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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1675 on: August 13, 2012, 08:38:00 PM »
YS Origins: I start the game and pick Yunica as a character. She's basically a girl who goes berserk with an axe and has a lot of muscles, but precious few brain cells. So far, everything's great, but then the story kicks in.

The game takes place during the YS era. The narrative explains how YS was a paradice, but then got ravaged by demons. You know, the stuff that would have been interesting to see. The goddesses decided to lift a part of the land into the sky. The demons however gave pursuit. The winged demons just flew up and the rest built a tower that would reach the island. Now, while it's hard to shake of the flying demons, the problem with the tower could have been solved by moving the island a few miles sideways. The goddesses had another plan thopugh, they disappeared. The people from YS decided to send a search party down and Yunica is part of it.

Yunica mentions that she cannot use magic, but she still want to become a knight. She also wants to protect the goddesses with her life, just like her father did. Maybe becoming a bloody corpse was the common desire of young girls during the YS era. That or she didn't think trough what she actually said.

Anyway, the game proceeds with the search party being sent down, thereby refraining from showing anything about how life was during the YS era. They float down in some sort of shiny comet looking thing. The comet is struck by something and the search party is flung to random directions.

A mysterious girl with braids, who looks exactly like Yunica lands in a green field which turns out to be near a talking tree. Most of what's being said is useless, but the girls with braids does find out that the goddesses are in the big tower and that they went the voluntarily. Oh, and it turns out that the girl with braids who looks like Yunica actually is Yunica, who would have thought? She heads to the tower and I get the impression that this is where the game will take place. Not bad, in only 10-15 minutes of intro, the game managed to void about 90% of the point of taking place during the YS era.

In the entrance, there's tree people being harassed by six monsters. Yunica arrives to save the situation and the three guys decides that they will take care of half the monsters and Yunica the other half. Yunica does so, but then six more monsters arrive which she also takes care of.

The three guys she saved hatches some plan about gathering the rest of the search party. Yunica's plan however is to enter the tower and go rampage. She spouts out sometime about scouting and needing combat experience to be useful since she cannot use magic, never mind the fact that she singlehanded toke on six monsters simultaneously, something the three guys she's talking to, all of them which can use magic, considered themselves unable to. The leader among them for some reason gives in.

Anyway, the into is over, the gameplay begins and the game becomes great again.

Captain K.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1676 on: August 13, 2012, 11:10:50 PM »
P4A:  Haven't played a whole lot of this.  Finished story modes for Labrys, Kanji, Akihiko, Chie in that order.  Labrys's was pretty damn sad.  Writing is very good, although seeing the same story multiple times from different perspectives gets old quickly.

As for the fighting engine itself, I'm not really digging the buttons.  Light/Medium/Heavy/Drive seemed more intuitive for combos than Light/Heavy/Light Persona/Heavy Persona.  I may change my opinion on this as I get more used to the system.  I do like that they give you a lot more "super meter" to play around with.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1677 on: August 14, 2012, 12:15:47 AM »
FF4-2: Finished Edge's Tale (pretty cool, though the extra elemental ninjas were unnecessary), Porom's Tale (managed to be 100% NOT about Porom! And Kain betrayed us again! The SHOCK!), and then Edward's Tale (Fucking Desert Fever again?! God I hate this game. Now I'm gonna have to go fight the Antlio- and what's this? No Antlion fight? Cool!)

Onward to more stupidity! So far the new characters are mostly better than the old cast. Luca, Ursula, Leonora, and Harley are actually pretty cool storywise (not that they have much competition outside of like... Palom?). Well.. Ceodore's bad, but hardly the worst offender.

That would go to our exciting villain cast of Mysterious Girl and KAIN. God dammit Kain, how do you manage to fail so fucking much?  >:(


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1678 on: August 14, 2012, 01:48:35 AM »
[SCENE: A slightly cramped meeting room at Square-Enix, 2010.  Motivational posters are along one wall, and a whiteboard with timelines - both fictional and game development related - is on the other.]

TAKASHI: Right.  Glad you all could make it.  So Yukio over here noticed that it'd be pretty goddamn dumb for an elementary school teacher & a savage hunter of the plains to know how to hack into a futuristic computer.  Camera shifts to Yukio's smile.  But luckily our heroes are friggin' time travellers so we've got pretty well infinite options for how to get past this, make sense, and have some good gameplay.

YUKIO: Yes, about that.  I've been thinking, and aside from maybe changing Noel's design a little to fit his origin -

TAKASHI: Not now, Yukio.  So there's going to be some obstacle, and our heroes are going to have to time travel to get past it and get their sweet computer records, and it's going to be awesome.  To make this more interesting, you all have 10 seconds to figure out what the problem is, and I will just take the first solution someone yells out.

YUKIO: Uh...  wait a second...  I mean... is this a good idea?  I...

ICHIRO: Okay, so there's like this PARADOX on a lock.  They gotta go to the FUTURE where they touch a bunch of computers, then they come back, and BAM the lock is open.

TAKASHI: Sold, to the man in the business suit.  Let's do it.

YUKIO: But wait!  What about the secret computer data?  That was the whole problem!

ICHIRO: Eh just have the evil AI show it to them.  The other computers, just touch 'em and let 'em open up new areas 'cause.

TAKASHI: Another productive meeting!  I knew it didn't take weeks of wrangling to make a plot or such nonsense.  Efficiency, that's me.

YUKIO: (to self, while looking at his notes) We couldn't have them confer with, you know, a hacker from farther in the future who'd give them a chip & program since he thinks hacking hundred year old stuff is easy?  And I thought the AI was supposed to get mad at them for knowing the "forbidden history!"  Why would it tell them outright?  Couldn't it at least lie, or make it harder to get around then touching panels?  And while I'm at it -

Transmission abruptly cuts off to the sound of hissing static


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1679 on: August 14, 2012, 05:25:51 AM »
REplaying Atelier Iris Eternal Mana:

The original idea was to get the Edge Cast bow this time that I mised my first playthrough so I could nab every item! But I think I ruined that idea by giving the shopkeeper the wrong vacuum cleaner and locking myself out of her quests... Which would suck balls.

Thinking of redoing the stat topic on this game with Crystals taken into account. Which mostly serves to make Klein and Lita more tanky since they get 2 crystal slots instead of 1. It also makes everyone want to use customizable weapons. I think it would raise the fighter's damage since the logical crystal to use (Battle Lord Power x3) is +105 HP/Atk. I guess you could argue folks want Speed Up options and whatnot but everyone would want that ANYWAY so it wouldn't effect the averages (and more slots isn't good for this since one or two speed crystals makes speed differences completely meaningless).

Klein is pretty awesome, as usual. DAMAGE and utility in one good package. Lita is all about killing shit dead with Fast Attack and a few Double Attacks stacked on her already Double-Attacking Astral Claw. That can get a bit silly. I'm impressed with Delsus' Feint Shot since it cancels enemy attacks before they take place, including for MT moves that would whack him. Niiiice.

I've actually redone a good chunk of the numbers for the stat topic (not any considerations for crystals though; just correcting the really questionable numbers in the stat topic), but kind of stalled out after I got the damages due to lack of time.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1680 on: August 14, 2012, 07:02:26 AM »
Shadow Hearts 3 challenge update: In which I spend 75% of the post talking about the boss fight.

Onwards to Vilcabamba, Incan stronghold famous for its teleporters and floating elevators.

First, I clear out the second set of Lovecraft trials at this point. The only particularly tough one involves a variety of enemies ending with Malice Edna, all with greatly improved offensive stats so that they hit harder than they originally did unscaled. To make matters worse you have Tight Ring and Fake Ring. The durability isn't too special though, but I do have to grind this out boss-style.

Anyway, Vilcabama randoms are a bit of a step down. Of course, it helps that I am using Shania again but they're a step down even accounting for that. They're not jokes; they have a bunch of tricks which can add up if given too many turns: stock breaking, plenty of sanity-lowering (both SP Lowering and Panic), and lowering your defence so subsequent physicals kick ass. But the enemies don't make individually strong impressions and I rarely formed specific strategies for them. About the only really noteworthy thing is that unlike in most places, if I let a fight drag sanity could be an issue due to the ways enemies have of attacking that. Of course part of this is I didn't bother with the Blood Jewel and was using the Small Jug. Once again, Warning Device means the worst possibility for random fights can't materialise.

Before the boss fight I cap out La Sirene's skills, giving her the all-important Resurrection. It is a huge boon. (Current Breath, an M-radius Level 3 dark spell, is also very useful for the randoms, though a bit costly.)

Killer and Daoros (3 resets)

This one's a toughie, because there's two of them. And while their HP is about half what you'd expect from a "normal" boss at this point (i.e. their combined HP is normal), all their other stats are just fine. Damage is also a bit lower (mostly Daoros's) but nowhere near half as low. So they've got a lot of offence together.

Killer first. Vice Needle is pain, 2HKO except to fused Shania and inflicts Chain. Chain means that any attack used after it does significantly boosted damage. The status ends when the target gets a turn, but doubleturns, doubles, and combos make this deadly. Vice Needle seems to hit a narrow line like Rock Burst, so it only rarely gets both PCs but it sucks when it does. He also has a pair of physical attacks which do slightly less damage (borderline 2HKO to Johnny, low 3HKO Shania) that inflict either P-Atk Down or S-Atk Down. Each status cripples your ability to use attacks of that type for five turns, and can't be blocked or healed (like Slow). Fortunately they don't affect anything but offence; healing and buffing is unchanged. Finally, he has Red Bounce, which is relatively weak... 4-5HKO.

Killer uses his stock craftily. Alone, he'll use a boring combo of Vice Needle -> Flame Mine (the fire combo magic previously used by Ronwei), which borderline OHKOs Shania and obviously kills Johnny. However, as long as Daoros is alive, his game plan is different: save for a D-Combo (double followed by a combo into an immediate Daoros turn). This uses two stock but is extremelyd dangerous, as it means a Vice Needle followed a Red Bounce (only slightly less damaging than his normal double) followed by a Hail Solid from Daoros which WILL be fatal even if the PC has lived this long. Even worse, Daoros may double itself on this comboed attack which means four consecutive enemy moves. These turns are very scary.

Daoros is Gilbert's summoned pet which assists Killer. Statistically it's a bit worse off than Killer, and seems less overtly dangerous. Its three attacks are Apathy (usual fast-recharge MT status attack, this one prevents stock gain, not too big a deal), a 3-4HKO physical attack, and Hail Solid, which does similar damage to Killer's Red Bounce (i.e. pretty weak). It only hits aired targets so he'll normally only use it after a Killer Red Bounce or after a High Angle physical attack from Daoros proper, but if Shania's in a flying form he may cast it on her. This is good as it is weaker than his physicals, so having Shania in a flying form is actually subtly helpful here.

If Daoros sounds like a wuss compared to Killer, don't be fooled, as he has a nasty, nasty trick: he counters any positive status effects. If you cast a buff (including Entrance or elemental edges), he gets a free turn and uses it to cast one of his own. It'll be an Arc buff on both him and Killer. If it's Surge, Rage, or Gale, you're in deep trouble, as ~50% more damage even from limited sources gets you overwhelmed easily. It can be handled by a full team (though probably isn't desirable), but against this team? Yeah, no, not happening. Guess my first reset's cause, win nothing.

At first I am a bit despairing about this fight: as mentioned, each alone isn't quite as good as a normal boss (though Killer's fairly close), but together? Yeesh. Add in buff spoiling and I'm in real trouble. Fortunately Daoros has a big weakness: he can be poisoned. And you get Poison 2 in this dungeon. So I put that on Shania and we have a way to survive this madness; after only a few turns Daoros will fall and we're left with Killer, who alone is respectable but still more manageable than Jeb Niglas or Kerufe.

Strategy is fairly straightforward as such. Johnny uses Arc Cure often, defending if Shania doesn't need help. Raise Up -> Arc Cure double is handy if Shania falls. Shania uses physicals to poison Daoros (two successful landings of the status mean Deadly Poison which is 33%), Hard Hitting if stock destroying is useful, and she casts Resurrection if Johnny falls (this happens often) or Cure Plus if big singletarget healing is in order. Priority is of course on poisoning Daoros and just staying alive past that.

Once it's down to Killer, then buffs can be cast safely again. This is good because my party's offence needs to respond to what Killer does, and which stats of mine he decides to destroy (Arc Rage vs. Arc Surge). Aqua Edge on Shania can help if her going physical is an option (and it is the best overall option). Killer does need to be taken seriously and killing his stock is pretty handy of course (though not as crucial as for some bosses). If Shania gets both her offences dropped it's annoying but hey it means Johnny has to shine sometime!

I actually lose this battle once with Daoros dead, because I forget to heal Shania's sanity and right as I notice this, figuring ("oh I'll have Johnny do it before she goes berserk next turn"), Killer decides it's time to one-round a New Yorker and yeah I lose. Good times.

Accessories for this fight include Blood Jewel on Johnny (as usual) primarily because I'm less attached to his stock (stock goes away when Berserk kicks in even if the Blood Jewel saves him) due to Shania needing hers for Hard Hits, the usual defensive accessories, and Oracle Earrings for +20% MP and an SDef boost as filler. Maybe apathy blocking would be more valuable but I dunno. I go into the fight with full stock and don't use it very often so it's largely a non-factor.

Levels were 26 for both.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1681 on: August 14, 2012, 09:15:05 AM »
[SCENE: A slightly cramped meeting room at Square-Enix, 2010.  Motivational posters are along one wall, and a whiteboard with timelines - both fictional and game development related - is on the other.]

TAKASHI: Right.  Glad you all could make it.  So Yukio over here noticed that it'd be pretty goddamn dumb for an elementary school teacher & a savage hunter of the plains to know how to hack into a futuristic computer.  Camera shifts to Yukio's smile.  But luckily our heroes are friggin' time travellers so we've got pretty well infinite options for how to get past this, make sense, and have some good gameplay.

YUKIO: Yes, about that.  I've been thinking, and aside from maybe changing Noel's design a little to fit his origin -

TAKASHI: Not now, Yukio.  So there's going to be some obstacle, and our heroes are going to have to time travel to get past it and get their sweet computer records, and it's going to be awesome.  To make this more interesting, you all have 10 seconds to figure out what the problem is, and I will just take the first solution someone yells out.

YUKIO: Uh...  wait a second...  I mean... is this a good idea?  I...

ICHIRO: Okay, so there's like this PARADOX on a lock.  They gotta go to the FUTURE where they touch a bunch of computers, then they come back, and BAM the lock is open.

TAKASHI: Sold, to the man in the business suit.  Let's do it.

YUKIO: But wait!  What about the secret computer data?  That was the whole problem!

ICHIRO: Eh just have the evil AI show it to them.  The other computers, just touch 'em and let 'em open up new areas 'cause.

TAKASHI: Another productive meeting!  I knew it didn't take weeks of wrangling to make a plot or such nonsense.  Efficiency, that's me.

YUKIO: (to self, while looking at his notes) We couldn't have them confer with, you know, a hacker from farther in the future who'd give them a chip & program since he thinks hacking hundred year old stuff is easy?  And I thought the AI was supposed to get mad at them for knowing the "forbidden history!"  Why would it tell them outright?  Couldn't it at least lie, or make it harder to get around then touching panels?  And while I'm at it -

Transmission abruptly cuts off to the sound of hissing static

The post is flawed by default as it does not involve Toriyama.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1682 on: August 14, 2012, 10:30:29 AM »
He's off to the side, trying to fuck a dog.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1683 on: August 14, 2012, 03:59:59 PM »
YUKIO: (to self, while looking at his notes) We couldn't have them confer with, you know, a hacker from farther in the future who'd give them a chip & program since he thinks hacking hundred year old stuff is easy?  And I thought the AI was supposed to get mad at them for knowing the "forbidden history!"  Why would it tell them outright?  Couldn't it at least lie, or make it harder to get around then touching panels?  And while I'm at it -

You could argue that being AI, it limits its ability to do things such as lie.  So they see truth, it answers truthfully.  Nothing the AI said beforehand was a lie either.  Maybe not a complete truth, as it left out specific details, but they didn't outright say one thing that wasn't outright false.

It just says "I am based off the assistant director, in attempt to mimic her as best as possible!" as an easy explanation for how Alyssa could be alive 200 years later.  It left out we did have to kill all the originals to get this far, because they were deemed a threat, sure, but it didn't say anything that contradicted this.

So yeah, the "AI Lied" thing could be regarded as inconsistent with the AI's nature.  The "You have learned the forbidden truth, you now must die" thing was a natural reaction.

That said, how they learned the "forbidden truth" was...kind of nonsensical, I agree.  The one thing I could think of is the Proto Fal'cie set a trap for them, knowing the AI would not engage the duo unless they did something to spark defensive protocols or something, and "learn information forbidden to humans" is one way to get them to go "INTRUDER! RELEASE THE MONSTERS!" Yes, I am overthinking this, what about it?

...this isn't defending the sequence as you did hit on WHY its silly, I'm more just playing devil's advocate.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1684 on: August 14, 2012, 08:42:02 PM »
As for the fighting engine itself, I'm not really digging the buttons.  Light/Medium/Heavy/Drive seemed more intuitive for combos than Light/Heavy/Light Persona/Heavy Persona.  I may change my opinion on this as I get more used to the system.  I do like that they give you a lot more "super meter" to play around with.

On the other hand, I am very glad all the specials have such simplistic inputs. No full-circle moves! I have never, ever been able to execute those and am glad to see no one is dependent on them here. Every special move is a quarter circle input. As a result, there's really no character I immediately said, "Yeah, I can't use this PC," about. On the other hand, things can be a little too user-friendly: autocombos! And I thought "Mash square for win," had to be an exaggeration.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1685 on: August 14, 2012, 10:37:51 PM »
YUKIO: (to self, while looking at his notes) We couldn't have them confer with, you know, a hacker from farther in the future who'd give them a chip & program since he thinks hacking hundred year old stuff is easy?  And I thought the AI was supposed to get mad at them for knowing the "forbidden history!"  Why would it tell them outright?  Couldn't it at least lie, or make it harder to get around then touching panels?  And while I'm at it -

You could argue that being AI, it limits its ability to do things such as lie.  So they see truth, it answers truthfully.  Nothing the AI said beforehand was a lie either.  Maybe not a complete truth, as it left out specific details, but they didn't outright say one thing that wasn't outright false.

It just says "I am based off the assistant director, in attempt to mimic her as best as possible!" as an easy explanation for how Alyssa could be alive 200 years later.  It left out we did have to kill all the originals to get this far, because they were deemed a threat, sure, but it didn't say anything that contradicted this.

So yeah, the "AI Lied" thing could be regarded as inconsistent with the AI's nature.  The "You have learned the forbidden truth, you now must die" thing was a natural reaction.

That said, how they learned the "forbidden truth" was...kind of nonsensical, I agree.  The one thing I could think of is the Proto Fal'cie set a trap for them, knowing the AI would not engage the duo unless they did something to spark defensive protocols or something, and "learn information forbidden to humans" is one way to get them to go "INTRUDER! RELEASE THE MONSTERS!" Yes, I am overthinking this, what about it?

...this isn't defending the sequence as you did hit on WHY its silly, I'm more just playing devil's advocate.

It was a paradox because anything that doesn't make sense is a paradox.  That way Square's writers are finally free from the last vestiges of coherent storytelling.  Look forward to every game they make being "chaos magic-driven" from now on.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1686 on: August 14, 2012, 11:44:48 PM »
Pokemon White - Completed the pokdex...excluding those gawd damn timed event legendaries. My count is at 645 and it will prolly sit there until I find a way to get those five or six last pokemon. Ah well, onto a new game I guess.

Kingdom of Amalur - GF bought this. It's fun. Reminds me of Skyrim with a WoW type of feel to it. No jumping though! I made a thief type character that joined a thieving guild and started my life of thievery. Somewhere along the way I lost the main storyline, but ah well I will stumble across it eventually. But my gawd is everyone in this game corrupt or what. I usually feel bad about killing people in games, but no one in this game gives me that feeling of remorse. Quite literally everyone deserves to die. I plan to make sure that happens.   
"It took hundreds to kill me, but I killed by the thousands."

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1687 on: August 15, 2012, 12:57:58 AM »
FF8 - Completed. I died to Adel once because I was at below 1/3 max HP with everyone due to playing FF8 and she 3HKOed me with Ultima and died once to Ultimecia because I underestimated how quickly she would make my PCs disappear and she removed HP-J. The castle is pretty cool as always.
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1688 on: August 15, 2012, 04:25:36 AM »
Pokemon White - Completed the pokdex...excluding those gawd damn timed event legendaries. My count is at 645 and it will prolly sit there until I find a way to get those five or six last pokemon. Ah well, onto a new game I guess.

Wait... you seriously... 'caught em all'? I didn't think anyone did that anymore... How did you possibly have the time and inclination to do that? *is both genuinely impressed and mildly disgusted*


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1689 on: August 15, 2012, 05:03:34 AM »
Well, if he already had a completed pokedex from gen 3 or 4 (or more likely if he bothered, he did it in gen 3 then carried it over to gen 4) it's not that bad.

edit: correction, it's still pretty crazy, but it's way LESS crazy.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 05:11:35 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1690 on: August 15, 2012, 10:58:42 AM »
Dark Souls: You'd think swinging around a Dragon's Tooth would be awesome, and it totally is.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1691 on: August 15, 2012, 06:06:51 PM »
Civilization 4: All of the Subtitles (All of them!!!!!!!!)

So it turns out Caveman2Cosmos, though really fun, does have some serious problems even when your machine laughs at its requirements. In fact, with some of the ways they're twisting and folding the Civ 4 engine, system requirements may end up being the least of its problems.

Most importantly, the AI can't play it. They do fine from the Ancient Era on - well, by "fine" I mean "at least as well as normal Civ 4 AI, which is nothing like good" - but they fall drastically behind in the Prehistoric Era. I could sit on 100% espionage (and not steal techs, because, uh, I'd have nothing to steal) for 100 turns waiting for them to catch up.

Mildly important, and would be more so if the AI was a little better, after the sterling work C2C does balancing the Prehistoric-Ancient-Classical unit progression, it kind of falls apart in the Renaissance. The current release version has an artillery unit (the Ribauldequin) that is more powerful than any non-hero melee or gunpowder unit you can get at this point by 5 Power (20 vs 15), gets 75% vs. melee and 25% vs gunpowder. So you end up with armies of (historically shitty) cannons instead of troops.

Not important, but annoying - these fucking residential buildings. One of the team members got it into his head that "providing" (read forcing) a full suite of Sim City residential classes on each era would somehow improve gameplay. It, uh, doesn't. It also makes no sense. I have no idea what my "cities" are supposed to represent.

All of this applies to the latest release version (v25).

Thankfully, the SVN version fixes all of the above. Sort of. The AI knows how to research in the Prehistoric Era (Knowledge Inheritance and Elder Council - worth building! Who knew? :U ), the Ribauldequin line was completely rebalanced (gogo my feedback) and now is a natural progression toward Gatling Guns across the Renaissance and Industrial eras, and...

Well, those fucking residential buildings are still there, but now there are customizable build queues you can save and use for multiple cities, including stuff you can't build yet. This cuts turn time by well over half. So good.

League of Legends

I still don't understand why I don't hate this game. Aside from not being an MMORPG, it should be the perfect storm of things I dislike in a game.


I can't even blame it on friends playing anymore. I've been playing it solo. I've been playing it with random fucking teammates. In fairness, with random teammates it's often every bit as horrible as it, by rights, should be. I had a game last night where two of my teammates decided to start counting down to surrender after one of them died the first time. While our team was up on kills.

Nunu main, Pantheon secondary. I've been learning to jungle with the latter, or at least to wander around the jungle until a chance appears to burst out and kill the fuck out of a really annoying champions like Wukong or Fiddlesticks. It's a blast, but I'm still better, or at least more reliable, with Nunu. I bought Pantheon to have an AD option for times when my team ends up AP-reliant, because the latter is suicide against certain champs, like Galio.

So I thought, anyway. In other news, nerf Galio. I hated him when I went against him as Nunu, but hey, Galio is supposed to tank AP. I still hate him when I go against him as Pantheon, and AD is supposed to be his weakness. By "weakness" I apparently mean he doesn't completely ignore an Ult, he just still wins solo fights and completely wrecks an entire team in team fights.
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1692 on: August 15, 2012, 06:48:53 PM »
Bobbin: I recommend, if possible, especially early on, to avoid maining a champion and instead try to get to the point where you can play all roles with a degree of competence. It helps your general play if you understand how each lane works, the various match-ups you see commonly, and how various champions work.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1693 on: August 16, 2012, 12:38:51 AM »
Pokemon White - Completed the pokdex...excluding those gawd damn timed event legendaries. My count is at 645 and it will prolly sit there until I find a way to get those five or six last pokemon. Ah well, onto a new game I guess.

Wait... you seriously... 'caught em all'? I didn't think anyone did that anymore... How did you possibly have the time and inclination to do that? *is both genuinely impressed and mildly disgusted*

What Cmdr said.

I had kept up to date with all the pokemon games, so by the time I transferred everything I had caught from the previous games, by total collection skyrocketed. This game helped me collect some loose end pokemon that had escape my grasp...mainly because I played these game by myself for a long time and I have had another copy to trade with.

I also agree that catching them all is really crazy. I tell myself I won't do it again, and then a new game comes out and I transfer every gawd damn over again and start the process all over again.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1694 on: August 16, 2012, 02:18:05 AM »
So do you keep transferring yourself an awesome starter through from Gen 1 ASAP and keep curb stomping the games with your level 99 Venusaur called LABLUEGRL?
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1695 on: August 16, 2012, 02:19:21 AM »
As someone with a 493 dex copy of Pearl who fully intends on getting a 649 dex Black 2 when it's out, online trading has made the whole collection process a million times more practical than it used to be. No longer do you need to buy 2-5 games and deal with all the pain in the ass stuff like Feebas/Milotic, you can just buy 1 cart, breed eggs for something rare and use GTS+message boards to slowly fill out all the empty gaps.

The event Pokemon are the only annoying ones, if you don't have the right stores nearby you'll likely have to trade for clones online, and from gen 4 onwards 99% of clones are created with cheating devices. I can live with this because there was no reliable way for me to get a 100% legit Celebi otherwise, ditto Keldeo/Meloetta/Genesect nowadays.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1696 on: August 16, 2012, 04:14:39 PM »
L59 in Theatrhythm; completed all of Series mode on Normal, returning to it from Expert after playing Challenge Mode. Uhm. Also. S's songs on Ultimate Mode gives you 6K+ EXP? Awesome stuff. Now, I'm still slightly confused about attaching my Dark Notes to my profile card in order to 'swap' with other users. I expect this is widely performed once you gather all said items for one Dark Note -or- find a gracious enough user to fill in your missing spots.

I'm also beginning to find this street pass slightly creepy. I've met one specific Mii three times now, and have only left the house with my DS three times. I either live above said Mii man or they be creepin'.

My weakest spot in Theatrhythm is EMS just because I find it so eerily boring that I don't try. Mmm, also, I can't seem to get the hang of Saber's Edge on Ultimate because my hand tends to move across the screen too much for the angles. Only way to solve this is to plant my hands above the control buttons, but this also means that I have to play in a specific position. Blegh.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1697 on: August 16, 2012, 05:17:41 PM »
Theatrhythm - I have unlocked all the characters except Seifer, Sarah, Sephiroth, and Kain, of which Sephiroth is the only one I terribly care about but I'm sure I will unlock everyone anyway. My primary team is Terra (leader), Lightning, Cloud, and Squall, which kills anywhere from 2 bosses on the highest-level notes to 6 on the lowest. If for some reason I need more agility for FMS I swap Cloud's abilities so he caps speed, but I find FMS easy so I typically don't bother with this. I have experimented with swapping out various PCs for Warrior of Light (who has no magic or limit, but does have Strength Up 3) and the results feel fairly neutral overall, varies by note. I also use Cid and Locke with Libra L3 and L2 respectively (along with Lightning who has L1) when opening up new notes so I have an idea of what I can get.

Once I have all the PCs I imagine I'll give Challenge Mode a spin. 21 hours so far.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1698 on: August 16, 2012, 05:30:18 PM »
Bobbin: I recommend, if possible, especially early on, to avoid maining a champion and instead try to get to the point where you can play all roles with a degree of competence. It helps your general play if you understand how each lane works, the various match-ups you see commonly, and how various champions work.

I've experimented with a few different champions.

I feel like I've got a good grasp of the basics. When I go up against other level 12s in random PVP I've got a winning record and usually end up one of the top players on my team. Of course, then I see my level 30 friend move through the map like she's hitting the delete key on targets, so, uh... yeah. Still a lot to learn (and I doubt I'll ever be that good).
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1699 on: August 16, 2012, 06:38:31 PM »
You'd be surprised, honestly. Once you nail down the core mechanics (engaging, map awareness, farming, timing), you actually can become a pretty brutal force of nature.