
Author Topic: General Health/Exercise Topic  (Read 10396 times)


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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #75 on: March 29, 2014, 09:27:21 PM »
More for future reference since I seem to keep looking online for what the fuck my last lifts were.  Did an odd lift comp yesterday for giggles

Close stance back squat 115 kg (because I can't front squat like everyone else did)
Shoulder press 50 kg
Deficit deadlifts off 2 inch block 150 kg
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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #76 on: April 07, 2016, 11:58:53 PM »
So I've kept up this routine since January: physical activity every day.

Mon - Weight Lifting
Tues - Yoga/Cardio
Wed - Weight Lifting
Thurs - Yoga/Cardio
Fri - Weight Lifting
Saturday - Yoga
Sunday - Veg

Ekhart Yoga is the group of awesome online yoga teachers for cheap. If you can't hold yourself accountable and push yourself, I wouldn't suggest doing it. But, if you can, definitely worth the money and some of their vinyasa routines are dope. Sometimes their directions are awkward.

So now I'm squatting 150, deadlifting 125 if those two things matter.

BUT THAT STAIRMASTER THO--- *bump bumps thread*

Also diagnosed with low blood pressure :<


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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #77 on: April 08, 2016, 12:39:08 AM »
yeah but what do u bench brah

Squat and DL number are pretty good for starting off, but not unexpected from my memory of your build.
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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #78 on: April 08, 2016, 03:15:53 AM »
already disappearing boobs has made me not wanna bench press.

I do 3 sets of 20 for the squats, I could go up but im not trying to live the instagram fat booty life.

I started squatting about a month and a half ago. why dont i try benching tomorrow, i bet you it wont be much


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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #79 on: April 08, 2016, 04:26:46 AM »
nah just stick with like overhead press, wide lat pulls and chin ups when you can.

get traps like you are a song i would dance to in the dark alone because i have anxiety problems

Seriously though 3x20 is a massive set.  Good for maintaining and toning.  You could do heavier if you were aiming to top out, but wtfever mang.  The numbers are better knowing they are sets of 20 not 10-12.
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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #80 on: April 08, 2016, 05:53:17 PM »
I was already told my clavicle's too well defined when I did a photoshoot for an artist who put fake herpes on my lip. getting defined traps will be w trap

btw i def safely did 50 for pressing. could have done 60 but naw. i need to up my boob deflating game

yeah I do 20, i learned that 20 doesnt bulk you up, sometimes I go a little below 90 but not often because i feel more from 90.

what are you doinh


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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #81 on: April 08, 2016, 11:20:10 PM »
Being a useless fat fuck.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #82 on: April 16, 2016, 01:55:39 PM »
Eh, we all get get back to different motions at different times or move on to different things

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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #83 on: October 16, 2016, 01:21:39 AM »
So in the last week and a half I’ve been trying to start a journey. As I’ve continued, the journey has become a little more defined in having a tangible goal. I am going to try to lose 20 pounds before my 30th birthday (May 8th).

So I decided, rather than go with some fad diet, I would analyze what things I was screwing up with my diet and how to fix those things. Four primary factors:

1. Too many empty calories via drinks
2. Too many unhelpful calories through snacks
3. Not enough exercise
4. Overeating

So I have decided to approach these four subjects with varying degrees of vigor. The first, I’ve decided to limit calories in drinks to be under 100 calories per day. This means that I can still enjoy my tea with a bit of honey in it, but can’t indulge in sugary lattes or coke. A week and a half in, this hasn’t been broken yet, so I guess it wasn’t so difficult to remove from my life. Not that I haven’t pined to have some sugary drink, but not enough to pull the trigger.

For the second, I have tried to supplement my sweet tooth with flavored yogurt and fruit rather than baked goods and other snacks. I had a slice of apple pie and a cone of ice cream since the diet started, and I’m fine with that as long as I can stick with my other rules. I am also going to try to walk to the ice cream shop rather than getting there any other way. That way, it will be earned.

The third is tricky. I bought a three month pass to the gym last month. I’ve been trying to motivate myself to go four times a week. It’s really tough, because I try to stay busy, but I’ve been going pretty diligently. I think I might need to put in more work during my time there, though.

The fourth is in most ways the most challenging because I love eating. My solution so far has been simply to overeat on vegetables and other healthy food, including making salads to supplement high-calorie dinners. I might try to address this once I am a little further in, but so far my calorie counts have been pretty good.

I’ve been using MyFitnessPal to record my progress. It’s an online food diary that tracks the calorie content of everything that you eat. It’s not perfect — there are multiple different entries for the calories of different things, but with a Google search the truth usually is apparent.

I’ve also been trying out some new recipes to use to add some extra nutrition to my diet, particularly fiber.

I already made a potato lentil soup a couple of times. It’s quite filling, and pretty delicious. I don’t think I could eat it every day, but I might try to make it to bring to work for lunch a couple of times a week.

Today’s experiment is broccoli, chicken, and quinoa casserole. We’ll see how that goes~
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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #84 on: October 16, 2016, 02:55:34 AM »
Best of luck to you.

One other thing you might try to pay attention to is sleep.  Getting regular, sufficient sleep can reduce your appetite, which makes everything else a hell of a lot easier.  My experience is that plus moderate exercise like a good walk can go a long way to setting the stage to make everything else work.
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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #85 on: October 30, 2016, 02:55:14 AM »
A little further into this campaign, and things are still going well. After I got some bad news about my dad, I was feeling a little more inclined to just give up and go back to whatever, but after getting a little frozen yogurt and seeing that I've lost 4 pounds since I started bolstered my resolve again. Right now I'm trying to learn some good smoothie recipes from a friend who is really into them.
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Re: General Health/Exercise Topic
« Reply #86 on: November 12, 2016, 07:52:40 PM »
This has, unsurprisingly, been the most challenging week so far, as most of my innate responses to stress and depression are to eat copious amounts of food and sweet. I have largely been able to suppress those impulses, mostly by drinking more tea and just telling those urges to fuck off. I went out for dinner last night with a friend who is also pretty down, and we did indulge a bit, but didn't get dessert or anything too crazy. Elfboy told me that Trump doesn't deserve to derail your diet, fuck that, and I agree ! The bigger letdown of the week was the lack of gym since I've been pretty sick, but I went back today.

6 pounds down so far. I'm feeling like the goal is achievable now.
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