Author Topic: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1  (Read 38028 times)


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #50 on: March 11, 2008, 11:43:32 PM »
We're getting on in the day, and there's still someone else who is notable by his absence.

##Vote Otter

It's been 23 hours, man! I hope you haven't been poisoned by the polluted air and water we have to deal with so often in these modern times. If you can't post, I suggest using your time to push for stronger anti-pollution laws! But in the meantime, let's hear something from you.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #51 on: March 11, 2008, 11:51:09 PM »
-Excuse me if I group people together a bit.

-I'm working in a rather limited form.

-I would like the folks who voted for Alex to talk a little more about their votes.

-I would also like to hear about their thoughts on Alex's flip.

-Hindsight can allow for new observations.

-At this point I'm not really inclined to give power to others.

-Consider Alex's flip.

-It came true.

-Perfect opportunity for scum to play a WIFOM game and get their own power-ups.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #52 on: March 11, 2008, 11:57:55 PM »
Votecount! All votes on Alex have been removed.

Lady Door (1): TonfaSir Alex
Sir Alex (DEAD): Otter, Dread Thomas, Yakumo, El Cideon
Otter (2): HunterSopko, Shale
Yakumo (1): Excal El Cideon
Excal (0): El Cideon
Shale (0): El Cideon
Smodge (1): LadyDoor
Tonfa (1): Yakumo
El Cideon (1): Tonfa
AndrewRogue (1): Smodge13
OblivionKnight (0): El Cideon

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

There are 23 hours remaining.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #53 on: March 12, 2008, 12:46:48 AM »
Ugh.  I hate dogs, and advertising.  After seeing that Alex wasn't lying, I think we have a pretty good idea about how smodge's role could work (or could not, but it's there), and there's no way to know if he's scum or town; why just go with it on good faith?

Another thing, too.  Has anyone else noticed Sopko's posting restriction?  Yeah, me neither.  I thought all the townies had those.  He also hasn't posted since the first page, and nobody's called him out with a vote yet.

##VOTE: Sopko


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2008, 12:57:47 AM »
Thats a pretty harsh restriction, VSM. I feel bad for you... and ugh. Dreading the next game day when my restriction finally kicks in. On the fence on whether or not to reveal it ahead of time or not, because the potential for hilarity is too great.

Then again, the utter confusion wouldn't be good.

Suffice to say, this is the only day in which I'll be speaking English. Get Babelfish ready...

But I am ready to vote Best Mafia Ever already, at least.

Reading comprehension is your friend! I'm suspicious of the validity and timing of his claimed restriction, and said as much, there's no call to say he hasn't displayed a restriction at all. The question is if he's blowing smoke (which would be bad, since where there's smoke there's deadly, plant- and animal-killing fire. Even worse if he's in the woods; forest fires are no laughing matter).
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #55 on: March 12, 2008, 01:08:48 AM »
Ugh.  I hate dogs, and advertising.  After seeing that Alex wasn't lying, I think we have a pretty good idea about how smodge's role could work (or could not, but it's there), and there's no way to know if he's scum or town; why just go with it on good faith?

Another thing, too.  Has anyone else noticed Sopko's posting restriction?  Yeah, me neither.  I thought all the townies had those.  He also hasn't posted since the first page, and nobody's called him out with a vote yet.

Thats a pretty harsh restriction, VSM. I feel bad for you... and ugh. Dreading the next game day when my restriction finally kicks in. On the fence on whether or not to reveal it ahead of time or not, because the potential for hilarity is too great.

Then again, the utter confusion wouldn't be good.

Suffice to say, this is the only day in which I'll be speaking English. Get Babelfish ready...

The point of massclaim is to coowdinate all the townie woles and make a plan to confiwm people and logically solve the game.  Of couwse scum will lie, but scum will lie anyway - this fowces them to make up something on the spot and stick to it, and false claims don't tend to hold up to scwutiny well.  Of couwse some townies will pwobably have twap woles and get mislynched.  That's fine too - because those people would likely get mislynched anyhow, and much mowe viciously, if and when town did find out about theiw woles.  It is bettew to have evewything upfwont fwom the stawt.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2008, 01:24:49 AM »
Don't be silly, Otter.  How can anyone hate puppies!  They're so fluffy and cute!  And for each puppy sold you'll donate to help out poor little Timmy?  Of course I'll help!

##Buy: Puppy, ##Preorder: CrapnGo

Awww...  She's so cute, I'll name her Princess!  and tomorrow her prince will come!  What's that Princess?  Why yes, our friend Yakumo has arrived, and spoken so much, it's so wonderful to hear his voice!  And that means that...  yes!  Yes we can, this is so good!

##Unvote: Yakumo

I knew we wouldn't have to push you into that well!  Well...  I suppose someone has to go in, to keep Timmy company if nothing else.  But I'm glad it doesn't have to be you!  And I'm so glad you asked to hear my voice as well!  Why, I'm so overjoyed I could burst into song!  Isn't that right, Princess?  Why, we could all get Timmy out of there in a flash with the power of love, and friendship and singing!  But none of you will sing with me...  So we can't.

But enough of that gloomy talk!  We've got to find those child shoving...  people!  And show them that we don't allow that sort of rudeness around here!  I would love to thank Shale for stepping up as a voice of reason now that our poor Mr. Fudd has passed on.  His words sing even as his voice doesn't, saying that one of the people defending Mr. Fudd probably wasn't nice.  After all, in his regrettably confused state, he said some things that those not nice people liked to hear, and they...  they work together and...  and lie!  Can you believe the depths to which they'd sink, telling...  fibs!  And he's right!  His words as bright as the sun show that we can look at himself or School Marm Corwin and himself!  Why, it's even possible that the Timmy-pusher would be the first one, to make us look the other way!  Why that shameless person even said we should do the thing that we all disliked Mr. Fudd for saying.  So...  Wait...

Eeeek!  I'm sorry Mr. Shale!  I didn't mean to say anything about you!  Of course you're town!  I know you're a good man!  Really!  I...  I just don't know what I'm saying, I'm ever so easily confused!  Please say you'll forgive me!  I mean...  You're saying such wonderful things that I know you have to be a good man!  Like what you said about Mr. Sopko!  Why I even think I could entice him with a song, he's so mellow.  Wait...

I'm sorry Mr. Sopko!  I know you're a good man too!  Really!  Truly!  I...  I...  Oh, this is all too much for me, and I cannot hope to keep it all straight and I just talk without thinking where I'm going.  But I know you're a good man because you defended our dear Mr. Fudd by baselessly attacking his that person yelling at him.  And then trying to lighten the mood when conversation turned all dreadfully serious by trying to joke and distract us.  Why, you've even given us some versatility by switching from one amusing quirk to another.  Are you sure I cannot entice you into a song?  I hear that Italian is good for Opera, which I've always wanted to try, and French is great for light amusing tunes.  Perhaps something in spanish for our mime friend who seems to be as amused by this quirk as I am, and far more talented than I could ever hope to be.

Also, is it just me, or is anyone else as utterly entranced by the similarities in the quirks of our dear friends Andrew and Tonfa?  I know that it is certainly a breath of fresh air in this town of eccentricity to have two people so comfortably close to each other in their quirks.  Do you suppose they might be related?

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #57 on: March 12, 2008, 01:44:49 AM »
Interesting developments. Modkill has claimed one of our own already; the posting restrictions continue to be ridiculous (as promised) – with one notable exception; someone posted eyebleeding advertisement; and a few people make points without saying anything directly.

I voted for the salesman because he was capitalizing on Timmy’s plight and encouraging people to type a command which … well, who knows what it does? Do you? I confess a certain skepticism, but --

Sometimes I wonder why toast always lands butter side down. Is the universe cruel? Maybe the butter just wants a hug.

… mmm. Marketing seems less threatening than nothing – yes, nothing. The nothing offered by the one the picture speaker called out. I’m going to second that one, as the manner our propagandist indicated he swapped – something about appearing to switch posting restrictions while cleverly implying his hadn’t yet kicked in – is quite curious indeed. As was pointed out, it’s been some time since the issue arose and still not a peep as to why.

##UNVOTE smodge
##VOTE Sopko
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<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #58 on: March 12, 2008, 01:50:42 AM »
##Sells: Puppy to Excal
##Sells:Puppy to VSM
##Records: Excals preorder

WoW these puppies are selling like wildfire.
Thats right folks these puppies are becoming all the rage now, buy one today and get a power*,
Sick of seeing your freinds enjoying themselves playing with their puppies?
Well buy one today and join in yourself.

##Unvote: Andrew
Can't believe i missed Tonfa's post, i guess seeing as i missed his its understandable that you miss mine.
People tired of missing posts? buy your seeing eye T.G. Puppy today, thats right everyone this delightful T.G. Puppy is a labrador breed instead of dalmation, only for a limited time, buy one now.

Mass roleclaim i personally believe is bad and was surprised Alex suggested it, just because we have a bastard mod who has given mass post restrictions, doesn't mean his roles are just as bastardish.

Hearing more from LD and Otter would be nice, reading over for people that look scummy and haven't found anything yet, will be back later to sell more puppies.

Edit* and LD posts as i'm typing

*puppies may not give powers, please read all disclaimers before purchasing, smodgeco holds no knowledge of the abilities of these puppies just that they are cute, adorable and everyone should have one.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2008, 02:31:04 AM »
Quote from: Excal
After all, in his regrettably confused state, he said some things that those not nice people liked to hear, and they...  they work together and...  and lie!

Oh? I never said he said what they wanted to hear (other than the words with 'r's in them, I'm sure those were quite musical to their ears), only that it would be silly for all the scum to take the same position on...well, anything, not to mention that Sopko caught my eye for his post-restriction shenanigans first and his (rather shady, as you accurately point out) defense of Alex second. I'd like to think the comments I've made in defense of Alex's strategy are as consistent and oriented toward the general good as wetlands preservation, a very worthy goal indeed and something all of us should devote more time to.

His words as bright as the sun show that we can look at himself or School Marm Corwin and himself! [/corwin]

Corwin? When did I mention Corwin? And how does someone who attacked Alex ("F for failing," and so on) figure into the post you're responding to?

Regardless, the hour grows late, and Otter has presented himself. Sopko has not checked in since early this morning, and barring a very convincing defense, his post-restriction shuffle makes him the scummiest person standing to my eyes. Therefore:

##Unvote Otter
##Vote Hunter Sopko
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2008, 03:12:34 AM »
Ack!  You see!  I know I am no good at this, getting confused so very easily.  Meaning to say one name, and saying another only because I am so very worried over his absence.  When he was by himself Timmy was pushed into a well, and now our good, dear friend Corwin is doubtless alone, grading, at the school, with those...  those...  marm pushers waiting in the shadows, intending absolutely no good!

What's that?  Oh, thank you Princess.  Yes, that's a girl, thank you for saying you believe in me.  But, I'm nothing compared to wise Mr. Shale.  But...  It seems I must choose.  Both Mr. Shale and Mr. Sopko tried to defend dear Mr. Fudd, and it's so terribly heartbreaking to see them at each other's throats.  Well...  I guess they aren't as Mr. Sopko isn't here, the dear man.  But, given the words being sent his way I cannot help but feel he would.  I...  I... don't want to see either of them go...  But Princess is telling me we have no choice.  So...  who to choose?

I mean, Mr. Shale is saying all of these rude things, and he's all big and blustery and scary.  And Mr. Sopko is all cheerful and assertive and enjoying many different ways of speaking!  He's also probably somewhere keeping on eye on our good schoolmarm!  I have no doubt that when danger threatens Mrs. Corwin, Mr. Sopko will be there!  But...  well...  I don't have any good words to say this in.  Mr. Sopko, I cherish you dearly, and I wish you all the best.  But...  I like Mr. Shale more than I like you.  He's here, and his words are so captivating, like a king on high adressing his people.  And, it's so charming watching him learn from our spanish friend, even if he is a horrible mime!  I know you can learn if you truly try with all your heart, Mr. Shale!  But, well...  I have to choose between you.  And though I cry on the inside, I...  I have to stand by Mr. Shale.

##Vote: Mr. Sopko ;_;


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2008, 03:33:41 AM »
Welcome back to the wide world of Mafia!  Right as we went to break, our compatriot Shale was questioning me on whether I had considered that the Hunter's role was a sign of a role-heavy game.  I am forced to admit that he makes a solid point, however, we have no idea what power he had to begin with!  He said himself that the Looney Tunes were the source of his power!  He may not have even had one yet, or it may have been exceedingly weak, only to be increased when the Looney Tunes were invoked!  However, how likely do you think it was that anyone would trigger this for him?  If he hadn't mentioned it, nobody would have known to use those trigger words!  Even after he did, I didn't find it likely at the time that anyone would trust enough to give people the potential for exceptional powers, especially on the first day!  Hence, his supposedly very strong power was limited by the method of obtaining it.  The actions of Excal and our poetic companion VSM seem to have shown that I was incorrect in my assumptions, however.  Still, I think that should be taken into consideration!

