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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2011, 07:08:42 AM »
DOS/Windows 3.x PC
lol Djinn and PC gaming~

We need to change this
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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2011, 07:51:48 AM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Mega Man 3
3. The Legend of Zelda

1 is fairly safe.  LoZ, MM3, and MM2 are all pretty much tied for #2 depending on mood, but I'll tiebreak for MM3 because more stages + a non-stupid passwording system, unlike MM2 which robbed your energy tanks.  Dragon Warrior 4 is probably the best RPG on the console, which deserves some credit...  as does Zelda2: The Adventure of Link and Super Mario 2.

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. Civilization
2. Frontier: Elite 2
3. Railroad Tycoon

Uh, for me, this will be the "Amiga" section.  Still, pretty much most of the Amiga games were also on DOS, just with worse graphics.  Note that I played SimCity and Populous on the SNES, not on the Amiga, so not including them here.  Railroad Tycoon is kinda shaky, as SimCity would certainly beat it - but having trouble coming up with good competitors at the moment.  Secret of Monkey Island would probably qualify, but I'm playing the Special Edition of that *right now* on Steam since I didn't catch it on the Amiga, and I never would have gotten anywhere anyway when I was young and foolish.  In terms of time spent, I think that Red Storm Rising would come the closest to knocking off Railroad Tycoon, actually.  Submarine combat is fun.

Also, looking at OK's list...  Civ 2 and MOO2 would certainly invade #2 and #3 if I felt they belonged here.  But eh, I associate them with the Windows 95 era, although I know that MOO2 at least could run in DOS 7.  Edit: Colonization! would also easily make #3 too, since I saw somebody else list that in this section.  But I played the Win95 version of it, not the Amiga one, so.

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Final Fantasy 3 (6)
2. Chrono Trigger
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I could very, very easily have stuck Final Fantasy 2 at number 3 instead of LoZ, showing my RPG fanboy side.  Super Mario World and Secret of Mana are up there as well of course.

Sega Genesis (Gen)
Go Sonic 2 and PS3?!

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Heroes of Might & Magic II
2. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
3. Myth: The Fallen Lords

Pretty easy.  Heroes of Might & Magic III is easily number 4.  Myth II is weird as it is by all rights as good as Myth I, but feels a bit like an expansion pack since it came out just a year later.  Civilization II is probably 6, but SMAC is just better as Civ2 required mods and such to keep it interest.  Blizzard RTS (StarCraft, WarCraft III) are decent but mostly on multiplayer hype grounds, but I feel both Myths did a much better job at both single-player and multiplayer.  The Longest Journey and Curse of Monkey Island are also both tempting here as far as adventure game hype, and Deus Ex and Unreal Tournament get shooter hype.  Also uh Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8 technically fall in here too, for me.

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Final Fantasy 7*
3. Front Mission 3?

#1 is easy.  But wow this drops off after that.  Much as I like them, none of Lunar, Castlevania: SOTN, nor Front Mission 3 feel like worthy top 3 slots.  Nor for that matter Threads of Fate, Grandia, Xenogears, or Metal Gear Solid.  So screw it, sticking FF7 here anyway despite playing the PC version, add Lunar or Castlevania to replace it if you want.  Final Fantasy 8 would be in the ToF-XG-MGS tier, mind.

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. GoldenEye
3. Super Smash Bros.

I technically played Ocarina of Time on a GameCube, but yeah, it was basically a straight port of the N64 version (didn't bother with the Master Quest), unlike say SimCity where the SNES version has better graphics and more features than the PC version.  Also, I didn't own an N64, but I did play through all of GoldenEye & Smash's single-player.

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
2. Fire Emblem
3. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

I've played exactly one GBA game legit, and it's the one I'm going through right now: Metroid Fusion.  Can't really recall what other GBA games I've played other than the above, so I might switch 3 around.  Castlevania: Circle of the Moon was pretty decent, though, and is not that much worse than Aria of Sorrow.  (Edit: I guess I played Metroid: Zero Mission too as a loaner.)

1. Grandia II
2. Skies of Arcadia
3. Shenmue

This is pretty easy, having played just 3 DC games.  Well, maybe 30 minutes of Jet Grind Radio too I guess, but no.

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Suikoden III
2. Shadow Hearts: Covenant
3. Final Fantasy X

1 and 2 are basically tied.  FFX has very strong competition from both Growlanser games (II & III), Tales of the Abyss, and Xenosaga: Episode III...  FFX and XS3 are a lot alike, actually (said to make Elves rage), and "the best parts of Xenosaga combined" would take #3, but XS3 has some issues in its later half which FFX handles better.  (And I don't mean issues I find stupid but ultimately irrelevant like KOS-MOS plot, but bigger lapses like Wilhelm plot.)  That said XS3 feels more replayable than FFX, since characters are a bit more customizable, but I never replayed either, so hmph.  Also MGS3 hype here but no room.

XBox (XBox)
Uh I played through Halo, and played KOTOR on the PC, and played most of Panzer Dragoon Orta at a friend's house, but no vote.

Gamecube (GCN)
1. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
3. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Another tie between 1 and 2.  Super Smash Brothers: Brawl and Tales of Symphonia are both strong runners-up for slot 3, they're pretty much tied with Eternal Darkness.  ToS ultimately it kind of outstays its welcome, and Smash only loses because I'm not ultimately a huge fan of fighting games, for all that SSBM does it exactly right as far as my fighting game tastes are (no memorizing button combos!).  Also, see above note on Ocarina.

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations
2. Radiant Historia
3. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Slightly me intentionally mixing genres, as picking is hard here.  Hotel Dusk and Ace Attorney Investigations: Edgeworth could both easily take 2 & 3 if I wanted to fill all the slots with adventure games, but Dusk's gameplay is too lacking and if I had to pick one PW game, I'll go with the one with the best villains.

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. Wild Arms XF
2. Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core
3. Dracula X Chronicles: Rondo of Blood

Kind of a 3-way tie, almost.  Only 3 PSP games I finished, makes it easy.

Windows XP+ PC
1. StarCraft II
2. Team Fortress 2
3. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey 2

Time to go with Steam games and really recent games, I guess.  SC2 and TF2 are both a blast multiplayer.  Dreamfall has a great plot and at least inoffensive gameplay, unlike Hotel Dusk's "annoying" non-gameplay.  Does Portal count here?  Probably.  It's great but short, so I'd still stick it as #4.  Civ 4 might sneak in as number 5, but hard to be objective there - I frankly played too much Civ / SMAC when young so never played too much Civ4.

No vote, but I did finish Halo 3, so it'd win by default.

Playstation 3 (PS3)
1. Heavy Rain
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. ???  (Valkyria Chronicles?  Mega Man 10?  I've finished neither of them, although with MM10 I got to Wily's castle at least...   haven't started MGS4 yet.)

And I've only finished 2 PS3 games.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 01:03:10 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2011, 09:51:13 AM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
2. SMB3
3. Final Fantasy 3

Link's Awakening is probably my favorite Zelda game, SMB3 is fun, and Final Fantasy 3 is probably the best RPG on the system with savestates.

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. Heretic
2. Doom 2
3. Doom

Yeah these are probably the only games I played on the system that have stuck to memory.

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Earthbound
2. Final Fantasy 6
3. Yoshi's Island

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. whoa how did this get here
2. i am not good with computer
3. Phantasy Star 4?

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Planescape: Torment
2. Half Life?
3. Does Warcraft 3 count?

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. LFT
2. Koudelka
3. Tales of Eternia

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Goldeneye
2. LoZ: MM
3. Super Smash Brothers

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Mother 3
2. Metroid: Zero Mission

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Shadow Hearts 2
2. God of War 2
3. We Love Katamari

XBox (XBox)
1. KotOR
2. KotOR2
3. lol whats an exbox

Gamecube (GCN)
1. Super Smash Brothers: Melee
2. Paper Mario 2
3. Mega Man and X collections or whatever.  My list has a significant lack of Megaman and that will be remedied here with every Mega Man game ever.

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Final Fantasy 3 DS (nostalgia eat me)

Windows XP+ PC
1. Starcraft 2
2. The Source Engine (Half Life 2 Episode, Team Fortress 2, Portal)
3. Minecraft

It surprises me that Source has been overshadowed by 4gates but that is just facts and science at this point.  Even though I don't really play Minecraft anymore this is the direction gaming needs to be heading so it gets the mention.

