Author Topic: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2  (Read 4148 times)


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Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« on: March 13, 2008, 03:39:18 AM »
Results from last week:

Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3) (6-5)
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia) (7-0)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2) (7-5)
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) (7-3)

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs) (10-1)
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR) (6-0)
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG) (8-2)
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5) (11-0)


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS) (8-0)
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4) (10-1)
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA) (4-4, tiebreak)
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX) (10-2)

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) (9-1)
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF) (8-2)
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS) (10-2)
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2) (12-0)

Hail the conquering rapmaster Seifer, who wins the most conclusive victory of the round.  Hrist and Vormav edge their prey, and Drachma lucks out when Kresnik keels over from not being able to keep himself together.  Moving on...  usual reminder that this is a plot power tournament, so all that out-of-battle innuendo "counts" in a duel.  And fear Evil Gaia, now in its TRUE DIVISION BWAHAHAHA.

Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia)
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12)
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos)

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle)
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 03:52:57 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia)
She's immortal and destroys cities, Gaia just has the second.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)
Both are h4x, but KOS-MOS gets her godmode in real life.
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)
Does Luca have anything besides durability and insanity in plot?

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)
Power of a (weakened) dark god > summoner who still has to be protected by a twelve-year-old carrying a shotgun.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)
Fire > Zombies. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)
What plot hype did Angelo really get? Robot vs. medieval man is good for a win, I think.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)
Pretty even match.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)
Can blow them both up.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)
Earned his rank somehow, I guess?
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)
When she leaves your part spontaneously, at least it's her idea.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)
...has minions? I'm not sure if "loses to a cat" is enough to cancel that out completely when his opponent is a little girl.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 03:56:08 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandiia)
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)- The Magic Emperor's scary here, but.. Bhaalspawn is literally a God.
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)- Jenova persay isn't so strong plotwise, it's Seph that does all the heavy lifting. It's sort of hard to judge her, but.. I feel pretty confident here. Luca's about as strong as Suikoden humans get, which isn't going to cut it in Godlike, it should handle Jenova.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)- Lyon was utterly pathetic plotwise.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)- Slaughter. Jade is the party's brain and is shown to be extremely resourceful. Jet is... Jet.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos)- Yeaaaaaaah no.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)- Zalbag feels underranked here. He's specifically on the level of Orlandu and Balbanes as a commander and shows a very keen mind in game.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)- Tio antivote mostly.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)- Tough merc trumps martial artist, I think.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)- Can fund a lab for Liz and enough doctors to keep her and Ard alive after they blow it up.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)- Soldier versus kid.
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)- OH HELL NO, SHIR?! DIE!
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 04:04:41 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia): World destroying evil or something. I think Rose required a team to take down her version.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3): Just smile and move on. Smile and move on.
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2): I guess parasitic interstellar being beats out psychotic killer prince.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8):Edit: Her summons *do* look world-destroying, and Lyon only demonstration of plot power that I recall was... tricking Eirika? Sure.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3): Jade gets plenty of plot hype. Jet's plot is more for planetary regenerative purposes. Well, no. Accelerator. That should be enough I guess.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12): Takes on Lord Blazer. And wins. Yeah Ashley probably goes in Godlike. BASCH LIVES is owned.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT): Lucca doesn't really get plot hype for fighting prowess.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8): Robot beats regular guy.
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle): Mighty magic powers vs. swordsman.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6): Shadow has the whole ninja bit going for him, and the scene in the fiery house. But Jean has best-martial-artist-in-the-world going for her. All the kung-fu movies point to a Jean win.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar): Epic failure.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1): Guy in a mech with guns. Sue has... that furry thing.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3): I have to believe that the leader of a monsterous kingdom is better than a random circus child. Please?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 01:29:22 AM by Cryo »

