Author Topic: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers  (Read 14084 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« on: November 01, 2011, 11:48:52 PM »
This is a project I've been working on for a while. It has two purposes:

1. To completely inventory which casts can block which statuses in the DL
2. To indicate what the cast must give up to block status.

I began this project when I was convinced that statusblockers shouldn't be a free lunch: that if you want to equip one, and this comes at the expense of a Speed+10 accessory in-game, then well, you should lose 10 speed in the DL! This means that the status attacker's status is still relevant in more matches, even when the opponent can block or spoil it, and also provides an elegant, more-true-to-in-game way to reflect status vs. blockers.

The main problem with this view, in my opinion, is the overhead required to see what sort of non-statusblockers casts have access to and deciding on which one(s) to use as a default. Well, over the past couple months I've been working on said overhead, and what you see is the mostly completed project.

For each cast, I note the accessories I assume as defaults (which are inevitably stat-boosters or equivalents, rather than anything with intangible benefits), then the costs it takes to equip statusblockers, and what those statusblockers are. For games with subtraction defence (which is a lot), I note how potent I assume that subtraction defence is, when converted to division. Those who stick to subtraction will want to multiply this figure by 40% and then treat it as a raw reduction, I imagine.

Even if you don't like the idea of scaling statusblocking accessories against stat-boosting ones, you should still find this reference useful for the costs associated with statusblocking armour, as well as a list of accessories open to each cast.

There are still some casts missing from this. For one thing, it only covers ranked games for now. (This may change with requests/time.) For another, there are some casts I've skipped. Any help with any of these would be appreciated; the usual reason is I haven't played the game + the stat topic isn't definitive on the subject.

Casts not included here: Arc the Lad series, Earthbound, Golden Sun, Legaia series, Persona series, Skies of Arcadia, Soul Nomad, Tales seres.

For everything else, you can search for the cast by the name of the game "Wild Arms 4" or its DL appreviation "[WA4]". For consistency/ease of searching, no Roman numerals, except for Final Fantasy X-2.

As a footnote... I haven't yet decided whether I actually vote on casts with some of these stat-boosting accessories in place, or whether I just use them for judging the costs of equipping statusblockers. Probably the latter since it doesn't require people to theoretically go and redo stat topics for dozens of games; I don't have a strong enough opinion to overturn this.

On with the show!

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 11:50:18 PM »
Breath of Fire 1 [BoF1]

While this game has a few statusblockers, they are all one-per-game and not unique, i.e. nothing is legal. Ryu can block non-death status by transforming into a dragon if he isn't statused first.

Breath of Fire 2 [BoF2]

The optimum storebought accessory for this cast is the FastShoe (+10 speed, which is 0.21 SD). Unequipping this drops a character's speed by the listed amount, which is about -5% by my scaling.

The cast can use an accessory slot to block one of three statuses:
-Curse (lowers evade/counter/crit rates)

They have two accessory slots.

Breath of Fire 3 [BoF3]

Note: "status" refers to blind, poison, sleep, confuse, silence, transformation, and paralysis.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 1.09% damage from average physicals.

-can get 75% resistance to death in exchange for -52 physical damage (-156 off Bonebreak) and taking 5% extra from physicals.
-can get 50% resistance to status in exchange for taking 28% extra from physicals OR 50% resistance to MP damage and stat downs in exchange for -5 physical damage, -0.10 SD speed (-2%), and a 7% DECREASE in physical damage received.
-can get immunity to MP damage and stat downs in exchange for taking 9% extra from physicals.

-can get 75% resistance to death in exchange in exchange for -15 physical damage.
-can get 50% resistance to status in exchange for -5 physical damage and taking 13% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to MP damage and stat downs in exchange for -0.52 SD speed (-13%).

-by default, is immune to status, death, gravity, draining, MP damage, and stat downs.

-can get 50% resistance to status in exchange for -5 physical damage and taking 13% extra from physicals.

-can get 50% resistance to status in exchange for taking 32% extra from physicals OR 50% resistance to MP damage and stat downs in exchange for taking 12% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to MP damage and stat downs in exchange for -10 physical damage and taking 18% extra from physicals.

The game also has some accessories which increase resistance to death and status (likely coming at a cost of -10 damage... yeah, storebought accessories aren't very good in this game) but I don't know by how much. 25%?

Breath of Fire 4 [BoF4]

Note: "all" refers to status, death, gravity, draining, MP damage, and stat downs. "status" refers to blind, poison, sleep, confuse, silence, and transformation.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 1.32% damage from average physicals.

-by default, has 25% resistance to all.
-can get 75% total resistance to all in exchange for taking 12% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to any ONE of the status, death/gravity/draining, or MP damage/stat downs (and 50% resistance to the others) in exchange for taking 41% extra from physicals.

-by default, has 50% resistance to status, death, gravity, and draining.
-can get immunity to the above and 50% resistance to MP draining and stat downs in exchange for taking 11% extra from physicals.
-can get +75% resistance to MP draining and stat downs (stacking to immunity with the previous) in exchange for taking 17% extra from physicals.

-by default, has 75% resistance to all.
-can get immunity to any ONE of the status, death/gravity/draining, or MP damage/stat downs in exchange for taking 19% extra from physicals.

-can get 50% resistance to all in exchange for dealing 4% less damage.
-can get +75% resistance to any ONE of the status, death/gravity/draining, or MP damage/stat downs (stacking to immunity with the previous) in exchange for taking 25% extra from physicals.

-Scias is listed with an armour dropped from a superboss; his default should be -7 defence to that, but has...
-by default, has 50% resistance to all.
-can get +75% resistance to any ONE of the status, death/gravity/draining, or MP damage/stat downs (stacking to immunity with the previous) in exchange for taking 25% extra from physicals.

-can get 50% resistance to all in exchange for taking 14% extra from physicals.
-can get 75% resistance to all in exchange for taking 25% extra from physicals and 75% extra from holy.
-can get +75% resistance to any ONE of the status, death/gravity/draining, or MP damage/stat downs (stacking to immunity with the previous) in exchange for taking 22% extra from physicals.

Breath of Fire 5 [BoF5]

No. I am not going through all of BoF5's frequently incomplete guides trying to determine what armours are legal or not. Offhand, looks like Nina can block poison and sleep, and Lin can block bind (don't move), at defence hits.

Chrono Trigger [CT]

A simple one! The entire cast immunes status with their default setups. "Status" includes stop, slow, blind, confuse, silence, sleep, poison, and seizure.

Chrono Cross [CC]

Reverse of the above! CC's only statusblockers are limited and clearly DL-illegal.

Digital Devil Saga [DDS]

No accessories here. Still, some notes:

-Argilla is immune to charm, confuse, silence, sleep, and stun.
-Gale and Cielo have 50% resistance to death.
-Cielo is "weak" to poison, charm, confuse, silence, sleep, and stun, meaning their hit rate against him is increased (by 50%?) and he grants his attacker an extra turn once per round (arguably).

Note that DDS stun is an accuracy/evade/defence debuff.

Disgaea 1 [D1]

Again, nope. There's some item world nonsense possible but it sounds like getting above 10% resistance on any status is difficult. Except:

-Thursday is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and silence (includes moveblock).

Disgaea 2 [D2]

Nuh uh. No Thursday-like PC this time either.

Dragon Quest 4 [DQ4]

DQ4 has only one level of "resistance" to status, and it's untested/undocumented how good it is. Super called it immunity, but hinode noted that it's not, just rare to be statused through it. I'd guess 75-80% resistance. These notes are mostly based on the DS version but I'd strongly suspect NES is similar. Anyway:

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.455% damage from average physicals.

-by default, has resistance to confuse, sleep, and paralysis.
-can get resistance to death in exchange for taking 11% extra from physicals.

Alena/Maya/Meena (Mara/Nara):
-by default, has resistance to confuse.

Dragon Quest 8 [DQ8]

Like with DQ4, resistance is of unknown amount. This one is totally untested as far as I'm aware, so by default I'll assume 50% until more testing shines light on this.

Default accessory here is the Ruby of Protection (+15 def). All statusblockers are compared to it.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.326% damage from average physicals. (least effective defence stat in the DL? Stay tuned!)

-The entire cast can resist ONE of death, sleep, poison, blind, and paralysis in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals.
-Additionally, Angelo and Jessica can resist death in exchange for taking 6% (Angelo) or 10% (Jessica) extra from physicals, and losing the special properties of their armour (random spell reflection/evasion).

There's also a confuse-blocker (same as the other accessories) but it's alchemy involving non-storebought, non-casino components. Not legal for me.

Final Fantasy 1 [FF1]

FF1 status resistance reduces the chance of status landing to 1/201, so is effectively immunity.

-by default, has resistance to poison, petrify, and death.

Black Wizard:
-by default, has resistance to stop and death.

Everyone else:
-by default, has resistance to death.

Final Fantasy 4 [FF4]

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.758% damage from average physicals and 0.842% damage from average magic.

-by default, is immune to transformation, berserk, and silence.
-can get immunity to petrify in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals, 1% less from magic, and making his healing 11% less effective.
-can get immunity to confuse in exchange for taking 7% extra from physicals, 6% extra from magic, losing resistance to fire/ice/lightning, and making his healing 11% less effective.

-by default, is immune to petrify.
-can get immunity to confuse in exchange for taking 8% extra from physicals and 5% extra from magic.

-by default, is immune to silence.
-can get immunity to petrify in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals, 4% extra from magic, and reducing her damage/healing by 6%.
-not stackable with the previous, can get immunity to death and paralysis along with +15 speed and a 6% reduction in physical damage in exchange for taking 3% extra from magic and reducing her damage/healing by 23%.
-can get immunity to confuse in exchange for taking 5% extra from physicals, 8% extra from magic, and in Rydia's case only, reducing her damage by 14%.

