Author Topic: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.  (Read 4266 times)


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IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:58:22 PM »
Anyone interested for discussion on this, I will be in #DLIAQ.  Yeah, it's still open.

There seems to be enough interest in the project in question that I might as well start on the next set of posts.  Normally, I'd follow the example used for the previous IAQ Project and focus on systems first...except that that our options are considerably more limited for the sake of practicality--if only because we have neither ARPG nor SRPG style grids available, to be honest.  Furthermore, I admit I want the gameplay to reflect on the flavor.  Therefore, I will be bringing out the setting topic first, and letting the battle system follow.

I admit, I only have some ideas floating around that would fit into a setting as of current, as opposed to a full-blown setting pitch, but...I might as well start here, since I have a "what" without a "where", so to speak.  Anyway, setting element pitch!  Warning: may be disorganized, rambly, and/or stupid, and may be partially and/or wholly thrown out.

Races?: Going all human could work.  At the same time, however, I had the idea of a couple of other races.  You have humans (naturally), which wouldn't need much explanation (aside from being largely magic-dead), but then two other main ones, as would follow:

"Attuned" would be some nonhuman race that actually has magical capability.  Not too many ideas on details there, though they'd have what one would expect for standard magical abilities.  Would like to avoid any 'nature'-affinity here for them, and if so desired, this can be reskinned into a specific group of humans instead.

"Ethereals" would be akin to gods in a sense--they normally exist in a completely different plane, and while they could interact to a degree with the material world, such interaction tends to be both amazingly slow and inefficient for their own energy expenditure--one could say their powers are on dial-up in this state, and the majority are simply content watching.  And no, they don't grant worshippers magical powers--in fact, the vast majority of Ethereals are unknown in general.  However, Ethereals are capable of expending energy to create transient 'shells' that exist within the material world--that they could then transfer their consciousness to and the like.  The general appearances and capabilities of said shell depend on what the Ethereal that created them wanted, and the amount of power they put into it--it is typically a fragment of the Ethereal's actual power in effectiveness.  This does not mean that killing a shell will kill the Ethereal in question under most cases--the Ethereal's core typically remains on their own plane, with a 'tether' feeding power to the shell.  (Some are capable of disabling a shell by means of severing the connection--the shell would remain inert until the Ethereal in question could reconnect

A notable exception to this is if the Etheral intends to perform a full manifestation--that is to say, placing the entirety of themselves into the shell.  On the one end, this allows for a vastly greater amount of capability in the material world--as the shell has access to the Ethereal's full power, without having to expend energy to have it work across the boundary or to keep a conduit active--everything is there.  This is, however, considered suicide for an Ethereal for several reasons; the manifestation is one-way, and not only is the ethereal incapable of returning to their home plane after a full manifestation, but killing the shell--often by disrupting the core--would ultimately kill the Etheral in question for good.

Ethereals lack the general morality that humans have--being on a completely different plane of existence tends to do that, and indeed, many Ethereals view material beings as something more for entertainment than anything else--as such, an 'as long as it's fun/interesting' attitude is common.   Of course...the concepts of what an Ethereal might find entertaining may vary wildly.

On magic and men: Magic...does not come naturally to humans.  Even with a lifetime of study of arcanological phenomena, it is simply impossible for a standard human to naturally cast a spell--they simply cannot properly interface with reality in such a manner for the requisite alterations, so to speak.  However, through innovation (possibly with outside influence down the line), manatechnology would have been created--the most significant of which would be Personal Ambient Manalogical Manipulation Devices, often referred to as 'Devices' for short.  Needless to say, these devices have evolved from a mere scientific curiosity, into a military-grade weapon, often complete with a mode of use as an actual weapon alongside the reality-altering capabilities.  Furthermore, it has been evolved to the point to where cartridges may be used to enhance these devices: whereas one used to have to learn how to interface with the devices in question for effect (and one still can), data cartridges can be used to allow for quick pattern input into a given Device, allowing one to switch out spellsets as necessary.  Furthermore, these typically allow for direct enhancement of the weapon in question--bestowing properties to the Device aside from the limited spell data.  It is notable that Devices in general have a limited capability for memory, and can only carry a small number of manalogical alteration paterns in general.

Devices are also limited by an internal capacitator(Reality alteration is energy-consuming!)--while micro-generators are allowed for a recharge of a Device's internal battery, it is notable that this process is lengthy enough that it cannot be performed in the middle of a combat situation; the device in question would be completely depowered during that time, leaving the user comparably helpless if they do not have a backup means of offense or defense.

Naturally, the distribution of Devices would be strictly regulated to military use--this however, hasn't stopped some groups and individuals from trying to illegally create their own bootleg Devices; often less capable in several ways compared to the full-grade versions.  Most military-grade Devices are personalized to the prospective user, however, so a stolen Device would have a notable learning curve to say the least.

It is also rumored that there has been research into creating artificial magic users with innate capabilities.  This may or may not be true.  This may or may not also be usable as a plot point.

Yeah, at this point I'm seeing things with an arguably high level of "magitech", so to say.  Possibly where the line between fantasy and sci-fi may be blurred a bit.

This has been yet another case of ramblings from Nama.  People may feel free to comment, extrapolate, throw out, or do whatever to these disjointed ideas, as well as add in their own ideas.  It's still a setting very much in progress, to say the least.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 05:18:38 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 10:10:47 PM »
What era would it be?

Are there further limitations on the Ethereals? How are they born? How must shells look? Humanoid, or can they be beasts, too? What is the penalty for losing a shell? If an Ethereal is at full power shell, how would this be considered suicide if they simply never die? How does one disrupt a connection/core?

To what are the "Attuned" attuned to, and what is their purpose in the game?

What role do humans play? Are they the largest race? Are they subservient to either of the other races? If they have no knowledge of Ethereal despite their being so many, do humans see them as spellcasters? Do they have a culture revolving these casters?


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 11:40:47 PM »
Regarding era: Not sure yet.  I'm entertaining the idea of devices and artificial magic users more than the rest of them as of current, though, so that might end up being more 'advanced' than Ambiguous Medieval Europe

RE "Attuned": Placeholder name for a placeholder race/group that would be able to use magic normally.  Mainly since Device use would be a bit different by comparison, especially in gameplay.  It's one of those things that I've got an idea of possibly being -there-, but not what it would be yet, if it should be there.

RE: Ethereals--A lot of their limitations that I've thought of so far are based on laziness, facetiousness, and that it takes a long time for them to regain their power.  Again, an Ethereal's use of power would be amazingly inefficient from their side.  This factors a good deal into the creation of shells--so they have an efficient way of interacting with the material world--for whatever reason they want.  The flipside is that in the creation of a shell is extremely expensive at base, as far as energy goes.  Additional energy goes into maintaining the shell, and none of this is returned--the direction of matters is almost completely one-way as far as the Ethereals' world to the material world goes--one can perceive the material world from the ethereal, and go there from it...but you can't pull something back from the material world--or in this case, return from it--this is why a full manifestation is considered roughly equivalent to suicide; they're not going back.  Ever.

Shells may be humanoid or bestial in appearance--it depends on the choice of the Ethereal in question.  And one may opt to create different shells at different times, but most Ethereals are only able to keep one shell active at a time.

Shell connection would particularly difficult to disrupt--if only because non-Ethereals are typically unaware of it.  Ethereals are capable of perceiving it, at the very least, and enough focused manalogical power can cut it--but that's in the very case that it's aimed properly.   Disrupting a core is easier and harder by comparison--a core is always a part of the fully-manifested Ethereal, but of course, it requires trying to destroy a part of a fully-manifested Ethereal--which are no slouches as far as power goes.

As far as how Ethereals are perceived...they would be seen as spellcasters by the uneducated due to the fact that they do have reality-altering abilities...but it is noted that most forms of utilized magic fall within certain parameters.  Even the high-powered ones.  Ethereals' magic tends to have more unusual effects.