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 04:27:07 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia): Sure. More intelligent or something.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3): Even disregarding the fact that the better part of Fayt's power seems limited to the Eternal Sphere...
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2): Luca may be the strongest Suikoden human without a true rune, but that's worth... so very little in a setting where runes have all the real power.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3): Yeah, not giving Jade credit for TotA's slipshod writing leaving him as the game's encyclopedia.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos): Straightforward.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT): I'm not sure how much credit to give hype as a brilliant general here, but eh, probably enough.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8): Don't think Angelo had much plot power at all, likable chap that he is. Tio's strong enough to act as a part of Valmar.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6): Hmm. I'd vote Jean over Pent in a heartbeat. Shadow too for that matter, but Jean's more impressive.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar): Blows shit up.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1): Not an EIGHT-YEAR OLD GIRL or whatever.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3): When he's not acting as comic relief, the guy is reasonably effective, since he somehow convinced a human to be the ruler of the mystics and all.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 04:35:50 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia) - I guess. Neither is outstanding really.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Isn't a piece of code.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) -
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) - Jenova only kills a bunch of hippies, Luca kills anything.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - Controlling and manipulating billions of microscopic nanomachines is more impressive than borrowing wimpy demon powers.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12) - ...what? Knightblazer is h4x for plot powers; Basch is just an ordinary captain with no special qualities outside his loyalty.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) - S2 Georg for worthless, generic fail.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - I suppose. Neither is very good in this division.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle)

Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) - Shadow's plot powers aren't well defined at all. Thus I'm going to say he doesn't have anything of note, which makes him Light.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar) - Sics Bulkogidon on Ramus.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) - Can beat up Justin, thus can also beat up a pathetic jobber.
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Isn't a piece of code. Otherwise this would be bad beyond the point of being amusing.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2008, 04:44:08 AM »
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)

Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)

Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2008, 04:51:01 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia) - Gaia's nemesis is a legendary flying race...  hey, wait a second.  Not to mention flying makes it easier to avoid getting turned into stone from the various tentacles and getting into the inside.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Fayt blows up a spaceship in SO3.  KOS-MOS shields a spaceship from getting blown up...  at least once at the end of XS1, and quite possibly more than once.  After that deal is done, it comes down to dude with a sword vs. robot with swords, guns, and general pain.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - Bhaalspawn is better than Irenicus...  but Ghaleon is probably scarier than Irenicus?  They actually are kinda similar, capturing divine thingies and trying to suck up their power...  which is bad news for Ghaleon.
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) - Eh, Luca isn't a great Godlike, but Jenova gets repeatedly beat up by 3 mildly superpowered characters.  I'd say Luca's enhancements are similar enough to Cloud, and he's certainly implied to be as strong as 3 solid characters combined, maybe more.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - FE8 is very clear that Lyon < Ephraim, even backed by a demon (Ephraim is pretty confident if you have him attack Lyon).  And Ephraim is only a middling heavy.  Amazing nanomachine network (that we swear isn't magic!  It just acts exactly like it!) takes the day.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3) - Jet has somewhat more plot hype, but Jade's plot hype directly translates to combat, and the cool and collected Jade runs mental circles around angsty Jet.  He'll exploit his weaknesses.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12) - I don't think I let Ashley transform into Knightblazer at will even in a plot power tournament, since I don't recall him ever really doing that in-game and it takes time in battle.  Even still...  I suppose Basch's Quickening in the early game counts as plot in a way, but I don't think it's enough.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) -  Legendary swordsman vs. apprentice to a Legendary Mage.  Georg vs. Athos would be interesting.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - Maybe Lucca zaps Zalbag from a distance?  ...nah.  I'm going to call Blood Suck a plot power (Zombies!!!!), and Lucca isn't killing Zalbag before she joins the dead.  Lucca wishes she was fighting Tio.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8) - Close.  If Tio used her robotic technology in any sensible way, she'd win, but going with the trained priest & healer against someone who's functionally just another fighter.  They both faced down huge super evils, so that cancels out.
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle) - Mm.  Eclair's dark side never actually kills anyone IIRC and is merely spooky at the castle, but she does get powered up by that underground wall?  Eh.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) - Jean beat up her own master and won a fighting tournament.  Shadow's implied to be pretty badass, but...

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar) - Explosions.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) - RA RA PUFF PUFF RA RA.  Uh, I think any one of the WA4 mains could plotwise solo Tony, but Sue is probably less than any WA4 main.  Though I guess Mana Eggs might help?  No vote for now..
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Ozzie is the kind of villain that comic relief heros defeat, by accidentally pressing some lever that sends him hurtling below or the like.

