The Witcher 2 (Dark Mode, magic oriented character): Finished the Chapter 1 sidequests available, about to continue the plot.
I was slightly disappointed at first, I expected something more combat oriented. I mean, there's a "Die and we'll wipe your save" mode available. I never thought this would happen in a game with a "Time spent in combat/Time spent overall" ratio similar to Suikoden.
This is probably not a bad thing objectively, as the battle system just isn't that good. It looks terrific at first, but on a high difficulty where you can't just buttonmash, the flaws are pretty apparent.
Monsters aren't terribly agressive or threatening on their own, in fact you can pretty much mash A until they die without getting hit. They're only threatening as a group, because you can only attack one at once. So it's pretty much like an old beat'em'up in that regard (Streets of Rage, Final Fight), but you get a few more tools like traps.
Controls are unfortunately not tight enough. Changing between targets should be a big thing with this premise, but it's not precise at all. When I change a target I don't actually ever know who I'm going to target next. Targetting is a big thing too because Geralt can only hurt the enemy he is targeting - I already saw my sword go through enemies without them getting hurt.
The absolute worst part about the game are Geralt's normal attacks. Geralt has a bunch of normal attacks - and you never know which one he's going to use when you press A or X. It could be "Efficient Strike"! Or it could be "Useless Flamboyant Whirlpool Attack With A Terrible One Second Delay"! When you die in 2 or 3 hits and can't heal mid battle, this is a big thing.
A lot of all my attacks don't even hit because I don't know how much distance Geralt is going to travel with his next attack.
Plot, character, choice stuff are honestly pretty decent so far... I just can't really care about generic fantasy settings anymore. Geralt reminds me of Stocke from Radiata Stories; that intelligent character who doesn't really ever get angry or flaunt about how badass he is.
Yes, Rob = NEB. The main difference being that Geralt is a terrible drinker.
It's honestly a very good game, objectively. Just not really too exciting to me. It has QTEs.
Pokemon White 2: Don't trust others, it is still the same game. Remember, this series changes less than Dragon Quest.
Calling it now: The innovations in the next series of Pokemon games will be:
1) The removal of the "Want to use Surf Y/N??" message (You press A next to water and BAM, you surf)
2) A minigame where you put your pokemon in a Jersey Shore TV series
3) A plant/steel starter
Anyway I like it.
My team rocks:
(Admittedly, the fire pig is way better but I've already used it last time)