But honestly, think I'm dropping the stuff about Ethereals.  Got some new ideas expanding...that I'll post once I get some time to not be on the verge of a nervous breakdown from my mother.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 03:04:01 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: Now with less pseudo-gods
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 08:38:08 PM »
Thanks to some talk between MF and I last night, I've finally gotten an idea of the general 'setup' of the world.

For the most part, temperate climate.  Two major continents, three (technically four) major political bodies to be explained, Average mundane tech level is enough for personal firearms and motorized land/sea vehicles.  Magi-tech level is a good deal higher.  I'm imagining a lot of urbanization here.


Grafias A non-representative parliamentary state with a figurehead Prime Minister, Grafias is known for a few things--for one, being one of the two better-off nations from the Chimera War--an event which had ended about 70 years ago.  The other is having a very significant population of Inherents (Innate magic-using humans)--which has had a significant impact on the political climate.  A large number of these Inherents organize into distinct houses akin to nobility and separating themselves from most of the day-to-day.  Regardless, they are aware of what their government is capable of, and many of these families being old money, possess wealth alongside a degree of political clout; nearly half of the parliament in Grafias is made of Inherents, and where majority vote decides, every 'yea' is vital.  Grafian Inherents' views toward others tend toward extreme cases around the top of the power chain--often with general feelings of superiority towards the average person and some invariable level of pride about .  Views toward devices among this group tend to vary between disdain and outright hatred, and the very notion of bio-engineering making it possible to create artificial mages quickly got the Inherents' unanimous vote toward the ban of manalogical bio-engineering...albeit for the wrong reasons.  More 'common' Inherents are quick to state that those groups do not speak for them, however.

Grafias is on shaky terms with both of the major powers in the world, and runs a generally strong military force.  Devices are typically made for the more exemplary officers and some special ops units, though most do not get that privelege; a proper Device is costly to obtain the materials for.  For those, battle rifles tend to be a standard weapon.  Due to several attempted incursions in the past, often for the sake of stealing Devices, Nihali are generally regarded in a negative light, and Cephei's military prowess is something that Grafian commanders tend to have a degree of respect for.  There is a degree of black market activity, mainly with devices, but it's a small problem at best compared to the massive rift between the Inherent 'nobility' and the rest of the people.

Nihal  Nihal fell into economic collapse in the middle of the Chimera War, and never really recovered.  As of current, it has undergone several violent autocratic regime changes, and it's simple to say that it's not recovering anytime soon.  To say the least, between the varied gangs roving the country, the general lack of resources, and the corrupt leadership, living there is an exercise in survival, and it's no surprise people there attempt to either skip continent or migrate south to Grafias--the former typically financially infeasible and the latter being generally closed off thanks to some Nihali attempting to change the status quo by stealing Devices--which didn't work out too well, now that bootleg attempts at creating Devices exist over Nihal.  One could try to use them...but at one's own peril.  They have a tendency to explode regularly--doesn't keep gangs from using them, though.

Cephei  Following the Chimera War, Cephei became a heavily militarised nation--complete with conscript army and required service of three years.  Not to say this was heavily unnecessary; the nation (need to decide on government structure) is adjacent to the Vindemiatrix territory, and faces the greatest threat from the remaining bio-engineered living weapons that spread out from that territory; there are some of those on the other continent, but it is far more of a pressing issue in Cephei.  At the same time, however, the current leader is not faring well, and there are debates on who shall succeed the position, with no clear answer in sight yet...

Vindemiatrix Territory This pretty much a wasteland.  Home to a fourth nation during the Chimera War, biologically-engineered creatures and gene-spliced soldiers alike were sent out in a bid for domination--thus the start of the war.  In the process, however, the place has been blasted to virtual nothingness--this has done nothing to stem the outflow of now-reproducing bioweapons.  Manatechnology relics still remain, however, Cephei has attempted to block the area off for the good of all--thus any aspiring treasure hunters would have to be able to avoid Cephei's watch, and survive the now-uninhabitable land and bioweapons...

[must go away now.  Will attempt to post more later.]
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2011, 12:25:53 AM »
Hmm... Still waiting for a concept/hook to emerge. No offense, but while fantasy history lessons are fun, I admittedly wouldn't touch a fan-made game just based on its writing, as that is just asking to be disappointed. Come up with something that might intrigue a player: "A Horror novel, but with RPG gameplay", "Dating-sim character interactions, but the goal is to convert all of your friends into brainwashed minions for your army", "VP-style take on Hindu mythology", "Fan-game of the Mistborn novels", or just -something- to set your game apart from every cut-and-paste Chrono Trigger clone since 1995.

Hell, it might behoove you to run to TVTropes and pick one at random and take it to its illogical extreme. I mean, it worked for Suikoden and "Lots and Lots of Characters"...


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2011, 03:48:23 AM »
I admit, no hook so far.  Right now I'm just fleshing out the setting to enough of a degree that I could think of some sort of plot skeleton.  Or at least try to think of something.  At least with a viable main that'd fit in somewhere.

Once I get that far, then I'll try and screw around with gameplay elements to see if there's something unique that'll come out of it.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2011, 04:42:08 AM »
My point was that I think you're prioritising the wrong thing. Stop working on setting and plot, and instead come up with the "Big Idea". Once you have that, then the setting and plot will work naturally to support the hook.

However, it is notable that setting can be part of the Big Idea (two of my examples were even primarily this), but I haven't seen anything in the outline so far that makes it any different from any other sci-fi-styled RPG.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2011, 04:58:51 AM »
You want to make a deep space exploration RPG with generics and permadeath.
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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2011, 05:07:26 AM »
As a sidenote, Grefter, I would appreciate it if all trolling was kept to a minimum in this thread.  Thank you for your cooperation.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2011, 05:41:51 AM »
Hmm... personally I kind of liked the concept of Ethereals you had going on. I didn't quite know why they were interested in materializing in the physical world in the first place, but apart from that, it seemed like a potentially good starting point. I actually like the idea of exploring the themes of Gods in a sci-fi setting (As long as you stay away from Jesus-fanfic-Xenosaga-territory).

That said, your outline so far is more suited to a novel than an RPG. I personally still recommend starting over from a Big Idea concept first and -then- coming up with a setting.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2011, 05:45:11 AM »
Djinn wanted a hook.  I gave him an RPG I would play.  So I will stop trolling by throwing ideas out there.
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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2011, 05:56:47 AM »
You want to make a deep space exploration RPG with generics and permadeath.

"Star Trek: Red Shirts Unite, an RPG by Grefter"

In all seriousness, it's not a bad idea for a game, but it's kind of generic as a hook. Is the Big Idea that it's got permadeath? I would suggest adding a bit more to it to make it stand out. As an RMVX game, it can't impress anyone based on graphics/technical prowess/story, so the only thing that will attract an audience is a unique hook.

...continuing with my standard thinking of 'how to make a hook', I will point Nama to this TVTropes link and tell him to pick something from it and subvert it. Subvert it hard.

EDIT: It's probably been linked on the forums before, but reading over your initial idea again with Grefter's deep-space exploration idea as a filter, THIS came to mind:

You could focus all your game-making energies into making this a reality and have a built-in fanbase~
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 06:24:49 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2011, 06:42:30 PM »
(A sidenote: Apologies to Grefter for last night.  I think the lack of sleep made me irritable and jump to conclusions)

And now, a look into the strange logic of Nama's brain.  After looking into the fact that you were interested into the detail of Ethereals (and actual gods in sci-fi).  And I got into thinking.

"What if physical manifestation was the only way for them to actually interact with the world?"
"What if their base plane of existence was one of complete non-experience; where all knowledge was merely academic--nothing could be truly felt or experienced.  When their manifestation dies, they return to their home plane--but with no recollection of their time in this world?"
"What if there were only six, each with their own prime domain: Time, Space, Matter, Wave, Life, Mind.  What if they were a blank slate, personality-wise, every new manifestation?"
"What if one developed due to your interactions with it--both personalitywise, and their usage of their powers?  That you may learn that little may stop them from accomplishing their intended goals...but the way they grow may change how this is done?"

Humans may not know of or even believe their existence, their capabilities, their interactions.  But they may end up changing the fate of their world through them...

...okay, yeah.  Just a really weird chain of thought I had, I guess.

Alternatively, I do have a second idea, but I doubt I'd be able to manage an actual game of it without -really- good writing work.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 12:20:07 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2011, 05:38:18 AM »
Well, you certainly have -my- attention, though I am the first to admit that it's probably because those story ideas play to my personal biases. Trying to be more objective about it, you still haven't really defined a 'hook' yet, but I think you're moving in the right direction.

If I had to define a 'hook' from just what you've said so far, it would be "Gods... IN SPACE". Or perhaps more accurately "Gods... defined by scientific principles"!  You'll notice that while that's an interesting topic to explore, it's not immediately recognizable as a gaming idea. It still needs refinement. Something along the lines of "You play as a GOD(S)... defined by scientific principles" or "You must seek and destroy/recruit/persuade Gods... that are defined by scientific principles."

Themes/Questions that would arise naturally from such a hook would then spin out and define your characters and setting: "What is a God?" "Are Aliens Gods?" "How/Where did we discover said Gods?" "Are Gods hostile?" "What can Gods do?" "What can we do to Gods?" "Does God enforce a Turn-Based Battle System for a Reason?"


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2011, 11:13:09 PM »
Hm.  For a more 'clear' idea, I guess the best way I could put it would be "You, as a [insert profession that sees regular fighting here to explain why you have explicable fighting capabilities that can be summed up as more than 'you suck'], end up running across a newly manifested god(...that is definable by scientific principles).  Said god's personality ends up developing over the story based on varied interactions (and determines types of powers to use based on this)  Guess I could say that there'd be minor elements of a raising sim or somesuch?  Other gods would be encounterable throughout the plotline (and of course, some fightable.  Because who can't find the thought of the God of life turning out to be a status/deathwhore amusing?)
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2011, 01:05:15 PM »
Heh, So... "Lunar 2, except that Lucia is replaced by Poke-Gods... IN SPACE!"

Hmm.. well, I'd play it. You might want a second opinion though. Though seriously, your concept sounds interesting and my recommendation is that you run with it.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2011, 06:34:40 PM »
Clearly Nama needs to play more games.

I admit that a plot point would be simply that since manifestations do happen, it's most definitely not the first time it has happened--and since there is no recollection of experiences from past incarnations, a plot point could easily have been made about the last set of incarnations, what they had done, and potential fallout from that, pending on how recent it was.

anyway, yeah.  That aside, might want to wait to see if there are any other opinions.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2011, 10:43:44 PM »
I've been lazy and uninspired and cranky, so late response.

Anyhow. I skimmed, so I apologize in advance if I missed something that's been dealt with or explained.

And only writing stuff, because meh.

Re: Manatech or what not. If this has any sort of practical application (which I'm not seeing how reality changing doesn't), then massive wastelands and the general grim feeling I'm getting here are kind of out of the (logical) question. You're basically talking replicator technology from Star Trek. The end of requirements for natural resources. Etc.

This can be compensated by making the material that makes up the battery sufficiently rare and handwaving away the idea that you can create more. Which of course, leads to a new problem in that, if this material was that rare, then it would be highly, highly, highly controlled. And that comes with its own set of setting issues.

Which isn't to say you have to have a Utopian society, of course. Its natural for there to be haves and have nots. But you need to build this sort of idea in early.

Which brings back to how any other nation ever survived the presence of the Innate's (or how manatech or whatever) managed to build up while they existed. That's a whole can of worms right there. People in power generally don't like to surrender it and generally dislike things that would force them to.

I do generally agree that, conceptually, you're probably starting a little too large. You should let the concept grow a little more organically. Like, your random chain of thoughts isn't bad, but the world building should grow from that. You pretty much have two completely seperate and unlinked ideas at the moment. Neither really benefits from the other.

Beyond that, a little more why would be good.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2011, 12:56:47 AM »
Regard the earlier ideas as a fumbling attempt at worldbuilding to be disregarded, I'd say.  In this case, mainly having some ideas but nothing really to do with them--partly for the sake of aesthetic, I admit.

But that aside, I'm building off of the most recent chain, building from there.  I admit I still want to keep manatech (and Devices in particular) in for a couple of reasons, but I'll see about how it develops.

Regardless, seems like the more recent core idea is generally more approved in general, so I'll stick with and build from that.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2011, 02:51:06 AM »
Besides, doesn't it help to get a general idea of how the world already works, so we can get a general idea of how the characters fit into the world and story?


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2011, 03:27:54 AM »
Depends on if you want your world to shape your characters or your characters to shape your world, really. Which do you think is more important?

I personally like the idea of coming up with an intriguing character concept and then building a logical setting to suit said main character.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2011, 08:50:28 PM »
It is admittedly tricky to branch out from this, but I guess the first logical extension would be to start with the six gods/goddesses/deities.  Though even that would be difficult to an extent thanks to the fact that they start 'blank' every new manifestation.  In that case, since I would intend for all to appear at some point or other in the game, I might as well go over my initial ideas for the six for this current manifestation--particularly their abilities and vague ideas if they exist so far, personality-wise.  Keeping gender ambiguous since I know I'd be tempted to make them all or mostly female.

All manifested gods have the notable traits

--Self-sufficiency: Gods do not need to eat, drink, or breathe in order for their manifested forms to life.  It is suggested that they have some sort of internal 'core' that provides all the energy they would need for basic functions.  Gods are also functionally ageless.
--Regeneration: Well beyond that of any living being, gods can regenerate at a rapid pace, meaning that unless their manifested form is killed, they're not going to die.  Bleeding them out is not an effective strategy
--Biochemical tolerance: Manifested gods are immune to disease and toxic agents.  You could drug one with rufalyn, inject a triple-dose of cyanide into one while dropping it into a room saturated with VX, it won't feel a thing outside of the initial injection.  The flipside is that medicine is completely ineffectual for them.
--Perfect Metabolism: While gods may not need to eat, they are still capable of doing so--such would provide an additional energy boost from what would be presumed to be direct mass-to-energy conversion.  And they can pretty much eat -anything- with no side-effects.
--Reality Alteration Nullification: Widescale effects from other gods are incapable of affecting a god.  It would require a focused effort for divine reality manipulation to directly affect a god.

Lesath - Has the domain of life--control over life and evolution in particular.  Sounds like a nice deity...until you consider that Lesath happens to have a Nightmare Fetishist streak a mile wide and uses their powers over evolution and life manipulation as a form of lovecraftian superpower--as well as the ability to will a target to death if so desiring--but often has a tendency to simply  Intended as an earlygame antagonist--albeit one who is recruitable under the right conditions.

Jih - domain of Mind, has all the powers one would expect of that portfolio.  In this incarnation, is an out and out hedonist, addicted to sensation and using mindlinks as a means of hitch-hiking on others' sensations and thoughts, or intensifying their own senses with those of others.  In combat, could easily run the gamut of, well, mental effects, to say the least.

Meissa - Domain of Waves, and in turn, has control over varied waveforms--from sound to the entire spectrum of EM radiation.  Currently works a job as an idol singer, putting her wave-control powers to use as a literal one-goddess show.  Manifested to try to deal with a notable problem she saw, but then ended up getting sidetracked with the fame and amusement about how people treat her.  For the most part, however, Meissa is rather lazy and can be easily distracted--even using a light-projected image of herself at the times she doesn't feel like doing her work...

Rana - Domain of Time.  Is perhaps the only one to have more of an idea of what's going on than the other gods due to the ability to look forward and back in time...but this may lead to some changes in outlook and goals in the process--is currently fixated on a specific event she can perceive with her foresight that she so attempts to prevent, unaware that her actions in response are in fact leading to this outcome, and is thus massively frustrated in turn.  Outside of that, also has the abilities to manipulate time on varied scales; speeding up, slowing down, stopping, et cetera--and may induce VERY localized temporal reversal, but cannot travel back in time.    Another intended potential antagonist, later in the game, may be working with a major antagonist in turn.  Akin to Lesath, she is recruitable under the right conditions.

Saiph - Domain of Space.  Has an ability that can be compared to clairvoyance, on top of teleportation and the standard extensions of spatial manipulation one would consider.  Is practically a blank slate when she manifests, first found by the main, but would develop her personality over time.

Tyl - Domain of Matter, possessing the abilities to manipulate and transmute matter to a subatomic level.    Failed in her original goal, and was both utterly humiliated and nearly killed in doing so.  To that extent, power is the only thing she aspires to, and she's taken a 'lone wolf' stance on matters--if she's doing something, she does it herself.  Currently is a high-ranking mercenary (callsign TBD), successfully taking on jobs solo that would normally require groups.

[Name TBD] - The main character.  Formerly a soldier in [insert country name here]'s military, the end of his career there was less than pleasant--first the death of his best friend under mysterious circumstances, and then a few months later being discharged on trumped-up charges by his captain who was more interested in saving his own ass and covering up his own fuck-up.  Left with literally no other option to survive, he turns to mercenary work, putting the keepsake of his friend, the weapon known as Blank Tyrant Replica, to use in what is clearly a dead-end route; full-time mercenary work (read: anything beyond the standard bounties for criminals and the more recent mutations running around) is pretty much a dead-end field of work that typically only the desperate or crazy enter, and [NamePending] knows that full well--the only ways out are either to get enough money to live the rest of one's life off of, or in a bodybag--if there's enough of you to put in one...

[Another currently nameless guy!] - Yeah, not working much on names right now.  This guy's meant to be a partner of the main, partly since I hate solo-character starts.  Also to keep this from diving straight into the dating sim territory.  ...this is probably the point where I need to start making a thread specifically regarding characters.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 06:01:56 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2011, 02:06:36 AM »
Where do the names come from?

Not entirely sure what "all the powers one would expect" of "Mind", apart from just brainwashing?

The idea of the God of Life being the big bad isn't particularly original, though I guess that's not inherently bad.

The powers seem interesting enough, though I would really like more on the personalities of these entities. And even more, I'm somewhat worried by the fact that it seems like you're treating your viewpoint character as an afterthought or player avatar.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 02:12:38 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2011, 03:09:39 AM »
Stellar theme naming to the rescue--Kind of stole a page from SaGa Frontier's book and all of them are named after stars.

That aside, was a bit , okay, very hasty there with the posting, I guess--attempting to get ideas out without explaining them further.  A bit of a risky deal there, but I wanted to get the ideas out before they got subsumed by others.

I'll try to elaborate on what I have the thoughts for at the moment, though:

More specific descriptions of Izar's abilityset would be as follows: Mind-linking with one or more people in order to read thoughts, emotions, memory, implant sensations, rewrite memories, hijack senses (as in, literally seeing through someone else)...basically, consider it to be manipulation of thought, memory, emotion, sensation, and perception.

Wasn't considering the god of Life to be -the- big bad.  Just a notable antagonist--and at least an attempted twist on the powerset and position usually inhabited by fertility gods or Pelor clones.  And I despise Pelor.  With a passion.

That aside, I'll be careful about my idea vomit from this point on--at least as far as waiting for there to be more to vomit beforehand, at least.  Perhaps I'm a bit too excitable there.  More to be posted once I'm done playing D&D tonight.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: IAQ Project V-I: You need more build grist for this World.
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2011, 06:09:55 PM »
Edited the original character post, am now going to see to the next thread, which will involve character creation in more detail (No stats yet, but since I am interested in gameplay/story integration, possible general mechanics suggestions there!)

This thread will remain open for the purposes of worldbuilding that isn't directly connected to the characters, however.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 10:37:15 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.