Etrian Oddessy(sp?) 2 is not too bad for this. Hexer, the status mage class, is pretty damn dominating, especially when paired with Dark Hunter(the status physical class!). Alot of enemies/bosses have immunities to certain things, but asking for "everything to be effected by every status" is kinda reaching frankly, and at least I don't remember anything having perfect status immunity. Maybe the aftergame superbosses do, but eh.
FFV, easily emulated and somewhat on the brain right now, is also good for enemies and bosses having alot of holes in thier status immunity. Again, not "everything is effected by every status" but Blue Mage/Mystic Knight/Bard/Chemist(to use one from each crystal!) can shut down so damn many things with status spam. Including gems like petrifying a part of the final boss, or dropping Blind and Berserk on a superboss so he can't do much of anything but whiff with his physicals forever.
Not quiiiite what you're asking for, but both fun games where status is a very real and very good option.