I do loose leaf teas, and if they're fragrant/flowers, I blend them myself. -This can be affordable- especially if you have a tea tumbler that makes one cup of tea. I always find that enough unless I have company. Many many good combinations, like apple/vanilla, blueberry/cinnamon. No sugar or cream here, my tea is just tea. I can't suggest specific brands, but I -do- find that chamomile tea has really calmed either a sore throat or my nerves. This summer is composed of a consistent cup of chamomile/day for my upcoming exams.
Coffee? I put everything in coffee and ruin it. I actually don't process caffeine well, and the 'effect' of morning coffee slightly hits me in the mid-noon or late evening time. I think Jim is a coffee fiend and adds nothing, likes it black or something. Benefits of drinking coffee? Warming my icicle hands during the winter! d= I don't normally drink coffee with a meal - its flavor is a bit too distinct, then you have coffee-morning-breath and teeth. Sugarless gum solves this.
If I'm having a cold dinner, no tea, warm dinner, possibly tea.