XBox 360 (PC Gaming top 4-6)
1. Mass Effects
2. Assassin's Creed
3. Super Meat Boy was apparently XBox Arcade DLC so

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Super Smash Brothers Brawl
2. Metroid Prime 3
3. Super Mario Galaxy


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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2011, 12:52:26 PM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Mega Man 2
3. Contra

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. The Secret of Monkey Island (Uh yeah.)
2. Doom (Obvious pick)
3. Ultima Underworld (Hey guys, do you like Deus Ex, Bioshock, System Shock, etc? This is why they exist.)

Game Boy
1. Tetris (Yes, it was that addictive, and seriously this thing sold 35 million copies. That's STILL 25% of the total to date.)
2. Super Mario Land 2
3. Super Mario Land

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Final Fantasy VI (Best 16-bit RPG? Probably.)
2. Super Mario World (More replay value than Yoshi's Island, at least for me.)
3. Chrono Trigger (Pure fun factor.)

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Shining Force II (I have played this game through more times than everything else on the list thus far, put together.)
2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Ultimate 2D Sonic game)
3. Phantasy Star IV (Objectively better than SFII)

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. The Curse of Monkey Island (Uh yeah part II)
2. Deus Ex (Needs no explanation)
3. Diablo II (Ate my life for years)

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. Metal Gear Solid (The sequels may suck, but this was fantastic)
2. Final Fantasy Tactics (Durrrrr)
3. Xenogears

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Mario 64
2. Star Fox 64
3. Smash Bros.

1. Panzer Dragoon Saga (my favorite console RPG ever)
2. Shining Force III (act shocked)
3. Dragon Force (Go to hell, Brig)

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Astro Boy: Omega Factor (Maybe Treasure's best game of the decade)
2. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (best Metroidvania, since SotN, hands down)
3. Super Robot Wars D

1. Soul Calibur (No effing contest. Expertly balanced, plays perfectly, and freaking gorgeous to boot)
2. Skies of Arcadia (Legends? Bah.)
3. Sword of the Berserk (wheeeee mindless action)

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Final Fantasy X (Best RPG of the generation)
2. Super Robot Wars Z (Best SRW of the...uh...ever.)
3. Devil May Cry 3 (So damn much fun. Maybe I'll try DMD one of these days....)

XBox (XBox)
1. Ninja Gaiden Black
2. That's pretty much all the XBox originals I've played.
3. But it's still awesome, so it gets a place on the list.

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations (SURPRISE)
2. Elite Beat Agents
3. Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (Objectively not that awesome, but goddamn was it addictive and fun)

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (Ridiculously solid, handles its story very well, fun enough to get me to play all the optional stuff)
2. Super Robot Wars Z2: World-Breaking Chapter
3. I've only played one other PSP game long enough to judge, but Wild ARMs XF sucks. So nothing.

Windows XP+ PC
1. Tales from Monkey Island (Yeah, like you didn't see this coming.)
2. Portal
3. Painkiller (Was Max Payne, but it turns out Max Payne predates WinXP by a month)

XBox 360 (360)
1. Bayonetta (See DMC3, add one generation)
2. Shadow Complex (The first 360 game that really hooked me. I still need to replay for 100% completion...)
3. Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
2. Sonic Colors
3. Wii Sports
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 04:32:26 PM by Shale »
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2011, 06:08:13 PM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Mega Man 2
3. Dragon Warrior IV

So I actually played MM2 via one of those collections, but meh, that's basically emulation.  I'm certainly I played a few dozen NES games but damned if any of them stand out, so generic responses are generic.

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. Star Wars: TIE Fighter
2. Sam & Max Hit the Road
3. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

I did play these a little later, so TIE Fighter had all the expansions and I gather the very first releases of these games didn't have VA?  Whatever, they beat out some other stuff like early Sim, cheapie educational titles, and lots of other Star Wars games.  Oh, and Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle, for games that actually had a chance of breaking into the top 3.

