
Author Topic: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1  (Read 38022 times)


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2008, 08:27:18 AM »
Hokay, I'm back fwom a wild and exciting evening of gwinding Bwawl unlocks fow fwiends.  (note:  this is not actually tewwibly exciting.)

wegawding why I am convinced that the game is wole heavy, fiwst of all the theme kind of calls fow it.  A game full of vanillas with westwictions... it just doesn't feel wight.  Fow mowe compelling pwoof, howevew, wead the wules, specifically:

- Thewe may ow may not be thiwd pawties with sepewate win conditions fwom scum ow town. (nonstandawd wule, wat wwote this specifically.  Thewe awe most likely thiwd pawties.)
- LYLO and potential LYLO will be announced. (Also nonstandawd.  Mentioning potential LYLO means thewe awe wole(s) that can cause extwa kills, at the vewy least.)
- Thewe awe woles in this game, but this is a closed setup.
- People may ow may not alweady possess infowmation on othew people's woles. (vewy nonstandawd wule, this means that some people do alweady possess such infowmation, which fuwthew implies thewe awe a lot of woles out thewe)

Finally, as stated, I myself have a wole that is vewy much tied to my post westwiction.  Seeing this, I would be shocked if I was the only one with such, ow even in the minowity of playews.

As to why I pawtial claimed, and folks attacking me fow it - that's a gotcha situation fow me.  If I called fow massclaim and did not claim anything myself, the wesponse would be, quite justifiably, "You fiwst, why awen't you stepping up on youw own call?"  On the othew hand, if I fullclaimed and my pwoposition was wejected, I'd have given scum fwee infowmation fow nothing.  The pawtial claim is a nice compwomise. Shale is wwong about it painting a tawget on my back, since the scum do not know, wight now, what the powews I get actually awe, and they'd be scwewed if they tawgeted me and my powews awe defensive. 

The point of massclaim is to coowdinate all the townie woles and make a plan to confiwm people and logically solve the game.  Of couwse scum will lie, but scum will lie anyway - this fowces them to make up something on the spot and stick to it, and false claims don't tend to hold up to scwutiny well.  Of couwse some townies will pwobably have twap woles and get mislynched.  That's fine too - because those people would likely get mislynched anyhow, and much mowe viciously, if and when town did find out about theiw woles.  It is bettew to have evewything upfwont fwom the stawt.   

To go ovew Ottew's objection:
"Let's tell scum exactly what all of us awe, so they can use theiw ability to lie to sound much mowe authentic than townies who awe fowced to claim inhewently-negative powew woles, who we'll then lynch while they pick off ouw most valuable town membews easily ovew the nights!"

Scum can't sound mowe authentic than townies.  All testable claims will be tested.  Townies with inhewently negative woles do bettew pwofessing them than hiding them.  The scum kill can be planned fow, as well, and in effect contwolled by town as we know who the scum MUST take out to even have a shot in the long wun. 

"Best of all, we can push fow a majowity on this so that anyone wesisting it will pwetty much have to go along anyway ow be one of a few conspicuous withholdews who'll sewve as fwee lynches unless they cave!"

Yes, exactly.  Massclaim and planned wole useage wins gamse fow town.  I'd put the odds at 95%+ hewe.  The people who twy to oppose a pwo-town plan that a lynch majowity is in favow of get lynched.  I'm not seeing any pwoblems hewe.

"It's not like those woles awe able to confiwm each othew and build powewful intewconnected wappowt because of nights alweady passed using theiw powews!  No, it's impowtant that we get them all out in the open on day 1 when they can't possibly independently confiwm anything anyone else says yet!  This plan wules and cannot fail us."

He's being sawcastic but what he says is litewally twue.  We get the woles out in the open now, and then in the night we act to get confiwmations.  This has a much bettew chance of wowking than staying hidden and hoping that woles will be able to hit the wight people and confiwm each othew by chance alone.  It is impowtant to get evewything out as soon as possible so that the scum have to pick theiw lies and stand by them ASAP. 

A few woles claiming that scum can pick off and nobody knows how to confiwm?  Bad fow town.  Evewyone claiming, so we can see the entiwe puzzle and wowk fwom thewe to find out who's lying and who isn't?  Excellent fow town. 

As fow why?  #1:  I am confident that this plan will win the game for town.  #2:  If nothing else, it gets sewious discussion going quickly, which is impowtant in this extwa-confusing game.  #3:  I am convinced that this game is wole madness and that aggwavates me.  Playing a game only to discovew a couple days in that it is wole madness is stupid and a waste of time.  The altewnative is the usual push to lynch -> get woleclaim -> back off and pick someone else until deadline is imminent for a little while and then wealize that the game is awbitwawy and the wandomly tawgeted woles awe deciding evewything.  It is much funnew, IMO, to take such a game and twy to solve it Dethy-style. 


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2008, 08:59:36 AM »
Hmph. Alex's post gets a big F for failing, the equivalent of a single star. Never have I seen him fail as spectacularly as he does here, and if I could, I would give him a negative grade here and now. All that large post, with his smodge-worthy grammar! Since when does a lisp carry over into the written word? Agony, true agony to my eyes! And the reasoning, so unlike Alex, so filled with contradictions! Even the part where he sounds like Alex is flat-out wrong, so I cannot agree with it, either.

Otter gets a solid three stars for effort, but seems to foolishly miss the merits of any kind of claim in lieu of hunting down Alex for his failed stance. Indeed, we are being distracted from something, here. There is a way a mass claim would benefit town, but only if it were a claim of posting restrictions. After all, scum only have to emulate one, and until they have committed to something publically, they could always tailor an explanation later. However, explaining to the rest of us why they are not getting modkilled for stepping outside their own professed boundaries would be a sure way of finding them. And, of course, we mustn't forget that scum would be stressed by this, and we want them in such a situation, pressed into making a mistake.

-I do agree that Smodge needs to check in.

Agree with whom? LD, who placed her vote on smodge based on _smodge's post_? A second F, I cannot decide who should find himself at the end of his posting career. That's a single star for you, Andrew, undoubtedly the first of many, given the quality you've shown us so far.

And Alex posts again.

#3:  I am convinced that this game is wole madness and that aggwavates me.

I find his reasoning flimsy, and that he shows his apparent annoyance at bastard moding in a gameā€¦ with forewarned bastard modding. Yes, let's try to get our minds around that. Yet another single star, as the game is filled with failure right off the start. We might as well take his plan further and stop playing altogether, because clearly no deduction or effort is required, only role claims, role actions and an elimination from the very start, which could all be automated.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2008, 09:12:46 AM »
"We should all identify ouw special cawtoon powews!" exclaimed SirAlex, aka Elmer Fudd, a trusted and respected figure in the community... until now. Already, people were suspicious of his desire to place the town's cards on the table (after all, surely it would be much simpler to throw random people into the well until Timmy confirmed them, correct? How many bad guys could there be?)

Alas, a bolt of lightning struck him on the forehead before he could continue, and he crumpled to the ground.

When queried, Timmy could be heard shrugging his shoulders. "Well, if it was Fudd, he'd shoot me, not push me, right?"

The town nodded sagaciously at this proclamation, before getting back to the serious business of decimation.

Sir Alex, aka Elmer Fudd, Town Conditional SuperInventor, was modkilled for breaking his restriction!

Day continues as normal.

If you're thinking restriction-break modkills can be used to somehow break the game, don't follow that line of thought. Townies breaking restrictions will only lead to badness for town.


Votecount! All votes on Alex have been removed.

Lady Door (1): Sir Alex
Sir Alex (DEAD): Otter, Dread Thomas, Yakumo, El Cideon
Otter (1): HunterSopko
Yakumo (0): El Cideon
Excal (0): El Cideon
Shale (0): El Cideon
Smodge (1): LadyDoor

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

There are 37 hours remaining.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 09:14:50 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2008, 09:36:19 AM »
Wow, that was unexpected.
No it wasn't you idiot, somebody had to screw up somewhere, it was bound to happen.
No, I mean unexpected that he was confirmed town so fast.
No you!
I won't dignify that with a response.
You just did!

Corwin, I spotted that fact about mass-restriction claim before you did -_-
No it was me!

Uh, back after dinner.
Or maybe not.
Or maybe!
You're stupid.
Seriously, shut up.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2008, 10:57:47 AM »
OK makes a very good point by calling out El Cid. His quoting thing makes it impossible to get a read on him, so it would be the perfect cover for scum.
But he might just be an unfortunate town.
But we can't risk that, if he's scum, we'll never get him, ever.
But he might be innocent, and we can't prove that either.
We should kill him.
No, we should kill the people who look scummier first.
Then we'll never get around to killing him, because he can't possibly look scummier than anyone else if all he does is quote them!

OK also called out Hunter Sopko. OK gives me a town read. Sopko does not.
Why not?
The fact that his restriction doesn't 'kick in' till tomorrow is hishly suspect.
It might just be strange.
Well, it's odd. and it's strange. It's outside the normal for what we've seen in restrictions so far. Most people have something that affects their posting style. Also a complete language change seems a bit far-fetched... It will make his posts almost completely illegible from today onwards, it'll be worse than El Cid, we won't be able to understand him.
That's as much justification as El Cid! We can't just kill people because they have horrible post restrictions!
Why not? They could be scum.
They could be town. We can't know.
Because of their restriction, they become dangerous.

Still waiting on Tonfa.
He posted!
Not much.

Yes, Andrew.
We need to talk about Andrew.
Do we really? Corwin did a great job. I aprove of Corwin.
Do you? Hm. Well, We need to mention that we agree with what Corwin said, so we need to talk about Andrew. His mistakes... are.. bizarre. Very scummy.
You know it wasn't just that though, he also had no real stance on Alex.
Bah fine, add that in.

I'm not exactly sure why LD voted Smodge, I couldn't understand the reasons she gave.
I agree with her though, he's very scummy.  He gave no stance!
Hmph. There's too many options right now.

There's a lot of info on the table which is good.
There's not enough yet to win though which is bad.
Stop being such a pessimist.
Why don't you stop being such an optimist?!
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2008, 02:36:46 PM »
Oh, this is so very, very dreadful!  I knew poor old Fudd was a nice man, but to see him go just as we were all listening to him so!  Why, so many people were sure that sending him to see Timmy would solve all our problems that it's even more disturbing that he's... he's....  gone to a better place now.  Yes, a better place, with no wells and all the ladders in the world.

As to all the rest, I cannot say for that life of me that I can see through all that's going on.  You must forgive me for being such a simple soul, but I do know that with all of you people here, surely we will find a way to prevail!  After all, so long as we work together victory will be ours!

Of course, you have to be here to be part of a team victory.  And...  well...  I'm told I have to do this.  I really don't want to, but it needs to be done, yes?  Yes?  Please don't hate me Yakumo, but well, we need to be here!  And you're not!  Why aren't you here!  If you were here I wouldn't HAVE to do this.  But...  But....  I can't say anymore!  Please come, please let me not do this!  Please, just speak!

##Vote: Yakumo

Tonfa!  Please, you also need to speak, or you...  you may be next!  I...  I don't want you to go into that well either!  Even if you are just hanging on the edges, being that cool kid that's too cool to talk much, we need our charmingly sad people coming in and saying their piece!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2008, 02:52:38 PM »
Quote from: Sir Alex
As fow why?  #1:  I am confident that this plan will win the game for town. ...

 The altewnative is the usual push to lynch -> get woleclaim -> back off and pick someone else until deadline is imminent for a little while and then wealize that the game is awbitwawy and the wandomly tawgeted woles awe deciding evewything. 

Just to save people the trouble of hunting through the post for the cause of his modkill. Let this be a warning to others: If there is something you are absolutely positively not allowed to post, use a find function to make sure you didn't do it before hitting "post!"

Person I'd like to hear more from right now is Sopko, apart from the single-post wonders who have already been called out. His early posts looked like he had to write a word in CAPS every time, and he only mentioned this language-barrier restriction after breaking that. Given that not having a post restriction is, according to the mod, the ultimate scumtell in this game, why would you not be clear from the outset that yours doesn't kick in until later? Also, he and I are the only ones who did anything remotely like defending Alex, and smart scum aren't going to have every person jump onto the same train - somebody's going to take a contrary view. I know I'm town, so that makes him worthy of a bit more pressure, I think.

I'm at work, so more when I find the time, whenever that is.

Remember: Give a hoot, don't pollute!
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2008, 03:17:53 PM »
Welcome back to the titanic clash of Town and Scum!  Once again, I'm your host, Yakumo Fujii!  And what a mass of surprises we've seen in this game since last we met!  Our dear friend Elmer has already drawn the first kill of the game, and it turns out his information digging was merely frustration.  Really though, I must reiterate Corwin's point that we who are participating in our sponsor Carthrat's wonderful game knew ahead of time that the game wasn't intended to be perfectly sane, and I for one signed up for that very reason!  For this and the already mentioned gameplay reasons, I must say that even with poor, poor Elmer smoking on the ground I still do not agree with his sentiments.

I do apologize for what appears to be limited participation in the game thus far, but I must say that between our first commercial break and the time I left the show, there had been little action.  Even the audience was starting to get bored!  Due to illness I was forced to leave the studio earlier than usual last night, and only four people had deigned to speak in that time.  One of which was our dear Tonfa, who... didn't really say anything, did he?!  I must say that does look very suspicious, especially given it came in the middle of a raging debate about the Hunter with the Acme brand shotgun and his unusual ideas.  To merely poke your head in and say hi at that point, when there's so many opinions already flying around, and then not bother to actually make an effort in the game!?  Tonfa, my dear boy, I must insist that you participate in our little game!  I really expected more from you, and so did our live studio audience, I'm sure!

##Vote: Tonfa

There are certainly others that also need to speak up more, such as Smodge, Excal, and Andrew, none of whom have really said anything meaningful so far.  The audience demands action!

More to come after this commercial break!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #33 on: March 11, 2008, 03:25:27 PM »
well this is pretty strange huh  ???

players not alex havent done much in this game yet so its pretty hard to read any1 lol  :P

shale made very good point on sopko hmm waitin for answers from him  :o

idk about voting rite now tho  :-\

wanna hear more from smodge and lady door they only posted intros also ld made a late jokevote :(

well i was also like that tho lol...  :-[

the 1 most suspisous thing so far is elcids wafflin with his alex vote so i guess ill place vote on that as best option  :)

##vote: el cideon  8-)
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #34 on: March 11, 2008, 04:59:20 PM »

-I do agree that Smodge needs to check in.

Good lad, you must have missed my advertising

New Super Deluxe Lightning Protection T.G Puppy

Thats right folks, freshly delivered these puppies have just come on sale and are guaranteed to protect you from lightning bolts*
Don't end up like Elmer Fudd here, buy a puppy.

As for pushing little Timmy down the well, Elmer Fudd was sounding the worst before the lightningstorm, i chose not to vote against him as he had more than enough pressure on him, also i didn't want to risk angering a customer, the customer is always right thats what i say.

Who do i look at as the cruel person to push Little Timmy down the well, its not much to go on but i would choose El Cid is the worst looking at the moment (followed by Tonfa/Sopko and Andrew) why is this? Tonfa seems to require emoticons at the end of each line, Sopko seems limited ot single line posts, and Andrew is limited to 1 line paragraphs, don't these roles seem a bit similar to people?

Then again it could be like our T.G. Puppies here, 3 different types, all do different things, but their all still puppies.

Thats right folks we have a new deal going at the moment, buy your T.G. Puppy original AND the new Deluxe Lightning Protection T.G Puppy and receive a FREE puppy tomorrow, just roll on up and buy your puppies now with ##Buy: Puppy

As for El Cids posting restriction, as difficult as it is, couldn't he construct full sentences by using a large amount of quotes, i'm sure enough of us have used enough words to construct a decent paragraph.

Andrew also looks bad for his call out on me for "not checking in" yet i had posted only moments before and on top of that those such as Tonfa hadn't posted yet and there wasn't even a mention
##Vote: Andrew
You've made a small mess and now i rub your nose in it, just like our new model of T.G. Puppy coming soon, the Crap and Go pup, this delightful toy gives all the realism of a real puppy as you watch as it actually goes to the bathroom, not only that it does it in the most realistic of places to, preorder your CrapnGo pup today with ##Preorder: CrapnGo

Not much to go on but hey it's day 1

*Lightning protection puppy only protects you from lightning, if the bolt strikes the puppy and you are standing at least 100FT away, smodgeco takes no responsibilities for damages done to the puppy in the event of a lightning strike, smodgeco also takes no responsibilities for injuries incurred due to act of god/mod


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2008, 05:52:18 PM »
It would seem that a townie did fall
He should have used "Find" and "Replace All"
But he could not stay odd
And was killed by our mod
The town scum must be having a ball

Take heed of his martyr, my dear friends
Make but one mistake and your life ends
The town scum will prevail
If enough of us fail
Double-check before anyone sends.

I am taking short leave for a nap
Any judgment right now would be snap
But one thing I will note
Might we do more than vote?
Smodge's flavor text might not be crap

So when I exit my dreamy state
My curiosity I must sate
So I'll buy up a dog
When I'm out of my fog
Unless someone beats me to the plate.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #36 on: March 11, 2008, 05:57:05 PM »
Something that hasn't come up since the flip and should: Alex's call for mass roleclaim was made in good faith. I remind people again that every role-heavy game where town massclaimed was won by town. Anybody care to re-examine the idea now that we know it wasn't a scum trick?

For my part, I will specifically call for any vigilante(s) to reveal and use their powers for town. We've seen time and again that two votes per day are better for information than one, while a vig striking off on their own will rarely hit scum. If there's an extra kill out there, we can get twice as much done in half the time. If that's not efficiency I don't know what is, and just as a fuel-efficient car can drive farther while putting fewer toxic fumes in the air, a kill-efficient town can exercise its will, and, discover the true nature of its members, with less risk of death and dismemberment. Either one can be vital to our survival as a community!
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #37 on: March 11, 2008, 06:09:42 PM »
As for El Cids posting restriction, as difficult as it is, couldn't he construct full sentences by using a large amount of quotes, i'm sure enough of us have used enough words to construct a decent paragraph.


If you're thinking restriction-break modkills can be used to somehow break the game, don't follow that line of thought. Townies breaking restrictions will only lead to badness for town.

Take heed of his martyr, my dear friends
Make but one mistake and your life ends
The town scum will prevail
If enough of us fail
Double-check before anyone sends.

Stay tuned after these words from our sponsors for more exciting and dynamic Mafia action!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2008, 06:15:07 PM »
-I did indeed miss it Smodge.

-The clarity of your posting is now fully evident to me.

-I should note that Tonfa has indeed posted twice (once right before you) though.

-Alex's flip is big news indeed.

-He is town.

-I'm still uneasy about his logic at this point.

-Can't argue actual flip though.

-This does cast a new light on those who jumped so early to vote seriously for him!

-Could you all explain your votes?

