Super Mario RPG Castings because I was just done
Mario: Alex. I was told Alex is silent, but a pretty cool guy. Eh saves princesses doesn't afraid anything
Mallow: Xeroma. Generally tries to help out, but freaks out occasionally.
Geno: NEB. Cool and logical. Could be more mathy, but can't win 'em all.
Bowser: Super. Attempts to be evil, but usually fails.
Princess Peach Toadstool: Tal. Is a princess.
Toad: Random. Tal's retainer.
Croco: Soppy. Steals your items and coins. Trollan
Mack: Djinn. Probably rides a giant sword around when taking over kingdoms.
Frogficius: Captain K. Old frog dude with a beard. Also has a whacking stick.
Bowyer: Meeple. Says lots of things, but very few people understand what he is saying.
Boshi: Zenny. Deal with it. *Shades*
Booster: OK. Steals Super's float at the end of the game. Also eats cake by boiling it.
Snifit 1: Pyro. The cool Snifit
Snifit 2: Jim. The logical Snifit
Snifit 3: Sage. Ditzy Snifit~
Knife Guy: Nitori. Plays a ball mini-game with you where 95% of the time all you get is rotten junk.
Grate Guy: Dune. Owns a casino in the middle of nowhere. Makes you play games over 100 times for items. Also teams up with Nitori for boss battle but aren't very competent anyway.
Johnny Jones: CmdrKing. Lives alone on his ship, making him really moody
Valentina: Ciato. Reigns over a kingdom with an iron fist.
Dodo: Mage. Ciato's right hand man/bird thing
Shy Away: Snow. Flies away, pours water to grow gigantic whore plants with status.
Axem Rangers: Grefter. Probably fights for evil.
Exor: Hatbot. Hal's primary line of defense against intruders
Cloaker: Eph. Has a POIZN attack that OHKOs people. Also drops rocks.
Domino: Tide. Crazy as Eph. Dies to a sneeze.
Factory Chief: Laggy. Beaten by Hal to create more horrors.
Gunyolk: RICHARD. Created by Laggy to fire laser beams at people
Smithy: Hal. Beard + Banhammering noobs that walk into his factory.