Alright, I'm considering making a team for this... It'd probably be bloody awful, but that's what you get with a first try.
Before that, though...
Firstly, any chance of the Wiki/first post being edited? I'm guessing the Wiki's right, in which case, could the character list from the first post go? Not a big deal, but a little confusing.
Secondly, Sealstones being added to the Wiki?
And lastly, a couple of questions on the Speed? sealstone... Just to clarify, that description means that, if a character would normally move last, they now move first and vice-versa, right?
Also, is that every fight or floor? (Assuming fight, but best to make sure.)
Edit: Another question... Love Love Sealstone - how does that work on Pokemon? Does the player choose a gender for the Pokemon that have genders? What about ones that don't?
Edits again: Okay, I'll just give away what I was thinking and ask - is it possible to have Ditto without the Speed Powder?
Edit: (I'll stop this eventually, honest.) Just to make sure I understand Cloud right... Is it each floor, you master the previous Materia AND get a new one? Or is it OR get a new one?