-I'm still not too sure about the concept of the mass roleclaim though.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2008, 06:32:20 PM »
El-Cid: What made you unvote Alex so quickly? If it was general uncertainty like Andrew said, why vote him in the first place?

Let's get this Day 1 party started, am I right?

##Vote, Unvote: Shale

##Vote, Unvote: Oblivionknight

##Vote: Sir Alex


wegawding why I am convinced that the game is wole heavy, fiwst of all the theme kind of calls fow it.  A game full of vanillas with westwictions... it just doesn't feel wight.  Fow mowe compelling pwoof, howevew, wead the wules, specifically:

Finally, as stated, I myself have a wole that is vewy much tied to my post westwiction.  Seeing this, I would be shocked if I was the only one with such, ow even in the minowity of playews.

Finally, as stated, I myself have a wole that is vewy much tied to my post westwiction.  Seeing this, I would be shocked if I was the only one with such, ow even in the minowity of playews.

Finally, as stated, I myself have a wole that is vewy much tied to my post westwiction.  Seeing this, I would be shocked if I was the only one with such, ow even in the minowity of playews.

##Vote, Unvote: Shale

##Vote, Unvote: Oblivionknight

##Unvote: Sir Alex


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #40 on: March 11, 2008, 06:44:39 PM »
But I am ready to vote Best Mafia Ever already, at least.

But I am ready to vote Best Mafia Ever already, at least.

But I am ready to vote Best Mafia Ever already, at least.

I am taking short leave for a nap
Any judgment right now would be snap
But one thing I will note
Might we do more than vote?
Smodge's flavor text might not be crap

Thats right folks we have a new deal going at the moment, buy your T.G. Puppy original AND the new Deluxe Lightning Protection T.G Puppy and receive a FREE puppy tomorrow, just roll on up and buy your puppies now with ##Buy: Puppy


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #41 on: March 11, 2008, 06:45:02 PM »
El Cid: Okay, you can't piece words together into a new sentence. How about people providing you with "vocabulary" lines to use?

Would that fit with your post restriction?

Or would it be illegal even so?

I hope it can work like that. Recycling paper, plastics and metals is admirable and reduces waste and pollution, but recycling post content designed for another purpose can lead to inaccuracies and miscommunication.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #42 on: March 11, 2008, 06:55:43 PM »
El Cid: Okay, you can't piece words together into a new sentence. How about people providing you with "vocabulary" lines to use?

Would that fit with your post restriction?

##Vote, Unvote: Yakko

##Vote, Unvoke: Excal

##Vote, Unvote: Shale


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2008, 07:50:23 PM »
And we're back!  I do believe our dear friend El Cid is onto something here!  The names he voted for, the first letter spells YES!  Congratulations on your learning new and exciting methods of communication!  Our audience is most pleased, and I'm sure Carthrat, our wonderful sponsor, would be thrilled as well. 

Our fabulous contestant Shale has brought up a point that maybe the mass claim would still be a good idea!  I maintain my skepticism, however, as there is still nothing I can see that proves that there are enough powers in play for this to be effective!  If this were a certainty, that would be one thing, but as things stand this doesn't seem to be the case!  Using my Quote-O-Matic brand forum post copying device, I bring up the following from our dear departed hunter friend, using it's handy dandy editing feature to remove parts that are not relevant:

wegawding why I am convinced that the game is wole heavy, fiwst of all the theme kind of calls fow it.  A game full of vanillas with westwictions... it just doesn't feel wight.  Fow mowe compelling pwoof, howevew, wead the wules, specifically:

- Thewe may ow may not be thiwd pawties with sepewate win conditions fwom scum ow town. (nonstandawd wule, wat wwote this specifically.  Thewe awe most likely thiwd pawties.)
- LYLO and potential LYLO will be announced. (Also nonstandawd.  Mentioning potential LYLO means thewe awe wole(s) that can cause extwa kills, at the vewy least.)
- Thewe awe woles in this game, but this is a closed setup.
- People may ow may not alweady possess infowmation on othew people's woles. (vewy nonstandawd wule, this means that some people do alweady possess such infowmation, which fuwthew implies thewe awe a lot of woles out thewe)

Finally, as stated, I myself have a wole that is vewy much tied to my post westwiction.  Seeing this, I would be shocked if I was the only one with such, ow even in the minowity of playews.

As fow why?  #1:  I am confident that this plan will win the game for town.  #2:  If nothing else, it gets sewious discussion going quickly, which is impowtant in this extwa-confusing game.  #3:  I am convinced that this game is wole madness and that aggwavates me.  Playing a game only to discovew a couple days in that it is wole madness is stupid and a waste of time.  The altewnative is the usual push to lynch -> get woleclaim -> back off and pick someone else until deadline is imminent for a little while and then wealize that the game is awbitwawy and the wandomly tawgeted woles awe deciding evewything.  It is much funnew, IMO, to take such a game and twy to solve it Dethy-style. 

The best evidence he appears to have to bring to bear are the rules instated for this game!  I may be incorrect, but I do believe I've seen the first of those showing up fairly commonly here, mostly due to copying the rules from the first game but still there, so it's not so nonstandard to us.  If it's nonstandard overall, well, I don't know that!  Second, the potential LYLO.  All this requires to be true is a bulletproof townie, or a doc, or an extra kill that doesn't HAVE to kill, or even something else entirely!  This only tells us for sure that there is ONE role in this game.  On a similar note, the fact that we are told there are roles doesn't tell us how many, and the fact that there are people with some knowledge of roles, I believe it to be entirely possible that this refers to the post restrictions!  Nothing that poor Mr. Fudd said made me believe that this game is truly as much role madness as he seemed to believe.  If someone could bring up another argument that showed this to be the case that I haven't seen, then I could possibly agree to mass claim, as I do agree that in several of those games a mass claim could have been beneficial to the Town cause!

A comment to our illustrious poet, VerySlightlyMad: It is indeed entirely possible that this is the case, especially given Mr. Fudd's claim about Looney Tunes characters, and I wouldn't fault you for testing your theories through puppy purchases.  However, I urge caution, as it is entirely possibly that you would be empowering someone who is fighting on the side of those vile Timmy-pushing miscreants!

Stay tuned, Mafia will be right back after these messages!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #44 on: March 11, 2008, 08:28:32 PM »
El-Cid: Excellent! I call upon all players to contribute lines of useful commentary to our quasi-silent friend. Here's a start, and something he seemed to be feeling the lack of:



Also, to differentiate spelling efforts from actual votes:

I find the following person or people suspicious:

Anyway, on to other business.

Yakko: The fact that Alex was telling the truth about his power should be a point on the "role madness" side too. Doubly so if the thinking about Tom's puppy sales is accurate. "Inventor power that expands when a player says a certain phrase" is not something I'd expect to find in a game with restrained use of roles. I would urge caution to those interested in purchasing dogs, though - granting unrestrained power to someone of unknown affiliation is a risky strategy, not to mention that taking care of a pet is a big responsibility. Overpopulation - especially of carnivorous animals like dogs - can throw an entire ecosystem out of whack. Think of the consequences for our beloved squirrel population with dozens of stray puppies in the streets!
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #45 on: March 11, 2008, 10:12:53 PM »
Well now, as a perfectly innocent townie, seeing the death of another townie is a sad day indeed.  Poor, poor not-scum Alex (though he was certainly not townier than me, evinced by the wrath of the gods on his not-so-heathen-ass). 

Now, thinking on things, as a not-scum (like myself), I can see where Alex was going from with his call for role-claiming - in terms of day-vigs, an early claim isn't bad.  I still don't agree with his thoughts (yes, claiming did help town in previous games, but it did come in later, not day 1 - I still don't feel a day 1 claim-fest will be helpful for all the awesome townies like myself), but I see where he was coming from.  His power just seemed so damn weird.  I almost wish I tempted it and made all those posts he requested <_<

Looking on to other news - I see El-Cid is doing some work with his restriction.  Just to re-iterate, my thoughts on him weren't that he was scum (which, being a townie, I most certainly am not!), but that post-quoting is very, very easy for scum to hide behind.  However, it looks like he's been pretty creative with actually attempting to speak with this restriction.  This strikes me as being a good townie (like myself), or a good and creative scum (most certainly NOT like myself).  Still want to watch him, but he's throwing effort in, so yay and such.  So yay, and such.  Go townies like myself.

Corwin...makes a good point about Alex's style being a bit odd this game.  And he does make an interesting point about how a mass roleclaim would be helpful if it were a roleclaim on posting restrictions.  However, calling for a mass restriction claim is, I would argue, a better cover for scum - this way, they have something on paper (metaphorically) that they can refer to, and set down guidelines and rules to follow.  That being said, there is the possibility they could claim the exact restriction as someone else, which would be a good catch - or they could claim one that someone else claimed, and cause the exact opposite of what any good townie (like myself) would want - death due to, circumstance.  Add to the fact that there are infinite possibilities of posting restrictions (they could be simple or complex, and only need to be hidden well), and that kind of makes a claim not as effective as we'd want.  It's better to look for inconsistencies (like Shale did with Alex's post) in their posts, looking for missed restrictions, and see why they weren't modkilled, without literally calling on them and giving them an open "season" to get things out in the open. 

Which means the more posts people make, the better, since it's easier to hide a restriction with fewer posts than with multiple ones. 

Soppy...Shale does make a good point.  I was interested in you saying that, "It would be more fun to watch...but the confusion would be bad", but you did hint at what it might be, so...mmm...a good townie (like the most awesome me) would definitely give town a hint so we could see through anything, and a post restriction kicking in day 2 does sound weird...but so did Alex, and he existed as he said.  I still don't have a huge reason to believe this game is full of talents, could be.  It is odd you weren't clear about this from the beginning, which is something a good townie (like yours truly, the awesome moi) would do to keep his fellow awesome townies (like, again, myself) afloat easier.  You only noted it...after VSM posted the first time. That's...odd.  Really, really odd and questionable.  I do suppose you could have just thought of it then, and wanted to make sure it wasn't noted earlier (due to modkill, power relation, whatever), but...that seems very much a random jump in thought, which is something that scum would be doing, having to come up with their own restrictions and all.

Tonfa, Andrew, LD have been mentioned as not having said much, which as I noted earlier, was bad!  Tonfa and Andrew have...really, really crazy restrictions, it seems, which might be why people are having issues seeing info from them.  However, there is merit to these call-outs - there isn't much to go on from them (which is bad for a townie - and I, being a sexy, delicious townie, would always do my best to help others by providing information!).  LD...was the smodge vote serious?  The first part of the post makes me think no, but the last part...unsure.  Please to comment.

And that's all I have for the moment.  Need to collect thoughts and want to see the vote-count/time-table before going through with a vote.  A few good targets right now (of which some are either sexy townies, like myself, or vile scum, not like me).
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2008, 10:49:21 PM »
Regarding Smodge, I think I should trust
A gamble or two becomes a must
Information helps town
Lack thereof makes us drown
After dinner, I'll attempt this thrust.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #48 on: March 11, 2008, 11:21:41 PM »
With these sentiments in mind, I go
I will test if smodge is all for show
That said, ##Buy:Puppy now
We'll see what happens how
And I watch our information grow


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2008, 11:22:37 PM »
el cid is convicign enough so  :)

##unvote: el cideon  ;D

i still wanna hear what ld has to say  ???

so heres a presure vote lol  :P

##vote: lady door  ::)
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!