Author Topic: Season 63 Bootings  (Read 14927 times)


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2011, 08:37:29 PM »
EDIT: Also, I thought the idea in having lots of different casts in was to motivate people to play different games. If we only have series in the DL that 100% of the people who vote could even vote on (as impossible as that would be to calculate in the first place) we'd barely have anything at all.

Ciato touched on this, but more explicitly; the games I put up for wholesale booting are all games that are considered bad or severely dated, and thus no one who hasn't already played them is likely to express interest in playing them now.  For example, I picked up the Genesis Collection on PS3, meaning I could actually play Phantasy Star 1 entirely legally.  I never will, because it sounds godawful.

Also keep in mind of course that this was sort of a spaghetti toss of a booting, because I knew from the outset that I didn't want to hunt down write-ins and whip people into changing their votes and the like (which have historically been the reason a lot of these games have never been booted, frankly, super didn't put them up and nobody wrote them in fast enough to get the ball rolling.)  So whenever I get around to voting, I'm actually going to suggest keeping a lot of stuff.  But, I did want to be even in how I judged boot-worthiness so to speak.
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2011, 10:26:46 PM »
Abstain on everything not explicitly mentioned below.

Legend of Legaia - Keep

Chrono Cross

Draggy - Keep
Korcha - Keep
Leah - Keep
Luccia - Keep
Miki - Keep
Orcha - Keep
Orlha - Keep
Pashul - Keep
Razzly - Keep
Sneff - Keep
Starky - Keep
Steena - Keep
Zappa - Keep

Pierre - Keep
Guile - Keep
Nikki - Keep
Glenn - Keep

Final Fantasy Tactics

Alma Beoulve
Balk Fenzol - Keep
Celia - Keep
Izlude Tingel - Keep
Lede - Keep
Olan Durai
Rofel Wodring - Keep
Zalbag Beoulve

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword

Erk - Keep
Louise - Keep
Priscilla - Keep

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Artur - Keep
Colm - Keep
L'Arachel - Keep


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2011, 11:25:16 PM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

Darc - Boot.
Kharg - Keep. Kharg is ever so slightly more interesting to me.


Cador - Keep.
Cai - Keep.
Dryst - Keep.
Lance - Keep.
Lyonesse - Keep.
Vaynard - Keep.
Zemeckis - Keep.

It's less a question of the characters than the game. I'd rather keep them in.

Legend of Legaia

Gala - Boot.
Noa - Boot.
Songi - Boot.
Vahn - Keep.

Vahn can stay as a token.

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom

Aguro - Keep.
Hero - Keep.
Jerin - Keep.
Lufia - Keep.

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen

Aisha - Boot.
Debonair - Keep.
Destin Faroda - Keep.
Endora - Boot.
Fenril - Keep.
Fogel - Keep.
Gares - Keep. Fighting him several times helps.
Norn - Boot.
Rashidi - Keep.
Rauny - Boot.
Saradin - Boot.
Slust - Keep.
Tristan Zenobia - Keep.
Yushis - Keep.

Tales of Destiny

Bruiser Khang - Boot.
Chelsea Torn - Keep.
Garr Kelvin - Keep.
Karyl Sheedan - Keep.
Leon Magnus - Keep.
Mary Argent - Keep.
Philia Felice - Keep.
Rutee Katrea - Keep.
Stahn Aileron - Keep.

Tales of Eternia

Farah Oersted - Keep.
Keele Ziebel - Keep.
Max - Keep.
Meredy - Keep.
Reid Herschel - Keep.


Ash Lambert - Keep.
Clint Picard - Boot.
Diego Renault - Boot.
Eleni Dunbar - Boot.
Huxley Hobbs - Boot
Kira Wulfstan - Boot.
Sara - Boot.

Character Specific Bootings- VITAL NOTE: I opted to be inclusive for these large casts.  Please read these lists carefully before voting: it's likely people you want to keep ranked are on the lists.

Chrono Cross

Boot 'em all.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Alma Beoulve - Boot.
Balk Fenzol - Boot.
Celia - Keep.
Izlude Tingel - Keep.
Lede - Keep.
Olan Durai - Keep.
Rofel Wodring - Keep.
Zalbag Beoulve - Keep.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword

Boot 'em all.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Boot 'em all.

Suikoden II

Amada - Keep.
Anita - Keep.
Chaco - Boot.
Freed Yamamoto - Boot.
Gabocha - Boot.
Gengen - Boot.
Gijimu - Keep.
Karen - Keep.
Kinnison - Keep.
Koyu - Boot.
Long Chan Chan - Keep.
Lo Wen - Keep.
Millie - Keep.
Mukumuku - Keep.
Rikimaru - Keep.
Shin - Keep.
Shirou - Keep.
Sid - Boot.
Simone Verdricci - Boot.
Tsai - Keep.
Wakaba - Keep.
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2011, 11:29:55 PM »




I would support tossing Legend of Legaia, but it has SONGI so it stays.

CC scrubs are fun.

Suikoden scrubs are fun. I soon rather boot Tengaar because she gets in every 3 seasons and RUINS MIDDLE.

Booting FE7/8 random people means no Rennac/Isadora/Renault, and WE CAN'T HAVE THAT.

Keep everyone from FFT because OK LOVES YOU. Seriously, it's FFT. You could probably get away ranking EVERYTHING from that game.

Keep ToD/ToE.

I don't really care about AtL4. I wouldn't miss it if it got booted but I wouldn't rage if one character got in every 3 seasons.

I haven't played Ogre Battle so I wouldn't care to see it and there's one or two duelers that always gets in and ruins a division but meh.

Lufia 1 should stay.


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2011, 02:54:07 AM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits - Keep both. I argued pretty hard to keep a token selection from this game before. For all that I support trimming large forgetable cast, I feel having a large variety of different games is a boon to the DL in terms of people seeing a game they know and remember. And if it's highly unlikely that people wouldn't know it, as AtL4 has fairly low playership, then just having 2 duelists from it isn't going to destroy interest. This is my general stance on ranking in general: High Game Selection, Low number of duelists per game.

Having small numbers of duelists from unpopular games is good, because that way we'll have less matches where people can't vote/don't know anyone, and these games won't even be capable of flooding. However, having a large number of different games is good - it increases the chances that someone's favorite obscure RPG has a representative, and generally one or two PCs is enough for someone who likes a game. And the only time I see our new people or our non-regular group is when they post their nom lists, so I think this is best solution for both keeping variety and increasing accessibility.