Edit: Oops, I'd bolded Lucca rather than Zalbag before.  Also tossing in a vote for Tony.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 06:42:50 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2008, 08:01:38 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia)- Mrf.  If memory serves, Gaia was a world-threatening entity because it was basically anti-spirits and spirits were what made the world work.  It was clearly no slouch in power but... Rose respect is high.  Undecided.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)- Fayt works by hacking his superficial reality... okay, that's probably also how KOS-MOS works.  But she's got programs on how to do it efficently!  Fayt just kinda wings it.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)- No vote.
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)- Luca's a tough sonuvabitch, probably a fair Heavy, but not really a match for Jenova, who's... immortal and magical at the least.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)- Yulie's plot power is really more about support than anything else.  Useful but not suited for dueller.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)- Jet, while significant to the plot, isn't POWERFUL in the plot.  Jade's consistently portrayed as badass.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12)- No vote.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos)- It's like a perfect reflection or something.  Pent is presented as pretty much equivelent magically as Georg is physically and comperable tactically and so on.  Georg, however... I think he's probably just more seasoned, giving him a tiny edge.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)- Lucca's talent is in invention, Zalbag's is in battle plans (supposedly).
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle)- Honestly I'm going by fighting styles entirely here.  Humphrey is the inflappable, immovable object, which blunts Eclair's primary attributes entirely.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)- ... well... basically, Lunar 2 hypes Jean a lot, but Shadow just does some freakish things (largely, survive all the shit he does) that incline me in his direction.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)- Mad scientist versus merchant is a fair fight, but c'mon, Liz is an anthropomorphic lizard!  That's gotta have some crucial advantage!
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)- Cute, but I think Sue is a little too normal to pull this off.
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)- No vote.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)- Um... does Ozzie get disqualified if he holes up and waits for minions?  Yes?  Um, Ozzie probably outlives a skinny, hyperactive circus girl deprived of food in the middle of the arena?  That's the best I got.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2008, 03:21:50 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia)
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)

Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12): This match makes no sense.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos)

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle)
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2008, 04:09:26 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia)
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)-Haven't seen past XS1 KOS, who while badass, I'll be willing to say Fayt can take.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)-Next.
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)-Hmm, I'd vote Cloud over Jenova, and I'd vote Luca over Cloud, so...

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)-Yulie's plot power seems to be...regulating ARMs. Cool. ARMs here for her to regulate. Splat.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)-Hmm....close. But Jade without that Fon Slot Seal thingie is holy shit nasty. Enough to let him compete powerwise, anyway. From there it's genius veteran officer vs. middling intelligence adventurer type. Yeah.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12)-Haven't finished FF12, but unless Basch can pull out some shit that could let him take a plot Godlike(which I'd rank Ashley as), then he's not winning this. And I've heard nothing about him pulling stuff like that.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos)-For all his plot awesomeness, Pent is still a mage, and they don't call him Deathblow Georg for nothing.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)-Under the name of Beolve, there is victory.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle)-Hmm, see CK.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)-Uh...
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)-Ovelia gets one-punched by Delita. Non-monk FFT folks aren't that good at punching. Therefor Ovelia takes hits like a sheltered girl and Shir can beat her up? Yeah, I got nothing.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)-...are you people trying to make this rival NR Light for fail?
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2008, 04:51:23 AM »
Excellent! Some people I actually know :D

Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia) : Lives forever, probably one of the most experienced warriors her world knows (1000 years known as the Black Monster, anyone?), flies, summons dragons, and If i recall, Dragoons are pretty darn fast. I think Rose would pull this off.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) : I can't see Fayt pulling this one off unless he uses the dormant power of his. And like stated above by SnowFire, it blew up a spaceship, KOS-MOS has blocked that kind of attack before. And KOS-MOS has much better weaponry, which she can teleport to her at will.

No votes. I know 2 of the people, and they aren't in the same match :(

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - Zalbag is a decorated warrior know throughout the land as a battle leader. Lucca tinkers with machines. Sure, she could make a laser gun and try to shoot him, but he's probably already anticipated that.

Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3): Do I really need to explain this? Evil ruler trumps little circus girl. 


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2008, 06:39:18 AM »
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Both have unreliable plot powers at best.  The latter, however, doesn't get a massive ubercannon, or the Third Armament (Whatever that thing was).
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) Sentient magical space disease organism or whatnot versus...Luca.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) Still needs a spellbook even with demon, versus wide-scale nanomechanical meteorological weapon.  "Material Drive the Guardian Programs" wins here.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3) Is Jade.  Therefore, has fought (and won against) a God-General right after getting hit with a Fon Slot Seal intended for Ion.  Should beat out whatever Jet seems to be able to manage by comparison.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - no vote.


Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) - Angry bitter old mecha pilot beats Little Girl.  Also noting that his losses don't make him that incompetent (Despite how he looks so), given that the people he's fought have included two Gene Drivers (with ARMs), Yulie(Material Drive), a rather tricky Formula User, and RAQUEL FREAKING APPLEGATE.  The last one alone should say everything.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Were it not for the empire-building, I'd actually give Peppita a win for NOT LOSING TO A CAT.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 06:48:45 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2008, 08:14:42 AM »
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - NOw at the end of BG2, Bhaalspawn isn't that strong plotwise.  Strong yes, but not a God.  However, for a plot power tourney I'm assuming this is post BG2x, so Bhaalspawn is an unbeatable Godlike?
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) - Yeah Luca isn't really plot power Godlike

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - Demon King rawr
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) - I R MAGE KNIGHT OF LEGEND

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - FIRE
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) - Shadow seems to be everywhere, can't be offed by Empire, can take on Kefka on continent when Ghestahl got WTFed.. sure


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2008, 12:11:06 PM »
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Inclined to agree with Gate. Good match, tho.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - Remember also that Lyon was effectively duped the entire time he was under Demonpig's power. Yulie stutters her way through. Failing that, she dresses as Eirika and gets a moment of distraction to blast him.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - Better-known.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) - Close, but Jean's got more reputation behind her.

Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) Kids > Tony. This rule is failproof in everything but an actual stat fight. >_>
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Sits on her.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2008, 01:45:47 PM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia) - Eh. Both have their respective points, but while Gaia just... ungh, it just blows up stuff, Rose actually has more to offer on the table. My memory's kinda iffy on this, but Rose has quite an immense amount of power, also, DRAGONS! :V
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Fayt has a respectable power to his name, but his power alone just isn't enough to take on the big guns of KOS-MOS. Figuratively and literally (I don't see how explosive power that potentially gets blocked by KOS-MOS would give Fayt the win here).
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) - I'm gonna abstain from this one, mainly because I cannot decide who seriously would win out. All things considered, Luca's a tough asshole to take down but Jenova's some decked out magical being or something. Let's take into account that Jenova in many instances is beaten by a group of three, whereas on the other hand, Luca kills shit to death and also needs to be taken down by an entire battalion of people. Sure, Luca isn't great in Godlike, but still very, very good and can hold his ground against Jenova. I seriously cannot decide.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - Self-explanatory, I'd guess.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3) - For all that Jet's worth, he's still got quite some plot importance, but other than that, he's not really all that special, at least, not compared to Jade. Jade has the power that he needs to defend himself in a fight, also, he has the "backup" that he will need beforehand to ensure a win xD In that vein, Jade's also pretty darned cool and he has an AIRCONDITIONER IN HIS CLOTHING.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12) - What.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) - Actually this does seem pretty... Oh, never mind. Pent has some legendary mage background or something but it's matched by Georg's physically conditioned greatness in the physical realm, also, he has a lot of field experience, rendering him as some sort of veteran and more. Also, Deathblow Georg ;_;

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar) - Let's blow shit up okay?
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) - I think this is basically a giveaway. Sue's just... a loli girl D:
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Ozzie has minions and some sort of empire. If you could call it that. Sure, he lost to a cat, but we'll let that slide
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2008, 01:56:44 PM »

Ashley - demon posessed time travelling merged tranny beats out an instantly recognisable man with his boyish good looks of a teen male prostitute.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2008, 11:02:02 PM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia) - Gaia was pretty hyped in terms of plot, he only seems horrible due to his lackluster battle performance. Eh, I'll give it to Gaia.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) - KOS-MOS just outclasses Fayt, though it's a good match.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) - Luca's pretty damn tough on his own, but could also hype his use of the Beast Rune.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - Yulie's Material Drives are insane.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3) - Jade hype is go. Jade is portrayed as incredibly resourceful and powerful, trumps Jet's 'specialness' with the planet. You don't see anyone hyping Aeris' planet connection for its battle prowess...
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12) - Ashley for Godlike.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) - Georg hype.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8) - Android over normal guy.
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle) - Eclair has schizophrenia-induced superpowers.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) - Jean, though this is a really close one.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar) - Ramus outsmarts Liz hype!
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) - Sue. Tony dies to children hype!
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2) - Shir... is more durable?
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Ozzie over circus girl.



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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2008, 03:19:57 AM »
Rose (LoD)- I guess
KOS-MOS (XS)- Third Armament obliterates Fate, and this is not the worst KOS can do to him.
Bhaalspawn (BGs)- SPLAT
Jenova (FF7)- Luca'll probably end up fighting thousands of duplciates of himself and gets slaughtered like a pig.

Lyon (FE8)- Demon King rar
Jade Curtiss- Jet's power as Fargaia Sample isn't really offesnive based. While Jade is pretty strong even after the Phon Slot Seal, without it, yeah.
Ashley Winchester (WA2)- Splat
Georg (Suikos)- Close, I guess?

Zalbag (FFT)- Yeah, Lucca has fighting skills plot wise?
Tio (G2)- Android vs. average human
Eclair (La Pucelle)- Spli minds is beetter than one?
Jean (Lunar 2)- I guess

Liz (WA2)- Hahahaha....
Sue (G1)- Kids>Tony
Shir Gold (PS2)- Yeah....
Ozzie (CT)- And pepita has plot powers?


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2008, 04:02:26 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia): I...think? Blech, Grandia plot, but giving the benefit of the doubt to something that threatened the entire world over one really strong 11,000 year old human.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3): Yeah, pretty one sided.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs): Dunno Bhaalspawn enough.
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2): Jenova threatens the world on a regular basis, even if its only small sections at a time. Elfboy said; strongest Runeless Warrior in a world where Runes mean everything can only get you so far.  Frankly, his little "keep going despite constantly being knocked down!" felt more like stubborness and adrenaline, than anything else; he was inevitably dead once the trap was sprung.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8): What was Yulie's plot power again? Honestly, can't remember it being that dramatic.  The whole Material thing didn't really represent itself outside of gameplay, and her other powers felt useless in battle.  Meanwhile, Lyon's still a high class mage using forbidden magic and all that, enough to threaten armies.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3): Can't vote.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12): Basch is in heavy...why? He's skilled warrior, yes, but...that's not going to get him that far. Oh, yes, he nukes one bot with a Mist Charge, but FF12 made it clear you can't do that at will, and it was more of a last resort.
MEANWHILE, Ashley has the powers of Lord Blazer AND Argethalm going for him.  Knight Blazer or Sword Saint form, doesn't matter which you allow, both are much stronger (combined with the usual ARMs hype being > Regular weapons) than anything Basch has.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos): Unsure.  Seems evenly matched from where I'm sitting.  Kneejerk says Georg since Pent's strength seemed more intellectual while Georg was more a badass fighter through and through...yeah, that works as a tiebreaker.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT): Lucca isn't much of a fighter, hyped to be the strongest in Ivalice, equaled only by Orlandu and his father.  This isn't particularly close.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8): Robot built for fighting vs. above average warrior.
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle): The Dark Form was genuinely threatening from what I remember, and Eclair's suppose to have gotten STRONGER after the whole resolve with it, so...
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6): Shadow's plot powers are pretty undefined.  Jean, meanwhile, is a complete badass martial artist who surpasses Lunn, who was no slouch himself.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar): Liz pretty much has the ability to deny death simply by using bizzare philosophy.  Ramus has the power of bribery...which is something Liz doesn't care about.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1): Tony has a mech that blows stuff up, Sue has a little animal riding her head that can breath some fire, and dance with pom poms.
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2): Shir is a thief and wields knives.  Ovelia has absolutely no battle experience whatsoever, meanwhile.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3): Ozzie can make impenetrable walls, and has a laugh; this lets him block out Peppita's annoying rambling and allows him to ignore her performance, and without those, Peppita runs off crying!

(yes, I wasn't being totally serious with my reasons for Light, but my votes were based off serious reasons <_<)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2008, 05:00:14 AM »

Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) - Luca. Okay, I don't follow most of you here. Jenova's just a bunch of cells and a decapitated body in game. She needs Sephiroth and the Black Materia to do much of anything. Meanwhile, Luca Blight is an insane terror that takes an army to take down.  It's a complete mismatch. Hell, Luca gets hit with a True Rune and strikes back just as hard on all the army units on the map. He's not shown as being deficient versus True Runes in power at all; if anything, he's shown to be on par.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - Lyon. Eh, gutshot.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3) - Jade. Jade's way too good versus Jet's dimly defined plot power that doesn't do much in game.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) - Georg.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - Zalbag. Lucca's decent with inventions, but Zalbag has a lot of knight hype and undead hype going for him.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8) - Mmm. Tio. Angelo's not terrible, but he's short in the plot power department. Tio's an robot, which is good enough.
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle) - Eclair? Close.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) - Shadow. Ninja versus martial Interceptor makes a good tiebreak.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar) - Liz.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) - Tony. He has a mech.
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Ozzie.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2008, 05:52:37 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia)
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12)
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos)

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2008, 07:03:54 AM »
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) - Luca. Okay, I don't follow most of you here. Jenova's just a bunch of cells and a decapitated body in game. She needs Sephiroth and the Black Materia to do much of anything. Meanwhile, Luca Blight is an insane terror that takes an army to take down.  It's a complete mismatch. Hell, Luca gets hit with a True Rune and strikes back just as hard on all the army units on the map. He's not shown as being deficient versus True Runes in power at all; if anything, he's shown to be on par.

To be fair, I see Jenova in her prime when discussing plot power. Aka, when she is be able to wipe out entire race of Cetra single handedly. And FF7CC shed some hints on how wretched her original powers are.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2008, 07:08:28 AM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia)- Gaia. It seems to kill just by existing unbound, while Rose actually has to work at it.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3)- KOS-MOS
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2)- Jenova. Luca was good at killing peasents. Jenova was good at killing an anicent mystical race of unidentified but certainly heavy plot power.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8)- Yulie
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3)- Jade
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12)- Ashley
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos)- Georg

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT)- Uh...Zalbag.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8)- Tio. Ancient robot who fought in a great war versus someone whose plot power at best was okay priest.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6)- Jean. Scion of secret ninja cult wins out.

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar)- Liz
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1)- Tony
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2)- Shir. Can take better care of herself in theory. Might be a thief?
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3)- Ozzie
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 2
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2008, 02:51:30 PM »
Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia) - Mmm...Gaia the Terraforming monster, or Rose the sexy killer of children.  Mmm...Honestly, I think I'm going with Gaia on this.  Turning people into stone works pretty well.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Uh...they're fairly evenly matched.  I honestly think I'm going with Fayt on this - blew up a battleship, escapes a video game (KOS-MOS, meanwhile, is still part of a book), etc.
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - ...Bhaalspawn.  Yeah...
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) -  Jenova.  Luca...not a Godlike.

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) - YULIE.  Lyon is not Lyon in-game - the only Lyon you see is in flashbacks and right before the final battle.  Fomortiis is in control - that's his power, not Lyon's. 
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3) - Jade.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12) - Do not count this vote....Ashley.  Granted, I haven't finished FF12 yet, so if Basch has something magical happen to him in the last...however long I have, that might change.
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) - Mmm...Pent or Georg, both are fairly close.  Going with Pent.  Honestly, either works.  Pent has two games of respect to work off of, while Georg has one game of respect, and one where he's kind of...there.

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) - ...Zalbag.
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8) - Tio.
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle) - Eclair.  Multiple personality princess > soldier.
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) - Jean.  Two professions, both successful, vs. Shadow's 2, where one failed.  Also, could canonly be called dead if you want!

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar) - Ramus.  Merchant powers > much.
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) - ...funny.  Tony starts out better, then is put on par with Sue.  Voting Sue, simply because of the hilarity.
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2) - Shir.  She WALKS BETWEEN PLANETS AFTER STEALING THINGS.  How is that Light?
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) - Ozzie gets owned by kitties.  Peppita can deal with lions in the circus.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 03:28:22 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory