
Author Topic: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1  (Read 38068 times)


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #75 on: March 12, 2008, 04:16:15 PM »
so then  :)

sopko seems partculair suspisous :o

but he should get a chance to fend the flames lol  8-)

perhaps train movin even too fast  :-\

so @ corwin  :)

i voted elcid earlier becuz i felt the vote would better in use  ;D

i was sayin i wasnt really sure about any target tho  :'(

oh sopko postin now :D

hmm i think shale is town tho, with lot of discuson and content  >:(

sopko not too convinisn also omgus  :-\

scumiest of any1 in game now  :P

##unvote: lady door  :)

##vote: hunter sopko  >:(

that be -2 to hamer  :o
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<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #76 on: March 12, 2008, 05:02:52 PM »
Shale, the biggest thing I have against you is your apparant duality of thought in my playstyle. First you're saying that "smart scum" would be defending Alex, implying that since you're town, I'm the smart scum trying to get on Alex's side. Then you (along with others) say that I'm obviously lacking in a posting restriction. This would NOT be smart scum behavior.

Going back over things, Smodge was the one that implied that I'd appeared to have a one-liner post restriction after I'd posted two posts with more than one line. He also tries to tie this in to make others look guilty, such as Andy. I can't tell if this is a townie just hitting a stumbling block, or an attempt to intentionally misconstrue information.

The selling of puppies also worries me, for the same reason I stated before on Alex's request of stating Looney Tunes characters.

And thank you for the suggestions, Excal. I was thinking maybe German or something else fun like that. Maybe even Portugese, so Snow could laugh his head off at how bad it is.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #77 on: March 12, 2008, 05:21:29 PM »
The salesman pushing puppies is quite worrisome. I fail to see why there is so much support in empowering him. As far as I can see, no one even knows what the puppies will do, either in empowering the salesman or doing something to/for the buyers. I know someone’s brought that hesitation up before – does no one buying puppies think anything about it? Or is it generally considered better to see what happens now and deal with –

Thunderstorms are cool. The lightning can be scary, though. I think I feel safer with earthquakes.

… and… erm. Where was I? Oh yes. I am so far generous about accepting post restrictions – some seem less obvious than others – but I worry about those whose restriction is completely opaque. I disagree with mass restriction claiming, but maybe there could be a concerted effort to make them more obvious? I – seem to lose my train of thought easily.

Anyway. Conditional power pushing is a scary thing. Asking us to do so blind is doubly scary.

##UNVOTE Sopko
##VOTE smodge

I agree it would not be “smart scum” to give yourself a restriction that appears as not-a-restriction on Day 1, but … it is not “smart town” to obscure your restriction, either, knowing that scum has to fake it. Why WOULD you use English Day 1 with a language restriction, regardless of whether you knew how often you’d be able to come back to it?

##UNVOTE smodge
##VOTE Sopko
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #78 on: March 12, 2008, 06:27:08 PM »
So it's impossible for scum to strategize well but not have every individual think through every post to perfection? I don't see a contradiction there, and you've still yet to answer the question I asked a day ago.

Why, when the most suspicious thing you can do in this game is to post without a restriction, did you wait so long to explain why you effectively had none on the first day?

I can't see a good reason for a townie to do that. My suspicion is that you're scum who changed restrictions midway, either because you forgot about your "restriction" for a post and had to cover for it, or decided that the one you'd affected just wasn't extreme enough to be believable.

I hate to keep going around in circles - it wastes gas and contaminates the air with exhaust fumes to just drive around aimlessly; we should really walk or ride bicycles instead - but I'd like to get some answer on this.
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #79 on: March 12, 2008, 07:57:48 PM »

We'll start with this first post. I'm wavering as I critique it, which means a 3 star rating. Neither here nor there, but merits a glance while lesser posts would be ruthlessly crushed in the waste bin of history.

You are asking me several things, starting with Sopko, and as the post does merit an answer, here it is. What DO I think of Sopko? Had I been answering before he returned, my response might've been different. However, he is back, now, and I'm confident we should wait and see what tomorrow holds for us with him around. His claimed posting restriction seems closer to the convenient excuse side, true, but there are others who are closer. Cid is the easy answer, but using smilies and netspeak shouldn't be too difficult. Certainly easier than Alex's restriction, which got him modkilled. So when you look at the other things he's suspected of, I see the same things I also see about yourself. The lurker charge is certainly lessened now, if not made moot altogether.

And I also see other things about you I'm not willing to put aside, like I am doing temporarily for Sopko's claimed restriction, and I'm still not voting for you.

What is this case I see against you? Let's see. I don't expect you (if you're town) to seriously consider or even type out the possibility that you're scum, no. BUT I also get wary when you type things like 'I am town', which is something I quoted you do. In fact, when OK does it (a lot, and over the top), I look at it as a weird restriction on his part. It certainly grabs my attention in a bad way, but I'm just trying to make the best-informed decision based on actual content, and not restrictions. As time passes and we get info from lynches, plus a lot more content out there, this might change. But not now, not for me.

Also. You fielded the idea. As far as I can see, if that didn't happen to be the most concrete case against Sopko, it certainly is way up there. And yet, you don't press it as much as I'd expect. Day 1? Who knows. But this looks bad to me. Also, like I noted before, hiding in this wifom would be perfect. If Sopko is lynched and flips town, any attempt to use the same theory to lynch you is likely to be perceived/spun as 'if x isn't scum, lynch y', and thus the person proposing it would get tossed into the well. I don't like how your argument handily defends you against something you are equally 'guilty' of, same as your own target. I'm treating Sopko as that, btw, since you clearly intended to vote him, and only didn't correct the tag mistake because many others joined in and you seemed to want to give Sopko a chance to respond.

On you using the wrong name: there's no good response to this, and it's not a question from me, but merely me noting this for posterity's sake. To repeat, scum commit this kind of mistake far more often, and that usually happens on day 1 when this gets largely ignored. On its own, not nearly a case. But along with other things? Helps pad it.

The idea of a full roleclaim day 1 is stupid. I see it as bad and harmful to town. Even though you're no longer calling for it now, you still supported and pushed the idea before (not alone, no, but scum hiding in that crowd makes sense, as you yourself mentioned). That's still a point against you in my book.

On a second thought, I'll grant you the point on Cid. While I still think it's likely you two could be working together, your explanation is very logical, and until either of you flip or are otherwise confirmed, this will just pollute an otherwise decent start-of-game case.

So why didn't all this get you my vote? I was fully intending to vote for you until nearly the end. But due to my restrictions, I had to phrase the post in certain ways, and time just kept on running out. In the end, I couldn't make a second post just about LD, and I did (still do) find her actions the scummiest.

Yakumo, in fact, gets 4 stars for spotting this. It is, in a way, hypocritical of me to do something similar to what I accuse others of. However, in this particular case, I didn't have a better option. My restriction forces me to react rather than act, and to have a lower limit of words, among other things. With the time available to me, I couldn't find a better way to achieve my goals and both leave my thoughts on two people I considered scummy AND make a short summary of why I think LD needs to be thrown down the well. After getting NK'd a couple game on night one, I just kept getting this feeling that if I don't say what I think I'll just regret sitting on it well into my death.

And my vote on LD. Well, she'd posted. I'm still not sure she has an annoying posting restriction, and she is actually against it. I understand people being cautious and not going for it (well, not really, but I'm trying to be nice), but why would someone be outright against it?

I disagree with mass restriction claiming, but maybe there could be a concerted effort to make them more obvious? I – seem to lose my train of thought easily.

