It looks like a pretty interesting team. I think the first thing that leaps out at me is that you only have one reviver before Cecil learns Raise (he learns it at level 40, so no sooner than Floor 5, I'd say). Your team is definitely hard to take down, but Zalmo's healing is mostly (all?) ST, so the team might have trouble keeping up with MT magic. Granted, between the characters you've got, I think most of them have some way of reducing elemental damage, so that helps. Also, I think Status Symbol Law is actually a pretty good choice of Sealstone for a potential stall team like yours, because status tends to be one thing that even strong teams can get muffled with (ohai Yang and Edward!), and SSL guarantees you don't have to deal with it. Your team is so durable they can handle the 10% drop.
Personally, I would aim for another reviver. Eiko isn't exactly durable, but Eiko's Carbuncle grants not only MT Reflect, but also MT Protect (although, equipped with the right jewel, it can also grant Haste and Vanish). She also brings good MT magic damage and MT healing to the table, and FF9 equips give her a bevy of elemental resists, as we know. Cecil's damage is okay, but it's not great, his revival is late, and I don't think you need Cover when you've already got someone like Snow. He's pretty strong in the early floors, but you've got Citan to help you through those. Cecil just feels sort of expendable. I would replace Cecil w/ Eiko, and that also gives you an extra 0.5 of wiggle room, if there's anything else you thing you could improve/change.
On another note, does anyone think Miakis might be pricy for a 4.0? She's definitely got great versatility, but she's limited by Suikoden charges, like most Suikoden characters, and some of the really sexy runes and combos only start showing up on Floor 5~. I don't think she's a gamebreaker the way some of the other 4.0s are, but I can't recall seeing Miakis in the Dungeon, so I might not be giving her as much credit as she deserves, but I think she might be better as a 3.5. She feels overshadowed by other 4.0s, but I don't think she overshadows the 3.5s.