Author Topic: ToR - Round 1, Pool D  (Read 1176 times)


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ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« on: February 12, 2012, 05:38:32 AM »
Quick Vote Form

15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest                     IIIII IIIII I/
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey               IIIII IIII/II
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity   IIIII/IIII
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy                  IIIII I/II
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate                  IIT/II

20. Joker (Mass Effect), Homer Simpson, Dr. Tuta (Suikoden 3), Lews Therin Telamon (Nutbar Form, WoT),    Iago (Othello), Tibarn (FE 9/10), Jabba the Hut, Stephen Colbert - Survivor

When it came down to final voting, everyone figured that between the dirty rat bastard who got there by politics and backstabbing, and the well respected war veteran who'd simply helped everyone, that it'd be a slam dunk. However, no one expected Iago's final argument of you should respect me because I did what I had to do, and even more unexpected was that it worked. Well, it got him close enough that Homer not realising that this time you vote for who you want to win and not who you want to lose to tip it.

Ia   6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 - 48/56   86%
Tu   2, 6, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5 - 42/56   75%
LTT 3, x, x, 5, 5, 6, 6 - 25/40   62.5%
Ti   7, 8, 5, 4, 6, 3, 2 - 35/56   62.5%
HS   5, 5, 2, 3, 2, 8, 8 - 33/56   59%

SC   8, 4, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4 - 32/56   57%
Jo   4, 3, 4, x, x, 2, x - 13/32   41%
JH   1, 2, 3, 6, 3, 1, 3 - 19/56   34%

Pool D

Match #21

Heckling is an art, after all, you have to balance the research to know the target's general failings, as well as having the wit and awareness in order to just take advantage of any general slip ups as they go along.  What they're heckling could be anything, from bad movies to the muppet show. For the sake of this, we'll assume it's one of those seventies sci-fi C flicks that are so bad they're mind scarring.

Dr Robotnik is coming into this at a general disadvantage, with baby eating villains like him not usually being strong in the witty wordplay department.  However, since that's really the only defining trait his nemesis has (aside from going really fast), maybe some of it has rubbed off on him. Meanwhile, Bob, Guardian of Mainframe, has this down pat. No matter how absurd the situation, he usually has something to say.  So really, this'll be his match to lose.

Match #22

It's a time honoured tradition. You need something really, really badly. So badly in fact that you're willing to pay pretty much any price. Or, you simply want something that's hard to get otherwise, and you think that you can avoid paying the price that people usually have to pay.  That's right, it's time to make that deal with the literal devil, and see who comes out of it with the best benefit/cost ratio.

Sadly, no flavour text on the contestants as I don't follow scrubs or naruto, but I'm sure the commentary will fill this lack in.

Match #23

Everybody knows the world is full of stupid people. Short sighted people, petty people, people who make the world worse just for existing. And really, isn't that everyone? That's why the world must be purged. Everyone must die.  And our two contestants are just the people to do it.

The Blue Mage exemlifies the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" as his technique of learning skills through being hit by them hurts, but the things he learns are incredible. Which means he comes into this with an astoundingly large skillset that may just get larger.

Against this is a villain by trade. The Chameleon may not sound that threatening, and his main power is that of disguise, but just think of the places he can infiltrate that'll let him do some real large scale killing?  His only real flaw is that he already has a designated hero, and that hero has friends.

Match #24

Because there needs to be one catagory where Aquaman can humiliate someone by winning, we present that perennial Tournament of Randomness event, Talking With Fishes.  Or at least, that's what it usually is. This time, in honour of the two competitors that got drawn for this event, we're changing it to the one time only Sleeping with Fishes event.  And no, I'm not going to define it further, because each contestant has their own favoured definition.

Michael Corleone is the Godfather. And naturally, he excels at helping folks sleep with the fish. Against this is James Bond, the man who gets all the action.

Match #25

Crime may be rising, but when all seems darkest, one man can defy the odds and assemble a group of mighty heros to save the day.

Of course, we need that hero first.  Since we've got a pair of villains. Wile E Coyote seems more likely to side with the heros against evil, but since when has he ever been competant enough to succeed?  Against his is Seto Kaiba, who's more likely to be forming the villain's league.  Though, hey, he's at least fought against greater villains and teamed up with the hero on occasion.

Match #26

Seeing the future is a complicated process where you lift back the veil of time, seeing events before they actually happen. Or where you manage to figure out from what is happening what has to happen in the future.

Our first competitor, and second Iago, is actually pretty good at this. Arguably the smartest character in his homeworld (granted, Disney's Aladdin is not a high IQ locale) this bird brain manages to do fairly well for himself. Of course, his opponent, the strategist Shu, has this schtick as his bread and butter, with his ability to figure out what's going to happen next, and plan for it, being the main deciding factor in the fledgling Dunan Army's survival.

Match #27

Ballroom Dancing is an elegant activity, where two partners stately glide across the floor, with one partner leading, and the other being led. Done well, it is a thing of beauty. Done poorly, it's awkward for all involved, and possibly painful for the dancers.

Our first pair may well be in that second catagory, as scientists are rarely known for their social graces. And both Emmitt Brown and Otto Octavius are both the sort of driven expert who can push back the boundaries of knowledge, but probably can't cut a rug.  Fortunately, on the other team, mogul Ramus, from the Lunar world, is also unlikely to be a good dancer, and while the two doctor, though of different alignment, will likely have a certain camaradery, Ramus is unlikely to have such a bond with the most infamous son of Gotham, the Joker.  Of course, in an event where one person is expected to lead, perhaps mind numbing terror can replace teamwork.  And, of all the people here, ballroom dancing seems like it'd actually be a pretty fitting skill for the Joker to have.

Match #28

Go karting is a pretty simple activity. It gets less so when the laws of physics only loosely apply, and you're part of a two man team where one person drives, and the other one is lobbing around stuff like banana peels and heat seeking turtle shells.  That's right, we've got some double dash going on, with each team having a driver and a partner.

Our first team is actually fairly balanced. Ted "Theodore" Logan is probably going to be a competant driver, and Dryst will want to be item man, because it means he'll be able to turn his cart into a high speed disaster area. Of course, while his offence will be top notch, expect him to also be lacking in defense, or any real appreciation for non destructive items.

Our second team, well...  it's not clear which role Dracula will take, but he'll probably be better at it than anyone else in the match by a large margin. Ok, it's obvious he'll take the driving, because bad item use can be recovered from, bad driving cannot. The issue is, his partner will be Larry Butz, meaning that his kart will also be a high speed disaster area, just that Dracula will be pressed to ensure that his own kart isn't caught up in the chaos the Butz will undoubtedly cause.

Quick Vote Form:

21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling
22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil
23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone
24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish
25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League
26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing
28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 06:10:01 AM by Excal »


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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 06:12:22 AM »
23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone

24. Michael Corleon (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish
I don't think Fish is a very strong come-on line myself.  It's usually used with a resigned "there's always more fish in the sea."

25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League
Wily, competence, speaking English, pick 0.  Seto...  has possibly the world's most pathetic superheroes, random 13-year olds who think card games are cool (not even ON MOTORCYCLES!), but it's something.

26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future
Shu, like many Suikoden strategists, has BS "I've read the script" foresight.  Iago isn't horrible at this but eh.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing
The Joker is leading here and probably doing some twisted variant of dancing involving shooting at Ramus's feet to make him dodge, but it's better than the Docs.

28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
LARRY BUTZ ON A TEAM.  Drac's best hope is to kill Larry and resurrect him as a skeleton that kicks his own skull around or something, and even that will fail horribly.  Renfield Mind-controlled Butz is also a non-starter that sends Drac down the road of comedic failure.  Even ignoring that, Drac's shaky here - he has to hope the track is Bowser's Castle or some other indoor track, since most Mario Kart outdoor tracks seem to be raced on during the daytime.  And Double-Dash Karts are open-air, so crispy Drac in that case.


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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2012, 06:28:34 AM »
21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling  - Interestingly, having a predefined heckle target int he writeup completely switched this match around.  Bob's got the heroic banter down, and it's really very similar in spirit to Heckling, but specifying super-bad 70s sci-fi means... basically watching a movie that is very close to Robotnik's actual life.  As such, Robotnik's genuine compliments and praise ("Genius!  Sheer genius!  I'll have to remember this, this is sure to end that hedgehog for good!" "Ahh, reminds me of my most glorious plot, in which" and so forth) are easily mistaken as supremely deadpan, topical MST3K, ensuring his victory.
22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil  - Available evidence suggests that Dr. Itor is secretly the Lord of Terror, Diablo.  As such, making deals with himself ends quite well for him.
23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone  -  I'll be honest, it's the image of Blue Mage, level 1, randomly assaulting people and learning their counter-attacks, until he gets to the point of lobbing nukes with impunity, that gets my vote here.  Chameleon starts strong but lacks growth potential, and obviously it takes him time to plan and execute each power plant explosion/military base infiltration/etc.
24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish  - Alas, a world without mermaids.
25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League  -  This is a great match.  But I think the better option is... Kaiba tries to take over the world with Children's Card Games.  A rag-tag team of heroes, with abilities beyond the average card player, forms to stop him.  As Kaiba calculated, a random egyptian death god appears to destroy the world.  He claims to have pulled an Irvine, and so claims victory.
26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future  -  Iago hunts far and wide for a mystic ring which will, carefully prepared on the night of a storm, provide a glimpse of that which will be.
Shu gives the judges his best stock recommendations.
Several million dollars later, Shu's declared the victor.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing  -  Ignoring the odds Joker gets bored and leaves, Doc Brown is an accomplished dancer thank you very much.
28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style  -  Look, we all know that Dryst would cheat and start the game with a full stock of blue shells.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 07:11:19 AM »
21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling
This is Bob we're talking about. He literally can't fight without initially heckling his opponent. Even if I tried to side with Robotnik, Bob would heckle me for even trying. Bob isn't just heckling the movie. He's ridiculing and mocking anyone who's watching. He's laughing at you as you type!

22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil

23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone
I really have nothing interesting to say. Blue Mage can just... kill better? I guess.

24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish
I'm going to consider this as which of the two is better at being dead. James Bond doesn't die. Ever. Michael Corleone is in a Godfather movie. Everyone dies eventually in a Godfather movie. Yep. Sounds right.

25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League
The keyword here is "superhero." Kaiba has the resources and connections to form a league, there's no question there. The guy owns half the world off a goddamn card game. But superheros? Nuh uh. Wile E. on the other hand, has connections with the folks over at Looney Tunes, who's powers range from INVINCIBILITY to INHUMAN ELASTICITY and everything in between.

26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future
Isn't this literally what Suikoden strategists exist for? This is a landslide.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing
The Docs pull together a stunning and brilliant performance through their gadgets and apparatuses. Even The Joker couldn't make Ramus competent at something that isn't business.

28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Quote from: DjinnAndTonic
Quote from: OblivionKnight
if you believe in being a GOOD PERSON

If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.

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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2012, 07:30:33 AM »
21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling: Bob's a total smartass and naturally good at this. Robotnik, yeah, I don't see it. Obviously I'm not familiar with the entire Sonic canon but what I've seen of Robotnik is someone who takes himself way too seriously.
25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League: I don't think card-playing superheroes are all that scary. Coyote may form an incompetent superhero league, or maybe more of a supervillain league, but he'll form something.
26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future: Suikoden strategists cheat.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing: Joker's the only person I respect here at all. That weird charisma. The others don't really have it.
28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style: Even if the other team didn't have Larry Butz, and even if Dryst didn't have an argument to be a damn good item boy, I would still probably vote for the first team on the basis that Ted can very decisively cheat, here. "Remember the blue shell, remember the blue shell..."

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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 09:24:06 AM »
21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling  - Interestingly, having a predefined heckle target int he writeup completely switched this match around.  Bob's got the heroic banter down, and it's really very similar in spirit to Heckling, but specifying super-bad 70s sci-fi means... basically watching a movie that is very close to Robotnik's actual life.  As such, Robotnik's genuine compliments and praise ("Genius!  Sheer genius!  I'll have to remember this, this is sure to end that hedgehog for good!" "Ahh, reminds me of my most glorious plot, in which" and so forth) are easily mistaken as supremely deadpan, topical MST3K, ensuring his victory.
22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil  - Available evidence suggests that Dr. Itor is secretly the Lord of Terror, Diablo.  As such, making deals with himself ends quite well for him.
23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone  -  I'll be honest, it's the image of Blue Mage, level 1, randomly assaulting people and learning their counter-attacks, until he gets to the point of lobbing nukes with impunity, that gets my vote here.  Chameleon starts strong but lacks growth potential, and obviously it takes him time to plan and execute each power plant explosion/military base infiltration/etc.
24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish  - Alas, a world without mermaids.
25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League  -  This is a great match.  But I think the better option is... Kaiba tries to take over the world with Children's Card Games.  A rag-tag team of heroes, with abilities beyond the average card player, forms to stop him.  As Kaiba calculated, a random egyptian death god appears to destroy the world.  He claims to have pulled an Irvine, and so claims victory.
26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future  -  Iago hunts far and wide for a mystic ring which will, carefully prepared on the night of a storm, provide a glimpse of that which will be.
Shu gives the judges his best stock recommendations.
Several million dollars later, Shu's declared the victor.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing  -  Ignoring the odds Joker gets bored and leaves, Doc Brown is an accomplished dancer thank you very much.
28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style  -  Look, we all know that Dryst would cheat and start the game with a full stock of blue shells.


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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2012, 01:31:40 PM »

Quick Vote Form:

21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling
22. The Janitor (Scrubs)
vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil
23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone
24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish
25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League
26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing
28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2012, 04:51:19 PM »
21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling
Seems straightforward.

22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil
Also straightforward.

23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone
I'll bite.

24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish

25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League
Contrary to Snowfire's erronious claim, Wile E. Coyote has spoken English in at least one cartoon (though as it wasn't a Road Runner cartoon, one could be forgiven for that oversight).  This said, Kaiba would form a league of people whose special power is cheating at cards, while the supergenius's connections would lead to something more interesting despite the questionable competence.

26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future
Suikoden strategists are awesome overpowered at this, and Shu was basically a stock trader before he got pressed into service.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing
uh yeah if the best hype for the other team involves *Ramus being shot at and trying to dodge* then no.  To be honest, Ramus would probably just try to get the hell away from The Joker because Ramus is a coward and it's the fucking Joker.

28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 05:02:33 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D Update Tomorrow
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2012, 06:38:16 AM »
See the title, vote now or not at all.

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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2012, 09:50:41 AM »
21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling - Matrix: Something!
22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil - The Janitor IS the Devil.  Sasuke's just a Deus Ex Machina.
23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone - Elixirs dropped like candy, so he can chug them on his speedy warpath.
24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish - Stays dead easier.
25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League - This exists!...  I don't know how good it is, but!
26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future - Suikoden strategists in service to the Tenkai Star.  Seeing the future better than seers.  Pick two.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing - All for Doc Brown hype.
28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style - It takes Wright here to make ANYTHING Butz does here work, and I don't see Wright here.


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Re: ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2012, 11:01:59 PM »
21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling
Haven't seen Reboot in a long time, but I remember a lot more Heckling-type activities from Bob than Dr. Robotnik. 

22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil
Dr. Jan Itor is the devil.

23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone
Has no MP.

24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish
lol i c whut u did thar

25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League
It's what Kaiba DOES.  He's the Goddamned Kaiba-man, after all.

26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future
Magic vs. not.

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing
Excellent close match.  But I can't not vote for the sexy doctors.

28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style
Ted is like, God here.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory