Author Topic: DLC6 Wrapup!  (Read 15452 times)

Captain K.

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DLC6 Wrapup!
« on: June 27, 2011, 01:35:48 AM »
Woo, Texas!

Due to work and family drama, couldn't get to Hal's until 8:00 pm Friday.  Didn't do much that night.  Watched some people play games; checked into my hotel.

On Saturday, woke up and waited in the lobby for someone else to go to breakfast with.  MC, Ciato, Meeple, and... someone... came down and we went to IHOP.  At Hal's, played a little Street Fighter, some Mario Kart and Star Ocean 4.

We went to Arcade UFO in the afternoon.  It was alright, but I kept looking at games and thinking, "I have that on Xbox.  I have that on Xbox."  So I mainly played this game that was in the Arcana Heart 3 cabinet but obviously was not Arcana Heart 3 because it had men in it.  Then I played through Street Fighter 4 with Hakan so people could see Hakan's ending.  VSM also jumped in and played against me as Sakura.  It didn't end well for him, and this led to the best quote of the con.1  Also played Pac-Man Battle Royale and totally pwned at this 4-player Gundam game despite not knowing what the fuck was going on.  Unfortunately I didn't notice the arcade had Aliens vs Predator until it was almost time to go or I would have been playing that the whole time.

From there we went to this combination Barnes & Noble/Gamestop/D&D store which was totally awesome.  Note to Hal:  People want to go there instead of Gamefellas when they come to town.  I picked up Bakuman volume 5 and Resonance of Fate for the 360.

We regrouped at Hal's apartment and went to get food and bowl.  Some people were not happy about going to Weinerschnitzel, but I was starving at that point and just wanted something fast.  Bowling ensued.

Lane 38's scores:

Game 1
Tal 96
Shale 80
Captain K. 64
Notmiki 57
Super 46
Xeroma 25
Snow 23

Game 2
Shale 109 (fuck you Shale, I mean, good job)
Tal 96 (consistent!)
Snow 78 (WTF?)
Notmiki 69 (hawt)
Captain K. 61 (bleah)
Super 40 (aw)
Xeroma quit (pussy)

Note that this was Snow's first time bowling ever.  With his exponential learning rate, I expect him to bowl a 300 at the next con.

After that it was a little late to start the Fighting Tournament, so we blew it off.  Played some Tatsunoko vs Capcom.  Then we busted out the Shrek Superslam.  Oh yeah.  I did well in two-player vs MC, but badly in four-player.

Sunday I woke up fairly early.  Since I wasn't going to wait two hours for everyone else to wake up, I just went to Subway and ate breakfast by myself.  Went to Hal's and played some Melty with Tonfa.  Then I played Settlers of Cataan with Yakumo, Snow, and Tai (?).  I had an amazing win when I played four roads in one turn and got longest road to go with my four cities for the 10 points.  Note that I had no settlements adjacent to wood at the beginning of the game, and my only wood supply at the end was on an 11.  Yeah.

Then I loaded up four people in my car to drop off at the airport on my way home.

I'm not going to talk about everyone, because there was a damned lot of us and I know I'll forget someone.  I think Ciato counted 27 that were in Hal's apartment Friday night?  Yeah, crazy.  I will however, make some lists:

Most changed from DLC2:
1)  MC.  No contest here.  BEWBS
2)  Yakumo.  At DLC2, Yakumo was extremely skinny and on death's doorstep after riding on Greyhound from Washington.  He bulked up a lot and looks much healthier now.
3)  OK.  Has Lou Ferigno hair now, and is quite a bit thicker than he was before.
4)  Zenny.  Male pattern baldness attacks, and he shaved down his cute leprechaun beard.  I miss my cute little leprechaun.  :(

Best boobs:
1)  Hakan's Wife.  Seriously, Google that shit.  Epic mammaries.
2)  Lady Door.  Rocking that plunging neckline, girl!
3)  Ciato.  Yeah, baby.
4)  MC.  I would rank you higher, but you're technically jailbait.

I would also like to note that listening to Snow and Niu have a conversation gave me the giggles.  Too many cute accents.



