
Author Topic: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1  (Read 38032 times)


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #100 on: March 13, 2008, 09:18:08 PM »
...and Andrew posts (he could be a townie, though certainly not like me, since I am and always will be the most awesome and bestest townie here!).


"-Townies will have some kind of post restriction that forces them to post a certain way. It might be trivial, it might totally rearrange how you present yourself, but it'll be there. Fair warning- these WILL force you to do very strange things and somewhat increase how long each post you make takes!

-Scum will have no such restriction. Better fake it!"

...ok, I, as a townie, find this suspicious.  Yesterday this was fired ALL OVER THE PLACE!  How could a good townie (who had to have read the sign-up thread, to sign up - you know, like me, the best townie here?) not know this?  It's not mentioned specifically in this thread, though the rules do state:

"- Breaking your post restriction will get you modkilled. Don't break your post restriction."

Which reinforces the above.  If someone looks like they broke it, they go boom. a good townie, I must do this before I go do errands like petting Miss Pussino...

FoS: Andrew
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #101 on: March 13, 2008, 09:25:58 PM »
Actually, the awesome townie that I am feels the need to also further stress that in post #82 by Shale, after you had asked in post #81, this was answered: (#81) (#82)

From Shale:

"As for why no restriction is a scummy thing, I refer you to the words of the mod in the sign-up topic:

Quote from: Carthrat on March 03, 2008, 08:13:06 AM
-Townies will have some kind of post restriction that forces them to post a certain way. It might be trivial, it might totally rearrange how you present yourself, but it'll be there. Fair warning- these WILL force you to do very strange things and somewhat increase how long each post you make takes!

-Scum will have no such restriction. Better fake it!"


##Unvote: Tonfa

##Vote: Andrew

Ignoring and re-asking a question that was already stated AND answered AND something noted in the sign-up? 

I, the truest townie ever, find this NOT ME-LIKE (a.k.a., not like a townie!)!!!!!
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #102 on: March 13, 2008, 09:29:13 PM »
It's times like this when we should remember to pay the utmost care to our surroundings. You never know what you'll miss if you're inattentive - just walking through a field, you could easily tread on a rare plant or animal without realizing it, snuffing out a unique life forever. Or you could fail to notice something like this:

-Townies will have some kind of post restriction that forces them to post a certain way. It might be trivial, it might totally rearrange how you present yourself, but it'll be there. Fair warning- these WILL force you to do very strange things and somewhat increase how long each post you make takes!

-Scum will have no such restriction. Better fake it!

I echo the calls for Smodge to tell us the results of puppy purchasing, and to comment more on the game in general; posting restrictions can be a bitch, but the puppy talk has somewhat overshadowed his comments on the game itself, and his last post was given over entirely to the specious "I have a posting restriction, so I'm obviously town" logic. El Cid needs to talk...well, quote...more as well.

And I'll also agree that it can only help if we make our post restrictions public; townies will follow them to the letter or die whether they're commonly known or not, and if anybody breaks their claimed restriction and suffers no consequences...well, that would be very helpful information to have. Before I let mine slip (not that it isn't blatantly obvious anyway), can we have Word of Mod that posting the details of our restrictions, provided we paraphrase, is not against any of the game's ground rules? We may all be a bit paranoid about that after Touhou.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #103 on: March 13, 2008, 09:32:33 PM »
I personally don't agree with this.
I kind of do.
My view is that neither town nor scum would be more likely to make this mistake.
You mean both sides are equally likely of this?
Why's that?
Well, if you were town, you'd get a restriction. Knowing about scum is important. SO you'd know their lack of restrictions.
But if you were scum, you'd know you didn't have a restriction, but town do. Ah I see.
So, I don't think this is a tell one way or the other.
It still shows lack of attention.
If that were true, why would he have asked in the game thread?
He could be lazy.
Maybe, I don't buy it though.

I'm off to uni!
No you're not, you're still in your pyjamas!
Shh >.>

Ninja: Personally, I'm pretty sure I've figured out everyone's trstrictions already.
Well, it can't hurt to list them you know.
Unless we get modkilled for it :S
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #104 on: March 13, 2008, 09:44:54 PM »
-I did indeed miss that being tacked on to the end of Shale's post.

