
Dead Rising 2 looks like something from a Western Zombie movie, with realistic looking characters, western themed city and attire, and takes place in what is basically a Las Vegas clone, in modern times.
Okamiden uses classical japanese ink style art, to represent Feudal Not!Japan, in a cartoonish manner.
...I want to pretend these two are very similar, buts it quite literally impossible. You cannot get more different art style than "Game trying to look realistic" and "Okami" really.
Dead Rising 2 uses random rap and rock lyricals for bosses, and then nothing but elevator music otherwise. IT does however have the most important song ever! That song of course being...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KUQLAInPZ4(yes, that's DR1, but its the exact same song in DR2)
And really, isn't that all that matters?
Okamiden uses classical Asian style music, with some themes reused from Okami. Ok, not really reused so much as songs are half original themes and half songs from Okami. By which I don't mean half of the songs in the game are from Okami, I mean the SONG IN QUESTION is often Half original, and Half Okami. To illustrate this point, listen to these two songs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1YRu2pqK3ghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkQpJl6FwoY&feature=relatedThat said, the music resembles Okami very much albeit lighter in tone in general. Okami music is good, so this is good too!
...but really, Okamiden doesn't have the important Dead Rising theme, and really isn't that ALL that matters!?!?
SILLINESS FACTORS ASIDE, time for a quick rundown of both games in a more serious manner:
Dead Rising 2: Its Dead Rising but improved in everyway. Combo Weapons > Camera Gimmick, better controls, more likable cast, the Walkie Nonsense is handled infinitely better (This cannot be stressed how significant it is; the whole "YOU CAN'T DO SHIT BUT RUN WHILE LISTENING TO OTIS!" in DR1 was one of the worst things ever), Survivor AI is now COMPETENT, and game is a little more logical about its plot. See, DR1's plot was "Zombies exist because Americans are fat!" Kind of ridiculous. DR2's is "Zombies exist because some people are trying to get rich off it!" Its...a little farfetched but at least it shows logical sense, since "Motive for Money" is just an easy safe haven.
...honestly, the rescues alone deserves its own attention. Dead Rising 1, characters would often stupidly run into walls until you changed their route so they'd go around it, and if caught by one zombie, they were locked down until either you saved them or you were lucky enough to have another survivor with a weapon that would bail them out. Dead Rising 2, not only do they follow a far more logical path (run around objects instead of through them), but if caught by a zombie, they'll shake them off and either run immediately, and escape them (Even if they're swarmed by an army), or if they have a weapon, smack the zombie first then run. To give you an idea of how different it was...
DR1: Oh, I can carry this character! Sweet, that makes it sound much easier!
DR2: Oh, I have to carry this character. That's going to slow me down.
Also, having Wheel Chairs was a huge help, letting you transport survivors WHILE barreling zombies. Honestly, if there is one that makes this game worth playing over the original, its just how much they improved it. Oh sure, everything else in the game is better too, but this stands out the most by far as the most frustrating thing about DR1 was rescuing people, especially multiple, because of how stupid the AI is.
Okamiden...is kind of the opposite truth be told. Its Okami but worse in almost every-way. To be fair, its kind of expected. DR2 is on the same console as DR1, and was definitely made with the Dragon Quest mindset of "Take a game, then improve upon it to make a better game for the sequel!" Okamiden was clearly made with the idea of "Okami would work really well on the DS, but the game isn't going to fit", so they made a watered down version instead. And honestly, if you just LOOK at the game, its clear they were aiming for a "Okami-lite." Just the fact that in Okami you're playing as a sun goddess saving the world from baby eating 8 headed dragon, while in Okamiden, you're playing as a newborn puppy (whose the son of said goddess) basically going on an ADVENTURE with a bunch of children to save some in-determinant evil...yeah. Its not just Chibi too. Look at all your allies:
Kuni: resembles a child version of Susano.
Nanami: Young Otohime.
Kagu: Young version of the Queen of Sei-an (name eludes me)
Kurow: Kid Waka
Manpuku: Is a fat kid who actually is an original design, but seriously, HE'S A FAT KID WITH FLAMING HAIR.
That's really the best analogy for Okamiden. The immature spawn of Okami, and it feels like it was intended as that, and thus, they played to this fact by making the game just come off as more playful, lighthearted, and younger. Granted, Okamiden still had some moments that it actually outdid Okami on. Mostly notable is basically a lot of the final boss related stuff. Ok, sure there was no big emotional power up scene but it still had a near tear jerker moment related to one of the characters
namely Kurow. The fact that the game actually not only had a child die, but DONE IN BY THE MAIN CHARACTER HIMSELF, and there was no catch to the scenario? Holy shit that's unexpected. What I think is best is the game actually goes out of its way to reinforce what it did in that scene, basically to avoid the "There's a chance we didn't see something!" by essentially going "no, its for real. That did just happen, and we are not reversing it."
This isn't a bad thing, so much as just illustrating you can't go into Okamiden expecting the 2nd coming of Okami. You go into it expecting an Okami style game that wasn't aiming to be as good as the original, just a decent fun experience, which is really all I could ask for.
SO which game is better? Honestly, they're about equal. Yes, DR2 did improve upon everything from DR1, while Okamiden was worse in just about everyway barring a few exceptions...
But what that really says is that Okami >>>>>> Dead Rising 1. Dead Rising 1 wasn't bad so much as clearly unpolished and ambitious. They were trying something new and had a lot of kinks to work out; Dead Rising 2 just addressed like all of them and very well at that. Okami was a ridiculously well done game that following up that is really hard, merely having a game that actually got the spirit of Okami right and was still a fun adequate experience is enough for me, even if its a very clear step down.
So in short...
Dead Rising 2: Liked Dead Rising 1? Play this, ITS BETTER! Never played Dead Rising 1? Skip it and just play this, you aren't missing much. Played Dead Rising 1 and hate it? Umm...this depends on WHY you hate Dead Rising 1 before I can suggest playing it.
Okamiden: Liked Okami? This game is probably worth playing, but don't go in expecting the same level of satisfaction. Its a nice casual follow up to Okami, but not much beyond that.