In addition, Darc and Kharg are some of our relatively-small number of non-human duelists, and it would be nice to see some of those species-weakness-hitting duelists have something to hit weakness on.

Brigandine - Keep mains, abstain Cador. I notice that in the introduction here CK mentioned that we're trying to boot bad games, but as small as Brig's playership is, I feel it's a fairly solid RPG, and the -only- ranked game that I'd never heard of before I came to the DL. I played it -because- it was ranked, and I really enjoyed it. And because -I- was playing it (and leaving it open on my laptop in the communal dorms at college), a bunch of my roommates started playing it, too. Brig feels like the DL's mascot game, and booting 6 duelists when it has decent internal playership just seems like a waste. I wouldn't mind a smaller ranking, but we're already down to the mains+Cador. Also notable that we (suddenly) already have writeups for the whole ranked cast now, so all the work for them is done for the foreseeable future.

Legend of Legaia - Keep all. There's only 4 duelists and at the very least Noa is a fun duelist and has fans. Songi and Gala are infamous enough. Only Vahn is boring, but he's the main and gets in maybe once in 20 seasons or something, so who cares?

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Keep all. Performs well enough, not over-ranked.

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Clearly still has fans and interest, so I don't mind if everything gets kept, but I support a little trimming.
Aisha - Boot.
Debonair - Keep.
Destin Faroda - Keep.
Endora - Keep.
Fenril - Keep.
Fogel - Keep.
Gares - Keep.
Norn - Boot.
Rashidi - Keep.
Rauny - Boot.
Saradin - Boot.
Slust - Keep.
Tristan Zenobia - Keep.
Yushis - Boot.

Phantasy Star - Keep Alis,Myau. Boot Odin,Noah. Such a small rank, and I'd want to keep Alis at the least. Myau is also a personal favorite of mine and another of our uncommon non-human duelists. Also, one of our few(only?) ranked cats. I don't care about Odin one way or the other, and Noah could always be part of RuneAll.

Tales of Destiny - Keep all. Performs well enough. Not great, but not a drain. Also, Tales games get re-released like Lunars, so eventually this will probably get another stateside release.

Tales of Eternia - Keep Reid, Boot Max, Abstain rest. This one seems to draw less attention even in Japan, so I have less hope for it, but I don't want to see it completely gone, of course. A small rank is fine.

Vandal-Hearts - Keep Ash, Boot rest. Another game I only played because of the DL. Ash is really the only interesting thing about the cast, duelling-wise. Also, we ranked a bunch of the cast, but somehow missed the mighty Grog Drinkwater! The game just felt lackluster as a whole, and I often forget it's even ranked, except for Ash.

Character Specific Bootings

Chrono Cross - The very definition of overranked in my opinion.

Doc - Boot. Boring, forgetable, plotless.
Draggy - Keep. Memorable, Non-human.
Funguy - Abstain. Memorable, Non-human, but too obscure.
Irenes - Keep. Memorable, Non-human, has plot, fairly interesting duelist for CC.
Janice - Boot. Non-human, but plotless and forgetable. Only notable dueling worth is the unique weapon, I think?
Korcha - Keep. As much as I hate him, Plot.
Leah - Boot.
Luccia - Boot.
Macha - Boot.
Mel - Boot.
Miki - Keep. Memorable, has fans, some plot, decent duelist.
Mojo - Boot. Memorable, Non-human, early-game.
Nio-Fio - Boot. Non-human... uhh... that's it. Kinda obscure and meh duelist.
Orcha - Boot. Boss form is stupid, plotless otherwise.
Orlha - Keep. Guess she has fans, but I don't think she's worth keeping.
Pip - Boot. Memorable (infamous at least), Non-human, variable typing makes him kinda interesting.
Poshul - Keep. Earlygame, Memorable!, Non-human.
Razzly - Keep. Same as above + Lots of plot.
Skelly - Keep. Undeads are so rare in the DL, the white mages need more punching bags.
Sneff - Boot. Go away forever, you worthless, plotless, infuriating, ugly, .... >:(
Sprigg - Boot. Some plot, transforming could be interesting. EDIT: If we had any stats for it after 63 seasons...
Starky - Boot. I just hate him.
Steena - Boot. Plot, I guess. EDIT: But forgettable and redundant!
Turnip - Boot. Obscure, lategame, useless, but non-human
Van - Boot.
Zappa - Boot.

Pierre - Keep.
Guile - Keep.
Nikki - Keep.
Glenn - Keep. These four are all splitpath, but far more interesting/memorable than most of the cast of CC.

Final Fantasy Tactics - Whatever, it's FFT, the DL can support ranking generics from this from what I can tell.

Alma Beoulve - Keep.
Balk Fenzol - Boot
Celia - Boot
Izlude Tingel - Keep
Lede - Boot
Olan Durai - Boot
Rofel Wodring - Boot
Zalbag Beoulve - Keep

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword - Finally! I <3 FE7, but damn it was overranked with identical duelists.

Bartre - Boot
Canas - Keep. I don't think we have any other Dark Mages ranked from FE?
Dorcas - Boot
Erk - Keep!
Fiora - Keep!
Hawkeye - Boot
Heath - Boot
Isadora - Boot
Legault - Boot
Louise - Boot
Lowen - Boot
Nino - Boot
Priscilla - Boot
Rath - Boot
Raven - Keep
Rebecca - Keep
Renault - Boot
Vaida - Boot
Wil - Boot

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - FE8 wasn't nearly as bad, but I don't mind getting rid of a few of these guys.

Artur - Boot. Don't need another Lucius
Colm - Keep. Of course.
Cormag - Keep. We don't have that many Dragon Riders if we boot Vaida and Heath.
Duessel - Keep.
Forde - Boot.
Franz - Boot.
Garcia - Boot. We have FE9 Axe-users now.
Gerik - Keep. Memorable enough.
Innes - Keep. Plot.
L'Arachel - Keep!!!!!!!!!!!
Marisa - Boot. Fan-favorite. EDIT: But no plot and redundant with Joshua.
Neimi - Keep. Of course.
Rennac - Boot.
Saleh - Boot. Keep. Only FE summoner, for all that it almost never matters. Like I ever used Saleh. I just remember that there were Summoners, I thought he was the only one you got?

Suikoden II - Not sure why this is on the chopping block but VP1 is ignored, but I'd be happy to trim both. Seriously though, this game is just as well-loved and popular, and equally overranked.

Amada - Boot
Anita - Boot
Chaco - Keep. Plot, non-human
Freed Yamamoto - Keep.
Gabocha - Boot.
Gengen - Keep. Forced, and I like dogs.
Gijimu - Keep
Karen - Boot
Kinnison - Boot
Koyu - Boot
Long Chan Chan - Boot
Lo Wen - Boot
Millie - Keep, Earlygame and memorable.
Mukumuku - Keep
Rikimaru - Boot
Shin - Boot
Shirou - Keep
Sid - Keep
Simone Verdricci - Boot
Tsai - Boot
Wakaba - Boot
« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 04:21:03 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2011, 03:08:38 AM »
Saleh doesn't summon, Djinni.  Just a generic pre-promoted Sage.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2011, 03:39:05 AM »
Djinn: honestly because VP1 characters are just infinitely more memorable than Suikoden II characters due to how recruitment works.  The fact that, honestly, a VP1 booting would be basically "the entire VP1 cast except maybe Mystina" (that is, everyone who didn't get a VP2 option) because everyone is right around the same in terms of skillset and plot worth didn't help, of course.

If it makes you feel better, I actually did ask and people said the same thing I kneejerked so.
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2011, 04:45:12 AM »
Saleh is Pent minus.
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2011, 05:14:02 AM »
Djinn: honestly because VP1 characters are just infinitely more memorable than Suikoden II characters due to how recruitment works.  The fact that, honestly, a VP1 booting would be basically "the entire VP1 cast except maybe Mystina" (that is, everyone who didn't get a VP2 option) because everyone is right around the same in terms of skillset and plot worth didn't help, of course.

If it makes you feel better, I actually did ask and people said the same thing I kneejerked so.

That's... yeah, I guess that's valid. Though I wouldn't be too unhappy with a Boot All VP1-only Einherjar except Jelanda, Lawfer, Lucian, Mystina deal. And maybe have room for some fan favorites like Badrach, Shiho, Yumei, Aelia. But dropping say... Suo, Grey, Kashell, Nanami, GANDAR... it just seems like it would cut out some of the filler.

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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2011, 06:51:11 AM »
"Please mention any edits" disclaimer goes in this topic as well.

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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2011, 06:00:23 PM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

Boot All.  Not a lot to say, pretty well the first game I thought of when it came to "games with no real DL future".  Pity, it's better than the rest of that series as a game.


Boot All.  You had a good run, Brig, but so goes.

Legend of Legaia

Keep All.  Shockingly!  This is like the most supported game in the topic.  Funny.  Anyway, I'll bow to that sort of support.

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom

Boot All.  I've played rather a lot of the DL at this point.  I never intend to play this game.  Get us a remake and we'll talk I guess.

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen

Boot All.  I want to go through and basically boot the lesser half of this cast, but I haven't played it.  But most of the cast has very little boot voting, so shouldn't screw anyone over with this.  If it's on the fence of booting someone noteworthy Ciato will probably kick me later >.>

Phantasy Star

Boot All.  See earlier post where I used PS1 as an example of a terrible game nobody would play anymore.

Tales of Destiny

Boot All.  Did'ja know ToD is like $75 online?  Me neither!

Tales of Eternia

Boot All.  We kinda already cut bone here I feel, so best to just get it out of the way.


Keep All.  Vandal-Hearts is mostly inoffensive, pretty good by year one PS1 standards even!  

Chrono Cross- Everyone I'm keeping will have some justification or other.

Doc- Boot
Draggy- Boot
Funguy- Boot
Irenes- Boot
Janice- Boot
Korcha- Boot
Leah- Boot
Luccia- Boot
Macha- Boot
Mel- Boot
Miki- Boot
Mojo- Boot
Nio-Fio- Boot
Orcha- Keep.  Two main reasons.  He's relatively memorable because of the whole 'hell's cook' thing, and because a red character with healing is pretty unique and cool as CC goes.
Orlha- Keep.  Orlha is just a subjective favorite for some reason.  She IS halfways memorable though.
Pip- Boot
Pashul- Boot
Razzly- Boot
Skelly- Boot
Sneff- Boot
Sprigg- Boot
Starky- Boot
Steena- Boot
Turnip- Boot
Van- Boot
Zappa- Boot

Pierre- Keep.  He's cool dammit.
Guile- Keep.  Because I'm voting to keep Pierre and Nikki, so objectively I can't not keep Guile.
Nikki- Keep.  He has a lot of side plots in the game, in addition to being the best Viper's Manor path anyway.
Glenn- Keep.  Unintuitive to get or no, he's memorably good.

Final Fantasy Tactics- For easier reading, comments on Keepers only.

Alma Beoulve- Keep.  Alma's ultimate haste-healer thing is pretty badass.
Balk Fenzol- Boot
Celia- Keep.  Unlike LSP, where Balk is NOT why you remember that map, Celia and Lede are why you remember rooftop.
Izlude Tingel- Boot
Lede- Keep.  As above.
Olan Durai- Keep.  Olan's badness just makes me smile.
Rofel Wodring- Boot
Zalbag Beoulve- Boot

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword

Bartre- Boot
Canas- Keep.  It's a pity he sucks, but he's actually the only dark mage in the SERIES we ranked.  Soo.
Dorcas- Boot
Erk- Keep.  Is VSM.
Fiora- Keep.  Peg knights are the awesomeness.
Hawkeye- Boot
Heath- Boot
Isadora- Boot
Legault- Boot
Louise- Keep.  Feels wrong to not have Louise with pent.
Lowen- Boot
Nino- Boot
Priscilla- Boot
Rath- Boot
Raven- Keep.  Raw sexiness.
Rebecca- Boot
Renault- Boot
Vaida- Boot
Wil- Boot

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Artur- Boot
Colm- Keep.  He and Neimi are among the best characters in the game.
Cormag- Boot
Duessel- Boot
Forde- Boot
Franz- Boot
Garcia- Boot
Gerik- Boot
Innes- Boot
L'Arachel- Keep.  Pretty memorable in her insanity.  Also I DID just vote to boot the other valkyrie.
Marisa- Boot
Neimi- Keep.  See Colm.
Rennac- Boot
Saleh- Boot

Suikoden II

Amada- Boot
Anita- Boot
Chaco- Boot
Freed Yamamoto- Boot
Gabocha- Boot
Gengen- Boot
Gijimu- Boot Rare case where I feel like the boot is weird.  Anyway, I'm into ranking sets together, and while Gijimu isn't bad, I don't think it justifies his compatriots.
Karen- Boot
Kinnison- Boot
Koyu- Boot
Long Chan Chan- Boot
Lo Wen- Boot
Millie- Boot
Mukumuku- Boot;_;
Rikimaru- Boot
Shin- Boot
Shirou- Keep.  Yeah, wolf eat early game.
Sid- Boot
Simone Verdricci- Boot
Tsai- Boot
Wakaba- Boot
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 06:02:39 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2011, 07:50:54 PM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits - Keep.

