Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Technically, the clues were for vanilla FFT, but I'll accept this answer as both clues work for either game
More or less, I was trying to figure out something from FFT that wouldn't be guessed instantaneously--I figured anything to do with game mechanics, no matter how obscure, would be guessed instantly by this group. And there's enough people who've done 10+ SCCs that pretty much any line of dialogue that isn't skippable would be a huge giveway. But propositions? That works. Who pays attention to propositions, anyway?
1. There's an exam which only one in 600 ever passes. Mickey, the son of Prince Kappa, (12 years old at the time)
scored 100 on the Gariland Magic Exam. This test is one of the
most competitive of its kind. Only one in 600 pass it and only
one other student ever scored 100 on it. We didn't know how
competitive it was and later realized that the 10000 gil
reward is too cheap. But, seeing the boy smile, we knew it was
worth more than just money.
2. There is a unit of measure called "Sectas" which is very inconsistent in its presentation. It seems to mean alternately something akin to "nautical miles" or something akin to "meters" depending on the contex--or, more likely, nobody was really paying attention to that part of the writing.Trade ship Highwind shipwrecked 20 sectas off of Jiris Bay.
It's been confirmed the trade ship 'Hindenburg' of the Zaland Trade Company shipwrecked 16 sectas off of Oval Bay.
It's been confirmed that the trade ship 'Doga' was shipwrecked 40 sectas off of Kanen Bay.
Gredia Island is located 15 sectas off of Riovanes Bay.
Another ship's wrecked near Gredia Island 15 sectas off Riovanes Bay.
The trade ship, 'Douing' has been found shipwrecked 35 sectas off Seijita Bay.
Aha, it's a nautical mile!
The Lord was seen at God Canyon! We were excavating in God ravine, searching for ore. When we dug about 30 sectas, we found a Catacomb.
Ok, wait, that sounds like a measure of area, like quadrant. What's going on?
They wre making a doll 4 sectas high. The Golem doll sensed our presence and suddenly attacked.
Ok, I presume this isn't 4 nautical miles high--a doll that large wouldn't even be able to see humans they'd be too microscopic.
We confirmed the existence of the man-eating plant, 'Rafurshva", the giant flower that grows in the north. Its diameter is 5 sectas.
Again, here, meters would make a lot more sense than nautical miles, or else this plant should show up on the map of Ivalice.