-can get immunity to confuse in exchange for taking 4% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to silence in exchange for taking 1% extra from physicals and losing resistance to lightning.

I'm not bothering with minute details on the temps, since they vary based on what version of the game you vote on and/or how they are scaled. Short form, though:

-All the temps except Cid, Edward, and Yang can get petrify immunity. (If scaled to endgame, Cid can too.)
-All the temps can get confuse immunity.
-FuSoYa and Yang can get silence immunity. (If scaled to endgame, the entire cast can except Cid.)

Final Fantasy 6 [FF6]

FF6 has unusually potent storebought accessories, and they can equip two: +25% damage (not applicable to Setzer or Terra, and reduced effectiveness for anyone attacking with a Pearl Lance/Rod), -33% physical damage received, +31% speed. Since speed/defence work for absolutely everyone I'll assume them in order to keep the damage curve the same as in the current stat topic.

And yes this interp makes Sneak Rings complete trash. As they should be.

What this means is that in order to use a status-blocking accessory, FF6 characters either need to take 50% extra damage from physicals or lose 24% speed (you may respect this number less due to how FF6 handles ATB). Ouch. Anyway, accessories exist which block the following combinations:

-poison, blind, and zombie
-blind and petrify
-berserk and confuse
-transformation and confuse
-death, petrify, and gravity (Relm and Shadow only)

The cast also now immunes slow by default (on the speed-booster). Yay?

Final Fantasy 7 [FF7]

FF7 has accessories which raise damage by 10% (either physical or magical, not both) and speed by 10%. The latter feels more generally useful to all strategies so I assumed it (the Choco Feather) as a default. They also have the Fury Ring, which inflicts Auto-Berserk... a good part of the cast would probably like this, but I'm inclined to disregard it due to removing what makes them unique (limits). Choco Feather it is! Therefore, the cast takes a 9% speed cut to block status. Its statusblocking accessories can block the following combinations:

-blind and poison
-petrify and paralysis
-sadness, fury, confuse, and berserk (first two are related to limit gain rates)
-petrify and death

Aeris is the exception, her options are limited to ONE of the following: blind, poison, sleep, and transformation.

Final Fantasy 8 [FF8]

Nothing remotely legal here without some serious stretching of the rules.

Final Fantasy 9 [FF9]

Some people allow the crystal skills which block statuses if they equip something which lets them learn/set them. I'm not one of those people. The cast has no status resistance as such to me. If there's enough interest I'll figure out enough FF9 mechanics to explain the effects of equipping the different "statusblockers" later.

Final Fantasy 10 [FF10] [FFX]

The best standard storebought armour available to everyone is HP+10%. Thus, everyone takes a -9% HP hit to use something else. (Of course, in-game it's fairly trivial to install HP+30% on anything so it's really more a matter of free slots... but that's too large a can of worms for me to open now.) There's only one armour slot, so each PC can only take one option listed.

Anyway! Do note that there's a mix of unique (except for Tidus, who gets nothing!) and universal stuff... be sure to check the universal list as well if you're curious about a given character.

-can get immunity to petrify and silence.

-can get Auto-Med, which automatically heals zombie, curse (no overdrives), poison, silence, and blind as a counter.

-can get 50% resistance to confuse and curse (no overdrives).

-can get 50% resistance to slow.
-can get 50% resistance to zombie at no HP penalty.
-can get 50% resistance to confuse and curse (no overdrives).
-can get immunity to poison and petrify.
-can get immunity to death and blind.

-can get 50% resistance to poison, silence, and confuse.
-can get 50% resistance to berserk and curse (no overdrives).
-can get immunity to petrify.

-can get 50% resistance to blind and berserk.
-can get 50% resistance to sleep.

-can get 50% resistance to confuse and berserk.
-can get 50% resistance to ONE of poison, blind, silence, petrify, or zombie.
-can, using EITHER common drops OR customising using common steals, if you allow these, get ONE of 50% resistance to sleep, 50% resistance to death, or immunity to petrify.

Final Fantasy X-2 [FFX-2]

The mascot AND "ultimate" dress spheres, if allowed, all have immunity to petrify, sleep, silence, blind, poison, confuse, berserk, curse (no class changes), slow, and stop.

Otherwise, characters have two accessory slots. HP+40% is probably the best universally equippable storebought accessory, though there's also +20 to offensive stats (seems to improve damage by about 30-40%). I don't know how/if these stack and am too lazy to find out. Any help with suggestions for default here? Anyway, dropping these, the cast can use accessories to block:

-confuse and berserk
-slow and stop
-petrify and death
-silence and blind

Final Fantasy Tactics [FFT]

Hard to pick a default here. Feather Mantle offers decent evade, but that varies based on scaling (not to mention opponent) which makes me reluctant to consider it the default. Sprint Shoes offers +1 speed (around 10%). Bracer and Magic Gauntlet offer +3 PA and +2 MA respectively, which depending on the PC varies from no boost at all (Mustadio) to 33% (Rafa). Definitely a case where the best choice for a default accessory varies by PC. I'll list what I assume as their optimum accessory in brackets.

The game's statusblocking accessories (which will not be listed in each individual PC entry) cover the following combinations:
-death and blind
-petrify and stop
-paralysis and don't move
-confuse and charm
-silence and berserk
-sleep and death sentence
-transformation, poison, zombie, and undead
-slow (comes with PA+1 and MA+1, so will be listed specifically)

Ramza (Bracer):
-by default, is immune to paralysis and don't move.
-can get immunity to silence in exchange for 18% speed and 6% HP.
-can get immunity to stop and +9% HP in exchange for 14% physical damage.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for 3% HP and 7% physical damage.
-can get immunity to slow in exchange for 14% physical damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 21% physical damage.

Mustadio (Sprint Shoes):
-by default, is immune to paralysis, don't move, and stop.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for 12% HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 8% speed.

Agrias (Bracer):
-can get immunity to death in exchange for 5% HP and 12% physical damage.
-can get immunity to slow in exchange for 17% physical damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 33% physical damage.

Rafa (Magic Gauntlet):
-can get immunity to paralysis and don't move, along with 4% HP and 10% speed, in exchange for 19% damage/healing.
-can get immunity to silence in exchange for 3% HP, 10% speed, and 19% damage/healing.
-can get immunity to stop, along with 5% HP, in exchange for 20% damage and losing healing entirely.
-can get immunity to slow in exchange for 19% damage/healing.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 25% damage/healing.

Malak (Magic Gauntlet):
-by default, is immune to paralysis and don't move.
-can get immunity to silence in exchange for 18% speed and 6% HP.
-can get immunity to stop, along with 5% HP, in exchange for 17% damage and losing healing entirely.
-can get immunity to slow in exchange for 10% damage/healing.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 19% damage/healing.

Beowulf (Sprint Shoes):
-can get immunity to death in exchange for 17% HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 11% speed.

Worker 8:
-by default, is immune to every FFT status (see accessory list, above) except confuse.

Human Reis (108 Gems):
-Note that, in general, human Reis has 26% less damage, 6% less HP, and takes 2x magic damage compared to dragon Reis (though +11% speed). Dragon Reis has no immunities, though. As for human...
-by default, is immune to transformation, poison, zombie, and undead.
-can get immunity to slow in exchange for 8% magic damage (though gains 33% physical damage!).
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 17% magic damage.

Orlandu (Bracer):
-by default, is immune to paralysis and don't move.
-can get immunity to stop and +8% HP in exchange for 13% damage.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for 3% HP and 6% damage.
-can get immunity to slow in exchange for 13% damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 19% damage.

Meliadoul (Bracer):
-can get immunity to stop and +8% HP in exchange for 14% damage.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for 3% HP and 7% damage.
-can get immunity to slow in exchange for 14% damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 21% damage.

Opinions differ on what the guests can equip. Note that, by default, Alma is immune to every FFT status (see accessory list) and all other guests are immune to death, petrify, transformation, undead, zombie, charm, and berserk. In-game, no guest (who does not later become a PC) can change equipment while having access to storebought statusblockers and then fight in another battle.

Fire Emblem series [FE7] [FE8] [FE9] [FE10]

As a rule, this game lacks any way to block status. There is an argument that the Nihil skill (FE9-10) gives some limited immunities, which applies to Calill (FE9-10), Nolan (FE10), and Ike (FE10 only). Nihil makes the character immune to skill activations, which include the only way in the game to set death.

Grandia 1 [G1]

The two accessories worth seriously considering as defaults here are the Elite Badge (+14% speed) and Black Belt (+18% physical damage for Justin/Rapp, +20% physical damage for Feena). Just for consistency I'll assume the Elite Badge (Rapp and Justin would often want the speed for ID reasons anyway).

-by default, is immune to death.
-can get immunity to ALL of poison, plague (ongoing random status), moveblock, silence, sleep, paralysis, and confuse in exchange for 13% speed.

-can get 20% resistance to sleep and confuse in exchange for taking 13% extra from physicals and losing 9% physical damage.
-can get 30% resistance to confuse in exchange for 11% speed and taking 7% extra from physicals.

-can get 20% resistance to sleep and confuse in exchange for taking 11% extra from physicals and 25% extra from magic.
-can get 30% resistance to confuse in exchange for taking 3% (Feena) or 6% (Liete) extra from physicals.

For temps, Guido and Milda have access to the endgame stuff except for death immnuity (unless the "blocks everthing" accessory covers that); their default would have to be the Black Belt (so unequipping it means -18% damage). Gadwin and Sue only have access to 30% plague resistance.

Grandia 2 [G2]

Grandia 2's best storebought accessories offer either +40 ATK (probably around +20% more damage, though this is untested), +15 ACT (+13% speed, not available to Mareg), or +40 DEF (no clue! But probably worse than the previous). Millenia and Elena probably want speed, the rest probably want attack due to being boring sluggers.

Grandia 2's statusblocker accessories cover all the game's status effects, in  the following combinations:
-plague (ongoing random status)
-confuse and sleep
-paralysis and poison

I have no idea whatsoever how good Grandia 2 defence is. So I'll just list the straight stat effect. As for individual PCs, then...

-can get immunity to moveblock in exchange for 2 DEF and 4% speed.
-can get immunity to sleep in exchange for 28 DEF and 4% speed.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~17% damage.

-by default, is immune to status (see accessory list) except delay.
-can get immunity to delay in exchange for 12% speed.

-by default, is immune to poison, paralysis, plague, silence, and moveblock.
-can get immunity to sleep and confuse in exchange for 28 DEF.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 12% speed.

-can get immunity to poison, paralysis, and plague in exchange for 10 DEF and ~12% damage.
-can get immunity to moveblock in exchange for 2 DEF and 4% speed.
-can get immunity to sleep in exchange for 28 DEF and 4% speed.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~17% damage.

-by default, is immune to moveblock.
-can get immunity to poison, paralysis, and plague in exchange for 10 DEF and ~12% damage.
-can get immunity to sleep in exchange for 26 DEF.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~17% damage (or giving up 25% evade, if she prefers to keep that as a default).

-can get immunity to moveblock in exchange for 2 DEF and 4% speed.
-can get immunity to sleep in exchange for 28 DEF and 4% speed.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~17% damage.

Grandia 3 [G3]

Grandia 3's storebought accessories boost ATK or MAG by 25 (about 12% to 15% more damage of one type) or DEF or RES by 25 (about 9% less taken from that damage type). The offensive boosts are pretty clearly more useful, so I'll be assuming them.

The game's statusblocking accessories cover one of:
-sickness (ongoing random status)
-poison and paralysis

Note: "status" for Grandia 3 refers to the above five, along with silence (includes moveblock) and death.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.376% damage from average damage.

-has a very shaky plot claim to be immune to status in exchange for 13% less damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 13% less damage.

-by default, is immune to status.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 11% less damage.

-by default, is immune to silence.
-can get immunity to death along with taking 5% less from magic in exchange for taking 10% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to sickness along with taking 2% less from magic in exchange for taking 13% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to confuse in exchange for taking 20% extra from physicals and 5% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~12% less damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~12% less damage.

Miranda and Alonso leave before any statusblockers are available.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2011, 11:52:42 PM »
Legaia 2 [Leg2]

Oh god, this is a mess. There's a sea of equipment here, and to make things worse I don't know how effective Legaia 2 stats are! And then there are two different levels of resistances for the game's 13 status effects. Yeah, not brave enough for this.

For now, here is the list of statuses the cast can generally at least resist at some varying and as-yet undetermined cost!:
-critical (HP-1)
-paralysis (three different types!)
-plague (HP/MP/AP poison)

Legend of Dragoon [LoD]

Some decent accessories here, including a 20% boost to both evades. The most generally useful ones, however, boost offences or defences in some combination. The assumed new default accessory will be listed in parentheses.

Statusblocking accessories cover the following:
-arm-block (super-blind, effectively; no normal attacks)
-dispirit (no SP gain)

The entire cast is immune to the above list (but not death) while transformed into dragoons.

Dart (Magical Ring):
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 18% less magical damage.

Rose (Gigantos Ring):
-can get immunity to death in exchange for 5% less magical damage and taking 4% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 10% less physical damage and taking 15% extra from physicals.

Haschel (Gigantos Ring):
-can get immunity to poison, paralysis, and arm-block in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals, 7% extra from magic, and only halving lightning instead of nulling.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 10% less physical damage and taking 14% extra from physicals.

Albert (Spiritual Ring):
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 35% extra from magic.

Kongol (Spiritual Ring):
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 40% extra from magic.

Meru (Gigantos Ring):
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 16% less physical damage and taking 19% extra from physicals.

Miranda (Magical Ring):
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 11% less magical damage.

Lufia 1 [L1]

Another game that gets nothing! As far as I'm aware at least.

Lufia 2 [L2]

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.133% damage from average damage. (I thought DQ def was bad... oh well, at least Lufia 2 has a large spread!)

-by default, is immune to death, paralysis, poison, confuse, and silence.

-by default, is immune to poison, paralysis, and confuse. He loses the first two immunities if he opts for the Tough Hide (IP healing) setup.

-can get immunity to poison and silence in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to paralysis in exchange for taking 11% extra from physicals. (doesn't stack with previous)

Selan's debatable casino stuff (not sure how legal people see this):
-can get immunity to poison, confuse, sleep, paralysis, and silence in exchange for taking 18% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for -10 magic damage and taking 5% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to sleep and confuse in exchange for taking 9% extra from physicals.

-can get immunity to poison in exchange for taking 9% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to silence and take 1% less from magic in exchange for taking 1% extra from physicals.

Artea's debatable casino stuff:
-by default (if legal), is immune to death.
-can get immunity to poison and paralysis in exchange for taking 16% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to sleep and confuse in exchange for taking 7% extra from physicals and 4% extra from magic.

Tia (casino stuff, usual disclaimer):
-can get immunity to poison, confuse, sleep, paralysis, and silence in exchange for taking 14% extra from physicals.


-by default, is immune to poison.

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete [Lunar1]

Another game where the only blockers are limited and not DL-legal.

Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete [Lunar2]

And again, cast is boned by status. The exception:

-by default, is immune to silence, confuse, and charm.

Mana Khemia [MK]

MK accessories are a bit weird in that nothing is storebought and alchemy is the name of the game. In theory a line for legality could be drawn somewhere, but I dunno. The stat topic assumes everything outside the bonus dungeon is legal, so for now, I'll do the same.

The defaut accessory here is likely the Archangel Wings, which provides modest stat boosts everywhere. There is only one trade the cast would make, which is as follows:

-can get immunity to poison, curse (healblock), silence (includes moveblock), sleep, and slow in exchange for ~7% HP, 20 SP, 4% damage/healing, -0.29 SD speed (7%, first turn only), 2% speed (after first turn), and taking 4.5% extra from defence-subject damage (so overall, 11% less durability).

Whew! The actual numbers vary a little for each PC depending on their stats, but they are always in that area plus or minus a percentage point or rarely two.

Mega Man X: Command Mission [MMXCM]

The stat topic for this game is pretty overlevelled, and I'm certainly too lazy to correct this. Basically this will mean the game's stat boosters are relatively less effective, so the penalty the cast takes for switching to status resistance should probably be larger than what is listed here. Oh well.

MMXCM handles accessory slots in an unusually complex way, with each PC having 2 to 4 slots and each equpped accessory costing "erosion", the total of which can not exceed the PC's immunity. Generally speaking, the most useful boosts are to LE (HP), and full specs (power/speed/def, notably more efficient than boosting them separately). Some notes to help handle this...

Immunity, level 32:
Cinnamon (58) > Massimo (42) > X (41) > Marino (35) > Axl (27) > Zero (24)

Erosion costs of common accessories:
LE +500 (12)
LE +300 (8)
Gain WE +10 (18)
Speed +5 (12)
Full Specs +5 (16)
X-Heart, Bluff (0) [other character-uniques have costs and aren't worth it anyway]
Minus Metal 20 (-20)
30% status resistance accessories (1)
DOA Block (3)

The game's statusblockers include +30% resistance to death, poison, blind, slow, freeze, and berserk (these stack with themselves additively), as well as immunity to death (DOA Block).

As usual for the most complicated cases, default accessory setup is listed in parentheses.

X (X Heart, LE+500, LE+500, Full Specs+5):
-4 accessory slots
-can equip a statusblocker in exchange for 10% less HP, or in exchange for ~6% speed, ~1% damage, and ~5% physical durability, or in exchange for giving up the X Heart (auto-revive).

Zero (Minus Metal 20, LE+500, Full Specs+5):
-3 accessory slots (two are freed up once the first "real" accessory is dropped)
-can equip a statusblocker in exchange for 9% less HP, or in exchange for ~6% speed, ~1% damage, and ~5% physical durability.

Massimo (LE+500, Full Specs+5)
-2 accessory slots
-can equip a statusblocker in exchange for 8% less HP, or in exchange for ~6% speed, ~1% damage, and ~5% physical durability.

Marino (LE+300, LE+300, Full Specs+5)
-3 accessory slots
-can equip a statusblocker in exchange for 7% less HP, or in exchange for ~6% speed, ~2% damage, and ~5% physical durability.

Cinnamon (LE+500, LE+500, Full Specs+5)
-3 accessory slots
-can equip a statusblocker in exchange for 2% less HP, then a further 12% cut, or in exchange for ~6% speed, ~3% damage, and ~5% physical durability.

Axl (Minus Metal 20, LE+500, LE+500, Full Specs+5)
-4 accessory slots
-can equip a statusblocker in exchange for 10% less HP, or in exchange for ~6% speed, ~1% damage, and ~5% physical durability.

Spider, for the record, has access to the same statusblockers except for death (of any resistance level). Too lazy to try to figure out what kind of hit he takes, but the first hit should be pretty small because his fourth slot is nearly wasted due to erosion limits and Minus Metal isn't storebought at that point.