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
3. Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals

Oh yeah, I DID emulate CT at some point.  Because otherwise I wouldn't have enough games to fill out a list.  (somehow I never played all that much SMW, at least not enough to accurately peg it)

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Sonic 3 and Knuckles
2. Disney's Aladdin
3. Crusader of Centy

The odd thing to me is that I didn't even own that last one.  Why the local rental shop had a Sega Genesis Atlus release I'll never know.

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Star Craft: Brood Wars
2. The Sims
3. Diablo

Yeah I think these are the only games I really played in this era (well, except Star Craft obviously, but nobody plays SC1 if they have BW), but Diablo has that sort of sucky charm where I don't feel like saying it absolutely doesn't deserve to make the list.

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. Xenogears
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Final Fantasy Tactics

Had to actually consult my ratings for the last slot.  Left off some good stuff, but I know most of it has some other games in-series on later systems.  Vagrant Story is the exception.  Anyway, #1 and 2 for favorite games, but the competition after the top 5 or so drops off considerably.

Nintendo 64 (N64)

Insufficient Data.  OoT>MM> .... oh sweet jesus I'm not putting Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Snap, Episode 1 Racer or various wrestling games on here.  I guess there's Smash?  Yeah, that at least isn't outright bad in retrospect.

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Super Robot Wars J
2. Super Robot Taisen OG 2
3. Pokémon Emerald

Silly me, I almost forgot SRW games... even though I could easily put OG1 in over Emerald and have nothing but SRW!

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Kingdom Hearts
2. Shadow Hearts: Covenant
3. Suikoden III

Well that was easy.  I didn't even get into 9/10 games, and going out to a top 10 would... still... leave me deciding between 9/10 games.  Best system ever.

XBox (XBox)

Insufficient Data.  KotOR > ... yeah I only played that one.

Gamecube (GCN)
1. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
2. Skies of Arcadia Legends
3. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

FE9 could probably have gone in the 3 slot, but it's rather overshadowed by FE10.

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Radiant Historia
2. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
3. Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume

There's a second tier of really good DS games (Edgeworth, Ghost Trick, re:Coded) that would nicely round out a top 5, but after that there's sorta a gap where everything's just good rather than great to excellent.

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
2. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
3. Wild ARMs XF

There's another of those gap things after this, except XF occupies the same area as the second tier DS games.  So I guess it is clear who won that one.

Windows XP+ PC

No data.

XBox 360 (360)

Insufficient data.  ToV > ...  that said, I actually have more 360 games I fully expect to be stomped by ToV whenever I get to them.

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
2. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

What?  You say I didn't play any other Wii games?  Nonsense, there were Sam & Max!  And tiny bits of Sonic Colors and Shattered Memories!  Yeah the Wii wins this gen and still doesn't have a lot to it.

Playstation 3 (PS3)

Insufficient data.  I mean, I guess I played enough Valkyria Chronicles and MvC to say VC> Disgaea 3> MvC3 but... yeah, it doesn't feel right.

Meant to comment more.  Maybe later.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 06:27:01 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2011, 06:55:17 AM »
Slowly filling this in.

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

DOS/Windows 3.x PC

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
3. Final Fantasy 3 [6]/Super Metroid/Super Mario World

Sega Genesis (Gen)

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn

Sony Playstation (PS1)
3. Suikoden 2/Castlevania: Symphony of the Night/Monster Rancher 2/

Nintendo 64 (N64)

Gameboy Advance (GBA)

Playstation 2 (PS2) [Pft. This system pretty much wins for competition, I feel]
3. Silent Hill 2/Shadow of the Colossus/Devil May Cry 3/Shadow Hearts: Covenant/Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter/Persona 4

XBox (XBox)

Gamecube (GCN)

Nintendo DS (DS)

Playstation Portable (PSP)

Windows XP+ PC
1. Mass Effect 2
3. World of Warcraft

XBox 360 (360)

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Playstation 3 (PS3)
3. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift

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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2011, 04:27:27 PM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1.Teenage Mutant Ninj Turtles 3
2. Super Mario Bro's 3
3. Double Dragon...2? I think

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. This was like,
2. When I was a kid
3. OREGON TRAIL!!1 maybe?

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Zombies Ate my Neighbors

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. PS4

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Diablo 2

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. Twisted Metal 2
2. Spyro
3. too many games that I like to chose from >.>.