Brigandine - Boot.

Legend of Legaia - Keep.

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Abstain.

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Keep: Debonair, Endora, Fenril, Fogel. Abstain: Destin, Rashidi, Rauny, Tristan. Boot: Rest.

Phantasy Star - Boot

Tales of Destiny - Keep

Tales of Eternia - Boot

Vandal-Hearts - Keep: Ash. Boot: Rest.

Chrono Cross - Keep: Draggy, Miki, Orlha, Skelly, Steena, Nikki, Glenn. Boot: rest.

Final Fantasy Tactics - Boot: Olan, Zalbag. Keep: Rest.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword - Keep: Canas, Erk, Fiora, Louise, Raven. Boot: Rest. 

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - Keep: Artur, Colm, Gerik, Innes, L'Arachel, Neimi. Boot: Rest

Suikoden II - Keep: Freed, Gijimu, Shirou...Long Chan Chan & Wakaba(what, I like them~). Boot: Rest.

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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2011, 08:54:09 PM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits - Abstain

Brigandine - Keep.  At most I could be convinced on booting Cador but eh.

Legend of Legaia - Keep

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Keep

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Abstain

Phantasy Star - Abstain

Tales of Destiny - Keep

Tales of Eternia - Abstain

Vandal-Hearts - Boot all but Ash.

Chrono Cross

Doc - Keep
Draggy - Boot
Funguy - Boot
Irenes - K...eep?
Janice - BOOT
Korcha - Keep
Leah - Boot
Luccia - Boot
Macha - Keep
Mel - B...oot?
Miki - K...eep?
Mojo - Boot
Nio-Fio - Boot
Orcha - Keep
Orlha - Keep
Pip - Boot
Pashul - Keep and it's spelled Poshul <_<
Razzly - Keep
Skelly - Boot
Sneff - B...oot?
Sprigg - Boot
Starky - Keep
Steena - Keep
Turnip - Boot
Van - Boot
Zappa - Boot
Pierre - Keep
Guile - Keep
Nikki - Keep
Glenn - Keep

Final Fantasy Tactics

Alma Beoulve - Keep
Balk Fenzol - Keep
Celia - Boot, whoo Lede with half as much damage
Izlude Tingel - Boot
Lede - Keep
Olan Durai - Boot
Rofel Wodring - Keep
Zalbag Beoulve - Boot

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword

Bartre - Boot
Canas - Keep
Dorcas - Boot
Erk - Keep
Fiora - Keep
Hawkeye - Keep
Heath - Boot
Isadora - Boot
Legault - Boot
Louise - Boot
Lowen - Boot
Nino - Boot
Priscilla - Keep
Rath - Keep
Raven - Keep
Rebecca - Keep
Renault - Keep
Vaida - Boot
Wil - Boot

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Artur - Keep
Colm - Keep
Cormag - Boot
Duessel - Boot
Forde - Boot
Franz - Keep
Garcia - Keep
Gerik - Keep
Innes - Keep
L'Arachel - Keep
Marisa - Boot
Neimi - Keep
Rennac - Keep
Saleh - Boot

Suikoden II

Amada - Boot
Anita - Boot
Chaco - Boot
Freed Yamamoto - Keep
Gabocha - Boot
Gengen - Boot
Gijimu - Keep
Karen - Boot
Kinnison - Boot
Koyu - Boot
Long Chan Chan - Boot
Lo Wen - Boot
Millie - Boot
Mukumuku - Keep
Rikimaru - Boot
Shin - Boot
Shirou - Keep
Sid - Boot
Simone Verdricci - Boot
Tsai - Boot
Wakaba - Boot


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2011, 09:20:09 PM »
Having been notified that there was a port of OB on the PSX I have toggled my vote for it to Keep, and also my vote for PS1 to Keep as this reminded me that there was a port of it on the GBA.


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2011, 09:22:20 PM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits - Keep it
Brigandine - Keep.  
Legend of Legaia - Keep
Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Keep
Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Keep
Phantasy Star - Keep, this just had a remake like last damned year.  That makes it one of the more modern ranks we have
Tales of Destiny - Keep
Tales of Eternia - Keep
Vandal-Hearts - Keep.
Keep CC
Keep all FFT.  Seriously?  You are even discussing booting something from FFT?  Pretty much the most universally praised and one of the more highly replayed game in the DL?  You what?
Keep all FE7 and FE8.  You bitches made your beds on this one, you can lie in it (also no realy need to remove them).
Keep Suikoden 2
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2011, 09:27:18 PM »
2003.  Never left japan.  Doesn't count.
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2011, 09:39:45 PM »
Alright then, it was rereleased on many systems 2 years ago

Still making it one of the more modern ranks we have.

Edit - Also noting that these packs are progressively being ported to PC as well.  They aren't there yet for PS though.  Things like Shining Force 1 and 2 just recently hit Steam though.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 09:41:17 PM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2011, 09:49:50 PM »
I'm aware.  I have that collection.  it's also on the virtual console.  Doesn't resolve the issue of being a bad game nobody would willingly play now, although it's probably worth mentioning for Twil at least.

Actually, I'm not sure why you're using PS1 as your cutoff Twil?  My knowledge of PSN isn't up to date since I can't access it, but not all those games are on it (LoL, ToD, ToE, and Brig I very much doubt are available, althogh I think Vandal-Hearts might be.  Someone who can check may feel free to correct me), and consequently they are considerably harder to get hold of than the older games, which are all on the VC.  As noted, Phantasy Star is additionally part of several Sega compilations, including the aforementioned Ultimate Genesis.
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2011, 01:17:24 AM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits: Boot.  There's no reason this game should exist anymore.  We let it stay alive barely this long, it hasn't gotten better etc.

