Four years ago, I was in England. Actually, specifically, I was in Cardiff, Wales, at a little hostel by the river, out getting my party on. I went to bed before the polls closed, and when I woke up I knew immediately who won. Not that I didn't care, I made sure that I got my ballot in, but by that point anything I could do to affect the process was over and I was thankfully able to turn my eye away from the media circus of the results counting.
Now, on the the other side of the date line, I'm here in Japan, at work, unable to check facebook or news sites without being inundated with premature vote tallies and all the nonsense I so thankfully got to skip last time. I will likely not know who won today, and if I do it will be at the end of the night.
I miss being in England right now, and I have no bloody idea why Super would stay up to watch this cock and pony show.