Ogre Battle [OB]

Kaus, Tristan, and Fogel are immune to charm. Otherwise, the cast has varying innate resistances to status but no other outright blockers; see the stat topic for more details.

Phantasy Star 1 [PS1]
Phantasy Star 2 [PS2]

As far as I'm aware, nothing for both these games.

Phantasy Star 4 [PS4]

No accesories here, but status resistance exists anyway. Note that all status resistance (rather than immunity) is -50% hit rate, so e.g. 80% hit rate becomes 30% and 40% is nulled out. Resistance does not stack, so if multiple resistance options are listed, only one at a time is useful.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.926% damage from average damage.

"Mental status" refers to sleep, silence, slow, blind, and attack down.
"Status" refers to the above, as well as poison and paralysis.

-can get resistance to mental status along with +2 magic damage in exchange for taking 27% extra from physicals and 5% extra from magic.
-can get resistance to mental status along with +1 magic damage and taking 10% less from magic in exchange for -32% physical damage and taking 4% extra from physicals.
-can get resistance to mental status along with +1 magic damage and taking 18%/25% less from physicals/magic in exchange for losing all his physical attacks and Earth (his sleep attack).

-can get resistance to mental status along with +1 magic damage in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.

-by default, has resistance to mental status.

-can get resistance to mental status in exchange for taking 27% extra from physicals and 5% extra from magic.

-can get resistance to mental status along with +1 magic damage in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals and 5% extra from magic.

-by default, is immune to status and death.

-can get resistance to mental status in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals and 2% extra from magic.

-by default, has resistance to death and is immune to poison and paralysis.
-can get resistance to mental status along with +1 magic damage in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals and 5% extra from magic.

Alys leaves before status resistance gear is available, although if you were to scale her to endgame she'd be able to make the same trade as Rika and Kyra.

Pokemon [PKMN]

Pokemon has some pokemon who have innate status immunities in some versions of the games. None of them are ranked and I won't be listing them here.

It also has berries, which can be equipped in the pokemon's "accessory" slot and will block a status once, then be destroyed. Since they're consumed, their legality varies. In RBY they don't even exist, so forget about that. Otherwise...

-In GSC, they grow on trees which restock periodically. Debatable legality.
-In FRLG, they're in finite supply. Not legal.
-In RSE, HG/SS, and DPP, you get a bunch in the maingame and can plant them to get more at a very fast rate. Pretty clearly legal.

It's not clear what "default" accessories would be in pokemon. Arguably nothing but berries are legal; nothing is storebought after all. However, on a balanced team, you'll have enough of the "+10% to one element's damage" to go around, so you could see all of these berries coming at a 9% cost to a pokemon's best damage (unless it's fixed). Anyway, the statuses that can be blocked in this way are:

-poison, paralysis, sleep, burn (poison + atk down), freeze, and confuse.

Saga Frontier [Saga]

The game has four armour slots (except for mecs who work differently and in general don't need to worry about immunities from equips). In general, monsters' slots are unused in the standard view of DL (except perhaps Riki), most humans and Nusakan have 2 free slots, Mesarthim (and perhaps Emelia) has 1, and mystics have none. These free slots are almost certainly best-filled with Wing Amulets (+5 spd, and about -11% damage from fire/ice/lightning) followed closely by Harmonium Earrings (about -20% damage from magic). I've assumed Wing Amulets, except for Red (one of each, since he hits 99 speed with one) and Emelia (since more speed does her little good). Roufas and Hamilton also have arguments, but eh, lazy.

Unfortunately I still don't know how effective the "status" defence is (or even what statuses it is effective against) so I'll just list the raw change.

-by default, is immune to blind.
-by default, is also berserk, charm, and confuse (if one allows her the AngelBroach).
-can get immunity to death in exchange for taking 108% extra from fire, 42% extra from ice, 23% extra from lightning, 66% extra from other magic, and -36 status defence.

-by default, is immune to berserk, blind, charm, death, confuse, paralysis, sleep, and petrify. (Not poison or stun.)

All other humans (Asellus/Fuse/Gen/Roufas/Rouge for ranked PCs):
-by default, is immune to blind.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for -0.36 SD speed (-9%) and taking ~50% extra from fire, ~12% extra from ice, ~8% extra from lightning, ~24% extra from other magic, and -21 status defence.

All mecs (including T260G):
-by default, is immune to berserk, blind, charm, death, confuse, paralysis, sleep, petrify, and poison. (Not stun.)

-by default, is immune to berserk, blind, charm, confuse, and sleep.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for -0.36 SD speed (-9%), ground immunity, and taking 9% extra from physicals, 31% extra from fire, 8% extra from ice, 1% extra from lightning, 31% extra from other magic, and -22 status defence.
-other variations exist where he can keep the speed and ground immunity in exchange for losing a turn in Overdrive and magic damage; too lazy to calculate exactly since he rarely lets enemies attack him anyway.

Dr. Nusakan:
-by default, is immune to berserk, blind, charm, confuse, sleep, and poison.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for -0.36 SD speed (-9%) and taking 64% extra from fire, 15% extra from ice, 9% extra from lightning, 28% extra from other magic, and -21 status defence.

-by default, is immune to blind.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for -0.36 SD speed (-9%) and taking 88% extra from fire, 21% extra from ice, 8% extra from lightning, 25% extra from other magic, and -21 status defence.

All other mystics (includes White Rose):
-by default, is immune to berserk, blind, charm, confuse, and sleep.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for ~5% magic damage, and taking ~10% extra from physicals, ~23% extra from fire, ~3% extra from ice, ~2% extra from lightning, ~29% extra from other magic, and -18 status defence.

-by default, is immune to berserk, charm, death, confuse, paralysis, and sleep.

-by default, is immune to paralysis and sleep.
-can get immunity to death in exchange for -0.36 SD speed (-9%) and taking 350% extra from fire, 14% extra from lightning, and 100% extra from other magic.

-by default, is immune to berserk, blind, charm, death, confuse, paralysis, sleep, and poison. (Not petrify or stun.)

-by default, is immune to berserk, blind, charm, death, confuse, paralysis, sleep, petrify, and poison. (Not stun.)

All other monsters:
-can get immunity to death in exchange for -0.36 SD speed (-9%) and taking ~70% extra from fire, ~13% extra from ice, ~12% extra from lightning, ~22% extra from other magic, and -21 status defence.

Secret of Mana [SoM]

The game has pretty poorly-documented mechanics, but I -think- that 1 point of def is 1 point of damage received. It seems to roughly fit the implications of the pygmy status anyway. If this is wrong, then *shrug*.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.575% damage from average damage.

-can get immunity to poison in exchange for taking 48% extra from physicals and 132% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to stun in exchange for taking 46% extra from physicals and 128% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to petrify in exchange for taking 44% extra from physicals and 125% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to freeze in exchange for taking 43% extra from physicals and 122% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to sleep in exchange for taking 40% extra from physicals and 118% extra from magic.

Each PC can only opt for one of the above, and all of them also come at a loss of 5 Str, which seems to be about 3-4% physical damage or so. The cast really hopes MDef is less potent than this! But yeah, the final storebought accessory gives a ludicrous amount of it...

Seiken Densetsu 3 [SD3]

SD3's a bit of a weird case in that there are actually some statusblockers, but their availability is dependent on which PCs are in your party. For example, everyone can equip the game's petrify-blocker, but it's only available if Lise is on the team. Obviously this is legal to Lise, but is it legal to anyone else? I suppose I'd lean no, since if your name isn't Lise (for this example), you only have a 40% chance of having Lise on your team assuming it is picked randomly, and that's really not good enough. Still, I'll list it as an option for those who disagree.

To save time: Duran, Hawk, and Lise are the only PCs with clearly legal immunities.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.366% damage from average damage.

-by default, is immune to transformation, poison, and sleep.
-can get immunity to silence or petrify (not both) in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic. (requires Lise on team)

-can get immunity to freeze if she is a Light class instead of Dark... this is overall far inferior DL-wise and most probably won't let her switch fight-to-fight.
-can get immunity to poison, silence, or petrify (one only) in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic. (requires Hawk (poison)/Lise (silence/petrify) on team)

-can get immunity to silence or petrify (not both) in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic. (requires Lise on team)

-can get immunity to freeze if she is a Light class instead of Dark... this is overall far inferior DL-wise and most probably won't let her switch fight-to-fight. ALSO this requires light-side Angela on the team. ... yeah.
-can get immunity to poison, silence, or petrify (one only) in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic. (requires Hawk (poison)/Lise (silence/petrify) on team)

-can get immunity to poison in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to silence or petrify (not both) in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic. (requires Lise on team)

-can get immunity to silence or petrify (not both) in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for taking 1% extra from magic. (requires Hawk on team)

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2011, 11:53:25 PM »
Shadow Hearts 1 [SH1]

Three accessory slots, two useful storebought items for them (max of one each), Yuri and Alice get useful uniques. Everyone else is quite happy because the best storebought stat-boosting accessory (at a godly +2 MDef) is in fact a statusblocker anyway.

The game's statusblockers block the following:
-poison, silence, and confuse
-petrify and paralysis
-forced movement (matters for Chelle and RH, maybe!)
-ring abnormalities (!)
-SP damage

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.639% damage from average physicals and 0.426% from average magic.

Status tradeoffs are listed in the order the PCs would usually make them.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing 3% physical damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for increasing his SP costs by 25%, losing 1% physical damage, and taking 1% extra from physicals and magic.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing 5% physical damage and 1% magical damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 213% extra from physicals.

Everyone else:
-can equip an accessory at no cost.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing 5% physical damage and 1% magical damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.

Shadow Hearts 2 [SH2]

All the SH games have the same rough setup, just in the games after the first all the characters have a useful unique accessory. So there's at least some cost for equipping statusblockers. Gepetto, Joachim, Lucia, and Anastasia's unique accessories have special abilities which don't translate to the DL, so they'll want to give those up first. Karin won't want to give hers up ever. Yuri, Kurando, and Blanca will want to give theirs up situationally.

SH2 has Spikes, which are completely broken (resist all damage greatly, immune all status) but make people take damage to SP (1 per hit received). I'm ignoring these, but chances are, everyone probably wants them if allowed.

Otherwise, the game's statusblcokers cover:
-poison, silence, panic (SP poison), and mental break (MP poison)
-petrify and paralysis
-ring abnormalities
-SP damage

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.370% damage from average damage.

-by default, is immune to all the game's status attacks listed above.

Everyone else:
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing ~5% physical damage and ~2% magical damage (only male PCs lose magic damage).
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing their special accessory property (halved SP costs for Yuri/Kurando, speed up in critical for Blanca), along with ~1% damage, and taking 1% extra from physicals.

Shadow Hearts 3 [SH3]

Really similar to SH2! One new status, and this time two PCs have two unique accessories, although Johnny rarely wants to equip both of his even before considering statusblockers (Panoramic Lens does little for him). Shania's a tougher case; she clearly wants the Dream Porter and a belt, the Flare Brooch vs. the headgear depends on the fight, though I think on average the headgear is the one that should be dropped.

Again, the value of special accessories for everyone else varies. Ricardo really wants to hold onto his, the others will probably drop them quickly.

One addition to the statusblockers list, and not a very relevant one. Here are what the accessories block in this game:
-poison, silence, panic (SP poison), mental break (MP poison), and apathy (can't gain stock)
-petrify and paralysis
-ring abnormalities
-SP damage

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.446% damage from average damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 7% physical damage and 1% magical damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for doubling his fusion SP costs, along with 2% physical damage, and taking 1% extra from physicals.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for doubling her fusion SP costs, along with 1% damage, and taking 1% extra from physicals.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing 2% physical damage and 5% magical damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing her two free stock gauges, along with 1% damage, and taking 1% extra from physicals. (This is a really stupid idea.)

Slim Hilda:
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing 4% physical damage, 2% magical damage, and taking 1% extra from physicals.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing 5% physical damage and 7% magical damage.

Everyone else:
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~7% physical damage and ~3% magical damage (only male PCs lose magic damage).
-can equip an accessory in exchange for losing their special accessory property (Ricardo has 10% HP regen, Natan has 10% MP regen, Frank has a crit rate on his basic physicals), along with ~2% damage, and taking 1% extra from physicals.

Shining Force 1 [SF1]
Shining Force 2 [SF2]

No statusblocking here.

Star Ocean 2 [SO2]

The game's storebought accessories don't up stats (though they do have elemental resists) so nothing is lost there! If you allow item creation accessories things get messier. I don't think I do. Allowing IC accessories lets the cast block instant death, but at a stat penalty of some sort. Possibly a substantial one. I'll leave discussion of that to someone who has a better knowledge of SO2 IC, but Berserk Ring becomes fairly clearly legal at minimum. (Mages become more emo than ever!)

Otherwise, with storebought stuff, the cast can block, at no real penalty, up to two of:

There's also some options for blocking instant death. It is assumed that each point of AC reduces physical damage by 0.137% (using the 1800 atk figure seen on a few of the Wise Men... it's a bit above their average but the first six are reasonably distant from endgame).

-can get immunity to death in exchange for taking 2% extra to physicals and ~2% less magic damage/healing.

-can get immunity to death in exchange for taking 15% extra from physicals.

-by default, is immune to death.

Star Ocean 3 [SO3]

All the statusblockers are through IC this time. Ban that, and the game's cast blocks nothing. Now, flipside, I think IC is quite a bit easier in this game (in no small part due to the fact that you can buy anything you've already made once) so I'm more inclined to see it as legal.

The cast's best easily customised accessories are ATK/HIT+10%, INT/EVA+10%, or HP+10%. Generally speaking the offensive boosts are more generally worthwhile due to overcoming defence (in the case of atk) and providing a secondary stat boost, so I'll be assuming that. Most people disrespect the effects of the hit and evade stats in this game, but I don't know exactly how good (or bad) they are.

If you allow accessory refining the cast can get far more potent stat boosts but I definitely don't.

The accessories that block status in this game get:

Equipping one comes at a cost of about 11% damage (if a fighter) or 10% (if a mage), as well as a small hit to either accuracy or evasion.

Suikoden 1 [S1]

Not much here. The only status the cast can block with equipment is balloon, which is a "get hit by it three times and you die" status. Not very good, but probably closest to Death Sentence in other games.

-can get immunity to balloon in exchange for taking ~10% extra from physicals and losing ~1% HP regen.

Additionally, there is the Turtle Rune, which blocks all S1 status (balloon, blind, poison, sleep, paralysis, silence). Only characters with free rune slots can equip them, and they give up their only rune to do so. Unless you allow storebought runes in general, though, Turtle probably shouldn't be legal either.

And before I forget... as Magic Fanatic notes in the stat topic, the female PCs should really swap any Guard Rings for Winged Boots which are -1 def and +10 speed.

Suikoden 2 [S2]

There are a few new statusblockers but they're all for basically useless status effects. Unfriendly stops combo attacks, Target makes enemies more likely to attack you. Really can't see those doing much of anything in the DL, so I won't bother calculating them. Balloon makes its triumphant return.

-can get immunity to balloon in exchange for taking ~7% extra from physicals (and for hat-users, losing ~1% HP regen and darkness resistance).

No turtle rune this time (or for any subsequent game save S5).

Suikoden 3 [S3]

In S3, you either block all but two of the game's statuses, or you block nothing. Almost everyone has access to one of the equips that null these status effects, and for many it's on their default setup (it is one of the highest-Def accessories).

Anyway, the statuses that S3 equips block are:
-possibly target and/or unfriendly... I don't recall and they're not DL relevant anyway!

Notably it does NOT block stun or instant death. The list of status effects it does block is small enough that I'd take significant issue with extending these immunities much further.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.901% damage from average damage. Note that because S3 has such a huge defence spread, I am actually calculating the increase compared to what they take by default. This means tanky PCs appear to take way more damage, but that's mostly because they were taking so little to begin with (e.g. Cecile goes from taking 46% to 55% from physicals).

Lots of names here, so slight format change to make them not take up crazy amounts of space~. Here we go!

Bright, Connie, Fubar, Gadget Z, Kogoro, Koichi, Koroku, Kosanji, Luc, Ruby, Sarah, Yuber:
-can't get immunities.

Augustine: can get immunities in exchange for taking 8% extra from physicals.
Bazba: can get immunities in exchange for taking 9% extra from physicals.
Cecile: can get immunities in exchange for taking 24% extra from physicals.
Dupa: can get immunities in exchange for taking 7% extra from physicals.
Elaine: can get immunities and take 23% less from physicals in exchange for 23% less physical damage.
Estella: can get immunities in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals.
Gau: can get immunities in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals.
Lilly: can get immunities and take 19% less from physicals in exchange for 23% less physical damage (except on turns she casts Sword of Rage).
Mel: can get immunities and take 21% less from physicals in exchange for 19% less physical damage.
Nei: can get immunities in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals.
Rhett: can get immunities and take 5% less from physicals in exchange for 3% less physical damage.
Sasarai: can get immunities in exchange for taking 5% extra from physicals.
Sgt. Joe: can get immunities and take 6% less from physicals in exchange for 3% less physical damage.
Shabon: can get immunities and take 13% less from physicals in exchange for 14% less physical damage.
Shiba: can get immunities in exchange for taking 9% extra from physicals.
Viki (big): can get immunities in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals.
Wilder: can get immunities and take 6% less from physicals in exchange for 3% less physical damage.

Everyone else:
-by default, has immunities.

Suikoden 4 [S4]

S4 is oldschool and too cool for status resistance.

Suikoden 5 [S5]

The only Suikoden which does not include accessories in the stat topic, probably because it's the first game where accessories are fully separate from boots and gloves. S5 characters have four accessory slots.

The most useful storebought accessory for mages, by far, are the elemental amulets. One to three of these (depending on PC) will raise a character's element rank to S, and each ranking raise adds about 10% more damage which is way better than anything else an accessory slot can do. One could argue these should not be considered, though, as it mostly destroys the uniqueness of innate affinities.

Regardless, that decision won't have much effect here. No matter what there will be slots for other things. The most useful accessory otherwise is probably the White Rose Brooch, since +10 speed is better than +10 of any other stat (for fighters, it also boosts physical damage except for L-range, and for L4 spells, MAG boosts aren't very potent). There are possibly exceptions (Cathari? Bernadette?) but eh. +10 to Atk, Mag, HP are also available, as is +5 MDef or +6 Def.

The Yellow Scarf is the once more the only accessory blocker the cast would consider. I assume they do not stack (it's possible they do, but I require evidence for this myself), so there's only need for one, and it would kick out a non-amulet accessory (here assumed to be a White Rose Brooch).

The cast's other option is to equip a Black Warrior Garb, which comes at a heavy defence hit (the better the PC's armour, the heavier the hit) and usually costs some elemental defence as well. The pure mages (Jeane, Viki, Zerase, etc.) can not make this trade. Only in rare cases will anyone want to make this trade, since the def hit is substantial.

The statuses that the Yellow Scarf/Black Warrior Garb resist are:
-poison (now including fire and ice flavours!)
-stun (but not unbalance, which is an identical effect)

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.552% damage from average damage.

Everyone except animals (Ernst, etc.) and DoReMi elves:
-can get resistance in exchange for -0.15 SD speed (-4%).

Garb-users (Killey, etc.):
-can get resistance in exchange for taking 19% extra from physicals and 3% extra from magic.

Lun, Nelis (leather-users with a different default):
-can get resistance in exchange for taking 23% extra from physicals and doing 9% less magic damage.

Leather-users (Cathari, Logg, Nikea, Rahal, Roog, Sharmista, Zweig, etc.):
-can get resistance in exchange for taking 26% extra from physicals and losing lightning/water halving.

Chain-users (Bernadette, Freyjadour, Georg, Kyle, Lorelai, Lyon, Miakis, Nelis, Richard, Roy, Shoon, etc.):
-can get resistance in exchange for taking 28% extra from physicals and losing lightning/fire halving.

Plate-users (Belcoot, Cius, Dinn, Galleon, Isabel, Lelei, Mathias, etc.):
-can get resistance in exchange for taking 31% extra from physicals and losing wind halving.

Finally, the Turtle Rune is back. If you allow it, it nulls all the statuses that the Yellow Scarf halves. I don't consider it myself, but if you do, the same general disclaimers as for S1 apply (some characters lack rune slots for it, some would have to give up their DL-legal runes, you may want to compare them against the other storebought rune options available, etc.).

Super Mario RPG [SMRPG]

The best storebought accessory is the Zoom Shoes, which not only grants respectable defensive boosts (+5) but also grants +10 speed, which is pretty badass even if you, like me, only view SMRPG speed as useful on the first turn. Everyone wants this as a default, except Mario, who still wants the Ghost Medal despite now being game-worst speed because halving all damage is awesome.

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 1.92% damage from average physicals and 1.28% damage from average magic.

-can get immunity to fear (atk/def/matk/mdef down) in exchange for taking 81% extra from physicals and 87% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to transformation in exchange for taking 85% extra from physicals and 90% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to sleep and silence in exchange for taking 88% extra from physicals and 92% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for taking 92% extra from physicals and 95% extra from magic.

Everyone else:
(ALL of the following come at the expense of -1.92 SD first turn speed (-48%), in addition to any listed penalties.)
-can get immunity to fear.
-can get immunity to transformation in exchange for taking 2% extra from physicals and 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to sleep and silence in exchange for taking 4% extra from physicals and 3% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for taking 6% extra from physicals and 4% extra from magic.

Vandal Hearts [VH]

« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 05:06:44 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2011, 11:54:06 PM »
Valkyrie Profile 1 [VP1]

Two accessory slots available. The two obvious stat-boosting accessories here (and they don't stack, so it has to be one of each) are the HP+30% and Atk/Mag+30%. The latter is more valuable as it overcomes defence and tends to yield 40-60% more damage. However, the female mages will largely want to keep their Fairy Earrings instead of the HP+30% (which is less effective than Atk/Mag due to how they overcome defence).

Each accessory can only block one status. The options are:
-curse (no soul crushes)

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 23% less HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 24% less damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 23% less HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 26% less damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 23% less HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 27% less damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 23% less HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 29% less damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 23% less HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 33% less damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 23% less HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 30% less damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 37% less damage.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for +1 CT on all spells.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 23% less HP.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for 36% less damage.

Valkyrie Profile 2 [VP2]

This one is weird. Anyway, VP2 has four accessory slots, but the stats of stat-boosters vary by same-colour accessory linking. There are two competing interps for VP2 (storebought/synthed equips only, or also allow common drops), so I'll deal with both. First of all, the formality:

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.073% damage from average damage. VP2 defences are utter shit, yes. (This is taking the average enemy multiplier as 1.5... VP2 mults are all over the place, but this seems like a rough average.)

Storebought/synthed equips only

Now, the first interp would be to allow storebought/synthed equips, which is what the stat topic takes. In this case, the cast has accessories that can block ONE of:
-curse (no soul crushes)
-frailty (healblock)

The competing default accessories boost Atk (all but mages) and Mag (mages). Note that because VP2 hates mages and all they stand for, magic boosts don't actually do very much for them. But VP2 defences are garbage so their other options are even worse! Note that mages will want to use a Leather Cloak (-33 RDM, -5 RST compared to the default Elfin Tafetta) for linking purposes; it makes their accessories total +39% magic instead of +18%.

To avoid clutter (haha, lost cause here), some summaries: the first trades listed (for 50% resistances, or frailty immunity) are armour substitutions and only one can be made. +30% silence resistance comes from boots and headgear substitutions. Poison immunity is from an accessory; four accessory trades can be made. Also, not listing silence resistance tricks for non-mages, but they have them too if you see it covering status effects which would shut down their normal attacks in some way.

Alicia (+68% damage):
-by default, is immune to frailty and has 30% silence resistance.
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 2% extra from magic, along with losing her default 30% elemental resistances and frailty immunity.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 3% less damage and taking 4%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default 30% elemental resistances and frailty immunity.
-can get +30% silence resistance and a 1% reduction in physical damage taken in exchange for 3% less damage and taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 10% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 12% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 23% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 32% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 40% less damage.

Rufus (+17% damage):
-by default, has 30% silence resistance.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 1% less damage and taking 3% extra from physicals.
-can get +30% silence resistance and a 1% reduction in physical damage taken in exchange for 1% less damage and taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 4% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 4% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 8% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 11% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 14% less damage.

Arngrim (+56% damage):
-by default, has 50% confuse resistance. Must give this up for the next two trades.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 2% less damage and taking 4% extra from physicals.
-can get 30% petrify resistance in exchange for 2% less damage.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 9% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 11% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 20% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 28% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 36% less damage.

Brahms (+57% damage):
-by default, has 50% frailty resistance. Must give this up for the next two trades.
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 1% extra from physicals.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 2% less damage and taking 5% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 9% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 11% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 20% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 29% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 36% less damage.

Hrist (+57% damage, -25/5 defs compared to stat topic):
-can get immunity to frailty in exchange for for taking 1% extra from physicals/magic, along with shuffling her elemental defences (+10 elements, -80 holy).
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 2%/3% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default elemental resistances.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 2% less damage and taking 5%/3% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default elemental resistances.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 9% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 11% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 20% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 29% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 36% less damage.

Lenneth (+54% damage, -25/5 defs compared to stat topic):
-can get immunity to frailty in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals, along with shuffling her elemental defences (+30 elements, -80 holy).
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 4%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default +50% holy resistance.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 2% less damage and taking 8%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default +50% holy resistance.
-can get +30% silence resistance in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals.
-can get +30% silence resistance and a 1% reduction in physical damage taken in exchange for 2% less damage and taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 9% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 11% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 20% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 28% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 35% less damage.

Silmeria (+37% damage with Crescent Arrow [default], +19% with Blue Gale)
-by default, is immune to frailty.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 2% less damage and taking 4%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default 30% elemental resistances and frailty immunity.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 7% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 8% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 15% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 22% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 27% less damage.

(All of Silmeria's damage cuts are roughly halved if she is using the Blue Gale.)

Lezard (+36% damage w/ default Frigid Damsel, -62/10 defs compared to stat topic):
-can get +30% silence resistance and a 1% reduction in physical damage taken in exchange for 1% less damage.
-can get immunity to poison in exchange for 7% less damage.
-can equip 1 accessory in exchange for 8% less damage.
-can equip 2 accessories in exchange for 15% less damage.
-can equip 3 accessories in exchange for 21% less damage.
-can equip 4 accessories in exchange for 26% less damage.

I could do the einherjar, but... no. Suffice to say most light warriors are somewhat like Alicia, most archers are somewhat like Rufus/Silmeria's Blue Gale setup, most heavy warriors are somewhat like Arngrim, and most mages... well, they only get about a seventh the boost from mag that Lezard does, so they don't lose much from statusblockers but their base damage is looking worse than ever! Just like in-game!

Sigh. Time for interp #2!

Random drops (30%+) included

Accessories get better now. First of all, better Atk/Mag boosters exist (and of more varied colours). Secondly, there's an HP booster. With linking, each boost is 18.75% (20% for Hrist/Brahms), although for atk/mag this ends up as a lower damage for archers and mages, but higher for everyone else. Archers and non-Lezard mages want 4 HP boosters, but others probably want a mix of atk and HP for optimum overall performance. In general, I set everyone up with the number of boosters which gives them the highest product of HP and average damage, which is 2 of each for Brahms/Hrist, 1 HP/3 atk for Arngrim, and 1 mag/3 HP for Lezard. Although the healers (Alicia and Lenneth) are optimised at 2/2 for raw slugging, the defensive game granted by their healing made me favour HP a bit more, so I went 1 atk/3 HP for them.

As far as statusblockers go, they get better too. In particular, the accessory situation now looks like:
-poison, stun, paralysis, freeze, confuse, petrify, silence (hereafter referred to as "most status")
-curse (no soul crushes)
-frailty (healblock)
-death (the one big addition for this interp)

Remember that each PC can only lose as many accessories of a given type (HP or damage) as they have equipped, obviously. So e.g. Alicia can only give up one +atk accessory before having to eat into her HP. Status immunities (outside frailty for female PCs) require an accessory.

Alicia (+28% damage, +56% HP):
-by default, is immune to frailty and has 30% silence resistance.
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 2% extra from magic, along with losing her default 30% elemental resistances and frailty immunity.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 1% less damage, 2% less HP, and taking 4%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default 30% elemental resistances and frailty immunity.
-can get +30% silence resistance and a 1% reduction in physical damage taken in exchange for 1% less damage, 2% less HP, and taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 12% less HP OR 22% less damage.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 14% less HP OR 22% less damage.