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Mario Cart

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Pokemon
2. um more pokemon
3. yeah handhelds were basically just pokemon for me for a while >.>

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Wild Arms 4
2. Twisted Metal: Black
3. Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2

XBox (XBox)
1. XBox
2. equals
3. Halo

Gamecube (GCN)
1. What system was this again?

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Don't own

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. WA: XF
2. KH: BBS
3. only other game I've played for PSP atm is Crisis Core which is meh.

Windows XP+ PC

XBox 360 (360)
1. Don't care

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Apathy

Playstation 3 (PS3)
1. Whatever

May fill out PC games later if I can figure out what OS groupings some of the ones I've played belong to >.>.


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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2011, 07:42:00 PM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. Super Mario 3
2. Megaman 3
3. Megaman 2

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. 3 in Three (Mac game. close enough. play it!)
2. Crusaders of the Dark Savant (Wizardry 7)
3. Darwin's Dilemma (also Mac)

Play 3 in Three.  awesome puzzle game.  1991 MacUser Game of the Year.

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. FF6
2. Super Mario World
3. FF4

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Phantasy Star 4
2. Kid Chamelion
3. Toejam & Earl

Seriously, people, there are good games for Genesis.  Toejam and Earl is one of the most fun 2-player games ever, and Kid Chamelion is a masterpiece of level design; if you like platformers where there's multiple ways to get the job done, this game is for you.

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Diablo 2
2. Warcraft 2

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. FFT
2. FF7
3. Castlevania: SOTN

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Super Smash Bros.
2. ...there were other games?

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Warioland (SML3)
2. Metroid 2
3. Kirby's Dreamland

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. FFX
2. Godhand
3. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of games I could mention in this category.  SO3 and Suikoden 3 in particular.

XBox (XBox)
1. Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3
2. Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2
3. Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 4


Gamecube (GCN)

Nintendo DS (DS)

Playstation Portable (PSP)

Windows XP+ PC
1. The Witcher
2. Mountain of Faith
3.  ...I'm sure there was something else worth mentioning...

XBox 360 (360)
1. Tales of Vesperia

A good game.  play it!

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Super Mario Galaxy
3. No More Heroes

Playstation 3 (PS3)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 06:21:03 AM by NotMiki »
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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2011, 03:55:09 AM »
 - Megaman 3
 - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
 - Super Mario Bros.

- Megaman 3 is my favorite Megaman game, Zelda II is my favorite Zelda game. Both are excellent. Super Mario Bros I find more replayable then Mario 3.

 - Crystal Caves
 - Treasure Mountain
 - Princess Maker II

- Haven't played a lot here. Crystal Caves was a huge part of my childhood. Treasure Mountain is just filler... But I did manage to max out the storehouse! Princess Maker II is pretty solid, and was I think DOS.

 - Super Metroid
 - Zelda: A Link to the past
 - Super Mario World

Super Metroid is one of the best games I've ever played. Link to the past and Mario world are both solid first party nintendo titles. Other games that could have made it here include FF6, Megaman X and Lufia 2.

 - Shining Force
 - Gain Ground
 - Gemfire

I don't really have a big Genesis background, but I knew friends who were incredibly into Shining Force. Gain Ground is fun once in a while! I like Gemfire but I'm not actually any good at it.

Windows 95/98/2000
 - Diablo II
 - Starcraft
 - Age of Empires

Not a lot of PC gaming from me. Diablo II was played to DEATH, though.

 - Paper Mario
 - Super Mario 64
 - Banjo-Tooie

Yeah, this works. Paper Mario isn't as good as TTYD, but still a fun game. Mario 64 is good, and Banjo-Tooie has some nostalgia going for it at least.

 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
 - Final Fantasy VII
 - Breath of Fire III

Symphony of the night is excellent, if pretty easy. FF7 is great, but I've only played it once. Breath of Fire 3 is actually more kind of OK, but I enjoyed it.

 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
 - Custom Robo
 - F-Zero GX

Paper Mario TTYD is some of the most fun I've ever had with an RPG. Custom Robo is a personal favorite, it's a game with a lot of charm. F-Zero GX took a lot of playtime, I only ever beat about half the chapters on Very Hard.

