
Author Topic: DLCon 7: Recap  (Read 5291 times)


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DLCon 7: Recap
« on: June 10, 2012, 11:52:29 PM »
The usual "follow up to DLCon" topic.  Those who've returned, post thoughts on the Con, people you met, things you've done, etc. topic.  I figured I'd make it because I'm one of the first to return or some such!

Anyway, I'll post my thoughts later, just getting the ball rolling.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 02:19:24 AM »
I imagine that this response will post before anyone else is able to submit something. It's also being a poetically responsible n00b DLConner who *also* required two other supertroopers (OK and Meeple) to tag along extra early to the airport for my ungodly early flight.

The Con was more than I assumed. It essentially began when two fabulous forces collided - Dunie Meets Snow. In effect, meeting people did not feel, in any degree, awkward beyond connecting my mind with aliases. The trip to Orlando, however, is my least favorite part of the entire trip. I successfully forgot all the cookies I baked, and the shirts I purchased for Snow way back in February. Realizing this, the two layovers with Southwest's weird flight plan simply made me feel inadequate. So I get to MCO with 2 bars of self- esteem.

Idun, Grefter, Snow and Sopko convene at MCO. I first encounter a Sopko and a Grefter as two individuals calmly waiting for me to navigate my way towards MCO's central waiting area. I blame my disinterest in using any map resources that Sopko offered. Didn't take long at all though. Then in search for a Snow pokémon (and apparently I mispronounce this word successfully per Xeroma, which... makes me slightly happy), only for Sopko to initiate Project Surprise before I got to poke this Snow on my own. It is okay. His response was golden. Together, we load into Sopko's car, and Snow turns to me and says "DUNIE!!! YOU'RE FAT."

Oh yeah, so I didn't mention that I started a 'new' type of Mile High Club. It's called the, "Hey Girl, I Know You Started Your Period While Flying and You're Emotional Right Now, but Just Think About Where You'd Be if You Didn't" club. In a horrifically normal state of bloat, queasiness and nervousness, I was like "OMG WHAT How is that the first thing you say to me?" Showing me his wiles, Snow hugs me only to finish: "YOU'RE UGLY." Being offended is apparently doin' it wrong. First day of arrival, Idun has 0 HP.

I wasn't sincerely offended, but thinking back on it, I should have just tossed all of my tampons onto him. Went to Perkins to eat, which is totes a Golden Corral-like restaurant, and my seafood tasted the way it should taste. Here's to the South, doin' something rite. Conversation back to Sopko's house was funny - I don't believe any conversation was boring. Exciting and hilarious conversation is implicit in any interaction that I had.

Chatchatchatchatchatsleep. I did not participate in any of the pickings ups or droppings off of DLers, unless you include Operation PickUp Ranmilia as one.

I don't remember the days. Don't expect much from me in this regard. My brain functions thematically:

Interesting game of mini golf, which could definitely have fallen under either Monday or Tuesday. I'm sure it doesn't matter though. I believe I managed second place as an autodidact. Fun with Snow in the morning, every morning, while getting trolled by Grefter and his cereal. Grocery shopping funs, hugs abound, chillaxing, relaxin', and actin' all cool. So let's just get into the people:

Sopko: Clearly an amazing person and Dler. As the host of what is apparently a "different type of Con," he managed better than I'm sure I would have. One of the leading 'bros to other 'bros at the con, and is a great person to refer to in direction of finding awesome things to watch or do. Redline anime is funny. Just finished watching it again, mm, or up to the Yellow Line ride before I fell asleep for the day. House is very nice and spacious, and willingly left himself to the expense and whims of a growing number of bellies and needs in his house. Your house towels are amazing. Snarky, funny, and pop culture aficionado. Comfortable shoulders, nice hair, perty eyes. . . good taste in restaurants. Only game I did play with Sopko was Apples to Apples, and I'm glad to say that I trolled him hard like Xorn with early morning dew. Like your epersona.

Grefter: Standing about five-six, brown hair, brown eyes, Grefter is my secret brother from another mother, or father. I'm not sure at this point. I managed to not allow myself to be wholly seduced by his incredible seducible accent. Managed to always be in a good trajectory of folks to engage with at the con. Grefter attains badges as Mr. Gentleman. Opens doors for people, manages to wait patiently when hot messes try to get out of Djinn's truck (re: me), makes great tea, conversation, and that lower back massage thing before I left for my flight really fucking helped. Really. I should have just sought it earlier, but whateva, whateva, I do what I want. Looks amazingly boss when he bowls. I'm sure if Quentin Tarantino were to make anything good, it would be of a bowling film with Grefter. We had too short of a music exchange, didn't bring up Irigaray. But weirdly, Irigaray had no place at the con. I feel bad saying this. Irigaray should have place everywhere. He carried my frickin' bag like a champ at Universal, which really helped with the fact that my . was like "Hey Girl, I Know You Want to Ride Rides but So Does Your Period." The only breakfast I made him was pancakes. If I attend another con, I'm going to sabotage your cereal and pop tarts. Your jacket is awesome, and I wish I would have watched you karaoke. In shorter, Grefter is synonymous with a 'cool guy,' who sincerely made my life easier at the con. Like your epersona.

Snow. I love you, girl! You're amazing. Don't let Snow fool you, the type of physical gnawing that he does is at your heart and conscience. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to meet you, because you made every moment at the con feel familiar and fun. Your smile and laugh are intoxicating (re: Snow's riding the Simpson's ride is like, the Best. Thing. Ever.) and the way you think about visual and aural medium fits ODDLY close to how I viewed your chat persona. You're a cookie monster at heart, a lesbian by way of your ears and totes a soul sistah/brotha. This green dress is fAbuLoUs, but I don't think it can compete with any of our dialogue exchanges. Certainly not Saturday's at.all. when I tag teamed you and Djinn. Your responses to all things American are invaluable, and I totes knew your ass was going to konk out longer than usual. I'm not sure I said this to you in person, but your English is amazingly awesome, and I'm still practicing the Portugeuse 1-10. So technically, you're my Um Soul Sistah, and I hope to keep in touch at a different level, re: actually PMing chatters like yourself. As emphatic as your epersona.

Xeroma: Interesting fellow. Clearly the hardestcorestshowiestoffest games at the Con that was there. I'm glad we hugged before you left. So I'm definitely going to get Xenoblade Chronicles sometime soon. It'll probably be when I finished Final Fantasy 13 in the coming month. Game looks boss, and I secretly spied in on your Melty fights. I started understanding your sense of humor a bit late, but that's more than likely due to the fact that I didn't have too long of a one-on-one conversation with you. Compounded with my silence when I watch people play games, I really did love your enthusiasm and discussions whenever you showcased a game in the living room. Thank you so much for giving me the Tonberry while at the comic store. Pulling him out of my bag reminded me of you! Doink. Though I think this Tonberry will be more of a cuddly one than anything. Meeting you was necessary and fun, and I hope to see more of you at future cons. Perhaps, just perhaps, I will have finished Xenoblade and can chat with you about that if we see eachother at another gathering. Totes like your epersona.

Nitori: dude, so we have never really, or ever really, said one word to each other before the con. I need more Kappa! MORE KAPPA. You're too funny and adorable and cute and awesome. PS, eat moar omelets. They make the morning noice. How is it possible that you made me excited and happy to feel wet while in a Meeple-cart destined for doom at Universal? It must be because you're awesome. Your plans for BC will happen. I just gnoz it. If it doesn't, I will attack you. Also. Also. You're in Nova Scotia. This may be weird, but I'd like to visit you there some time, seeing as that I'm here in Boston and you're there in Nova Scotia and Kappadun needs to happen once more before the end of 2013. It was great being your sidekick in all things nonsensical, and you my friend, are a mahjong beast. Not like your epersona at all.

Talaysen: To be fair, I've known you for quite a while and already think you're like, one of the most awesome peeps I've ever met. Your RL snark is amazing! And you're like, the best human to hug. You still owe me 10, so I'm not sure how we're going to work that out. Your DS is awesome - perhaps one of the coolest comments I can ever make to you. Your hat was awesome, and your |337 bowling instructions, in fact, really helped. Mahjong beast #2. I should have trolled you while you were sleeping on the couch, but am convinced that you have an Idun radar located somewhere in your body. Get a new watch bro. U mad? So the Con brought me together with a wren, and yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I'm so delighted that I got to touch you in the most platonticisists of ways. DLCon Chicago? Iono. More bowling needs to be done, and I wish I could have trolled you as well in Apples to Apples. Now we know that there are more games that we both enjoy and hate at the same time, so I'm tossing off my WA trolling to accept the fact that it just doesn't matter no more (not WA, but just trying to troll your tastes). Wait. I dunno. I like trollololing you. Totes a wren.

Nephrite: So this is Mr. President and is thus a man in all that it means. Ball is in my court. You're the first person that I talked about FF13 to, and superbabby doesn't seem enthralling. I will get to superbaby before the end of June. At that time, I will put DQ8 into my PS2 and play it for about two hours. At that point, I will make the crucial decision to either get a Wii (hehe) and Xenoblade Chronicles, or to seek your help so I can finish a DQ game. I've NEVER finished a DQ game. I just realized this. Anyway, you're hilarious and your snark is duly noted. Super-secret chicken eater, and my peripheral really didn't grant that much to reveal your super-eaterness. Glad we shared that conversation on the drink night. I do remember it and despite the fountain session, it helped me feel even more comfortable in the DL coterie. It's something I really needed. I'm disqualified in making an epersona qualification here. Add a hyphen to that.

Gatewalker: You're definitely a father figure. We didn't talk too long, but I appreciated our short conversations in the kitchen. Actually, I didn't have a chance to talk to you much at all, but you were always someone I viewed as incredibly responsible and nice. Here's to future conversations mayn. I sort of just creeped on you and Xer playing/streaming SB3, and now I feel comfortable saying that. [=
Totally like your epersona.

Niu: The only person I didn't talk to much, at all at the Con. But you were dancing to Imbroglio and Emperor's Banquet Remix, hence + 1000000000 cool points. Also, Music Quiz Niu is fricking awesome to watch.

Meeple: You are a ball of fricking energy man. You're like a reactor waiting to explode. You need more red shoes, and you walk like a pimp. Gorgeous eyes, I'm sure you can nab a girl once you put some effort towards it. As a ball of energy, it only followed that you were fun to be around and watch during conversations, but I refuse to ever join in a Meeple cart at Universal ever again. Everyone wants to kill you mayn, and me by association! Thanks for being around before I went through security. I now understand you when you talk... most times.

Scar: So you're another 'bro of the house to other 'bros. To be fair, you actually made the con LESS sausagy, because you helped ferry sausages around to other locations and places. You filled in some of my lyrics, and dat shit cray. Enthusiastic and pretty cool to watch interact with everyone else. Thank you for the WoW code, I'm wondering if I can set that up on my Mac. We will see. Nice to meet you mayn, and yes we got trolled during Apples to Apples because we're brown (lies, I'm lying here . . . .).

Ranmilia: I think, by far, that you were the most hilarious person there. Sort of quiet, but that's probably because you were Mahjong Beast Number 3. Every exchange that we had seemed effortless, and I'm glad that I was able to have a short conversation before your first trip to the con house. I'm also glad that you were able to see me troll Laggy in the Idun-y fashion. I suppose it took a second to really come into myself there, though yes, I am a bit more censored IRL for obvious reasons. Glad you liked the lemonade, and so should you need another beverage idea, I will be here. (= 

Archmage: You funny shawty. So I am going to look at this pocket fighter card game again. My badz on learning slow. You should definitely bring it again if you attend another con. Thank you for taking me out to get food. Thank you SO much for acting out all of the RPG charades in the manners I expected them to -- Yoshi being one of them, and Chun Li, hahaha. (= Good memories.

MC: I didn't talk to you much, but I didn't want to troll Starfox or Mahjong beast sessions. I'm sure Laggy can develop you into a Mahjong beast. You seem much more happy, and the dress is definitely and will always be beautiful on you. I'm sorry that you came in late on the first day. Me being tired is probably what contributed to it, because I remember having several naps while you were around. I need more MC, and any MC fix I can get is always warranted. Will see/try to keep in touch with you, and if a con is on the west coast again, you get the privilege of introducing me to new food.

Laggy: My Laggy experience was punctuated. It wasn't odd, or new, or anything. I just got a chance to hug you and see you in person. I think our Skype sessions + chat sessions really contributed to it feeling normal that you were around for me. Mahjong Beast Number 4, or should I say 1? Who won most? Xer, when he came into games? Thank you so much for allowing me to troll you on dinner night, and it was great seeing you shortly before I left.

