BrigandineI really need to get Grand Edition. I am finally finding this game boring to replay even though it's one of my all-time favorites. I blame knowing there's a better version. :Y Did anyone ever find out of GE's multiplayer works over the internet if you use an emulator? I would certainly pick it up in that case.
Anyway, Norgard playthrough going about like my Norgard playthroughs always do. Grab the island from Esgares as soon as possible, advance against New Almekia as far as possible without widening the front, stomp poor Leonia since they end in the best chokepoint to attack multiple enemies from. Then sit there trying to get Esgares weak enough for a computer player to finish them so I get better, or at least different, knights, grow frustrated, and finish them (and shortly the game) myself.
Brangien felt like my MVP (all of the assassinations, all of them) but it was probably Vaynard.
League of LegendsAlmost 30 (hit 27 tonight). I guess the lack of a third Quintessence is an issue but I don't feel like I'm at a meaningful mechanical disadvantage anymore.
I do however feel like I've hit a wall in terms of my improvement as a player. I have a good grasp of the game's tactics and can play jungle or support to a reasonable level of proficiency with many characters. But I can't last hit despite a fair amount of practice and I invariably lose my lane if I try to top, mid or AD Carry bot. Switching to smartcasting is probably the only way over that wall (since it's not like my reflexes are going to get magically better).
Nunu is still my favorite. I can take him top and only lose a little, take him jungle and either do well with a normal clear of do a cool quickdragon strategy with a support, or help my AD carry a lot as a support myself. I also like supporting as Taric, and jungling as Amumu and Cho'Gath. I own a bunch of others but they're the only ones I'm good at.