Gameboy/ Color
 - Wario Land II
 - The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
 - Final Fantasy Legend III

Wario Land II was 100%'d without a FAQ! It was a tough fight for the Zelda Game slot, but I went with Oracle of Seasons because I played it before Link's Awakening. LA is also excellent, however. Final Fantasy Legend III was my first ever RPG.

Gameboy Advance
 - Metroid: Zero Mission
 - Megaman Zero 4
 - Pokemon Emerald

Metroid Zero Mission may be better then Super Metroid! It's close, for sure. Megaman Zero 4 is probably my second favorite Megaman game, behind only Megaman 3. I played that game a LOT. Emerald is the best Pokemon game single player wise.

Nintendo DS
 - Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
 - Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
 - Elite Beat Agents

Days of Ruin is my favorite AW game, though AW2 is close. I liked the game a lot, I just wish it had more single player content. Portrait of Ruin is an excellent Castlevania game. Elite Beat Agents was completed on Hard Rock... Recently, after being dropped for years! Fun! I wanted to have a Fire Emblem game on one of these top three, but I don't think Shadow Dragon is good enough to put here.

 - Ys 3: The Oath in Felghana
 - Yggdra Union
 - Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Oath in Felghana is amazing, one of the best games I've played recently. Yggdra Union is quirky and certainly not for everyone, but I liked it a lot. Dissidia got 80 hours worth put into it, and I could certainly use more!

 - Persona 4
 - Wild ARMs 4
 - Radiata Stories

Persona 4 is an outstanding game. Wild ARMs 4 is also great, and its short length works in its favor. Radiata Stories is a *fun* game, despite its many flaws.

 - Nope.

XBOX 360
 - Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
 - Blazblue: Continuum Shift
 - Super Street Fighter 4

Harmony of Despair is super fun, it just needs more content! Blazblue and Super Street Fighter are about equal, really. I've put more time into Super, but I would LIKE to put more into Blazblue. Super Characters = Gen/Makoto/Dudley/Dan, Blazblue = Lambda/Platinum.

 - Super Smash Bros Brawl
 - Pokemon Battle Revolution
 - Arc Rise Fantasia

Brawl is a lot of fun... But I could definately go for a sequel! Pokemon is here almost entirely because of the really fun online, much better then Black/White's, at least at this point in time. Arc is here mostly because of a lack of playing other games. It's either that or Fire Emblem Wii, or No More Heroes, I guess. All of them are alright!

 - Nope.

New PC
 - Nope.


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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2011, 05:24:18 AM »
Hey it's an interesting list topic for once.

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. The Legend of Kage
2. Ice Climbers
3. Super Mario Bros 3

Bad but fun ninja game, something I played 15 years ago and have a vague positive memory of, and a platformer that is technically solid but I've never found enthralling enough to finish. Let's move on.

Write-in: Gameboy (GB)
1. Golf
2. Super Mario Land
3. Great Greed

Why do I enjoy golf games on early systems. Solid platformer and amusement are enough to take the other spots.

DOS/Windows 3.x PC Atari 7800

1. Ninja Golf


Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Kirby Super Star
2. Kirby's Dream Course
3. Final Fantasy V

Excellent RPG eclipsed by its remake, excellent platformer eclipsed only by its remake, and excellent multiplayer madness e- oh.

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
2. Zero Wing
3. Super Hydlide

I may not have played the broadest selection of games for this system

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Vantage Master Online
2. Worms Armageddon
3. Heroes of Might & Magic III

Brilliantly designed SRPG that actually works as a balanced multiplayer game (if only it had more players), The Party Game, and a malicious time-eating contraption.

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
3. Spyro 3

First one where there's a ton of list-worthy entries. Honorable mentions to Crash Team Racing, Tenchu 2, Star Ocean 2, Vagrant Story, Rollcage Stage 2 and Crash Bandicoot 2.

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Earth
2. Super Smash Bros.
3. uh pilotwings?

S&P is pretty much 2 hours of compressed RICHARD. Nothing else I would go back and play anymore.

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Final Fantasy V Advance
2. Riviera: The Promised Land
3. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

And here's the better remake. Also featuring a nice concept RPG that forgot to have anything challenging and a the only Metroidvania I've finished.

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Shinobido: Way of the Ninja
2. Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
3. Okami

Oh this isn't even fair. Peak ninja ridiculosity, peak NIS, and peak chillness. And a dozen other games I want to fit on the list.

XBox (XBox)
1. Metal Wolf Chaos

Tracked down friend's roommate's modded Xbox because I saw a youtube video.

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Kirby Superstar Ultra
2. Ace Attorney (series)
3. The World Ends With You

Bester platformer ever, some of the most fun I've had reading text off a screen and an unique experience that hit all the right notes with me.

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy
2. Vantage Master Portable
3. Ys Seven

Easily the most fun I've had with a fighting game, my favorite SRPG with audiovisual upgrades and new content on the go...and a good ARPG with great music. Hm, a big gap there.

Windows XP+ PC
1. Trackmania United Forever
2. Laggy Fantasy Tactics
3. Ys Origin

Online multiplayer racing game with perfect arcade physics and a very easy and flexible track editor, best ARPG, eye candy RPG that does some experimental stuff I liked. Another gap. How did I forget about LFT?

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

I haven't played anything else on the system but felt it was worth mentioning using the "would play again" criteria.

Playstation 3 (PS3)
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Tekken 6
3. Yakuza 3

Great driving sim with an aggressively bad interface, fun fighter made more fun by dressup hilarity, and an almost uncategorizable hit-and-miss game that hits notably more than it misses. Earlier systems crush this as of now but the games have been worth playing all the same.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 12:27:22 PM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!

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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2011, 06:00:12 AM »
DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. Master of Magic
2. X-Com: UFO Defense
3. Colonization

X-Com's great but didn't own my soul like Master of Magic did.  Colonization's not as great but hey something has to go in the #3 slot and it was the first thing I could think of that I honestly would place there.

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Super Mario World
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Yeah, 2D Mario is <3 for me.  Bit of a gap between these three and the stuff that competes for the #4 slot here to me.

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Phantasy Star IV
2. Aladdin
3. uh Sonic 2 I guess

Man Genesis is pro at inspiring caring from me outside of the first two.

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Master of Orion 2
2. Alpha Centauri
3. Heroes of Might and Magic III


Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. Persona 2 Innocent Sin
2. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3. Final Fantasy Tactics

These three could honestly change around.  It's honestly pretty close here.

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Paper Mario
2. Ogre Battle 64
3. Super Mario 64

Wow N64 you are pro at inspiring caring well no SSB exists otherwise eh.

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Super Robot Wars OG2
2. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
3. Fire Emblem 7

Feels right enough.

Gamecube (GCN)
1. Super Smash Brothers Melee
2. Paper Mario 2
3. Metroid Prime

Lack of library depth here admittedly but there's probably not much that can change this list for me.

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
2. Radiant Historia
3. Super Robot Wars L

This is honestly a hard list here, bunch of worthy contenders.

Windows XP+ PC
1. Civilization IV
2. Knights of the Old Republic 2
3. Heroes of Might and Magic V

Man I have barely played anything remotely recent for the PC.


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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2011, 06:22:30 AM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. Legend of Zelda 2 : AoL
2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms
3. Blades of Steel

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. X-Com
2. Myst
3. Sim City

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Final Fantasy 6
3. Front Mission 1

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Phantasy Star 4
2. Gemfire
3. Phantasy Star 2

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Civ 2
2. Fallout
3. StarCon 2

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. FFT
2. Suikoden 2
3. Valkyrie Profile

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Super Smash Brothers
2. Majora's Mask
3. Goldeneye

Write In - Game Boy
1. Super Mario Land
2. Tetris
3. Final Fantasy Legend 2

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Super Robot Wars J
2. Super Robot Wars OG 2
3. Pokemon (Leaf Green in particular, though I feel they hit their peak here)

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Persona 3/4
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Wild ARMs 4

XBox (XBox)
1. Knights of the Old Republic
2. Morrowind
3. Jet Set Radio

Gamecube (GCN)
1. Super Smash Bros Melee
2. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
3. Mario Kart: Double Dash

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Phoenix Wright 1-3
2. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
3. Dragon Quest 9

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. Wild ARMs XF
2. Dissidia Duodecim
3. Crisis Core

Windows XP+ PC
1. Civ 4
2. Starcraft
3. What, I barely play PC Games

XBox 360 (360)
1. Mass Effect 2
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. NHL 11

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
2. Mega Man 9
3. Super Mario Galaxy

Playstation 3 (PS3)
1. Don't Own

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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2011, 10:19:56 PM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. SMB3
2. Tetris
3. Blaster Master

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. Civilization
2. X-COM: UFO Defense
3. 7th Guest

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Final Fantasy 6
2. EarthBound
3. Super Mario World

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Fallout 2
2. Fallout
3. X-Wing Alliance

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. CastleVania: SotN
2. FFT
3. Suikoden II

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Mario Kart 64
2. SSB
3. GoldenEye

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. FFVI Advance (Yes, I'm listing this twice)
2. Advance Wars
3. M&L: Superstar Saga

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Shadow Hearts II
2. Suikoden III
3. GTA Vice City

Gamecube (GCN)
1. RE4
3. Tales of Symphonia

1. Power Stone (FUCK YEAH)
2. Skies of Arcadia (since it didn't make the cut on GCN)
3. Soul Calibur

Windows XP+ PC
1. Fallout: New Vegas
2. Deus Ex
3. Civilization IV

XBox 360 (360)
1. Mass Effect 2
2. Red Dead Redemption
3. Dragon Age: Origins

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
2. No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle


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Re: Best in Show
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2011, 08:53:34 PM »
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Super Mario RPG
2. Final Fantasy 6
3. Donkey Kong Country 2

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Sonic and Knuckles (Sonic 3)
2. Streets of Rage
3. Aeroblasters

As someone who didn't play PS4, these were some of the other games I wasted hours of time on.

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Front Mission 3
3. Valkyrie Profile

Didn't play much outside of RPGs for the PSX. Well there's Harvest Moon and Time Crisis 1, but they don't come close to these three.

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Super Smash Brothers
2. Star Fox 64
3. Super Mario 64

Easy. Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie and Snowboard Kids all deserve honorable mentions though.

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Fire Emblem
2. Pokemon RSE
3. Yoshi's Island.

I didn't play that many GBA games. RSE is notable for being, "The pokemon with some difficulty". Yoshi's Island is godlike, but probably owes more to it's SNES counterpart. FE7 is pretty solid and probably the best of the GBA FEs.

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Wild ARMS 4 (Duh)
2. Front Mission 4
3. Star Ocean 3.

RPG Golden era? Close enough. Lots of good titles to pull out. Persona 4 and Wild ARMS 3/Wild ARMS ACF deserve a mention here too.

Gamecube (GCN)
1. Super Smash Brothers Melee
2. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
3. Mario Kart Double Dash

Smash is Smash. MKDD is also great. Couple of other fun titles, but pretty sure PoR was the best RPG/SRPG type game for the GC.

1. Power Stone 2
2. Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
3. Grandia 2

I support this write-in.

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Kirby Super Star Ultra
2. Radiant Historia
3. Pokemon HG/SS

Unlike Djinn, PSP is probably my favourite of the portables. Had to struggle for this one outside of KSSU. KSSU is awesome and you should play it (especially if you haven't played KSS). If nothing, the power of MASKED DEDEDE compels you.

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. Wild ARMS XF
2. Tactics Ogre PSP
3. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.

Lots of solid games. Some are duplos (like FFT PSP) and are hence not mentioned. But yeah. The RPG platform of our current time.

XBox 360 (360)
1. Resonance of Fate
2. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
3. Castle Crashers

Pretty hit and miss. Castle Crashers is at its best only when there are 4 people. The other two are decent games, but not enough to warrant someone buying the system for it.

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor
2. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
3. Donkey Kong Country Returns

Yes, Brawl didn't make it on to this list (it would be like 4th or something though). This was actually incredibly easy to figure out. Not sure what this says about the Wii games in general.

I played a grand total of 3 PC games: Starcraft, Counterstrike and Roller Coaster Tycoon. So um yeah, 1, 2 and 3 easy enough. Fit them into wherever.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself