Zenny: Haas will always get pissy at you even if you were nice to him, which is fair enough, since getting fired for someone who was desperate enough to keep their job they shot kids before is probably a big blow. As for Eliza... yeah I dunno, I have to agree with Adam when he said "No, this is impossible, people would know." It is really not that hard to find out! (She needs maintenance, right? How the hell do you keep the janitor quiet? And her hologram generation can't actually touch people? Must make for awkward interviews...) The over-the-top Picus conspiracy BS is over-the-top conspiracy BS, so yes it makes no sense especially now that it's 10+ years after Deus Ex in real life and YouTube exists, but hey it's loyal to 90s conspiracy thinking. (If nothing else, Fox News proves that at worst, there would be several different highly polarized lying media outlets each of which told its adherents what they wanted to hear, but noooo the Iluminati need the One Big News Network everyone watches.) Also agree that Eliza's plot doesn't really jibe well with Deus Ex, but I'll give them something of a pass, it's clearly something they felt was obligatory to include for a Deus Ex game and they do try and work it in later, you'll see.
2nd boss was the toughest fight in the game for me, no Typhoon, just shotgun & paying careful attention to the water (WTF is water doing in the server room - oh wait to make the fight more sane, carry on). I do agree that as far as character build-up, I'd have far preferred an awesome boss fight against Eliza, but I'll take it, I guess. It's an interesting fight anyway on a gameplay level, but give us 2 boss fights then.
I found the improved radar quite useful myself and that was literally the first augment I bought. The default radar is good but I must have the best. Save-scumming or just playing carefully can certainly help overcome that, of course. And yeah, don't bother hacking everything just for the sake of hacking it & getting XP, I got that bug a little but realized it's not really needed too. (That said, seeing through walls at the cost of energy?! Tagging enemies to track them? lolno. Silent running isn't even that useful because it competes with invisibility. Not so much you need for the stealthy playthrough.)