Author Topic: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1  (Read 38027 times)


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Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« on: March 10, 2008, 10:33:38 PM »
Once, there was a town. And there were many people in this town, and they all had their strange little quirks, but they accepted one another, and it was good. There was peace and harmony and goodwill towards mankind and all that.

But then Little Timmy fell down the well. He called out, "Help! I was pushed down the well!"

But all the rope in town had been stolen.

All the ladders had been broken.

All the 10-ft poles were snapped.

Such a concentrated effort could only be the work of an organized group. What's worse, they'll likely strike again! All that can be done now is to throw more people down the well, and wait until Timmy says that all the people who pushed him are now down there with him.

Unfortunate, those strange little quirks everyone has were going to make discussion difficult...


- No editing your posts.
- No talking outside the thread unless your role specifically states that you may.
- No posting during game nights.
- No spectator posts. Period.
- Don't directly quote your role PM.
- There may or may not be third parties with seperate win conditions from scum or town.
- There will be no extensions.
- LYLO and potential LYLO will be announced.
- There are roles in this game, but this is a closed setup.
- There may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that change the rules of the game and things like that.
- Town must lynch. If there is a deadlock at deadline, the hatbot shall decide. You've been fairly warned.
- Scum must kill each night.
- People may or may not already possess information on other people's roles.
- No two restrictions are exactly the same.
- Breaking your post restriction will get you modkilled. Don't break your post restriction.
- You can usually ##Vote or ##Unvote freely, as long as you don't post any *other* content, unless specifically noted in your PM. (Most people got told this already, but I got asked for clarification once, so here it is again.)
- Day 1 will be 48 hours, future days will last 72 hours.


1. OblivionKnight
4. Corwin
5. Excal
7. LadyDoor
12. Yakumo
13. AndrewRogue
15. Tonfa


10. SirAlex, aka Elmer Fudd, struck down by Lightning of God. (TOWN, CONDITIONAL SUPERINVENTOR)
2. HunterSopko, aka The Polyglot, thrown into the well during the day. (TOWN, VANILLA)
11. Otter, aka The Demotivator, killed at night. (TOWN, VANILLA)
3. Shale, aka Captain PLanet, struck down by Lightning of God. (TOWN, VANILLA)
9. Smodge13, aka The Salesman, thrown into the well during the day. (TOWN, VANILLA)
8. VerySlightlyMad, aka The Poet, killed at night. (TOWN, VANILLA)
14. EvilTom, aka The Man With Two Heads, thrown into the well during the day. (TOWN, VANILLA)
6. El Cideon, aka The Mute, killed at night. (TOWN, COP)

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

48 hours remaining.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 01:27:53 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 10:45:59 PM »

Let's get this Day 1 party started, am I right?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2008, 10:53:50 PM »
Pushing people into wells is a terrible crime! Not only could Timmy have been badly hurt or even killed, but his body would have polluted our town's water supply! Water is our most precious resource, and we shouldn't waste it on something as petty as murder.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 11:22:19 PM »
Shh!  Be vewy, vewy quiet.  I'm hunting scum.  It's LadyDoow season!  Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe!
##Vote: Lady

Okay, that's the jokevote phase ovew and done with.  Now on to sewious.
I pwopose that we all mass woleclaim.  wight now.  Sewiously.

No, I don't mean claiming post westwictions.  People will pwobably do that anyway, but it's of lessew impowtance.  I'm talking about actual game woles, cop/doc/vig/etc etc.  It is cleaw fwom how wat has talked about this game that it is vewy wole-heavy.  Thewe awe quite possibly no vanillas at all.  Look back at pwevious wole madness setups hewe, and on othew sites, and it should become cleaw that in such a setup, a day 1 mass claim would almost always lead to an inevitable town victowy. 

Most town woles awe able to pwove themselves if the whole setup is known, and the scum will be left up a cweek as town lynches the most suspicious claims one by one and pwessuwes the west fow pwoof.  If nothing else it will let us skip the fiwst day ow two whewe evewyone pwetends that this isn't wole madness and twies to play 'nowmally,' aka lets scum buy a couple easy mislynches.   

Yes, mods often say "mass claim will only huwt town."  In hindsight, they awe wwong.  FFT?  Would have been won by massclaim.  Phoenix Wwight?  WAS won by massclaim.  Suikoden?  Was won (pwobably) by mass claim stawting.  WoT?  Would have been much mowe winnable with eawly massclaim.  Tsukihime?  Squeaked out by massclaim and could have been won fastew if the claims had come eawliew.  Discwowld?  Winnable with massclaim given the numbew of cops town had.  Touhou?  Could have been won by massclaim pwetty easily.  VtM?  Day 1 massclaim effectively happened, and won.  I'm suwe thewe awe mowe setups I don't wemembew/didn't look closely ovew. 

I think it is undeniable that mass claim will wowk and win the game fow town, and I want to nip wole madness setups in the bud.  I will begin with fully claiming my own wole as soon as a lynch majowity of people agwee to massclaim.  (It'd be wathew stupid to do so befowehand.) 

As a show of good faith, though, pawtial claim:  I am an obvious Looney Tunes chawactew.  I am wequiwed to hunt scum evewy day, so don't take it too pewsonally.  I gain night powews cumulatively with the numbew of times people say the names of Looney Tunes chawactews.  The maximum level is 40, so if someone could copy/paste the name of a Looney Tunes chawactew 40 times in a post I'd appweciate it. 

I'll be out most of tonight but should be back late.  I hope to see massclaim happening when I wetuwn!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2008, 11:48:19 PM »
That's...a pretty compelling case, when I think about it. Specifically, every role-heavy game where town has massclaimed was won by town. However, I'm kind of curious as to where you get "it's clear that this game is very role-heavy;" the only thing I've seen Rat say on the subject was "There'll be some actual roles as well," in the signup topic.

And remember, always hunt in moderation, and only during designated hunting seasons. Hunting is part of nature, but disturbing the ecological balance by taking too many of a single species can have drastic consequences for the environment!
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2008, 12:01:07 AM »
Ah, Mr. Alex, I was delighted to see that you had already started upon such a wonderful discussion of matters of import to one and all.  After all, it is dreadful what has happened to poor little Timmy, and any person who could do such a thing is clearly...  why clearly...  clearly not nice!  But, although your accent is most charming, and the Mr. Fudd is indeed quite the gentleman and most admirable for it, I am afraid that it must have horribly muddled my understanding most horribly.

Why, if I read correctly, it would seem that you are advocating that we all say what our most secret of secret talents are, unashamedly and openly for all those...  not nice people who shove little orphan boys into wells to hear!  And I know you to be far too wise to suggest such an abominable thing so clearly I have been led astray somehow.  Please, I ask you, set me straight, and let me hear the wisdom I know you have.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2008, 12:11:31 AM »
Let's get this Day 1 party started, am I right?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2008, 12:24:04 AM »
Hey, that's a great idea!  Let's tell scum exactly what all of us are, so they can use their ability to lie to sound much more authentic than townies who are forced to claim inherently-negative power roles, who we'll then lynch while they pick off our most valuable town members easily over the nights!  Best of all, we can push for a majority on this so that anyone resisting it will pretty much have to go along anyway or be one of a few conspicuous withholders who'll serve as free lynches unless they cave!  It's not like those roles are able to confirm each other and build powerful interconnected rapport because of nights already passed using their powers!  No, it's important that we get them all out in the open on day 1 when they can't possibly independently confirm anything anyone else says yet!  This plan rules and cannot fail us.

Yeah, I don't buy it.  He mentions that it'd be stupid to provide a claim before getting a majority approval on the idea of mass-claim, then happens to mention that he's got night powers?

Here's another thing about all those role-heavy games: if scum knew what all the roles were right off the bat, then all their nightkills could be focused on getting rid of the really dangerous townies from the get-go.  Oh, and if we're lynching "the most suspicious claims" (as Alex suggests), then in this setup we're pretty much guaranteed to be hitting townies.  There'll definitely be townies with suspicious-looking roles and powers (millers do exist, bombs, etc.), and townies don't want to lie either so they'll have to come out and say the role anyway (if everyone's mass-claiming, it'll look even worse to withhold entirely).  Meanwhile, the scum probably wouldn't have a hard time concocting their own roles and tying them to nondescript powers, such as vanilla.

