Author Topic: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1  (Read 37983 times)


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #250 on: March 18, 2008, 09:07:56 PM »
-Couldn't say that in one.

-No commas allowed.

-Hence I split into two.

-Each point is one idea!

-My inclination to agreement.

-That is with you.

-Cid fingered you and OK.

-Not Tonfa or Excal.

-Am I sure?

-Another post to find out.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #251 on: March 18, 2008, 09:54:17 PM »
##Vote: Excal
##Unvote: Excal


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #252 on: March 18, 2008, 10:29:36 PM »
Mr. Town!  I'm ever so glad you've noticed it too!  There seems to be something at night that can twist our tongues, and turn our special abilities into something darker.  I do not know if it is something random or if it's the work of those vile Timmy pushers, but it hasn't hit the same person twice as of yet.  Also, while I'm at it, most of that was flavour text saying to look there, as I certainly meant to.  But, I found that before I could find time to sort my thoughts out, I had to go,  and I never did follow through on that.

I am sorry to say that, for all of that bombast, it was a good deal of noise, for a very little bit of anything worthwhile.

Mrs. Corwin.  I am so very sorry.  I...  I am but a simple mind, trapped in who am I am and unable to do anything but.  I...  Do not wish to have to say any of the things I do, nor can I simply say any of this straight.  I'll do my best, to say this as plainly as I am able, but...  again, I am a simple soul and...  and...  do not want to imply such awful things about you!

To begin, you say that I cannot be satisfied by your arguments?  I suspect the same can be said of myself against your arguments.  As for some of the things you go after me for, like the mention of Tom in that post where I voted for you, I must confess.  I do not write and then reread my writing.  I write, and what I write is what I think of as I go along, it is my thoughts, mostly pure and untouched by editing.  I started with him on my mind, but discovered as i went along that he did not trouble me so much as I had thought, and that you did.

Why did  I not defend Thomas?  Because I had no words to say in his defense, only a vague feeling that something was wrong, and I was certain that a vague feeling would do little more than make folks upset at me, while doing nothing to convince people.  And why did I vote for you?  Because I felt that whatever happened, you needed to have that reminder, that there needed to be some attention paid to you.  And because I trusted Mr. Cid's instincts.  The day was not over at that time, and there was still talking to be done.

As for why Mr. Cid wouldn't vote for you if he thought you were so bad?  That's easy!  He's not able to let a vote sit on anyone who hasn't already had a vote left on them by someone else!  Or...  well...  he wasn't.  Look back at his posts, he's never left a vote on anyone who didn't already have a vote on them.  But, more important than that, he saw Mr. Thomas' mistake before Tonfa did, but didn't vote right away.  How can you tell?  Because there's no reason for the post he made right before Mr. Tonfa posted unless he saw what he though was someone not using their special ability!

And, this brings me to my main point, Mrs. Corwin.  The main problem I've had with you.  Your big points, they all work.  But your smaller points?  I...  I'm sure it's all coincidence, but...  They're all things that hurt town.  The attacking people for their special quirks.  The being mean to people for trying to help others speak.  The not being helpful in doing stuff to help folks read your posts.  I'm sure there's some sort of mistake, but...

You've been doing this dance for three days now.  I can't let it go on any longer.  I can't help but feel that Tonfa is like our friends Tom and Smodge.  Someone not so good at defending themselves, that's about to be picked off with not a thing he could do, despite his quirk being oddly helpful to our friend Mr. Mime.

So... So...  I don't want to do this...  I...  I know that however it ends, I'm going to be sad.  But, it's time to bring this day down to the two of us, Mrs. Corwin.

##Vote: Corwin


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #253 on: March 18, 2008, 11:01:39 PM »

Your response to my question doesn't convince me in the slightest. Here's someone town's going to lynch. Look, he's already there at -1 to hammer. You also think he's scummy-seeming, just not as much as other peopleā€¦ why leads you to, what, leave a scum around? That's some of the worst mafia logic I've ever seen. What exactly did you need, there? A cop roleclaim and a specific statement that someone was 100% certified scum before you dropped your own vote where it should've belonged?

Well, we don't have the cop investigation claim, sadly, so I'll have to make do with what's available. This has hardly been my best game, but it's been rife with bad and downright stupid townie play from the start, so it's hardly news-or-vote worthy. Hell, when our MVP is a MUTE something's gone terribly wrong for town.

Well, then. You lay a vote early in LYLO, before everyone has even commented on the recent arguments, despite having ample time. Town loses if even one townie votes another. This means one of two things: we have already lost with your vote, or you're scum. I tend to believe the latter, so here is my own vote.

##Vote: Excal

As for why Mr. Cid wouldn't vote for you if he thought you were so bad?  That's easy!  He's not able to let a vote sit on anyone who hasn't already had a vote left on them by someone else!

Yeah, except this argument is bullshit. Cid could've used the quoted text to type up this missing requirement and then requested someone vote for me so he could join me. Or, you know, he could've voted for me after you had, if he had been so inclined. Or, once again, he could've just abstained from voting alongside Tonfa for Tom.

You've been doing this dance for three days now.  I can't let it go on any longer.  I can't help but feel that Tonfa is like our friends Tom and Smodge. Someone not so good at defending themselves, that's about to be picked off with not a thing he could do, despite his quirk being oddly helpful to our friend Mr. Mime.

This is an outright lie, and I invite people to reread the previous days or ask me for citations if they feel exceptionally lazy to do so. I was DEFENDING smodge, someone 'not so good at defending themselves', and I was defending him from YOU among others. To twist this around is truly amazing boldness.

But, it's time to bring this day down to the two of us, Mrs. Corwin.

This, I must admit, is the most suspicious line I've seen out of you so far. I was hardly focusing on Tonfa today, and at the same time, I kept on mentioning that I was waiting on answers to my questions and comments on my points, not building a particular case.

Yet, you have decided that the day must come either to me or you. That hardly shows a pro-town attitude, and for the life of me I can't see why you'd employ such tunnel vision as town. Even though I still suspect LD, for example, and I haven't exactly been a stellar player here, I still took a step back to look at the big picture, to examine it from another angle. You, however, have kept on me for the same old argument, while dismissing those anyone made against yourself. And conveniently helped mislynch the first two times, it must be noted as an aside.

5 stars on your game-deciding post, definitely.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #254 on: March 18, 2008, 11:44:57 PM »
-I think I see it.

-The curse that ties tongues.

-Cid's posts make sense.

-He breadcrumbs his investigations.

-Corwin on day two.

-Corwin and OK on three.

-Could this curse exist?

-And could it do more?

-Could it frame?

-No more words.

##Vote: Corwin

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #255 on: March 19, 2008, 12:34:21 AM »
I agree completely.

##VOTE Corwin
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #256 on: March 19, 2008, 12:34:24 AM »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #257 on: March 19, 2008, 12:38:02 AM »
I'm terribly sorry, that answer is incorrect.  We hope you've enjoyed playing, and we've got some lovely parting gifts waiting for you at the bottom of the well! ^_^


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #258 on: March 19, 2008, 12:47:59 AM »
Today was a day fraught with what could only be described as close, analytical, and inspired detective work.

"So, Mr. Cideon has recorded more words from Mrs. Corwin than from others! Clearly, she is, in fact, a murdering scoundrel- ah! No, I didn't mean to put it like that... she's more of a murdering... artist.. perhaps" pronounced Excal, and who could disagree? A task made all the harder by the glare of reflected light from her many, many bangles and pieces of sparkling jewelery...

-This makes sense.

-How can we go wrong?

Helped out by the, in retrospect, far-too willing Tonfa and Lady Door, both of whom were noted for their detachment from reality, they flung the critic down into the well!

"And that's it, folks! Unfortunately, our contestants haven't won any prizes today," pronounces Yakumo, before throwing away his microphone and pulling out a gun. "I'd wish you better luck, but you won't need it where you're going," he adds, smirking, as Tonfa and LadyDoor manhandled Excal and OblivionKnight towards the well.

"Are you serious? You're seriously gonna kill us?! What did WE do to you? What's your MOTIVE, man, for killing innocent townie dudes like us?"

Tonfa blinked. "Oh, eugenics, mostly, but Yakumo really wanted to make a stir. He's a bit of ah... how do you put this..."

"Attention whore?" supplied LadyDoor, helpfully.

"Yeah, that's it! Anyway, I figure that's that. So long!"

"But.. but I can't die! It's not faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair!" whined Excal, all the way to the bottom of the well.


Corwin, The Post Critic, Vanilla Townie, was lynched!

Game over, man, game over! Scum (Yakumo, Tonfa, LadyDoor) win! Flawless Victory!


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #259 on: March 19, 2008, 12:51:30 AM »
You are the Polyglot! Sopko!

As a master of many langauges, you feel compelled to share your knowledge with the world. To this end, each day, you must select a langauge to post in. The entire contents of your post must be in that langauge (including quotes from other peoples posts, should you choose to use them).

You ##Vote or ##Unvote as normal, however.

You win with the town. You may find various websites helpful.

Addendum: I didn't include it in the original PM, but Soppy was supposed to pick a new langauge each day. He PM'd me on this... after he picked English for day 1. Sorry! >_<


You are the Demotivator! Otter!

A fundamentally cynical and ironic soul, every word from your lips exists only to dampen the spirits of others. To this end, each and every post you make must contain a demotivational poster from the following website-

-and you have to jump through any and all hoops of image-hosting that may arise. The contents of your post must refer to the image posted and bring it into relevance to the topic under discussion, and you can't use the same image more than once. There are 93 images total, which means you can only make 93 posts all game...

...but you can have ##Vote or ##Unvote by itself at any time without needing an image.

You win with the town.


You are the Poet! VSM!

Your restriction is quite the pain
The limericks will drive you insane
Yet write them you must
Just don't get that fussed
When you get lynched in this game.

You must post entirely in limericks. This website will teach you how to create them.

You have no other restrictions! You can ##Vote and ##Unvote outside of limericks, however.

You win with the town.


You are the Post Critic! Corwin!

You have exceptionally high standards and only posts of the greatest caliber will be tolerated in your game of mafia. All of your posts are to be (most likely scathing) reviews of the posts of others, in which you will brutally deconstuct their poor grammar, their thinly veiled intents, foolish conclusions, unfortunate plotlines, and other such monstrosities. You will allocate to every post you review a score from 1 to 5 stars. If you bring up subject matter of your own, it must always be somehow compared to the post which you are referring to. Reviews must be at least 200 words in length.

You have no other restrictions! You can ##Vote and ##Unvote without needing to write a review. You win with the town.


-You are the Bullet Fanatic. Andrew!

-All of your posts are bullet pointed.

-Your bullet points cannot consist of more than 20 words each.

-You can have up to ten bullets a post.

-You can't post twice in succession.

-Someone else needs to post before your next attempt.

-You can't use commas.

-There is an empty line between each point made.

-Exception: You can ##Vote and ##Unvote freely.

-You win with the town.


You are a Mute man! El Cideon!

You cannot speak at all, but armed with your tape recorder, you can replay the words spoken by others! You must quote the posts made by other people. You must quote entire paragraphs, unedited- you can't crop them or cut corners, or bold certain sections, or reformat them, or anything like that.

You can ##Vote and ##Unvote as often as you like, however, of your own voiltion.

You're also a cop, with guaranteed sanity to boot (although other things may affect your results.) Each night you investigate someone and find out if they are scum or town.

You win with the town.


The Elmer Fudd SirAlex!

You're Elmer Fudd! Whenever you would use the letter 'R', you substitute it with 'W' (that is, you can't use the letter r at all). In your first post for each day, you must declare it to be (Player) Season, and pick out a particular player which you will hunt. All of your posts must contain blatant attacks on that player's arguments in one form or another.

You gain special powers whenever someone states the name of a character from Looney Toons. The name doesn't need to be complete (for instant, 'Bugs' in lieu of 'Bugs Bunny' is fine) but it must be part of their name and the reference must be intentional (so someone saying 'that bugs me' won't do, and nor will 'that wascally wabbit'). You don't count as far as saying this name goes... but other people quoting other posts do, unless they are quoting your post. Repetitions of the same name in the same post are fine.

You can pick one power to use each night, and gradually accumulate them as time goes on.

You win with the town.

0   times: No powers.
10+ times: Roleblocker!
20+ times: Doctor!
40+ times: Vigilante!


You are a Man With Two Heads! EvilTom!

They spend more time talking to each other than to the game. All of your posts comprise of conversations between your heads. Your heads invariably have different opinions which they will argue about, although the difference need not necessarily be over who they think is scummy or not. Nonetheless, it must be there. Each head must state at least a third of your post, and should possess distinct personalities.

You can ##Vote and ##Unvote without discussing anything, if you choose.

You win with the town.

Addendum: The format of the posts could take whatever Dread Thomas liked, as long as it was clear there were two entities, and I felt it was. He wasn't modkilled because as long as each head spoke for *enough* of the post, things would be fine.


You are a True-Blue, Dinki-Di Townie! OK!

Every post you make will explicitly remind people of your towniness, or perhaps your not-scumminess. How could anyone suspect you? It boggles the mind, really it does.

You can ##Vote and ##Unvote without reinforcing your position, however.

You win with the town.


You are Captain Planet! Shale!

You have a strong dedication to protecting the earth, and hope to bring out the same in everyone you meet.Each post you make must contain an message about protecting the environment. The message must be different every time.

You can ##Vote and ##Unvote without spreading the word, however.

You win with the town.


You are the Salesman! Smodge!

Sure, the town is under attack by the mafia, but you've still got a product to sell- The T.G. Puppy, a cute, stuffed dalmation that the girls will adore. People can purchase your product by stating ##Buy: Puppy, and you must try to sell the puppy to the audience in every post you make in a highly enthusiastic fashion.

You can ##Vote and ##Unvote without trying to flog the puppy, but it's really cute! The world needs to have it.

You win with the town.

Addendum: I really don't know where he pulled the third party thing from. I guess I should be more explicit? o-o


You are a Pretty Princess! Excal!

You must be unfailingly polite within your posts, which means you must compliment people when you agree with them ("Your argument unfolds... like the petals of a beautiful flower...") and apologize when you disagree or vote for them ("...and unfortunately, there is no conclusion I can come to. I'm sorry! I... I don't want to think this way!") Your posts must be somewhat saccharine.

You CANNOT ##Vote and ##Unvote without doing one of these things, unlike everyone else, who can vote and unvote freely. You *must* pay compliments or apologize in the same post.

You win with the town.


You're the Tounge-Twister McGoo, LadyDoor! You laugh at all the petty taboos these fools have placed upon themselves. You shall make them suffer! Why? It's what you do.

You have the power within you modulate the way in which a townie is speaking! Each night, you can select one person and twist their tounge, causing their post restriction to mutate for that day. In general, this will usually make it more difficult for them to speak.

You're scum, and have no such restriction yourself, but you'd better fake one. Your scumbuddies are Yakumo and Tonfa, and you win when town is dead! Dead, I say!

Scumchat is in #crazymoonlangauge, password is 'babel'.

Examples of post restrictions are (and these may or may not appear in-game)...


You're the Desperate-for-Attention Dramatic Artist, Yakumo! You're as scummy as they come, but you are a tortured soul, and all you truly wish for is approval. You take approval to be...

-If your posts are directly quoted in at least sixteen other posts within one day. This doesn't apply to nested quotes, i.e. someone quoting a post quoting you; the reference must be original.

-If one of your posts is awarded a perfect score by another player other than your scumbuddy (such as a 5-star rating, an A+, 10 out of 10, etc)

If approval is met, you become invigorated, and become a godfather!

You're scum, and have no post restriction, but you better fake one. Your scumbuddies are LadyDoor and Tonfa, and you win when town is dead! Dead, I say! You also pick which of you goes on the kill, which deprives the killer of his powers that night.

Scumchat is in #crazymoonlangauge, password is 'babel'.


You're a rolecop, Tonfa!

You have no post restriction, but you better fake one. Your scumbuddies are LadyDoor and Yakumo, and you win when town is dead. Scumchat is in #crazymoonlangauge, password is 'babel'.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #260 on: March 19, 2008, 12:57:54 AM »
Game over, man, game over! Scum (Yakumo, Tonfa, LadyDoor) win! Flawless Victory!
You bitch you stole both my quotes :P

Congrats to scum, I only guessed Tonfa was scum. No idea on Yaku or LD.

Otter had the best restriction ever.

Alex's power was stupid, LD's was overpowered. GG
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #261 on: March 19, 2008, 01:18:24 AM »
Hello and welcome to the beginning of day three of Mafia!  The numbers of the Town are steadily whittling away, and the audience is watching in fearful anticipation!  Will this be the day the defenders of truth and goodness finally unmask one of the vile child-shoving miscreants?  Or will their numbers dwindle yet further, the truth remaining out of their grasp?  Only time will tell!

Welcome back to the second day of Mafia!  Our wonderful sponsor Carthrat has made it quite clear that it is safe to do this, so here goes!  I am an overly excited game show host!  I have to reference several specific things in each of my posts, to wit: our wonderful sponsor Carthrat, our live studio audience(though I don't have to refer to them as such!), and a random brand-name piece of merchandise!  Also, I must end every post by cutting to commercial break, and every RL day I must introduce myself as the host again, for a new episode! Finally, I have to be, well, excited!  This one's a little less strict, but I have to end more sentences with an exclamation point than I do with a period in every post!  This includes the sentences that are ended with a combination of a question mark and an exclamation point, for those curious folk in the audience.  I don't actually have to vary my sign-offs or anything, I just think it's more interesting that way!

YOU. ALL. F#@!ING. FAIL. The only scum who completely blended handed himself to you on a silver platter, and it just sat there for two days while townies got lynched. Aaaaaargh.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 01:39:08 AM by Shale »
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #262 on: March 19, 2008, 01:22:22 AM »
Okay, now that I've got that off my chest, time for some more long-form abuse.

That was some of the worst town play I've ever seen. Corwin was the only person who actually latched onto scum, and he paired his good gut senses with really horrible blanket accusations. Tom and Excal (and Tonfa) should all have been modkilled for their Day 2 vanishing acts, and Smodge and Excal put together a very effective proof of why the "don't sacrifice effective play to post in character" rule exists. Neither OK nor Excal took the opportunity to actually explain what had happened to them with the Tongue-Twister power, despite that being totally within the rules, because changing your behavior dramatically and not giving a reason is the best way to allay suspicion! Argh.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #263 on: March 19, 2008, 01:24:25 AM »
Tom and Excal (and Tonfa) should all have been modkilled for their Day 2 vanishing acts
Why? Since when is not posting for less than half a day against the rules?
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #264 on: March 19, 2008, 01:27:24 AM »
Half a day? No problem. Two days? (almost exactly 48 hours between your post in early day 2 and when you return at the end of the day) Problem. The usual rule is a minimum of a post every day.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #265 on: March 19, 2008, 01:35:06 AM »
Usual rule perhaps, but I don't see that anywhere in the rules here. Perhaps you should look again before you tell the mod what he should and shouldn't have done.
Also, you must realise that real life gets in the way sometimes.
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #266 on: March 19, 2008, 01:36:24 AM »
I asked Rat about it, he said he assumed "PLAY TO WIN" implied "keep playing the game."
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #267 on: March 19, 2008, 01:38:44 AM »
Tongue-twisting was overpowered? Really? Because I think it ended up being more amusement factor than anything. It certainly got people scratching their heads, but Excal handled the new requirement so well (kudos on that, by the way -- the integration was amazing) that it turned out looking more like a timed event or just another facet of their posting restriction.

I think the biggest problem was losing two townies to modkill. I'm sure that's why Tom got a warning (he did, right?) and why lurker modkill wasn't enforced. It would have handily won the game for us to have had them knocked off. Honestly, though, LAL would've been a good choice in lieu of this. Why was LAL never a valid option? Oh yes -- townie errors flash-blinding all other issues.

This was an interesting experiment, but it was HEAVILY weighted in scum's favor: we could talk to one another AND we couldn't be modkilled for breaking a restriction.

... that's still no excuse for leaving Tonfa and me alive, of course. We were sure Tonfa was dead come morning. :P

(Though I will note the lurking was 90% because RL chose to suck at the inopportune moment. Alas.)

I'm curious about the night actions. What did El Cid actually do? Who did he investigate? What was he told? I'm totally baffled on his apparent breadcrumbing, for all that it helped us in the end.
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #268 on: March 19, 2008, 01:40:35 AM »
I can answer that from talking to him after we died: El Cid investigated me on night 1 and Andrew on night 2, and was told we were both town. He was suspicious of Excal and Corwin just because they were acting suspicious.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #269 on: March 19, 2008, 01:42:08 AM »
Congrats to the winners, Tonfa's last post is pure epic.  Knew they'd win as soon as I heard who they were.  Good job. 

Well, with the PMs out, folks can hopefully see why I thought role madness was afoot.  Two post restrictions, plus an optional goal that's impossible to fulfill without stating it... yeah.  There was no way I'd get even 10 Looney Tunes mentions without specifically asking for them, and had I lived I was going to point out that scum had no restrictions and therefore activating me shouldn't do any harm. 

Of course, with the PMs out, it is also obvious that ALL we had was my stupidly complicated power and a cop.  While scum had conditional GF that did have an optional post goal, and a rolecop, and someone who twisted our already somewhat crippling restrictions to be more so.  Yeah.

Mind you, even with a sincere belief that there was role madness and massclaim would win, I didn't seriously expect people to agree to do it.  What I did expect my call to do was start discussion and gather some opinions.  The theory was that those saying "Yeah, it would probably win, but that's just not how I'd like to play" were more likely town, while those trying to argue and find reasons why massclaim wouldn't work were more likely scum - since as far as the scum know, it IS role madness and they WILL lose if it happens.    I'd certainly draw some heat, but I expected that anyhow due to metagaming and could hopefully prove my worth by vigkilling.  Unfortunately I messed up and got modkilled before being able to move on to that phase, and really even before everyone had given an opinion on the plan.  Sorry about that. 

The scum did fine overall.  LD and Tonfa lurked hardcore, and Yakumo broke his stated restriction at one point, but nobody caught it, and in this game that's all they really needed to do. 

Town... for most of the game took a position of "sit back and try to play gotcha with post restrictions," which was about the worst possible strategy, flat out.

A. scum can pick their own restrictions, B. scum are less likely to slip up thanks to having buddies who can check their posts, C.  town can also slip up and draw (a little too trigger-happy, IMO) modkills, and D. even if scum slip up you have to catch them at it.  Post restrictions should have been completely ignored as much as possible and the game played as normally as it could be.  Cor was on the right track towards the end, but by that point town was already quite crippled, and scum hadn't put out enough to implicate themselves. 

LAL would have easily been a winning play this game, though it would have indeed dunked Tom.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #270 on: March 19, 2008, 01:46:33 AM »
Well, can't fault him for seeing that -- I was beginning to think they looked scummy.

Kind of scratching my head at him focusing so much on someone he's simply suspicious of, though. Why Andrew?

I'll note that I was against mass roleclaim for the same reason I was against mass restriction claim -- that completely ruins the game. The roleclaim makes it pointless to play, and the restriction claim does exactly what it did here: makes town complacently depend on watching for restriction missteps.

I'm also curious to see what those who got tongue-twisted were told.
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #271 on: March 19, 2008, 01:47:22 AM »
Well, bear in mind that if they'd actually caught the restriction mishap that happened, they could well have won. Trying to decide whose restriction is more believably town is a road to madness, yes, but I don't see why town shouldn't try to watch for scum slipups.

Edit: And Andrew because he was wondering about how similar his and Tonfa's restrictions were, he said. Pity he didn't pick the other option there.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 01:49:49 AM by Shale »
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #272 on: March 19, 2008, 01:58:01 AM »
Heh. Well, Andrew Is Always Scum, Even When He's Not, right?

And yes. The theory is there. Catching scum got a new angle (+1 for Town): they don't have a posting restriction, so they can't be modkilled for failing to keep one, so when that happens, kill them! Then Tom died for being inconsistent. And Yakko's mistake slipped by without a peep (and a clever cover-up on Yakko's part). So ... town was sitting back, watching scum to slip, but they were apparently expecting scum to do something huge -- on the level of Shale's fatal mis-click, I guess? I'm not sure.

Knocking off Yakumo probably would have given town the edge it needed to win the game. From everything I hear, no one suspected him. Tonfa seemed like a sure lynch, and I wasn't looking much better, so taking him out would have made things a lot easier. But, for some reason, no one noticed what he'd done. I know I didn't, but then I wasn't likely to look for it either.
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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #273 on: March 19, 2008, 02:16:42 AM »
The problem was that town wasn't doing anything BUT looking for restriction slipups, so LD and Tonfa weren't sure lynches at all.

Lady Door

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Re: Post Restriction Mafia - Game Thread - Day 1
« Reply #274 on: March 19, 2008, 02:20:24 AM »
Mm... well that would be a problem. What could have been a +1 -- scum missteps from normal mafia AND scum missteps from lacking posting restrictions -- turned into a really complicated and limiting factor. If that's the case... yeah. Forgetting that you're playing Mafia could make it harder to win.
<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots