So for those not in chat, for the past few weeks, I've been going through the application process for Delta. After I got back from Japan, I started tutoring part-time, but it's just not making enough money. Continuing my job-hunt, I stumbled across Delta's website and decided to see if they had any openings for something like a desk clerk.
Turns out the only position they were hiring was for Japanese-speaking Flight Attendants.
Well, Okay, I -suppose- I might as well apply for that. *barely contained excitement*
After putting in the online application and taking a few basic personality tests, I got an immediate email back telling me to call for a phone interview. After 4 hours of trying to get through the On Hold process, I finally got to take that interview (which I bombed).
But then they called me back anyway and said to take a phone/recorded/internet "test" for Japanese language. It was only 3 questions long, but the speaker was apparently sick since even my Japanese friends could understand what that guy was saying. After bombing that interview, they called me back anyway.
They said to come to Atlanta for a face-to-face interview session. They flew me up there yesterday and I met a lot of other candidates and we had a big group interview/question-asking session, and then some one-on-one interviews. For once, I shined and did not bomb an interview. I'm not sure I've ever performed so well at an interview in my life. And also I made friends with a lot of the other applicants. In fact, after the interview and before our flights left, a bunch of us went out to drink and karaoke in Atlanta.
Anyway, I just got back last night and now begins the *sigh* 2-week waiting process for them to get back to me.