Brigandine: Keep.  It has some write up history in the DL and stands as that "bar" which shows "if you're below this, you suck."  yeah, bad objective reasoning, but that's what I feel.

Legend of Legaia: Keep. I want to boot this game, but don't think I can find a realistic argument without being hypocritical.

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom: Keep.  Game isn't quite as bad, on vote draw, as you'd expect I wanna say, and its a small rank anyway.

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen: Boot anyone with a generic Class, keep the unique characters (so the Dragoons, Tristan, Destin, and Debonair.)  Boot Endora, keep Gares and Rashidi.

Phantasy Star: Keep.  Don't really have an argument for this one, and things like Odin's LEGENDARY HERO STATUS OF MOCKERY is something I feel that's DL history that needs to be kept.

Tales of Destiny: Abstain.  Borderline thing hurts brain or something.

Tales of Eternia: Boot.  This, meanwhile, has been a consistent failure in the DL.

Vandal-Hearts: Boot, outside of Ash, who I will Abstain on.  Boring cast, and all that, Ash aside.

Chrono Cross

Doc: Boot.  Split path PC who isn't very popular.
Draggy: Abstain.  I like him shut up, and having Game best speed counts for something.
Funguy: Boot.  epitome of a random CC character who serves no purpose whatsoever.
Irenes: Keep.  I thought she was required, and I remember her well enough.
Janice: Boot One of the more obscure, easy to miss PCs in the game who you're likely never to use.
Korcha: Boot  See Doc really.
Leah: Keep.  Believe she's a required recruit, which counts for something, and having game best physical stats in a game like this has to mean SOMETHING.
Luccia: Boot.  ...yeah, just another "kind of there, who gives a shit" PC.
Macha: Boot].  See Korcha
Mel: Boot Hey look, the entire family deserves a booting, yay!
Miki: Boot.  Optional and probably not used by many people.
Mojo: Abstain.  Easy to get early game and memorable design and all that...but I'm not sure that's enough of an argument.
Nio-Fio: Boot.  Oh look, easy to miss PC no one is going to use, yay!
Orcha: Boot.  Another random PC.
Orlha: Boot.  She's like Leah except optional which makes the difference.
Pip: Boot  Yeah, the Interp issues, we'll go with that.
Poshul: Keep Under the impression most get her cause of how she's the first recruit in the game, and is even required on some pathes.  That's enough for me.
Razzly: Abstain.  I can't justify keeping her, but part of me feels just wrong booting her.
Skelly: Boot.  Not easy to get PC who joins late and it seems a lot of people don't use him.
Sneff: Keep.  yeah, his fail is legendary enough to keep or something!
Sprigg: Boot.  Required, but she's basically Gau without any of what Gau fun and...uh, yeah, screw her.
Starky: Keep.  Required PC, and he's a cute little alien!
Steena: Boot Required but unmemorable, whoo?
Turnip: Boot.  The epitome of exactly what should NOT be ranked from this game.
Van: Boot.  Yeah, not gonna bother explaining this one cause I can't, just kneejerk.
Zappa: Keep.  The fact that he's required for Rainbow Gear makes me think he should be kept on principle.

Pierre: Keep.  He's amusing enough fail to keep.
Guile: Boot.  Not amusnig enough to offset the split pathness.
Nikki: Boot.  See Guile.
Glenn: Keep.  One of the few remotely stand out PCs in the game, and some go out of their way to insure they recruit him despite split pathness.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Alma Beoulve: Boot.  I have nothing against her, but the arguments we save by getting rid of her are probably worth it.
Balk Fenzol: Boot.  Near plotless boss in that he's only relevant for the two fights you face him; he's exactly what should NOT be ranked and only was cause carry over + FFT = Free Pass.
Celia: Boot.  I feel with the Assassins, its boot both or keep both...and while interesting duelers, don't think they have the plot to justify staying.
Izlude Tingel: Boot.  Not a very interesting dueler, and plot relevance is kind of shakey...yeah.
Lede: Boot.  See Celia.
Olan Durai: Boot.  ONe shot Guest who doesn't translate into the DL...yeah no.
Rofel Wodring: Keep.  You fight him multiple times, and he's memorable enough as a personalitiless henchman of Vormav.
Zalbag Beoulve: Boot.  Yeah, see Olan.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword

Bartre: Keep.  I feel we only need one Warrior, and the fact that Bartre ends up remotely decent and is in FE6 makes me favor him!  He also is better write up bait.
Dorcas: Boot.  Explained in Bartre, more or less.
Erk: Boot.  I know people like him, but he's redundant with Pent, and Pent has actual plot relevance and generally the better character.
Fiora: Boot.  Don't feel any reason to have her ranked with Florina around, as its redundant.
Hawkeye: Keep.  Feels wrong to boot him, can't explain why.
Heath: Keep.  One Wyvern should be in the game, lets go with the one gotten early and does NOT have a super plot form bullshit.
Isadora: Boot.  We don't need anymore Scrub Paladins.
Legault: Boot.  Yeah, with Matthew, he's really not needed for the DL.
Louise: Keep.  Feels wrong to get rid of her but not Pent; she's even got a semblance of plot!
Lowen: Boot. Not as scrubby as ISadora, but the point stands.
Nino: Boot.  PLOT RELEVANCE...but her own syndrome more than overrides that.
Priscilla: Keep.  She's got a unique class among the PCs, that's gotta be worth SOMETHING.
Rath: Keep.  See Priscilla.
Raven: Keep.  One of the best and most used PCs in the game, getting rid of him feels wrong.
Rebecca: Abstain.  Not sure how I feel on this one.
Renault": Boot.  Late game useless combat PC whose mostly a running joke whose plot relevance is 100% from SUPPORTS YOU WON'T SEE IN GAME! ...fuck that shit.
Vaida: Boot.  Late game PC most probably don't use with a bullshit plot form.
Wil: Boot  Generic archer who is forgettable the instant Rebecca joins, whoo!

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Artur: Keep Kneejerk.
Colm: Keep. Ranks high up there for "Most used PCs in FE8" I'm sure.
Cormag: Keep  A mild sense of plot and a potentially unique class counts for something, maybe?
Duessel: Boot.  Worthless Fire Emblem Scrub.
Forde: Boot.  Generic forgettable Cavalier.
Franz: Keep.  People actually use him unlike the other Cavs.
Garcia: Boot.  Him being in but Ross not always struck me as WEIRD.
Gerik: Keep.  Another "Used by most players" character.
Innes: Keep  Actual plot relevance!
L'Arachel: Keep.  Important enough, unique (starting) class, memorable, etc. 
Marisa: Boot.  Feels wrong, but with Josh ranked, there's really no justification for her.
Neimi: Keep.  Yeah, goes with Colm really.
Rennac: Keep.  Was gonna boot him til I remembered he's tied to L'Arachel, which...yeah, that's enough.
Saleh: Boot.  Oh look, its a pre-promo Sage NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT.

Suikoden II

Amada: Boot.  Random Suikoden Fighter = yawn.
Anita: Keep.  Falcon Rune is cool.
Chaco: Keep Remote sense of plot, yay!
Freed Yamamoto: Keep.  See Chaco.
Gabocha: Boot.  WHY IS HE HERE!??!?
Gengen: Boot.  People use him after that forced sequence? News to me!
Gijimu: Keep.  Actually interesting Suikoden Fighter, that means a lot in a cast like this.
Karen: Boot.  I don't even know who she is and I got all 108 stars.
Kinnison: Boot.  Though, I support keeping his dog, he himself is worthless.
Koyu: Boot.  See Karen, really.
Long Chan Chan: Boot.  Filler Suikoden Character and all that.
Lo Wen: Keep.  Eh, she has a Water Rune and some plot, I think, so that's worth something.
Millie: Boot.  Bonaparte is interesting or something...but not enough.
Mukumuku: Boot.  Try as I might to think of a way to defend him...I can't.
Rikimaru: Boot.  Yeah, no to generic fighters.
Shin: Keep.  Actual plot and he's got a Rune that shows use in the DL; that's worth something.
Shiro: Keep.  Should be kept on grounds of being the single best Suikoden Monster PC IN THE ENTIRE SERIES. 
Sid: Boot.  Unlike Juan, he's forgettable.
Simone Verdricci: Abstain.  Suiko Narcissist = Meep has No Clue What to Do.
Tsai: Boot.  Who cares/10.
Wakaba: Boot.  Pretty definitive of a Suiko-scrub.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2011, 01:54:15 AM »
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits: Boot, game generates more dislike than enthusiasm, sadly.

Brigandine: Keep. Abstain on Cador.

Legend of Legaia: Keep. It's a classic PSX RPG, a small rank, and Songi/Noa are well liked.

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom: Keep? These bastards could use new art though. Pretty sure we can get that because they just rereleased the game...

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen: Basically booting who I don't remember.

Aisha: Boot
Debonair: Keep
Destin Faroda: Keep
Endora: Keep
Fenril: Keep
Fogel: Keep
Gares: Boot
Norn: Boot
Rashidi: Keep
Rauny: Boot
Saradin: Boot
Slust: Keep
Tristan Zenobia: Keep
Yushis: Boot

Phantasy Star: Boot. I never played it and don't intend to. I'm being selfish.

Tales of Destiny: Keep. Abstain on Bruiser the optional "I'm too good!" guy.

Tales of Eternia: Keep Farah, Reid, and Max. Boot Keele and Meredy as I'm still not sure what the hell people do with them...

Vandal-Hearts: Keep the three who are basically leads, boot the rest.

Ash Lambert: Keep
Clint Picard: Boot
Diego Renault: Keep
Eleni Dunbar: Keep
Huxley Hobbs: Boot
Kira Wulfstan: Boot
Sara: Boot

Character Specific Bootings- VITAL NOTE: I opted to be inclusive for these large casts.  Please read these lists carefully before voting: it's likely people you want to keep ranked are on the lists.

I'm copying Meep in some regards from here.

Chrono Cross

Doc: Boot.  Split path PC who isn't very popular.
Draggy: Keep.  I like him shut up, and having Game best speed counts for something.
Funguy: Boot.  epitome of a random CC character who serves no purpose whatsoever.
Irenes: Keep.  I thought she was required, and I remember her well enough.
Janice: Boot One of the more obscure, easy to miss PCs in the game who you're likely never to use.
Korcha: Boot  See Doc really.
Leah: Keep.  Ayla redux and required and significant on stats.
Luccia: Boot.  ...yeah, just another "kind of there, who gives a shit" PC.
Macha: Boot].  See Korcha
Mel: Boot Hey look, the entire family deserves a booting, yay!
Miki: Boot.  Optional and probably not used by many people.
Mojo: Abstain.  Easy to get early game and memorable design and all that...but I'm not sure that's enough of an argument.
Nio-Fio: Boot.  Oh look, easy to miss PC no one is going to use, yay!
Orcha: Boot.  Another random PC.
Orlha: Boot.  She's like Leah except optional which makes the difference.
Pip: Boot  Yeah, the Interp issues, we'll go with that.
Poshul: Keep Under the impression most get her cause of how she's the first recruit in the game, and is even required on some pathes.  That's enough for me.
Razzly: Abstain.  I can't justify keeping her, but part of me feels just wrong booting her.
Skelly: Boot.  Not easy to get PC who joins late and it seems a lot of people don't use him.
Sneff: Boot.  yeah, his fail is legendary enough to keep or something! Except not.
Sprigg: Boot.  Required, but she's basically Gau without any of what Gau fun and...uh, yeah, screw her.
Starky: Keep.  Required PC, and he's a cute little alien!
Steena: Boot Required but unmemorable, whoo?
Turnip: Boot.  The epitome of exactly what should NOT be ranked from this game.
Van: Boot.  Yeah, not gonna bother explaining this one cause I can't, just kneejerk.
Zappa: Keep.  The fact that he's required for Rainbow Gear makes me think he should be kept on principle.

Pierre: Keep.  He's amusing enough fail to keep.
Guile: Boot.  Not amusnig enough to offset the split pathness.
Nikki: Boot.  See Guile.
Glenn: Keep.  One of the few remotely stand out PCs in the game, and some go out of their way to insure they recruit him despite split pathness.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Alma Beoulve: Boot.  I have nothing against her, but the arguments we save by getting rid of her are probably worth it.
Balk Fenzol: Boot.  Near plotless boss in that he's only relevant for the two fights you face him; he's exactly what should NOT be ranked and only was cause carry over + FFT = Free Pass.
Celia: Boot. 
Izlude Tingel: Boot.  Not a very interesting dueler, and plot relevance is kind of shakey...yeah.
Lede: Keep. She's the better Assasin may as well let her stick around.
Olan Durai: Boot.  ONe shot Guest who doesn't translate into the DL...yeah no.
Rofel Wodring: Keep.  You fight him multiple times, and he's memorable enough as a personalitiless henchman of Vormav.
Zalbag Beoulve: Boot.  Yeah, see Olan.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword

Bartre: Boot. Rather boring.
Dorcas: Boot.  Explained in Bartre, more or less.
Erk: Keep. Erk is a fairly well-liked guy (/fanboyism)
Fiora: Boot.  Don't feel any reason to have her ranked with Florina around, as its redundant.
Hawkeye: Boot. Just some random guy no one cares about.
Heath: Boot. Nobody cares about Heath.
Isadora: Boot.  We don't need anymore Scrub Paladins.
Legault: Boot.  Yeah, with Matthew, he's really not needed for the DL.
Louise: Keep.  Feels wrong to get rid of her but not Pent; she's even got a semblance of plot!
Lowen: Boot. Not as scrubby as ISadora, but the point stands.
Nino: Boot.  PLOT RELEVANCE...but her own syndrome more than overrides that.
Priscilla: Keep.  She's got a unique class among the PCs, that's gotta be worth SOMETHING.
Rath: Keep.  See Priscilla.
Raven: Keep.  One of the best and most used PCs in the game, getting rid of him feels wrong.
Rebecca: Keep.  This is just personal preference.
Renault": Boot.  Late game useless combat PC whose mostly a running joke whose plot relevance is 100% from SUPPORTS YOU WON'T SEE IN GAME! ...fuck that shit.
Vaida: Boot.  Late game PC most probably don't use with a bullshit plot form.
Wil: Boot  Generic archer who is forgettable the instant Rebecca joins, whoo!

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Artur: Keep Kneejerk.
Colm: Keep. Ranks high up there for "Most used PCs in FE8" I'm sure.
Cormag: Keep  A mild sense of plot and a potentially unique class counts for something, maybe?
Duessel: Boot.  Worthless Fire Emblem Scrub.
Forde: Boot.  Generic forgettable Cavalier.
Franz: Keep.  People actually use him unlike the other Cavs.
Garcia: Boot.  Him being in but Ross not always struck me as WEIRD.
Gerik: Keep.  Another "Used by most players" character.
Innes: Keep  Actual plot relevance!
L'Arachel: Keep.  Important enough, unique (starting) class, memorable, etc.
Marisa: Keep. She's pretty significant for DL history and is prettier than Josh.
Neimi: Keep.  Yeah, goes with Colm really.
Rennac: Keep.  Was gonna boot him til I remembered he's tied to L'Arachel, which...yeah, that's enough.
Saleh: Boot.  Oh look, its a pre-promo Sage NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT.

Suikoden II

Amada: Boot.  Random Suikoden Fighter = yawn.
Anita: Keep.  Falcon Rune is cool.
Chaco: Keep Remote sense of plot, yay!
Freed Yamamoto: Keep.  See Chaco.
Gabocha: Boot.  WHY IS HE HERE!??!?
Gengen: Boot.  People use him after that forced sequence? News to me!
Gijimu: Keep.  Actually interesting Suikoden Fighter, that means a lot in a cast like this.
Karen: Boot.  I don't even know who she is and I got all 108 stars.
Kinnison: Boot.  Though, I support keeping his dog, he himself is worthless.
Koyu: Boot.  See Karen, really.
Long Chan Chan: Boot.  Filler Suikoden Character and all that.
Lo Wen: Keep.  Eh, she has a Water Rune and some plot, I think, so that's worth something.
Millie: Keep.  Bonaparte is interesting.
Mukumuku: Boot.  Try as I might to think of a way to defend him...I can't.
Rikimaru: Boot.  Yeah, no to generic fighters.
Shin: Keep.  Actual plot and he's got a Rune that shows use in the DL; that's worth something.
Shiro: Keep.  Should be kept on grounds of being the single best Suikoden Monster PC IN THE ENTIRE SERIES.
Sid: Boot.  Unlike Juan, he's forgettable.
Simone Verdricci: Abstain.  Suiko Narcissist = Meep has No Clue What to Do And Pyro Just Doesn't Give a Damn.
Tsai: Boot.  Who cares/10.
Wakaba: Keep. Cute!

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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2011, 02:31:57 AM »
I am now switching all my CC, FE, and S2 abstentions to boots, to offset the keep-all votes there. I can understand the mentality of keeping things like ToE ranked, for all that I don't agree with it. But saying the DL will suffer if we boot a Suikoden or CC character that hardly anyone cares about and just makes seasons less fun when they are inevitably nommed with the reasoning of "hey this guy's been out since season 20"? C'mon. No, the DL does not need Gabocha vs. Sid.

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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2011, 03:32:06 AM »
People like random characters for random reasons. Leaving the keep alls aside, there are plenty of individual votes that keep one random scrub and not the other, for lots of different reasons, chief among them people actually liking the characters. That, to me, has always been one of the DL's main strengths and I enjoy seeing different faces, though I'll admit for people who are around a while it could get old.

I don't think blaming the way people nom things helps either. It does contribute to what you might think is a problem, but... people enjoy the DL in different ways. I'll grant that people would probably just nom other things that are not booted that haven't been in for a while, but I don't think it's really necessary to make that happen.

Plus, we'll still have scrubs. It'll just now be the same scrubs more often.

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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2011, 03:55:50 AM »
there are plenty of individual votes that keep one random scrub and not the other, for lots of different reasons, chief among them people actually liking the characters.

And these votes are wonderful and to be encouraged. I mean, I randomly like Skelly, and I'm happy to see that my vote (plus anyone I may have influenced) is keeping him away from the boot line. This is cool; this is what this process is supposed to do. Duellers with fans don't go because... it fundamentally takes very little effort to keep them in.

A large number of keep-all votes will simply mean that nothing gets booted, so we don't get to weed out these duellers who lack fans.

Having less scrubs (defined as a dueller who nobody cares about, for this paragraph) around does mean scrubs get in less often. This is pretty much statistical fact; if we get rid of 50 duellers who haven't been in for 20 seasons, then the "nom duellers who haven't been in for 20 seasons" nods will have a higher probability of going towards duellers who are cared about. Pretty simple, really.

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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2011, 09:05:04 AM »
it's also on the virtual console.  Doesn't resolve the issue of being a bad game nobody would willingly play now, although it's probably worth mentioning for Twil at least.

I don't count Virtual Console as I believe (without any evidence one way of the other...) that the majority of the use it gets is people buying games they've already played. Cannot really speak for PSN/anything else.

Actually, I'm not sure why you're using PS1 as your cutoff Twil?

Because that was what I decided would be the cutoff aways back. You would really have to ask past!me what my reasonings were at this point. I can say that there has been plenty remade/ported from SNES/earlier but not so much from PS1/later, and on the one hand in theory the games which have been ported/remade are presumably worth keeping (yet considering this includes PS1 and OB...) and on the other hand shifting the cutoff past PS1 means voting for FF7 and so on to be bulk booted (of course this would require that they ever came up for bulk booting in the first place).


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Re: Season 63 Bootings
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2011, 10:27:51 AM »
Say what you will about the quality of PS1 or the usability of VC or PSN, the fact is that this is a game that people can go pick up for like $5 in cash money, compared to like what most of our PS2 catalogue which is reliant on the whims of the second hand market.  What is easier for someone to go pick up, PS1 or Digital Devil Saga? 

The keep alls are there for a reason, a huge portion of this list may be statistically sound to axe, but you are talking about off handedly axing characters that have been in the league for 63 seasons.  Why are we axing them now?  I agree a clean up is probably a good idea, but some random season number is a bad time to be doing this.  Ideally I would be saying leave this pile as it is and just hit the giant reset button in 7 or 12 seasons time, but I question the ability for us to retain what votership we have left with a total roster reset.

Cleaning out the roster is good, but there is a time and place for it and it could sure as shit do with a little more forethought than we have here.  Not hating on CK here, he has done a good job with the list here, but anything that has FFT on the list there in the DL is a bit of a stretch in my not even remotely humble opinion.

You can argue that the fans should be speaking up to keep these characters.  The fans already did speak up though, when we were ranking.  You remember we ranked these things for a reason yeah?  Lets take an example that I am going to not be called out for bias with, Bartre.  We are talking about booting Bartre because he is boring, where he is one of the plot PCs from the character arc that gives characters the most development in FE7 where they won't permadie so can have more dialogue.  He was ranked for a reason.  People liked Bartre.  He has more plot than Dorcas.  He is slightly inferior or something, but people liked him and got him in.  You remember how much work we put into ranking FE7 and 8?  We combed over and argued that shit out like 2 or 3 times each. 

People also don't get involved in booting.  People don't like it, it involves way more politicking than ranking does.  More casual fans are inclined to pop in and do stuff with ranking because you know it is partly more fun at least in preliminary stages.  Importantly we announce ranking to the wider audience.  We are not here.  This is the people actively involved in the regular day to day politicks of the DL passing sweeping judgement on our entire roster.

What we are doing here isn't booting or pruning a roster, it is straight up taking a meat cleaver to it, ripping out seasons worth of ranking and argument and discussion and more casual fan feedback.  I agree that yeah if people actually want to sit down and plan this out (which again as a majour proponent for booting was something I always insisted was done) instead of just doing it because hey we always used to do it and we stopped, why did we stop that again?  Okay dudes get your boot on okgo.

Your statistical argument is a good argument Elf, it is certainly a good reason in favour of getting a bit of a clean up here, but as much as we will argue and math out matches and as much as we are not having as strong a focus on it with writer fatigue and shifting to more generic writeups, there is still more to the DL that just raw math mashing together.  If that is all there was to the site then List tournament would be king.

Time and a place and more importantly a way to do things and here we are certainly not doing the characters or the outer circle of fans proper justice.  Pick a momentus occasion to do it and plan it more carefully and let people know about it.

Edit - Some formatting fixes to differentiate two different arguments.

Edit 2 - So yeah I mixed up Dorcas and Bartre, shows what the fuck I know about FE as well.  Point still stands.  People ranked him for more reasons than because he was there and they loved FE7 so much that they wanted 8 carbon copies of shit ranked.  Edit 3 - I know this because that was the reason I gave to not rank these shits in the first place.

Edit 4 - Wallowing in my own bullshit here.  Missed the forest for the trees.

Seriously, you guys are looking at booting main bosses from FFT?  What the fucking fuck.  Half these things are carry overs from BCB.  We have more than 63 seasons worth of history there.  If people haven't got their granny panties out of a knot and worked out how they interpret Blood Suck and Alma I don't even know what the hell is going on.  The big times we booted stuff for interpretation headaches was for massive tier shifts and straight up confusing and unrepresentative mechanics.  You know, pretty much it was Necron and like just Necron.  It got brought up a few other times (Lezard), but never stuck because it was tenuous at best.  Blood suck does not even come close to a boss getting a quarter speed and losing half its skillset.  YOU ARE TALKINGA BOUT BOOTING BALK.  A RECURRING BOSS. IN FFT.  THE REASON HALF YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER.  You know probably the most successful component we have had in the sight for ages with LFT.  What the fucking fuck is going on here.  This shit is insane.  Meat cleaver is barely even touching on what this is.  It is arbitrary booting for the sake of booting almost.  Holy fuck.

You know how many games we booted on average most times before?  Like stuff from 4 or 5 damned games.  We are doing almost three times that.  Gods fucking dammit are you trying to make up for lost time?  By booting DL staples here?  Lets boot Palmer cause no one likes Palmer guys.  He is worthless and a scrub and doesn't have any interesting matches.

This disgusts me.  It was even worse than I first thought the more I read it the less faith I have in this process.

Edit 5 - Note where I say you guys are seriously booting FFT bosses, I noted that you know they were on the list.  I didn't seriously think people would be voting for them.  I skipped past FFT, because haha, the DL wouldn't boot prominent plot characters from FFT.  That would be crazy.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 11:11:09 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.