Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits -
Keep both. I argued pretty hard to keep a token selection from this game before. For all that I support trimming large forgetable cast, I feel having a large variety of different games is a boon to the DL in terms of people seeing a game they know and remember. And if it's highly unlikely that people wouldn't know it, as AtL4 has fairly low playership, then just having 2 duelists from it isn't going to destroy interest. This is my general stance on ranking in general: High Game Selection, Low number of duelists per game.
Having small numbers of duelists from unpopular games is good, because that way we'll have less matches where people can't vote/don't know anyone, and these games won't even be capable of flooding. However, having a large number of different games is good - it increases the chances that someone's favorite obscure RPG has a representative, and generally one or two PCs is enough for someone who likes a game. And the only time I see our new people or our non-regular group is when they post their nom lists, so I think this is best solution for both keeping variety and increasing accessibility.
In addition, Darc and Kharg are some of our relatively-small number of non-human duelists, and it would be nice to see some of those species-weakness-hitting duelists have something to hit weakness on.
Brigandine -
Keep mains, abstain Cador. I notice that in the introduction here CK mentioned that we're trying to boot bad games, but as small as Brig's playership is, I feel it's a fairly solid RPG, and the -only- ranked game that I'd never heard of before I came to the DL. I played it -because- it was ranked, and I really enjoyed it. And because -I- was playing it (and leaving it open on my laptop in the communal dorms at college), a bunch of my roommates started playing it, too. Brig feels like the DL's mascot game, and booting 6 duelists when it has decent internal playership just seems like a waste. I wouldn't mind a smaller ranking, but we're already down to the mains+Cador. Also notable that we (suddenly) already have writeups for the whole ranked cast now, so all the work for them is done for the foreseeable future.
Legend of Legaia -
Keep all. There's only 4 duelists and at the very least Noa is a fun duelist and has fans. Songi and Gala are infamous enough. Only Vahn is boring, but he's the main and gets in maybe once in 20 seasons or something, so who cares?
Lufia and the Fortress of Doom -
Keep all. Performs well enough, not over-ranked.
Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Clearly still has fans and interest, so I don't mind if everything gets kept, but I support a little trimming.
Aisha - Boot.
Debonair - Keep.
Destin Faroda - Keep.
Endora - Keep.
Fenril - Keep.
Fogel - Keep.
Gares - Keep.
Norn - Boot.
Rashidi - Keep.
Rauny - Boot.
Saradin - Boot.
Slust - Keep.
Tristan Zenobia - Keep.
Yushis - Boot.
Phantasy Star -
Keep Alis,Myau. Boot Odin,Noah. Such a small rank, and I'd want to keep Alis at the least. Myau is also a personal favorite of mine and another of our uncommon non-human duelists. Also, one of our few(only?) ranked cats. I don't care about Odin one way or the other, and Noah could always be part of RuneAll.
Tales of Destiny -
Keep all. Performs well enough. Not great, but not a drain. Also, Tales games get re-released like Lunars, so eventually this will probably get another stateside release.
Tales of Eternia -
Keep Reid, Boot Max, Abstain rest. This one seems to draw less attention even in Japan, so I have less hope for it, but I don't want to see it completely gone, of course. A small rank is fine.
Vandal-Hearts -
Keep Ash, Boot rest. Another game I only played because of the DL. Ash is really the only interesting thing about the cast, duelling-wise. Also, we ranked a bunch of the cast, but somehow missed the mighty Grog Drinkwater! The game just felt lackluster as a whole, and I often forget it's even ranked, except for Ash.
Character Specific BootingsChrono Cross - The very definition of overranked in my opinion.
Doc - Boot. Boring, forgetable, plotless.
Draggy - Keep. Memorable, Non-human.
Funguy - Abstain. Memorable, Non-human, but too obscure.
Irenes - Keep. Memorable, Non-human, has plot, fairly interesting duelist for CC.
Janice - Boot. Non-human, but plotless and forgetable. Only notable dueling worth is the unique weapon, I think?