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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 01:44:57 AM »
DLcon 6 aftermath: Taking over/under bets on  Alex and Hal's sanity score

DLC started off with the usual Norfolk to layover city (Atlanta, this year). What was really wonderful was that my layover city let me travel to Austin with MC. We met, grabbed some brunch, and talked a ton during boarding and the flight. The subjects varied from surgery to math to life in general. It was great fun, and let me catch up with MC which is harder to do at cons.

MC and I were supposed to be the last of a group of five who were coming in for pickup, but were actually the first ones there. We find out about Jim/Xer's problems, and Zenny being delayed. We end up spending about a half hour talking in the airport baggage claim, meet up with Zenny when he lands and talk, and then wait for Alex/Hy. Hy/Alex were understandably high stressed because of the travel problems. I get talking to Hy (His reaction to Texas's brutal heat compared to England weather was memorable) and try to at least make Alex crawl the walls a little less. We stop for subway and I stop for a toothbrush, and then we head to Hal's.

I get to meet the crew there.  I finally get to meet and talk with Snow, which was a blast. Tonfa, Snow, Tal, and I get together for a game of Spades, which ends with Tonfa and I winning gloriously. The crowds start coming in (Andy and co from their trip, the evening and west coast crowd). I finally get to meet VSM after nearly a decade of talking to him. We trade stories and generally act like we do online, which is to say awesomely. Once everyone's gathered, we run to a burrito place for dinner. I end up spending most of that time chatting with VSM/LD/MC, with a smattering of Ciato and the Elf. Dinner is awesome but I'm still full from subway, so I end up having two bites and saving the rest. I go with OK to pick up Xer late that evening. We nab Xer, go to the room and BS some before bed.

I get up way too early the next morning and find out that our rooms have no shampoo. I shower anyway and get ready for breakfast. MC+my room end up going to IHOP for breakfast. I have coffee, the rest of them eat. We go back to the hotel, where Elf's room is up. Elf, MC, Ciato, and I go out after that to find shampoo, which turns into an hour adventure. We all shower after that (again in my case), head off to fazoli's for lunch (It was noon at this point) and get picked up by Hal.

I get to Hal and get talking with Jim, who was a late arriver. Jim, Dhyer, Tal, and I play spades, which ended with an ass kicking and poor shoot attempt at the very end. After that, most of the group went off for a gamestop run. I stayed behind and played some MVC3 (and got owned horribly by Gate) and hung out with Zenny/Gate/Jim. The crowd gets back, and the music quiz gets going. I keep score and don't play, but I would have done reasonably well in it. Highlights of the quiz: Tonfa's reactions in general, OK kicking ass at the quiz, and a lynch mob forming for some of Meeple's choices. OK takes first after owning the bonuses, elf takes second, and VSM wins third out of nowhere. It's then time for Rudy's! I ride with Soppy/Ashley/Jim/Andy(Props to Andy for reading in the middle front seat). Rudy's is fantastic as always. I get a quarter pound of brisket since I didn't want to get greedy. This was a good decision, as it left me enough room to split a half pound of turkey with Jim. Good decisions, all around.

We wait for Captain K to get there before cutting Hal's awesome Zetta cake. OK, VSM, Zenny and I then go for a liquor store run- which ended in failure, as we didn't make it to the store before 9pm when liquor sales stop. We then run to wal-mart (second time that day for me)for beer and go back to the con. After some more socializing, OK/Zenny/myself/Jim/Meeple/Cmdr go back to my hotel room to BS and drink a little. Jim and I both get a sip of beer before deciding that we want to play cards- so I make my third trip to Walmart with him. We end up talking about law and BSing for the trip- and Jim buys shirts, which I'm pretty sure he left in the hotel room. Both of us also forgot our cell phones, so OK couldn't get a hold of us and tell us to pick up a bottle opener for the wine he bought. We drink a little (I had a beer) and play a card game Jim taught us. No liquor was a good thing for me in retrospect, since I was so goddamn wasted from lack of sleep at that point. I get my ass kicked around the block in it, but it's good fun and I like fat tire. We're up until 2:30am playing cards. At that point, OK drives Zenny and Jim back to the hotel rooms, and we then pass out.

Saturday morning involves tears, recrimations, and drama- and that's just me getting up. I crawl out of bed at 8am. I take that time to catch up with Cmdr, which is fun. His stories about work are a mix of the usual trainwreck and hilarity, which is the norm in food service. We get to Hal's at 10, where everyone but the hat is asleep. Needless to say, Tonfa/Snow did not approve of that time of the morning. Snow lost his lighter, Tonfa nearly stabbed me for being cheerful, and I end up taking out trash for being a smartass. People gather, etc. I play MKWii when Elf's crew comes in. MKWii looks fairly solid, though a step down from MK:DD. Lack of gunners? Dumb decision, but oh well. Ciato, myself, Tonfa, Jim, OK, and Snow go for breakfast at sonic. I end up shoved the back on the way there and eat more junk food. We head back, and I socialize a little before heading off with part of the group for an arcade run. I enjoyed the hell out of it for the feeling and competitve pacman, but the highlight of that trip was VSM's magic mushroom story in the car ride over. Well, that and Soppy/Shale's victory pose after beating TMNT. That takes a few hours.  We then make a gamestop/barnes and noble run, where I mostly zombie around since I'm so sleep deprived.  It's then back to Hal's! I finally get a freaking hold of Dhyer and sit and talk with him (which sadly did not happen much). Some more socializing, then the group picture! We get a bunch of good ones, including a shot of everyone, thanks to a lady passing by.

We then pile into the rental cars for bowling. A group of us split off to dinner (Dhyer had to go eat dinner with his family). We eat at a fast food hotdog place, which is good. Getting to talk to Shale and Gref was better, as was VSM's reaction to having to choose between Chuck Austen and Grant  Morrison as X-men writers.

Bowling involves me getting beaten by MC and the usual ass kickings. I'll let others cover that more, but props to Zenny for masterful work annoying OK. I BS with Shale after the game, then we head back to the apartment. It turns out that OK and I can stay a few hours later than expected thanks to Alex and VSM taking one for the team. This ends up being awesome, as it leads to VSM vs MM2 and some fantastic photos. There is also me taknig to snow about brazilian politics, talking to Elf/Ciato/Jim about games, and the worst shoot attempt of all time in spades. I also talk to LD here, which is always enjoyable.

Sunday morning, OK and I get up. We say our goodbyes to the roomies and head for the airport. OK drops his car off, we catch breakfast and spend a couple of hours talking in the terminal before my flight. I nearly lose my phone, but it was an otherwise smooth ride home.

The bad: The heat, driving, and not getting enough sleep. I really wish I had spent more time with certain people (Dhyer, Andy, Soppy, Yakko, Niu, Grefter), but that happens sometimes.

People thoughts:

Jim/Notmiki: Last con was me hanging out with Ashley/DJ most of the time. This year was the year of the Miki and OK. We've met several times and I enjoyed his company, even if I got horribly owned at cards.I sympatize with his plight about getting delayed to death by weather at airports. We just ended up in the same room/area most of the time, and I had fun.

Yakko:  He's the first DLer I met. Surprisingly enough we don't talk much at cons, just the way it works out. He was in another hotel and was playing games as well, which I msised. I did get a little catching up on saturday, which was cool. He'll be someone I talk to more next year.

Ciato: She wasn't sick or jetlagged like in previous cons, or having to deal with the ship like last year. She looked  really good- I don't mean hot (though yeah, in good shape), just that she was very comfortable in her own skin and definitely handled the guy swarm well this year. I really enjoyed getting to eat lunch with her and hanging out in general, since she's hard to get alone or in small groups at the con. She is pretty tolerant of my BS in general, which is remarkable considering the volume I direct at her.

Elf: Wins the con award for most unexpected action. Oh god, I did *not* expect that out of him. The usual good times with him otherwise.

MC: See above. MC and I tend to talk a ton or not at all- we had to talk a ton during the early DL, then sort of went our own ways and caught up every so often. I'm very glad she was on the flight to atlanta, since traveling like that is a great way to catch up with someone.

VSM: Is exactly what I expected. Not only was he hilarious, but we hit it off instantly in person- no surprise, considering how long we've known each other. I think his MM2 playthrough will be one of the most iconic DLC moments- it's just a shame I didn't see the end of it. I hope we see you more at cons, dude.

OK:  Is OK. We are bad influnces on each other. I think I managed to insult his girlfriend about two dozen times during the con, and he insulted me repeatedly and choked me out with a cord.  As I said to Tide, we're like a bad sitcom put into motion. I definitely enjoyed talking to him on airport trips and downtime this year, along with some thumbnail planning for the next con.

Xer: Did better this year than last year. The fighting game tournament falling through sucked, but at least there was an arcade run. Plus, his brutal beating of Andy in Blazblue at the arcade was a thing of glory.

Alex/Hy: Good to meet you, Hy. Alex, thanks for all the rides. If  you need people buried in the desert, you know who to call.

Snow:  Was a goddamn trip in person. His spoken English is less fluent than his written English so there were one or two monged translation moments, but still was cool.  I wish I got a picture of him lighting up his cigarette with Hal's BBQ lighter.

Tonfa: Walnut.

Captain K: Is still the adult of the group and has much to teach me about the art of looking at women without getting my ass beat. *Bows* Good luck with the family drama.

like Cap said, not hitting everyone. In particular I spent a lot of time with Cmdr and Zenny and didn't talk about them there, but yeah. It was fun.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 02:12:36 AM »
Also, GS:DD? Grefter, that was completely below the belt and you should be ashamed of yourself.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2011, 03:09:41 AM »
Man Captain, last time you called me a scrawny twig, and now you're saying I'm too fat. 

[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2011, 09:00:41 AM »
tl;dr: I told Meeple to fuck off and die in person, and Super is THE BEST OL' LESBIAN ON THE PWANET, YES HE IS OH WHO'S THE GOOD OL' LESBIAN YES IT IS SUPER YES HE IS.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2011, 11:05:47 AM »
DLcon 6 aftermath: Taking over/under bets on  Alex and Hal's sanity score

hahahahahahahaha it's not over
last vanload of people are supposed to go to the airport in about four hours.  figured I'd just stay up and do it early and then crash.
on the way home?  CHECK ENGINE LIGHT and strange shudderings in the van.
not risking taking that thing on an airport run, no sir.  thanking god it just made it home all right.
but sans van we can't fit the last group of people in one trip, so there has to be *another* run.
hahahahahahaha, haha, ha.

Captain K.

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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2011, 12:42:57 PM »
Man Captain, last time you called me a scrawny twig, and now you're saying I'm too fat. 


Hey, at least I'm consistently insulting.  ;)

Also lol at people complaining about the heat.  That was rather nice weather we had for the con.  You really don't want to see it get hot here.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2011, 02:02:14 PM »
DLcon 6 aftermath: Taking over/under bets on  Alex and Hal's sanity score

hahahahahahahaha it's not over
last vanload of people are supposed to go to the airport in about four hours.  figured I'd just stay up and do it early and then crash.
on the way home?  CHECK ENGINE LIGHT and strange shudderings in the van.
not risking taking that thing on an airport run, no sir.  thanking god it just made it home all right.
but sans van we can't fit the last group of people in one trip, so there has to be *another* run.
hahahahahahaha, haha, ha.

blarg i am ded.

guess I get to do another 3 hours of driving today, in that case.
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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2011, 05:34:04 PM »
DLcon 6 aftermath: Taking over/under bets on  Alex and Hal's sanity score

hahahahahahahaha it's not over
last vanload of people are supposed to go to the airport in about four hours.  figured I'd just stay up and do it early and then crash.
on the way home?  CHECK ENGINE LIGHT and strange shudderings in the van.
not risking taking that thing on an airport run, no sir.  thanking god it just made it home all right.
but sans van we can't fit the last group of people in one trip, so there has to be *another* run.
hahahahahahaha, haha, ha.

blarg i am ded.

guess I get to do another 3 hours of driving today, in that case.

