
Author Topic: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)  (Read 21892 times)

Random Consonant

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #125 on: June 08, 2011, 04:11:06 AM »
Joe Diamond, Private Eye

Location: Arkham Asylum

Hunches - Any Phase - Whenever Joe spends a Clue Token, he gains an additional die to the check.


Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 3/6

Speed: [3] 4 5 6
Sneak: [4] 3 2 1

Fight: [2] 3 4 5
Will: [3] 2 1 Z

Lore: [Z] 1 2 3
Luck: [3] 2 1 Z

Focus: 3

0 Clue Tokens
.45 Automatic (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +4 Combat.  $5)
Knife (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +1 Combat.  $2)
Nameless Cults (Unique Tome.  Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore (-1) check.  If successful, gain 1 spell, lose 1 sanity, and discard.  Otherwise derp happens.  $3)
Cavalry Sabre (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +2 Combat.  $3)
Expert Occultist (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Spell Check.)
Bravery (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Horror Check.)
Four monster trophies (Cultist x2, Byakhee, Elder Thing.  5 total toughness.)
Two gate trophies (Plateau of Leng, Abyss)

Personal Story Condition:
Pass: Spend 5 toughness in monster trophies and 1 Unique Item while at the Silver Twilight Lodge during Upkeep. (5/5 toughness, 1/1 unique item, not at Silver Twilight Lodge)
Fail: Discard a unique item. (Unique item not discarded.)

Moving to Arkham Asylum and payin' $2 for glorious electroshock.  Also gonna swipe the Cavalry Sabre that Bard forgot to note on his sheet from him and hand him Call Friend.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 10:29:34 PM by Random Consonant »

Captain K.

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #126 on: June 08, 2011, 05:37:22 AM »
Michael McGlen

Location:  Great Hall of Celeano (area 1) -> (area 2)
Sanity 2/3
Stamina 5/7

Speed  2 3 4 [5]
Sneak  4 3 2 [1]
Fight 3 [4] 5 6 (adjusted right 1 space)
Will 5 [4] 3 2  (includes skill bonus)
Lore [1] 2 3 4 (includes skill bonus)
Luck [3] 2 1 Z
Focus 1

Unique Ability: Strong Body - Any Phase: Michael reduces all Stamina losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Inventory: $0, 1 clue

Common Items: Tommy Gun

Unique Items: Cabala of Saboth (Movement: Exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass, draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens.)

Skills: Will, Lore

Spells: Iron Wall

Special: Blessed

Gate Trophies: none

Monster Trophies: Maniac (1 toughness), Chthonian (3 toughness)

Personal Story: If Michael has 5 or more monster trophies, place "This One's for Louis!" in play.  If Michael gains $5 or more, place "Crime Doesn't Pay" in play.

Action:  *adjusting sliders, awaiting encounter*


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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #127 on: June 08, 2011, 10:31:38 PM »
Mr Anderson

Unique Ability: Leadership - Any Phase: Once per turn, Leo may prevent 1 sanity or 1 stamina loss for any investigator.


Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 1/5

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will:   4 [3+1] 2 1

Lore:  1 [2+1] 3 4
Luck:  4 [3] 2 1

Focus: 2

0 Clue Tokens

Cham (Exhaust for +1 to any check)
Zebulon Whateley (+1 Lore, +1 Will, exhaust to refresh 1 Spell)

Rifle (2H, +5 to combat checks) $6

Psychology (add +1 to the result of any dice roll for will checks)

Patrolling the Streets (Easttown, Uptown, Police. 1 Common, $5 and a clue.)

Enchant Weapon (stats something i'll check later lazy.png)
Cloud Kill (1H, -2 Stam, reduce toughness by 2, to a minimum of 1 for all monsters in area)
Call Friend (Spell.  +0 Casting Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost.  Movement Phase: Cast and exhaust to choose an investigator that has not moved and automatically move them to your location.  That investigator may not move again this turn.)

3 Toughness (Shoggoth)
1 Toughness (Ghost)
1 Toughness (Maniac)
1 Toughness (Rat-thing)
1 Gate

Personal Story Condition:
Pass: Get 3 allies (2/3)
Fail: Devoured investigator, or Terror at 4 (0/4) - If I ever discard an ally, I am devoured instead! Jolly.

Head to Science Building, give everything but Ghost corpse for SCIENCE! Receive clues for my good work.