Rufus (+75% HP):
-by default, has 30% silence resistance.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 3% less HP and taking 3% extra from physicals.
-can get +30% silence resistance and a 1% reduction in physical damage taken in exchange for 3% less HP and taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 11% less HP.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 13% less HP.

Arngrim (+69% damage, +19% HP):
-by default, has 50% confuse resistance. Must give this up for the next two trades.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 3% less damage, 1% less HP, and taking 4% extra from physicals.
-can get 30% petrify resistance in exchange for 3% less damage and 1% less HP.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 16% less HP OR 14% less damage.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 16% less HP OR 15% less damage.

Brahms (+47% damage, +40% HP):
-by default, has 50% frailty resistance. Must give this up for the next two trades.
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 1% extra from physicals.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 2% less damage, 2% less HP, and taking 5% extra from physicals.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 14% less HP OR 16% less damage.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 15% less HP OR 17% less damage.

Hrist (+48% damage, +40% HP, -25/5 defs compared to stat topic):
-can get immunity to frailty in exchange for for taking 1% extra from physicals/magic, along with shuffling her elemental defences (+10 elements, -80 holy).
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 2%/3% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default elemental resistances.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 2% less damage, 2% less HP, and taking 5%/3% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default elemental resistances.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 14% less HP OR 16% less damage.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 15% less HP OR 17% less damage.

Lenneth (+23% damage, +56% HP, -25/5 defs compared to stat topic):
-can get immunity to frailty in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals, along with shuffling her elemental defences (+30 elements, -80 holy).
-can get 50% confuse resistance in exchange for taking 4%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default +50% holy resistance.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 1% less damage, 2% less HP, and taking 8%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default +50% holy resistance.
-can get +30% silence resistance in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals.
-can get +30% silence resistance and a 1% reduction in physical damage taken in exchange for 1% less damage, 2% less HP, and taking 1% extra from magic.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 12% less HP OR 18% less damage.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 14% less HP OR 18% less damage.

Silmeria (+75% HP)
-by default, is immune to frailty.
-can get 50% paralysis resistance in exchange for 3% less HP and taking 4%/2% extra from physicals/magic, along with losing her default 30% elemental resistances and frailty immunity.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 11% less HP.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 13% less HP.

Lezard (+15% damage w/ default Frigid Damsel, +56% HP):
-by default, has 30% silence resistance.
-can get immunity to most status in exchange for 12% less HP OR 13% less damage.
-can get immunity to one of frailty/curse/death in exchange for 14% less HP OR 13% less damage.

Again, same disclaimers as above for einherjar: light warriors generally resemble Alicia, archers (and now mages) generally resemble Rufus/Silmeria  depending on sex, and heavy warriors generally resemble Arngrim.

Okay that took way too long.

Wild Arms 1 [WA1]

Accessories take up the same slot as shields (for the guys), and Cecilia's Necronomicon/Holy Parasol. I've assumed Necronomicon as default for Cecilia (note that equipping the Holy Parasol has the exact same effect as a statusblocker for her... it's a very large stat hit).

The game's statusblocker accessories cover one of the following:
-disease (healblock)
-amnesia (no exp gain!)
-bad omen (random battle rate up!)

Not sure how defences work in this game, but it looks like there are multipliers from the boss notes. I'm assuming the average mult is 2, but this is a pretty wild guess. As such, it is assumed that each point of defence takes off 0.139% damage from average damage.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 4% extra from physicals and -8% evade.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking 3% extra from physicals and -20% evade.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 52% less damage/healing (holy shit) and taking 19% extra from magic.

Wild Arms ACF [WAACF]

The statusblockers are skills which makes me frown on them. If you do allow them, the good news is that, due to a paucity of storebought skills, there's no stat hit for using them! The bad news is that the storebought ones top out at 10%. Oh boy. 10% resistance is available, thus, to all of the following, should you allow it:
-disease (healblock)
-misery (silence + no FP gain)
-amnesia (no exp gain!)

Wild Arms 2 [WA2]

Nope, nothing available for these guys. There are statusblocking skills (which I don't allow in general) but they're even less legal than in most games because they incur a permanent cost. In theory someone braver than me could figure out what the optimum non-statusblocker skills they'd push out would be... maybe.

Wild Arms 3 [WA3]

Statusblockers are entirely skills on mediums. Obviously I'm not going to allow this, but for those who do, read on...

There's a way to teach mediums skills. Basically, there are items that do it. Great! Unfortunately these items are limited, so it's not legal. BUT you can sell them to the black market and then buy as many copies as you like. This is kinda obscure (if you use the item before selling it, you're out of luck) and extremely expensive. I really, really don't recommend allowing these for all sorts of reasons. If you insist, though, here's the list:
-disease (healblock)
-misery (silence + no FP gain)
-glass (petrify variant)
-amnesia (no exp gain!)

The death-blocker costs 500k gella, which is even more stupidly expensive than the rest.

Wild Arms 4 [WA4]

There are two ways to acquire statusblockers in this game. You can get them as rarish steals or even rarer drops, which presumably isn't seen as legal. Or you can buy them at the Black Market. On the plus side, there are no storebought badges for these to compete with. On the downside, I'd probably assess their level cost.

However, for four of the statusblockers, one is already available in chests. Thus, I'd reduce the normal level cost of 8 to 6, since to get enough for the entire party, you just need to buy three (and have four PCs' levels to draw on). So you'll see a lower cost assessed for these. You may wish to assess a lighter penalty if you see the cast randomly picking a blocker or two up from steals/etc., in which case you can just scale down the penalties listed here.

It is assumed that each point of effective defence (DFP*DEF/100) takes off 0.078% damage from average damage. This sounds terrible, but the spread is over 1000 points, so it's actually very potent.

-can get immunity to one of disease, confuse, petrify, or death in exchange for 1% HP, 8 MP, -16% hit, -16% evade, 9% speed, 8% less physical damage, 31% less Assault Buster damage, and taking 7%/2% extra from physicals/magic.
-can get immunity to one of poison, misery, sleep, or amnesia in exchange for 5% HP, 14 MP, -18% hit, -18% evade, 10% speed, 9% less physical damage, 35% less Assault Buster damage, and taking 7%/2% extra from physicals/magic.

-can get immunity to one of disease, confuse, petrify, or death in exchange for 2% HP, 6 MP, -16% hit, -16% evade, 11% speed, 14% less physical damage, 5% less magic damage, and taking 3%/12% extra from physicals/magic.
-can get immunity to one of poison, misery, sleep, or amnesia in exchange for 6% HP, 18 MP, -18% hit, -18% evade, 13% speed, 16% less physical damage, 5% less magic damage, and taking 4%/13% extra from physicals/magic.

-can get immunity to one of disease, confuse, petrify, or death in exchange for 2% HP, 6 MP, -16% hit, -16% evade, 10% speed, 11% less physical damage, 5% less magic damage, and taking 2%/7% extra from physicals/magic.
-can get immunity to one of poison, misery, sleep, or amnesia in exchange for 6% HP, 18 MP, -18% hit, -18% evade, 11% speed, 13% less physical damage, 5% less magic damage, and taking 3%/8% extra from physicals/magic.

-can get immunity to one of disease, confuse, petrify, or death in exchange for 2% HP, 8 MP, -16% hit, -16% evade, 10% speed, 4% less physical damage, and taking 13%/5% extra from physicals/magic.
-can get immunity to one of poison, misery, sleep, or amnesia in exchange for 6% HP, 14 MP, -18% hit, -18% evade, 11% speed, 5% less physical damage, and taking 15%/5% extra from physicals/magic.

Kresnik can't access the Black Market.

Wild Arms 5 [WA5]

The cast has three badge slots, and this time, there's storebought stuff! Most of the stat-boosting accessories have corresponding downsides; of those that don't and are storebought, Silver Sun (HP+250) is the best. The cast has three badge slots, and only has one trade worth making.

-can get immunity to death in exchange for 5% HP.

Wild Arms XF [WAXF]

No accessories, so not much to say here!

-by default, is immune to death.

Xenogears [XG]

Optimum here is pretty simple: by default, everyone wants Black Leather and Black Helmet, which give huge defensive values, leaving one slot for something else. The Speed Ring is the most potent thing to put here, since it tends to grant about 15% more speed compared to much more modest boosts to other stats. The exception is Chu-Chu, who wants her unique Chu-Chu Idol (large boost to physical damage and durability). Rico and Emeralda have unique MDef boosters as options, but even Emeralda (whose boost is +10) is less useful than +1 speed (let alone +35 def) in general.

There are two statusblocking accessories worth noting. They block:
-blind, poison, slow, stop, attack-down, defence-down, and HP-down
-confuse, silence, and sleep

It is assumed that each point of defence takes off 1.527% damage from average physicals and 2.291% damage from average magic.

-can equip an accessory in exchange for 44% less physical damage and taking ~49% extra from physicals.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking ~53% extra from physicals.

Everyone else:
-can equip an accessory in exchange for ~13% less speed.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking ~53% extra from physicals.
-can equip an accessory in exchange for taking ~116% extra from physicals.

Xenosaga 1 [XS1]

The game has a pretty weak spread of storebought accessories (+2 to core stats, except speed). I also have no idea how potent Xenosaga 1 stats are, having not played the game in years plus a total lack of good notes in any of the FAQs or stat thread. I suspect the EAtk/Str stats end up the most worthwhile, so everyone would end up taking a tiny hit to damage (I'd guess about 4%) to equip a statusblocker. Don't hold me to that, though.