Looks like both of you need to do some heavy drinking after this.  It's the only way to keep sane after.

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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2011, 07:40:03 PM »
VSM: is totally awesome.  But I expected that--VSM is one of the people to whom I've had reactions like "I wish I had his creative spark, or humor."  Given how arrogant I am in my own humor and creative spark, I don't have that reaction to many people at all.

Snow: FABULOUS!!!!  Also: I think he's got a more awesome bowling style than I ever did.  Also: the Hello Kitty sunglasses turned out to be the best prop of DLC6.

Ashley: Quite fun to talk to, for all that I don't really feel we had much of a conversation until everyone else had left and it was just me, her, and Andy at the airport.  (On a similar note, I suspect I never really had a real conversation with Andy, but might have been able to if Ashley wasn't there...).

Ciato: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, hugs!

Captain K:
MC.  I would rank you higher, but you're technically jailbait.

Most doctors, upon careful examination, would peg me as about 15-year-old now.  Three more years, Captain!  Three more years....

In other news, last time Captain came to a con I feel like we didn't do a good job integrating him with the group; I remember Elfboy commenting on how it felt like people were reacting to a percieved generational barrier.  Didn't seem to be an issue this time; had lots of good conversations with Captain (not to mention he felt me up).  My theory is that Zenny's been drinking so much that he looks older than Captain now, and everyone talks shit to Zenny anyway so....

EDIT: Assume some level of exaggeration for humor value from...a bunch of the stuff I just wrote >_>

HY: Marmite is...I mean, I like Soy Sauce, but not in the context of bread and butter.  And for that matter, Marmite feels saltier than Soy Sauce, and that's really not the direction Soy Sauce needed to go.

OK: I totally messed with your Starcraft 2 settings when I was playing with Laggy.  You'll want to set your sound and mouse sensitivity back up from the like...20% where I set them >_>

Hal: It really has been way too long.  You're not allowed to skip two cons in a row anymore.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 05:30:29 AM by metroid composite »

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2011, 01:51:58 AM »
Super fun Con as always. You people are wonderful.

Ash/Andy- So glad I got to hang out with you a bit more than at other Cons. You are both very fun~~

Hal, Alex - Great people, great hosting, sorry we drove you crazy and invaded your house and cars and life. I want to play the Metroidvania ya'll are translating.

Snow- Yesssssssssssss. I loved meeting you so much. You are fabulous. Please come back.

VSM- You are great too. Get some self-confidence; you are an awesome person!

Tai- Miss you buddy. Glad you came.

Xer- MK9 looks really cool!! NOW I CAN FIREBALL THE WOOORLD!!!

Zenny- You are hilarious.

MC- Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Squealing is the best.

Sopko- Thanks for the bowling prizes bro! The Andy/Sopko trashtalking was awesome.

Jim- I'm glad I finally got to corner you some, even if you hate the coolest char in Tales of the Abyss. ;_;

CK- LoD hype gogogo.

Yakko- Thanks for the figurines, they are really cool! I'm glad to get to hang out this year, I missed you~

Super- ^_^ Didn't get to chat about WoT as much as I wanted, but oh well.

Grefter- Bought me some awesome tea today. Wooo~

Meeple- Didn't hang out with him much this year, which I guess makes up for the last two years when we hung out a lot more!

Everyone else - <3

As much as the transportation was a pain for this Con, it made me a little homesick. Maybe it's just the people in the city being nice or something. Even the weather made me a little homesick, haha.
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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2011, 06:06:47 AM »
My con opened with me being greeted at the airport by Ciato, and it was really great, because both of us really quickly recognized the other from pictures, despite having never met in person. Probably the best choice for finding me and leading me to the group. The first few minutes of talking with her, Elfboy, Shale, and Niu1 were very awkward, as were much of my interactions with the group for the rest of the day.

The Great Burrito Adventure involved me talking to a different group of people than I came in with, which is always good. I think I talked to or otherwise associated with pretty much everyone at the Con except for Taish, Tonfa, Tally2, and Yakko.

There were 29 of us, total, yes? Imma actually try to rundown my thoughts on everyone since this was my first time meeting all of you except for Taish.

1)Ciato ~ As I said just about the perfect choice for having pick me up. Very quickly recognized her and this led to a cheerful welcome. My conversations with her, much like everyone else, were not very fluid on day 1, but by day 3, we had gotten to the point where she could be the dear friend that I've known for so long. Just an incredibly sweet girl that I overall didn't see very much of at the con, presumably because she is super-popular. Eventually had a refreshing, long conversation with her, Snow, the Elf, and Zenny at the end of the Con, or at least the end of MY con.

2)The Elf ~ I told you already that I've always had a large deal of respect for you, although we have very rarely talked one-on-one. Conversationally, you come off as.... distant, perhaps, online. In person there are a few subtle things different that I can't put my finger on, but that make you seem warm and approachable, which certainly helps matters.

3)Shale ~ I dunno how you manage to sound excited about everything. Maybe not excited, but.... hmmm.... optimistic? Enthusiastic? Perhaps it is the previously undocumented Delaware accent. I dunno. It could also be a side-effect of the whole reporter thing. Shale is quite a lot of fun to hang out with, because he's a natural at forcing himself to talk to strangers, and is an otherwise decent guy. I totally robbed you on the Music Quiz, by the way, because no one was giving you credit for your Starfox answer and I very softly added "64" and was given credit. Muhahaha.

4)Niu ~ Niu didn't actually really introduce himself to me until we were in the car. He was very, very interested in his brutal permadeath RPG for the entire con, although he also seemed to hate it at the same time. Weird. Eerie. I told a few people I'd like to see a Niu-created activity at the next con, because the times where he was actually interested in what was going on, he was incredibly animated. I'd say it was like night and day to his PSP-playing self, but that's not really true. Niu seems to commit 100% of his attention to the thing that he is doing. Also, he's cuddly.

5)Alex ~ Very likeable, soft-spoken sort of guy. I only really interacted much with Alex when he was driving my groups around, but I enjoyed what company of his I had. In conversations, he didn't seem to be one of the main talkers, but always had a quiet, insightful point when he did speak. The hat is.... well, it is a hat. It certainly helped me figure out who you were faster.

6)Hal ~ Lemme give you an example of just how neurotic I am. A couple of years ago, Hal came in chat in a bad mood from work, and I made some kind of snarky comment and he kick-banned me, and at the time, I thought that being kicked or banned from the chats was a god-awful, horrible thing to do to someone for some reason, and I went on this huge rant and was so irrationally mad about the whole affair and stayed out of chat for a couple of days or whatever. Ever since, I've had in the back of my head that Hal dislikes me, because I was understandably kind of an idiot and I said some mean things about him at the time. After meeting Hal, it's really hammered home just how batshit crazy I am. Hal is really, really nice. I have a bit in common with him, and he was an excellent host who treated everyone present extremely well. We didn't have too many conversations, but what we had was generally very pleasant and light, like most of my conversations with everyone else. I'd honestly be surprised if Hal even remembers my crazy-person story, let alone gives even the smallest of shits about it.

~~~~~I have a lot to say about some further people, and a little to say about pretty much everyone present, but in a way it's draining to do everyone at once. I think I'd wind up doing a disservice to people I talk about later if I did it in one post, so I'll post further ideas later.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2011, 06:18:57 AM »
My thoughts from the Con.

Darjeeling Tea is fanfuckingtastic holy shit this is good tea.

Edit - Super I also have no fucking idea what you are even talking about.

Edit 2 -
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 07:13:40 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2011, 07:15:56 AM »
Will comment tomorrow, but...

(On a similar note, I suspect I never really had a real conversation with Andy, but might have been able to if Ashley wasn't there...).

Be sure to look behind you on subway platforms and before stepping into traffic, Ash. I think mc wants you out of the picture.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2011, 07:37:25 AM »
We interrupt your regularly scheduled Zenthor for this DLC6 wrap up.

So even if you normally go to sleep around 6AM, it is not a good idea to just stay up to catch a 7:30AM flight.  I intended to sleep on the plane and during my layover, and oh boy did I ever.  Fortunately everyone else was held up much later and I didn’t have to pay extra to get on the next flight, so, EBWETE.  First day was mostly taken up by sleep deprived Arkham horror and a bunch of nonsense that all just sorta blurs together afterwards.  

Friday was better.  Hung out and played MvC3 a while (HAGGAR PIIIIIIIIPE.  NEEDS MORE PIPE), then Rudy’s.  Afterwards we tried to get some liquor for DLCdrankin, but liquor stores close at 9PM (we arrived 9:18PM) and other stores DON’T SELL HARD ALCOHOL.  The FUCK.  We got some wine for OK who doesn’t like beer (the FUCK?) but had no wine opener, so OK became DD.  I guess it wasn’t a big deal to him but I never like to see my friends staying sober if they do drink.  Ah well.  Learned some Egyptian Trollscrew and then went back to the hotel and slept.

Saturday involved walking.  This wasn’t too bad with proper preparation but if I didn’t have a few road beers with me (for the hydration, you see) it would have been pretty bad.  Went to a gamestop, picked up VPDS and Edgeworth Investigations.  There was much Megaman to be had this day, and it was good.  Then there was bowling.  Sopko and Andy started heckling eachother, then when they left before everyone else I carried the torch, and much OK trolling was had.  And it was good.  Then I fell asleep pretty much til almost everyone had gone back to the hotel rooms, had a pow-wow/mock VSM’s Megaman 2 abilities session with Snow/Ciato/NEB/VSM, and it was good.

Sunday was more fun.  Finally got some goddamn Smash Brothers in with Gate and Hal, and it was also good.  There were also Calzones, which was good.  Then more airports, which was bad, but I won’t whine about that too much.
And now, people.

Alex – Seriously needs a drink.  Thanks for ferrying everyone around and putting up with all the horseshit.  You’re pretty much a badass for it.

Andy/Ashley – Same person.  Had a few conversations with the male half, spoke briefly with the female half but not very much.  They were fairly smart by trying to avoid the music quiz.  Speaking of, HEY ANDY SEND ME YOUR BNET NAME.  If you’re half as bad at SC2 as you say you are, then it’d be a good idea for us to play against each other and grind some Zerg builds.  We’d be on pretty even footing there.

Captain K – Didn’t talk too much to him but he’s still a pretty solid dude.

Ciato – Nice person, always fun to talk to.  Didn’t speak with her much at Meeplecon, so the pow-wow Saturday night was a pretty good way to make up for that.

CmdrKing – Was around during DLdrankin but I don’t remember talking to him too much otherwise.

Dhyer – Regrettably, I don’t think I spoke to him at all while he was there.  Meh.

Elfboy – Seemed quieter (read: more exhausted) this con than in previous years.  Good guy, as much as I hate to admit it.

Gatewalker – Didn’t get to talk to him much aside from waiting for calzones and playing Smash, but he was certainly fun to talk to
during those times.

Grefter – Once again, THE BEST. AROUND. NUBBAZUBBAKEPADAN.   Only one who got any MS Paint Adventures references, and is thus superior to all.

Hal – Thanks for the sake, and everything else you did for the con.  Also, hats.

HY – Apparently we both went to UEA at around the same time, so that was neat.  Seemed like a pretty laid back guy, and introduced me to Morris dancing, so… well, there’s that.