[23:30] <+RandomConsonant> also people need to make their nultros checks :/
[23:30] <Bardiche> 3 will, -2 mod, so.
[23:30] <Bardiche> 1d6 for not going insane!
[23:30] * Hatbot --> "Bardiche rolls 1d6 for not going insane! and gets 3."12 [1d6=3]
[23:30] <Bardiche> d6 for kitten, d'aww, so cute
[23:30] * Hatbot --> "Bardiche rolls d6 for kitten, d'aww, so cute and gets 2."12 [d6=2]
[23:30] <Bardiche> Nnnnnnnnnnnnope.
[23:31] <Bardiche> Wait, I have 4 will.
[23:31] <+RandomConsonant> Oh well, pretty sure Cap hasn't rolled for it
[23:31] <+RandomConsonant> WELL THEN
[23:31] <Bardiche> ER, so I have one more die right
[23:31] <Bardiche> d6 for Bard is a herpderp
[23:31] * Hatbot --> "Bardiche rolls d6 for Bard is a herpderp and gets 5."12 [d6=5]
[23:31] * Bardiche facepalms.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #128 on: June 08, 2011, 11:44:11 PM »
Joe Diamond - Arkham Asylum

Leo Anderson - Science Building
Your dissection fetish pays off

Other Worlds
Michael McGlen - Great Hall of Celeano
Yes! You think you have a use for this item. Gain 1 Common Item.

It is a Brass Knuckles
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 12:12:45 AM by Hunter Sopko »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #129 on: June 09, 2011, 12:18:59 AM »
Contagion Kills Life in Blasted Heath!

All monsters in the Blasted Heath streets or locations are returned to the cup.

A gate burst occurs at.... the Witch House! Which does nothing except cause a MONSTER SURGE! A Cultist appears at the Witch House, a Basilisk (Strangers Monster) appears at The Unnamable, and a Hummer at Independence Square. Due to the gate burst, the Wraith moves to the sky.

Moon monsters move on White, moving the Cultist to the French Hill Streets. Cross monsters move on Black, which does nothing.

Random Consonant

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #130 on: June 09, 2011, 12:37:40 AM »
Joe Diamond, Private Eye

Location: French Hill Streets

Hunches - Any Phase - Whenever Joe spends a Clue Token, he gains an additional die to the check.


Sanity: 3/4
Stamina: 3/6

Speed: 3 4 5 [6]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: [2] 3 4 5
Will: [3] 2 1 Z

Lore: [Z] 1 2 3
Luck: [3] 2 1 Z

Focus: 3

0 Clue Tokens
.45 Automatic (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +4 Combat.  $5)
Knife (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +1 Combat.  $2)
Nameless Cults (Unique Tome.  Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore (-1) check.  If successful, gain 1 spell, lose 1 sanity, and discard.  Otherwise derp happens.  $3)
Cavalry Sabre (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +2 Combat.  $3)
Expert Occultist (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Spell Check.)
Bravery (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Horror Check.)
Five monster trophies (Cultist x3, Byakhee, Elder Thing.  6 total toughness.)
Two gate trophies (Plateau of Leng, Abyss)

Personal Story Condition:
Pass: Spend 5 toughness in monster trophies and 1 Unique Item while at the Silver Twilight Lodge during Upkeep. (6/5 toughness, 1/1 unique item, not at Silver Twilight Lodge)
Fail: Discard a unique item. (Unique item not discarded.)

Where are these damned lunatics coming from, anyways?

[19:24] <RandomConsonant> That's okay, Mr. Cultist. I wasn't planning on heading to the Silver Twilight Lodge at all this turn. Nope.
[19:25] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Heh
[19:25] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Also keeps you in the streets
[19:25] <RandomConsonant> Well.
[19:26] <RandomConsonant> Odds are good that the Fire Vampire will get poofed this turn and if worst comes to worst, I can probably dodge the wraith.
[19:31] <RandomConsonant> Honestly, I think I'll risk it. I don't think anyone else is going to be needing to use Leadership ths turn and if Moon doesn't move or Square doesn't move on white I should be good.
[19:31] <RandomConsonant> But first! Nultros check because I can actually make one this turn
[19:31] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 play it again Sam
[19:31] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 play it again Sam and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[19:32] <RandomConsonant> Now to achieve Ludicrious Speed and murder a cultist.
[19:33] <RandomConsonant> 9 dice. This is gonna be messy.
[19:33] <RandomConsonant> roll 9d6 for No More Cultists
[19:33] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 9d6 for No More Cultists and gets 30." [9d6=1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 6]

Captain K.

