Hello, I figured since I just joined the forums, I should give a quick introduction before I post and such so people aren't like, "Who the Eff is this guy??"
My name's Ryan, I go by Ryogo (From Square's Front Mission 3, if ya don't know) on pretty well everything that remotely looks like the internet. I'm 18 and from Canada-land to the North. I love RPG's, and stumbled across this voting league page while Google-ing a random RPG name from a web page. I figured I'd go and try to throw my vote in for the battles I had actually played the games for, and was in awe. There was only one I could honestly vote for. Majority of the characters I had never heard of. Looking around the site a little more, I liked what I saw. I ended up joining the forums 'cause it looked like fun, I probably could learn something from the people here, meet some knew people, etc, etc.
I also like sunsets, long walks on the beach, and pony rides.
Hopefully get to know you guys soon, and learn a little something from those that seem in the know