
Author Topic: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition  (Read 234820 times)


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1825 on: September 01, 2012, 07:09:55 AM »
Wild ARMS 4 Speedrun:
Getting walled by Etemananki. I can't do the jumps in one shot. Or if I do, Guardian Chimera trolls me forever. Reset count: 50 or something so not quite triple digits yet. But it's a shorter segment :|. Then again, far far more luck reliant on certain parts. Oh well, at least I can be content knowing this strat is superior to my last one!
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1826 on: September 01, 2012, 08:05:56 AM »
Shadow Hearts 3: To the Gate!

Lots of plot after the Tamaris fight, some of it pretty good. I was sceneskipping most of the game but have largely stopped now. I do like the scene right before the Malice Killer fight, which is good because I get several opportunities to watch it.

Malice Killer (2 resets)

Malice Killer is a pain. His attacks carry all sorts of added effects, with a particular emphasis on stock destruction. He's considerably improved over his human form just over a dungeon ago.

His physical attacks are 2HKO to Johnny (even with Ashra's Earrings), 3HKO to fused Shania, destroy a stock gauge, and add instant death. Leonardo's Bear is once again necessary to avoid getting ripped apart. He has another physical attack, Vice Blade, which is weaker (3HKO both), but is the first full multitarget enemy attack in the game, ALSO destroys stock, and inflicts Chain. This is pretty nasty as anyone struck after being hit by this before getting a turn can be killed. His third damaging attack is Red Crest, the only damage he deals which does not destroy stock, and instead inflicts Attack Down, making physical attacks suck for five turns. (There's no way to immune this.) It deals 3HKO damage and is large radius, so it can sometimes hit both PCs. Finally, his 3x recharge status attack is Seal.

If he Doubles, well, the good news is that he can't use Vice Blade. The first attack of a double is always Red Crest, and the second can either be a physical or Malice Dirge. Malice Dirge is basically a stronger, magical Vice Blade; it is full multitarget, destroys stock, and inflicts Chain. The real threat is that Red Crest may catch two people and be followed by Malice Dirge which is a lot of damage to both PCs. His Doubles aren't fatal to full HP characters provided they aren't yet Chained, except for the Red Crest -> physical against non-Ashra Earring Johnny.

First turn below half HP he uses Energy Charge, just like Delget. Defending to the rescue... Shield isn't enough to survive this time.

Killer's vulnerable to P-Attack Down, the third boss out of four this is the case for! It helps keep his physical damage under control which is nice. Unfortunately there's little reason to use physicals in this fight (which inflict the status) because he's constantly using P-Attack Down on my PCs and the massive stock destruction means that I can't afford to use Hard Hit (which costs half a stock gauge on the PC end).

The first attempt I try to go without silence immunity and this gets me destroyed, so I end up blocking both death and silence. I come close to winning the second time (one hit away, in fact!) before being caught by at non-full HP with a Red Crest/Malice Dirge double which kills both PCs.

I eventually settle on Johnny having the Blood Jewel instead of Ashra's Earrings. While this drops his HP and makes him a bit easier to kill, the difference is only slight (and only comes up for Red Crest/physical doubles, honestly). Meanwhile, having the Blood Jewel lets him go for Awaker, which drains his Sanity every three turns. But as long as I don't miss the Blood Jewel ring, this is acceptable, as it means I never actually lose turns to berserk. I lose stock but lol. Awaker is nice for the speed boost and for the Int boost, which makes Johnny's Arc Cure a bit more potent... from ~150 to ~185, which is actually a pretty big change in terms of keeping up with Malice Killer's damage.

Meanwhile, I run offence off of magic since Killer doesn't destroy that stat. Ice magic is the way to go, but the middle ice spell is out the window due to it only hitting aired targets. So it's either Hail Dust or Hail Exceed, and due to lower cost and less lag time I actually find myself favouring Hail Dust. Of course it's the only one Shania has anyway, and she does most of the attacking... after Surge, Hail Dust hits for about 200, or 500 if I can get off Entrance, which is certainly worth the effort if I can get away with it.

Despite the fact that his Doubles are no joke, I let Killer do them a lot. Without Hard Hits at my disposal, I'm forced to either use laggy Red Nova/Evil Shade (the former hits resistance, the latter is extra laggy and costly), or Vacuum which does no damage and is somewhat costly itself (as well as pushing me out of Awaker for a turn). While I still occasionally do these if nothing else prevents itself, and certainly will take a Hard Hit if both the boss and I have the stock, as it will also carry a chance for P-Attack Down. But in general I resign myself to not getting too paranoid about his stock as it slows down my offence far too much. This means I have to use Resurrection a bit more and rebuff, but it's not the end of the world. Of course, care needs to be taken that at least one PC is at full HP or his doubles can potentially wipe both PCs. The new improved Arc Cure is perfect for this.

Levels were 37.

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1827 on: September 01, 2012, 02:03:55 PM »
Disgaea 4, day 1 into post game....

Well baal 1 shots my whole base panel at lvl 3000 something....sooo......not beating him even remotely anytime soon, and he revives from death 4 times, auto counter attacks all attacks and deals upwards of 186K as i try to summon from the base panel....OH BOY THIS WILL BE SO FUCKING FUN, i look foreward to lvl 9999, he's gonna be a real threat this time....AND HE ISN'T EVEN THE HARDEST BOSS IN THIS GAME...

Oh man the nerd boners for this game.

Got most of my dlc characters unlocked...just grinding to high enough level to actually beat asagi....but first gotta get high enough to steal her unique item before she magic changes....this shall prove difficult with all the no entry panels.....perhaps i shall wait till the next play through when my magic range is high enough to kill the 2 fusion monsters before she can dual magichange...

Gig is....SO AWESOME, how easy he makes Ordeal 4 for farming is....awesome. Sadly his chara world is so grossly overpowered I don't think i will be able to boost him till i reincarnate him....seems i will be forever out 2 upgrades on him, well...till the next cycle at least XD

The medic and necromancer are super fun to boot, celestial host broken as fuck, but I may just reincarnate it as a empusa so i can have deathsheal, flying, heal strength increased per unit moved(~100% damage increase~). Though perhaps I should just make a custom reverse damage map for my healers so I can feel uber spaming a 3x3 tera heal for millions of level 450....and you know...make it possible to level them on their own haha. Kunoichi seems....dumb as shit, what a waste that DLC was, oh well at least she's a hottie.

Fuka Desco episode: not started yet.
Flashback episode saving for after I unlock asagi, zeta, petta, mid-boss.
cycle 2 - saving for after i max certain things on my dlc human and monster classes. As well as get valzy to a decent new cycle level.
2D/2.5D RPGs, Platformers, Action-RPGs, Brawlers are my bag! Minor Video Game knowledge outside of those!


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1828 on: September 01, 2012, 04:06:44 PM »
Epic Mickey: Renegade Mickey gets no upgrades ever but the game is so easy you don't care, should have broken my 100% Renegade to help all the Petes though

Wind Waker: Beat Forbidden Woods, oh wow this game is hilariously unstable emulating from Wii and I don't know what saving is so I beat it twice
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1829 on: September 03, 2012, 12:01:38 AM »
I've never really noticed it before (but it was probably integrated into my brain before), but each of the five areas you get access to at the beginning of the game gives a different kind of resource in huge amounts. If you're getting low on items (dying again and again against the armored spider, for example), you can get a lot back very easily even at the beginning of the game.
The castle gives HP healing items, the prison MP healing items, the mine stones for weapon upgrading, the shrine gives souls, and the valley of defilement gives you the middle finger. (surprising no one)

This actually bugged me when I played it because Stonefang was the last area I thoroughly explored and I was pure melee. So I spent 75% of the game wondering where the hell the upgrade materials were and why I had to fight everything with a basic +2/+3 weapon. I guess in retrospect it's pretty obvious they meant for you to tackle the various X-1's, then all the X-2's, instead of barreling through one area at a time in full.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1830 on: September 03, 2012, 03:07:10 PM »
Cthulhu Saves the World: 90% done, recruited Dem, just need to tackle R'lyeh. Game is substantially easier than BoDVII (I played both on hard mode because duh) - after  few level-ups you're rarely in danger of running out of MP in dungeons, and randoms aren't a constant threat to wipe you like they were in mid-to-endgame Breath of Death. They can wipe you, it's just not a save-after-every-fight thing. Also you can swap people out when they do run low on MP, which is kind of great. Standard randoms team is Cthulhu/Umi/October/X, where Umi and October spam full MT, Cthulhu whacks whatever's toughest, and the X either does backup healing (Dacre, Pawz) or ST (Dem, Ember, Sharpe).

Penny Arcade 3: Okay, Zeboyd. Listen. If you're going to make a class-based skill system, maybe give us some way to look at a class besides equipping it, going back into the equip menu and then looking at my character's current abilities. Because that's pretty terrible.
Fun game otherwise, just...oy. Every time I go to switch classes the interface puts up a big flashing sign about how bad it is.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1831 on: September 03, 2012, 05:44:40 PM »
Shadow Hearts 3: The Gate, Part One

Into the final dungeon! Well, technically we started this with the Malice Killer fight, so the dungeon's already off to a good start. It doesn't let up from there. The randoms here are probably the toughest in the game; the only area I think really compares is the Caribbean. (2 resets on the randoms.) One thing that makes this area tough is ALL enemies start with enough stock to double or combo first turn. They don't always take it, which on the one hand is nice but on the other hand means I sometimes see a D-Combo if I leave one alive and untouched for a couple rounds.

Ispus are these little frog pests, and the dungeon's swarm enemy. Johnny can only one-shot them with Gale Blast if he goes Awaker (slightly problematic since Johnny only gets two turns of Awaker before I need to SP heal, so I have to use those wisely), Shania of course goes Thunderbird and can do the same. Up to six can appear at a time. Their base damage is 5HKOish, but their physicals add Sp-Def Down which pumps magic into 4HKO (theirs) or 3HKO (others') territory. Their Double is to use Sp-Def Down followed by Rock Javelin, which hurts. They can be instant deathed, which goes on Johnny's ring.

Larilari are only slightly more durable, but it's enough that Johnny can't one-shot them unless he uses Red Crest which is laggy and pricy. They'll use Hail Exceed (which Shania can avoid in a flying fusion) or Black Hole (non-elemental, Malice Edna's signature) as their magic. They can also cast Entrance to make an ally's spell a nasty bitchslap. Fortunately their allies aren't all too bright about using this properly. They'll combo with Black Hole as their use of stock.

Phobos is a big pain in the ass. Their magic isn't the big problem, and they only rarely use it (it's Gale Vortex, which misses non-flyers anyway). Their problem lies in their Blood Loss physical (strips away half the target's HP AFTER dealing damage). Remember Alyosh from Garland Residence? The mercy with them is they only ever used it at the end of a double or combo. Phobos is not so kind. They use their stock to Blood Loss and combo into something else, which can now easily kill. Three Phoboses alone is a tough fight, as their combo damage with each other ramps up very quickly. They have enough HP to need 2-3 attacks to drop, but are vulnerable to petrify, so that goes on Shania's ring.

Finally there's the Bokrug, the most durable enemy who generally needs 3 attacks. They'll cast Red Gravity which not only hits hard if your Sp-Def is lowered, but eats your stock. They'll also cast Cure, and seem to do it intelligently unlike Chakmols. Their physicals add Reverse Ring. That's their idea of a ring status this late? Pfft whatever, not even worth the trouble of healing.

Ispus and Phobos are definitely the more dangerous, and they're also the most common, so randoms are dicy for quite a while. Then we reach...

Malice Soaker (1 reset)

This friendly little tree root uses random battle music and doesn't get a special portrait, but don't be fooled, he's a boss, with the high offensive stats and fast recharge property we associate with SH3 bosses. You have to fight several in the second half of the dungeon, but I'll only cover the one you fight in the first half, as my levels are lower then.

First off, they're immune to magic, and, like Procyon, only use the damage type they're immune to (so they're pure mages). They have every Level 3 spell at their disposal, and these generally do high 3HKO damage, along with Ivy Bind, a wide-area magic spell that airs targets (it looks like earth, but it could easily be non-elemental as well... no way to tell with my party). Their final skill is Mental Breakdown, inflicting the 20% MP Poison. It's perfect accuracy as far as I can tell. I don't bother blocking this (it's not commonly used) and one Arc Heal will patch me up, although this is still a losing proposition on overall turns.

The real danger in this battle comes from how relentless the Malice Soaker is in attacking. A lot of its attacks will hit two people (it's a smaller than normal battlefield), and it gets a LOT of turns, with faster-than-Johnny speed and its rapid accrual of stock. If it doubles it may do any number of different things, but two spells that both hit both people really hurts. His favourite combos are Evil Servant into Bright Decide and Ivy Bind into Rock Javelin (will miss floating Shania). I need to be especially weary about turns and recharge times as a GT spell followed by a double of GT spells really, really hurts. He only rarely attacks stock, so I'm free to hard hit him in a rather paranoid fashion, and of course do so.

The main mercy of this battle is that Malice Soaker is kinda dumb, and will use Hail Exceed on flying Shania and Gale Vortex on Johnny quite willingly (both miss).

Otherwise the fight is mostly a lot of healing (and I do mean a lot). Johnny defends sometimes if he's hurt a bit and Shania isn't in hopes of Arc Cure, especially if the two are far enough apart that they can't be hit by GT (defending doesn't make you move). Johnny's Cure Plus is definitely showing its age now, as it doesn't nearly heal off two attacks; I should probably have grabbed Cure All after all. Shania's keeps up fine though. There is of course also a lot of Hard Hitting, casting Arc Rage regularly to up my damage, and Air Edge on Shania to make her hit harder. I don't use Awaker in this fight, because I fight it with my random-encounter equips by mistake. Twice. I do use La Sirene almost exclusively for Shania (except when I need Arc Rage or Howling) as it makes a big difference, especially with Bright Decide in the enemy arsenal.

I'm Level 39 for the first fight against a Malice Soaker. I'll be at least two levels higher for the rest.

Anyway, with him out of the way, a return to the save point is in order, followed immediately by someone I definitely DO change to my boss-fighting equips for.

Malice Gilbert (3 resets)

One of these three resets (the second, if you're curious) happens before I even get a turn. I roll badly on initiative, Gilbert goes first, and wipes out the party.

And that, in a nutshell, is the problem with this battle. Gilbert has two main gimmicks; one is attacking your sanity relentlessly (and look at him! If anyone could do that, it would be him). The other is doing metric craptons of GT/MT damage if he gets a Double off. He is the first of two bosses in the game who can wipe a full-HP party with a Double.

The good news is that, after the first turn, he usually doesn't (though usually, it must be emphasised, is not good enough). To understand why we need to take a look at those Doubles. One of them is Gathering into Deep Grudge. This is pretty lame. Deep Grudge inflicts Chain status and is borderline 2-3HKO, and hits a large radius. Due to the Double lag time, he won't be able to take advantage of chain, so all this is is a more damaging Vice Blade that has lag and eats a stock gauge. You're welcome to do this, Gilbert! I only see it once.

His other two Doubles both involve starting with Deep Grudge. One is Deep Grudge into Evil Crest. Evil Crest is dark damage, misses aired targets ('sup La Sirene), and makes your special attacks crap for five turns. This does enough damage to kill full-HP unfused PCs. The other is Deep Grudge into Malice Dirge. Malice Dirge is, as you may recall, full multitarget, stock-destroying, chain-inflicting madness. It's also stronger than Evil Crest and isn't resisted/immuned by Shania.

So what does this mean? If two PCs are grouped closely together, Deep Grudge -> Evil Crest will kill them unless Shania is flying (and survives the initial Deep Grudge) or the PCs are both at full HP and fused. If they're close together, Deep Grudge -> Malice Dirge is a trip to the game over screen. This means we have to avoid Doubles at an extremely high priority. It's almost impossible to avoid them -completely- due to various factors in the battle, but coming as close as possible is necessary.

Malice Gilbert's normal turns are spent on physicals which half the target's SP (this can be blocked with Will Power, but I don't) and do quite a lot of damage (usually 2HKO, may be only 3HKO against La Sirene though), Evil Crest (as mentioned, Shania can troll this), Panic (3x recharge 100% status, causes the target to lose Sanity 3 times as quickly), and Deep Grudge (as mentioned. Evil if he doubleturns someone after using this).

Accessory setup for the fight is Johnny with Ashra's Earrings, Blood Jewel, and a Flare Brooch. Why the Flare Brooch? Because with only the Blood Jewel, panicked Awaker loses 12 sanity a turn... more than the Blood Jewel restores unless I perfect its highly difficult ring, so it might not save me! Blocking panic would work, but the Flare Brooch also avoids this problem while giving me beefier stat boosts. Shania, meanwhile, gets Ascetic Earrings, a belt, and a Cosmic Bracelet for panic immunity, since I don't need someone losing 12 sanity a turn (or even 6, with a Flare Brooch, as there's no Blood Jewel to save her).

Beyond this, the fight proceeds normally enough, just with extra paranoia for stock destruction. On the first turn, I Double Vacuum + Hard Hit with Johnny, and in general, I'm not shy about using Doubles if necessary, despite the lag they cause and the problems that can cause down the line, since stock destruction is so important. Due to the Blood Jewel, Johnny is frequently without stock, so Red Nova works as a backup despite its lag (and ability to nearly tink if Johnny is hit with S-Atk Down); Shania occasionally has to do this too if she needs to Double, although it takes her into Ta'tanka so if I can shift back into La Sirene on the back half of the double (e.g. to heal/revive) I do so. Arc Rage is used in place of Rage as both PCs may wish to Hard Hit (and Johnny's physicals are actually good now). Light Edge ups Shania's damage until she dies (which I try to avoid); I never get a chance to cast it on Johnny. Howling is used when Shania's running low on sanity; it's essential to use when she's at 9 or below as at that point, one SP Lowering attack from Gilbert will knock her into the red. Healing and occasional MP healing is required as usual.

A rough fight, certainly. Perhaps the only good news is that there's no low-HP trick waiting, Gilbert stays the same the whole way through. They could have made him extra rough with a stretch of Gale or Surge in there.

Levels were 40.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1832 on: September 03, 2012, 09:41:18 PM »
Devil May Cry - Beat this. Normal Mode replay (fresh obviously, NG+ Normal would be for pansies), did all the secret missions which I could never be bothered with before, and tried to get good rankings. Got at least A (including 18 S's) on every mission except the first, which is partly because it's actually one of the harder ones to get a high ranking on in a fresh file and partly because I was very rusty. In general I had quite a lot of trouble regaining my footing in the earlier missions, but after the fourth chapter (Phantom. Shadows. THREE SHADOWS AT ONCE OH GOD) it started going pretty smoothly, and I knocked out the second two thirds of the game in a few hours this weekend. Fun times, NM Mundus is such a wuss compared to HM though.

Will do Dante Must Die mode next time I pick up the game, dunno when that'll be. Hopefully before I get too rusty at the game again, but I'll take a break for now.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1833 on: September 04, 2012, 12:22:38 AM »
This actually bugged me when I played it because Stonefang was the last area I thoroughly explored and I was pure melee. So I spent 75% of the game wondering where the hell the upgrade materials were and why I had to fight everything with a basic +2/+3 weapon. I guess in retrospect it's pretty obvious they meant for you to tackle the various X-1's, then all the X-2's, instead of barreling through one area at a time in full.

Wow, this must have been hell. This is like fighting skeletons over and over in Dark Souls and defeating Pinwheel before getting into the burg!

For better or worse, Demon's Souls has very particular RPG mechanics compared to Dark Souls and other RPgs. In just about every RPG, risk is always proportional to reward (the xp you get from killing an enemy is proportional to its strength) and you get rewards in a linear fashion.
Demon's Souls has each kind of reward locked to each kind of area; this can be abused and was certainly meant to be abused. (I like grinding Death in 4-2 to buy herbs) It also has the Valley of Defilement, an area with nearly no reward despite enormous risk.

Dark Souls removing most of this (because of its more linear nature) probably made it a better game but I liked how Demon's Souls experimented and subverted expectations.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1834 on: September 04, 2012, 01:55:45 AM »
DQ4- Apparently if you speak with a French accent, you are an evil demon prince and the hardest fight in the game.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1835 on: September 04, 2012, 02:11:14 AM »
Why is that statement (arguably) true about multiple RPGs.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1836 on: September 04, 2012, 06:18:29 AM »
Tactics Ogre Remake: So I turned 2 of my generics into two new jobs because I like having a whole bunch of different sprites!  Those two will probably not be used like ever again, because I discovered Heroes of the same job are just straight up better than Generics when I saw Cistina, in a random map I decided to use her, outdamage pretty notably the other Rune Fencer despite having a weaker weapon and no Warrior Ring.  Yes, they're behind on skills, but they're not completely lacking in them, and they have most of the essentials to be workable, so I made the shift.

Oh yeah, and Vyce acted like a total moron and had the outcome you'd expect.  Delita you are not, Vyce.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1837 on: September 04, 2012, 02:47:55 PM »
TOPSP plot characters end up being a viable option due to the clear statistical superiority, so they can rock a normally levelled class. The skill issues are circumventable at least. It sucks that using them in their unique classes when they have them is such an exercise in patience, though, but :topsplevelgrowthdesign: applies.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1838 on: September 04, 2012, 03:05:51 PM »
Wow, this must have been hell. This is like fighting skeletons over and over in Dark Souls and defeating Pinwheel before getting into the burg!

Welcome to my first hour or so of Dark Souls. (Sadly, could only make it to the first ladder in the Catacombs. Couldn't actually manage any real progress in the Catacombs)


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1839 on: September 04, 2012, 03:14:04 PM »
TOPSP plot characters end up being a viable option due to the clear statistical superiority, so they can rock a normally levelled class. The skill issues are circumventable at least. It sucks that using them in their unique classes when they have them is such an exercise in patience, though, but :topsplevelgrowthdesign: applies.

Characters like Cistina and Dievold join in Generic Classes anyway, so that's not an issue, provided you were raising those Classes (I was, though I can easily see not raising a Terror Knight), but yeah, characters like the White Knight whose name I would rather not screw up the spelling of are annoying in this regard.

Oddly, I actually am raising him now because he can sit back and cast healing, and is now level 10 (level 15 is the current standard) and can actually do stuff now.  Not the norm though; not every character has the luxury of being able to sit back and be Make-Shift Healer at lower levels, sadly.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1840 on: September 04, 2012, 04:40:08 PM »

Terribly fun game, once I unlocked the feature to desgin your own custom character in this game is just amazing for an rpg dungeon crawler haha. Also randomly finding end game loot in the first few dungeons is interesting, the RNG is pretty facsinating in this game...And so is wandering around as a Cryomancer desgined as sailor neptune is pretty boss... Also....TITS
2D/2.5D RPGs, Platformers, Action-RPGs, Brawlers are my bag! Minor Video Game knowledge outside of those!

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1841 on: September 04, 2012, 05:00:23 PM »
Characters like Cistina and Dievold join in Generic Classes anyway, so that's not an issue, provided you were raising those Classes (I was, though I can easily see not raising a Terror Knight), but yeah, characters like the White Knight whose name I would rather not screw up the spelling of are annoying in this regard.

Oddly, I actually am raising him now because he can sit back and cast healing, and is now level 10 (level 15 is the current standard) and can actually do stuff now.  Not the norm though; not every character has the luxury of being able to sit back and be Make-Shift Healer at lower levels, sadly.

True enough. Gildas and Myrdin kinda get the longer end of the stick as far as unique classes go due to the base niches of White Knights being -so damn good- and not getting in the way of raising (TOPSP healers kinda have it really easy on raising that way). I have absolutely no words for how it pans out for the likes of the C4 secret PCs, though. Even if one of them has such ridiculous bases+class stats that you can have her solo randoms no strings attached to raise levels.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1842 on: September 04, 2012, 06:13:18 PM »
Who is Dievold?!
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1843 on: September 04, 2012, 10:49:36 PM »
Wow, this must have been hell. This is like fighting skeletons over and over in Dark Souls and defeating Pinwheel before getting into the burg!

Nah, it wasn't anywhere near that bad (probably it's due to playing Dark Souls first and knowing what to expect, but I found Demon's Souls vastly easier). I just dumped a ton of levels into strength to use heavy weapons (I got the flamberge reasonably early), since it doesn't matter all that much that your weapons are primitive if the enemies don't get a chance to stand up. Mostly I was just annoyed in principle at not being able to do much to improve my weapons. I mean, I thought that was grindy and FAQ-baity in Dark Souls, but Demon's Souls? Christ man, even after going through the mineral-rich region in full, I didn't even have enough rocks to get my best weapon up more than +7 or so (and then I got the Dragon Bone Smasher and everything else stopped mattering). I can't even imagine the stupid level of grinding required to max anything out.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1844 on: September 05, 2012, 12:34:09 AM »
Dievold is Nybeth's son who joins only on Neutral route, Ciato. Also not that great of a PC, because he's slow for a unique PC and his starting class (Terror Knight) is both the slowest class in the game and not that great until it hits L20.

Special PC RT modifiers. Base RT will never change in this game, so these are really significant for people who go deep into the aftergame:

Ozma: -15
Ravness, Hobyrim: -12
Gildas, Folcurt: -10
Oliyva, Sherri, Lendl: -9
Cerya, Jeunan, Lanselot, Iuria, Cistina: -8
Canopus, Mirdyn, Ganpp, Denam: -7
Arycelle, Occione: -6
Warren, Vyce, Azelstan, Xapan, Catiua, Cressida, Deneb: -5
Voltare, Felicia, Rudlum: -4
Sara, Oelias: -3
Dievold, Donnalto, Phaesta, Bayin: -2
Ehlrig: -1
Tamuz: 0
Chamos: 1 (ahaha everyone laugh at the shitty semi-unique)

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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1845 on: September 05, 2012, 01:42:12 AM »
I was more referring to "what was his name in the original, the one I actually played Neutral on" but that works. Debores the Terror Knight?
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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1846 on: September 05, 2012, 01:46:34 AM »
Debordes, apparantly.

Incidentally, since you aren't going to play Neutral on TOPSP I strongly recommend you read the script for the C4 Nybeth plot battle in Palace of the Dead. They made some... spectacluar changes to Oelias/Orias' backstory in this version.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 01:50:56 AM by hinode »


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1847 on: September 05, 2012, 04:56:29 PM »
SC2: After quitting for almost a year, I did placement matches. My internet crashed during 2 of them and I ended up getting silver. Even though I went 3-2 overall, even though I crushed the diamond guy I faced.

I guess I'm just going to quit WoL for good and wait for the expansion.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1848 on: September 06, 2012, 03:02:49 AM »
Wow, this must have been hell. This is like fighting skeletons over and over in Dark Souls and defeating Pinwheel before getting into the burg!

Welcome to my first hour or so of Dark Souls. (Sadly, could only make it to the first ladder in the Catacombs. Couldn't actually manage any real progress in the Catacombs)
I didn't notice the path to the burg either at first, but I gave up on skeletons a lot faster.

Wow, this must have been hell. This is like fighting skeletons over and over in Dark Souls and defeating Pinwheel before getting into the burg!

Nah, it wasn't anywhere near that bad (probably it's due to playing Dark Souls first and knowing what to expect, but I found Demon's Souls vastly easier). I just dumped a ton of levels into strength to use heavy weapons (I got the flamberge reasonably early), since it doesn't matter all that much that your weapons are primitive if the enemies don't get a chance to stand up. Mostly I was just annoyed in principle at not being able to do much to improve my weapons. I mean, I thought that was grindy and FAQ-baity in Dark Souls, but Demon's Souls? Christ man, even after going through the mineral-rich region in full, I didn't even have enough rocks to get my best weapon up more than +7 or so (and then I got the Dragon Bone Smasher and everything else stopped mattering). I can't even imagine the stupid level of grinding required to max anything out.
You only went to the second world near the end of the game, but you still got Pure White World tendency there?? (To get the Dragon Bone Smasher) You just checked a faq for a few specific things before playing?
I agree about materials in general, I didn't even notice Ed until near the end of the game. But materials aren't that hard to find on some upgrading paths (I maxed three weapons this playthrough without any farming), but are a pain on others (HOURS OF FARMING FOR ONE STONE apparently)

Anyway, my priest has finished the game. Like in Dark Souls, miracles aren't all that great: they're good utility but Demon's Souls is one of the last games where I would care about "utility". God's Wrath, the only damage miracle, is so terrible in this game I couldn't believe it. The useful ones were:
- Heal (heals HPs). Fairly standard, but healing is dirt cheap if you use that spell instead of herbs. This saves a bit of souls (unless you spend a ton of them into faith)
- Evacuate (Return to the hub world)
- Cure (heals status): hardly needed, but it removes a big part of the Valley of Defilement's danger.
- Second Chance (auto-revives with 50% HPs): Okay, this one's awesome. But it requires two slots, doesn't necessarily give you enough time to run away after its effect has been used, and doesn't do anything about falling from great heights.

Some points into Faith is a great help to any melee fighter, but miracles can't really be the center of your build in Demon's Souls. In short, I wasted about 30 points.

I restarted as a mage, and ran through 1-1, 3-1, and 4-1. Looks like magic's broken when you know the game well. I have kickass spells and 80 spices. 4-1 might be the first time I've ran through a stage and killed the boss with my body form the whole time. (= without dying once)

The game really feels like it ends too soon. (Not that it's too short) You get the tutorial stages (Beginning of the game and 1-1), the earlygame stages (1-2, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1), the midgame stages (1-3, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2), then four gimmick bosses, a very short level and the (admittedly good) final boss. It doesn't feel like there's a proper endgame at all.


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Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« Reply #1849 on: September 06, 2012, 03:21:14 AM »
Man, I always feel like the only person to ever talk enough to Crestfallen for him to point out that you should go up.  I never even found the graveyard until I got the elevator working.

Also I'll hopefully have the other half of the new content done before the week's end.  Things have been annoying here.