Korcha - Keep. As much as I hate him, Plot.
Leah - Boot.
Luccia - Boot.
Macha - Boot.
Mel - Boot.
Miki - Keep. Memorable, has fans, some plot, decent duelist.
Mojo - Boot. Memorable, Non-human, early-game.
Nio-Fio - Boot. Non-human... uhh... that's it. Kinda obscure and meh duelist.
Orcha - Boot. Boss form is stupid, plotless otherwise.
Orlha - Keep. Guess she has fans, but I don't think she's worth keeping.
Pip - Boot. Memorable (infamous at least), Non-human, variable typing makes him kinda interesting.
Poshul - Keep. Earlygame, Memorable!, Non-human.
Razzly - Keep. Same as above + Lots of plot.
Skelly - Keep. Undeads are so rare in the DL, the white mages need more punching bags.
Sneff - Boot. Go away forever, you worthless, plotless, infuriating, ugly, ....
Sprigg - Boot. Some plot, transforming could be interesting. EDIT: If we had any stats for it after 63 seasons...
Starky - Boot. I just hate him.
Steena - Boot. Plot, I guess. EDIT: But forgettable and redundant!
Turnip - Boot. Obscure, lategame, useless, but non-human
Van - Boot.
Zappa - Boot.
Pierre - Keep.
Guile - Keep.
Nikki - Keep.
Glenn - Keep. These four are all splitpath, but far more interesting/memorable than most of the cast of CC.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Whatever, it's FFT, the DL can support ranking generics from this from what I can tell.
Alma Beoulve - Keep.
Balk Fenzol - Boot
Celia - Boot
Izlude Tingel - Keep
Lede - Boot
Olan Durai - Boot
Rofel Wodring - Boot
Zalbag Beoulve - Keep
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword - Finally! I <3 FE7, but damn it was overranked with identical duelists.
Bartre - Boot
Canas - Keep. I don't think we have any other Dark Mages ranked from FE?
Dorcas - Boot
Erk - Keep!
Fiora - Keep!
Hawkeye - Boot
Heath - Boot
Isadora - Boot
Legault - Boot
Louise - Boot
Lowen - Boot
Nino - Boot
Priscilla - Boot
Rath - Boot
Raven - Keep
Rebecca - Keep
Renault - Boot
Vaida - Boot
Wil - Boot
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - FE8 wasn't nearly as bad, but I don't mind getting rid of a few of these guys.
Artur - Boot. Don't need another Lucius
Colm - Keep. Of course.
Cormag - Keep. We don't have that many Dragon Riders if we boot Vaida and Heath.
Duessel - Keep.
Forde - Boot.
Franz - Boot.
Garcia - Boot. We have FE9 Axe-users now.
Gerik - Keep. Memorable enough.
Innes - Keep. Plot.
L'Arachel - Keep!!!!!!!!!!!
Marisa - Boot. Fan-favorite. EDIT: But no plot and redundant with Joshua.
Neimi - Keep. Of course.
Rennac - Boot.
Saleh - Boot.
Keep. Only FE summoner, for all that it almost never matters. Like I ever used Saleh. I just remember that there were Summoners, I thought he was the only one you got?
Suikoden II - Not sure why this is on the chopping block but VP1 is ignored, but I'd be happy to trim both. Seriously though, this game is just as well-loved and popular, and equally overranked.
Amada - Boot
Anita - Boot
Chaco - Keep. Plot, non-human
Freed Yamamoto - Keep.
Gabocha - Boot.
Gengen - Keep. Forced, and I like dogs.
Gijimu - Keep
Karen - Boot
Kinnison - Boot
Koyu - Boot
Long Chan Chan - Boot
Lo Wen - Boot
Millie - Keep, Earlygame and memorable.
Mukumuku - Keep
Rikimaru - Boot
Shin - Boot
Shirou - Keep
Sid - Keep
Simone Verdricci - Boot
Tsai - Boot
Wakaba - Boot