
Author Topic: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.  (Read 4768 times)


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Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« on: March 09, 2008, 08:26:06 AM »
;_; I miss Dekar.

Anyhow.  The RPG vs RPG style topics that Tonfa makes every once and a whle are great fun, so I decided to do a fairly quick version of that here.. and since I want to make it quick, I'm doing a version based on the format of the List topic.

The rules are simple. Just rate the list of games you're given, from best to worst, based on how much you like each game. FOR EXAMPLE:

If I was given Front Mission 4, Legaia 2, and Xenosaga 3, I'd list them as:

1. Front Mission 4
2. Legaia 2
3. Xenosaga 3

And so on. You need to have played at least seven games to submit a list. (Played enough to rate on it and feel comfortable passing judgement on the game within reason, not just playing five seconds and quitting.)

The games are broken up into eras and groups. There are two sets of PSX era and PS2 era groups, one set of 8 bit and handheld games, and one set of SNES/Genesis games.

Ah, but enough talk. Here are the lists!



Lufia 2
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 6
Seiken Densetsu 3
Super Mario RPG
Breath of Fire 1
Secret of Mana
Breath of Fire 2
Final Fantasy 5
Phantasy Star 4
Tales of Phantasia
7th Saga
Ogre Battle
Shining Force 2

PSX Era (1 of 2:

Final Fantasy  7
Dragon Warrior 7
Vagrant Story
Breath of Fire 4
Tales of Eternia
Legend of Dragoon
Persona 1
Suikoden 1
Wild ARMs 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Star Ocean 2
Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete
Planescape Torment
Final Fantasy 8
Chrono Cross

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

Odin Sphere
Shadow Hearts 3
Suikoden 3
Radiata Stories
Wild ARMs 3
Wild ARMs 5
Disgaea 2
Wild ARMs 4
Xenosaga 1
Valkyrie Profile 2
Tales of Symphonia
Shadow Hearts 2
Xenosaga 2
Grandia 3
Kingdom Hearts
Front Mission 4
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 08:37:46 AM »
Note: Unlike RPG Ratings, I will rank games even if I have only played them for an hour or whatever. If a game pisses me off in the first hour, it doesn't deserve to just be rated by people who don't have that response.

1. Final Fantasy 6: Pretty sexy at most things. Its ATB was significantly improved from the previous FFs, and its cast blew theirs away, too, while not being awesome by modern standards. The midgame plot twist deserves much love, as does a villain who is a cut above the standard world-eater. And the twinking/equipment system is excellent.
2. Chrono Trigger: FF6, even more polished, but a bit worse a few key things -  in particular the PCs are basically set in stone.
3. Phantasy Star 4: A lot like Chrono Trigger. Tells its story better, and in some ways I like it more, but... does have documentation/polish issues compared to it.
4. Final Fantasy 5: FF5's got a sexy job system which I enjoy a lot. It doesn't have much else however. Said job system does rule and sets it above the generic SNES titles.
5. Breath of Fire 1: Battles were pretty fun. Dungeon design is the best in the era. Encounter control is <3.
6. Super Mario RPG: Fillery, but decent. Humour's a nice try at least, and isn't offensive at anything.
7. Breath of Fire 2: A bit like BoF1, but takes some random steps back in polish, and does drag a bit at points.
8. Seiken Densetsu 3: Yawn. It has replay value though!
9. Shining Force 2: Just kinda boring, random SRPG gameplay is bleh.
10. Final Fantasy 4: Lacks any redeeming features at all. Generic mediocre RPG with profoundly uninteresting battles and plot.
11. Earthbound: Same, with a sense of humour I don't like!
12. Secret of Mana: SD3 with more stupid. Like no replay value and CHARGING.
13. Ogre Battle: Ugh. Completely unpolished, seemed like it needed a FAQ to be worth anything, and RTSish gameplay does not appeal to me.
14. Lufia 2: Total garbage on all fronts. Immensely repetitive dungeons and completely worthless gameplay, not interesting at anything else either.

1. Final Fantasy Tactics: Do I need to explain this one? Awesome, awesome replay value; awesome battles; solid enough storyline... yeah.
2. Final Fantasy 7: One of my favourite RPG plots. Okay otherwise, even if battles aren't much.
3. Breath of Fire 4: Fou-Lu is neat. Just a fun little romp otherwise; decent combat too (combos and turn manipulation, yay).
4. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete: Okay turn-based fare with badass boss fights. Amusing cast. Works.
5. Legend of Dragoon: Battle system was somewhat interesting. Plot had its moments.
6. Brigandine: Decent battles but they get repetitive.
7. Suikoden 1: Filler. A bit off the beaten track for RPG plot is nice! Boring battles and lacking polish is not.
8. Wild ARMs 2: A bit off the beaten track for RPG battles is nice! Stupid plot (besides Irving) and lacking polish is not.
9. Final Fantasy 8: Underwhelms on most fronts. Broken combat, uninteresting plot, soundtrack, so on.
10. Star Ocean 2: ARPGs generally aren't much, and SO2 doesn't really deliver anywhere else.
11. Chrono Cross: A mess.
12. Vagrant Story: Solo RPG with a pretentious plot and a nonsensical FAQ-bait battle system.

1. Suikoden 3: Trinity Sight System and good battles. Win.
2. Wild ARMs 4: Amazing battles. Character work wasn't too bad!
3. Wild ARMs 3: Good battles, good character setup system, good plot, good music, good setting, good everything except WA puzzle nonsense.
4. Xenosaga 2: Amazing battles, but the game's a bit sluggish. Side note: you needed steal in this game? What for? Inner Peace is sexy but last area only and you can totally beat the game without it (aftergame not so much). GS system actually amused me. <_<
5. Grandia 3: More amazing battles! With less and less to back it up, but yum. PS2 games really got better at battle systems.
6. Shadow Hearts 3: Very solid battles. Found its improvements on SH2 enough to make up for it lacking Yuri.
7. Shadow Hearts 2: Good battle system though needing SH3's improvements, wasted on puny enemies though. I really like a few of the characters but some of the plot arcs were stupid and the supporting cast is massive fail for a plot-and-characters game.
8. Wild ARMs 5: Battle system is neutered but still reasonably fun, plot had moments. Love the soundtrack.
9. Xenosaga 1: Reasonably fun battle system and interesting story, but definitely dragged later on.
10. Valkyrie Profile 2: A bit of a mess at times, but still good! Too bad it traded VP1's originality in favour of stock adventure.
11. Tales of Symphonia: Massive suck. Tales battle system is failure, and there's no Luke and Tear to make it go away. I assumed it was massively boring but was going to get better, but Abyss never did, so why should this?

Wow, this group destroys the other two. Go PS2 era?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 11:05:36 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2008, 09:10:02 AM »
This idea kicks ass.


1. Final Fantasy 4
2. Lufia 2
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Final Fantasy 6
5. Breath of Fire 2 - All five of these are incredible games and superb examples of 16 bit RPGs at their finest.
6. Ogre Battle
7. 7th Saga
8. Breath of Fire 1 - These three are solid if flawed.
9. Seiken Densetsu 3
10. Secret of Mana
11. Tales of Phantasia - 16 bit ARPGs don't age entirely well. They're still decent games.
12. Final Fantasy 5 - Too erratic to rank higher.
13. Super Mario RPG - This game bored me. Slap the right name on a game and kids will gobble it up.
14. Phantasy Star 4 - I didn't get far in but the game didn't do anything for me. This one isn't personal,

PSX Era (1 of 2:

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Wild ARMs 2
3. Star Ocean 2
4. Final Fantasy  7
5. Brigandine
6. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete - All six games are ultra classics of the highest order. Nostalgia is also very strong here, as this is the gaming era that hit my high school years. Hell, I remember staying home sick to play some of these, they're that awesome.
7. Tales of Eternia - Aged ARPG that's still awesome. I'm never sure where I quite feel about it, but I'm generous today.
8. Suikoden 1 - This is the sole middle of the road game from this set.
9. Legend of Dragoon - Shit.
10. Dragon Warrior 7 - Torment.
11. Persona 1 - Worse world map than TotA. Y'know, for all it's glory, the PSX era had some dismal failures as well.
12. Breath of Fire 4 - Awful.
13. Planescape Torment - Overhyped retardation. Everything but one part of the game is a dismal failure. The writing, while not -bad-, is horribly overhyped. It's like the artsy, pretentious entry into 32 bit gaming. It sucks, but you're not one of us if you dare say so!
14. Final Fantasy 8 - Pissed all over the Final Fantasy series.
15. Chrono Cross - Does not exist. Chrono Trigger has no sequel.

