Pass for me because the worst a fight gets here is "
x has to die first" which isn't particularly hard.
Team Glen:
Virginia: 126% (or after Emma)
Emma: 120%
Sharanda: 113.35%
Red: 103.55%
Eiko: 95%
Floor 6b: Overachievers
Team Glen vs. Kuja and Garland - Virginia > Garland > Kuja > Emma > Sharanda > Red > Eiko. If Ginny delays, she gets hit with Stop and Kuja blows up Emma with Flare Star (which me and Pigs both agreed the topic
really underestimates). So, Ginny definitely goes first and Phantasm Hearts, which is about 57% average to Kuja, and about 60% average to Garland. I'd see Kuja at 90% PCHP (and that's using the stat topic, which says 55535.. Fairly sure that's meant to be 65535) and Garland at about 107%. (Again, higher respect than the topic, but that says nothing.) Garland stops Sharanda, Kuja Flare Stars, which kills Emma. Red Fire3s, nearly finishes Kuja but just misses it. Garland's taken 82.5% now. Eiko summons, finishes Kuja off and.. probably wipes Garland too. A poke from Ginny should finish him, and either way, there's not much Garland can do alone.
*Full Heal*
Team Glen vs. Cloud of Darkness and Xande - Emma Great Boosters Virginia, who Phantasm Hearts. That's Xande and one Tentacle down. CoD has 2.3x PCHP in my books, so 1.08x left. Red's doing 0.36x off his physical, so 0.72x left with Sharanda's turn before CoD and her remaining Tentacle move.
If CoD acts, 2x Particle Beam and Lightning means Red, Emma and Eiko go down instantly. Sharanda survives on about 0.12x PCHP. Ginny survives with about 0.27x PCHP. Those two should be able to poke down anything that survives of CoD, if there is anything.
*Full Heal*
Team Glen vs. Sephiroth and Jenova-Birth - ...Wow. By the way I calculate boss HP, Jenova ends up with about 3x PCHP. Sephiroth's looking at 1.3x PCHP, but that's with a party average of 9999. Hmm.
Edit: Okay, so taking into account Seph's higher speed (man, the stat topic is vague on speeds
) he goes first and... he probably wants to take out either Virginia or Emma. Looking at Ginny's damage, he has to hit her. Gets the paralysis, just misses the KO, I want to say? Great Booster'd Sharanda just misses the OHKO on Seph, so Red has to Fire3. 0.2 to Jeno. That said, Fire Zone is apparently better for both. Call that 0.3 instead. Eiko might as well summon, since her Esuna doesn't catch Stop, which is the closest to Paralysis FFIX has. Jeno's taken 0.64. Jeno triples her physical, throwing one at Ginny to finish her off, the other two at Eiko, takes out both. Emma
now Boosters Sharanda, who throws another nuke at Jenova. 1.14 from that one (!!) puts Jeno on 1.78, 1.22 left. Red can revive Eiko or Ginny, which both lead to the same result - Jenova has to Stop Red in order to not be locked down by revival. That gives Sharanda another turn as well as anyone else, and that's enough to finish Jenova off.
*Full Heal*
Team Glen vs. Loki and Surt - Oh god, understanding the VP topic. Yikes. Okay, firstly, see Loki/Surt as average speed, but winning tiebreaks. Irrelevant here, so just average. Secondly, see Loki at 2x PCHP, Surt at 1.6x (given that Glen said something about Lenneth breaking the average for Loki alone, which brings him down a little.) So, open with a Great Booster -> Phantasm Heart. That's 1.35 to Loki and.. about 1.08 to Surt? (Fuck subtractive defences with minimal notes. Blah.) Sharanda throws another 0.5 to Loki, 0.4 to Surt. Red's Fire3 does 0.27, so that finishes Loki off. Does about 0.21 to Surt, so actually kills him too. ...Am I missing something here? I guess if they get turns, this is difficult, and I guess this team's good at MT blitzing...
*Full Heal*
Team Glen vs. Lavos and Queen Zeal (Final Forms) - So both of these miss their first turns, hrm. However, I'd kneejerk that Zeal is around 130%, meaning both wasted turns go before the party. Using my calcs, Zeal hits 2.65 PCHP, Lavos' relevant part has 1.33 PCHP, the core has 3.98. Phew. Long fight for mathing out. Effectively, this consists of: Devastate Zeal, Great Booster Sharanda who uses an ST item on Lavos Centre. Red's attack finishes the Lavos Centre, and Eiko throws up Carbuncle. Then, Lavos and Zeal move and fail to take anyone out. From here, the team can blitz Zeal while Lavos Left still fails to kill anyone and Emma Magic Zones. From here, the team can hard-lock Lavos Right into reviving by killing the Centre repeatedly, and can still do damage around it.
Edit: After talking with Pigs, decided on a
pass for Team Dude, thanks to having enough healing/revival on the ST floor.