
Author Topic: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C  (Read 1543 times)


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ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« on: February 07, 2012, 05:37:55 AM »

7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails  vs. Fire - Drag Contest                           IIIIT/IIII/II - Tiebreak
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords            IIIII II/I
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam                           IIIII II/III
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo                  IIIII I/II
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues                  IIIII IIII/
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball                           II/IIII

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking            IIIII IIII/
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course   /IIIII

Pool C

Match #15

This time we have an epic faceoff. From epic literature, to epic mythology, to one epic bar tab.  And the loser has to pay.

Fortunately, both of our contestants have a good argument as to why they'd win a drinking contest. Odysseus may just be a human, but he's one of those mythological Greek humans who's kinda a step above. As well, he's the one guy from the Illiad who gets to live, after surviving one hell of a trip back home. But how much will his endurance count for against a guy whose race consists entirely of smoking and drinking? Samwise Gamgee has a nice cultural and physiological edge coming into this, with his primary drawback really just being his tiny little hobbit stature leading to probably being able to hold less alcohol.

Match #16

Normally, I like to have fun with the Pokemon Journey one. But let's be frank, it's Galuf, who has access to the poke trainer like Monster Hunter class, vs. an Aggron.  My money is that he makes Aggron his starter before going on and kicking ass, never quite remembering why he's kicking ass in the first place.

Match #17

Welcome to the Tournament of Randomness, where scrub offs can lead to prime entertainment. Today's scrub off involves trying to stay calm in the face of adversity. Emphasis on trying, cause lord knows neither of these contestants can pull this trick off.

Our first scrub is Gaston, the swaggering macho man from Beauty and the Beast, who resorts to murder and mob forming/leading because a chick blows him off. His only redeeming feature is that, outside of his inability to score chicks with class, he's pretty damn perfect, if his home village does sing so itself. Which is good, because that's sure to infuriate Franzisca von Karma, who values perfection above everything else. Naturally, this vain whip snapping prosecutor will be furious at his effortless accomplishment of the single thing she is denied. Granted, she's also gonna cheese him off by not falling for him, so we've got our epic cycle of aggrivation, adversity, and the futile attempt to stay calm in the face of both.

Match #18

Stand up comedy is easy. All you have to do is stand in front of a possibly hostile crowd of strangers and make them laugh. Nothing to it.

Ditto's glad that you don't need to talk to do stand up, so long as you can pantomime and do slapstick well enough. Or hell, impersonations are always popular.  As for Dr. Psyche...  I am unsure what a robot with a doctorate (or a lie of a title) will bring to the table here.

Match #19

Welcome to the debate, where these two contestants will be forced to argue for one side of a topic, and be more convincing.  Sadly, this write up will be short as I know nothing about either Abed Nadir or Solitair (nor their homes, Community and Dark Souls) But, assuredly the commentary will have something to say.

Match #20

Outwit, outlast, outplay.

This is the motto of the survivor. And in the vein of the great grand-daddy of reality tv, we're going to strand eight competitors in a tropical paradise and force them to build their own shelter, hunt their own food, and play humiliating mini challenges for trinkets and immunity from being voted off. Contestants will then be voted off one by one until the last two are judged by their peers.  Four will go on to see Round 2, however, there's a couple of twists here.  First off, you're voting in list form, with placement on the final list based on where everyone votes.  And yes, it will be weighed so that less votes won't be a death knell.  Secondly, losing the final confrontation is worse than simply getting voted off.  This means that third and fourth will move on the the second round, second place will be eliminated, and first place will win immunity to the second round, and jump straight to round 3.

Joker may seem to be out of his element since his best skill, piloting futuristic space craft, is utterly useless, but he's likable, smart, and knows a lot of stuff, which means he may be able to make up for his Vrolik's Syndrome, which makes him unable to do any of the physical contests or work lest his legs go snap.

Is there anything Homer Simpson hasn't done?  He may be a bumbling idiot, but one with a lucky streak a mile wide, and he's got one of the better skillsets to survive this.

Tuta has survived two wars, but can he become the ultimate Survivor?  Understated in personality with the medical skills that will make him invaluable, he may prove a real challenger.

Lews Therin Telamon is known by many names. Dragon, Kinslayer, Batshit Insane. But there's really only a few things that matter here. His access to the Source gives him powers well beyond what anyone else here has, and he's pretty crafty at surviving stuff so long as he doesn't nuke himself. That, and would anyone test the theory that he won't glass the island if they do vote him off?

Iago is a guy from Othello, which means likely better in an urban setting. But then, most of the people here are.

This plays well into Tibarn's strengths. His ability to turn in to a hawk, and the fact that his home is an island, matched with his generally likable personality and top notch hunting skills means he'll be a real competitor. Hell, he's even pretty good at politics.

Whereas politics is all Jabba the Hutt will have going for him. However, as a fringe world mob boss, that's something he's very good at. There's also the fact that he may get saddled with position #2 simply by virtue of the people jockying for the last confrontation betting he'll never be able to win the last vote.

Finally, Jabba isn't the only politician here. And Stephen Colbert is no stranger to wrestling wildlife into submission. But will this larger than life icon manage to Survive?

Quick Vote Form

15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

20. Survivor - List Format.

Joker (Mass Effect)
Homer Simpson
Iago (Othello)
Tuta (Suikoden 3)
Lews Therin Telamon (WoT)
Jabba the Hutt
Stephen Colbert
Tibarn (FE 9/10)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 05:45:51 AM by Excal »


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2012, 06:03:11 AM »
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey- 796 pounds of brickshitting amazement in his element? Welp. You die, Galuf.

18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy- Like all good comedians, Ditto can just steal his way to the top.

1. Homer- Has the right mix of dumb and likable to latch onto an alliance and the luck to survive till the finals.Iago is great at setting em up, but knocking all of em down? No way.
2. Iago- He is great at manipulating people. But he is likely to understimate Homer and be scared shitless of Lews Therin, so he gambles and doublecrosses the Dragon. He loses because everyone likes Homer.
3. Lewis Therin- I was going to vote him last, but Iago is great at manipulating people into doing dark deeds. He can have the Kinslayer be his literal hachet man and still win- no one wants a dangerous madman to win the prize. Lews Therin's going to win every immunity challenge to boot, assuming he can be convinced to do them.
4. Dr. Tuta- He's protected to an extent by being apolitical, but that only gets you so far in survivor.
5. Colbert- His gimmick doesn't translate here; gets voted off for annoying people, and I don't see him making an alliance. He's an inoffensive target and can go at any time.
6. Jabba- Smart and savvy enough to align with Iago, but is loathsome enough to make an easy doublecross target.
7. Tibarn- Smart, dangerous, and skilled at politics. Iago is going to be attacking him first. Lews Therin is very likely to win immunity and outside of Tuta there isn't anyone who can really can pull into his sphere.  He is also blindsided by alliances in game as well, which... ocuh.
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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2012, 06:06:31 AM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
As Wikipedia reminds us, Odysseus spends like an entire year on Circe's island "feasting and drinking" and possibly not being as loyal as his wife is at home, for all that he eventually does decide he needs to pack up and leave.  More generally, Greece is the land where grapes are among the few things that really grow well in that hilly soil.  Lots of practice here.  Hobbits are more tobacco smokers IIRC.

16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey

17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
If the adversity is each other, then yes, they're going to be screaming at each other in 2 minutes.  Weakly tiebroke for the guy who manages to rally a mob to do something about the Beast problem over the girl who manages to ineffectively taunt her brother-of-sorts.

18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
Sure, impressions > robot.

20. Survivor - List Format.
EDIT: Swapped 1 &2.

1) Homer Simpson
Not really detected as a threat, bumbles his way inexplicably through, voted for as the "not Iago" candidate in the end.
2) Iago (Othello)
Most ruthless backstabber of this set.  Gets him to the top four at least, and sure, probably competent enough to win out....  except the final 2 are apparently in a vote, and all of Iago's backstabbing comes back to haunt him.
3) Lews Therin Telamon (WoT)
Goes far off sheer power and craziness, but Homer / Iago seem like the type to trip him up.
4) Tuta (Suikoden 3)
I'm admittedly playing by ear here, but Tuta is quiet and competent and experienced in civil wars.  I think he can pull an I, Claudius by staying in the background while the more colorful characters like Colbert & Joker flame out.
5) Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert, DFA, is a real person, now.  Unfortunately only Homer will have any idea what he's babbling about with his "USA" rhetoric, and only Joker really "gets" him in this set.  Not really playing to his strengths when he has to convince others to keep him on the island.
6) Tibarn (FE 9/10)
Tibarn, good at politics?  No way, he's a gentle and trusting soul.  Even when he shouldn't be.  As apparently FE10 3-3 plot twist proves, again.  Probably becomes Iago's minion somehow.
7)Joker (Mass Effect)
Like Jabba, crippled at physical activity.  Has a brain and some cunning, but also ultimately a nice guy, so eh.
8)Jabba the Hutt
Ruthless but way too obviously so, and hopeless without servants.  You want "cunning backstabber who you don't realize is a threat" (Iago) not "asshole prince used to others following his orders" (Jabba).
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 08:24:17 PM by SnowFire »

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2012, 06:10:11 AM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
I can't recall either being especially notable in terms of drinking prowess, so going with gut.

16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
Galuf sacrifices his hope of completing the Pokemon Journey so that his friends can stop the token crime syndicate from carrying out whatever nefarious plot they are plotting, assuming he wouldn't be shoved into the role of Professor, as old men in Pokemon often are.  Aggron, on the other hand, is a pokemon and as some trainer will have him with him when the journey is complete.

17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
As noted, both are absolutely terrible at this and would likely, assuming the situation were not exaccerbated, lose their cool within the first two minutes.  Gaston uses this time to sing about his muscles.

20. Joker (Mass Effect), Homer Simpson, Dr. Tuta (Suikoden 3), Lews Therin Telamon (Nutbar Form, WoT), Iago (Othello), Tibarn (FE 9/10), Jabba the Hut, Stephen Colbert - Survivor
uh shit

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2012, 06:13:37 AM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest: Both strike me as very good at this. Hobbits know how to drink, definitely. But... in the end, body mass does matter in a competition like this, and Odysseus, as a Greek hero with epic endurance, probably comes out on top.
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey: Aggron gets brutally destroyed as soon as he reaches the Water gym. Galuf uses the Trainer class to capture the appropriate weakness-hitter for each gym and does about as well as anyone can be expected to.
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity: Maan. Awaiting arguments on this one.
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy: Ditto transforms into Dr. Psyche with 5 uses of each of the doctor's abilities, since that's... well, all he can really do. Dr. Psyche wins because he can tell more than five jokes. Ditto can only tell five, then he'll have to use one of his opponent's other attacks. Which, seeing as this is Dr. Psyche, the other attacks Ditto copy probably involve brutal destruction of the spectators or mad science, both of which probably get him disqualified.

20. Survivor - List Format.

Abstain on: Joker

Homer Simpson
Iago (Othello)
Tuta (Suikoden 3)
Lews Therin Telamon (WoT)
Jabba the Hutt
Stephen Colbert
Tibarn (FE 9/10)

Okay, let's see. Ignoring Joker for now of course.

Homer is the first to go. He's not particularly popular or likable, and woefully inept at wilderness survival (see that episode in the first season, or the one where they get stranded at sea).

Colbert, Jabba, and Iago's abilities are primarily political, while Tuta, Tibarn, and Lews have special abilities that make them particularly valuable as survivors and teammates. However, Iago in particular is far, far too good a manipulator. He'll play all the others off each other. I actually see him getting to #2 easily, at which point he'll lose because the final vote is determined by everyone he has already manipulated, stabbed in the back, etc. In fact I like to imagine an already-voted-out Tibarn physically tearing Iago apart after that final vote is cast. Which makes me want to call Tibarn #3. Jabba is probably the #6, since he's less physically useful than Colbert, who can be #5. That weirdly leaves me choosing between Lews and Tuta for #1 and #4. Of the two I bet Iago fears Lews more and manipulates him out of it, while taking advantage of Tuta's niceness and naivete. Which weirdly means Tuta ends up winning because when it comes to the final vote, at least he's not Iago.

1. Tuta
2. Iago
3. Tibarn
4. Lews
5. Colbert
6. Jabba
7. Homer
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 08:11:36 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2012, 06:21:51 AM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
Merry and Pip were the heavy drinkers, not Sam.

16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
Aggron gets caught by some random trainer along the way, much to his utter annoyance. Galuf likely doesn't make it to the end, but will get further then Aggron managed at least.

17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
I think Franziska will flip her shit more at Gaston hitting on her then he will at being shot down. He'll lose his cool, no doubt. But I think she'll do so more spectacularly. Which would cost her the match.

18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
Turning into your opponent and mimicing them in a mocking fashion is probably good for a laugh.

19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

Having never watched or paid any attention to Survivor, I'm honestly not sure exatly how it works. Have to abstain there.
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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2012, 07:26:30 AM »
Quick Vote Form

15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest-  Greek heroes do love their wine, leveling the playing field in the culture and tolerance department, at which point the size and build differences between greek heroes and hobbits is the critical advantage.
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey- I'm not convinced either can finish the journey, but Galuf should consistently get to the E4.  Aggron's performance varies on region, but even his best showing (johto) has him lose at Gym 8.
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity-  It sorta comes down to what precisely is meant by 'staying calm'.  If it's who can go the longest without totally losing composure, Franziska's got that.  Gaston just isn't in a position to truly get under her skin and knock her off her pedestal.  However, I'm reading this more as who can go the furthest without being noticeably agitated/frustrated/angered, and in that respect Gaston's set.  He can keep on trucking with a cool, smarmy exterior until it's clear he has no chance of success, while Franny tends to vent a little at each setback but is much harder to fully push off the edge.  So about five minutes in, she whips Gaston back into line and is ruled to have lost her cool, losing.
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy - Ditto copies the heckler, and get the rest of the audience going at the comedy mirror match.
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate- No vote.

20. Survivor - List Format.

Jabba's obviously evil and generally useless nature oddly play well into Survivor.  He can generally convince more neutral players to ally with him to eliminate useless or irritating members, and savvy players know to work with them early while sowing seeds for elimination once things get serious, which obviously Iago will be in for.  As such, Colbert goes first, since he's too big an ego to form alliances and not skilled enough to win challenges.  Homer, probably the easiest target, goes next. 

Tibarn could logically form an opposing alliance to try and eliminate Jabba/Iago, but isn't fast enough to do so before this point.  However, Tuta is too nice to really get into the politics, and Lews Therin is unapproachably crazy.  Isolated, Tibarn is voted off the island.

Lews Therin has been effortlessly winning challenges, but that ends here, and while he found the immunity idol his paranoia prevented him from holding on to it until a logical juncture.  The loose cannon is voted off.

Iago of course backstabs Jabba here, and having carefully not shown his hand, has if not Tuta's trust, then at least a better relationship with him than Jabba.

From there, well, you can probably guess who 3/5 of the eliminated players will vote against.

1. Tuta
2. Iago
3. Jabba the Hutt
4. Lews Therin Telamon
5. Tibarn
6. Homer Simpson
7. Stephen Colbert
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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2012, 08:06:08 AM »

19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

"Competitive Wine Tasting" proves you don't run contrary to Abed, he knows the boss is Angela

also watch Community
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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2012, 11:49:27 AM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest: Dangit, but Greek Heroes are in a whole different drinking class.

19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solaire (Dark Souls) - Debate: There are two ways to debate.  Facts and charisma.  Both of these competitors have one but not the other.  Abed is smart, but not all that personable.  Solaire overflows with charisma, but isn't exactly the debate king.  So, since their abilities come down to roughly equal, it comes down to the audience to decide.  And if there's one thing a Sunbro has, it's a lot of people to back him up.


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2012, 05:21:07 PM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
You really can't beat the ancient Greek with regards to alcohol consumption. Alcoholics Anonymous was called philosophy back then.

16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
I like the Trainer class hype.

17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity

18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
Impressions are funny. Frank Caliendo's the shit! Ditto is effectively Caliendo++.

19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

20. Survivor - List Format.

1. Tuta
2. Iago
3. Stephen Colbert
4. Tibarn
5. Joker
6. Jabba the Hut
7. Homer Simpson

Well, if Homer doesn't get medivac'd out of the game for any of the possible hazards one typically finds in Survivor, he'll be the first one voted either as a scapegoat for an immunity loss or for being lazy at camp. Outside of Springfield, Homer Simpson does not thrive. Next up, Jabba the Hut gets noticed as an evil schemer, and starts trying to break up alliances, which will throw Tibarn into a fury like no other. If Tibarn hasn't ripped his face to shreds already, he'll be pushing to have him voted out, and since Tibarn will be seen as less manipulative and easier to use by the others, he'll be given the benefit of the doubt. Jabba the Hut goes byebye. Tuta/Tibarn/Colbert no doubt have a power alliance going on now, and Iago and Joker are left scrambling. Iago does what Iago would do, and promises a jury vote to Colbert if they get rid of Joker before him. Colbert bites, and Joker becomes collateral damage. Following that, Tibarn actually loses an immunity challenge, and Iago pounces on the chance to convince the others that this is their one and only shot at getting rid of Tibarn, who would inevitably win if he reached the final two. Tibarn meets his fate, and probably kills Jeff Probst in the process. In a final Tuta/Iago/Colbert immunity showdown, Iago actually manages to pull out the win, and rockets to the final. Believing that Colbert is more diplomatic and political, and thinking that he can convince the jury that Tuta did shit all the whole game, he votes out Colbert. However, the jury is a bitter group, and it's a 4-1 vote for Tuta, with Jabba the Hut being the lone vote for Iago. Tuta wins.

Awwwwwww yeah.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 05:26:33 PM by ThePiggyman »
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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2012, 08:03:21 PM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity - Gonna go with the trained lawyer here. If she knows what she's up against, I don't see her ever getting agitated at all. EDIT: By this I mean, if she knows all she has to do to win is stay poised, I think she has the stronger desire to win 'perfectly' and is arrogant enough to not be intimidated by someone like Gaston.
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

20. Survivor - List Format.


Abstain: Lews Therin Telamon (WoT)

General thought is that Tibarn just wins all the challenges. Iago gets rid of the political 'threats' first, and the rest just kind of fall out depending on their level of luck/usefulness.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 08:43:28 PM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2012, 08:23:07 PM »
Edited my survivor vote.  I assumed that Survivor would be like The Apprentice and the final two would have some kind of contest of skill to see who "won," in which Iago > Homer.  But nah, if it's just a vote, Iago is doomed.  Backstabbing gets you to the top 2 then loses you first place.  Weird that as a result of him being in the pool, Homer & Tuta are pretty much the most likely to win!

Djinn: I can totally see a Franzy vote, sure, since Gaston is terrible at keeping cool.  But...  uh...  Franziska never agitated at all?  Have you played the Wright games?  This is the series where whenever anything surprising happens, the characters are physically knocked back, sweat goes flying, their head explodes, etc.  In Franziska's case specifically, this involves losing her temper and whipping Gumshoe half to death whenever anything she planned misfires, or ranting about foolish fools and their foolishness.


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2012, 08:42:11 PM »
I wouldn't say that Franziska is always freaking out when she's whipping people, that's part of the way she maintains control. In the Pheonix Wright games we almost always see her when she's at her worst. Wasn't she like undefeated or something before Wright came along. She only really loses control when she's about to lose and that doesn't happen that often.

15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 08:50:18 PM by dude789 »


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2012, 11:46:21 PM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
There was nothing else to do back then BUT have sex, drink, and murder.  Hobbits aren't exactly good at any of those.

16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey

17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
Not really a contest.  Even when he's trying to get an entire town to raze a whole freaking castle, he is calm and cool and in control. 

18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
I disagree with Elfboy - murdering the audience is HILARIOUS.  Psyche can just do it faster.

19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

20. Survivor - List Format.

Stephen Colbert

Not much to say - conceivably, anyone can win this, the way survivor works.  What REALLY helps you win is popularity, and, especially from a media sense, who here is more popular than Colbert?  Homer is the only one that comes close, and he's too stupid to do it right.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2012, 07:08:00 PM »
Update will be tonight, vote now or not at all.

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2012, 08:13:16 PM »
Ended up tossing a vote for Franziska. I suppose this one's pretty open to debate, but I don't really think of her whipping people as losing her cool, necessarily (though of course it is the case sometimes); it is something she does to keep control. Whereas Gaston... the thing currently standing out to me is how he decides to beat up his friend over a minor incident.

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Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2012, 08:55:52 PM »
15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

20. Survivor - List Format.