Another of our wonderful contestants has repeatedly commented that he desires more explanation on why people voted for Mr. Fudd so quickly, now that he's been confirmed to be on our side.  Well, Mr. Rogue, it's quite simple.  My views on roleclaims should be well known by now, as I really do not believe them to be generally beneficial to town, and trying to put all that information on the table right from the beginning seemed a very scum-favorable thing to do if we couldn't be certain there were enough roles to make the pickings difficult for those heathens!  Also, the way he was acting was very much unlike his usual self, though that was admittedly shown later to be frustration over believing he was in another game that would be decided by the roles involved instead of the players!  I did not get a chance to review the tapes between the time that he made his final post and the time of the unfortunate lightning storm that our wonderful sponsor Carthrat apparently arranged, though I can't say for a certainty whether that omission would have changed my mind or not.

Last but not least, to appease the audience, comments on our current situation!  My Lynch-tastic! brand vote will remain on our emotional contestant Tonfa until he deigns to grace us with a post that contains serious commentary on the issues at hand.  On the subject of Hunter Sopko's apparently absent post restriction, he has notified us that it would kick in tomorrow and alluded to how it would kick in, though I admit that's a fairly convenient choice.  It did give him time to see other people's restrictions before he commited to his, meaning if he had to fake it the odds of him duplicating an actual Townie's restriction were slim indeed!  On the other hand, given the way Babelfish works, after this first day his posts will probably make little to no sense, hardly a good place to put yourself if you had a choice!  You have no convincing way to defend yourself when attacked.  Quite a conundrum, this is!

Stay tuned, there's more Mafia action to come, right after this!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #62 on: March 12, 2008, 03:35:12 AM »
Sorry, having wireless problems, trying to post.
It's not the wireless, it's your wireless card, it sucks!
It's the wireless too >.>
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #63 on: March 12, 2008, 03:49:34 AM »
We're getting on in the day, and there's still someone else who is notable by his absence.

so heres a presure vote lol  :P

I find the following person or people suspicious:

##Vote: Hunter Sopko

Last but not least, to appease the audience, comments on our current situation!  My Lynch-tastic! brand vote will remain on our emotional contestant Tonfa until he deigns to grace us with a post that contains serious commentary on the issues at hand.  On the subject of Hunter Sopko's apparently absent post restriction, he has notified us that it would kick in tomorrow and alluded to how it would kick in, though I admit that's a fairly convenient choice.  It did give him time to see other people's restrictions before he commited to his, meaning if he had to fake it the odds of him duplicating an actual Townie's restriction were slim indeed!  On the other hand, given the way Babelfish works, after this first day his posts will probably make little to no sense, hardly a good place to put yourself if you had a choice!  You have no convincing way to defend yourself when attacked.  Quite a conundrum, this is!

… mmm. Marketing seems less threatening than nothing – yes, nothing. The nothing offered by the one the picture speaker called out. I’m going to second that one, as the manner our propagandist indicated he swapped – something about appearing to switch posting restrictions while cleverly implying his hadn’t yet kicked in – is quite curious indeed. As was pointed out, it’s been some time since the issue arose and still not a peep as to why.

Anyway, on to other business.

##Buy: Puppy, ##Preorder: CrapnGo


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #64 on: March 12, 2008, 03:52:30 AM »
Hmph, I see people are going along with my suspicions against Sopko, this is good.
Yeah but for reasons different to the ones you had earlier!
I guess that's a good thing on the whole too. Diversity and all that.
It's currently the best option, regardless of what you think.
I still think pursuing Andrew would be a better option.
But there's less than 20 hours to go, we need to pick a candidate soon, due to timezones etc.
Hmm, I guess so. Also there's no point dragging this out to the deadline each day, that would be painful. But why do you say Andrew?
Andrew is calling out for those who voted for Alex. Alex looked bad, for all the reasons stated, it's plain and simple.
Maybe Andrew is trying to draw attention away from the suspicions on him earlier?
Like what?
Like his mistakes, not paying attention to the game etc.

What Tonfa?
He posted a bit.
Not much though.
Eh, I don't think it's as bad as Yakumo says.

Anyway, back to Sopko. He looks like scum because he doesn't have a post restriction.
He's said his post restriction hasn't occured yet..
Nobody else in town has a restriction like that! As Yakumo said, (and as I said on page 2), it's a perfect cover.
Well, he has had time to think one up, and from now on will be useless to town, that's for sure.
Hmm. He currently has 3 votes on him, my vote will place him at four out of eight.
But that's starting to put him in danger.
He's the best option currently. This is what votes are for.

So is Sopko your best choice for scum candidate?
I think so.

##Vote Sopko
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #65 on: March 12, 2008, 03:57:37 AM »
Argh, ninja'd while wrestling with wireless. My vote now put him to 5, not 4. I'll let it stand though, just be careful about the next 3 votes everyone.
On the other hand... uh... I object!
To what?
...I'm not sure. I object though. To what you just said! About votes? It's.. the wireless? Maybe....
I'm waiting. I though... um...
*shakes head* I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to penalize you.
That didn't win me any points with the judge.
That's what you get for objecting all the time.

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #66 on: March 12, 2008, 04:16:38 AM »

Lady Door (1): Tonfa Sir Alex
Sir Alex (DEAD): Otter, Dread Thomas, Yakumo, El Cideon
Otter (2): HunterSopko, Shale
Yakumo (0):Excal, El Cideon
Excal (0): El Cideon
Shale (0): El Cideon
Smodge (0): LadyDoor
Tonfa (1): Yakumo
El Cideon (0): Tonfa
AndrewRogue (0): Smodge13
OblivionKnight (0): El Cideon
HunterSopko (5): Otter, LadyDoor, Excal, El Cideon, Dread Thomas

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

There are roughly 18 hours remaining.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 04:23:20 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #67 on: March 12, 2008, 04:45:02 AM »
Where's my vote on Sopko? I'm fairly sure I placed one...ah, a quote-tag malfunction. That's what I get for not paying attention to detail, I guess - a small mistake can throw everything out of whack. Not unlike what happens if you leave a campfire smoldering - a small thing to forget, but it can lead to a conflagration that would change the fortunes of an entire forest.

But I digress. While I'd like to have my votes counted, all things considered I'd rather not knock Sopko to -2 to lynch before he can speak in his own defense. So instead, another pressure vote, this time on someone who has spoken just once, though his post did have some substance...

##Unvote Otter
##Vote Corwin
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #68 on: March 12, 2008, 05:17:28 AM »
The best and most definite townie (me, of course) makes one last post before heading off for the night.

Sopko's got a good number of votes on him already, pretty good.  As he is more likely not a townie than me, the ultimate one and only townie who is most definitely not scum, and being that I had suspicions of him before (what a convenient post-restriction), and being that we are closing towards deadline, I'm not adverse to nuking him for the day.  However, I'd like to see him defend himself a bit (he kind of disappeared after that last post he made that everyone's been discussing) before pushing another vote on him myself, as that kicks him to -2, and that could be a quick hammer if it comes to it.  Suffice, if I have to, I will put the vote myself on him. 

Mr. Tom of the Evilness (who might be a townie, though we know not, but we do know that I am a townie, for certain I am not scum!), I'd argue that Tonfa's not posting much of anything is actually somewhat alarming at the moment.  I'd really like to hear about Sopko some more from him, specifically if he thinks there's a slip-tell somewhere.  I admit it could be due to his (amusing) post-restriction, but...I do want to hear more from him about the actual issues at hand, which have been fairly minute so far.

Otter's most recent post calls out Sopko, which is good.  Otter hasn't had more than 3 posts, short, but they've been hitting on good points, so I really don't have much to comment on with him at the moment...except that it seemed like Otter didn't READ Sopko's post about his "restriction", which, WAY before Otter's post on the matter.  Missed a bit of info there., and I'm surprised Shale and El-Cid are the only ones who "called" him out on that (loosely - El-Cid doesn't seem able to exactly call out anyone, and Shale just made a quick mention about reading comprehension).  If you're a townie like me, yay!  If you're scum like not-me, boo!

Ladydoor.  Huh.  I can't get a good feel for her posts.  Perhaps it's the restrictions of posting she has (if she is a glorious, lovable, delicious and seductive townie like me), but it almost feels like she's...dancing around things.  Dancing may be fun, but with Timmy down the well...we can't have that.  She has two posts, and...well, I thought her restriction was to post with -- as punctuation, but she's used - in her most recent post, so either I'm wrong, or something is fishy.  I'm not getting much out of her so far, as she's only given very little information that's been said already.  She warrants a bit of suspicion, unlike me, who warrants no suspicion because I am most certainly town.

I'm pretty OK (lolololololol) with everyone else so far.  Right now, suspicions are mostly on Sopko, Lady and Tonfa. 

[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #69 on: March 12, 2008, 07:29:55 AM »
-I have to agree.

-I want to hear some content from Tonfa.

-I also want to hear from Soppy.

-I'm not really sure how to feel about him.

-His vote from Otter feels strange within the context of the timing.

-Vote rush on Alex allows counter-vote on Otter?

-Maybe to make him look like a townie?

-I also implore that no one else buy puppies until we know what happens.

-Why are people more willing to buy puppies than say Loony Toon character names?

-LadyDoor ought post more as well!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #70 on: March 12, 2008, 01:02:37 PM »

Interesting. I must give this post 4 stars for originality. No, not for stating the obvious about find/replace, Alex's grammar or what have you. For mentioning that it is quite possible scum was around to defend Alex. Had it been a third party commenting, I would have eyed it with suspicion. However, with Shale including himself, I'm disinclined to dismiss this outright. I do, of course, reject quite firmly Shale's insistence that he is town. Part of this comes from his line here: "I know I'm town"

Yes. Well. Don't we tend to look at such things as suspicious? Also, he seems to be preparing the ground for his own defense. If we lynch Sopko based on this reason, then it can be seen as disproving the case, and thus we'll be likely to leave Shale alone.

And yet, not quite enough for a vote, thus far.

One star! You fail!

idk about voting rite now tho

##vote: el cideon

Reconcile this for me, if you can. But you can't, can you? Because the failure is so immense! Also, grammar, punctuation, drawing on the forum and netspeak. The offenses against you are many and considerable!

Crude language aside (3 stars it is):

Might we do more than vote?
Smodge's flavor text might not be crap

There might be merit in this, as evidenced by Alex's flip. A confirmed, conditional inventor tells us that this is entirely within the realm of possible. And yet… does it tell us anything about smodge's alignment? I think not.

Something that hasn't come up since the flip and should: Alex's call for mass roleclaim was made in good faith. I remind people again that every role-heavy game where town massclaimed was won by town. Anybody care to re-examine the idea now that we know it wasn't a scum trick?

It was made by a townie. If a frustrated one, then perhaps not even truly in good faith, but to get what he considered a horrible game over with. Also, the role-heavy games were… yes, role-heavy. I suggest that had more to do with winning those games. What proof of it do we have here? Therefore, we're going for a shot in the dark, where the best possible outcome is playing mechanically with all our cards on the table. That makes mafia boring and unfun. The worst outcome, of course, is that we don't have that many roles and scum win handily.

Yes, I think this post warrants two stars, Shale.

Follow up to your second paragraph: yes, a dayvig revealing themselves would work best (but I doubt we have one, given no one actually claimed this yet). A nightvig… I think not. I cannot see how a consensus could be reached on finding a target for a vig night kill, while keeping said kill successful. If there is indeed more than a couple of roles in play, this would likely backfire.

I hope it can work like that.

It did, clearly. And yet… why are you so eager, going so out of the way to help poor, misunderstood Cid? That you seem to be the only one who actually tries to make an effort here, spanning several posts, makes me frown. I suppose it means nothing until one of you flips, but you're certainly playing well off one-another. Whether that is intentional or not remains to be seen. 3 stars of indecision.

Yakko: The fact that Alex was telling the truth about his power should be a point on the "role madness" side too. Doubly so if the thinking about Tom's puppy sales is accurate.

One star! One! Tom, you say? Tom is not the one selling puppies. Far too often do people make such mistakes due to not paying enough attention, and far too often they are scum. Coupled with the earlier argument, and the picture becomes quite puzzling. You claim earlier that those supporting Alex's drive for mass-roleclaim by defending him should be examined once more. You helpfully suggest the OTHER person who did this, but you had been guilty of that yourself. And THEN, you decide to go and sell Alex's mass-roleclaim case once more! The above quote is but one example of you doing so. If people do end up looking at Alex's fellow travelers, I certainly hope you don't get a free pass, there.

However, calling for a mass restriction claim is, I would argue, a better cover for scum - this way, they have something on paper (metaphorically) that they can refer to, and set down guidelines and rules to follow.

Must I explain why this fails, getting a single star of shame? If scum are lying, they have a general idea of what they're trying to emulate. In the case you're suggesting, they haven't written it down before to consult later, but would certainly consult it if forced to type it out in the thread. This logic defies explanation and makes me wince in pain. I would argue that having to follow rules they cannot later change (such as 'oh wait tomorrow I will speak in Japanese, babelfish lulz') is far more dangerous for scum, and thus we should go ahead with the restriction claim.

It's better to look for inconsistencies (like Shale did with Alex's post) in their posts, looking for missed restrictions, and see why they weren't modkilled, without literally calling on them and giving them an open "season" to get things out in the open.

Can we really guess at everyone's restriction so far? Take Andrew's case, for example. How can you tell what is inconsistent to it? Let's not speculate. Let's have him tell us, as we share this information and commit to it from day 1 onwards.

2 stars. An apparent desire to be helpful, and yet, once again I find a poster confusing two people in the game. The attention span is either really low amongst townies this game, or we're hitting upon scum. Certainly worth a further look later on, as the game progresses.

3 stars, due to the amusement of seeing my name as a tag. I think that's a first. Oh yes, there is also content relevant to what I've said above about Shale and Excal. While I won't take issues with the consistency of your arguments, that is actually dodging the issue. I, for one, am looking at you for the arguments made, not for flip-flopping on them.

1 star for failing to get my gender right. I also don't like your vote on Sopko. It seems that you and Shale spend more time in latest posts on each other than on Sopko, and yet both of you end up voting for him. Disturbing.

2 stars on Cid, for putting a _pressure vote_ on someone he finds suspicious. When it is the fourth vote, and would've been the fifth if not for tag hijinks. That's some extraordinary pressure.

I'm not even going to bother with that whiny self-appreciation fest, and just focus on OK's words about Lady Door. On this reread of the thread, I'm having trouble spotting any restriction at all, and I can't say I see much content there, either. In that case, I'd rather be rid of the more silent crowd and let those I suspect like Shale and Excal to post more and more. If they're scum, they'll trip eventually. If LD's scum, she won't trip if she doesn't post much of anything.

##Vote: LD

And while we're on the topic of low posting... this would've be out there sooner, but I'm unexpectedly struggling with my restriction more than I expected. We're talking quantity and the actual theme, too, on top of the lesser annoyances. I envy those throwing one-liners for presence purposes.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #71 on: March 12, 2008, 02:20:58 PM »
Ah, Corwin! God to see you’re still with us.

##Unvote Corwin

I make an argument against Sopko that can also be used against me? Well, in part, yes, although the post-restriction issue is unique to him and I’d like to hear what you think of it. The scum-defending-Alex theory does work against me as well as him, but what do you expect me to do? Not make the argument at all because it might make me look worse? That’s a losing strategy – if you have to stick your neck out to make a case, you stick your neck out. And it’d be equally silly for me to (a) seriously consider the possibility that I’m scum or (b) try and clear myself when there’s no suspicion on me, and look weirdly defensive in the process. No matter how important it is to clean up the ocean after an oil spill, before it can bring devastating harm to the innocent water-dwelling animals caught in the muck, it doesn’t help anything to clean up the ocean before there’s a spill, and makes you look positively strange in the process. 
I’ll ask directly, though – what do you think of the case on Sopko? Because it’s more than just “he was defending Alex,” but that’s the only part you really comment on. You say Excal and I look scummy for voting him, but you don’t say anything about whether or not he deserves votes. LD’s not posting much, this is true. Neither is Sopko, with four posts in the first 10 hours of the game and none at all since. Sopko has been at best rather disingenuous about his posting restriction, which I can think of no reason for a townie to do.

I did get Smodge and Tom confused, and my only defense there is that I frequently have a hard time keeping them straight in my head, since they arrived at the DL together, associate with each other, and post similarly (obviously not in this game, what with the vastly different restrictions, but in general).

On vigilantes: I think any nightvig activity is likely to backfire (in large part because of my experience trying to be one in Touhou), and town directing it at least puts people on the record more. No claim seems forthcoming on that angle, though, so there are better things to spend time on. 

Finally, the matter of Cid. Regardless of his alignment, it is in our interest to make him intelligible if we can, because people talking clearly is good for town no matter which side they’re on. If he’s town, then he can make arguments more easily and more accurately, which is a good thing on its face. If he’s scum, then it becomes harder to fall back on the “well, I can only quote other people” excuse if he’s caught in a contradiction, and indeed easier for him to make a contradiction at all when he can actually express complex thoughts. What purpose would it serve to keep him incoherent?

I am now off to work, and don’t know when I’ll be able to post again. I still want to give Sopko more time to defend himself, but if I get a chance to post later in the day and he hasn’t accounted for himself yet, I’ll put my vote down, and it’ll probably be with a oneliner vote-only post so I don’t have to think up a way to fit with my restriction. If that happens, my reasons are as stated before: His posting-restriction behavior seems the scummiest of anyone out there and he’s lurking, as well as the immediate leap to attack Otter in Alex’s defense while…not actually saying much to defend Alex, and painting as a jokevote a vote on Otter that is still there right now.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #72 on: March 12, 2008, 03:22:48 PM »
Welcome back once again to another exciting day of Mafia!  I'm your host, Yakumo Fujii!  Quickly recapping the action since we left you last night, it would appear that one person appears to be attracting all the wrong kinds of attention right now, as Hunter Sopko stands teetering on the edge of the well!  It is indeed quite unfortunate that he has not been able to stand up and speak on his own behalf, as well.  My vote shall remain where it is for reasons previously stated, as I do believe our friend Tonfa needs to speak more, and soon!  Our wonderful sponsor Carthrat appears to have put a system in place where mob rule will be instituted at deadline even if we don't have a consensus, as much as this bores the live studio audience, and I should have one last chance to review the tapes and check for any defenses that good sir Sopko should make before then, so I do not feel the need to switch my vote just yet.  I must say, though, that should he continue to not speak until the time I get back, it will be time for drastic action!

Corwin, I must say, our terrific contestant Shale brings up some good points!  You comment on the case against Sopko, but you do not really go into any detail about those particular proceedings at all!  Instead, you segue directly from this comment to a diatribe about Shale!  Now, I can understand your concerns there, but you seemed to dismiss the other reasonings that other people have brought up on this issue just a bit too handily, don't you agree?  I really would like to see some more from you about this specific issue, if you please.  There is also a small issue of apparent hypocrisy in your statements, as you call out two people for voting for one person after a post directed mostly at another, yet from my point of view, you did the same thing in your post!  Most of what I see there is directed at Shale, yet at the end, you throw in a quick blurb about LadyDoor and toss a vote in her direction!  I agree with the sentiments there, that she needs to post more and make her restriction more obvious, but I take issue with you attacking people for something and then doing it yourself in the very same post!

I'm still torn on the idea of buying up all these amazingly cute SmodgeCo Brand T.G. Puppies.  They do indeed seem to be lovable and quite friendly pets, but I do worry about potentially empowering those people we know nothing about yet!  To make things worse, while his posts are fairly large in word count, there appears to only be three of them so far, and all of them are short in content not related to these adorable little beasties!  Admittedly, it's day one, so he's got enough of it there for me not to be accusing him of totally avoiding the issues.  However!  He also has nothing in his posts that makes me truly believe he is with the forces of good, either!  He is sitting firmly in the grounds of neutrality in my opinion, and that isn't the kind of person I would be trusting to handle extra special power!

Let's take a short break.  More to come after these words!

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #73 on: March 12, 2008, 03:51:44 PM »
My restriction is that I can only speak in one language per day. Unfortunately, Rat didn't explain it fully to me at first (under his initial explanation of the role, it looked like I could switch back to English every other day). By the time he got back to me with the fact that I couldn't speak in the same language twice in the entire game, I'd already posted in English for Day 1. Honestly annoyed at Rat for this, as I would have saved English for a more important day than Day 1.

People are fair for hounding me on lurker charges. My personal comp is sidelined after getting spyware bombed, so I can only get online at work, which I am at now. People seem to be attributing fake restrictions onto me though. I can see the Caps thing from the first post, but honestly, to say that I was trying to pull a one-liner post restriction AFTER I had posted multiple posts that were more than one line? Thats a pretty big head scratcher.

Person I'd like to hear more from right now is Sopko, apart from the single-post wonders who have already been called out. His early posts looked like he had to write a word in CAPS every time, and he only mentioned this language-barrier restriction after breaking that. Given that not having a post restriction is, according to the mod, the ultimate scumtell in this game, why would you not be clear from the outset that yours doesn't kick in until later? Also, he and I are the only ones who did anything remotely like defending Alex, and smart scum aren't going to have every person jump onto the same train - somebody's going to take a contrary view. I know I'm town, so that makes him worthy of a bit more pressure, I think.

Nice WIFOM there, Shale. That really helps matters entirely.

##Unvote: Otter

##Vote: Shale

Out of all the people, Shale seems to be the most apt to target people. It's rubbing me entirely the wrong way at this point.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #74 on: March 12, 2008, 04:15:40 PM »
Sopko lives! Sadly, this last post seems a bit of a waste, burning precious fossil fuels that we can hardly afford to power his computer (unless he's on solar power! That would be great.), and yet not refuting what's been said about him.

Given that not having a post restriction is, according to the mod, the ultimate scumtell in this game, why would you not be clear from the outset that yours doesn't kick in until later?

That was and remains the reason I'm pushing you - the "scum wouldn't all be on the same train" idea makes sense, I think, but it's not decisive, I won't pretend it is, and it's certainly not why the other five people who buy this case are voting for you. about it?

Also, how am I "the most apt to target people"? Confrontation-wise, I've gone after you, poked at a few lurkers, and debated the merits of roleclaims and puppy-buying (the latter not very confrontationally). If anything I should be broadening my focus some.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.