Tales of Graces f: Where the f stands for how am I still on my first playthrough!
The final dungeon for the future arc is a complete confusing slog through enemies with 20K HP on the low end, a maze of similar looking corridors and one-way warp points, everyone's favorite STATUS FLOORS! And my resources vanishing every five minutes. Oh, and me trying to get the materials for the Roleplay dolls. That'll be fun.
But first, errrr, second really now but you can bet your bacon and eggs I'll be back to bitch about the future final, where I last left off. ....And where was that....? *checks last post* Ugh I need to reply to... nah... Uh, let's see.... It's five days ago now. Right, I ragequitted because of new enemies. Hate world. Had to resort to going through on Hard because screw effort for that place. Seriously. Anyway, it ended with another sort of quasi-bossfight who I just kinda sleptwalked through. Whatever. After that it's off to Fodra for a new dungeon.
My talk about the final dungeon? Well one of the other complaints is that it's unreasonably huge. All three errrrr, well I guess four, well, three of the dungeons unique to the future arc are outrageously huge and this is the first one. It basically requires using the Book of Swiftness to move. And of course the enemies are still future-arc stupid-hard. Thankfully I can go toe-to-toe with them on Evil again. After the obnoxiously large dungeon we get into a boss fight with what is essentially the base-version of what's gonna be a giant pain-in-the-ass for the next two dungeons.
And then the place explodes and I have to deal with an obnoxious escape mechanic. Seriously.
Next dungeon ahoy, and we see the precursor to the final as it's an actual teleport forest. So of course when I actually muddle my way through to the end, the unholy end of bosses is among me. After two failures on Evil(the second of course being on the final wave) I just get pissed I'm taking so long on this game I wimp out down to Hard and sleepwalk through. And then take a convenient path back to the start. Giddity.
Then I piss away a couple hours flying around the world and finding out just where the Pow Hammer is. Then run scared. VERY SCARED! and the reward isn't worth it just gald seriously?
I take a quick crack at the final after that before getting booted off.
Then today/...no just today.
Final dungeon ahoy. I spent maybe four hours alone in the first part because it is so huge and samey and one-way. And during that time, I got a half-dozen of the drops of each type from each enemy here. I got the Soul Orbs for all of them.
And despite that, I still did not find the new weapons for Asbel and Pascal. So they're stuck with the ones they had before, while everyone else is rocking spiffy new Tales weapons. Now, they will actually drop from another enemy latter. This is still terrible and you will learn why.
After I spend way, way too much time in the first part I muddle through to the second. Which has the, joy of joys, status-effect floors! On something resembling an upside it's a good place to get the STATUSproof titles. If y'know, who got what wasn't pre-determined. Nine know how many times Asbel not having Freezeproof killed him. Now, there is a way to rid floors of the effect. You need to do this to proceed, but Nine know who'd be insane enough to leave them up anyway. In order to take down the effects you take down a local semi-boss and all is well.
Except when it turns out those mini-bosses turn into normal enemies in part three and they drop all of the F final dungeon weapons. Ha...
But before part three, it's a rematch against the swarm. In the Paralysis Effect which you can't get rid of. I think, I didn't get much further but eh... Anyway, just like before I get the swarm down to the final wave on Evil and then get reamed up the backside. This time I don't sleepwalk through Hard because all the skill I was using is gone so I actually waste more resources on the easier fight than I did on the hard version. Go figure.
Along the way I started maxing out stamps for the various cities. I was expecting more unique ores like from Telos... but nope, just one-buy only versions of default items. With fancy qualities. I can only guess these are what they want you to use to make the ULTIMATE weapons. Which.... you can't actually get in future arc... I think?