Author Topic: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B  (Read 1459 times)


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ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:54:54 PM »
1. Santa Clause v. Worker 8 - Duel               IIIII/II IIIII
2. Sir Lancelot the Brave v. Robot Chicken - Writing a Novel      IIIII IIII/II
3. Captain America vs. Captain Gordon - Metal Gear Challenge      IIIII IIIII II/
4. Iris (MMX4) vs. Sherlock Holmes - Kareoke            I/IIIII IIIII
5. Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Fawful (M&L:SSS) - Directing a Movie   IIIII IIII/I
                           IIII/IIII IIIII
6. Sterling Archer, Terran Marine (Starcraft), Mog, Simon Belmont vs.
    Reptar (Rugrats), Pinkie Pie (MLP:FiM), Sho Minamoto (TWEWY), Snow Villiers (FF13) - Team Battle

Pool B

Match #7

A staple of second rate comedies since Shakespear's day, we bring you that timeless classic, having people dress up in women's clothing. Well, ok, technically it's dressing in the other gender's clothing, but they're both male so we get a better soundbite.  As for how disturbing this is going to be...  well, we've got Chef from South Park, and Tails from the Sonic Games.  Hell, with contests like these, who needs Craft (Disturbing Mental Image)?

Match #8

Let's face it, the only thing more inevitable than the eventual subjugation of humanity by their robotic slaves is that, sooner or later, a lone figure will lead the overthrow of those same tyrants of steel and circuitry.  Of course, it'd be nice if we'd actually have a hero in the house.

Our first contestant definately knows how to make life suck. Mostly because it routinely takes little animated toys fight to the death for its own amusement. Right up until only one remains and it successfully fights back. And it always does. So...  yeah, Master Hand ladies and gentlemen.

Against this we've got an accomplished military leader who apparently also has the ability to pull meteors out of the sky to smash his foes. Sturm from Advanced Wars seems very well suited for this contest, until you realize that most of the forces Advanced War people use are actually robotic weapons sent to fight and die in human wars...

Match #9

Words and wit are the fuel, that lie beneath this writer's duel.
Valourous soul on written page, spoken as battle upon the stage.

Advisor of an ancient land, where carpets fly o'er scorching sand.
Jaffar's brains will take the win, with his smooth poetic spin.

Flying high into the sky, who dares challenge this Highwind guy.
Through deed and word he will show grace, natural to this airborn ace.

Match #10

It takes a specific set of skills to corral a bunch of animals, keep them alive, and let them interact with the public without incident.

I'm also not gonna be unbiased here, but this is largely because we have Al Bundy, who so far as I can recall is a lot like Homer Simpson, except more realistic. And Ace, who one could argue has this job in game.

Match #11

Sometimes, you want to get the Heros to do something, but you don't want it to be obvious that you want them to do it. After all, then they might figure things out too fast, or just do the opposite. Heros are annoying like that, after all. So, you leave them clues, cryptic clues. Things they should take some effort to figure out so they think you're trying to hide it, and trying to keep them from doing whatever it is you want them to do. Well...  either that or you want to get caught.

And we get to the second of what I expect to be curbstomp battles. I mean, on the one hand, we have Tohru Adachi whose game is pretty much a mystery, and where he, in fact, does a few light examples of this challenge in game.  And he's up against a mariachi pokemon.

Match #12

Calvinball, it's the only game that's never the same twice. It's an absurd game where the only way to win is quick thinking and managing to change strategies on the fly as both sides will have to resort to the absurd at some point.

Fittingly, both contestants are warriors used to working for others. Whether it's Megaman and his working for Dr. Light and world peace, or Archer, who from what I understand is a servant in some kind of magical contest. Knowing nothing about Archer, I can say nothing, and Megaman needs no introduction.

Match #13

And so we start the pairs matches, with two contestants forced to work together.  To start them off, we have the more interesting match of Mantracking, trying to get through some rough, but passable terrain, without being able to fight back, and without being caught. Their challenge, to cross 40 km over a day and a half with nothing but what they can find, and what they can carry. and walking the whole way. They have a map, and a compass.  Chasing them, one cowboy and a guide who knows the local area real well, both on horse (or appropriate local riding beast) back.  It is a challenge that requires teamwork, navigation skills, athletics, and stealth.

Our first team will be short on stealth, despite what the robots in disguise tagline might make you think. However, they probably have the other qualities in spades. In fact, I could see Optimus Prime and Morte making a great team. They're both fairly bright, will be able to navigate well, and this is one of the few cases where the contestants will actually want to find flat, open land, as horses are unlikely to keep up with a semi.

Our second team will also be short on bickering. After all, while George Jetson may not be the happiest guy, his team mate is the aptly named Silent Bob. Silent Bob is also surprisingly skilled, in his understated way. However, George comes from the future, and may not be the best suited for this running around on the ground stuff. But, his future knowledge will be the x-factor in this match that may allow for a surprise win,

Match #14

Keeping up with the pairs battles, we now have the tandem obstacle course. Namely, a course where there's a bunch of locked off sections and two individual sections, and there's a lot of tricky obsticles that the contestants need to get through. Adding to the fun is that each section has a button/switch that opens up the doors to the next section for their partner. Meaning each team will be only as fast as their slowest member.

Our first team will know a lot about tricky design, with Mr. Teatime, a professional assassin, likely having to navigate it from time to time. And his parter, a Mr. Bowser Koopa, professional evil overlord/kidnapper, being an expert in designing it.  Of course, they'll have their work cut out for them as they're up against the magical beam spamming Marisa Kirisame and the secret agent who's used to even more absurd twists than a Discworld assassin, Maxwell Smart.

Quick Vote Form:
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 09:05:23 PM »

7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest- Fire .I vote fire.
8.Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords- Master hand antivote here.
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam- Jafar is highly educated and intellegent, and probably has as a good grasp on classical poetry. However, that won't do him any good when Kain taps into his inner emo.
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo- Ace is a fighter, not a diplomat. Al Bundy's petting zoo is going to fail horribly given time (It is Al after all) but he does have plenty of backround in public service. The series shows he *can* be good at dealing with the public when he really puts his mind to it. 
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues- See Excal's description. Adachi specializes in this in game.
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 09:20:49 PM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords -- Don't think it's ever confirmed one way or the other, but I always got the impression that Sturm was a robotic overlord wannabe - and he'd do less of freeing humanity and more of taking over control.
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 09:41:14 PM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
Whoever wins, we all lose.

8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
I am perfectly willing to say that subsituting one robotic overlord for another is closer to a win than anything Master Hand can accomplish here.

9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam
Ew no to emo poetry hype.

11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues

12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball
Gut says that Archer just has much more to work with here.

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking

14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course
Bowser's not exactly the most nimble guy around, thinking he probably slows his partner down too much.


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2012, 09:48:19 PM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
Tails can make a convincing girl, sure.

8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Torn here. Sturm I think is more likely to be able to get it done...but is also far less likely to actually do any freeing. Master Hand is a bit of a wild card, hard to peg its abilities or intentions exactly. THOUGH technically passing from robotic overlords to human overlord is still being "freed" from robotic control. So guess Sturm gets the nod.

9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam
Is a Vizier, so he works with words as a general rule. Also works for Disney, so there's that. Think Jaffar just has the advantage overall here.

10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo
Bundy can and will fuck anything up. Ace has his derp moments, but is largely competent.

11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Yeaaaaaaaaaaah this is a total blowout.

12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball
Not many people could beat Megaman in this one. Archer is one of them. Oof.

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
Think Prime's got this in the bag on his own, much less with Morte's help in the planning department.

14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course
Dunno Johnathan, and he may be a deciding factor here.
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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2012, 11:36:23 PM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
What exactly does winning mean here, anyway?  Look the most ridiculous?

8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Win by default.  Master Hand in such a situation would most def. join the robotic overlords.

9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam
Jaffar strikes me as the type of person who hates poetry even if he has some skill at it.  Weirdly enough in the Arab world poetry is usually a democratic thing that random dudes in cafes participate in and are subversive with, not exactly a ruler's type.  Kain...  I dunno.  He's going to write bad poetry, but he'll throw his heart into it.  Plenty of poets were people who fundamentally failed at life, so it might even be decent.

10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo

11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
colo...  colo ludi.  Ludi.  Friends, I think Ludicolo might be the real mastermind here.

12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball
Both seem absurdly horrible at this and out of their element.  Robot vs. (EDIT: I don't know Archer.  I thought this was Saber who I am sort of vaguely familiar with.)

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
In general I'm not inclined to give George future gadget credit, but Optimus literally is a future gadget so he can't really be denied it.

14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obstacle Course
Well, as noted, this is very much a "weak link sinks the ship" type competition.  Let's assume Teatime is absurdly competent, as I don't know him.  Bowser...  is still not great here.  He makes a lot of death traps and obstacles, yes, and they often end up being turned on him somehow and killing his minions, or Bowser directly.  Bowser's a plugger, so he's going to make it through, but probably via having several brick walls fall on him that he smashed through in the process, and there's a weird potted plant on his head.

The other team seems really, really good at this.  Touhou characters fly and dodge lasers & stuff so Marisa's probably fine.  Smart's an idiot, but this is also his shtick and one that he inexplicably succeeds at in the end always, so he'll probably fail the first two obstacles in such an unexpected way that he falls into the master control room and opens up the entire facility or something.  Or his  custom-designed Obstacle Course bypass gadget overheats and overloads the power, tossing Teatime into darkness.  That kinda stuff.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 07:20:27 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2012, 12:52:46 AM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
Chef shows up on Jerry Springer. Win.

8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Seconding the "Master Hand would join the robotic overlords" comment.

9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam
Poetry is born from emo.

10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo
Ace clearly loves animals inside. He steals the S3 dogs and starts a zoo with those.

11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
I was... almost tempted to vote Ludicolo. But then... I remembered it's Ludicolo.

12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
George Jetson isn't winning this one. Silent Bob probably runs out of breath after 10 km.

14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course
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If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2012, 01:32:43 AM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
Some of the best shemales are black.  I have no idea what that matters here, but hey.  Tails isn't believe able in drag because of his, uh, tails.  Chef would be.

8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Seems like he'd free humanity from their overlords...and then dominate them.  But hey, still counts.  Not sure if Master Hand can actually do it - Master Hand exists to play and fail.

9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam - Jaffar is a genie.  At worst, he asks someone to wish for awesome poetry and delivers.  At best, he can write with more variety than Emily Dickkin-Highwind here.

10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo
Man, Al deals with animals all the time (his family/Jefferson), manages to keep a house and run a life with effectively no money...yeah.  At worst, he has Zombie Buck, who has been shown to be well-loved by everyone.  As Super pointed out, Al Bundy has run things things before fairly effectively (see: the episode he made a calendar out of his son's girlfriend and sold it amazingly well).

11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues

12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball
It feels right.

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
Silent Bob is actually quite possibly the best contender here - he is very good at this.  Remember, he's a prophet.  Having said that, George Jetson is a massive weak link, so points to the better team over here.

14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obstacle Course
Maxwell Smart wins this alone.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2012, 01:43:40 AM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest: Not like you can tell Tails' gender either way. I mean, depending on how you interpret this, that could hand him the win, but I'm more of the opinion that the winner of a drag contest looks damn good at crossdressing, and I could see Chef pulling that off just because he has the gusto.
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam: Being emo makes you more inclined to write poetry. It sure as hell does not make you good at it. Jaffar's classical training should see him through.
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo: Ace is actually weirdly good at being a softy.
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking: Optimus Prime is OP here, good at pretty much every skill needed.
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2012, 06:49:18 AM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest - All of Tails' voice actors are female anyway, so... I guess?
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords - I liked Random's reasoning here.
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam - I PLAYED Dissidia 2, I've HEARD Kain's poetry... ;_;
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo - Feels mismatched.
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues - Not just a feeling here.
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball - Archer's big unique ability is Creation magic. I'm seeing this as being fundamentally better at creativity than a man-made being. Would have been hilarious to see Unlimited Blade Works in the Poetry Slam match, though...

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2012, 07:16:48 AM »
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest  - do we have to break out the fan art?  I hope we don't.
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords  - Master Hand proved wildly ineffective against robot armies.
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam  - 'his personalities flaws/give me adequate cause/to send him on a one way trip/his assets take a terminal dip/his assets frozen/the venue chosen/the ends of the earth go wheeeeeeeeee/SO LONG!  Ex-Prince AllliiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIII~'
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo- I could buy Al keeping things running well enough in the short term to outlast Ace if he just had to promote and manage the zoo, but the writeup implies he has to select, corral, and tend the animals, which he's not remotely qualified for.  Ace fails in the first week, but he at least opens.
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues  - Who wants to talk about MURDERS!
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball  - These players both focus on weapons, ensuring a very deadly variation on the game.  And Archer is perhaps the only guy who can actually match Mega Man weapon for weapon.  And definitely can after the fact.

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking  Being a literal truck has advantages in crossing large distances, and Morte can do all the other essential functions.
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course  - Teatime's real skill is lateral thinking, which happens to mostly involve murder.  In this case, of course, that means just killing the competition, since while Bowser is capable in the event, so are his opponents and they have a great edge in mobility.  However, since the lateral approach is murder, this means instigating a fight with either Maxwell Smart or Marisa.  Maxwell versus assassin always, always ends poorly for the assassin, so Teatime would attack Marisa.  Teatime has many talents, but surviving lasers powered by love is not one of them.
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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2012, 08:40:08 PM »
Update will be tonight or tomorrow. Any late voters be warned.