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #131 on: June 09, 2011, 03:24:56 AM »
Michael McGlen

Location:  Great Hall of Celeano -> The Unnameable
Sanity 2/3
Stamina 5/7

Speed  2 3 4 [5]
Sneak  4 3 2 [1]
Fight 3 [4] 5 6
Will 5 [4] 3 2  (includes skill bonus)
Lore  1 [2] 3 4 (includes skill bonus)
Luck 3 [2] 1 Z (adjusted right 1 space)
Focus 1

Unique Ability: Strong Body - Any Phase: Michael reduces all Stamina losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Inventory: $0, 1 clue

Common Items: Tommy Gun (2h, physical, +6 dice), Brass Knuckles (0h, physical, +1 die)

Unique Items: Cabala of Saboth (Movement: Exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass, draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens.)

Skills: Will, Lore

Spells: Iron Wall

Special: nothing

Gate Trophies: none

Monster Trophies: Maniac (1 toughness), Chthonian (3 toughness), Basilisk (3 toughness)

Personal Story: If Michael has 5 or more monster trophies, place "This One's for Louis!" in play.  If Michael gains $5 or more, place "Crime Doesn't Pay" in play.

Action:  Hey, what's this on the ground?  Somebody dropped their brass knuckskies.  Must be my lucky day.

<Captain_K> I pop out of the gate now right?
<@Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Yep. Just adjust your sliders for now. No need to deal with the monster
<Captain_K> Can I deal with him anyway, or is he not fightable this turn?
<@Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> You CAN if you want.
<Captain_K> Yeah, more monster trophies.  Roll it now?
<@Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Sure
<Captain_K> Adjusting Lore/Luck slider, so no effect on combat.
<Captain_K> 2d6 for Horror check
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 2d6 for Horror check and gets 12." [2d6=6, 6]
<Captain_K> Very not scared.
<@Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Nope
<Captain_K> 11d6 for shootshootpunch combo
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 11d6 for shootshootpunch combo and gets 38." [11d6=2, 4, 4, 2, 1, 6, 1, 3, 6, 4, 5]
<+RandomConsonant> Blammo


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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #132 on: June 09, 2011, 10:53:50 PM »
Mr Anderson

Unique Ability: Leadership - Any Phase: Once per turn, Leo may prevent 1 sanity or 1 stamina loss for any investigator.


Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will:   4 [3+1] 2 1

Lore:  1 [2+1] 3 4
Luck:  4 [3] 2 1

Focus: 2

2 Clue Tokens

Cham (Exhaust for +1 to any check)
Zebulon Whateley (+1 Lore, +1 Will, exhaust to refresh 1 Spell)

Rifle (2H, +5 to combat checks) $6

Psychology (add +1 to the result of any dice roll for will checks)

Patrolling the Streets (Easttown, Uptown, Police. 1 Common, $5 and a clue.)

Enchant Weapon (stats something i'll check later lazy.png)
Cloud Kill (1H, -2 Stam, reduce toughness by 2, to a minimum of 1 for all monsters in area)
Call Friend (Spell.  +0 Casting Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost.  Movement Phase: Cast and exhaust to choose an investigator that has not moved and automatically move them to your location.  That investigator may not move again this turn.)

1 Toughness (Ghost)
1 Gate

Personal Story Condition:
Pass: Get 3 allies (2/3)
Fail: Devoured investigator, or Terror at 4 (0/4) - If I ever discard an ally, I am devoured instead! Jolly.

Rush St Mary's and pay for bandaids.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #133 on: June 10, 2011, 12:56:13 AM »
Joe Diamond - Arkham Asylum
You feel an uneasy tension in the streets with all those monsters overhead...

Leo Anderson - Science Building
Real bandaids are better than brain ones.

Michael McGlen - The Unnamable
Good jorb sir.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #134 on: June 10, 2011, 01:12:10 AM »
Help Wanted!
Environment: Urban

The first investigator without a Retainer who ends his movement at the Newspaper gains a Retainer, then discards this card from play.

