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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #275 on: February 02, 2012, 03:03:05 PM »
FF13-2: Started, about an hour in.

Shale:  What's killing you, the fliers or the waves of Fire Giants? Where are you making the choke point at?

double trouble is *HELL* on Nightmare by the way. Oh my fucking god.
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #276 on: February 02, 2012, 04:13:53 PM »
Oh, I'm sure it is. I'd forgotten what a luxury free revives of paladins was.

The problem at the tower was tactics - I've only taken two stabs at it, and both times the kobold sappers and gnolls just blitz through my mace-and-paladin chokepoints and mob me personally. Once I get home I'll take a run at it where I use the setup period before wave 4 to just pull the paladins altogether, drop a few decoys, and camp out at the bottom of the course with a crossbow and lightning ring.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #277 on: February 02, 2012, 06:32:12 PM »
Your Paladins are going to get pounded bad by the later waves if you aren't there to camp out with ice magic/wind belt attacks. wind magic or overpowered spring traps to push back the hordes are effective there. I also used a lot of arrow wall traps- the bleed damage from the end of the trap weaver is effective against larger targets, and there's a lot of wall space on that map.

Though normal mode Paladins have much faster regen than Nightmare Paladins. It says something that Paladins are still so good on Nightmare.

Edit: If you can manage to five star Hard climb on nightmare, tell me how you did it.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 06:41:50 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #278 on: February 02, 2012, 06:52:13 PM »
My strategy for the later waves is lightning ring altfire and lots and lots of maces. I was planning on grinders on the wall and brimstone past the chokepoint to catch kobolds, but if ogres are an issue, arrow walls will probably be better.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #279 on: February 02, 2012, 07:17:06 PM »
The later waves like to throw 10+ ogres out at you. It gets ugly.

There are a couple of ways to take that map. I never use brimstones myself, prefer to use the wind belt.  My setup on normal was... *thinks* Archer/Paladin/Wind/Ice/Fire/Tar/arrows/mace/Ballista

Wind pushes back the big threats on the map, ice handles those fucking fire giants.  Ballistas have good range on the map and help deal with the fliers.  You can camp out on the bottom- wall of Archers there, couple of Paladins, maybe some barracades to create a narrow chokepoint. The only issue with that is that archers and fliers both are going to kick the shit out of your guardians, and you won't have any room to retreat.
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #280 on: February 02, 2012, 09:03:12 PM »
As far as rare ingredients go, Dragon Scales are rather hard to get, and Demon Titanite to a lesser extent.  And don't use anything with "slab" in the name unless you're really sure you want that upgrade.

I used one to max out the lightning spear (which I think was totally worth it, given what it does to anything not named Ornstein).

And yeah, I stab every damn chest I find before trying to open it.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #281 on: February 03, 2012, 01:37:52 AM »
...Wow, I really thought I'd be stuck there a while. Three things Ornstein doesn't like: lightning defense; Quelaag's sword getting shoved in his face; SUNBRO. Still died once even with all that in order, though. Got overconfident after Ornstein died so quickly. "Oh, Smough's easy to dodge, I don't have to keep my distance!" *electrical surge* "Ohshit I should probably--" *ZAP* "" Oh well, three deaths total isn't bad for this game. You were a magnificent distraction, Solaire, let's do it again sometime~

Oh yeah, how the heck do you get to that chest in the far corner of the painting building? There's no way up from the ground that I can see, and I even took another nervewracking walk across the rafters to see if jumping down was possible and didn't see a place for it.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #282 on: February 03, 2012, 03:27:05 AM »
The chest on the chandelier?  Attack the chandelier chain while walking on the rafters.  If that's not it, I don't know what you're talking about.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #283 on: February 03, 2012, 03:42:49 AM »
Oh yeah, how the heck do you get to that chest in the far corner of the painting building? There's no way up from the ground that I can see, and I even took another nervewracking walk across the rafters to see if jumping down was possible and didn't see a place for it.

Near the door that leads outside on the upper level, you can roll-jump to the area near the statue and roll-jump again to get the chest.  But don't bother, it's just a Goddess Blessing or whatever those useless things are called.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #284 on: February 03, 2012, 04:36:14 AM »
FE10 - Laguz playthrough beaten! Ultimately the hardest maps were probably 3-4 (which was mostly getting used to using 5 laguz + 1 beorc, also Kyza/Lyre sucking) and 3-11 (okay this was legitimately tough). Using six PCs who want Laguz Stones/Gems in endgame involves a bit of juggling but ultimately nothing too bad; it's not optimum but I was still able to Gem the PCs who needed it most, and three of the fights are shortish anyway.

PC notes:

Volug: Easily kill leader (116). Leaning on him heavilly makes the Dawn Brigade chapters notably easier because he's so good. Hell, I halfshifted him for the swarms of 3-12 and he was still outstanding. Got S strike around the end of 1-7 and SS at the very end of 3-6. Eventually lowish str catches up a bit but he's always very good. Nice affinity too, a great candidate for Resolve into invincibility always.

Micaiah and Ike: 89 and 87 kills respectively. They do what they always did. I ended up giving both quite a few stat boosters since I wanted to experience the laguz "raw" which helped, but Ike was speed-screwed so that just cancelled out. Ike had three SS-caliber weapons which was funny! Anyway I mainly used them for some 1-2 range stuff and in Micaiah's case, healing.

Ranulf: 82 kills. Not much to say about Ranulf, he's forced for a while but always good. All his stats are very solid, and cat gauge is really his only weakness. Then endgame rolls around and he doesn't even have that, although of course he does lose his first turn to use a gem (except in E-3). Hit S strike in 3-10 and SS late in 4-5.

Lethe: Also 82 kills. Benefits from being the easiest laguz to build strike level for in the game outside Volug (S in 3-7, SS near the start of 4-4). Cat gauge of course sucks, but she's fast and durable and does get power once she gets rolling.

Janaff and Ulki: Both around 75 kills. We already know how good these guys are. They have Canto, they fly. They don't even really fear bows outside silver. And crossbows of course. Nullify helps there. And Ulki's durability is insane. Janaff isn't quite so amazing in that regard; he just has the best offence of any laguz outside the royals and that says a lot. The best PC in the Greil Mercenary section of part 3 which was also the hardest, so this is worth a lot! They hit S strike around 3-10/3-11 and SS around the start of endgame.

Mordecai: Great strength and defence, doesn't double ever. For a while he's decent but then he starts falling behind Lethe/Ranulf/Janaff/Ulki badly. You can get something out of him with Resolve, at least, but I'm not inclined to respect that too much until part 4 which is a bit too late since tigers in endgame are lol. Hit S strike around 3-11.

Kyza: Also around 40 kills. Not even that much better than Lyre. Somehow this is the second playthrough I used him, too! Complete garbage until he gets some speed, at which point he becomes a cat with a better gauge but with less durability because he doesn't have great evade or great def. Bit more offence except against swordmasters/etc. where he has way less. Garbage for endgame of course. Bad at gaining strike level (hit S in part 4 around the same time as Nealuchi).

Lyre: Around 30 kills. Well, she's more durable than Kyza (better speed) but even worse offence because lolol 22 base attack. She grows out of that thanks to strike level but her offence is never good unless you give her an Energy Drop or two. S strike in 3-10, would have hit SS easily enough in endgame but uh yeah that wasn't happening. Worst cat in every meaningful way.

Nealuchi: ~25 kills. Useful in part 2 since he's so darn durable and has canto, even if he doesn't one-round things. Kinda... stays this way in part 4 honestly, flight and so on is good there.

Muarim and Vika: ~15 kills. Good in part 1, trash in part 4, nothing else new there.

Skrimir: Has a nice slow gauge which is great for part 4. Terrific in his first map, second... is really reliant on getting speed, kinda tempramental as a PC there though good in all other non-speed ways. Endgame neuters his big advantage and I don't see much reason to use him there though if he does gain a lot of speed he's solid.

Giffca, Caineghis: ~13 kills. I dunno, Giffca's very solid (one-rounds almost everything that isn't a red dragon or boss) but kinda forgettable. Nice at one-rounding things like Cover Spirits, at least. Cain is Cain. Giffca with Formshift = scary good. Needs Nasir help for the final battle (both do) but that's about the only complaint.

Nailah, Naesala, Tibarn: ~65 kills, Tibarn had less than the other two. I gave Naesala Nullify for part 4 so he could ruin some shit in the desert, a place he can struggle with at times normally. This let him hit SS strike reasonably in E-1 or E-2 (I forget which) and actually keep up with the other two for attack. Tibarn and Nailah of course dominate their respective part 4 maps (as well as 1-8 and 1-E for Nailah). Nailah lacks Canto but is just completely unkillable, Tibarn's amazing with the 10 move and power and durability, Naesala's the most frail and needs the most growth but still amazing. Hard to rank the royals in the endgame proper, they are top four of course because they have the godmode stats AND the formshift and yeah holy shit in general. This was certainly the easiest endgame ever because they're very likely the four best PCs in it. There are solid arguments for Elincia and maaaybe Jill/Shinon/Rolf (though only one of the latter obviously) drawing in ahead of Naesala but yeah.

Other beorc: Sothe is Sothe. Notably tied the hawks for #6 in kills with 75. Marcia was the next highest beorc at ~40, most important PC in the Crimean chapters due to flight, I master crowned her to own 3-9 hard and it works better than crowning one of the paladins if you're willing to sacrifice her long-term. Jill was also around ~40, canto makes her pretty great in DB part 3 and she was the most important non-Volug PC there certainly.

Casualties of the playthrough were Nolan, Ilyana, and Meg (died in part 1), Haar (died in 2-E trying to solo half the map), Zihark (died in 3-6. Repeatedly. After the third time I didn't reset <.<), Sigrun (with ~30 kills, too, she was really important until her death late in the desert!), Kurth (one-rounded in endgame untransformed), Gareth (ate 94 damage from the final boss, Gareth LITERALLY the best).

It's worth noting there are roughly just enough Olivi Grass storebought to field an entirely laguz army (then of course they're infinitely available late).

Fun fun. I do like the laguz, they legitimately have their own ups and downs compared to beorc and play rather differently while ultimately feeling balanced against them (obviously there's good and bad of both, but you can reasonably compare Janaff/Ulki to high tier humans, Lethe to mid, and Kyza/Lyre to low, for instance... the spectrum's the same). I think using a mix is obviously best, but it was interesting to see what the laguz alone would do.

EDIT: One last random observation I need to record: Blossom on high-level laguz is awesome. They lose nothing from it since they're gaining 1 exp anyway, and their growths skyrocket upwards especially due to how "low" they are to start with. Just BExp them to 99, pop on Blossom for a map, and boom.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 07:27:57 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #285 on: February 03, 2012, 09:11:03 AM »
Disgaea 4 - Apparently the game decided to be merciful; C8 and the first half of C9 were a lot less nasty than C7.

Then I run into the Magichange Robot Rape Force in what I think is the last fight of C9.

God damn.  Boss there (if she really counts as one like the C7 and C8 ones did) gets credit for her support being able to wipe out eight of my ten party members.  Guess I'll try using my Heavy Knight as a decoy, though he's been less and less useful at that as of late.  Perhaps it's time to actually spend some of the 7 million HL and pass a More Expensive Stuff bill or two.

Going to have to peg C7 and C8 as my favorite parts of the game so far overall--C7 largely for taking every "storm the castle" trope and making it silly with the increasing groups of miniboss squads, on top of having some of the best map design I've seen in the entire series.  C8 was more of a breather chapter mapwise, but I enjoyed it a lot.

Quick cast updates!

Valzy (Lv68): He's gotten better at damage, and he doesn't explode in one hit to -everything- now.  Just every other thing.  Better in maps where there are either respawning or a large number of enemies, but Cross Demon Rush is giving him some offensive power.

Fenfen (Lv64): Not...really any changes from before.  Good when Valvatorez is there, mediocre otherwise.  He's fallen in usefulness now that everything has elemental resists.

Fuka (~Lv66): Pringer XX.  It's nice, anyway, but at this point my best damage is coming from magic and B/A-rank skills.  Always nice to have a useful wide-area attack, though, and it is awesome.  Dream Girl's useful still to let her survive a hit or two, and R.I.P. has been her mainstay since the start of C8

Desco (Lv67): Just got Mana Scarcity.  Her stats are good enough to deal with her poor skill bases, and she's pretty much the artillery of the group, being one of the only ones to possess good AoE nontyped attacks.

Emizel (Lv65): He's fallen off a bit in effectiveness thanks to C9 enemies largely having 25% resist all.  His frailness doesn't show AS much now that just about everyone's getting stomped.

Vulcanus (Lv70): For the count, she's been sidelined since the start of C9, after gaining 5 levels from the C8 boss alone.

C8 boss: Need to make a new save to be able to fight her again at desired levels.  Had to support attack abuse in order to get anything out of that fight, really, though thankfully I had a fresh set of reserves to deal with the second phase.  Not sure if it counts as a valid formchange, but if so, she's probably the most durable boss in Dis4 yet.  (I don't take Heart Cannon abuse against bosses for durability, if only because it gives them all sub-Jeremy durability effectively speaking.  It's that broken.)

C9 Boss(?): WHAT THE CRAP IS THIS HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO--*hit by exploding plane--err, magichange bullshit*

Ebelhart (Tier 3 Warrior, Lv60), Adrienne (Tier 3 Beastmaster, Lv69) Demon Annihilation is still awesome.  Enough said.

Christy (Tier 3 Valkyrie, Lv65) Around the Moon isn't Demon Annihilation, but it still kills the hell out of things.  Bonus points to it being entirely nontyped.

Misha (Tier 3 Samurai, Lv60) Surprisingly, she's been able to keep up, largely through that base Evility.  I expect her offense to skyrocket once she gets Soaring Nonuple (B-rank sword skill)

Victoria (Tier 3 Archer, Lv70) Also largely sidelined since the start of C9.  That level?  Also largely thanks to a massive boost from the end of C8.

Hina (Tier 2 Nekomata, Lv65) Have I mentioned that Cat Strike is awesome?  Because it is.  No really.  Anticipating a rank-up soon, which means more Reincarnation Fun.

[name forgotten] (Tier 2 Mage-Knight, Lv66) She's been hit hard by the lack of exploitable elemental weaknesses by this point in the game.  Will probably rank-up soon like Hina, so there may be Giga spells.  Was at her peak in C7 and C8.

Willitose (Tier 2 Succubus, Lv63) Another caster hit hard by a lack of exploitable elemental weaknesses.  Also likely due for a rank-up.

Sardine Thief (SARDINE THIEF) In your senate, stealing your sardines.

Probably going to try to see if I can stop some of the bullshit early in that fight before it gets out of hand.  If not, guess it'll be time for a long-overdue trip through Item World to gain varied equipment and some levels.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 09:42:54 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #286 on: February 03, 2012, 10:21:25 AM »
RS 3.12- All the SaGa talks made me boot up this hack again. Installed a bunch of new patches since the last time I played. Also dumped a few difficulty up patches, after finding out how broken is the new stuff.

Consider some character specific event, I'll stick to Red, Gustaf, Grey, Vulcano, and Jenny for the early game. Then replace Grey and Jenny with Final Emperor and Emilia after I am done with their quest. Then kick Vulcano out after I can re-recruit Asellus. This team should do me well until the start of end game.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #287 on: February 03, 2012, 05:55:07 PM »
FF13-2: Met Hope in the ruins.

Early thoughts: Don't care for the changes made to the system on the whole. Not being able to see your Crystarium is *not* cool, makes it a total crapshoot for where you should stick your points.  Randoms being invisible again is also not a good change. Also really wish the goddamn item shop lady would shut the fuck up and just hand me my items without having to click through the dialog. Making jumping/moving objects a button press instead of automatic is also puzzling and augh. Just a lot of little things that FF13 got right that got changed. The sidequests are also shit. Hey instead of a cool fight that's clearly marked on the map, you get to wander around blind and hope you stumble onto the item or the miniboss! The QTE/timed hit stuff irritates me to no goddamn end, but that's more of a personal thing.

The exploration elements feel completely tacked on.  FF13's greatest strength was that it was so streamlined, and 13-2 looks to have stepped away from that.

The combat is FF13's again for good or bad (Good in my opinion). Plot looks to be pretty bad, but  at least Serah/Noel are engaging.
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #288 on: February 03, 2012, 06:50:56 PM »
RS 3.12- All the SaGa talks made me boot up this hack again. Installed a bunch of new patches since the last time I played. Also dumped a few difficulty up patches, after finding out how broken is the new stuff.

So, are you going to try for the Saruin fight (...and its nine prerequisites) if I may ask?
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #289 on: February 03, 2012, 06:56:02 PM »
The sidequests are also shit. Hey instead of a cool fight that's clearly marked on the map, you get to wander around blind and hope you stumble onto the item or the miniboss!

Remember, there are people who wanted this style of sidequest back. The game finally respects your intelligence by not telling you where to go!

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #290 on: February 03, 2012, 07:53:05 PM »
It seems strange to me to try to appeal to people who didn't like the first game. You know, people who won't buy the sequel anyway...
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #291 on: February 03, 2012, 08:16:28 PM »
FF9 - Grefter convinced me to name all the characters immature NES names. One hour in.
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #292 on: February 03, 2012, 08:26:57 PM »
FF9 - Grefter convinced me to name all the characters immature NES names. One hour in.

Are ASS and POO taken?


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #293 on: February 03, 2012, 09:14:12 PM »
The sidequests are also shit. Hey instead of a cool fight that's clearly marked on the map, you get to wander around blind and hope you stumble onto the item or the miniboss!

Remember, there are people who wanted this style of sidequest back. The game finally respects your intelligence by not telling you where to go!

Sandbox style games are fantastic if done right. FF13 has none of those elements (Wide open world, lots of mobility, variety in what you can do in those sidequests) that would make it effective.  FF13 isn't FF6 and attempting to make it that was a bad decision.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #294 on: February 03, 2012, 09:33:58 PM »
The sidequests are also shit. Hey instead of a cool fight that's clearly marked on the map, you get to wander around blind and hope you stumble onto the item or the miniboss!

Remember, there are people who wanted this style of sidequest back. The game finally respects your intelligence by not telling you where to go!

That was one of the less egregious ways the game didn't respect your intelligence; of course they'd change that one.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #295 on: February 03, 2012, 11:52:20 PM »

I've met Hope for the second time. Gameplay wise I'm... eh. The monsters are a way to let you access all six jobs equally, but I am kind of lukewarm to it so far.  Really hoping to run into a SAB monster soon.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #296 on: February 04, 2012, 12:16:12 AM »
FF9 - Grefter convinced me to name all the characters immature NES names. One hour in.

Are ASS and POO taken?

They must be at least 8 letters so I can delete vowels.
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #297 on: February 04, 2012, 12:49:43 AM »
FF9 - Grefter convinced me to name all the characters immature NES names. One hour in.

Are ASS and POO taken?

They must be at least 8 letters so I can delete vowels.

::Sighs:: Obviously NEB still has a long way to go in your education.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #298 on: February 04, 2012, 01:08:28 AM »
Putting in votes for UNCLFCKR and CNTLCKER. Also THRILLHO.


Dark Souls: Pretty much a comedy of errors today. The plan is to head down the Great Hollow and clear Ash Lake, right? Only I get cursed on the way down (first time this has happened--and no wonder, stone armor gives you like no curse resistance), and I don't have cures. So the game tells me my only choice is to see somebody in New Londo. ...Welp, looks like I'm going to New Londo! After getting uncursed.: "...Hell, while I'm down here I may as well clear this place to the best of my ability." Eventually I reach the second fogwall. "This has to be a boss door. I have almost enough souls for a level. I should go back topside." Unwisely, and in what's to be a depressing pattern for the day, I keep going. Four Kings!

I do better than I would've expected, killing two and having the boss meter at 35-40% before inevitably dying. But going in with only five estus flasks and no real preparation, well, victory was incredibly unlikely. But now I could make a plan! Burn my last demon titanite maxing Quelaag's sword (no regrets), eat some humanity to boost its attack, go in wearing Havel's armor set for maximum tankage (I usually don't use it due to speed penalties), toss Iron Flesh, and just fucking go nuts two-handed on each one before the next can spawn. The Cid has total confidence that this can work! On the way there, turns out I'd forgotten the two ghosts hanging around outside the boss room. My transient curse has worn off and I don't notice this until I've whiffed a couple times and they're cutting me up. Roll away, use transient curse, roll again to use estus flask. I roll into the water. 'kay, done with New Londo for the day.

At some point I'd made a divine weapon because I thought they worked on ghosts. Evidently I was misremembering--they work on the respawning skeletons in the catacombs! So I figure I may as well go there instead. This was pretty painless. Obligatory "Wait, what? Was that a boss?" for Pinwheel goes here. The only reason he lived through one attack sequence was because he ported out at the last second. Afterwards, with ~40,000 souls and three humanity in stock, I really should be jumping back to a bonfire. I don't. The foolishness of this course of action is immediately made apparent when I discover the next dungeon by falling to my death down the entrance. But the catacombs are easy, so I run back down to recover.

Then I keep going. Tomb of the Giants pretty much immediately becomes my least favorite area of the game due to not being able to see where the fuck I'm going and where the pits are, and I just want to get it over with. I make it reasonably far but oh my god why can't I find a bonfire anywhere and sooner or later I make a plunging attack at a giant skeleton that doesn't connect and wait what he's got friends--*splat*. Then I die to mooks on the way there trying to recover.

Figure that's enough failure for one day. Guess I will go crash and burn in the Demon Ruins tomorrow since that's the only endgame area that hasn't yet witnessed flagrant Cid idiocy. (My brief sojourn into the Duke's Archives ended inside a mimic.)

Incidentally, can you take off Artoria's ring once you're actually inside the Abyss, or does it get locked in for the whole fight?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 01:16:56 AM by El Cideon »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #299 on: February 04, 2012, 01:25:11 AM »
Sadly there is a seven character limit on FF9 names. This is how the NES-style vowel removal got started; Grefter had demanded Zidane be named ANALFIST and then we had to improvise.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.