Djinn: Djinneral. So. This was a great experience. I'm glad we left as friends and dropped both our e-peens. We're like, oddly alike or it was just easy to have randomly weird and awkward conversations with you in the house. Thank you for letting me start off your Xenoblade file, though, 'bro, I know you need to go back and get those quests. Drinking was fun, and responsible, and my Snow and DJ session was perhaps, like, the best thing that ever happened at the con during my fountain state. RPG charades was epic and must (unless it already is) a staple at Cons. We even got Snow to midboss and lenneth it up! Gate as MOMO was awesome. You're very outgoing, which is to be expected, and can't wait to see all the photos you took. My FB is officially, and permanently, deleted so let's hope super is efficient at FB stalking. Will troll you less in chat, and I am sincerely sad that I missed out on karaoke. I'm sure if I got less sleep though, I would have exploded and left even more things at Soppy's, like an arm or leg or something. Also, meeting each other probably helps us interpret each other's text in a different way. Totes necessary, totes like your epersona but much more. Tell Monty he funny.

VSM: I am glad I did two things with you this con. I successfully glomped you, and made you laugh hard about yourself. Seriously, best thing you can ever do is to not mention yourself at all in anything you say at any time of saying anything at all. (= You smell nice . Glad you were around during the everyday moments of just being in a house and chatting when nothing was going on. You fancy, huh? Seriously though, I hope you heed my advice! I will see you in chat and lay the people's elbow down so should you decide to ignore it! It's not even advice I guess. Whateva. Whateva. I do what I want. Also, I know that you calculated your bowling trolling specifically for the second game, and I must commend you on how believable it was sir. (= Miss you!!

OK: you are soft, squishy and congratulations on your engagement. Thanks for being around during my fountain session and I felt oddly at ease with someone I figured would yell cocks and shit too much. You actually didn't do that at all! You're just a really happy, really energetic and dastardly funny person that requires a nice hug from time to time! Seriously. Thanks. (:  We didn't hug the first time you entered the house, and I totally creeped on you in my peripheral, like I creeped on Neph's secret eating skills. Also, I think I did well in Bang! I'm upset you didn't break out in song during the game though. Thanks for being around with Meeple, etc. to see me off for Boston, and I already know we'll KIT so that's no biggie. You're a sweet man, but I never told you this and am saying it now, you need more DDR in your life and less endgame frame bowling troll. Doin' it WRONG. d: Like your epersona, add a hyphen in epersona, but a bit more reserved one-on-one. It COULD be, because your ass is whipped now, a hur hur.

Monty: So, the first time I met you we pretty much went shopping. I feel so bad for your skin burn, poor white man. But you were a trooper! If Snow didn't outbring shirts to the con, you would be Hipster #1. I don't know how I randomly meet people and stuff plushies in their face, but you seemed normal and cool. Upset that you were a foodie and I didn't know - there'd be no need to go to restaurants in that case. You were fun! You didn't DDR, but you were fun! Sweet enough too, despite trying to guess the weight of my breasts. I'm not sure they're 15-20lbs. Those are utters, bro. ALSO, if I want to say bless you I'mm damn say bless you an' it don't mean nothin' 'cept stop fucking sneezing bitch! You and Grefter were sneezing up a storm. This was Sneeze Con. You were awesome at charades - without you and Djinn instructing everyone, I'm not so sure it would have kept up. As giggly as your epersona.

Please, if I forget a name it's not because I forgot you. It's because I'm still fucking tired and am alias-remembering-numero-cero. So not only will I stalk this thread for personal purposes of seeing what people say, but also to see if I can do it rite with mentioning everyone at the con. I think I did a good job with listing the users so far.

Universal trip was amazing. Thank you again, Soppy, for having it. Thank you for housing me. Thank you for navigating Universal like a pro. Thank you for not telling our team to press the red button!! D: DLCon cookout was fun and smelled amazing, and everything inbetween was fun, exciting, great to decompress from my first year of graduate school and really exciting to be with a group of amazing people doing amazing things liek gamingz.

Mahjong, troll less bro.

While waiting for Sop's+DJ's photos, here's all 16 that I took. One swag photo of stuff I got from the Con. photos are going up in an album manned none other by stalkeraiel.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 02:09:24 AM by Dunie »


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 03:09:16 AM »
To be fair he didn't tell his own team about the button in the MIB ride.  Gate just worked it out himself and I am so boss I get second place on raw skillzzzzz.