A gate burst occurs at.... Wizard's Hill! A gate to Yuggoth emerges. Due to the gate burst, the Wraith descends on Joe in the French Hill Streets. The gate also spawns a Hummer and a Byakhee. Clues appear at Darke's Carnival and Gardener's Place.
Diamond and Square monsters move on White, moving the Dimensional Shambler to the French Hill Streets, the Arkham Hummer to the Downtown Streets, and the Dunwich Hummer to the Backwoods Country Streets. Circle monsters move on Black, sending the Byakhee to the Sky.

Ignore the Fire Vampire. It was gate cleared last turn and I forgot to remove it from the map.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 04:34:13 PM by Hunter Sopko »

Random Consonant

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #135 on: June 10, 2011, 01:43:01 AM »
[20:22] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> At the very least you can make your one die Nultros chec
[20:22] <RandomConsonant> right
[20:22] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6
[20:22] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[20:23] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Probably will have to be a turn you guys talk about

Anyways, bit of a spot here.  I can try sneaking past the Wraith but one die against the Shambler doesn't fill me with confidence even if I can beat it easily enough.  The alternative would be for Bard to pass Enchant Weapon to Cap to deal with the Wraith since he goes before me, but that requires zero margin of error on the Shambler horror check unless we *want* to see a horrible slapfight, since the Wraith pings sanity pass or fail, but Bard can prevent that, at least.

Captain K.

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #136 on: June 10, 2011, 04:01:25 AM »
I'm willing to give it a go.  It'll also finish my personal story if I beat them.


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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #137 on: June 10, 2011, 05:06:37 AM »
Mr Anderson

Unique Ability: Leadership - Any Phase: Once per turn, Leo may prevent 1 sanity or 1 stamina loss for any investigator.


Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will:   4 [3+1] 2 1

Lore:  1 [2+1] 3 4
Luck:  4 [3] 2 1

Focus: 2

2 Clue Tokens

Cham (Exhaust for +1 to any check)
Zebulon Whateley (+1 Lore, +1 Will, exhaust to refresh 1 Spell)

Rifle (2H, +5 to combat checks) $6

Psychology (add +1 to the result of any dice roll for will checks)

Patrolling the Streets (Easttown, Uptown, Police. 1 Common, $5 and a clue.)

Enchant Weapon (stats something i'll check later lazy.png)
Cloud Kill (1H, -2 Stam, reduce toughness by 2, to a minimum of 1 for all monsters in area)
Call Friend (Spell.  +0 Casting Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost.  Movement Phase: Cast and exhaust to choose an investigator that has not moved and automatically move them to your location.  That investigator may not move again this turn.)

1 Toughness (Ghost)
1 Gate

Personal Story Condition:
Pass: Get 3 allies (2/3)
Fail: Devoured investigator, or Terror at 4 (0/4) - If I ever discard an ally, I am devoured instead! Jolly.

Running to Unnameable to pass along my Enchant Weapon then! Godspeed, gentleman.

It stinks I'm not the first player, I could've Call Friend'd you otherwise... but Cappy K can do it, too. How do you guys feel about it? If you want to chance it, I'll let you have my Call Friend, too.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #138 on: June 10, 2011, 04:31:17 PM »
Bard: Since Captain K is first player, he would have to move to you in order to pick up/use your items in combat.

Random Consonant

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #139 on: June 10, 2011, 05:53:31 PM »
Joe Diamond, Private Eye

Location: French Hill Streets

Hunches - Any Phase - Whenever Joe spends a Clue Token, he gains an additional die to the check.


Sanity: 2/4
Stamina: 3/6

Speed: [3] 4 5 6
Sneak: [4] 3 2 1

Fight: [2] 3 4 5
Will: [3] 2 1 Z

Lore: [Z] 1 2 3
Luck: [3] 2 1 Z

Focus: 3

0 Clue Tokens
.45 Automatic (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +4 Combat.  $5)
Knife (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +1 Combat.  $2)
Nameless Cults (Unique Tome.  Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore (-1) check.  If successful, gain 1 spell, lose 1 sanity, and discard.  Otherwise derp happens.  $3)
Cavalry Sabre (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +2 Combat.  $3)
Expert Occultist (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Spell Check.)
Bravery (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Horror Check.)
Six monster trophies (Cultist x3, Dimensional Shambler, Byakhee, Elder Thing.  7 total toughness.)
Two gate trophies (Plateau of Leng, Abyss)

Personal Story Condition:
Pass: Spend 5 toughness in monster trophies and 1 Unique Item while at the Silver Twilight Lodge during Upkeep. (7/5 toughness, 1/1 unique item, not at Silver Twilight Lodge)
Fail: Discard a unique item. (Unique item not discarded.)

Okay, since because of a technicality, Plan A is no good.  So we switch to Plan B and get some good results out of it.  Too bad I'm stuck here for the rest of the turn though.  Gogo not knowing about these things before suggesting them.

[12:22] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Yo
[12:22] <RandomConsonant> Yo
[12:27] <RandomConsonant> So. If I understand things correctly, Cap is gonna need two turns to do anything about the monsters there if he wants to grab Enchant Weapon from Bard.
[12:31] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> He just has to pass by, not stop there
[12:33] <RandomConsonant> Yeah, but Unnamable -> Hospital -> French Hill is 7 movement unless Bard doesn't need to be at the Hospital.
[12:33] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Right. Just saying
[12:33] <Yakumo> Go go Bardiche not reading what people are saying.
[12:34] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> To be fair, he's new to the game and even I had to confirm that movement thing.
[12:35] <RandomConsonant> If I knew about that little wrinkle I wouldn't have bothered suggesting the idea in the first place
[12:35] <RandomConsonant> Since uh 4 dice against three toughness is BAD PLAN
[12:35] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> And... he DID read it. It's just... yeah. Turn order matters here!
[12:35] <RandomConsonant> So yeah. Gonna have go back to plan B.
[12:36] <RandomConsonant> Which also sucks since I can't even risk evading the Shambler because failing evade against it *also* LiTaS's me.
[12:37] <RandomConsonant> Oh well. At least it's killable.
[12:37] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Failing a combat check LiTaS you
[12:37] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Not failing an evade check
[12:37] <RandomConsonant> I checked the wiki
[12:37] <RandomConsonant> Failing evade also = LiTaS
[12:37] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Huh. Odd. That's an incredibly specific wording
[12:38] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Woo for game creators changing their minds!
[12:38] <RandomConsonant> It makes *sense*, even if not listing it in the first place is severe derp
[12:38] <Yakumo> Wait, what movement wrinkle are you talking about?
[12:39] <RandomConsonant> Cap needs to move to Bard to be able to use his traded items in combat
[12:39] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Bard can't move to Cap before Cap goes into combat
[12:40] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Bard is 3rd player, Cap is 1st
[12:40] <Yakumo> Because Bard doesn't move until after? Mmm. Possible, but that kinda goes against the bit where people can trade items in the streets.
[12:40] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Big caveat here is combat occurs. If BARD was the one going into combat, they could pass it in the streets
[12:41] <RandomConsonant> And Bard going into combat doesn't help me this turn.
[12:42] <RandomConsonant> Now then, he could reach the Wraith and handle it, letting me not have to worry about it next turn
[12:42] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Well, figure it out ^ ^
[12:42] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Off to the movies
[12:43] <RandomConsonant> Later
[12:43] <RandomConsonant> Anyways, going to switch to Plan B.
[12:44] <RandomConsonant> First order of buisness is to slide all ze way to Sneak, second order of buisness is to kill ze Shambler.
[12:44] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 to not cringe in horror
[12:44] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 to not cringe in horror and gets 4." [1d6=4]
[12:45] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 BRAVERY REROLL to not cringe in horror
[12:45] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 BRAVERY REROLL to not cringe in horror and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[12:45] <RandomConsonant> Meh, whatever
[12:45] <RandomConsonant> 6 dice to murderize the Shambler.
[12:45] <RandomConsonant> roll 6d6 to at least achieve visceral satisfaction
[12:45] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 6d6 to at least achieve visceral satisfaction and gets 23." [6d6=2, 3, 2, 5, 5, 6]
[12:46] <RandomConsonant> deaded.
[12:46] <RandomConsonant> Now for the fun part
[12:46] <RandomConsonant> roll 4d6 nin nin nin~
[12:46] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 4d6 nin nin nin~ and gets 16." [4d6=4, 5, 5, 2]
[12:46] <RandomConsonant> whoosh~
[12:47] <Yakumo> Too bad you're stuck there now.
[12:47] <Yakumo> Oh well, at least it's a monster off the board and you aren't floating off somewhere.
[12:49] <RandomConsonant> Too bad about Plan A turning out to be so much worse than I had originally believed but at least there's positives.

Captain K.

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #140 on: June 10, 2011, 10:31:10 PM »
Michael McGlen

Location:  The Unnameable -> The Black Cave
Sanity 2/3
Stamina 5/7

Speed  2 3 4 [5]
Sneak  4 3 2 [1]
Fight 3 [4] 5 6
Will 5 [4] 3 2  (includes skill bonus)
Lore  1 2 [3] 4 (includes skill bonus)
Luck 3 2 [1] Z (adjusted right 1 space)
Focus 1

Unique Ability: Strong Body - Any Phase: Michael reduces all Stamina losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Inventory: $0, 3 clues

Common Items: Tommy Gun (2h, physical, +6 dice), Brass Knuckles (0h, physical, +1 die)

Unique Items: none

Skills: Will, Lore, 1 yet to be determined

Spells: Iron Wall

Special: nothing

Gate Trophies: none

Monster Trophies: Maniac (1 toughness), Chthonian (3 toughness), Basilisk (3 toughness)

Personal Story: If Michael has 5 or more monster trophies, place "This One's for Louis!" in play.  If Michael gains $5 or more, place "Crime Doesn't Pay" in play.

Action:  Whatever I did seemed to close this hole in the air I popped out of.  Time to go talk to my buddies and see if I can get a clue about what's going on with this craziness.

Moving to the Black Cave to get two clues and trying to read Cabala of Sabaoth.  Bard, you may want to change your action since I move before you and am not staying at Unnameable.

<Captain_K> Howdy all.
<+RandomConsonant> Hi
<Captain_K> Going to move to the Black Cave and read this Cabala along the way.
<Captain_K> d6 for READ THE BOOC
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls d6 for READ THE BOOC and gets 5." [d6=5]
<Captain_K> Woot


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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #141 on: June 12, 2011, 03:01:19 AM »
Leo Anderson

Unique Ability: Leadership - Any Phase: Once per turn, Leo may prevent 1 sanity or 1 stamina loss for any investigator.


Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will:   4 [3] 2 1 (+1)

Lore:  1 [2] 3 4 (+1)
Luck:  4 [3] 2 1

Focus: 2

3 Clue Tokens

Cham (Exhaust for +1 to any check)
Zebulon Whateley (+1 Lore, +1 Will, exhaust to refresh 1 Spell)

Rifle (2H, +5 to combat checks) $6

Psychology (add +1 to the result of any dice roll for will checks)

Patrolling the Streets (Easttown, Uptown, Police. 1 Common, $5 and a clue.)

Enchant Weapon (Casting modifier 0, Sanity cost 1.  Cast and exhaust to make one Physical Weapon a Magical Weapon until the end of this combat.  Does not require hands.)
Cloud Kill (Casting modifier -1, Sanity cost 1.  One hand. -2 Stam, reduce toughness by 2 for all monsters in this location to a minimum of 1.)
Call Friend (Spell.  +0 Casting Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost.  Movement Phase: Cast and exhaust to choose an investigator that has not moved and automatically move them to your location.  That investigator may not move again this turn.)

1 Toughness (Ghost)
1 Gate

Personal Story Condition:
Failed: If Leo ever discards an ally, he is devoured instead.

Since Bard has apparently quit the game, Soppy's asked me to take over.  For now since Enchant Weapon doesn't need to be passed I'm just going to snag the clue that's at the Library.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 03:07:40 AM by Yakumo »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #142 on: June 12, 2011, 03:15:57 AM »
Captain K, your skill is Library Use

Joe Diamond - French Hill Streets
A ghostly presence surrounds you...

Leo Anderson - Library
If you have a Tome from the Unique Item deck, Abigail Foreman walks up to you. "I can't help but notice that book you're carrying. I have some discretionary funds for acquisitions at my disposal, and if you're agreeable, I'd like to purchase it for $10." If you agree, discard the Tome and gain $10. If you do not have a Tome from the Unique Item deck, nothing happens.

Michael McGlen - Black Cave
You find an old book. If you read it, make a Lore (+0) check and consult the chart below:


0) Evil forces assault you. Lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.
1) You find the diary of a lost soul who died in the caves long ago. Lose 1 Sanity and gain 1 Clue token as you read his horrible tale.
2+) The book is a spellbook. Take the first Tome from the Unique Item deck.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 03:47:10 AM by Hunter Sopko »

Captain K.

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #143 on: June 12, 2011, 04:45:45 AM »
Michael McGlen

Location:  The Black Cave
Sanity 2/3
Stamina 5/7

Speed  2 3 4 [5]
Sneak  4 3 2 [1]
Fight 3 [4] 5 6
Will 5 [4] 3 2  (includes skill bonus)
Lore  1 2 [3] 4 (includes skill bonus)
Luck 3 2 [1] Z
Focus 1

Unique Ability: Strong Body - Any Phase: Michael reduces all Stamina losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Inventory: $0, 4 clues

Common Items: Tommy Gun (2h, physical, +6 dice), Brass Knuckles (0h, physical, +1 die)

Unique Items: none

Skills: Will, Lore, Library Use (+1 to number shown on die for Lore checks)
Spells: Iron Wall

Special: nothing

Gate Trophies: none

Monster Trophies: Maniac (1 toughness), Chthonian (3 toughness), Basilisk (3 toughness)

Personal Story: If Michael has 5 or more monster trophies, place "This One's for Louis!" in play.  If Michael gains $5 or more, place "Crime Doesn't Pay" in play.

Action:  Hmm, this looks useful...

<@Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Did you note your new skill, Cap?
<Captain_K> Yes, thank you.
<Captain_K> I'm an edumacated gangster.
<Captain_K> 3d6 for Lore check, 4+ succeeds.
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 3d6 for Lore check, 4+ succeeds. and gets 10." [3d6=3, 1, 6]

Note: Leo's power soaking my sanity damage from the encounter.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #144 on: June 12, 2011, 04:51:31 AM »
The Way Home...(Strangers Expansion Mythos)
Environment: Mystic

It seems the way home is closer than you think.

The first gate to be closed with this card in play is considered sealed, even if an investigator does not use Clues or an Elder Sign.

No gate opens. A clue appears at the Science Building.
No monsters move.

Random Consonant

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #145 on: June 12, 2011, 04:56:41 AM »
Joe Diamond, Private Eye

Location: Silver Twilight Lodge

Hunches - Any Phase - Whenever Joe spends a Clue Token, he gains an additional die to the check.


Sanity: 2/4
Stamina: 3/6

Speed: [3] 4 5 6
Sneak: [4] 3 2 1

Fight: [2] 3 4 5
Will: [3] 2 1 Z

Lore: [Z] 1 2 3
Luck: [3] 2 1 Z

Focus: 3

0 Clue Tokens
.45 Automatic (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +4 Combat.  $5)
Knife (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +1 Combat.  $2)
Nameless Cults (Unique Tome.  Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore (-1) check.  If successful, gain 1 spell, lose 1 sanity, and discard.  Otherwise derp happens.  $3)
Cavalry Sabre (1H Physical Common Weapon.  +2 Combat.  $3)
Expert Occultist (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Spell Check.)
Bravery (Skill.  Exhaust to re-roll a Horror Check.)
Six monster trophies (Cultist x3, Dimensional Shambler, Byakhee, Elder Thing.  7 total toughness.)
Two gate trophies (Plateau of Leng, Abyss)

Personal Story Condition:
Pass: Spend 5 toughness in monster trophies and 1 Unique Item while at the Silver Twilight Lodge during Upkeep. (7/5 toughness, 1/1 unique item, not at Silver Twilight Lodge)
Fail: Discard a unique item. (Unique item not discarded.)

Sneaking past the Wraith and moving to the Silver Twilight Lodge, where hopefully next turn I will no longer be at risk of having my legs broken.

[23:52] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Turn up
[23:53] <Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> Shame it's a longshot you guys will be able to take advantage of the mythos
[23:54] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 Nultros check
[23:54] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 Nultros check and gets 2." [1d6=2]
[23:54] <RandomConsonant> bah
[23:54] <RandomConsonant> roll 4d6 nin nin nin~
[23:54] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 4d6 nin nin nin~ and gets 16." [4d6=4, 3, 3, 6]
[23:54] <RandomConsonant> whoo

Captain K.

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #146 on: June 12, 2011, 05:18:35 AM »
Michael McGlen

Location:  The Black Cave -> Downtown Streets
Sanity 2/3
Stamina 5/7

Speed  2 3 4 [5]
Sneak  4 3 2 [1]
Fight 3 [4] 5 6
Will 5 [4] 3 2  (includes skill bonus)
Lore  1 [2] 3 4 (includes skill bonus)
Luck 3 [2] 1 Z (adjusted left 1 space)
Focus 1

Unique Ability: Strong Body - Any Phase: Michael reduces all Stamina losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Inventory: $0, 5 clues

Common Items: Tommy Gun (2h, physical, +6 dice), Brass Knuckles (0h, physical, +1 die)

Unique Items: none

Skills: Will, Lore, Library Use (+1 to number shown on die for Lore checks)
Spells: Iron Wall

Special: nothing

Gate Trophies: none

Monster Trophies: Maniac (1 toughness), Chthonian (3 toughness), Basilisk (3 toughness)

Personal Story: If Michael has 5 or more monster trophies, place "This One's for Louis!" in play.  If Michael gains $5 or more, place "Crime Doesn't Pay" in play.

Action:  I think I've got the idea of what's going on now.  Just need to track down one more lead.  Time to hit the streets.

<Captain_K> K, I'll go brutalize a Hummer in Downtown Streets.  Adjusting Lore slider, no effect on combat.
<Captain_K> 4d6 for horror check
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 4d6 for horror check and gets 15." [4d6=1, 4, 6, 4]
<Captain_K> 10d6 for murderizing
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 10d6 for murderizing and gets 33." [10d6=2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 6, 6, 4, 6, 1]
<Captain_K> I haz a cloo.
<@Yakumo> That looks pretty murderized.


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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #147 on: June 12, 2011, 05:24:22 AM »
Leo Anderson

Unique Ability: Leadership - Any Phase: Once per turn, Leo may prevent 1 sanity or 1 stamina loss for any investigator.


Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will:   4 [3] 2 1 (+1)

Lore:  1 [2] 3 4 (+1)
Luck:  4 [3] 2 1

Focus: 2

3 Clue Tokens

Cham (Exhaust for +1 to any check)
Zebulon Whateley (+1 Lore, +1 Will, exhaust to refresh 1 Spell)

Rifle (2H, +5 to combat checks) $6

Psychology (add +1 to the result of any dice roll for will checks)

Patrolling the Streets (Easttown, Uptown, Police. 1 Common, $5 and a clue.)

Enchant Weapon (Casting modifier 0, Sanity cost 1.  Cast and exhaust to make one Physical Weapon a Magical Weapon until the end of this combat.  Does not require hands.)
Cloud Kill (Casting modifier -1, Sanity cost 1.  One hand. -2 Stam, reduce toughness by 2 for all monsters in this location to a minimum of 1.)
Call Friend (Spell.  +0 Casting Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost.  Movement Phase: Cast and exhaust to choose an investigator that has not moved and automatically move them to your location.  That investigator may not move again this turn.)

1 Toughness (Ghost)
1 Gate

Personal Story Condition:
Failed: If Leo ever discards an ally, he is devoured instead.

Going to move to the Train Station and take an encounter.  Also passed the Nultros check for this turn.

[23:55] <@Soppy-ElectricIceGrenadier> STL?
[23:56] <+RandomConsonant> Yep
[23:58] <@Yakumo> Guess I'll do the Nultros check while I decide what to do with my turn.
[23:58] <@Yakumo> 2d6 Nultros check
[23:58] * Hatbot --> "Yakumo rolls 2d6 Nultros check and gets 9." [2d6=5, 4]
[23:58] <@Yakumo> That'll do.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #148 on: June 12, 2011, 05:32:37 AM »
Joe Diamond - Silver Twilight Lodge
"Care to join the Order?" Carl Sanford and several of his henchmen ask. If you accept, pay $3 and take a Silver Twilight Membership. If you decline, pass a Will (-1) check or lose 3 Stamina as the henchmen assist you out the door. Whether you pass or not, move to the street.

Leo Anderson - Train Station
Bill Washington moves the last of the baggage from his cart onto a truck and offers you a ride as he opens the driver's door. If you accept, move to any location or street area in Arkham. If you move to a location, immediately have an encounter there.

Michael McGlen - Downtown Streets
At least that infernal humming noise is gone...


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Re: Eternal Recurrence of the Spotless Mind (Arkham)
« Reply #149 on: June 12, 2011, 05:35:18 AM »
I'll head for Gardner's Place then and pick up the two clues there.