It barely matters, because look at the amazing list of statusblockers Xenosaga 1 has:
-strength down
-ether attack down
-defence down

Oh well, better than nothing.

Xenosaga 2 [XS2]

Speaking of nothing? Yeah, that's what the cast has this time out.

And that's it!

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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2011, 02:29:48 AM »
Always held to this interp myself but generally gone with a generic, hand-wavey stat penalty.  i.e. rather than assume one specific accessory is always used as "default", eat a general small stat penalty that assumed you removed 1/3 an HP booster, 1/3 an Attack booster, 1/3 a Magic booster, etc.  That said for some casts, it's easy to pick one specific accessory they always want, just picking a default has some wonky effects, especially if the default is speed-related.

Yay on the FF6 notes.  Brief other note: if RunningShoes are assumed for everybody, this also makes Cyan relatively worse.  He's even more stuck spamming Dispatch as his drain game is "slower" relatively.

FF8, well, that debate's been had already, but there certainly are interps that hand out legal status blockers.  Status Defense Junction is incredibly easy to get 3 of and you can actually get 6 if you insist on that many.  Suffice to say that casts blocks exactly one FF8 status in general, unless they opt for equipping Pain in the Status Defense junction slot, which gives resistance to Dark / Poison / Silence.  According to a Wikia site I googled up, it also grabs Curse, but no idea if that is true or not.  There's also a potential interp that would require only statuses to be blocked that are "storebought" in the sense of buying stuff than refining it into spells...  no idea what that would imply, but the cast probably doesn't block Death any more (since that requires Saw Blades to refine IIRC and is definitely not storebought).

What exactly is going on with the SD3 status blocking?  Are those blockers only sold in Lise's castle which gets closed to non-Lise parties or something?


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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2011, 04:41:47 AM »
Awesome work on this, NEB!

Can probably contribute a little:
Soul Nomad has a storebought "Decor" item that blocks all status effects. IIRC, since SN units don't have individual equipment slots, they instead equip things to an entire Squad. In the DL, SN PCs are taken as being a Squad with only a single Unit in it, so this shouldn't be an issue.

However, Decor equips only last for one Plot battle (in repeatable random battles, they can be used over and over again). Some may see this as illegal since this makes them 'consumable', but these items are also incredibly cheap.

IIRC, the Status-immunity Decor is competing with general +10% stat boosters.


Can't recall the blockers, but I remember that Tales of Symphonia has some weird nonsense with EX-Cores where the entire cast can actually get a skill that makes them status-immune (at the cost of better skills like Auto-Life), but only if you find every EX-Core treasure box/enemy steal in the game. Probably not helpful to the cast, but I found it interesting.

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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2011, 05:08:17 AM »
Thanks to super for catching an oversight I made about SO2 and its access to death immunity.

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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2012, 12:13:38 AM »
For the fun of it since this was relevant to Snow/Nina in the CK DL and it isn't listed in this topic...  the FF13 stat topic already lists what the cast can resist:

Resist Debrave  | Giant's Glove, Warlord's Glove
Resist Defaith  | Glass Buckle, Tekite Buckle
Resist Deprotect| Metal Armband, Ceramic Armband
Resist Deshell  | Serenity Sachet, Safeguard Sachet
Resist Slow     | Glass Orb, Dragonfly Orb
Resist Poison   | Star Pendant, Starfall Pendant
Resist Imperil  | Pearl Necklace, Gemstone Necklace
Resist Curse    | Warding Talisman, Hexbane Talisman
Resist Pain     | Pain Dampener, Pain Deflector
Resist Fog      | White Cape, Effulgent Cape
Resist Daze     | Rainbow Anklet, Moonbow Anklet
Resist Death    | Cherub's Crown, Seraph's Crown

Debrave is -STR, Defaith is -MAG, Deprotect is -PDEF, Deshell is -MDEF, Slow is the usual, Poison is the usual (FF13 poison is not very scary, FWIW), Imperil reduces elemental resistance by one level (usually equal to double damage - neutral becomes double, halved becomes neutral), Curse is "you are easier to stun-lock and make you lose actions from being attacked", Pain is "physical silence = no physical-based abilities, including the base Attack", Fog is Silence (no magic-based abilities), Daze is [Stun/Stop/Sleep], Death is Death.

You can stack the same equip multiple times.  The effect is multiplicative.  Putting three 30% accessories on is 1-0.7*0.7*0.7 = 65% resistance.  Three 45% accessories would be 83% resistance to the status ailment.  Three 60% accessories is 93% resistance.

As for the stat penalty, if any...  it depends on whether you use base unupgraded lvl. 1 accessories bought from the store, max-upgraded lvl. 1 accessories, lvl. 2 accessories, or maxed lvl. 2 accessories.  The more allowed, the better the status blocking, but the larger the stat penalty.

For sanity's sake, just looking at lvl. 1 unupgraded storebought competition:
Platinum Bangle   HP: +400
Warrior's Wristband   Strength: +100
Sorcerer's Mark         Magic: +100
General's Belt           Resist Physical: +15
Witch's Bracelet           Resist Magic: +15
Royal Armlet           Resist Damage: +5
Entite Ring           Elemental Resistance +10
Whistlewind Scarf      Tiny ATB boost on turn 1

...and some other odd things like Lightning Affinity + Critical Barthunder, which I'll ignore.

Anyway, weird things happen in the DL if you let characters equip how they like for each fight with things like Witch's Bracelet / General's Belt depending on whether they're fighting a mage or not that tend to result in either screwing the cast vs. "balanced" opponents by holding them against an average that assumes they stacked the "right" resistance, or letting the cast screw over one-note opponents.  So if you want to assume 3x of the "best" yet most general accessory, that's probably 3x Royal Armlets, and the cast arguably is extra good against elementally-reliant opponents by swapping that to 3x Entite Rings when fighting Fire Emblem mages and the like.  If a dueler swaps in a status blocker, they take ~5% more damage for each one, or 15% damage for 65% resistance in the case where there's just 1 status the dueler cares about.

If upgraded lvl. 1 accessories are used, Royal Armlet upgrades quite nicely to ~15% damage reduction per, but the status blockers go from 30% reduction per to 45% reduction per, or 83% combined if just 1 status is cared about being stopped.

If you're me, the penalty isn't nearly as harsh since even though the storebought attack-boosters are kind of scrubby, I'd factor 'em in along with the other options.  To make the numbers add up to 10, I will arbitrarily assume that FF13 characters get a magical combination accessory that is a basket of 3 Royal Armlets + 1 of each of the others listed above in each slot, averaged out.  This means -40 HP, -10 Str, -10 Mag, -1% Elemental Resist, -2% first turn speed, -2.5% Physical resist, -2.5% magical resist for each status blocking accessory equipped.


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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2012, 11:03:29 PM »
reason #whatever that penalizing for status blocking is silly if you don't actually allow the stat accessories to be used in the first place


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Re: The (mostly) complete list of statusblockers
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2013, 10:21:40 AM »
Since Radiant Historia wasn't ranked at the time DHE compiled this list...  the storebought status blockers in it, C&Ped from the stat topic:

- There are several status blocking accessories. PCs have 3 accessory slots. Status  resistance goes from 0 (none) to 6 (immunity)
Obsidian: Petrify +2
Sapphire: Paralysis +6
Amethyst: Fear +6
Emerald: Poison +6
Earth Drops: Poison/Fear/Par +4
Sky Drops: ALL +2               <- Stack 3 of these for status immunity

Note that DarkHolyElf found via testing that Sky Drops does *not* protect from RH Instant Death, however (not entirely uncommon, a la CT, ID isn't seen by all games as a status).

The best storebought competition is:

Arbor Ring - HP+60/MP+40
Feather Armlet - SPD+5
Queen Stud - DEF+15/MDF+15
Beast Charm - ATK+10
Thauma Charm - MAG+10

However, I definitely think that the stat topic numbers would have to be redone if accessories were allowed (as per Talaysen), as they can swing things around a good deal - most notably in regressing everyone toward the mean.  For example, if everyone wanted to do nothing but equip 3x Arbor Rings (which are a tad obscure to buy), Eruca would go from .66 PCHP (+ bad physical defense) to .75 PCHP in the stat topic.  3x Queen Studs would complicate things too, depending on if you used enemy attacks (which might well make Rosch nigh-immune) or a hypothetical .40 PCHP incoming strike (which favors Eruca again as everyone's defense becomes closer to average).  The cast also potentially gets to cheat the damage averages some, as their "best" equipment is likely not the attack boosting stuff, but they can occasionally throw off defensive accessories for offensive ones to get that OHKO or whatever if the averages are fixed on the "best" equips.  Also note that the cast gets deeper resources off Arbor Ring and it's easier to enforce heal locks with the extra MP.

Anyway, as a rough approximation (take with huge grain of salt per above), I'd say everyone magically has each of their 3 slots as 1/4 of the 4 relevant accessories, skipping the attack stat that isn't relevant in the match (Rosch doesn't bother with Thauma Charms, Raynie doesn't care about Beast Charms, etc.).  IOW:

Feathery Queen ThaumaBeast Ring: HP+15, MP+10, SPD +1.25, DEF/MDEF + 3.75, (ATK or MAG) +2.5

That's how much a RH character "loses" to equip a single status-blocking accessory.  Multiply the numbers by 3 if they need the full immunity.  (But see above notes that the averages to subtract from would be different anyway, which I am far too lazy to actually calculate out.)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 10:23:13 AM by SnowFire »