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1. Suikoden 3
2. Disgaea 2
3. Tales of Symphonia - All three are great games.
4. Wild ARMs 3 - Not good, not bad. A let down game, but better than most else here. Does the PS2 era suck, or are the lows more noticeable in light of the rising highs?
5. Wild ARMs 4 - A flawed but decent game. It's a shame the flaws run deep.
6. Odin Sphere - I like this game even if I can't get back into it.
7. Shadow Hearts 2 - Hell, I dunno. For all I hated what they did with Yuri, it's easy to look back at SH2 and think it was a good game anyway. I'll put it above the rabble.
8. Valkyrie Profile 2 - I can't get into it's game play and the plot is wince worthy bad, especially chapter 6. It has some neat ideas but it's...overproduced? I'm not sure.
9. Shadow Hearts 3 - I didn't really like the intro and I had some TV issues with SH3. Oh well.
10. Wild ARMs 5 - A budget title and it shows. It's flaws outnumber it's virtues on about a scale of 5 to 1.
11. Radiata Stories - It tries to have it's own style, but it's 'style' is akin to shoveling dogshit down your gullet.
12. Grandia 3 - You know how some big budget games are all shine and no meat? That translates to a pretty game with horrible game play, plot and characters for an RPG.  Thanks, Grandia 3, thanks.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 09:13:41 AM by Dunefar »
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<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2008, 09:52:09 AM »
ib some shitty suikoden game raping the competition again


1) Chrono Trigger
2) Super Mario RPG
3) Lufia 2
4) Ogre Battle
5) Breath of Fire 1
6) Seiken Densetsu 3
7) Final Fantasy 5
8) Secret of Mana
9) Phantasy Star 4
10) Final Fantasy 4
11) Final Fantasy 6
12) Breath of Fire 2
13) Earthbound

PSX Era (1 of 2:

1) Final Fantasy Tactics
2) Final Fantasy 8
3) Brigandine
4) Final Fantasy 7
5) Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete
6) Planescape Torment
7) Chrono Cross
8) Breath of Fire 4
9) Star Ocean 2
10) Suikoden 1

Bloody strong field... SO2 second from last?

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1) Tales of Symphonia
2) Grandia 3
3) Front Mission 4
4) Shadow Hearts 3
5) Shadow Hearts 2
6) Valkyrie Profile 2
7) Wild ARMs 4
8) Xenosaga 2
9) Xenosaga 1
10) Suikoden 3
11) Wild ARMs 3
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 09:59:16 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2008, 10:03:22 AM »
1 Chrono Trigger- Just a lot of fun to play
2 FF 6- Solid.
3 Breath of Fire 2- When you forgot the first 75% of the a game, it can really make it seem a lot better.
4 Final Fantasy V- Yeah, it's here.
5 Earthbound- Had some massive fail, but also some massive win. Pokey is worth several places alone.
6 Phantasy Star IV- Nothing bad, but nothing great.
7 Final Fantasy IV- Could be awesome updated.
8 SD 3- Had some cool stuff overall, but nothing I found great.
9 Shining Force 2- Exists.
10 Breath of Fire 1- Just very overall bland.
11 Super Mario RPG- The battle system is okay, but I disliked most of the rest.
12 Lufia 2- It's the puzzles that kill it.
13 Ogre Battle- Not my type of game at all.
14 Secret of Mana- Horrid

PSX Era (1 of 2:
1 Star Ocean 2- Love it to death! Nostalgia doesn't hurt.
2 LoD- Unjustifiable!
3 FFT- It would be higher, but it really always felt like it was too clunky.
4 ToE- Unjustifiable Mk 2!
5 FF 7
6 Vagrant Story- Another game where clunkiness costs points.
7 Brigandine- Very fun to play. However, unlike the SNES era, that isn't always enough here!
8 Chrono Cross
9 Final Fantasy 8
10 Wild Arms 2
11 Persona! Unjustifiable. Massive win housed inside massive fail
12 BoF 4- A game that is solid, but it just really bored me minus Fou Lu.
13 Suikoden
14 Lunar: EBC- It's okay, I guess.

PS2 Era (1 of 2)
1 Shadow Hearts 2- Love the characters.
2 Wild Arms 4- Awesome gameplay, but the plot...Ouch.
3 Odin Sphere- Stunning and Immersive.
4 Radiata Stories- Found Jack to be extremely charismatic.
5 Valkyrie Profile 2- Overall solid (I mindwiped C6!), minus some DL blargh.
6 Wild Arms 5- If only they hadn't raped the battle system
7 Wild Arms 3- Cool, but lacks a certain punch to me.
8 Grandia 3- Still in 7 zone!
9 Shadow Hearts 3- Still!
10 Xenosaga 2- Battle time needs to be cut in half, but I didn't hate Shion as much this time.
11 Xenosaga 1- Battle time needs to be cut in half.
12 Tales of Symphonia- Genis.
13 Suikoden 3- Clunky travel system, 1 main is dull, 1 main is bad, and had to have the largest transition between awesome opening and shitty game that I've ever experienced.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2008, 11:01:51 AM »

1 - Lufia 2 - Best dungeon design, best world design and setting. Gameplay, while nothing special, is no better or worse than almost everything else on this list.
2 - Seiken Densetsu 3 - Best gameplay of all the games here. Pretty boring dungeon layouts though.
3- Breath of Fire 2 - Overall fun. I generally don't hold bad translations against a game, so BoF2's superior gameplay and setting makes it high here.
4 - Tales of Phantasia - SNES ToP still has a solid plot and good battle system.
5 - Breath of Fire 1 - Solid.
6 - Super Mario RPG - Fun RPG that doesn't take itself seriously and manages to have a good battle system.
7 - Final Fantasy 4 - And here begins the influx of mediocrity. Battle system was bland, but not offensive...same could be said of every other aspect, really.
8 - Shining Force 2 - Battle system was a bit too boring. It was an RPG on a grid, so despite being an SRPG, no strategy or tactics were needed at all.
9 - Earthbound - Horrible battle system, plot, and characters. Still had a quirky, unique setting, so it beats out the utter shit below it.
10 - Secret of Mana - Didn't use godawful ATB and isn't a failure PS game.
11 - Final Fantasy 5 - Boring
12 - Chrono Trigger - Polished shit is still shit. Come back when you drop the horrible ATB battle system, develop your characters, and make a decent setting without retarded time-travel bullshit.
13 - Final Fantasy 6 - See CT, except it isn't polished, so now it's just ugly shit.
14 - Phantasy Star 4 - Utterly bland turn based battle system? Check. Shitty cliched characters? Check. Miserable failure of an attempt to integrate sci-fi and fantasy? Check. Uninspired, boring, and poorly designed dungeons? Check. Poorly composed OST that fails to express the (horrible) setting? Check. Worst game on this list? Yup.

PSX Era (1 of 2:

1 - Vagrant Story - Outstanding integration of plot, gameplay, setting, and music. Not only is the integration incredible, but each individual category is top-tier as well.
2 - Breath of Fire 4 - Almost as good as VS. Turn based battle system and less inspired setting drop it down a notch.
3 - Planescape Torment - Like VS, it has good integration and for the most part is top tier in all categories as well. Unfortunately the battle system wasn't well developed at all. Not a huge deal, since the gameplay in PT is based on exploration and interaction rather than slaying things, but since you do have to kill things on occasion, it does have enough of an impact to drop the game to 3rd place.
4 - Persona 1 - Awesome setting and the characters are amusing and interact well. Crappy first person dungeons that have retarded layouts drops it down a notch or two.
5 - Wild ARMs 2 - Setting and music are excellent. There are enough quirks in the turn based battle system to keep in from being totally boring.
6 - Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete - Good characters and an interesting take on turn based battles are good. Only big downside is the uninspired setting.
7 - Star Ocean 2 - Awesome battle system. The plot is horrible, but plot is what I care about least anyways.
8 - Brigandine - Good for a turn based SRPG. Not the best of genres though, so Brig suffers for it. Everything else was pretty average, except the shoddy plot.
9 - Final Fantasy 8 - FF8 and 9 are the only ATB games that don't have total shit for gameplay. Characters were bad, but amusingly so. Plot and setting failed.
10 - Final Fantasy  7 - Sleep inducing gameplay, boring characters, boring plot, and shoddy setting.
11 - Legend of Dragoon - See FF7
12 - Final Fantasy Tactics - Worst plot in a PSX game? Quite possibly. Normally I don't care about plot, but FFT's was just offensively bad. Being an SRPG with a job/skill system that sucks goat dick doesn't help.
13 - Suikoden 1 - Just plain blows. Turn based battle system with absolutely no redeeming features at all gives it the worst gameplay of all games in this list by a fair margin. Crappy plot, uninspired setting, and shitty music just seal the deal.
14 - Chrono Cross - Doesn't exist.

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1 - Wild ARMs 3 - Best plot, setting, and characters in the WA series; the turn based battle had enough additions to not suck, and the other gameplay aspects were awesome.
2 - Kingdom Hearts - The battle system is pure sex. Music and dungeon design are awesome too.
3 - Wild ARMs 4 - Good setting and music. The best part is the awesome hybrid battle system.
4 - Xenosaga 2 - Awesome gameplay. Pretty average everywhere else. Dungeon design ranged from average to the mind rapingly boring SC Domains.
5 - Valkyrie Profile 2 - Excellent battle system and solid soundtrack. Plot was a joke, but whoever plays Tri-Ace games for plot needs to go drink bleach. Too bad the game raped VP1's awesome setting and atmosphere.
6 - Xenosaga 1 - Battle system was interesting early on, but gets boring later; bosses were either too gimmicky or too easy. Excellent setting though (Hey PS4, if you want to see good integration of sci-fi and fantasy, here's where you can start!), and the characters outside the bitch and the sex bot were good.
7 - Suikoden 3 - Bland battle system, traveling was just fucking inane, and the plot was shitty. Decent setting for being a medieval type game though, though I can't be sure why. The non-battle gameplay aspects were good.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 11:04:32 AM by InfinityDragon »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2008, 03:09:46 PM »

1. Final Fantasy 4
2. Ogre Battle- Great SRPG and certainly a unique concept. I can forgive the flaws in a game that's over a decade old, they did something different and it was pulled off well.
3. Lufia 2- I've never gotten sick of this game the way I did with FF6. Donno.
4. Final Fantasy 6- 9/10 game. There's a bit of a drop after this.
5. Seiken Densetsu 3- Great game on the combat front, and mocking the plot together with Trips was great. Let us not speak of Fairie or fetchquests.
6. 7th Saga- Find it to be more compelling then the next four games on the list, in spite of all three crushing 7S on paper. There's just something about the entire system and what a job they did on the characters and duels.. all to be mostly pissed away by unfair levelsof challenge. So it goes!
7. Breath of Fire 2- Really liked a lot of the gameplay and thought they at least tried something with the plot.
8. Breath of Fire 1- Solid.
9. Chrono Trigger- Never got into this game at all when it came out, besides for the music.
10. Phantasy Star 4- Rika's still an idiot.. well hell can I even say that? Sure, why not. Huge drop here from games I like to games I hate.
11. Super Mario RPG- See what I said about CT? I hated SMRPG's timed hit system. Yeah. Not even PC Bowser can save that.
12.Secret of Mana- This was crap in 1994, and it's crap now. No real options in terms of PC's and a really boring main to control? Blech. Music was good though.
13. Shining Force 2- Augh. Wasn't bad and it had aged when I played it, but I had an easier time going through pretty much every other game ever. Bored me to tears from the start.
14. Final Fantasy 5- Not a single redeeming feature here. It says something that I barely finished this in spite of how much I was looking forward to another FF job based system and all the variety the game offers.
PSX Era (1 of 2:

1. Brigandine- Making me choose between this and FFT is cruel. Both pretty much win completely on gameplay for entirely different reasons- FFT with it's depth of character classes, Brig for it's large amount of differeing classes and knights and how every one is different for the most part. You can take the same unit (Esclados and Brusom), change their starting level, and it completely changes the worth of and value of the charater. The music's good and each of the different countries control differently and face challenges. They even made the leaders handled very differently, which is a hell of a feat for an SRPG- not to mention the best permadeath system I've seen in pretty much any game, a simple yet very well done class system that adds replay depth to an already insanely replayable game.. oh, and then there's GE, which takes a lot of Brig's flaws (Challenge, monsters can't use items, computer can't quest) and fixes them. Yeah.
2. FFT- Is FFT. Ended up picking Brig over FFT because I know Brig's going to face more of an uphill battle in the topic. What a battle though.
3. Star Ocean 2- Oh hey it's another 10/10 game.. and it's third. What the fuck is this? When you talk about ARPG depth, SO2 is still without any competition in terms of variable characters. The setting's decent if generic, the plot is mostly trash but there's a good coming of age story there with Claude and some humor throughout. The IC system is brilliant in execution, it has tons of replay value thanks to challenges and split path PC's and lots of PA's to see and endings.. only problem I have is that the system has SaGa level documentation and it's graphically glitchy at a few points.
4. Final Fantasy 7- What can I say, I fell in love with the game. It's aged badly but I'd still enjoy it on a replay, which is more than I can say for a lot of PS2 games. What ended up keeping it from 10/10 for me.. mm. Don't really have a strong opinion on Cloud and I dislike Tifa intensely, plus Seph is kind of a stylish waste? Donno.Just not quite at the same level of immersion I got from the 10/10 games.
5. Suikoden 1- Fun start of a great series and nothing else. S2 is better in every single way and by large margins in most cases.
6. Vagrant Story- I wish I could have gotten into the game more. That system was unfriendly enough to turn me off, which takes work. Great style though.
7. Planescape:Torment- Felt completely unplayable no matter how many times I tried to play, story was great based on what I played. Eh.
8. Lunar 2- Swarm of boring games that I didn't much care for.
9. Persona 1
10. Breath of Fire 4
11. Wild ARMs 2
12. Tales of Eternia
13. Legend of Dragoon
14. Chrono Cross- Kid and music get it this high.
15. Final Fantasy 8- Not DW7.
16. Dragon Warrior 7- A complete disgrace and a step back FROM AN NES GAME. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU MANAGE TO DO THAT?! Gameplay was WORSE than DW3/4's, it was nearly 90 fucking hours long and had nearly zero plot, on top of the completely worthless job system that punished you heavily for leveling- yet you had to level if you wanted to unlock the good classes. I actually ran from metal babbles at points because I didn't want to hit the fucking JP cap. It also fucking rotates your PC's in a game where you can't transfer jobs and it takes hours and hours to catch up PC's- did I fucking mention that the goddamned game also hits you with the level cap ANYWAY even if you don't have a single job mastered? What the fucking hell was wrong with those programmers? Oh, job balanced was a fucking abortion and you couldn't rotate jobs without a goddamned penalty, the game didn't even bother with any kind of interesting equip system so jobs were only good for stats AND IT'S 20 FUCKING HOURS INTO THE GAME BEFORE YOU EVEN ACCESS THEM. This includes a several hour duengon arc where you get your few spells and skills taken away for no goddamned reason RIGHT as you enter the fucking karma temple where you normally change jobs AND you're short a PC for that arc as Keifer leaves and you pick up several levels there because it's so goddamned hard to actually -win- with no magic and limited items and *Foams at the mouth*

I urge anyone who played Dragon Quest 7 for more than 30 seconds to give it it's due at the bottom of the list. The three hour opening duengon WITH NO BATTLES OR PLOT, JUST DW PUZZLES YES is a highlight compared to the rest of the 75-95 fucking hours of purestrain shit that is this game. DW7 FOR XS3LIKE.


PS2 Era (1 of 2)

Xenosaga 1
Tales of Symphonia
Grandia 3


1. Front Mission 4- Flat out the best game I've played in the PS2 era. Setting was great and very different for an RPG (Slightly in the future! Set on earth but not a carbon copy of our world!), the story was decent. The character work is what stands out- both of the splitpaths have good character work done and the system is perfectly designed- just as you start to make headway in one path, you get flipped to the other side. The gameplay is the first really good tactics game I've played in forever. How you build each unit is important, of course- but it's how you build your each group is even more important. Going to make Darill a double shotgunner? Cool, better be prepared for him to use of his AP on counterattacks. If you're going to have him on defensive links with say Luis and Chaeffer, it'd be best to stick him with a shotgun and a melee weapon to conserve AP. There's a bunch of choices you can make that effects combat- there's no way to strongarm the game short of an obscure set of arms you get from a sidepath in Darill's quest. The money system.. eh, I didn't like, but you have to think about what you're upgrading. Do you spend the cash on the shiny new AP boosting computer program, or upgrade Darill's arms? I would have increased the money gained from bonus stuff, I think. Otherwise.. the game is just so good on each fronts. Both times I finished FM4, my first thought was that I wanted to replay the game. This is extremely rare and is a testament to how good it is. And FM4's not a short game at all.
2. Suikoden 3- I consider S2 and S3 to be tossups. Both are great additions to a series I love, and have memorable characters and lots to do. I've ranted about the game enough, it's great and deserves every bit of praise it gets.
3. Valkyrie Profile 2- Close race between WA4 and VP2. VP2 has Lenneth fucking Valkyrie and most of C6's plot against it, WA4 has Gawn. Mmm. Yeah, Gawn somehow fails more. Both were pretty games with well done worlds and backrounds, great music, and battle systems I really enjoyed. But goddamn does C6 tempt me to lower it's score. Alicia exists though, and she easily outweighs Raquel in the character department.
4. Wild ARMs 4- Shut the fuck up, Gawn.
5. Disgaea 2- Below WA4 and VP2. Not by a lot.. but it is. Good game, good story, and I liked the combat. Very playable which is always nice.
6. Shadow Hearts 2- Couldn't get into this in spite of being better than SH1 on paper.Good game, didn't mind the challenge since SH combat isn't something I usually enjoy a ton.
7. Xenosaga 2- Mmm. What I'm left with are a lot of technically sound games that pissed me or flat out sucked in different ways. I'm putting XS2 on top. Why? Combat and story both had high points and a few really low points, but.. XS2 did a lot with how you present a story in terms of cutscenes/etc that was really groundbreaking. The way you accquire extra skills (GS system) was fucking stupid, and you really, really, really needed at least Steal and Inner Peace. The inability to access it for large parts of the game does impact gameplay and not in a good way. I have no idea why you'd put such restrictions on skills in such a combat heavy game with generally lengthy fights.
8. Radiata Stories- Entirely for Jack/Ridley and how well done the differences in the fairy and human path were. Good lord was the first half of this game a total wasteland. And this was with me almost entirely skipping recruitment. I don't like either character much, but they.. worked as a couple.
9. Wild ARMs 3
10. Shadow Hearts 3- Gets this high for Lady and Killer. The rest is worth skipping- I sure as hell don't remember or care to remember Shania or Johnny plot.
11. Xenosaga 1- It's not XS3 at least! Too much dead in this game- Shion's largely a waste and the story focuses too much on Jr/Albedo/MOMO, who were all terrible. Gameplay was good until Virgil..e h. Maybe I'm just being hard on the game, but it's really hard for me to give a lot of credit to XS as a series after the way it played out.
12. Grandia 3- I found the plot/characters to be insultingly bad, doubly so after G2 had so much that was good here. The game was stunning graphically but felt empty- so much more could and should have been done on the world. The villian cast is worthless top to bottom, the PC cast.. Miranda is okay but then has sex with Alonso, Yuki's flying stuff is painful, Alfina is stupid and her 'scenes' with Emelious were mind numbing. Ulf is my favorite PC, and he's Rapp-. If that's not a stunning indictment of the quality of the writing I don't know what is.

But sure. Story blah blah. Gameplay? It was well balanced outside of the SP system, randoms had plenty of challenge, bosses were good, and they gave you a cheap way out of the final bosses if you wanted to finish the game. (But not too cheap, you really limited in orb use). I didn't mind the rando system of learning skills, though G2's was probably better. What gets me is the SP system. In a game where your control over randoms boiled down to use of SP skills since magic was slow.. you're too limited there. Until Alfina gets Energy Drive and you get enough base SP to start using SP moves at the start of every battle, it's a constant resource war for SP. You have to pretty much perfect every battle to keep ahead of SP in general, or spend a lot of time hacking and slashing at enemies for enough SP for a Big Wheel or Whirlwind. This combined with enemies taking big durablity jumps at a few points lead to combat really slowing down and that sucked, since there was no quick way to get SP back otherwise. If savepoints restored SP.. mm, maybe. Storebought SP restoral items from the beginning likely would have improved the game a good deal for me, though it'd still be a heavily flawed title.
13. Tales of Symphonia- I have very little good to say about this title. Lloyd was okay to control but that's it. There's a reason I dropped this early in (Yeah, 20 hours in, fuck you ToS) to play Front Mission 4. Tales of the Abyss was such a marked improvement in every way here.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 08:02:34 PM by superaielman »
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2008, 06:05:20 PM » did I forget about BRPGE? It's 2 months past due by now. >_> Then again I don't have a mc list to base it off of now...

Ranking stuff that I haven't rated in RPG Ratings but feel comfortable giving an opinion on.


1. Final Fantasy 5 (Not a strong list. This rates at 8.5 and is all around a blast to play, though)
2. Chrono Trigger (This one's pretty good but entirely fluff)
3. Final Fantasy 6 (And now we sink. Below average but qualities keep it above everything else here)
4. Super Mario RPG (In...offensive filler kinda?)
5. Breath of Fire 2 (A few bright spots here)
6. Seiken Densetsu 3 (, and some bosses!)
7. Final Fantasy 4 (Argh. Has a few amusing things at least.)
8. Breath of Fire 1 (Now there's no amusement either.)
9. Tales of Phantasia (Really repetitive battle system + battles every 3 steps = PROFIT)
10. Secret of Mana (augh no. Hit detection of epic lose, vague and annoying, not even netplay saves it)

This list really sucked.

PSX Era (1 of 2):

1. Vagrant Story (Excellence.)
2. Final Fantasy 7 (Still love it. The total package here is much more than a sum of its parts. Only hurt by lack of challenge.)
3. Star Ocean 2 (Was my #1 game for a good while. Tremendously fun ARPG, and I loved the little touches on characters, IC, townspeople and whatnot.)
4. Breath of Fire 4 (Does nothing outstandingly well but doesn't trip anywhere either. Fun to play. Also Fou-Lu.)
5. Final Fantasy 8 (Fun to play despite its myriad flaws. Good enough.)
6. Final Fantasy Tactics (Technically solid but clunky and feels like too much of a chore at many points. JP gains fail, too.)
7. Wild ARMs 2 (Trailed off this for shinier things. Left an impression of an above average RPG though.)
8. Suikoden 1 (Very average.)
9. Brigandine (Boring. Technically solid, sure, but boring.)
10. Chrono Cross (Fail.)

PS2 era

A few short.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2008, 06:33:02 PM »

1.   Final Fantasy 6
2.   Chrono Trigger
3.   Phantasy Star 4
4.   Shining Force 2
5.   Final Fantasy 5
6.   Secret of Mana
7.   Super Mario RPG
8.   Lufia 2
9.   Tales of Phantasia
10.   Final Fantasy 4
11.   Earthbound
12.   Seiken Densetsu 3

The only one on that list that I actually consider bad is SD3. Everything else is varying shades of okay to awesome.

PSX Era (1 of 2):

1.   Final Fantasy Tactics
2.   Planescape Torment
3.   Vagrant Story
4.   Final Fantasy  7
5.   Star Ocean 2
6.   Breath of Fire 4
7.   Dragon Warrior 7
8.   Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete
9.   Wild ARMs 2
10.   Chrono Cross
11.   Legend of Dragoon
12.   Suikoden 1
13.   Brigandine
14.   Persona 1
15.   Final Fantasy 8

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1.   Shadow Hearts 2
2.   Wild ARMs 4
3.   Front Mission 4
4.   Valkyrie Profile 2
5.   Shadow Hearts 3
6.   Disgaea 2
7.   Wild ARMs 5
8.   Xenosaga 1

Once again, only the last entry is actively disliked. WA5 is pretty good.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 05:50:02 AM by Shale »
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2008, 07:35:29 PM »
1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Phantasy Star 4
4. Final Fantasy 4
5. Super Mario RPG
6. Earthbound
7. Tales of Phantasia
8. Lufia 2
9. Ogre Battle
10. Seiken Densetsu 3
11. Breath of Fire 2
12. Secret of Mana
13. Shining Force 2
14. Final Fantasy 5
15. Breath of Fire 1

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Star Ocean 2
3. Breath of Fire 4
4. Vagrant Story
5. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete
6. Brigandine
7. Final Fantasy 7
8. Chrono Cross
9. Wild ARMs 2
10. Suikoden 1
11. Final Fantasy 8

PS2 Era
1. Tales of Symphonia
2. Shadow Hearts 2
3. Wild Arms 4
4. Suikoden 3
5. Wild Arms 5
6. Valkyrie Profile 2
7. Radiata Stories
8. Wild ARMs 3
9. Kingdom Hearts
10. Xenosaga 1
11. Xenosaga 2
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 01:05:21 AM by Lance »

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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2008, 10:03:26 PM »
1. Ogre Battle- It and Tactics Ogre are the really freaking fun SPRG type things of the era. Nothing really comes that close to me. The battle system is just very RTS and very fun, but it feels like you have control over your units with the job classes and front/back stuff regardless. Also evil ending.
2. Phantasy Star 4- Dialogue is miles above most of the stuff of that era. Has the talk scenes if want them to develop characters, Macros for strategy, and the storytelling style with the panels is just awesome and more RPGs should do it.
3. Chrono Trigger- Solid fluff. Nothing about the game stick out as grossly bad, and it has some fun characters and an interesting tech combo system. I really like Magus, and the time travel stuff was done fine since no one took it seriously anyway (like SH2 ending). Also the setting was fabulous. The 2300 AD world really did feel desolate, and Zeal was just awesome. Also an awesome concept. Love.
4. Shining Force 2- Fun SRPG, I really enjoyed Odd Eye’s story and the art. Battle system was fun enough too.
5. Super Mario RPG- SMRPG is amusing and an easy to breeze through game due to its humor. Not a great game, but it’s fun enough.
6. Final Fantasy 5- Job classes are love. It would be above SMRPGif I was rating the GBA version with its ridiculous dialogue but this is specifically talking about the SNES version.
7. Final Fantasy 4- It’s a product of its era that doesn’t make a great showing versus the new generation, but that’s because it was more of a template that other RPGs improved on, whereas the ones that stand out more are the ones that having points that stick out. It’s definitely a game I still appreciate a lot though, but due to playing some of the more unique, stylish SNES games it doesn’t hold too well.
8. Breath of Fire 1- Battle system is fun enough, story is pretty terrible but it’s SNES era so eh.
9. Final Fantasy 6- Edgrrrr is awesome. The extreme monotony of twinking is not. Story is too disjointed for my taste, none of the characters feel remotely developed due to this. I could understand if it was not all one cohesive story ala Live a Live, but… Also party splitting is lame.
10. Lufia 2- First half of the game is decent, has some fun Dekar dialogue (as long as you don’t take it seriously, and shame on you if you do!). Second half is 1/10 material, horribly trite story and the monotony of the battle system starts wearing on you.
11. Seiken Densetsu 3- It’s a hack n’ slash ARPG, which is automatically bad. The characters are bad, the story is terrible, and the class system feels like guesswork to which one will actually be the most effective. Thank god for Meeple.
12. Breath of Fire 2- I don’t actually remember enough of this piece of shit to make any comments but after the tenth straight fetch quest I quit.


1. Final Fantasy Tactics- Is love. But you knew that. Great battle system, Delita!!!, nice story (outside of the chase for demonz), customization is love.
2. Brigandine- Jut fun hex action. It’s all battle system and the battle system is hot.
3. Breath of Fire 4- Fou-Lu + battle system + master system
4. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete- The rest are too dull to describe.
5. Wild ARMs 2
6. Final Fantasy 8
7. Suikoden 1
8. Star Ocean 2
9. Vagrant Story
10. Chrono Cross
11. Final Fantasy 7

PS2 Era

PS2 Era
1. Shadow Hearts 2- Yuri, Anastasia, and Joachim are very awesome characters, the game is nice looking, battles are fun, bosses are fun, and I really enjoyed the story.
2. Wild ARMs 4- Best battle system ever, quick-paced and action-packed game otherwise. Has snappy dialogue as well. Love the art too. I’ve began to appreciate fast games more and more, thus WA4 is above Suikoden III.
3. Suikoden 3- Trinity system wins. And so do the Knights. <3 Chris, Percival, etc. Battle system is definitely a step above other suikodens as well.
4. Grandia 3- Really fun and challenging battle system. It really gets going once the game stops having story scenes for a while.
5. Kingdom Hearts- Disney! And other such fun things. It’s decent enough at everything but doesn’t really excel in any particular area.
6. Xenosaga 2- Story scenes were pretty great, and the battle system is definitely the best in the series. However, this is a pretty dubious title… still a good game.
7. Valkyrie Profile 2- Has style! And valkyrie ownage. And a horrible skill system with the worst ending plot this side of Xenosaga 3.
8. Xenosaga 1- A story driven game with a weak PC cast? Not a good sign at all. Battle system isn’t winning it any points either.
9. Shadow Hearts 3- I played enough of this to know that Frank exists. And frankly, that’s quite enough for me.
10. Wild ARMs 3- Trite.I have DQ7-esque rants about it in my worddoc but I'll spare you.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 03:13:01 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2008, 03:01:24 AM »
I'm mostly just kneejerking these ratings, and as with anything like this my oppinions may change based on my mood. But for right now...


1. Final Fantasy 6 - Yeah, this at the top should surprise no one. Just all around one of the best things that generation put out.
2. Ogre Battle
3. Super Mario RPG
4. Secret of Mana
5. Earthbound - Funny is often one of the best things a game can have for me. EB has enough funny to let me overlook nearly all it's flaws.
6. Lufia 2
7. Phantasy Star 4 - Objectively better then...just about everything above it. Just not as fun, for some reason.
8. Chrono Trigger
9. Breath of Fire 2
10. Final Fantasy 5
11. Shining Force 2
12. Final Fantasy 4
13. Tales of Phantasia
14. Breath of Fire 1
15. 7th Saga - As much as I like this game at times...objectively it is not good. At all.
16. Seiken Densetsu 3

PSX Era (1 of 2:

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Suikoden 1
3. Final Fantasy 8
4. Chrono Cross
5. Breath of Fire 4
6. Star Ocean 2
7. Final Fantasy  7
9. Legend of Dragoon
10. Persona 1
11. Wild ARMs 2 - I like WA2, I really do. It just...loses my interest faster then the others here do. Took me a really long time to actually beat the game.

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1. Suikoden 3
2. Wild ARMs 4
3. Shadow Hearts 2
4. Radiata Stories
5. Grandia 3 - Played enough to rate it. And it's quite alot of fun and my abnormally high failure tolerance must be kicking in because so far the characters aren't making me want to gouge my eyes out or anything.
6. Kingdom Hearts
7. Xenosaga 1
8. Tales of Symphonia
9. Valkyrie Profile 2
10. Wild ARMs 3 - It might be #10, but from here up are all games I do like.
11. Wild ARMs 5 - While it's right below WA3 on the scale here...the gap between 10 and 11 to me is HUGE. WA5 is really hard to get into, while WA3 was just Long Game Is Long and had pacing issues.
12. Odin Sphere - Played enough of this to feel comfortable voting, and...the only reason it's higher then the two below is that it's prettier and has better music. Repetetive can work when what you're doing over and over and over and over is fun. When it's not...
13. Xenosaga 2 - Tried getting through this 3 times. The gameplay is damn near impossible to stomache for me, especially after XS1's, which I enjoyed.
14. Shadow Hearts 3 - Trash.
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2008, 08:03:46 PM »

1) Final Fantasy 6 - Best RPG to come out of this era pretty easily.
2) Super Mario RPG - Loved it, and only trails FF6 by a bit.
3) Ogre Battle - Also good stuff.  Still need to finish that replay.
4) Chrono Trigger - Pretty good, but not as good as the above.
5) Lufia 2 - I actually liked this game for some reason.
6) Phantasy Star 4 - Oddly good despite it being in this era.
7) Final Fantasy 5 - Averagish.
8) Secret of Mana - ARPG.  Liked it when I played it but doubt I could stand it now.
9) Final Fantasy 4 - Fails.
10) 7th Saga - Has some good ideas and is sometimes fun, but the overall package does fail.  Hard to hide that.
11) Breath of Fire 1 - Here we start getting into massive fail.
12) Earthbound - Above the two below it because it was funnier and less serious?  I dunno.  Still fails.
13) Breath of Fire 2 - Even worse fail.  Also lol translation.
14) Seiken Densetsu 3 - Does not deserve to exist.

PSX Era (1 of 2):

1) Final Fantasy Tactics - Is awesome.
2) Breath of Fire 4 - Also is awesome, fairly close to FFT.
3) Star Ocean 2 - More awesome, same tier as the above two.  Probably my most liked ARPG.
4) Vagrant Story - Good stuff overall, but felt like it missed something to keep it with the three games above.
5) Wild ARMs 2 - So I'm a fanboy of the series.  Sue me.
6) Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete - Overall good, I thought, but still lacking in some areas.
7) Planescape Torment - Good plot/storytelling, horrible gameplay.  Also didn't manage to keep my attention long enough to finish it.
8) Tales of Eternia - Liked it when I first played it, probably wouldn't like it much now.  Like most ARPGs.
9) Suikoden 1 - Mediocre.
10) Chrono Cross - I don't find this as bad as most people, but it's still not good.
11) Legend of Dragoon - Just below average in everything, really.
12) Final Fantasy 8 - ATB is getting old.  Spamming limits is fun though.  Also, characters needed to be more unique.
13) Final Fantasy  7 - Same as above without limit spam.
14) Persona 1 - Painful.  Only thing saving it is Ellen.

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1) Wild ARMs 4 - Best game ever?  Or at least damn close to it.  Gameplay makes it.  Also, Raquel hype.
2) Wild ARMs 3 - Is also amazingly awesome.  Just overall good in every way, something few games pull off.  Gameplay isn't as good as WA4 so it's below though.
3) Suikoden 3 - Same as WA3, mostly, just not as much.
4) Shadow Hearts 2 - Also good overall, probably S3 tier.
5) Wild ARMs 5 - Just a bit below the above.  Took some steps back in the series, but still good regardless.
6) Xenosaga 1 - I liked this one.
7) Disgaea 2 - I tend to like N1 games, this is no exception.
8) Kingdom Hearts - Guilty pleasure I guess?  Just somehow enjoyed it.
9) Shadow Hearts 3 - Good gameplay!  But incredibly boring characters.
10) Grandia 3 - Same as above, but some of the characters just sucked.
11) Valkyrie Profile 2 - Just above average.
12) Xenosaga 2 - I'm never sure where to put this.  It's probably VP2 tier?
13) Tales of Symphonia - Characters fail, gameplay fails, story fails.  Just all around fail.  And still better than...
14) Radiata Stories - oh god recruitment.  And there's nothing else trying to save it from this fate.  And still better than...
15) Odin Sphere - Terrible, terrible gameplay.  Plot and characters seem fine (Gwen is cool!), but that's not saving it right now.  The order between this and RS could change if I finish either of them, but right now this is how it goes.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 08:05:55 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2008, 08:34:36 PM »

1. Chrono Trigger
2. Super Mario RPG
3. Breath of Fire 1
4. Tales of Phantasia- In fairness, I played a later version, but... I don't think it would make a huge difference.
5. Phantasy Star 4- Anything after this point could probably switch internally easily with replay.  Except BoFII.
6. Lufia 2
7. Final Fantasy 5
8. Final Fantasy 6
9. Final Fantasy 4
10. Breath of Fire 2

PSX Era (1 of 2:

1. Final Fantasy  7
2. Final Fantasy Tactics
3. Vagrant Story
4. Chrono Cross- What?
5. Final Fantasy 8
6. Wild ARMs 2
7. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete
8. Suikoden 1
9. Legend of Dragoon
10. Breath of Fire 4
11. Star Ocean 2- From here down is... more just not my kinda games than bad.
12. Brigandine
13. Tales of Eternia

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1. Kingdom Hearts- You knew this was coming.
2. Suikoden 3- Argh.  I honestly don't know between Suikoden III and SH2, and never will.
2. Shadow Hearts 2
4. Valkyrie Profile 2
5. Disgaea 2
6. Tales of Symphonia- I dunno, it's a weird game that's very... relaxing and fun to watch.
7. Wild ARMs 5- I didn't expect this either.  Avril turned out that bloody awesome.
8. Wild ARMs 4
9. Shadow Hearts 3
10. Xenosaga 1
10. Xenosaga 2- Used to be much higher before the cosmic fuckup that was the third chapter.
12. Wild ARMs 3- OST <3
13. Grandia 3
14. Front Mission 4- Not really my kinda game.
15. Radiata Stories- Meh.
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2008, 02:35:50 AM »

1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Phantasy Star 4
3. Final Fantasy 4
4. Chrono Trigger
5. Lufia 2
6. Shining Force 2
7. Ogre Battle
8. Final Fantasy 5
9. Earthbound
10. Secret of Mana

PSX Era (1 of 2):

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Breath of Fire 4
3. Final Fantasy  7
4. Star Ocean 2
5. Vagrant Story
6. Suikoden 1
7. Wild ARMs 2
8. Chrono Cross
9. Final Fantasy 8
10. Persona 1
11. Dragon Warrior 7

PS2 Era (1 of 2):

1. Shadow Hearts 2
2. Suikoden 3
3. Wild ARMs 3
4. Odin Sphere
5. Xenosaga 1
6. Disgaea 2
7. Kingdom Hearts
8. Grandia 3
9. Tales of Symphonia
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2008, 02:46:26 AM »


1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Earthbound
3. Super Mario RPG
4. Chrono Trigger
5. Phantasy Star 4
6. Final Fantasy 5
7. Final Fantasy 4
8. Lufia 2
9. Tales of Phantasia
10. Breath of Fire II
11. Breath of Fire - BoFs probably wished I played them when we were still in the SNES era.

PSX Era (1 of 2:

I can list like 5 games here.

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1. Shadow Hearts 2
2. Wild ARMs 4
3. Disgaea 2
4. Xenosaga 2
5. Shadow Hearts 3
6. Wild ARMs 3
7. Tales of Symphonia
8. Xenosaga 1
9. Wild ARMs 5
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2008, 04:08:44 AM »

1. Final Fantasy 6 (this should surprise no one)
2. Phantasy Star 4 (very solid game all around)
3. Final Fantasy 5 (also very solid!)
4. Seiken Densetsu 3 (I played this game too damn much, so...yeah)
5. Chrono Trigger (a bit overrated, but still decent)
6. Tales of Phantasia (use to like a lot, but aged poorly...still decent)
7. Breath of Fire 1 (Nostalgia)
8. Super Mario RPG (starting to get shaky at this point!)
9. Ogre Battle (really shaky...)
10. Earthbound (hard to think...)
11. Breath of Fire 2 (I think the shakiness is over...)
12. Lufia 2 (ok, it is)
13. Final Fantasy 4 (Game that aged poorly and such.  Can't really see this game having much more barring "Good for its time")
14. Secret of Mana (was fun when I first played it but now its really...kind of...boring)
15. Shining Force 2 (utterly generic game with little going for it)
16. 7th Saga (The fact that I compared this to FF1 and found FF1 better in most areas says something...)

PSX Era:

1. Final Fantasy Tactics (Its FFT. That sums up why its #1 pretty much entirely <_<)
2. Breath of Fire 4 (takes the best traits of the previous 3 games and puts them all together.  Then adds in Fou-lu to sweeten the deal.)
3. Wild ARMs 2 (Why is this game so high? I can't tell you even if I tried to come up with a reason. Everyone has a game where you like it for reasons you can't explain, and WA2 is exactly that for me!)
4. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete (First game that I found myself laughing the entire way through, combined with being generally enjoyable otherwise.)
5. Final Fantasy  7 (like Chrono Trigger, its overrated, but still a decent game.)
6. Tales of Eternia (found this game a blast to play, even with its shaky plot and characters.)
7. Brigandine (Solid though not stand out game...yeah, this works)
8. Star Ocean 2 (Loved it at first, but now it just lost all its worth for me.  Doesn't mean I don't like it, just can't see this game being higher...)
9. Legend of Dragoon (found this enjoyable least, for this rank)
10. Chrono Cross (I actually kind of liked this game, sue me)
11. Suikoden 1 (Game that doesn't really have much going for it, besides that its short and doesn't really do anything wrong at the same time, and has a weird charm that makes it fun)
12. Final Fantasy 8 (The game...has its issues, but barring the existence of Rinoa, there are games with far worse ones)
13. Dragon Warrior 7 (like this 90 hour Fetch Quest which kicks you in the balls by setting up a potentially interesting plot aspect but instead goes the route of "oh, just kidding! The Villain was just cosplaying ^_^" (rather than pulling the whole "God = Evil, Devil = Good" thing to catch you off guard...I didn't say it was amazing potential, just that it had SOME.)  The Job System at its core wasn't awful, and added the maturity thing, but as FF2 shows us, unique and interesting ideas are not a good thing if they are done poorly, and seeing as DQ7 was just REUSING an old system, there was no excuse to not improve it a lot.  Fail DQ7.)
14. Persona 1 (and yet, I still found it more playable than this.  Persona 1 has FPD, which is one of the big reasons I DESPISE Phantasy Star 1 so much, its polish is worse than many early SNES RPGs, heck, even some NES ones, and the game is just damned ugly to boot.  Each fight is a yawn fest as its either "Cast Nuke(more), fight ends" or "Buff a lot to get around that Null/Absorb/Reflect Magic enemy, smite."  The only reason this game isn't the worst thing ever is cause it had a kind of interesting plot, for all that it was revealed in such a blech style with lots of broken up scenes, *AND* the worst part? You can miss a good part of it by screwing up one scene that's a considerable amount before (with lots of chances to save), and thus get a bad ending and miss the whole last few dungeons which contain half the game's plot.  FAIL PERSONA 1.)

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1. Shadow Hearts 2 (lots of tough choices, but I'm going with the game I actually gave 10/10 at one point as a tie breaker.)
2. Wild ARMs 3 (Great game in all regards really.  Flaws are few and minor, which just means its not a 10/10 game.)
3. Wild ARMs 4 (Yay PS2 WAs! Anyway, probably better gameplay than WA4, but losing in all other areas puts it below.  Yes, Gameplay is most important to me, but the quality of gameplay compared to the two isn't as big as it is in the other areas, so it adds up as being lower...if that makes sense)
4. Valkyrie Profile 2 (Not quite as good as VP1, but still a lot of fun.  Also Hrist <_<)
5. Suikoden 3 (Generally well done in most regards)
6. Tales of Symphonia (ToE+ for the most part...not that ToE is in this division)
7. Grandia 3 (Hey look! Grandia gameplay ACTUALLY PUT TO USE AND MADE DECENT! That combined with Xorn (<.<) allow me to overlook the rest of its failings.)
8. Wild ARMs 5 (tried to splice WA3 and WA4...didn't really end up the way you'd hope something like that would, sadly, for all that its not a bad game.)
9. Kingdom Hearts (SUBMIT!!!! Ok, seriously, its just a fun enough game with no real glaring, I didn't mind its "Camera issues."  Mind, it doesn't really have THAT much going for it either, hence why its not that high)
10. Xenosaga 2 (Similar to KH1, except less fun and better plot...losing trade, especially when you add Shion into the equation)
11. Shadow Hearts 3 (Feels like Grandia 3- in most regards, when I look at it.  Its cast is even comparable (For all that Hilda, Roger Bacon and the villains are somewhat better.)
12. Xenosaga 1 (Game was fun when I played it, but its not aged too well, despite being not THAT old...)
13. Odin Sphere (No, haven't finished this yet, but I did play a fair amount and going with Elfboy's reasoning and such.  ANYWAY, game is pretty and has nice scenes, but egads is the gameplay dull and repetitive to the point where it gets offensive.)
14. Radiata Stories (Hard choice between this and OS for the bottom but...when I thought about it, RS has like nothing going for it.  Worst implementation of the Tales/Star Ocean battle fact, it even took such massive steps back as to go to the ORIGINAL TALES OF PHANTASIA logic of "ONE CONTROLLABLE CHARACTER!"  The Fairy Arc isn't too bad but the human arc felt painful, subS5 recruitment, what have you.  Game's just a mesh of a hell of a lot of unique ideas done half-assedly (barring the path split, where the differences are shown well there! Pity the main difference is "one side is enjoyable while the other side isn't...BUT YOU GET BETTER PCS! IN A GAME THAT'S AS HARD AS GRANDIA 1!"), and not even having fun with Lenneth in the after game can offset all its issues.)

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2008, 05:22:41 AM »

1. Final Fantasy 6 - Owns in every way possible
2. Ogre Battle - Owns in every way sans being FF6
3. Final Fantasy 4 - Lack of freedom hurts vs FF6
4. Breath of Fire 1 - Just fun for some unexaplainable reason
5. Chrono Trigger - Same
                  BIG DROP
6. Lufia 2 - Solid
7. Super Mario RPG - Sollid
8. Breath of Fire 2 - Didn't make me happy like BoF1
                  BIG DROP
9. Earthbound - Fails
10. Final Fantasy 5 - But not as much as FF5
11. Secret of Mana - Or SoM which remember for shit
12. Seiken Densetsu 3 - This I remember not liking!
13. 7th Saga - This I remember hating

PSX Era (1 of 2:

1. Breath of Fire 4 - Above average... this group semi weak up top
2. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete
3. Star Ocean 2
4. Final Fantasy  7
5. Suikoden 1
6. Final Fantasy 8
               BIG DROP
7. Final Fantasy Tactics - Yes I actually didn't enjoy FFT
8. Legend of Dragoon
9. Chrono Cross

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

1. Disgaea 2 - PURE WIN
2. Wild ARMs 4 - Awesome, just not Disgaea awesome
3. Shadow Hearts 2 - This being 3 is harsh
4. Suikoden 3 - This being "average" is also harsh
5. Shadow Hearts 3 - Plot not great, plot not bad, characters decent enough
6. Xenosaga 1 - Hated finishing
7. Xenosaga 2 - Didn't bother playing more than hour or two
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 05:36:32 AM by Chapin »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2008, 09:30:35 PM »

1) Tales of Phantasia - Oh wow.  This is...tough.  Chrono Trigger and ToP are two of the best games for the SNES, and two of my favourites.  I...feel a better connection to ToP, though.  Just...I don't know.  For me, more nostalgic, as it was my first (or 2nd...I think 1st) SNES RPG (go emulation!) I played on emulators.  So...I've played it like 10000x times after.  Just fantastic.
2) Chrono Trigger - Fantastic game.  Good pacing, great backdrop for the story, fantastic music.  Just great in all categories, and NEW GAME+ is awesome. 
3) Phantasy Star 4 - Thank god this isn't 2, or I'd have real trouble choosing top game.  Overall good in all categories, and the cinema scenes and presentation were great.  Fast-paced, too. 
4) Lufia 2 - I feel like this should be rated higher.  It's a good game, with plenty of fun puzzles, a good bit of extra stuff, and a not horrid story.  Granted, glitches, and the story/characters could be a lot better.  Nonetheless, this was one of the big games I emulated on the SNES, so it's really, really dear to me.
5) Breath of Fire 2 - About 800000x better than its predecessor.  Just overall felt great, and was another of the big games I played on the emulator.
6) Shining Force 2 - Loved this on the Genesis.  For all that it has problems (glitches, a bit too linear), it's still fabulous.  Really got me into challenges and the like back in the day.
7) Final Fantasy 5 - Bleh.  Now we get into the apathetic pile.  I do like FF5, though part of this may be memories of Advance talking.  Nonetheless, I had fun smashing the game, even if it had plenty of issues otherwise.  Gilgamesh for the win, though.
8) Earthbound - Mmm...this next few could really be in any order.  Earthbound has a character named Poo, though, so instant win.
9) Secret of Mana - Yay for the Theatre?  I had lots of fun with this in most regards.  Good game, light-paced and hearted.  Eh, not amazing, but not awful.
10) Seiken Densetsu 3 - Feels...I don't know.  Incomplete?  So much of it just makes me yawn, despite the fact that I should like it more.  Still better than...
11) Final Fantasy 6 - Pretty average overall.  Can't ever get the desire to play it again, though hacking Easy Type has been fun.
12) Super Mario RPG - Bowser.  Owns...
13) Final Fantasy 4 - ...KAIN ANGST!
14) The 7th Saga - At least this game was fun to grind in at points.  Otherwise shittily programmed and stupid in nearly all regards.  But hey, kind of challenging?
15) Ogre Battle - Ok, this is harder than the top games!  The bottom games are so...bad.  OB at least had some good potential, even if the execution was shitastic sometimes.  And the art wasn't awful.  Lots of stuff to do, some ok thoughts for its time.  Eh...could be worse.
16) Breath of Fire 1 - Shit.  Just...lacks a lot of direction, ungodly slow, no...real driving reason to play the game.  Also really stupid random requirements for things.  Pathetically easy, too.  Powerlevelling is the only fun thing to do, and even that gets old faster than it should.  Sucky hell.

SNES is probably the best or 2nd best of this group?  The next one...

PSX Era (1 of 2):

1) Planescape Torment - Ok, the top few are good.  Planescape...yeah.  The writing and characterization is amazing, and so engrossing.  Just an amazing masterpiece.
2) Persona 1 - I love this game, which should be obvious. does have issues, which I've admitted to before.  Still much better than some of the shit here.
3) Brigandine - While it does slow down at points, and can get very boring and pathetic (and the horrible, the Bulnoil thing - it's good if you just take the war as face value).  Still fun, and SRPG awesome.
4) Star Ocean 2 - This and Brigandine...probably should swap?  Brig has fewer glitches, which puts it higher, I think.  Still good.
5) Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete - SSSC would pwn everything here, except possibly for PS:T.  Just still good overall.
6) Suikoden 1 - Quick, fun, and has great water colour portraits!  It's good, and is one of the better games in the series.
7) Tales of Eternia - Love the series, but not a huge fan of ToE.  Good, but felt slow and a bit boring through portions.
8) Final Fantasy 8 - A lot of the ones in this range are so close together...
9) Breath of Fire 4 - In fact, they could almost be switched in any order!
10) Final Fantasy  7 - See above.
11) Vagrant Story - VS especially.  I am never sure what I think of it.  Today I don't have a great love for it, so...
12) Chrono Cross - Not bad overall, actually.  Probably should be nearer FF7?  Eh.  Apathy.
13) Wild ARMs 2 - More apathy than normal.
14) Dragon Warrior 7 - Hey, I got my money's worth.  I...guess that's more positive.
15) Legend of Dragoon - Insane hype for what amounted to stale feces.  Bad in music, glitchy, bad writing...ugh.
16) Final Fantasy Tactics - I don't need to say much I haven't already said about this.

Yeah, way too much apathy in that huge middle section.  However, next ones are badass...

PS2 Era (1 of 2):
1) Shadow Hearts 2 - Holy hell.  These...I don't think any of these are below 8/10 except for the lowest ones?  Damn.  This is tough.  Anyway, I played SH2 in the course of 4 days during my busiest semester.  60+ hours.  I don't know how I did it, but damn if I didn't enjoy it.  Done replays, feel the game is just one of those games that's great all over.
2) Disgaea 2 - Wow.  Such a good fight for the top.  Anyway, I love Disgaea 2 to death, but if it had D1's characters...
3) Wild ARMs 4 - Combat owned, and the plot/story moved fine, if they were childish.  Damn, these are tough...
4) Grandia 3 - ALL LOVE MUST PERISH.  Just overall fun as hell.
5) Front Mission 4 - Mmm...this game surprised the hell out of me, and was a great sequel for the series.  Loved it, but it's up against some tough competition.
6) Xenosaga 2 - this.  Intriguing combat for the series, plus overall good story work and conclusion.
7) Odin Sphere - This is the only game I haven't fully completed yet (middle of Mercedes), but I really like it so far, and it would have to work hard to go lower.  It probably will be higher, but since I'm not done, I don't feel I can reasonably inflate it.
8) Shadow Hearts 3 - I...close between this and the next.  Actual challenge puts this ahead.
9) Wild ARMs 5 - Not bad, but...not as good as 4.  Or 1.  But better than the rest.  Yay middle ground!
10) Xenosaga 1 - Game's fallen a bit to me over time, but it's still good.
11) Kingdom Hearts - Damnit, I liked the game.  Seeing it at 12 is painful.  Still, flaws so...I can justify it?  I think?
12) Radiata Stories - Felt fun and light-hearted.  Some replayability too.  Good overall.
13) Tales of Symphonia - Opinion of this has gone down a lot.  It's still GOOD, but I think it might be ToE level?  Which...doesn't give it a huge chance against some of these games.
14) Valkyrie Profile 2 - I...Yeah.  I liked the story stuff in C6.  However...the combat was worse than the first, and the characterization...died.  Just felt like a letdown after a good start.
15) Wild ARMs 3 - Slow and generally boring as hell.  But music...
16) Suikoden 3 - Yuck.  Boring, slow, bleh.  It's like WA3 in that regard, except WA3 has good music.  That helps it an assload.  S3 is the worst of the series, and generally...awful.  Not something I liked, and a chore to play.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 02:18:04 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2008, 10:52:08 PM »
Ooh, neat idea.


Phantasy Star 4
Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Lufia 2
Ogre Battle (played the PSX version. I am under the impression that they are near-identical, but discount this vote if I am wrong.)
Final Fantasy 4
Shining Force 2
Breath of Fire 1
Final Fantasy 5 (okay, I didn't finish it, but I tried three times. That's good enough for me.)
Breath of Fire 2

PSX Era (1 of 2:

Final Fantasy Tactics
Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy  7
Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete
Star Ocean 2
Final Fantasy 8
Wild ARMs 2
Suikoden 1
Legend of Dragoon

PS2 Era (1 of 2)

Odin Sphere
Suikoden 3
Wild ARMs 3
Valkyrie Profile 2
Shadow Hearts 2
Wild ARMs 4
Wild ARMs 5
Disgaea 2
Xenosaga 2
Xenosaga 1
Shadow Hearts 3

Wow, tough competition in that last category. SH3 is the only one there that I genuinely dislike; only its position and that of OS were assured.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2008, 05:47:44 AM »

1) Final Fantasy 5: Quite a polarizing game, I'd admit, but I loved the job system balance here. Not completely breakable, and yet... >_>
2) Ogre Battle: Did something innovative. In the SNES era that's all it took for me.
3) Phantasy Star 4: Right, didn't have this in my ratings list either. Woo.
4) Final Fantasy 6: Replaying this on GBA gives me new appreciation for it, which is surprising.
5) Chrono Trigger: Solid game, but nothing greatly driving. Just... cute. Also, what the hell it's not in my RPG ratings list.
6) 7th Saga: It gets the honor of its Japanese form for this, else it'd be approaching last.
7) Lufia 2: Ancient Cave.
8) Earthbound: Chrono Trigger with a battle system I liked a bit less. Also, Twoson -> Paula arc. Screw that. Better endgame and intro part, though.
9) Breath of Fire 1: Smashable.
10) Seiken Densetsu 3: Eh.
11) Tales of Phantasia: Eh.
12) Super Mario RPG: Eh.
13) Secret of Mana
14) Breath of Fire 2
15) Shining Force 2: Gerhalt is the entirety of this. ...what, he was cool and better than the rest of the cast, shut up.
16) Final Fantasy 4: asdf

PSX Era (1 of 2):

1) Final Fantasy Tactics: No contest. Not in this group, at least.
2) Breath of Fire 4: I need to move this up in my rankings, I think. The more I get into my replay the more I enjoy it. There are times where it's eh, but overall solid.
3) Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete: Cute, linear, Jean and Ronfar both amuse me. Works.
4) Suikoden 1: Short. Cute. Somewhat amusing to play. Not without challenge if you don't know what's coming. Works. Also, Tir/Ted hype.
5) Dragon Warrior 7: After the first thirty hours it's actually pretty fucking damn awesome. The first thirty are mediocre with one FAAAAAAAAAAIL section.
6) Star Ocean 2: Disc 1 doesn't compensate fully for disc 2, but it does well enough. God did I hate Energy Need.
7) Wild ARMs 2
7) Chrono Cross: These two are tied. WA2 has stuff. CC has other stuff.
8) Tales of Eternia: Meredy hype.
9) Final Fantasy  7: Sure.
10) Persona 1: Killed by the dungeon setup.
11) Final Fantasy 8: Killed by the story.

PS2 Era (1 of 2):

1) Wild ARMs 4: Kickass.
2) Shadow Hearts 2: Sure.
3) Suikoden 3: This group is actually pretty damn solid, you-
4) Wild ARMs 3: ...right.
5) Front Mission 4: ...yeah.
6) Xenosaga 1: ...
7) Kingdom Hearts: Got to Alice stage, couldn't be bothered to go any further.
8) Shadow Hearts 3: PAIN.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2008, 09:35:39 PM »

1)Final Fantasy 6
2)Phantasy Star 4
3)Chrono Trigger
4)Super Mario RPG
5)Secret of Mana
6)Final Fantasy 4
7)Shining Force 2
8)Breath of Fire 1
9)Breath of Fire 2
10)Final Fantasy 5
11)7th Saga
12)Seiken Densetsu 3
13)Ogre Battle
14)Lufia 2

(Bet the bottom of this list draws all kinds of hate. Oh, well.)

PSX Era (1 of 2:
1)Star Ocean 2
2)Final Fantasy  7
3)Tales of Eternia (These days, I'd rather replay ToE than FFT. Dunno why.)
4)Final Fantasy Tactics
5)Final Fantasy 8
6)Suikoden 1
7)Chrono Cross
8)Wild ARMs 2

PS2 Era (1 of 2)
Can't vote. Gooooooooo Suikoden 3!


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2008, 02:32:31 AM »

1) Final Fantasy 6 - Probably the best of the era.  It has a good story which is decently told in the story half of the game, and the end of the world feeling in the second half works as you try to rally hope once more.  End with a decently strong finish, and you get this placement.

2) Chrono Trigger - Plays a lot like FF6, though with a fluffier story and characters that makes it more of a popcorn game.  And I tend to grade a well done serious game higher than a well done fluff game simply because it's harder to pull off the former well.

3) Phantasy Star 4 - A serious tone all around, without the same degree of customization the top two contenders had.  Sadly, the same game where they got the Phantasy Star system to finally work, and got everything working was also the last game.  But, if you have to go, what a way to go.

4) Final Fantasy 5 - A bit of a drop here.  FF5 is passable in plot and character, and relies entirely on gameplay.  Good thing it's pretty decent in that regard.  Nothing too special, but a fun diversion regardless.

5) Seiken Densetsu 3 - The beginning of the average titles.  Again, a best of series nod in a game that's somewhat fun, if not fun enough to grind through it three times to see all the plots.  Especially the random way you have to get your third class.

6) Final Fantasy 4 - This is...  sad.  FF4 is, as far as I'm concerned, the worst core FF.  Granted, it's a fairly good series, so this isn't saying too much, but it still shouldn't be halfway up the list.  Ah well...  bad battle system, a plot that is basically a rehash of a previous game that doesn't manage to be clearly better, and no real strong points.

7) Breath of Fire 1 - I don't know why it is, but there's only two BoF games I like all that much.  The menu system for the most part feels too stiff and tends to turn me off them.  And the first game definatly has this as its greatest flaw.  Aside from that, pretty good for its era, and a plot that was able to entice me to finish it.

8) Shining Force 2 - The game that wanted to be Fire Emblem.  I don't mean the series, I mean the game that started the series and lacking the polished added to its descendants.  Better than the original, but that's not a high accomplishment.

9) Breath of Fire 2 - See BoF1, but take away interesting plot with one that takes forever to show up, and is practically unintelligable through bad translation.

10) Secret of Mana - It's like SD3, but worse in every way.  Which I suppose is to be expected in a series.  That said, I have always been fond of the opening.

11) Ogre Battle - I've tried to like this game, just...  it's too slow paced.  Combined with getting vindictively punishing near the end after an already overly long game.

12) Earthbound - Somewhat quirky, the humour needs you to be in the right mindset, with the right tastes, in order to enjoy a game with nothing else going for it.  And, even if you do have all that, the humour dies out around halfway through, leaving you with nothing but a horrible shell of a game, and a need to beat it only to justify the time you've already spent to get that far.

13) Tales of Phantasia - I'm not a big fan of this style of combat.  Add in a seemingly pointless third arc after what felt like the right time to end the game and you get a low score.

14) Super Mario RPG - See Earthbound except not adding additional fail at the end, just less awesomeness.  Now, this isn't the sort of humour I'm inclined towards, and I like the controls even less.

15) Lufia 2 - The most generic game in existance.  Possibly the worst game, in the worst series, and hence, bottom of the list!

PSX Era, 1

1) Final Fantasy Tactics - Possibly best game ever?  Could be.  Either way, solid battle system and excellent story, and the remake doesn't hurt this.

2) Final Fantasy  7 - Good story that, oddly for an RPG, doesn't spell everything out like you need your hand held.  Battle system needs a lot of work, and Squenix is holding too fast to this world, but otherwise a very solid game.

3) Breath of Fire 4 - One of the two BoFs I like.  Battle system is good, menus don't clog everything down, and it's generally fun to play.

4) Brigandine - So high up because this is the sort of game I like.  Of course, the last two thirds of the game are a highly boring slog because no one on the map can touch you any more.  But it's good until you take down your first opponent.

5) Suikoden 1 - A nice solid game that doesn't fail anywhere except polish.  Honestly, a remake with good production values would be a sweet little game.

6) Vagrant Story - I'm never going to replay this, but I really did enjoy the one playthrough of this game I did do.  Just really fun with good presentation.

7) Final Fantasy 8 - I'll admit, I'm a lot more forgiving of this game than most folks are.  I just like it more than it's objective worth suggests it should be liked.  That said, this just means it's the best of the FF Trio of Fail, though a good jump ahead of the other two.

8) Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete - Oddly missing something that it's predecessor had.  Not entirely sure what, but it's not quite there.  That said, it's a solid sequel, and therefore deserving of a middling spot here.

9) Legend of Dragoon - A competant game with a plot that is befuddling and gameplay that's fairly easy so long as you don't screw up the timing.  Of course, if you ever put the game down for any length of time, good luck just picking up where you left off.

10) Chrono Cross - This game is the evil opposite of Chrono Trigger.  Where Chrono Trigger was good, this game is bad.  Notably, exchanging a light fluffy and oddly coherant plot with the most serious, angst filled, incomprehensable dramafest this side of, as well as preferring a large cast of one quirk meat puppets over a small cast of adoringly detailed cliches.  That said, if you can ignore the plot (denial: it's not just a river in Egypt!) all of its parts tend to be better together for something reasonably fun.

11) Star Ocean 2 - A mostly generic world is saved by mostly generic characters in a battle system that's not all that good.

12) Wild ARMs 2 - Incomprehensible plot backed up by Bablefish on the translation duties?  How can this fail!

13) Dragon Warrior 7 - Back in the day this was grouped in with Xenogears and Suikoden 3 as the games that are too damned long.  Of course, unlike those two, this game didn't feel like it needed more fleshing out.  No...  it needed either a complete repurposing, or a bloody good editor.  As an anthology of stories, it could have worked.  Of course, then you'd need gameplay worth having, and not tying everything to the same grinding system that hasn't been in vogue since the NES games.  Of course, since the battle system is effectively unchanged since the NES days, it's not like it really matters.  At least it looks like a SNES game.

14) Persona 1 - Why is this below Dragon Warrior 7?  Because even though DW7 is an overly long piece of tripe, it's at least playable.  I tried to play this, really I did.  But the stiffness of the menus, conversations, and, well...  movement, just made this unplayable.  No comments on battle as I didn't get that far.

PS2 Era, 1

1) Wild ARMs 4 - The plot is solid, and the gameplay is fun, but the real star here is the character interaction.  Sure, they're not all deep or angsty, but they bounce off each other great.  And it feels nice and refreshing to have a character whose not only full of youthful optimism, but youthful optimism that doesn't make me want to bash his head in with a shovel!

2) Suikoden 3 - Honestly, battle system is too stiff and animations take too long.  That's the only real flaw I've found in this game.  Well...  that, and I seem to have developed a pathological hatred of the Northern Cavern, but that's neither here nor there.  Otherwise, a top notch game that isn't quite as good as WA4.

3) Grandia 3 - I haven't gotten to the point where the plot fails utterly yet.  It's just failing normally.  That said, I've always loved the idea of the Grandia ATB system, and hated the fact that, well...  it wasn't needed.  The fact that it's not only needed here, but emphasized makes me a happy Canuck.

4) Kingdom Hearts - It's light fluff that you don't need to think about too hard.  Generally enjoyable with some definite style points.

5) Xenosaga 1 - The characters at their best, some neat NPCs/villains, and nothing too overblown yet, along with a nice simple battle system.  Sadly, the high point of the series.

6) Front Mission 4 - Only half-way through.  Not entirely sure why I stopped playing, but I did.  But I do intend to play this again sometime, and it may move then.

7) Wild ARMs 3 - I tried to play this, but I find it...  well...  the gameplay feels lackluster to me, along with the rest of it.  It is pretty, and the plot is enjoyable.  Just, playing feels more a chore than anything else.

8) Tales of Symphonia - A few neat ideas in the plot, followed by your traditional get the eight MacGuffins and Tales battle system.  Over all, not that notable.

9) Valkyrie Profile 2 - A system where what you need to do well is determined mostly by random drops?  Getting rid of the simplicity and uniqueness of cast that made it's predecessor so good in order to make a game populated by souless clones?  A story that seems to be the height of 'Why?'  And not the CC "What were the writers thinking" why, but a more general why is anyone doing any of this why.

10) Xenosaga 2 - Yay pretentiousness!  Yay complex and tediously slow battle system.  Yay world filled with witless idiots that can't do a single bloody thing for themselves!  Yay hiding the cool bits behind a necessity to get a specific item early on!  The only good thing about this game is Alpedo, with bonus points for the fact that he took it upon himself to answer a question immeadiatly after I asked it to the Elf.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 08:41:51 AM by Excal »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2008, 05:44:36 AM »
Oh, please number your lists. It makes them so much easier to count up.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED.
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2008, 12:50:16 AM »
Updating tomorrow.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...