Also meant to give you jacket as well as CDs before you left, but no sleep made my brain fucked harder than OK in a bull pen.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 03:29:31 AM »
What, what, what, you were going to give me your jacket!?


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2012, 06:06:30 AM »
Well it is overkill for back home, cost sod all and you liked it.  But then tiredness and stuff and I forgot.  I also didn't tell you deliberately.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

metroid composite

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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2012, 07:11:13 AM »
In general:

Mahjong con
Also, the DLCon that set the record for drinking and sex by a large margin, I'm pretty sure.

New people:

Nephrite: Seemed like a fairly generic DLCon goer at first.  Quiet, doesn't say much, but when he does speak it's usually a sarcastic quip.  Nothing wrong with that, of course--I've flown across the country seven times to hang out with a group of such people.  But then we went to Karaoke, where he sang, in Japanese, all of the Gundam openings and the Japanese Sailor Moon opening (which is actually a lot of songs) it was pretty epic.

Scar: So...confession time: Scar is someone whom, on the forums I haven't been a huge fan.  Spends a lot of time talking about stuff I don't care about, like sports.  To be fair, talking about sports constantly also applies in real life, and yet somehow in real life I find him enjoyable to be around.  Maybe it's charisma, maybe it's the one-liners, maybe it's the facepalm-worthy one-liners that *ahem* a few people made whenever they were around Scar.  But I generally was having more fun when Scar was around.

Monty: Did not leave as strong of an impression on me, other than fit in remarkably well for someone who's been around the group for such a short time.

Existing people:

Soppy: Clearly I need to have more Harry Potter discussions with people.  There's this whole common interest that I didn't realize Soppy and I had, it's kinda cool.

Dunie: no, seriously, you don't have to feel bad about drinking in front of me.  I'm not quite that innocent--I worked with Icelanders for two years, and they're epic drinkers.  Also, I find drinking much, much less shocking than, say, the gap between our opinions of Zenny in DL chat. :)

Grefter: Jooooooin usssssssss.


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2012, 09:13:17 AM »
Haha. I had a blasty blast at this con. Everyone was oh so special in their very own way. Much memories were made and tons of fun was had. My thanks for making it so easy for me to mesh with the group, but people tell me I do that well enough on my own.

And in thief-like fashion I was gone before anyone even woke up. Kinda like a one night stand. It just seemed right.


I might as well give you all compliments of some sort right? That seems like the nice thing to do.

Warning! These are meant to be funny, and/or non-offensive. Seriously, none of this is a back-handed insult or anything demeaning whatsoever. You have been warned to not get upset.

Soppy - Best host for any DLCon I have ever been to.

Djinn - The easiest person at the con to hang with.

Dunie - Girl is lucky that I am not single.

Meeple - Revoked my entire weekend. Also I expected more Meeple rants at the con, ah well.

Monty - New guy! Made me feel like I was a DL veteran. He fits right in with the rest of you nerds.

Tal - Pimp hat. Quiet, yet when he spoke it was easy enough to pay attention.

Laggy - Sadly we did not talk too much, but he seemed to know his way around games that involved gambling. My man.

Xeroma - Quirky, but a lot of fun to talk to. I am one of those people that can listen to people talk for a long time, and he seemed open enough to do just that.

Gate - Took me to McDonalds and my stomach has yet to recover. My fault. Otherwise he was cool in my book.

Snow - Latinos unite! His toast was good stuff even though I did not fully understand it.

Alex - We did not talk much, but we always gave each other the universal thumbs up greeting when our eyes met.

Arch - Great taste in music.

Nitori - Really opened up to me as the con progressed. Made me feel like I fit right in with his easy going nature. Also, Dragoon.  tee hee~

Gref - The gawd damn music box was in denial. Our "Freak on a Leash" duet was epic.

MC - Best bowling stance ever!

VSM - Likes sports, games, and comics! If he had a vagina I would have diddled him.

Neph - Best singer of our group hands down. That ish was awesome to behold.

OK - Uhm, well for one he is a whore that rigged the music quiz. And secondly, he is just a whore....with an angelic voice. <3

Niu - Very energetic, also hates on Leon for no good reason!


Universal was fun.

RPG Charades was fun.

Me trying to get drunk and failing was fun.
The BBQ was very tasty and fun.

The music quiz was fun.

Speed bowling was fun.

Karaoke was a lot of fun.


The whole trip was great. It started with me being super bummed since the Heat were one game from elimination on Tuesday, and it ended with me being in complete jubilation after the Heat turned it all around and earned a trip to the Finals on Saturday.

Of all the people I met, I think I got along best with VSM and Djinn. VSM was just on the same wavelength as me, and was also my sole sports buddy on this expedition. Djinn was always full of energy and made me skip that whole awkward period of when people first meet.

Soppy was great too, helping and toting people around. I know this took a lot out on him, so again, thanks for everything. You made the con work to perfection.

It was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see all of the pictures from the entire week. I hope that another con is in my future as well. You all earned a second appearance from yours truly.

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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 05:18:31 AM »
My first post on the forums i guess I'll keep it sparten since posting from mobile!

Impressions! I was meeting everyone but dijnn for the first time! As always with me a tinge of sexiness in my thoughts!

Sopko- very interesting fellow clearly weary of me at first but once we got to chating he turned out to be very interesting fellow, with delicious opinions! Toughest person to peg in apples to apples! Took me till the bbq place to figure him out! Fantastic host and very responsible fellow. Classic handsome man.

Dunie - Spunky girl, quite the hotness! I would never have thought she was on her period. Funky, caring and very very entertaining and funny! Wish you could have joined us for karaoke. Loved her opinions on video games, definitely a different but refreshing standpoint, rpg charades was AMAZING.

Meeple - loved talking with him at first , very engaging and entertaining guy, but by day 3 he seem annoyed with me so i stopped getting to know him. Oh well his rants were awesome!

Scar - total bro, definitely loads of charisma and adventure seeking, incredibly shocking knowledge of video games he really surprised me during charades with his speed, definitely won my friendshiip fast.

Tal - the sleeper hit of the con for me, didnt get to talk to him much but dis guy is a secret boss for sure. Hope to get to know him better he was very fun.

Laggy - barely met him, majhoning 24/7 it seemed!

Xeroma - Quirky people are my favorite kind of people so mega fun talking to him, he seemed hard set on his opinions but he became more chill toward the end, ride more rides though even if u get sick!

Gate - very rarely does someone differ from my first impression of them, by end of universal he was a completely different person to me, and by the end of rpg charades he won me over. He was surprise after diverse surprise. Defintely a mature guy though.

Snow - Love me some brazilians! By the end of my first night there he had my friendship, charasimatic and knowledgeable but over all didnt leave a strong impression on me after he shaved his beard xD! But fun to talk to, highly opinionated but very sweet and soft spoken, i had no problem understanding him at any point, and i am hard of hearing to boot hahah. Good times.

Alex - I don't know who you were D=

Arch - Thanks for introducing me to all those games, and zomg so fun charades were amazing,best spining bird kick, you impressed me with your physical energy.

Nitori - Stealth ninja most of the con, super fun toward the end though sorry about you getting sick! Much more personable than i thought i should have interacted with you more!

Gref - That accent, zomg, so seductive. Very fun to talk to, jerkwithaheartofgold so super fun to hang with, karaoke was boss, thanks for floundering with me during that aweful canned heat! I could write a few pages about this aussie but I'll keep it simple.

MC - Got to spend only minimal time getting to know her but she was chill and interesting....So tall!

VSM - Zomg, instant like for each other, go nostalgia pillowcases! A man of many and delicious words, fun voice, hella entertaining in all the stuff we did, and brave. Def a manly man and cool guy. I could go on for hours about him. Very good synergy with me. Dangerously attractive.

Neph - Definitely a tie with tal on the sleeper hit of the con. Loved talking with him perfect amount of snarky nerd, tall, and mecha oriented. Wished i had talked to him more sooner. Clearly the best driver I've ridden with before(and many leeps and bounds better than my own family hahah). Want  to get to know dis guy better he is defintely a secret boss. Loved hanging with him.

OK - Hilarious in the best of ways, apples to apples with him was the best part.

Niu - scary amount of energy, don't think he understood how charades worked but xD good times. Enjoyed his opinions on games.

Universal - Zomg best theme park trip ever(i used to attend themeparks several times a year every year so this really says something). Hardrock was sooooooo good too. Good times, no one would let me pick up there tab D=. Tal bossed me with how he destroied his burger! Good noms all day and a butterbeer mug to boot!

The Con: less gaming than i thought there would be...till sunday which made up for it i suppose! Good fun all around best week of my life since roughly 6!(im 27 next to month!)

Bowling and karaoke! Good fun everyone was waaayyy better than me glad i only watched, idune and grefter were scary good! Karaoke...havent done that since 8....incredibly fun, getterobo was best preformance of the night, again, nef such a secret boss!

Ill post a Hay i'm niji post at some point when the forums let me xD!
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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 07:06:42 AM »
Con Impression:

What is with a comic shop that has Toneberry and Prinny sitting in there? And all those robo figures tagged with prices that isn't making the slightest sense. But I am thoroughly amused.

Djinn missing both Nier tracks in the music quiz? Just HOW?

What is with the Touhou SRW load time? But good stuff, with all the lack of sanity and good music.

Xer, I should have made you show the Zavists signing to the entire con.

I was somewhat tempted to start Gundam Musou, must resist the urge.

Gate, how can you not believe in true love?

I discovered a certain someone actually likes FFX-2 music. I am very much traumatized.

Neph and Snow's Quatre fanboyism is real. I guess it is my fault for not believing it.

ToG's translation can burn in hell. Too bad it got such a good voice cast.


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2012, 08:14:06 AM »
Gate has issues with true love?

Also, I didn't notice anything particularly off in ToG's translation.  Are we talking character/country/terminology names or something that was omitted?
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2012, 11:25:41 AM »
He was acting out Bandiger from TA as a special guest charades entry and I quote blocked him. It was kind of amusing.

Niji: Really? Huh. Kinda wondering what your initial impression was... <_<;
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2012, 06:17:17 PM »

Niji: Really? Huh. Kinda wondering what your initial impression was... <_<;

Hahah maybe someday but my actual impression by the time i left was so much better =D lets just say i didn't like you at first but by end of first day/universal that had changed dramatically!
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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2012, 10:20:35 PM »
Aeromexico failed to kill me. Back home, thoughts later.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2012, 06:48:48 AM »
Gate, how can you not believe in true love?

This surprises anyone?  *grin*

I discovered a certain someone actually likes FFX-2 music. I am very much traumatized.

YES!  It was a MOST awesome surprise present when he got home.  *happy dances*
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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2012, 07:07:58 AM »
True love is FFX-2 music.  This is a scary thing to conceptualise.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2012, 03:21:16 PM »
I'm surprised no one claimed the FF8 OST, given by most accounts, that's one of the few things haters and lovers of the game both agree upon (that its good!  How good relative to the rest of the series is debatable, most agree its decent in its own right.)

Not gonna complain, because now I have the whole thing myself! a busted case...I should really consider getting a larger CD Holder...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2012, 05:52:33 PM »
I think you may have confused "the FF8 OST is good" with "Man with the Machine Gun is good".

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2012, 06:10:14 PM »
There are other songs in the FF8 OST?
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2012, 06:47:23 PM »
There are other songs in the FF8 OST?

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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2012, 07:05:22 PM »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]

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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2012, 08:21:43 PM »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2012, 11:46:27 PM »
Haters gonna hate.


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2012, 06:14:03 AM »
To be honest, Blue Fields is my favorite FF world map theme.

Not gonna complain, because now I have the whole thing myself! a busted case...I should really consider getting a larger CD Holder...

Those busted cases are the common size for OSTs.
And some of the limited box package is just huge.

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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2012, 10:22:47 PM »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: DLCon 7: Recap
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2012, 10:32:05 PM »
To be honest, Blue Fields is my favorite FF world map theme.

I find Blue Fields easily one of the worst overworld themes, meanwhile.  So bland and boring, goes nowhere, what have you...just about everything other FF overworld themes generally aren't *inb4crossingthosehills*

Those busted cases are the common size for OSTs.
And some of the limited box package is just huge.

I'm talking about one of those leather binders that holds like 50 CDs or something.  You know, something kind of like one of these?

In any event, the busted case is not good at holding CDs, leading to a large chance of them being lost, dropped, etc.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A