Let's say we go through with this mass-claim idea.  We'd still be unsure of everyone in the first few days and almost certainly wind up mislynching, only this time the scum would have a perfect image of our entire role makeup for use in every one of their nightkill decisions throughout the game.  Kudos on affecting that "restriction," but when you're advocating this horrible idea and trying to sound authoritative so you can dress it up as smart play, well, I already don't believe it.

##VOTE: Alex

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2008, 12:36:13 AM »
SURPRISE! Otter goes off on a rant on how to play the game. Of course, that he gives us all this information totally clears him as being on the townie side, right? RIGHT?

Vote: Otter.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2008, 12:36:54 AM »
GAH. I can't even joke vote correctly.

##Vote: Otter


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2008, 12:42:27 AM »
Alex has a lisp? That's it? I don't believe it.
It could happen!
Nah it's too simple. Everyone else has convoluted ones so far.
Who cares, talk abut what he said.

Calling for unecessary roleclaim? Isn't that like... the biggest scumtell ever?
He has given some merits though.
Oh yes he has, but Otter has pointed out why it's a stupid idea.
Oh, well, true that. This must be the first time you've agreed with Otter.
Not the first time! Just.. maybe not often.

It goes further though. The idea of this game is, quite obviously, post restrictions.
No it isn't, it's Mafia.
Shut up I'm making a point.
So yes, post restrictions. However, scum do not have posting restrictions. As such, they will be trying to draw our attention away from that fact. Calling for roleclaim *does this*. Very well. Therefore, Alex reeks of scum.
It could just be bad town play!
Either way, he get's a second vote. He's removing Town's biggest asset by distracting us from our restrictions AND giving scum all the info. This is serious business.

##Vote: Alex

le Ninja: Hunter Spoko is intent on removing important discussion and replacing it with joke votes. This shall be noted for later.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2008, 01:34:41 AM »

-This game is off to a quick start.

-Alex's claim is doubly strange.

-I'm disinclined to believe it.

-I'm not quite sure how I feel about voting on him at this point though.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2008, 01:38:16 AM »
I, being the most awesome townie here, bid everyone welcome!

This awesome townie also is questioning the logic of a potential mass roleclaim early.  As was said by Shale (who is surely possibly maybe a townie but maybe not, though it can never be said that he is more of a townie than me, who is always a townie and always therefore not scum), there's only the possibility of power roles.  Carth never said that there would be heavy roles, and trying to infer that from his text isn't a good idea - how many people thought that Random Mafia would have lots of roles, when it turned out to have 1?  

Also, it is a bit odd that you do say you won't roleclaim until we get a majority, then you do a partial claim that...says what you can do.  It is odd, like Otter said.  

Now, this purely confirmed townie thinks that this could be a huge scumtell.  HOWEVER, it is possible that this is a post restriction (Alex speaks opposite of what he wants to say?  I don't know - I'm having issues thinking of something that works here, which does make me think it could be scum - scum have a HUGE potential of options to hide behind in this set-up).  I...lean on the side of it being scummy, but a vote would put Alex at 3, and I'd rather wait for him to come and talk a bit more first.  But when I get back tomorrow,  

As Otter said, doing that opens up a huge hole - this hole can be dug so deep that any scum (which, incidentally, does not include me whatsoever) can trap the claimers in a heartbeat.  The only option is for town to LIE to avoid that (like, a bomb saying he was doc or something, to lure a kill).  


I can't see how this winds up good, unless we happen to have 5 bombs on town side.  So yeah, this is highly suspicious.

Incidentally, Soppy...uh...can you give a bit more explanation behind your vote?  It doesn't look jokey, and...all I'm getting is that you're voting Otter because he ranted on why mass roleclaiming is bad?  I'm not getting the logic.

Also...El-Cid, must watch for.  Not that he's done anything scummy yet, but if his restriction is just to quote posts...that's an insanely good scum shield to hide behind for a restriction.  Need to watch carefully for future posts and what he quotes.

As a random note - 72 hour days post-first sounds a bit much...after seeing the horror that happened during the Forest game with elongated days, I think 48 seems to be the magic number for time.  Anyone else think have thoughts?

Ok, tonwie of awesome me is now done.  I am most definitely not scum, by the way.  Look at my driver's license!  See!  It says, "Michael Jack..."...

[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2008, 02:41:11 AM »
That poor boy Timmy.
Well ladies and gentlemen i am proud to present, smodgeco's latest product, the T.G. Puppy, this cute adorable dalmation will make you the star of the town, the perfect gift for everyone, this stuffed toy will make all the girls scream in delight, and guys they reveal a softer side guaranteeing you all the girls as they come over to adour this little soft puppy.
Buy your T.G puppy today for the low low price of $9.95
Not only that but smodgeco is so moved by poor Timmy's plight it shall donate a portion of every sale to building a new ladder to help out Timmy, thats right folks for just $9.95 you help out this poor boy AND get a delightful stuffed puppy.
So do it now come on up and put in ##Buy: Puppy to get your cuddly freind today.

Not only that theres more, to keep poor Timmy warm and to prevent him from getting lonely, we're donating him a T.G. Puppy
*tosses puppy down the well to Timmy*

So come on up and buy your T.G. Puppy today.
I am also proud to announce a new product also due out tomorow, also for a low low price, a T.G. Puppy Limited, to commemorate Timmy we are making this limited edition puppy, so come on up and preorder your T.G. Puppy limited today.

But not only that folks, buy a T.G puppy today and get 50% off tomorows T.G. Puppy limited.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2008, 02:53:01 AM »
Welcome one and all to today's episode of Mafia!  I'm your host, Yakumo Fujii!  We now join a game already in progress, with the beastly scum starting their utterly despicable reign of terror by dunking a poor little boy in a well!  How low can you go, folks?  We've got some very interesting characters making their appearances known today, as well as a very, very interesting earlygame demand for a huge outpouring of information right off the bat!  Your humble host really doesn't agree with this ploy, as I have no recollection of our wonderful sponsor Carthrat ever stating that the citizens of this game would be especially powerful, this plan gives those evil, heartless Scum all the information, AND there's a very good chance that there are restrictions in place to keep some people from stating their powers!  I'm sure the audience is on the edge of their seats waiting for the mob to tear some poor soul to shreds, but we don't have to put ourselves in a position where we're crushing the poor innocents who just happen to have a speech impediment.

The votes have already started flying fast and furious toward the progenitor of this debate, and I must admit, the compulsion to add my say to the pile is a strong one, as the dread BanHammer brand hammer is currently far from his skull and a single added vote puts him in little danger at this point.  In fact, I shall do so, and press most firmly on a single point: what exactly caused this poor, deluded soul to believe that so many of our lovely contestants are indeed superhuman?  That point was a major one for you, as you even went so far as to speculate that -everyone- may have something like that hidden!  I must say, that claim seems very farfetched to me, but if you could substantiate it that would make your idea hold a significant amount more merit, would it not?

##Vote: SirAlex

Stay tuned after these words from our sponsors for more exciting and dynamic Mafia action!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2008, 02:54:44 AM »
just posting to say hi now  :)

too tired to read all the tl;dr stuff yet...  :-\
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2008, 03:27:34 AM »

Lady Door (1): Sir Alex
Sir Alex (3): Otter, Dread Thomas, Yakumo
Otter (1): HunterSopko

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

There are 43 hours remaining.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2008, 03:34:56 AM »
Also...El-Cid, must watch for.  Not that he's done anything scummy yet, but if his restriction is just to quote posts...that's an insanely good scum shield to hide behind for a restriction.  Need to watch carefully for future posts and what he quotes.

##Vote, Unvote: Yakko

##Vote, Unvoke: Excal

##Vote, Unvote: Shale


Okay, that's the jokevote phase ovew and done with.  Now on to sewious. I pwopose that we all mass woleclaim.  wight now.  Sewiously.

I, being the most awesome townie here, bid everyone welcome!

This awesome townie also is questioning the logic of a potential mass roleclaim early.  As was said by Shale (who is surely possibly maybe a townie but maybe not, though it can never be said that he is more of a townie than me, who is always a townie and always therefore not scum), there's only the possibility of power roles.  Carth never said that there would be heavy roles, and trying to infer that from his text isn't a good idea - how many people thought that Random Mafia would have lots of roles, when it turned out to have 1? 

Also, it is a bit odd that you do say you won't roleclaim until we get a majority, then you do a partial claim that...says what you can do.  It is odd, like Otter said.

##Vote: Sir Alex

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2008, 03:37:15 AM »
I'll have to agree with OK about the day length. 72 hours, especially in this format, might just be too long.

And OK, my kneejerk reaction to Otter argument is the joke part.

And I fail to see a good reason why there are three votes on Alex with less than a few hours into the game. Especially when Otter nor anyone else failed to see the scummier part of Alex's post, which was basically "Give me leet powers on good faith!" and instead on "mass roleclaim!"

Quote from: Sir Alex
I gain night powews cumulatively with the numbew of times people say the names of Looney Tunes chawactews.  The maximum level is 40, so if someone could copy/paste the name of a Looney Tunes chawactew 40 times in a post I'd appweciate it. 


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2008, 04:02:16 AM »

I'll have to agree with OK about the day length. 72 hours, especially in this format, might just be too long.

And OK, my kneejerk reaction to Otter argument is the joke part.

And I fail to see a good reason why there are three votes on Alex with less than a few hours into the game. Especially when Otter nor anyone else failed to see the scummier part of Alex's post, which was basically "Give me leet powers on good faith!" and instead on "mass roleclaim!"

Quote from: Sir Alex
I gain night powews cumulatively with the numbew of times people say the names of Looney Tunes chawactews.  The maximum level is 40, so if someone could copy/paste the name of a Looney Tunes chawactew 40 times in a post I'd appweciate it.


-This game is off to a quick start.

-Alex's claim is doubly strange.

-I'm disinclined to believe it.

-I'm not quite sure how I feel about voting on him at this point though.

##Unvote: Sir Alex


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2008, 04:18:11 AM »
Back from work, finished eating dinner (organic foods, grown without pesticides! Just because I need munchies is no reason to kill the plants and animals that are just following their place in the food chain.), so let's see what's turned up.

Otter (and Tom, since you agreed): Mass roleclaim is categorically a bad thing? How does that square with V:tM and Suiko, then? Coordinating powers can win the game for town if they're there. The question is what makes Alex so convinced that we're in a power-heavy game, as a mass claim certainly would be bad if town only has a few powers to its name.

That said: The partial claim is quite odd, both because of the "I won't roleclaim fully but here's a giant target on my back for nightkills anyway!" aspect and the sheer weirdness of the power itself. Not sure how I feel about Alex overall.

El-Cid: What made you unvote Alex so quickly? If it was general uncertainty like Andrew said, why vote him in the first place?
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2008, 05:39:07 AM »
Even more troublesome than the immediate hunt called by our apparent hunter -- interested to see what he has to say to the criticisms -- is the salesman hawking puppies. Not only is he hawking them, no, he's throwing them down the well to poor Timmy down there. Wait, wait, wait. Isn't that just the perfect sales pitch? Toss a poor child down the well, elicit pathos, and collect on the promotions? That's simply far too devious --

Why doesn't anyone ever suspect the butterfly? Just because it's pretty? Personally, I think something that flashy has GOT to be evil --

Er. Anyway. Marketing schemes and all of that. Pressure's already on the gun-toting lisper.

##VOTE smodge13
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<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2008, 06:13:53 AM »
Ordinarily Lucid Sir 'Lex
Had a concept that's sure to perplex
He said "Everyone claim"--
--I do not feel the same
Why should a wise town stick out their necks?

However, I must make a new note
Perhaps the Hunter seeks out our vote
For it'd fit with the theme
To come 'part at the seem
Shooting himself, for this man, is rote.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2008, 06:39:49 AM »
Thats a pretty harsh restriction, VSM. I feel bad for you... and ugh. Dreading the next game day when my restriction finally kicks in. On the fence on whether or not to reveal it ahead of time or not, because the potential for hilarity is too great.

Then again, the utter confusion wouldn't be good.

Suffice to say, this is the only day in which I'll be speaking English. Get Babelfish ready...

But I am ready to vote Best Mafia Ever already, at least.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2008, 07:20:16 AM »
-My Alex problem is that that post is just uncharacteristic for him.

-That partial roleclaim is especially strange and disconcerting.

-The real question is why he would do what he did though.

-I have no good answer for that at this point.

-Thus I leave my vote off him for now.

-I do agree that Smodge needs to check in.

-Soppy's vote also feels very reactionary.

-It really seems to be trying to get the jump on Otter.

-Still not really sure where I want a vote to go at this point though.