Jim – Is Jim.  Wins at cards, and your mother.  Talking with him makes me feel a little inadequate and that’s supposed to be a compliment.

Laggy – Needed more Laggy.

Meeple – He’s just this guy, you know?

MC – It’s always good to see her doing well and she was doing pretty dang good at this con.  Probably interacted with her most during Arkham Horror.  Also, gives people far too much credit.

“Zenny are you building a zealot before your Cybernetics core on a 4gate?  That’s insane.”
“Oh god damn it.  I didn't mean to do that. I’m fucking retarded.”

Niu – Is Niu.  Need I say more?

OK – HOW IN GOD’S NAME ARE YOU PLAT 1V1 WHAT THE FLYING FUCK.  Always a pleasure to insult, thanks for unintentionally DDing for Jim and me.

Snow – Fabulous Fucking Hipster.  

Sopko – The heckling between him and Andy was pretty great.  Otherwise, file under “yet another person I wish I spoke to more instead of falling asleep all the time.”

Shale – Another person I spoke to less than I wish I had.  Sorry for waking you up again, though it sounds like you guys weren’t asleep long there.

Super – I maintain that talking shit about Super is the best DLC past time.  Who’s the best wesbian on da pwanet.

Taishyr – Talked with him a bit, though less than I’d like.  Wish you were around here more often, brother.  

Tal  - Another person I spoke to less than I would have liked.  

Tonfa – Another one of those people I keep meaning to talk to more at the cons but never seem to do.  

VSM – Biggest surprise of the con if you ask me.  The way he presents himself in chat I expected him to be waaaaaaay less normal than he was.  Needs more confidence but seems pretty well on the path of getting things worked out, so yeah.  Also was raped by frogs.

Yakko – Made these really awesome pixel bead art deals that rule face.  Talked with him a bit but honestly I don’t remember what about too much.  Good dude etc. etc.

Xeroma – Is insane at fighting games.  Sucks that he got held up so much the first day.

I think that’s everyone.  Man, after writing this I’m kind of angry at myself for falling asleep so often.  Really cut into the whole social interaction time.  There are too many people here filed under “Wish I spoke to more.”  Oh well, lesson learned eh.  We now resume your regularly scheduled Zenthor.

You’re all a bunch of fucking losers.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2011, 08:48:43 AM »
To make up for my pictures being the shittiest and least useful, I"m posting them first.

Comments at a later date when I'm less lazy.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2011, 09:47:26 AM »
Man, this latest DLCon was great. Mr. Flour and Miss Lintsculpture and I got together for an awesome tea party.

I'msolonely I miss you guys... ;_;

I -am- genuinely sad that I missed meeting Hal/Snow/VSM/people that won't be at the next DLCon.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2011, 10:54:34 AM »
I have things to say about the con, but the same time to lazy to do so....

But this should perfectly summarize my thought: Why Snow?? WHY?? WHY the Hello Kitty!? WWWHHHHHYYYYYYYY???!!!!

Lord Ephraim

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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2011, 12:41:47 PM »
Snow finally showed off his Hello Kitty sex toy collection?


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2011, 02:00:59 PM »
My first round of pictures is up! I had to cut uploading short to go to work, so the album will grow by about 60 shots later tonight.

Also, Eph, I believe this is what you're looking for.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2011, 03:43:02 PM » The most disturbing picture.

Edit: I think I did a fantastic job with photos this year. My only regret: Missing VSM's initial reaction to Grant Morrison vs Chuck Austen, and missing Niu's music quiz meltdown.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 06:56:24 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2011, 05:04:42 PM »
Longer thoughts:

You people are all awesome. Alex and Hal have the con thing down to an art - I'm not the first person to say the weekend had the perfect mix of planned activities (Rudy's, bowling, arcade, music quiz) and hanging around doing whatever. Bowling was great, I somehow tied for third on the music quiz (and missed the Ducktales tiebreaker! I am shamed.), and the general hangouts were relaxing and fun. The highlight was one of You Don't Know Jack, which everyone should buy so I can netplay you, beating TMNT Arcade (and almost beating AvP) with Soppy, or watching the Utena movie late Sunday with a crew of people who'd never seen it or in some cases the series before (and Soppy and Jim). So awesome.

Meeting VSM, HY and Snow was great. VSM is cool to hang out with, and it's about time he came to one of these. HY is a very chill dude even if his Britishness extends to liking Marmite, and I need to talk to him more now; this was the first time we've said two words to each other.

Snow is.....well, it's like when I met Meeple or MC for the first time. On the one hand, he's exactly what you'd expect him to be like. On the other hand, no amount of Internet talk can prepare you for the real thing.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2011, 05:05:53 PM »
Great pictures, Shale. Upload the rest ASAP!!
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

Profile pic by (@sethkiell) on twitter!

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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2011, 10:20:49 PM »


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Re: DLC6 Wrapup!
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2011, 02:45:28 AM »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...