-The statement that scum had no restrictions was indeed chucked about a ton yesterday.

-That is why I asked.

-I also think it is worth saying that I did not ignore Shale's response.

-That is attributing willful neglect to me.

-That makes little sense.

-I have nothing to gain except personal knowledge from asking this.

-Attacking me for not knowing something that (outside of Shale) is not actually in the game topic is sad.

-The rules for the game are in this thread.

-Could someone please post for me?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #105 on: March 13, 2008, 09:53:31 PM »
- No two restrictions are exactly the same.

Andrew's and Tonfa's are quite similar however see the bold for why im not concerned (i was a bit earlier until i spotted that).

As for the one Andrew wants.
It's the 1st in the signup thread

-Scum will have no such restriction. Better fake it!

New Deal, come one come all smodge is having a crazy new deal thats great for everyone. all T.G. PuPPYs 25% off thats right 25% off, but not only that, heres the part thats great for everyone that wants to make a profit, buy 100 puppy's and we'll slash the price by a further 25%, thats a total of 50% of, so come on up and purchase these delightful puppies or purchase in bulk and make a killing in sales yourself.

Now onto restriction claims and opinions, 1 i see know way that it harms anyone to do this, i also doubt it will help, however it does have a chance to, most of the restrictions seem pretty clear cut however there are also minor decrepancies between some of the posts that the wording of the post restriction may clear up, problem is that may result in pm quoting to give the specifics and we know the punishment for that.

Anyway seeing as i see it do know harm i might as well give my restriction as obvious as it is, i must eagerly promote the puppies and advertise them every post.

Going over the posts i just noticed one thing, Andrew has posted in all his post 10 single lines of text......... except 1 which was the first that has 9.
1st post
-My Alex problem is that that post is just uncharacteristic for him.

-That partial roleclaim is especially strange and disconcerting.

-The real question is why he would do what he did though.

-I have no good answer for that at this point.

-Thus I leave my vote off him for now.

-I do agree that Smodge needs to check in.

-Soppy's vote also feels very reactionary.

-It really seems to be trying to get the jump on Otter.

-Still not really sure where I want a vote to go at this point though.

eg of other posts
-I did indeed miss it Smodge.

-The clarity of your posting is now fully evident to me.

-I should note that Tonfa has indeed posted twice (once right before you) though.

-Alex's flip is big news indeed.

-He is town.

-I'm still uneasy about his logic at this point.

-Can't argue actual flip though.

-This does cast a new light on those who jumped so early to vote seriously for him!

-Could you all explain your votes?

-I'm still not too sure about the concept of the mass roleclaim though.

which all up would add up to a discrepancy in his posts correct?
Although admittedly it is minor it's still something to be looked at
scratch that there are 2 where he has 9 lines

Another line of thinking that maybe should be looked into if it doesn't contain too much WIFOM, puppy sales, scum like to spread their members out correct?, wouldn't that then mean in an opportunity like this at least 1 would buy a puppy?, we can also establish the puppies don't do anything for the buyer as 1. noone has come forward yet, and 2. neither myself nor any of the people who purchased puppies are seen as a greater threat than Otter, so either scum believed Otter had a power OR they believed the puppies weren't a big enough threat to focus on them (which they would only know the threat level of the puppies is if they purchased one themselves).
Therefore i think it highly likely at least 1 scum is in this list (also if you want to think of me as scum even focusing on that with the likelehood of 2-3 scum if there were 3 scum wouldn't you still spread them out, 1 into the buyers and 1 into the non-buyers?):
El Cid

Running low on time, will make another post during lunch break at work so onto advertising.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #106 on: March 13, 2008, 10:01:23 PM »
-I can post once again!

-Smodge's current line of argumentation bothers me.

-He does seem to be trying to direct away from the subject of what his puppy sales do.

-As well as get into why Otter was killed instead of him or puppy buyers.

-The questions needs an answer.

-Do puppy purchases do anything?

-I also find it odd that he wrote a whole thing about my restriction.

-Then he found his line of argumentation was wrong.

-But left the general argument in there.

-Another post so I can continue please?


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #107 on: March 13, 2008, 10:05:56 PM »
oh one other thign i forgot i noticed last night and was typing it up before computer died on me.

did anyone else notice when laggy first posted the votecount that puppy sales wa son it, it was then later removed when the mod came along.

so it leads to an interesting line of thinking.
1. Puppy sales were recorded
2. The co-mod saw a need for putting them in the list
3. The mod saw them as important enough to be removed.

 So i guess the puppies do at least something otherwise why would they be important enough to remove from the votecount.

now everyone hopefully i have put some fears to rest so everyone come on up and ##Buy: Puppy, their so good even i wish to purchase 1 of my own products.
##Buy: Puppy
Thats right if their so good even the people selling them want them then that shows how large the puppy craze is at the moment, so come on people join in and buy a puppy


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #108 on: March 13, 2008, 10:33:50 PM »
kind of ironic that i'm the one posting so that you can post more.

Save Timmy, buy a Puppy, their cute, their cuddly and the greatest gift around.

Also i chose to leave it around in hope you may consider clarifiying your specifics, by your last post you imply also that you can't post 2 posts together, is this thinking correct?

*Note, this post was pre-prepared because i need to go to work soon, if i see Andrew post i'm just clicking post so that he can post more if noone else is around to post if he needs to*

Looks like Andrew left the who's online section, anyway i'm off to work might as well post this anyway


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #109 on: March 13, 2008, 10:55:48 PM »
-I do indeed have restrictions in both how frequently I may post and how much I may post.

-No more than ten points per post.

-Nor can I post twice in a row.

-Since I've given you that.

-Can you at least answer this?

-What do you actually know about your puppies?

-I dislike the way you keep dodging this matter of discussion.

-Either answer plainly or make it clear you cannot.

-Here is some encouragement.

##Vote: Smodge


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #110 on: March 13, 2008, 11:08:46 PM »
well then was afk lol dudes  8-)

oterflip dosent seem to have any clues  :-X

i dont see why not claim post restrishuns unless it break game rule it only help town  :)

pop up salsdued smodge is tryign to focus all diskushn on pupies they must mean lot to him  :-\

i find this pretty suspishous  >:(

##vote: smodge13  :D

why you pushing this so hard i wonder  ???

bbl fud  :P

oh i see andrew posted  :D

i have no reson to change my vote though  ;D

thogh it seem we can freely claim restrishun  ???
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #111 on: March 13, 2008, 11:17:45 PM »
MODNOTE: Unless specifically noted in your PM, you can post your role restriction if you want. Remember to paraphrase it, because quoting PMs is a no-no.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #112 on: March 13, 2008, 11:26:30 PM »
Superb. This won't be a surprise to...well, anybody, probably, but I am honor-bound to write at least one message in every post about the importance of protecting the environment, and I may not use the same message twice. Of course, I'd do that anyway, because preventing harm to the natural world, from the smallest bug to the mighty redwood, is mankind's greatest responsibility.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #113 on: March 13, 2008, 11:46:34 PM »
well then  :D

i cant use big words like punctaiton or capitalshun corectly  :'(

nor can use those things as you see  8-)

lol must have some intrnet abrviation in post  ::)

also use emotes lot and gramer no good  :-\

also type in 1liner  :o
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #114 on: March 14, 2008, 12:01:18 AM »
Also, is it just me, or is anyone else as utterly entranced by the similarities in the quirks of our dear friends Andrew and Tonfa?  I know that it is certainly a breath of fresh air in this town of eccentricity to have two people so comfortably close to each other in their quirks.  Do you suppose they might be related?

- No two restrictions are exactly the same.

Andrew's and Tonfa's are quite similar however see the bold for why im not concerned (i was a bit earlier until i spotted that).


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #115 on: March 14, 2008, 12:15:22 AM »
I find the following person or people suspicious:

##Vote, Unvote: Smodge

-Can you at least answer this?

-What do you actually know about your puppies?

-I dislike the way you keep dodging this matter of discussion.

-Either answer plainly or make it clear you cannot.

-I'm not quite sure how I feel about voting on him at this point though.

Anyway, on to other business.

I find the following person or people suspicious:

##Vote, Unvote: Andrew

Ignoring and re-asking a question that was already stated AND answered AND something noted in the sign-up? 

-I'm not quite sure how I feel about voting on him at this point though.

Let's take a short break.  More to come after these words!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #116 on: March 14, 2008, 12:39:14 AM »
I find the following person or people suspicious:

##Vote, Unvote: Oblivionknight

The best and most definite townie (me, of course) makes one last post before heading off for the night.

...and Andrew posts (he could be a townie, though certainly not like me, since I am and always will be the most awesome and bestest townie here!). a good townie, I must do this before I go do errands like petting Miss Pussino...

I, the truest townie ever, find this NOT ME-LIKE (a.k.a., not like a townie!)!!!!!


i find this pretty suspishous  >:(

-I'm not quite sure how I feel about voting on him at this point though.

Anyway, on to other business.

I find the following person or people suspicious:

##Vote: LadyDoor

And my vote on LD. Well, she'd posted. I'm still not sure she has an annoying posting restriction, and she is actually against it. I understand people being cautious and not going for it (well, not really, but I'm trying to be nice), but why would someone be outright against it?

I disagree with mass restriction claiming, but maybe there could be a concerted effort to make them more obvious? I – seem to lose my train of thought easily.

Here, we have LD earning five stars for this performance. Reemerge when called upon for lurking, be vague enough about your restriction to allow you freedom of action later on, and categorically object to a mass restriction claim without a single reason why. While one could object to this proposal, I at least outlined why I think it's a good idea. It would be nice if she gave even a token effort why I'm wrong, or why she's right. In fact, a token effort to provide content would be appreciated, period. She fielded a vote against Sopko from early on, and has asked him a single question in her recent post. Could this truly be her only contribution to the game? Do the rest of you buy her attempts at showing that vague restriction she claims to have?

-LadyDoor ought post more as well!

-I have to agree.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #117 on: March 14, 2008, 12:45:35 AM »

Smodge (3): EvilTom, AndrewRogue, Tonfa, El Cideon
Shale (1): VSM
LadyDoor (2): Corwin, El Cideon
Tonfa (0): OblivionKnight
AndrewRogue (1): OblivionKnight, El Cideon
OblivionKnight (0): El Cideon

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. There are 56 hours remaining.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #118 on: March 14, 2008, 01:24:16 AM »
Ah what a grand circus this is.  Everyone clamouring about how announcing all their petty little faults to the world will amount to anything.  Why...  it's positively special!  Thinking that all of us, even those who would never deign to push our dear little thick skulled Timmy down the well, are showing our true faces.  Or that everyone is truly as simple as our dear friend Tonfa.  Such honesty, such simplicity, such foolishness!  None of you can know a person's true heart, nor can you be sure that any who so claims is as honest with themselves as they would be with you.  And let any who believe that present themselves to me.  Why, I've a bridge to sell them that's as useful as any puppy.  So, please, let all those who want to hear the self-indulgent claims of the masses cry out their beliefs with a quick ##Buy: Bridge!  I guarantee, I'll certainly enjoy it if it happens.

And now, look at you all, even when you do get around to the serious business of discovering who is at fault for this dreadful situation, none of you can rise above your pathetic little stations to see anything beyond the petty little blemishes that mar all of you lesser people.  After all, your little contradictions, your little mistakes and imaginings, all without any sort of record, or vision to guide you!  Were there only a helpful way to discover who was shoving that walking dictionary to his doom, and to find whyever they might have thought THAT a useful idea, as well as those who thought ridding my fair society of law-breaking needlessly shoving hooligans was a task that was beneath them.

Wait...  yes...  there is!  Written in the ground by the lightning of the gods itself!  Why, and almost doing something as useful as ridding us of that unbearably insipid lisp!

So, now that I've returned and given you some of the direction you are all so sorely lacking, I shall take the time to take my own, superior, advice.



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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #119 on: March 14, 2008, 01:29:06 AM »
Um, what? o_o
I don't know.
Not weird, more bizarre.
That's the same thing!
No it isn't.

In case you haven't guessed already, me and my second head here disagree all the time.
No we don't!
Yes we do!
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #120 on: March 14, 2008, 01:46:34 AM »
M'kay. On a reread, the following things jump out at me in no particular order.

Lady Door: TALK MORE. Specifically, since you focused so much on Smodge yesterday, I'd like to hear what you think of his votes and comments on other players (thin on the ground thought they might be), since despite commenting on him in most of your posts you talk about nothing but his sales pitches. And explain your aversion to restriction-claiming, if you please.

Details on Excal, OK, Smodge's and Yakumo's restrictions would be welcome. I can see the general shape of each, but not the specifics.

El-Cid: You can only post in quotes and you can't break up paragraphs. Correct?

Do you have any other rules to follow?

Edit: I was going to call on Excal to post, as he hadn't all day, and he ninja'd me instead. So now I'm just kind of bemused. Clearly his role, whatever it may be, is prone to mood swings.

Were there only a helpful way to discover who was shoving that walking dictionary to his doom, and to find whyever they might have thought THAT a useful idea, as well as those who thought ridding my fair society of law-breaking needlessly shoving hooligans was a task that was beneath them.

...mmmm. I hope it doesn't sound too paranoid to say that this reads like it could be an attack on me, although it takes some riddling to get anything out of that rant. "The lightning of the gods" would mean the words of the same force that struck Alex dead - the mod's posts, e.g. votecounts; I was rather prominent in calling for Sopko's head, and he voted for me (motive!), but I didn't have a vote placed at the end of the day (lynching being "a task that was beneath them"), for reasons I've already pointed out.

Excal: If you can be more specific, please do. If your restriction prevents that, consider naming the object of your suspicions with a quick Vote/Unvote.

Although they're devastating when taken to extremes, fishing and hunting both can actually benefit the animal kingdom when restraint is exercised, in order to cull just a small number from a too-large population; likewise, an economy of words may make it far easier for you to get your point across.

In any case, the "bridge" thing is new, and very odd indeed. Good odd or bad odd? I don't have the faintest clue. I'm not forking over any cash for one yet, that's for damn sure.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #121 on: March 14, 2008, 02:47:14 AM »
Welcome back to the second day of Mafia!  Our wonderful sponsor Carthrat has made it quite clear that it is safe to do this, so here goes!  I am an overly excited game show host!  I have to reference several specific things in each of my posts, to wit: our wonderful sponsor Carthrat, our live studio audience(though I don't have to refer to them as such!), and a random brand-name piece of merchandise!  Also, I must end every post by cutting to commercial break, and every RL day I must introduce myself as the host again, for a new episode!  Finally, I have to be, well, excited!  This one's a little less strict, but I have to end more sentences with an exclamation point than I do with a period in every post!  This includes the sentences that are ended with a combination of a question mark and an exclamation point, for those curious folk in the audience.  I don't actually have to vary my sign-offs or anything, I just think it's more interesting that way!

I'm just going to go ahead and use this Post-O-Matic brand button down here to get this information out there while I read over the other things that have happened since my lunch break! 

We'll return with more Mafia action after these messages!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #122 on: March 14, 2008, 04:37:09 AM »
And we're back!  There doesn't seem to be much action tonight, and our audience is getting restless!  So, I'll comment on the happenings between my most recent two posts!  First of all, the T.G. Puppies!  Am I reading correctly, Smodge, that you don't know what they might do any more than we do?  Using my Quote-O-Matic brand forum copying device once again:
oh one other thign i forgot i noticed last night and was typing it up before computer died on me.

did anyone else notice when laggy first posted the votecount that puppy sales wa son it, it was then later removed when the mod came along.

so it leads to an interesting line of thinking.
1. Puppy sales were recorded
2. The co-mod saw a need for putting them in the list
3. The mod saw them as important enough to be removed.

 So i guess the puppies do at least something otherwise why would they be important enough to remove from the votecount.

now everyone hopefully i have put some fears to rest so everyone come on up and ##Buy: Puppy, their so good even i wish to purchase 1 of my own products.
##Buy: Puppy
Thats right if their so good even the people selling them want them then that shows how large the puppy craze is at the moment, so come on people join in and buy a puppy
So now, you don't know if they actually do anything or not, but you're trying to convince us that they might be useful based on metagaming off Laggy and our wonderful sponsor Carthrat's method of handling showing the ##Buy command?  Add in your very odd logic about how your apparent restriction somehow clears you as town when all of the remaining players have apparent restrictions, and you're really starting to look strange!