Here, we have LD earning five stars for this performance. Reemerge when called upon for lurking, be vague enough about your restriction to allow you freedom of action later on, and categorically object to a mass restriction claim without a single reason why. While one could object to this proposal, I at least outlined why I think it's a good idea. It would be nice if she gave even a token effort why I'm wrong, or why she's right. In fact, a token effort to provide content would be appreciated, period. She fielded a vote against Sopko from early on, and has asked him a single question in her recent post. Could this truly be her only contribution to the game? Do the rest of you buy her attempts at showing that vague restriction she claims to have?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #80 on: March 12, 2008, 08:13:21 PM »
Welcome back!  We're entering crunch time on the first day now, folks!  By my reckoning, we've got less than four hours remaining before someone goes in the well!  While I am still not terribly convinced that Tonfa is putting forth enough effort to get him through the game, at least he's put out an actual opinion in his most recent post.  Sopko, much to the dismay of our fantastic audience, has not really helped his cause with his most recent postings, in this humble host's opinion.  The first reeks of OMGUS, his reasoning for targetting Shale appears to me to be that he's rubbing him the wrong way, and that he's being too agressive with targetting people, which I disagree with.  How do you get anywhere in Mafia if you never press anyone?  Also, the attack on our wonderful sponsor Carthrat simply cannot be ignored!  The second post offers a totally different reason for the vote, though again I disagree, mostly for the reasons already mentioned by our friend Shale.  Nothing he's said has really shifted my feelings on him one way or the other, so as the deadline is fast approaching, I will put my vote where I currently believe it will do the most good!

I see with my Predict-o-matic brand preview device that our fantastic contestant Corwin has fielded my earlier query!  As I said, I did find that your reasoning had merit, and if it simply the restriction that forced you to speak that way, that's quite understandable.  I do wish you had said something to that effect at the end of your post, but I suppose that could have been misconstrued as well, couldn't it?  Well, I suppose I can give you the benefit of the doubt for the time being since there are other, more pressing matters at hand!  Your thoughts on Sopko are noted, and I do see some merit in them, but at this point I still feel that he is our best option to send down!  I, for one, won't be out of work and back home to see this again until after the deadline, and I'm sure there are others, so trying to change the case at this point feels like it would cause more harm than good.

##Unvote: Tonfa
##Vote: Hunter Sopko

The audience is on the edge of their seats, as Hunter Sopko stands one thin vote from the well!  Stay tuned after these messages for the exciting conclusion to day one!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #81 on: March 12, 2008, 08:18:23 PM »
-My main problem with Sopko is his claimed restriction.

-It all depends on how it is limited.

-But it would seem to make him functionally useless.

-I don't think he is multi-lingual.

-This means that it will be time for internet translators.

-This means that he will become practically unintelligible.

-This means that he will be unreadable.

-I would like to know where it was said that no restriction is a scum tell though.

-I can't seem to find it?

-Could someone else please post for my sake?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #82 on: March 12, 2008, 09:11:05 PM »
I shouldn't be posting from work so much, but deadline looms large, so what else is there to do? At least this way I'm using a computer that would be on anyway, and not burning any extra power from my home appliances. Remember, conservation is conservation, even when your boss might not see eye-to-eye with you on the circumstances.

What is this case I see against you? Let's see. I don't expect you (if you're town) to seriously consider or even type out the possibility that you're scum, no. BUT I also get wary when you type things like 'I am town', which is something I quoted you do.
So I can make an argument against someone who's behaved similarly to me, and I don't have to analyze myself in the process, but if I say why I'm not analyzing myself (which would be implicit anyway), it suddenly becomes scummy, even though the reasoning hasn't changed? I  honestly don't get your logic at all.

Also. You fielded the idea. As far as I can see, if that didn't happen to be the most concrete case against Sopko, it certainly is way up there.

If you're referring to the part about scum wanting to defend Alex (as you seem to be; some quotes would be nice), I disagree completely that it's "the most concrete case against Sopko." If the fact that he defended Alex was the most concrete case, people would have to be rather silly to ignore me completely in favor of him - not to mention that they would probably mention it more often than not, and the only people who included it in their cases were me and Excal, and neither of us bases the entire case on it.

It's the fact that he waited hours, and posted in a style that could pass for restricted, before suddenly popping up claiming a separate restriction - one that wouldn't kick in until tomorrow - along with the vanishing. If you do take that tack and make the Alex defense a major part of the case, then I'll say right now that Sopko flipping town wouldn't clear me in the least. That's not "one of X and Y is scum, so if X flips town, lynch Y." It's "X and Y are both acting suspicious." One suspicious person being town does not absolve the other, nor does it implicate the other! It means that the suspicions were wrong in that case, and nothing more. If you want to look at how he defended Alex, not just the fact that he did, then that could be a concrete case, but I don't think there's much similarity between him and me when you look at it that way.

As for why no restriction is a scummy thing, I refer you to the words of the mod in the sign-up topic:

-Townies will have some kind of post restriction that forces them to post a certain way. It might be trivial, it might totally rearrange how you present yourself, but it'll be there. Fair warning- these WILL force you to do very strange things and somewhat increase how long each post you make takes!

-Scum will have no such restriction. Better fake it!
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #83 on: March 12, 2008, 10:03:12 PM »
I don't have time to do a votecount, but there are roughly 30 minutes remaining!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #84 on: March 12, 2008, 10:08:57 PM »
-Was hoping someone would post so I could get out some more thoughts at work.

-Need to run to talk to a professor.

-Don't have time to go deep here.

-Lynch needs to happen.

-I think Sopko does raise some interesting points.

-The argument against him is also good.

-Considering his restriction though.

-I'd rather err with him than with someone else or a no lynch.

-Smodge and Tonfa also concern me because of their "powers"/restrictions.

-I can't talk anymore.

##Vote: Sopko


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #85 on: March 12, 2008, 10:20:59 PM »

Day 1 Final Votecount

Lady Door (1): Corwin, Tonfa, Sir Alex
Sir Alex (DEAD): Otter, Dread Thomas, Yakumo, El Cid
Otter (0): Sopko, Shale
Yakumo (0): El Cid, Excal
Excal (0): El Cid
Shale (1): Sopko, El Cid
Smodge (0): LadyDoor
Tonfa (0): Yakumo
El Cid (0): Tonfa
Andrew (0): Smodge13
OK (0): El Cideon
Sopko (8): Otter, Excal, El Cid, Dread Thomas, Tonfa, LadyDoor, Yakumo, Andrew
Corwin (0): Shale
Dread Thomas (0): no votes
VSM (0): no votes

With 14 alive, it took 8 to lynch.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 05:35:33 AM by Laggy »
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #86 on: March 13, 2008, 01:58:46 AM »
After disposing of Fudd's smoking body, the town reconvened around the well to discuss what to do next.

Whilst Smodge made a killing on selling toy puppies to the populance, most of the public had trouble deciding on where to go next. Rhyme and reason combined and clashed as accusations were dealt out and rescinded across the board, until AndrewRogue presented a report to the public.

-Sopko isn't doing anything strange!
-He must be a Genre-Savvy villian.

Everyone looked at Sopko, who put away a dictionary for a moment. "Uh... wait, I can't do that?" he asked, sounding confused.

And as one, the crowd shoved him into the well. There was a sickening crunch...

...and then Timmy started to cry. "You killed Sopko! You bastards! He was one of my friends! He'd read funny words to me every night, and I could understand him about one in ten, but he'd never have pushed me!"

Hunter Sopko, aka Polyglot, Vanilla Townie, was lynched!

Night actions, etc.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #87 on: March 13, 2008, 09:04:52 AM »
At work, no time to write flavour. The flip'll have to do.

Otter, aka The Demotivator, Vanilla Townie, was found dead overnight!

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

There are 72 hours remaining.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #88 on: March 13, 2008, 09:53:08 AM »
Well, that wasn't the best result. I've gone through the whole thread again, and I can't seem to find anything that would cause anyone to bear grudge against Otter.
That's what they *want* you to think.
They probably just picked him at random.
Or, they picked him because it would give us the least info. Otter was picking single targets and sticking with them (Alex, Sopko).
Either way, I'm sad at the lack of demotivation posters now :(

The person who's made the least impact so far, in my opinion, would be Tonfa.
On the other hand, technically El Cid hasn't said anything new.
That's hardly his fault.
Is it?

Oh, and both those dead townies were vanilla. So claims of role-madness are less convincing now.
On the other hand, there's still those strange command power thingies.
They don't make sense to me, so I haven't considered them.
They don't make sense to me either, but at least I haven't ignored them.
A lot of good that did.
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #89 on: March 13, 2008, 10:10:15 AM »
Well Excal, VSM and Cid lived the night, come on peopel buy a puppy and protect yourself from scum*

my posting time over next 48 will be low i should get time for 2 long posts, 1 tonight and 1 tomorow morning, i'm at work atm so my time is limited

I ask 1 thing though, a few of you are worried about possibly empowering a person of unknown alignment, wouldn't however the fact that i can sell puppies and must advertise them every post show that i have a restriction, so lets look at it this way, if selling puppies did nothing then i could be anything, but if they actually did something wouldn't that show i'm town no matter what? because its a posting restriction the advertising and scum have no restrictions, so come on everyone buy some puppies

*Puppies may not protect you from anything at all, but they are really cute and may distract scum


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #90 on: March 13, 2008, 10:29:03 AM »
No. That's a huge logical fallacy. You must be scum for such a deceptive and fallacious statement.
He could just be an idiot town.
That's true, but I implore everyone to read his post carefully. I don't believe it one bit.

the fact that i can sell puppies and must advertise them every post show that i have a restriction
If we believe that, then there are no scum in this game.
Nobody would be stupid enough to believe you about that.

if selling puppies did nothing then i could be anything, but if they actually did something wouldn't that show i'm town no matter what?
Hell no! Wrong! Fallacy! There's so much wrong with that, I don't know where to start!
I do - scum can have powers.
Not to mention the fact that there's no proof you have such a restriction.

On the one hand, you might just be innocent, and making a huge mistake.
On the other hand, what you've said is wrong, deceptive, and scummy.

##Vote Smodge
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #91 on: March 13, 2008, 11:47:43 AM »
I'd like to make the following claim
Rogue and Tonfa seem much too the same
Perhaps I am erring
Could it be red herring?
To have such similar roles in game?

On to matters less metagamey
So the serious types won't flame me
There is one thing or two
That I should really do
If I want to seem much less lamey

Yakumo should hold on just one tick
Questioning why we'd trust one so quick
But he forgot Excal
Who was quickly a pal
Trusting the Fudd thing was not a trick

Then again, there's the matter of Shale
Who in an explanation did fail
Vigilantes at night
Are best kept out of site
One scum doc is all they need to bail

I agree with Sopko from way back
About the current way you attack
You have too much control
Like you have a clear goal
Seeing colors when others see black

It could be you're just leading town
But scum must also do this or drown
I'd like to rock the boat
By applying my vote
Something about all this makes me frown

##Vote: Shale

It'd be nice to see how you react
When the one voting is not fast-tracked
To the gallows, as he
So then how about me?
Can you defend yourself? What's the fact?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #92 on: March 13, 2008, 01:54:11 PM »

We start with this post by giving it a resounding 2 stars of near-fail. It lacks flavor, it doesn't show sufficient effort or thought involved. It is so short there is hardly enough to mock.

We move on. 3 stars for having the following line:

Oh, and both those dead townies were vanilla. So claims of role-madness are less convincing now.

And it's only three stars because stating the obvious never gets people beyond mediocrity. That's yet another argument against a mass roleclaim… but what about a mass restriction claim? I would like to use this opportunity to call on everyone here to express an opinion about that, and present at least a token reason for or against doing so. Of course, that is hardly the only issue I wish to discuss at this opportunity.

2 stars! While smodge's lines are pretty stupid there, I don't see it as immediate proof of scum. Do I suggest dropping the issue? Hardly. But I feel there are several leftover ones from day 1 we must resolve, and finally the vote record against Sopko.

If I had to grade this post, I'd say it rated four stars, certainly higher than our very own Rat's economy post, and yet with glaring omissions that might confuse us, thus dropping a star from the total rating.

Sopko (8): Otter, Excal, El Cid, Dread Thomas, Tonfa, LadyDoor, Yakumo, Andrew

Otter is quite clearly not scum, being dead and all. Shale is… not on the list, despite being one of Sopko's chief accusers. Excal is someone I don't quite trust. There are Cid and Tom whom I can't read for now, Tonfa and Andrew who had been mentioned already in terms of restrictions; I personally think their participation is lacking so far, especially on Tonfa's part. Then, we have LD. Except LD was the second vote, and later unvoted/revoted Sopko. I don't believe she had much of a case on him, but the way this worked… what was the point of the whole exercise, since the unvoting and voting took place in the same post? This joins my list of things I don't like about LD. Then, we also have Yakumo, who in turn joins Cid and Tom as far as I'm concerned.

