Author Topic: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)  (Read 284899 times)


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2975 on: December 27, 2011, 04:40:35 AM »
About Cthulhu: The world map is really simple and small especially compared to the dungeons. Only the endgame with the flying dragon is annoying but there's like only one hidden dungeon + the Sem battle then?
Paws was very useful for a while as the guy who goes first then makes every enemy insane to swipe randoms in one turn with October / Umi. Then IIRC Cthulhu got some equipement that automatically did that anyway? But yeah he seems like a character who could only be useful in another game. Maybe.

About ME2: That's why people like the vanguard class since it gives you a lot more power but forces you to take risks.
Bioware games are weird, now that I've seen them using their same formulas a few times they're starting to feel more like JRPGs. Choices have nearly no gameplay consequences! Weird dating sim elements!
They use the most generic western settings though.

Tactics Ogre Archer SCC: One failed attempt that took me an hour. I think I'm going to grind a little in the hell's gate.

Soma Bringer Solo: Last chapter. My guy is still broken good.
The problem with the plot is that every cutscene shows a new random way soma can be used. Soma = magic = force from Star Wars. Every scene is "omg he can use soma to power up some weapons!?" "he absorbed the soma from her body!?" "he used soma to create a doppleganger!?"
This is really the worst kind of serious story there is.

King's Field (Japan): Wanted to see what the guys who did D_____ Souls made before this.
This got some hype for being uber-omg-hardcore and this is usually my kind of game, but this didn't grab me. It's a first person action RPG where you just have to explore a big dungeon. Combat is just never exciting, not even in a hard way (the game's only hard at the very beginning), exploration is just not that interesting and level design is not good/varied enough that you can get by without a map unlike D_____ Souls. (there's an in game map I checked all the time like I was playing some Metroid)

Sly Cooper 1: Finished the game and all the crazy time trials.
Sly 2 really looks it ruined everything so far, but this might change.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 04:50:28 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2976 on: December 27, 2011, 12:07:12 PM »
Bastion: Finished! Cleared the repeater and pistol proving grounds before tackling the final area, got the "Beginning" ending. Great game. Will definitely do NG+ sometime soon.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to listen to "Build That Wall" about eighty thousand times.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 12:13:14 PM by Shale »
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2977 on: December 27, 2011, 01:22:34 PM »
Paws was very useful for a while as the guy who goes first then makes every enemy insane to swipe randoms in one turn with October / Umi. Then IIRC Cthulhu got some equipement that automatically did that anyway? But yeah he seems like a character who could only be useful in another game. Maybe.

This is what I used him for in randoms throughout the game. I remember the gear you're talking about, but that works automatically, doesn't it? There are some enemy formations that you really don't want to be insane, so using Paws gives you the ability to choose. I valued that a lot.

For bosses I built him to have a really strong basic physical. Having that durability and speed in theory could have made him the ideal potion boy, but that never came up as a real use in practice.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2978 on: December 27, 2011, 05:24:50 PM »
RH - AH4 currently, did all of SH up to end of C6. Fun little game. Using Rosch and Raynie currently.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2979 on: December 27, 2011, 06:26:58 PM »
Turning all enemies insane seemed to result in death a bit too often for my tastes. Not to mention that 3 good MT attacks tends to work for about as much damage as sanity swap + two good MT attacks. (Not quite as well, because October is ahead of everyone else on damage.) And it doesn't carry the risk. Still I'm not surprised you can make it work.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2980 on: December 27, 2011, 10:52:42 PM »
Meeple is playing FF3o, using DLers' names for his generics. As a result, five-second sketches of his current party:

Knight: Gatewalker
Summoner: Talaysen
Shaman: ClearTranquil
Magic Knight: Pala-Djinn

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2981 on: December 28, 2011, 12:30:38 AM »
I still have not a single clue what you people find engaging about that gameplay.

That said on the plot thing in tiny text.

When characters get their Summon/Eidolon/GF/Aeon whatever the fuck they are calling them this time they are supposed to resolve all the dischord and worry the person has in their personality.  It isn't particularly obvious in Snow because he got it so early, but if you reexamine the characters you do see it.  After they get their summons they are almost universally more focussed and content to follow the path set before them by the Falcie.

So that is all well and good except it means that thing where you talk about character development is lolno.  They didn't develop, they got fixed by magic.  Which is one more giant fuck you to this game.

It plays itself for you, leaving you free to make some vague decisions. It's why NFL Head Coach comes out with a new box every year while NFL Football had one game one time and then everyone realized it was a bad idea.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2982 on: December 28, 2011, 12:54:13 AM »
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to listen to "Build That Wall" about eighty thousand times.

I ordered the soundtrack but it hasn't come in the mail yet. :(

Skyrim:  Finished nearly everything you can do without starting the main quest, so I finally started the main quest.  Dragons actually spawn now, so it's species-extinction time!  Highlight so far was killing an Ancient Dragon and an Elder Dragon at the same time.

Oh, and the level 100 lightning spell makes me happy I specialized in lightning magic.  So much DPS.  <3

Castlevania OoE:  Started Albus mode.  This was a preowned copy with Albus already unlocked, so I didn't realize at the time I wasn't actually supposed to be playing Albus yet.  But what the heck, I am muddling through it.  Albus is stupidly powerful - except when he's not.  Like against the Giant Enemy Crab boss.  Currently fighting Eligor.

Castlevania Judgement:  Beat Story mode with everyone.  Which apparently means I now have to do it again.  Granted it's pretty fast so not that big a deal.  Golem is so frickin kawaii, I love him.  DO NOT WANT.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2983 on: December 28, 2011, 03:29:25 AM »
I think I'm on the last boss battle for Disc 2 in FF13. I died after 6 minutes-ish, also have a headache from "hardcore gamings" the past few days. I'm liking FF13, but going into that battle made me realize I need Diversity, which I nixed in the semi-difficult stage before this. .. Man I have a headache. Going to bed. My gamerfu is weak.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2984 on: December 28, 2011, 04:28:09 AM »
This was a preowned copy with Albus already unlocked, so I didn't realize at the time I wasn't actually supposed to be playing Albus yet.
Hah! "I get that this game has next to no story... But can someone explain why I am fighting myself!?"

Tactics Ogre is a bitch, I forgot that the Hell Gate gives no exp. The souped up golden monsters are too much for my super archer team to handle, sadly.

Anyway, I'm considering doing a Star Ocean 2 solo while I still have a lot of free time. I don't remember much about the game and don't plan to use any faq. Just trying to survive on my own, getting wasted by randoms and thinking writing horrible books with IC will maybe somehow get me uber armor at one point, then littering my inventory with junk items that restore 9% max HPs at the cost of poisoning the character who uses it. Going mad then starting stealing EVERYBODY in the world in the hope I can get some gamebreaking item in the process to get past that boss I can't beat.
So yeah. This actually does sound great to me. I'm thinking using Bowman, Dias, Opera, Ernest or Precis. (I've never used the later three) Any idea?


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2985 on: December 28, 2011, 04:32:47 AM »
Precis sounds the best.  Especially with the voice! 

bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack bang BANG attack 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2986 on: December 28, 2011, 06:14:00 AM »

IMHO Bowman and Precis are the best for soloing the game.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2987 on: December 28, 2011, 06:42:20 AM »
Haha, I was wondering how Albus Mode would handle that midgame boss.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2988 on: December 28, 2011, 05:11:47 PM »
Batman: Freed the fourth hostage (props for the rescue method there, it was both intuitive and nicely cinematic) and finished up the Acts of Violence missions. Think I'm going to leave the game alone for a bit, since cleaning up the remaining Riddler trophies is getting more and more fiddly, and I still can't find a damn Identity Theft victim. So it's back to...

LA Noire: Started the first homicide case (lipstick murder), and got into questioning the husband before I had to get ready for work. I like how they're developing Cole - like Cid said, he's definitely an "earnest square", but he's also completely full of himself in a way that plays off that. And it's a nice meta moment to realize that of course he thinks he can catch any killer and win any shootout, he's the friggin' player character.

Speaking of shootouts, I also cleared up a few street crime cases. Nine down, 31 to go.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 05:26:48 PM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2989 on: December 28, 2011, 06:56:30 PM »
Haha, I was wondering how Albus Mode would handle that midgame boss.

The crab or Eligor?  They're both fairly predictable, but they do so much damage that you can't make many mistakes.

Skyrim:  Collecting words of power before I smacketh some more dragon ass down.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2990 on: December 28, 2011, 06:58:36 PM »
The actual Albus fight, I figure.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2991 on: December 28, 2011, 08:29:41 PM »
Snow has it.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2992 on: December 28, 2011, 09:03:34 PM »
Started Skyrim. It is highly addictive in the manner of "Oh, I'll just see what's over that next hill." It is not a world of striking personalities (even followers just get a couple lines to establish a semblance of personality) or cultures (backstory =/= depth), of course. I'm presently ignoring the plot in favor of exploration, to be fair, but I've concluded Bethesda's writers are merely calculating machines, approximating humanity from vague description. But it looks gorgeous and is fun enough for mindless hack and slash. Or setting people on fire and running, which is my preferred strategy. It's been pretty successful so far. I am not sure how feasible multitasking is, so I'm just focusing on murdering things with magic.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2993 on: December 28, 2011, 10:03:57 PM »
Warning, murdering things with magic gets really fucking boring while melee scales pretty well with levelling and trends towards more dynamic and fun fighting.  Dual Wield looks pretty fucking stupid though.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2994 on: December 29, 2011, 01:27:52 AM »
Warning, murdering things with magic gets really fucking boring while melee scales pretty well with levelling and trends towards more dynamic and fun fighting.  Dual Wield looks pretty fucking stupid though.

It is, god is it ever stupid.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2995 on: December 29, 2011, 02:15:14 AM »
Think I'll try with Precis then.
I don't want to create a new giant pharmaceutical conglomerate that acts as the major evil company in Star Ocean 5, by buying one trillion poison pills from them.

OOE Albus mode doesn't pretend to have a story, unlike uh... Sisters mode in Portrait of Ruin. So they just put the same bosses in there.
By the way I'm just going to throw that here. Albus NG+ speedrun in 12 minutes. (2 minutes being wasted on giant enemy crab)
I don't believe any glitch was used, it's 100% legit and ridiculous:
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 02:19:51 AM by Fenrir »

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2996 on: December 29, 2011, 03:13:16 AM »
Tactics Ogre is a bitch, I forgot that the Hell Gate gives no exp. The souped up golden monsters are too much for my super archer team to handle, sadly.

Fenny, if you -really- need to grind, there's Training... but then, that defeats the purpose. =P
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2997 on: December 29, 2011, 03:41:01 AM »
Dark Holy Elf, re Cthulhu: Mentioned it in chat, but there's still another set of optional superbosses.  There's also one other optional dungeon which it sounds like you missed, the Astral Cave...  but it's balanced for before Ryleh, it felt like, so maybe not much point in doing it.  It does have one of the more awesome rando-bosses on style points, possibly better than the Fire Whale:

I also agree that the game seriously stopped trying in the script for Dacre / Ember's plot arcs, but I will give credit to one of Ember's lines.  Something along the lines of:
Villager: "Thanks for saving us from that monstrous red Dragon, Mister!   ...uh....  who's that?"
Ember: "Just a big, pink dinosaur here."

Otherwise, yeah, :( at becoming a Dragon Quest rather than parodying one (or better, parodying Lovecraft).

I don't believe any glitch was used, it's 100% legit and ridiculous:

It's Normal Mode Albus at lvl. 255.  And I bet it's a TAS from that perfect a teleport / dash.  The creator can have a sticker for teleporting through the game quickly, but not really that impressive an achievement.

With that said, the combat is too much on the simple side really, with almost every fight boiling down to "get behind cover, pop up to headshot things whenever you can". It is surprisingly easy to die in the game, as a few seconds of concentrated fire has you down even if you built up durability buffs and so on. But being behind any cover makes you... pretty much invulnerable as long as you aren't being hit from the sides or behind, and it is very rare that you will find yourself under crossfire. Enemies don't use tactics like flanking and so on, so I found that the most pressing fights were against the mindless zombie-like enemies that came at you to perform physical attacks. With that said, the actual enemy variety was sufficient, just not the enemy tactics.

This.  I mean...  the supremacy of using cover and quickly moving from cover to cover is "realistic", where realistic = realistic for WWII infantry tactics, and as we know all future combat is frozen in time and some echo of WWII combat.  And...  I don't know about "very rare" that enemies would flank and get crossfires; it happened occasionally, which was great.  "Crud I'm tied down by these guys in front holy crap I am taking damage from where noooooooooo."  Nicely done reflection of how suppression fire can work, and your team can do the same thing to the enemies.  So yeah, good intentions here, but the real problem is that cover is just too damn godly.  I guess that was intentional considering how even one hit can interrupt shield regeneration, but...  meh.  This is the future, right?  A lot more of the cover should have been destroyable, or had durability ratings, considering you're shooting future weaponry at what is in general improvised cover and not future bunkers.  (As a side note, dropping the waist-high walls everywhere in wildly inappropriate situations?  I realize your game works better with cover, but I'd like for it to TRY and have some more realistic settings.)  Failing that...  assuming as a gameplay thing they wanted to make cover invincibility to normal fire so you can regen shields, have GRENADES and Grenade launchers all over the place, then.  Yeah, another blast from WWII, but how awesome would it be to see the grenade bouncing in and you realizing that it's time to find new Cover, NOW?  A very few enemies use something like this, but not enough.  There aren't very many proper open-air areas; sure, the sniper rifle is already good, but some big wide open fields with restricted visibility but no cover would be interesting.  (I really liked one of the random screw-with-the-Blood-Pack missions where you DO actually get to see some distance off and fight enemies far away, but that's not common.)

Choices have nearly no gameplay consequences!

Yeah, this annoys me a bit.  Choices that have no impact only go so far.  I thought that ME2 had manned up and just imposed an ME1 storyline when I played it and they didn't prompt me for too much backstory about my actions in the not-played ME1...  but...   nope.  If Ashley / Kaiden have identical roles in the plot, and the Council is going to ignore you and stick their head in the sand no matter whether it's human dominated or not...  then...  how much influence did you have?  Like, it's cool that they're porting those decisions over, but it's also not cool for telling a coherent story, because that requires that all those decisions didn't really change things TOO much.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2998 on: December 29, 2011, 06:46:26 AM »
Quote from: People
Cover based shooters have serious problems!

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2999 on: December 29, 2011, 06:56:31 AM »
Warning, murdering things with magic gets really fucking boring while melee scales pretty well with levelling and trends towards more dynamic and fun fighting.  Dual Wield looks pretty fucking stupid though.

It is, god is it ever stupid.

I like how one of the two weapons just disappears when you put it away in third person mode. You just kind of shove the thing inside your abdominal cavity or something?