Author Topic: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1  (Read 38059 times)


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #125 on: March 14, 2008, 05:42:30 AM »
Well that makes more sense on both fronts. Can't say I'm all that glad that Smodge was hiding the apparent reason for his pet-shop business, especially since even if he's telling the truth about being third-party we have only his word that he wins with the town - but it beats being totally in the dark.

Also, for reference, Lady Door's length restriction seems to be about 250 words, as the longest of her missives clocked in at 244.

Still waiting to hear from Excal, which is rather disconcerting since he's been in the "Who's online" window quite a few times after his last post, and I don't think my question was all that difficult. Certainly not as much of a challenge as, say, reversing global warming - which, while a far worthier cause than rooting out the perpetrators of injustice in one single town, isn't quite within our friend's reach (it's a problem for communities, not individuals), while posting a single vote, I'd hope, would be.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #126 on: March 14, 2008, 06:08:48 AM »
I see, that is how it is, is it?  I cannot help that you all admire my words so that you wish to hear more of them.  I, too, admire them greatly.  However, such accusatory tones and angry glares.  Well, I suppose one can expect no better from rabble glowering at their betters.

Now, you all wish to hear the details of my particular quirk, do you?  Yes, I suppose the lot of you do enjoy leaving off more important things like finding those vile scum that threaten my safety with such trivial and futile tasks.  You see, yesterday I was ever so sweet and kind and nice.  I had to be polite, had to compliment those with a shred of sense in their words, and apologise to any I disagreed with, or voted for.

But, today I decided to show my true face.  If I am going to die, I am going to die myself.  So, no more nice little prissy princess.  Now I'll let all of you see the shortcomings in your ideas, regardless of how presentable they may look.  And, those who earn my ire?  Shall be told the precise details of exactly why they are worthless, putresent, wastes of flesh.    All I need do in exchange is simply be my exquisite aristocratic self, and revel in a good long maniacal cackle at the end of each post.

So, I suppose I'll let you revel in your genius.  Yes!  Let's force those despicable fiends to tie themselves down.  But do you truly think that I am the only one hiding their true face?  Do you think that our friend the Lady Door is always an addleminded fool that cannot avoid the lure of shiny baubles?  Or do you suspect that perhaps VSM hates those loathsome limericks as much as the rest of us?  Regardless, I chose to show my true face today, but who can tell when others will?  And whether they'll be as genuine as I am?

I certainly don't expect any of you to.  But, enjoy your game while you can!  UWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #127 on: March 14, 2008, 08:10:37 AM »
El-Cid: You can only post in quotes and you can't break up paragraphs. Correct?


Do you have any other rules to follow?


In any case, the "bridge" thing is new, and very odd indeed. Good odd or bad odd? I don't have the faintest clue. I'm not forking over any cash for one yet, that's for damn sure.

-I have to agree.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #128 on: March 14, 2008, 08:17:33 AM »
Which means the more posts people make, the better, since it's easier to hide a restriction with fewer posts than with multiple ones.

##Unvote: LadyDoor

Anyway, on to other business.

The salesman’s pitches are what I talked about because his pushing them without giving us anything to go on – as at several people have also noted – about why we should was highly disconcerting. His most recent explanation makes some sense, but I’m still wary. 3rd party possibilities are not kind.

-I have to agree.

The salesman’s logic regarding other people leaves much to be desired, and I find his flimsy redirection suspicious. I have a hard time following his train about purchasing puppies and clearing/implicating scum – it doesn’t seem to track that way. Am I the only one that feels as such?


-I have to agree.

##Vote: Smodge


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #129 on: March 14, 2008, 02:46:33 PM »
Now I'll let all of you see the shortcomings in your ideas, regardless of how presentable they may look.  And, those who earn my ire?  Shall be told the precise details of exactly why they are worthless, putresent, wastes of flesh.

In that case, m'lady, I commend you on your forthrightness. But wouldn't your abuse be more effective if it named the targets of your ire? Far from refocusing our efforts elsewhere, speaking in riddles that we have to decipher only delays us more. One can only stop a polluter from dumping waste into the ocean (and one most certainly should) if they know who to go after.

M'kay, more restrictions on the quoter.

Do these other rules have to do with the frequency of your posts?

With their length?

With their content?
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #130 on: March 14, 2008, 04:31:15 PM »

Smodge (4): EvilTom, AndrewRogue, Tonfa, El Cideon
Shale (1): VSM
LadyDoor (1): Corwin, El Cideon
Tonfa (0): OblivionKnight
AndrewRogue (1): OblivionKnight, El Cideon
OblivionKnight (1): Yakumo, El Cideon

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. There are 40 hours remaining.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #132 on: March 14, 2008, 11:50:15 PM »

-Hindsight can allow for new observations.

oh one other thign i forgot i noticed last night and was typing it up before computer died on me.

did anyone else notice when laggy first posted the votecount that puppy sales wa son it, it was then later removed when the mod came along.


so it leads to an interesting line of thinking.
1. Puppy sales were recorded
2. The co-mod saw a need for putting them in the list
3. The mod saw them as important enough to be removed.

 So i guess the puppies do at least something otherwise why would they be important enough to remove from the votecount.

-I'm disinclined to believe it.

I hate to keep going around in circles - it wastes gas and contaminates the air with exhaust fumes to just drive around aimlessly; we should really walk or ride bicycles instead - but I'd like to get some answer on this.


-I also find it odd that he wrote a whole thing about my restriction.

-Then he found his line of argumentation was wrong.

-But left the general argument in there.

-I have to agree.

i find this pretty suspishous  >:(

Let's take a short break.  More to come after these words!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #133 on: March 14, 2008, 11:50:44 PM »

I hesitated to be explicit about post restrictions for fear of modkill, and much preferred implication instead of risking that. Now that we have word from on high that this is not the case, though!

I don't know if I buy that. There seemed to be plenty of time to consult our mod, if that were the case. But more to the point, that hardly excuses your low content. More words when you have them, you say? A four stars' worth deflection, seems to me.

Also, for reference, Lady Door's length restriction seems to be about 250 words, as the longest of her missives clocked in at 244.

'Seems to be' is exactly the kind of thing I hoped to avoid, here. When something is left open to interpretation, scum can always pick several of them, or even latch onto one better provided by an ever-helpful townie. I think this merits a two star rating for this post.

And speaking of restrictions. Mine is building off the content of others, even if it's tenuous, grading their posts (1 to 5 stars) and having my reviews over 200 words. There's more, but that's flavor and doesn't look like actual, modkillable restrictions. Even so, I do try to be mean to stay in character.

Cid, in a solid 3-star post here recommends throwing smodge down the well. Smodge certainly isn't perfect, but he is participating. Can anyone explain to me why people who (claim to) have a restriction on maximum post length or other such matters that effectively prevent them to play the game and give the rest of us information on them will get a free pass? Andrew and LD qualify, and Tonfa doesn't seem all here despite having no restriction about this. There's also Cid, who has fingered half the town with votes/unvotes today and the 'I find them suspicious' line, which is well and good… but I cannot see someone who only ever quotes others as a town role. If he can't even point something suspicious out in some post that the rest of us had missed, what esset is he to town?

And out of those four, three of them happen to be voting for smodge, which… pretty much is a mark against that lynch in my eyes. VSM's (claimed) restriction is pretty harsh, and yet he participates more than LD. Can anyone explain that to me? Until they do to my satisfaction, my vote remains where it is, and I urge others to follow my lead.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #134 on: March 15, 2008, 01:12:25 AM »
Oh good lord. If you really lack the imagination, I’ll spell it out in plain words, just for you:

My post restriction allows me 250 words. I cannot name names except when voting. I must change my vote at least once per post after I’ve placed the first. I need to spend 3+ sentences breaking my thoughts with a non sequitur.

I am not going to waste more words on this argument. The lovely critic and I have gotten into completely irrelevant spats before. One of those times, it conveniently distracted from the fact that he was scum. I spent too much time defending myself which –

A millipede doesn’t have 1000 legs. A centipede doesn’t usually have 100. So why did they name them that way?

Eh? Well.

I am curious about one thing, Mr. Critic: why are you, who claims to have a minimum word count post restriction, coming down so hard on the people who have a maximum? That’s pretty much saying “I am town because I do this thing, they are scummy because they do the opposite” which doesn't work for fairly obvious reasons.
You seem to be trying to say that it’s impossible for those who have tough restrictions to be town because it makes them hard to understand/hard for them to explain their thoughts. Have you honestly forgotten that that’s exactly the point of the theme? I urge you to read the first post again. I’ll wait.
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #135 on: March 15, 2008, 01:42:52 AM »
I am curious about one thing, Mr. Critic: why are you, who claims to have a minimum word count post restriction, coming down so hard on the people who have a maximum? That’s pretty much saying “I am town because I do this thing, they are scummy because they do the opposite” which doesn't work for fairly obvious reasons.

-I have to agree.

You seem to be trying to say that it’s impossible for those who have tough restrictions to be town because it makes them hard to understand/hard for them to explain their thoughts. Have you honestly forgotten that that’s exactly the point of the theme? I urge you to read the first post again. I’ll wait.

-I have to agree.

-The clarity of your posting is now fully evident to me.


I find the following person or people suspicious:

Cid, in a solid 3-star post here recommends throwing smodge down the well. Smodge certainly isn't perfect, but he is participating. Can anyone explain to me why people who (claim to) have a restriction on maximum post length or other such matters that effectively prevent them to play the game and give the rest of us information on them will get a free pass? Andrew and LD qualify, and Tonfa doesn't seem all here despite having no restriction about this. There's also Cid, who has fingered half the town with votes/unvotes today and the 'I find them suspicious' line, which is well and good… but I cannot see someone who only ever quotes others as a town role. If he can't even point something suspicious out in some post that the rest of us had missed, what esset is he to town?

And out of those four, three of them happen to be voting for smodge, which… pretty much is a mark against that lynch in my eyes. VSM's (claimed) restriction is pretty harsh, and yet he participates more than LD. Can anyone explain that to me? Until they do to my satisfaction, my vote remains where it is, and I urge others to follow my lead.


-I'm still uneasy about his logic at this point.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #136 on: March 15, 2008, 02:58:35 AM »
Wow.  As a lovable, sexy townie, I think some people here are either extremely creative, or got extremely bastard restrictions.  Most of them seem fairly easy to gleam, though the word-count ones are...tough to look at.  As the best townie here (certainly not a scum, by the way - have I mentioned that today?)...thoughts for the day!  Way too much SSBB...must calm down and read instead...

Anyway, assuming the clock is right (and I interpeted the times correctly), we have ~16 hours until dedline.  As the most attractive, sexy, and amazing townie here, I think it's time to respond to people...

To the darling possible townie though not nearly as much of a townie as I am Yakumo -

Perhaps I am overreacting a bit.  However, as I did state earlier, he was told about it by Shale already.  While you do make a good point that, despite our lovely mod (who, while a mod, is not a townie like myself) saying there would be no scum restrictions in the sign-up topic, he could have changed his mind...mmm.  I do admit it is possible.  Thinking too far on this subject makes me almost start meta-gaming, which is something I do not want to do. becomes much, much more difficult to detect the scum then - the key would be looking for scumtells, which, while they can still be present, can be masked and harder to go through with the restrictions ( still having issues understanding him and what he's trying to say).  Honestly would strike me as in favour of scum that way.  Anyway, as to the point mentioned (why I went after him), what Andrew showed WAS one of those potential scumtells (which, me being a definite townie, I would never do) - inattentiveness.  Despite being told by Shale, despite having it in the sign-up topic which he should have read, he still called out asking where it had been stated scum won't have a restriction.  Is it a significant scumtell?  It depends on the game - here, I'd say it' least minor, but possibly a medium one.  Multiple notes about it, still asked.  It could be a slip-up, yes - but is it scum (like not-me) or town (like me)?  We don't know, and it should be something we watch over.  Partly, he has been having issues posting a lot of good info like some of the other posters, but this is probably due to his (at least, what we can sense is) post restriction.  This is still something to watch out for, and should be noted for the future of this game.  Did I come down overly hard?  Eh, perhaps a little, but as I said, it's a potential tell - he could be trying to lead people into looking for something completely off-kilter, if he we scum trying to mislead town.

Hopefully, this has served its purpose.  I don't have a huge suspicion of Andrew (and the notation was mentioned, "more than what was in Shale's post"), but it's something to watch out for.  There's certainly other targets at the moment that require attention.

##Unvote: Andrew

I can see where things can be forgotten (when I was beginning, I did it myself multiple times - I was still a townie then, as I am now, though - remember the acronym from earlier!), but it was noted before, and sticks with scummy play.  You do gain from knowing the answer, but you also gain from sowing potential seeds if distrust and doubt among the town, if that would be your intention.  

(On a completely, random, unrelated note - it's funny that right after the "now for a message from our sponsors!", we get more selling of puppies >_>  Not related to the game, but I found it thoroughly amusing when I read posts #122 and #123 after each other)

Smodgey...uh...I still don't advocate buying our asses off.  As has been said before, we don't know what side he's on, and he even said this himself.  Granted, he does say he wins with town, but isn't sure with the flavour text?  Mmm...yeah.  I'm not getting on the puppy train - if he's not even sure what the hell happens with the puppies with regards to his "winning with town" process - why chance it?  Alex (Mufasa rest the poor townie's soul - though rest mine better, since I am most assuredly not scum) had an idea of what his powers were ("I gain night powews cumulatively with the numbew of times people say the names of Looney Tunes chawactews.  The maximum level is 40, so if someone could copy/paste the name of a Looney Tunes chawactew 40 times in a post I'd appweciate it.").  Most of his posts are taken up by puppy calls (though, his content has gone up a lot since last games I've played with him - still, most of his posts are about puppy sales and echoing others - while fervently hyping the puppies I can see, you can still post other stuff that's useful - unless you happen to have a restriction on that as well).  While smodge could be told less...again, I go back to the low information - too much potential risk versus not enough known potential benefit.  Smodge is at -3 right now to hammer.  I am half-tempted to throw up a vote, but want to keep it at the point it's at now.  I'd like to hear a bit more from him - is there anything else about the damn dogs you can tell us?  

As for Excal...have you ever considered hormone replacement therapy?  Yeesh.  Women.

Ahem.  Yes, even good, awesome, sexy, perfect towniest townies like myself say mean insults.  It keeps us from becoming so good we eventually loop around to evil.

...yeah, I...don't have a good read on him.  I didn't have a good read yesterday, and today isn't any better (worse, oddly).  I don't get much out of the posts, and...this could be a very well-done scum fake, or a really, really unique post restriction ( everything else).  It looks like Excal is going from little church-girl to oratory prophet after each day, but we can't really make anything out this on day 2 yet.  Of course, bipolar disorder and other psychiatric diseases present similarly, so ... <_<  Honestly, I don't know what to make of him.  "Written in the ground by the powers of the gods".  Can you be more specific, miss prophet?  Physically on the ground (like at the bottom of the post), or metaphorically, or what?  Or is this going to be like Harry Potter?

Ok, that's all my brain can handle now.  Will work on this later.  Lurkers (Tonfa!), I'm watching you!  Captain OK, Defender of Townieness, will save the day!  
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #137 on: March 15, 2008, 03:14:02 AM »

Smodge (4): EvilTom, AndrewRogue, Tonfa, El Cideon
Shale (1): VSM
LadyDoor (1): Corwin, El Cideon
Tonfa (0): OblivionKnight
AndrewRogue (0): OblivionKnight, El Cideon
OblivionKnight (1): Yakumo, El Cideon

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. There are 31 hours remaining.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 03:16:50 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #138 on: March 15, 2008, 03:36:46 AM »
Welcome once again to our exciting game of Mafia!  Once again, I am your host, Yakumo Fujii!  Comments on the recent developments... well, I have no words to describe the utter failure that is evidenced by our critic's latest missive, and the members of our live studio audience are speechless with shock!  Are you seriously suggesting that El Cideon is evil scum for no better reason than the fact that he has a harsh post restriction!?  Even the logic you use to justify this, the belief that he can't point out someone else's flaws if nobody else does first, is horrid!  It would be quite easy for him to pull out the paragraph he finds questionable and then quote another line that says that he finds it suspicious, even if nobody else has brought the point up before!  Admittedly, this is more difficult with people like myself who have long-winded paragraphs, but to that effect, I will give him these lines to help specify which part of a paragraph he has a problem with!  If you need to go past three points in one paragraph, simply use two and we can add them together!

I agree with

I disagree with

The first point

The second point

The third point

Regardless, back to Corwin!  Not only do you make a horribly flawed case against Cid, you're awfully defensive of Smodge, and for reasons that have already been pointed out by others to be quite odd!  You seem to claim that post length restrictions that limit how much a player can say are automatically scummy looking, and that you're suspicious of the Smodge lynch for no better reason than that the people with votes on him have harsh restrictions?  I must say, if you expected our wonderful sponsor Carthrat to give all the townies restrictions that left them easy to understand, I would have to totally disagree with your line of thought!  This is just as horribly flawed as your argument against El Cid, and for similar reasons.  No, they shouldn't get a free pass because of the restrictions, but they have to be judged on their own merits, not their restrictions(unless, of course, they break them)!  Just because they're limited in how much they can help town doesn't mean they aren't town, in a setup like this!  As I see through my Predict-o-Matic brand forum preview device that OblivionKnight has posted and answered my question quite thoroughly, I shall switch my vote to match my words.

##Unvote: OblivionKnight
##Vote: Corwin

We'll be back after this short break and these messages from our sponsors!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #139 on: March 15, 2008, 04:04:57 AM »
-Work reminds me that playing games is not always fun.

-I do have to ask about Corwin's particular argument.

-You group all of us with post maximums together.

-And seem to imply that we have not been participating?

-I would argue that for myself.

-I have been putting stuff out there.

-I'm inclined to agree with Yakumo.

-You're clumping us for our restrictions as near as I can tell.

-About Cid's restriction meaning he couldn't be town.

-Soppy was town with an equally crippling restriction.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #140 on: March 15, 2008, 05:30:57 AM »
Ooookay. Corwin's logic stinks, for reasons that have already been stated, and moreover it seems clear that it's a bad idea for anyone to metagame based purely on the nature of people's post restrictions. If somebody breaks their restriction and the mod doesn't take action, that's one thing. But this was never anything but a Bastard Mod game, and trying to nail down the exact limits of the bastardry just isn't going to work. Just look at what we've seen from confirmed townies - Otter's restriction, from what I can tell, was pretty minor, while Sopko's would've been more brutal than any in force now. It's part of the beauty of the natural order that it produces both devastating harshness and impressive tenderness; to seek to replace all that with harshly defined manmade constructs would be a crime, whether we're talking about wildlife on the Serengeti or our own Mod-given post restrictions.

FoS Corwin

I'd probably vote him here except I've only got one vote to go around and I want to make this next bit matter:

Excal: Where the heck are you? Two posts today, one of which said next to nothing intelligible and the other of which was just a restriction claim (useful, of course! but not sufficient with two thirds of the day nearly gone). I want to hear what your first post meant in plain language, I want your reactions to what people have said today to go along with any clarifications on your comments about yesterday, and apparently it's going to take more than asking nicely to get that.

##Vote: Excal

Also, VSM! It's been a good while since you said this:

It'd be nice to see how you react
When the one voting is not fast-tracked
To the gallows, as he
So then how about me?
Can you defend yourself? What's the fact?

I wrote up a defense; any reaction?
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #141 on: March 15, 2008, 09:46:23 AM »

I am curious about one thing, Mr. Critic: why are you, who claims to have a minimum word count post restriction, coming down so hard on the people who have a maximum? That’s pretty much saying “I am town because I do this thing, they are scummy because they do the opposite” which doesn't work for fairly obvious reasons.

What we have here is a failure to communicate. A failure which is entirely your fault, naturally. Have a star. What I am doing is saying that some of us have (claimed) crippling restrictions, yet there are those who keep on providing content anyway despite that. And there are those who… don't. Why should those people get a free pass? I have to struggle quite a lot to see what you've brought to the game so far.

You seem to be trying to say that it’s impossible for those who have tough restrictions to be town because it makes them hard to understand/hard for them to explain their thoughts. Have you honestly forgotten that that’s exactly the point of the theme? I urge you to read the first post again. I’ll wait.

Yeah, sarcasm is my deal, so kindly leave it in my hands. Notice that I don't have a problem with Tom or VSM, who aren't exactly easy to understand. What I do have a problem with it people claiming safe restrictions and then relying on those restrictions to not participate much. I think you are the one who forgot the point of the game, which is to bring town to victory despite the restrictions.

Well, then. Could you please explain why you shouldn't be lynched based on my suspicions, Cid? How about providing an original case against someone?

Thought so. In that case, how do you find it suspicious when I say I don't see you as an asset to town? Another star.

I'll believe it when I see it for the first point.

On the second…. 'horribly'; 'awfully'. How about a case that isn't blowing things out of proportion? I'm saying that there is someone who is posting a lot, several someones who aren't posting much, and most of that latter group is the absolute majority on the first person's train. Do enlighten us all how this is a horribly flawed argument, if you will.

I am judging them on their own merits, but considering how a claimed restriction affects one's contribution to the game is also a part of this. Take LD and Tonfa. Now show me how they've helped us so far. To quote LD, I'll wait.

I'm thinking, two stars with an option for a third if you can actually give me the examples I'm asking for.

Hmph, and another two-star post. You claim you have only ten lines to work with, and can't post against without someone else doing so in the meantime, correct? And yet, over half of those lines repeat the same argument.

As for Sopko, yes, he had a crippling restriction. No, it wasn't as crippling as Cid's apparent one. He could always quote selectively, and babelfish is enough to get the meaning across when he would be pointing out things. Only the part on his own defense would've been crippled.

I do have to wonder why everyone seems to be jumping at one part of my previous post while leaving out the other. Yes, I'm looking at those who claimed restrictions that limit their usefulness by definition. No, that is not enough for me to consider them suspicious. Having contributed low content… how is THAT not suspicious, especially when it seems to be getting dismissed with 'oh well they can't do much with a post, let's look elsewhere'?

I find it particularly troubling that you're calling people out on that same basis of 'where is your contribution', except you do it while dismissing my own efforts in the same breath. Ah yes, dismissing one part of my argument surely entitles you to overlook it in its entirety. One star.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #142 on: March 15, 2008, 09:51:07 AM »
I don't think Smodge is in a third group
I can see what threw him for a loop
In my own private post
Our most glorious host
Gave to me the same general scoop

To wit, it said I win with town, too
At the end, as a footnote, it's true
The body of the post
Was what mattered the most
And how I was to commune with you

It never explicitly stated
That I was town; just that I'm fated
To win when town does
So my mind starts to buzz
Knowing Smodge is likely related

In summation, I think he's confused
By the word choice that Carthrat had used
My suspicion will grow
In those that did not know
And I feel the salesman is abused

So my vote upon Shale will remain
For this knowledge he did not maintain
It seems rather suspect
So my vote will reflect
That he didn't see what I found plain


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #143 on: March 15, 2008, 02:55:54 PM »

I cannot see someone who only ever quotes others as a town role. If he can't even point something suspicious out in some post that the rest of us had missed, what esset is he to town?

Can anyone explain to me why people who (claim to) have a restriction on maximum post length or other such matters that effectively prevent them to play the game and give the rest of us information on them will get a free pass?

This is the aforementioned logic that stinks. You're saying to judge people scummy based entirely on their claimed restriction, which is bad. You're right that we shouldn't give anybody a pass on low content because of their restriction, but you went beyond that and that's where people, myself included, see a problem. It's like you're throwing some of your trash into the receptacles where it belongs and the rest onto the ground - you should be held accountable for disturbing the habitat, and possibly poisoning innocent wildlife, by littering, even if you don't do it all the time.

(You're right to call out people who aren't contributing at all, including Tonfa. That doesn't give you a pass on bad arguments.)

VSM: Uh....what? Forget all that stuff with Sopko that you were voting for me on before, now you're voting me because I assumed that Smodge is telling the truth about his alignment? PMs being worded as winning along with town instead of "you're a member of the town" is nothing new and I've never seen him (or anyone else) get confused by that before. Moreover, I know my quirk wasn't presented as any kind of win condition, which he said his was. (to wit: from his post, it seems that he doesn't just have to keep hawking puppies to avoid being modkilled, but has to convince people to actually buy them in order to win when the game's over. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I'm seeing.) Having a winning condition other than "you win when town does" is the definition of a third party - not necessarily an anti-town third party, but something to keep an eye on.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #144 on: March 15, 2008, 05:57:45 PM »
To wit, it said I win with town, too
At the end, as a footnote, it's true
The body of the post
Was what mattered the most
And how I was to commune with you

This sums my role up pretty much, the win conditions were just a footnote and were secondary to the selling of puppies (it never mentioned if i won by selling puppies, just that scum hunting is secondary to sales)

Shale beat me to it, i was mid-way through typing this up earlier today but then firefox crashed before i could post.

##Vote: Excal

Gah firefox keeps crashing on me, sorry about lack of posting all day, i have contracted virus on my laptop so my posting is limited to when it doesn't crash (this is being typed up from notepad now so i won't lose typing as i go).

New deal everyone, buy 1 T.G. Puppy, get 1 free, thats right folks you can now have twice the delightful cuteness in your house with this new deal, so purchase a puppy today and get a 2nd one free.

Essentially my vote for Excal is for a few simple reasons
1. My "at least 1 scum would buy a puppy theory".
2. He didn't comment too mcuh day 1 or day 2, the Sopko lynch was taken part in but it was fairly early on so it that actually doesn't make him look as bad.
3. Today however is why he gets my vote, he complains how the puppy did nothing at all and that we're going off track, but then doesn't even oblige to point us in any direction whatsoever, (well how i interpreted his post anyway).

If my vote wasn't on him it would go to Tonfa for posting limited content but other than that i have no clue whatsoever.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #145 on: March 15, 2008, 07:53:56 PM »
Okay, it is now slightly more than 12 hours to deadline and the following people have said jack shit in the last 36 hours:


That's 25% of the players! We have a hard deadline and no possibility of extensions! Just like the barbaric whaling practices of certain Pacific nations, THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #146 on: March 15, 2008, 08:05:51 PM »

-I'm inclined to agree with Yakumo.

-You're clumping us for our restrictions as near as I can tell.

-That makes little sense.

Regardless, back to Corwin!  Not only do you make a horribly flawed case against Cid, you're awfully defensive of Smodge, and for reasons that have already been pointed out by others to be quite odd!  You seem to claim that post length restrictions that limit how much a player can say are automatically scummy looking, and that you're suspicious of the Smodge lynch for no better reason than that the people with votes on him have harsh restrictions?  I must say, if you expected our wonderful sponsor Carthrat to give all the townies restrictions that left them easy to understand, I would have to totally disagree with your line of thought!  This is just as horribly flawed as your argument against El Cid, and for similar reasons.  No, they shouldn't get a free pass because of the restrictions, but they have to be judged on their own merits, not their restrictions(unless, of course, they break them)!  Just because they're limited in how much they can help town doesn't mean they aren't town, in a setup like this!  As I see through my Predict-o-Matic brand forum preview device that OblivionKnight has posted and answered my question quite thoroughly, I shall switch my vote to match my words.

(You're right to call out people who aren't contributing at all, including Tonfa. That doesn't give you a pass on bad arguments.)

-I would argue that for myself.

-I have been putting stuff out there.

-I'm working in a rather limited form.


FoS Corwin

I'd probably vote him here except I've only got one vote to go around and I want to make this next bit matter:

Okay, it is now slightly more than 12 hours to deadline and the following people have said jack shit in the last 36 hours:


That's 25% of the players! We have a hard deadline and no possibility of extensions! Just like the barbaric whaling practices of certain Pacific nations, THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE.

-I have to agree.

##Vote, Unvote: Shale

##Vote, Unvote: Oblivionknight

##Unvote: Smodge

I find the following person or people suspicious:

##Vote: Excal

Excal: Where the heck are you? Two posts today, one of which said next to nothing intelligible and the other of which was just a restriction claim (useful, of course! but not sufficient with two thirds of the day nearly gone). I want to hear what your first post meant in plain language, I want your reactions to what people have said today to go along with any clarifications on your comments about yesterday, and apparently it's going to take more than asking nicely to get that.

If my vote wasn't on him it would go to Tonfa for posting limited content but other than that i have no clue whatsoever.

I agree with

The first point


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #147 on: March 15, 2008, 08:32:52 PM »
-I wasn't attempting to repeat the same argument.

-I was simply explicating my points.

-Tonfa does need to post something relevant in his one-liners.

-He has done okay generally posting.

-He just hasn't really had much in the way of content.

-Smodge's particular position keeps me suspicious.

-Scum hunting as secondary to sales does not make a townie position.

-I further agree that I want to know about Excal's first post.

-My vote stays as it is for now.

-It will change if satisfactory responses from Excal and Tonfa do not come soon.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #148 on: March 15, 2008, 08:36:06 PM »
lol back  ;D

pop up salsdued smodge i think fully 3 party  :-X

puppy sale cause 3 party victory this no good  >:(

cuz 3 party victory maybe cause town be kill by demons  :'(

and then town was a zombie  ???

hence vote stay smodge  :)

brb postin now to make ppl not so angry  :-[
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #149 on: March 15, 2008, 08:44:07 PM »
Well, then. Could you please explain why you shouldn't be lynched based on my suspicions, Cid? How about providing an original case against someone?


##Unvote: Excal

I find the following person or people suspicious:


##Vote, Unvote: Shale

##Vote, Unvote: Excal

##Vote, Unvote: Excal


##Vote, Unvote: Veryslightlymad

##Vote, Unvote: OblivionKnight

##Vote, Unvote: Tonfa

##Vote, Unvote: Excal

##Vote, Unvote: Shale

Day 1 Final Votecount

Lady Door (1): Corwin, Tonfa, Sir Alex
Sir Alex (DEAD): Otter, Dread Thomas, Yakumo, El Cid
Otter (0): Sopko, Shale
Yakumo (0): El Cid, Excal
Excal (0): El Cid
Shale (1): Sopko, El Cid
Smodge (0): LadyDoor
Tonfa (0): Yakumo
El Cid (0): Tonfa
Andrew (0): Smodge13
OK (0): El Cideon
Sopko (8): Otter, Excal, El Cid, Dread Thomas, Tonfa, LadyDoor, Yakumo, Andrew
Corwin (0): Shale
Dread Thomas (0): no votes
VSM (0): no votes


Smodge (4): EvilTom, AndrewRogue, Tonfa, El Cideon
Shale (1): VSM
LadyDoor (1): Corwin, El Cideon
Tonfa (0): OblivionKnight
AndrewRogue (0): OblivionKnight, El Cideon
OblivionKnight (1): Yakumo, El Cideon


well this is pretty strange huh  ???

-This means that he will be unreadable.

i find this pretty suspishous  >:(

Anyway, on to other business.

I agree with

-Smodge's particular position keeps me suspicious.

-Scum hunting as secondary to sales does not make a townie position.

Anyway, on to other business.

-I further agree that I want to know about Excal's first post.

-My vote stays as it is for now.

##Vote: Excal