As far as the similarities between Tonfa and Andrew's posting restrictions go, I'm not sure how much credence to give that just yet!  On one hand, we were told that no two restrictions would be exactly the same way!  On the other hand, they really aren't exactly the same, so they do technically fit under this rule?  I don't feel like this is enough of a case to throw someone into the well for, but I can't totally ignore it, either!  Just one more piece of evidence to use later, and Tonfa and Andrew both have at least been more present today than they had been. 

Our self-proclaimed towniest Townie, OblivionKnight, seems to be overreacting quite a bit to Andrew's queries, does he not?  After all, while the signup topic did state that the scum wouldn't have restrictions, there's nothing that says our wonderful sponsor Carthrat couldn't change his mind, and it isn't actually mentioned in the official rules at the beginning of the game.  Now, I don't expect this is what happened, but I can't fault him for not seeing what wasn't there!  Well, except for Shale's quote.  That's a little off-putting, I guess?  Still, I haven't seen anything out of him that looks worse than 'kinda sorta scummy' yet!  So, our dear pharmacist, what exactly got you so riled up about this issue!? 

Excal... well, that post was rather difficult to understand, and seemed not to have much of a point that I can see?  I really want to hear more from you!  You haven't given us much to go on today!  Can you explain your restriction a bit better to us?  Though really, that last bit can be thrown at quite a few people!  LadyDoor, Corwin, and VSM come to mind.  Though Corwin and VSM seem obvious, the more concrete information we have, the better chance we have of catching those vile scum slipping up!

If my figures are correct, we have a little over two days left in this game day, yes?  I don't want to push Smodge too far too fast, or it'll be hard to change targets later if a better one presents itself!  I think I'll drop my vote on OK, to try and help get his response about what I feel was a gross overreaction!

##Vote: OK

And now, a word from our sponsors!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #123 on: March 14, 2008, 04:57:04 AM »
My restriction is that i need to eagerly try to sell puppies in every post.
Whether these puppies do anything or not is not mentioned, however how my role is worded, despite me winning with town, puppy sales seem to take priority, not sure if i'm reading it 100% right but it does imply that, that is the more important part, the fact that i win with town is secondary, so i'm not sure if that would class me as 3rd party or not, despite my win conditions being the same, it still pushes the puppy sales more.

(i'll leave the 3rd party classification up to the town, i do win with it, but just mentioning it may clear things up or may confuse things more, hopefully it clears things more on why i have been focusing on the sales)

As for puppies doing anything to other people, my role indicates nothing of the sort, just that people can buy a puppy with ##buy

So come, now that i've put your fears to rest, buy a puppy and bring a smile to your face as your house is filled with the delightful cuteness a puppy brings.

So no clue at all what they do, just that i must sell them, because they are very adorable and everyone should have a T.G. Puppy.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #124 on: March 14, 2008, 05:18:59 AM »
I can’t keep track of my thoughts very well, so I lose track before a certain number of words, and I can’t remember names well enough to use them, change my mind frequently about who I’ve got my vote on just when I think I’ve got it straight, and every post I need to –

“A penny saved is a penny earned”? That really doesn’t mean anything. If you have a penny and keep a penny, you have a penny, not two pennies.

-- to, uh… what? I hesitated to be explicit about post restrictions for fear of modkill, and much preferred implication instead of risking that. Now that we have word from on high that this is not the case, though!

The salesman’s pitches are what I talked about because his pushing them without giving us anything to go on – as at several people have also noted – about why we should was highly disconcerting. His most recent explanation makes some sense, but I’m still wary. 3rd party possibilities are not kind.

The salesman’s logic regarding other people leaves much to be desired, and I find his flimsy redirection suspicious. I have a hard time following his train about purchasing puppies and clearing/implicating scum – it doesn’t seem to track that way. Am I the only one that feels as such?

More words on other people when I have more words to spare.
<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots