Team Dhyer | Ness, Cielo, Nina1, Raja, Seifer (Status Symbol)
[Floor 4: Midgame]
Team Dhyer vs. Kyra, Raja and Gryz - statused. Kyra takes some time to go down, but is otherwise good.
Team Dhyer vs. Palom, Porom, Cid and Yang - Status Symbol takes care of the worst of what these guys can do in theory. Low Yang respect in general, and lol palom and porom durability.
Team Dhyer vs. Albel, Roger Huxley and Peppita - None of them can revive, but Peppita gets some pretty nasty damage in. Or heal. She gets taken out first. Status Symbol FTW here.
Team Dhyer vs. Gandar, Belenus, Lawfer and Shiho - I'll buy Dhyer's argument.
Team Dhyer vs. Worker 8, FFT Cloud and Reis - Okay...Cloud's potential status is blocked, fortunately, which leaves this a slugfest. If Cloud wants to try anything meaty, he's honestly going to get slammed during chargetime. Cielo is relegated to healer/status as FFT equips are easily arranged to screw lightning, and Ness can't really do much magically himself to W8. But on the plus side, everyone's pretty much stuck as ST, and there is no shortage of healers. I'm going to wager a guess that Dhyer's team can pull it through easily.
Team Nitori | KOSMOS, Arc, Sasarai, White Wizard and Marisa
[Floor 2b: Earlygame]
Team Nitori vs. FFT Red Chocobo, Black Chocobo and Yellow Chocobo - Red Choco tries to meteor Marisa. Black ends up biting it before he moves, and then Red goes down. Yellow is mocked.
Team Nitori vs. Razzly, Turnip, Funguy and Neo-Fio - ...uh, lol CC?
Team Nitori vs. Erk and Serra - Serra goes asplode. Then Erk goes asplode.
Team Nitori vs. Spar, Frog and Bo - ...healers that have mediocre healing, decent durability, mediocre damage, and no revival. And if I remember correctly, Spar has the wrong statbuffs anyway.
Team Nitori vs. Rude, Reno and Lete River Ultros - This...can get nasty. No fire and I don't quite know how well Sas' healing is so far. Abstain for now.
Team Miata | Lenneth, Aika, Alicia, Kevin (Firefly) Strago
Team Miata vs. Hrist, Big Joe and Gorudo - BIG JOE!!!111one
Team Miata vs. Rand, Cecil and Duran -This would take a while...except that I remember that Strago has Aqua Rake, which just so happens to be an obscure element and fairly decent early on. Kevin eats the first few hits, Lenneth MRs one of the others and starts her beatdown.
Team Miata vs. Blissey, Axem Green, Sharanda (LoD) and Lucius - Healers. For the most part, this is a rather 'bleh' match. They might eventually pummel Strago with staffwhacks. Might.
Team Miata vs. Milon Z and Kainazzo - We once resort to Lenneth and Kevin Beatdown. Milon Z sucks horribly and only has the semblance of physical durability due to Darkness spoiling the only one with an actually competent physical.
*Full Heal
Team Miata vs. Laggy Fantasy Tactics Queklain - Queklain eats it to physical beatdown from hell, the way I see it. Might Reinforce is possibly involved. At least, that's what I'm buying for now.