Therefore, glancing at this list of suspects and based on my reasons from day 1, my vote goes to LD.

##Vote: LD


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #93 on: March 13, 2008, 01:58:20 PM »
Well. My explanation for yesterday is simple: I thought I had evidence. Not having a restriction is a black-and-white scumtell in this setup, and I thought Sopko’s earlygame conduct was far more likely to be scum grasping for an excuse for that than town being careless, and the way he acted when he came back – not answering a direct question, plus the quick vote on me – just made me more certain. I was wrong, and now I’m just damned confused about why he acted like that, but I think my logic was sound.

I’m also not sure where to go from here. The best course is probably to go out, plant some trees (if left unchecked, deforestation will not only wipe entire habitats from the map, but lower the quality of our air) and reread the topic.

Also, regarding roleclaims. With both Otter and Soppy being vanilla, it seems doubtful that we’re in a setup with a lot of roles as opposed to a few strong ones. So barring substantial evidence to the contrary, I’m ready to call claiming a bad idea.

Corwin's post: Note that I did try to vote for Sopko, early in the train, but by the time I realized that vote hadn't been counted he was close enough to hammer that I didn't want to push the day to an early end. I was prepared to hammer at the end of the day but saw Andrew and VSM both preparing posts and was trying not to cut them off.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #94 on: March 13, 2008, 03:27:55 PM »
Hello and welcome to the second exciting day of Mafia!  I'm your host, Yakumo Fujii!  The hearts of the contestants are heavy this morning, having seen two defenders of truth and goodness fall to their doom.  But we can't stop to mourn now!  There are still miscreants out there to bring to justice!

Our dear poetic pal, might I inquire why exactly you are so terribly certain that just because dear departed Mr. Fudd was telling the truth about a triggered power, Smodge must be town?  I'm afraid this leap of logic is completely beyond my ability to comprehend.  Yes, we have seen proof that someone in this game had a triggered power, and this person was good!  Yet, we have no proof whatsoever that only the good guys can have these!  Even if this puppy purchasing does have an impact on the game, which in and of itself is an unknown at this point, why does this automatically prove his alignment?  I may be misunderstanding you, but the message I get from your poems is that you think I should be trusting Smodge because trusting Fudd would have been the right thing to do?  Please, correct me if I'm mistaken, but as it stands, that comment looks quite odd!

Which brings me to Smodge's post of the morning!  Which seems to say that because he's showing a restriction, he must be town?  I must say, all of us are showing some restriction, minor as they may be, so where is the logic here!?  If we were to use that logic, well, we wouldn't lynch anyone!  Or is it you are saying that you would be town only if you actually had a triggered role?  While the logic there isn't quite as bad, I'm really not sure where you get that idea.  We've seen triggered roles in other games before, and often they're actually third-party, and some have been scum, though admittedly the scum ones didn't require townie input to occur.  Still, our audience demands answers as to why this supposed restriction or power should clear you!

I find myself feeling much better about my stance against massclaim at this point.  With the proof that we had at least two vanilla townies in our midst, the claims of role madness seem to be looking much less solid than they were!  I knew our wonderful sponsor Carthrat wouldn't fail us like that!  I'm not going to call people out on this, as I do understand where they were coming from yesterday, but I do seriously suggest we stay away from that subject for the time being at least!  On the massclaim of restrictions, well, I don't see how that could really hurt.  Don't think it'll be a lot of help, either, though it at least forces scum to stick with one set of rules instead of being able to manipulate them to fit the situation! 

Wow, my ChronoMate brand watch is telling me that it's almost time for me to run for work!  I'll quickly second the calls for Tonfa and LadyDoor to put more information on the table, and while I understand that El Cideon is very greatly restricted, I would like to see him putting more of his opinions on the table now that we have worked out some methods of communication for him.  He really hasn't said much since we broke his vote code!  One post to show he could quote the yes, one that I don't quite understand(trying to emphasize Soppy's lack of restriction?), and one that puts a "pressure vote" on Sopko!  I don't know if he really wanted it to be a pressure vote, as it appears he can't break up paragraphs and may have wanted to hit him as a lurker, so I'm not pushing that part too much, but I really would like to see more out of him.

More to come after these words from our sponsors!

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #95 on: March 13, 2008, 05:51:28 PM »
I am here. I am sad. I have no time this morning, but I will be free, free, free as a bird later this afternoon and will be more than happy to continue this  when that time comes around. I admit to also being sad that our dear critic friend lacks the imagination to fill in the blanks, given that with a little depth of reading --

I've always really wanted to be able to do backflips. It'd be nifty. Maybe I should try.

-- ... and wherever I was going with that is going to have to wait until I get back this afternoon.
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<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #96 on: March 13, 2008, 07:12:31 PM »
That is not at all what I had meant
I was upset because you had leant
All your ire to we
Who had bought a puppy
When Excal had the same argument

I mean nothing much about Smodge
The issue I don't want you to dodge
Is why smodge but not Fudd?
Since Elmer had a bud
That's the info I wish to dislodge


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #97 on: March 13, 2008, 08:00:54 PM »
Now back to the action!  I'm afraid our live studio audience appears confused by VSM, and I still don't understand where our poetic companion is going with this discussion.  I do not recall ever actively attacking anyone for puppy purchases!  Merely that I warned that even if they did do something, that doesn't mean Smodge is on the side of good.  The closest I can think of to my doing that would be stating that I did not expect that people would do such a thing for Mr. Fudd when I was commenting on why his particular role was not necessarily indicitive of role madness?  If you could perhaps reference which post of mine you are referring to, by number as I can't always see links stuck in words, I could more readily address the issue you are trying to elicit a response about.  I'm not sure what about Mr. Fudd you are referring to, either.  The fact that I didn't say anything about his Looney Toons claim at the time?  I seriously did not expect anyone to take others up on these offers until you had specifically mentioned that you were thinking about purchasing a puppy, so I didn't think such a warning was necessary!  Now, I run to eat my Lunchmates brand midday meal, provided by our wonderful sponsor Carthrat!

We'll be back with more Mafia, right after this!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #98 on: March 13, 2008, 09:07:57 PM »
-Have we had any news on what happened with puppy purchases?

-I'm uncomfortable with those sitting out and nothing happening.

-I do agree that Tonfa seems a bit similar to me.

-I must wonder how close our limitations really are.

-Could someone point me to where it says scum have no restrictions?

-Perhaps I'm dense.

-I just seem to keep missing where this is definitively spelled out.

-Otter's death is odd.

-He would be a decent target for scum to leave alive.

-Perhaps our scum aren't highly experienced?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #99 on: March 13, 2008, 09:14:01 PM »
So, as any good townie like myself would do (and like those poor, departed souls, Alex, Soppy and Otter), I attempted to get on at work yesterday to post.  

Unfortunately, the hospital decided to be a vile scum (which, hey, I'm not!), and has some way of blocking posting - I can log in and read, but not post.  So I had to watch the day end, and it didn't start again until I hit work today again.

Anyway, as a townie, I have much work to do outside of saving poor Timmy at the moment (poor Miss Lesbia can't clean herself alone), but I will return later for more in-depth fun (yay 3 days off work!).

Now, the good townie in me (certainly not the bad scum, which doesn't reside anywhere near, me) looks at what happened yesterday, and wants to go with another of yesterday's prime candidates - Tonfa.  LadyDoor has a pressure vote, though I do suspect her (hell, I pointed her out), I feel that will suffice (since she said she'd be back later anyway).  Shale...I don't really have a strong scum feeling for (he feels like a townie to me at the moment, though most assuredly not a confirmed townie like myself, he might be a townie nonetheless, though possibly a scum, since I am definitely not scum, as I am a townie, who cannot be in any way shape or form scum).  smodge's puppies...we know there was at least one power that worked like he says - but we only know one was on town side.  I'm not in the mood to push it at the moment.  As for Tonfa...there is little from him yesterday, and ...well, actually, it's nothing.  It might be post restriction, but I think a bit more pressure than yesterday is in store for him, so as an awesome townie (me me me me me me me me!!!!!), I shall give him a vote to start.  More when I return.

##Vote: Tonfa
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory