
Author Topic: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN  (Read 1247 times)


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Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:33:44 PM »
Judy: 14-5
Roger: 10-9
Karn: 16-18

Cyan- Come on, he's got 100% ID, draining, and great damage. Why is he in light?!
Wilme- Durable and has some ID. Plus Tide fanservice
Tricia- She's a cool fighter, at least.

Cyan Garamonde (FF6) vs Melville (S3)
Cyan vs Cai (Brig)
Cyan vs Kain Highwind (FF4)
Cyan vs Evil Gaia (G1)
Cyan vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)
Cyan vs Raijin (FF8)
Cyan vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Cyan vs Serph (DDS)
Cyan vs Bernadette Egan (S5)
Cyan vs Soren (FE9)

Wilme (7S) vs Melville (S3)
Wilme vs Cai (Brig)
Wilme vs Kain Highwind (FF4)
Wilme vs Evil Gaia (G1)
Wilme vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)
Wilme vs Raijin (FF8)
Wilme vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Wilme vs Serph (DDS)
Wilme vs Bernadette Egan (S5)
Wilme vs Soren (FE9)

Tricia (SN) vs Melville (S3)
Tricia vs Cai (Brig)
Tricia vs Kain Highwind (FF4)
Tricia vs Evil Gaia (G1)
Tricia vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)
Tricia vs Raijin (FF8)
Tricia vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Tricia vs Serph (DDS)
Tricia vs Bernadette Egan (S5)
Tricia vs Soren (FE9)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011, 03:52:40 PM »
Cyan Garamonde (FF6) vs Melville (S3)- Doubt he leaves to get Cleave off.
Cyan vs Cai (Brig)- *sizzle*
Cyan vs Kain Highwind (FF4)- He may be able to drain his way out of trouble. But... not inclined to respect Swordtech here, Kain can jump past the worst of it.
Cyan vs Evil Gaia (G1)- Empower.
Cyan vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)- Infinite Fail, Cyan.
Cyan vs Raijin (FF8)- See below.
Cyan vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Cyan vs Serph (DDS)
Cyan vs Bernadette Egan (S5)- Empower at worst.
Cyan vs Soren (FE9)

Wilme (7S) vs Melville (S3)- ID+durability difference.
Wilme vs Cai (Brig)- Wilme no likely magic.
Wilme vs Kain Highwind (FF4)- ID+durability.
Wilme vs Evil Gaia (G1)- *sob*. Snow, this is your match to break down.
Wilme vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)- Should overwhelm Tim's healing.
Wilme vs Raijin (FF8)- Strong kneejerk.
Wilme vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Wilme vs Serph (DDS)
Wilme vs Bernadette Egan (S5)- Urgk. Bern doesn't have any magic evasion that I recall, and Wilme can just spam physicals under SL.
Wilme vs Soren (FE9)- Goes first.

Tricia (SN) vs Melville (S3)- Tricia runs screaming from melee fighters.
Tricia vs Cai (Brig)- Easy 2HKO.
Tricia vs Kain Highwind (FF4)- Bad typing match for Tricia. Really bad.
Tricia vs Evil Gaia (G1)- EG's best off using his physical here, which says it all.
Tricia vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)- Good typing!
Tricia vs Raijin (FF8)- Bad typing.
Tricia vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Tricia vs Serph (DDS)- Serph's a mage in the DL, sucks to be him here.
Tricia vs Bernadette Egan (S5)
Tricia vs Soren (FE9)- May OHKO here.

Wilme: 6-3
Tricia: 6-4
Cyan: 2-8
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 04:52:48 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 06:46:59 PM »
Cyan Garamonde (FF6) vs Melville (S3): Empowerer is Cyan's only chance, and even then he should get tripleturned easily enough at some point if he tries to spam that.
Cyan vs Cai (Brig): 2HKOs easily enough.
Cyan vs Kain Highwind (FF4): I'm honestly not convinced this fight ends (infinite drain fight wooo), but a theoretically lucky streak of Blood Spear hits might just take it eventually, maybe. Kain will never, ever let himself be hit by Cleave, so he should be okay.
Cyan vs Evil Gaia (G1): Poizn blocker
Cyan vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2): EDIT: Thanatos X > Cleave, so Tim coasts.
Cyan vs Raijin (FF8): Sure, what Super said. Never sure what to make of Raijin myself.
Cyan vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Cyan vs Serph (DDS)
Cyanvs Bernadette Egan (S5): Low offence is where Cyan thrives.
Cyan vs Soren (FE9): Adept solves Empowerer spam, and Cyan doesn't have time for Cleave.

Cyan 3-7
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 08:51:15 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 03:27:25 AM »
Cyan vs Cai (Brig) - Fweem.
Cyan vs Kain Highwind (FF4) - Eww fuck this.
Cyan vs Evil Gaia (G1) - Yeaaaaaah.
Cyan vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2) - Silly stupid ID blocking skill that nobody used.
Cyan vs Raijin (FF8) - I'll bite.

Wilme vs Cai (Brig) - Fweem.
Wilme vs Kain Highwind (FF4) - Yep.
Wilme vs Evil Gaia (G1)- No.
Wilme vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2) - ThanatosX doesn't matter here though, I don't think.  Tim's damage... yeah.
Wilme vs Raijin (FF8) - I what.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 07:21:44 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2011, 05:04:38 AM »
Tricia (SN) vs Melville (S3)
Tricia vs Cai (Brig)
Tricia vs Kain Highwind (FF4)- Didn't you already try to break me with this. Yeah, Tricia has bad typing, but that's outweighed by Kain's given her an extra turn to buff. Now, he'd win if she had no evasion since he would manage to 2HKO, but the evasion eats into that pretty cleanly (And that's no Holy). As if, Tricia gets...Attack buff, Counter, Attack, Range Buff, Counter, Attack, Limit. That's 550 damage factoring in typing (but not factoring in the attach buff, which is going to make more like 750). Nevermind if you assuming he's also Wind elemental!

Never underestimate how bad Kain is against someone who can do remotely anything worthwhile when he's jumping.
Tricia vs Evil Gaia (G1)
Tricia vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)
Tricia vs Raijin (FF8)- Not...thinking about Raijin.
Tricia vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Tricia vs Serph (DDS)
Tricia vs Bernadette Egan (S5)
Tricia vs Soren (FE9)

Tricia 6-2 (Loves facing mages. And Kain. Seriously, Kain is bad)
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 12:36:07 AM »
Wilme- Durable and has some ID. Plus Tide fanservice


Cyan vs Kain Highwind (FF4) - Think NEB's got it here. This is basically a Drain war since Cleave is so highly telegraphed. And well, since Kain can get lucky with his hits and criticals...
Cyan vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2) - Unless Tim learned a skill that blocked ID. EDIT: So he did. lolcyan.
Cyan vs Raijin (FF8) - Fail
Cyan vs Anise Tatlin (TotA) - Easy enough. Anise is the better slugger of the two, and Cyan's not getting a high level SwdTech fast enough.
Cyan vs Serph (DDS) - Also easy.
Cyan vs Bernadette Egan (S5) - Bern has like no damage. This makes things derpscroll worthy.
Cyan vs Soren (FE9) - I'm not sure if draining helps Cyan anyway - this match seems to go downhill for him way to quick since it's easy for things to go out of his favour (Crits/Adept; if you vote FE10 Soren, Flare too)

Wilme vs Kain Highwind (FF4) - Oh right, Wilme has the almighty VACUUM which you never use and hence I didn't remember!
Wilme vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2) - Kneejerking that Tim needs a bit more damage to win this.
Wilme vs Raijin (FF8) - ...god, Super. I am going to stab you with a spork.
Wilme vs Anise Tatlin (TotA) - Wilme thanks the gods that he has Vacuum. Otherwise, Bloody Howling exists and he would be a sad alien.
Wilme vs Serph (DDS) - Ice magic. Wilme explodes
Wilme vs Bernadette Egan (S5) - Did Bern have anything else other than the ALMIGHTY BREATH OF ICE? Pretty sure she loses otherwise.
Wilme vs Soren (FE9) - Kneejerk. Soren's frail, but Wilme doesn't like the magic and I don't buy a OHKO here (through ID or a physical), which means there's more time for Soren to catch a break.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 12:58:30 AM by Tide »
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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 06:11:20 AM »
Unless Tim learned a skill that blocked ID

I had forgotten it until you mentioned it... but he did. Thanatos X. I forget its FP requirement, but I imagine he can get it before Cleave goes off because lolCleave. EDIT: It's 12, anyway, so lulz. Thanatos X and stall until Hi-Combine for easy win. lolCyan

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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2011, 04:33:19 PM »
Yeah, vote changed.

Wilme vs Soren (FE9) - Kneejerk. Soren's frail, but Wilme doesn't like the magic and I don't buy a OHKO here (through ID or a physical), which means there's more time for Soren to catch a break.

He does have an easy 2HKO, though.... which is more a comment on Soren's awful, awful durability. Soren may get a lucky dodge or adept, but odds are not in his favor- and he doesn't 2HKO Wilme without a crit or some serious luck.

Edit: Raijin resists draining attacks, which makes Empower suck. On the other hand! Zero gravity resistance, so Slash works. Cyan uses slash, then two dispatches? I think that's enough.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 04:52:12 PM by superaielman »
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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2011, 01:26:34 AM »

I don't know. I ran a quick look at the stat topic just now, and since Soren isn't getting OHKO'd to me, he's getting at least two attacks of. If even one Adept goes off, I think he has this. The chances of Adept not kicking in at least once over 2 attacks is 53%; it doesn't take much to swing it the other way whether through a dodge, crit or something else. If he's defending to boost his second turn attack, he's giving up one more turn for Soren to run an Adept or crit, which is not good for him. Plus he takes more damage from Lightning magic, which Soren has easy access to.

Are you sure that Wilme 2HKOs? His first turn damage is 75% of average. Not that I necessarily doubt you - Soren's Pdur is terribad.

As for Raijin - sure. That match fails either way. My FF8 boss respect is somewhere in the negatives, so Cyan winning this through the awesome powers of SLASH works with me. I do not doubt 4 Dispatches killing Raijin at all >_>.  I'll take a look at it again later though. My brain feels like jelly after work and I am dead tired.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 03:18:41 AM »
I'm pretty adept is turn three. Soren is unremarkable on evasion IIRC my FE correctly, so it's just him racing to get a crit off before Wilme 2HKOs. Since Wilme doesn't need a crit, it feels like his fight. Everything in the 'miss/lucky crit/adept' range doesn't change the fight to me, though I could see going with Soren there.

Soren is like 53% or so to physicals. It's pretty pathetic, though at least he owns Illyana of the 50% to physicals and doubled by average fame.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 03:20:48 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2011, 03:29:54 AM »
Yeah that's understandable. I'm running with more my gut feeling here though unless someone really wants to math it out. Will still take a look at Raijin later. I have to savour the fail for another time.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2011, 06:04:29 AM »
Cyan Garamonde (FF6) vs Melville (S3)- Doubt he leaves to get Cleave off.
Cyan vs Cai (Brig)- *sizzle*
Cyan vs Kain Highwind (FF4)- He may be able to drain his way out of trouble. But... not inclined to respect Swordtech here, Kain can jump past the worst of it.
Cyan vs Evil Gaia (G1)- Empower.
Cyan vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)- Infinite Fail, Cyan.
Cyan vs Raijin (FF8)- See below.
Cyan vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Cyan vs Serph (DDS)
Cyan vs Bernadette Egan (S5)- Empower at worst.
Cyan vs Soren (FE9)

Tricia (SN) vs Melville (S3)- Tricia runs screaming from melee fighters.
Tricia vs Cai (Brig)- Easy 2HKO.
Tricia vs Kain Highwind (FF4)- EDIT: Kain's totally getting typed as Flying to me.
Tricia vs Evil Gaia (G1)- EG's best off using his physical here, which says it all.
Tricia vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)- Good typing!
Tricia vs Raijin (FF8)- Bad typing.
Tricia vs Anise Tatlin (TotA)
Tricia vs Serph (DDS)- Serph's a mage in the DL, sucks to be him here.
Tricia vs Bernadette Egan (S5)
Tricia vs Soren (FE9)- May OHKO here.

Tricia: 7-3
Cyan: 2-8

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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2011, 02:37:46 PM »
Does it help Wilme at all that he can play at 7th Saga's system of Defend first turn, ATK is doubled on second turn?


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Re: Proving Grounds Light 4- FF6, 7S, and SN
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 06:36:49 PM »
No. He's usually outslugging people cleanly, slinging ID, or just losing fights. Attack/defend is more useful for say Esuna.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...