Author Topic: Polling: Late summer 2012  (Read 3496 times)


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Polling: Late summer 2012
« on: August 02, 2012, 03:04:47 PM »

1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 03:28:18 PM »

1. July 2002, when Cranbud opened the boards. I knew several people (Dune, Sage, Ciato, Trips, Elfboy, MC, Hal) from the old FFT boards at Gamefaqs. I had seen Shale and others around as well.

2. Unemployed. Turned down (:_:) a library job because of study abroad. I am working on the whole career part.

3. Sequel/series- Front Mission. Fuck off forever, FM:Evolved. New game: Castlevania 1999. I don't know if it could live up to some of the hype it's gotten, but it's more interesting than Lords of Shadow.

4. Largely positive.

5. Diet coke. It is a weakness. A shameful weakness. Apple cider is great too, but is strictly seasonal.

6. White Collar, and I plan on watching more. I'm halfway through season 3; really enjoying the central theme (Caffery weighing unimaginable wealth vs the life he's carved out at the FBI).  NYC is an engaging setting and the cast has strong chemistry. Strong props to Tiffani Thiessen, who has turned a really unappealing role into one of my favorite parts of the show.

7. White Collar season 3.  First two seasons are on netflix, season 4 I can catch on USA on demand. I'll pay 20 bucks to watch more of the show. This is how netflix should be used- you can hook people on the first few seasons, then get them to buy the rest once they're into it.

8. Yes. Two contests were recent. One was for a Razer mouse; I got that from a Defense Grid contest. The other was a drawing to be put into A Memory of Light as an Aiel warrior. I am happy about the latter for obvious reasons.

9. Group.  Solo gets boring. Props to OMD2 for having coop, I will have to try that out soon.

10.  In a very stereotypically American response, suburbs that are within close driving distance of a major city/airport. I can see why Gate loves Pacifica.

11. Yes, Gary Johnson. I don't have much use for Obama or Romney.

12. Day early in 2008 when I met the new supervisor at the food service place. He made me very sure I wanted a new line of work.  Also, final day at the library. I miss that job.

13. Shoes and razors.

14. Morning person. My natural sleeping pattern appears to be roughly 11-7 or 12-8.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 04:01:15 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

I'm old. My earliest communication with the group that kinda sorta became the DL was posting in GenocideHeart's series of RPG Playoffs discussion topics on GameFAQs, though I knew a few people from the FFT board even before that.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

High school math teacher. I could definitely see myself doing it longterm, it is enjoyable and pays well enough for my relatively humble tastes. It doesn't truly excite me but no other careers do either so meh.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

Restarted series... probably Wild Arms, two of its last three games were great. I'd particularly like a sequel to XF, or a true sequel to FFT. New game... I'd like to see a JRPG based on Wheel of Time, as long as I'm dreaming.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Entirely positive, to the point that I tend to quietly roll my eyes when people complain about them. I'm sure since entering teaching I've become more sensitive to this, but bashing an entire profession just pisses me off.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

Probably tea; don't ask me what kind.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

I watched a DVD of the first season of That 70's Show last year, it was pretty cool. Might watch more at some point but certainly not in any rush. TV doesn't do much for me.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

I dunno, I'm not much of an impulse buyer; I'd have to think what qualifies for me.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

When I was a kid I won a year's supply of Pepsi (defined as some fixed amount, don't ask me what that is as I don't recall) by filling out a skill-testing question and entering it into a draw at a baseball game. Math owns, bitches.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

Group, though I still prefer one-player games even so.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Really not picky about this.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Not American. Would vote for whoever has the best environmental policy because I believe that's the issue that needs most leadership on. In the US that means the guy who isn't beholdent to constituents who believe that environmental scientists are liars and we should trust oil companies instead.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

I once had a class that was behaving so badly and just not responding to anything that I eventually just yelled at them to shut up. This actually worked (despite my apologising immediately after) but yeaah, not my proudest moment.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Computers. And I guess video game controllers if I have a choice, but really everything else is negotiable.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

The latter. I am currently thinking "oh man I'm up and about early today". It is 8 a.m.

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2012, 04:50:54 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

September 2004, at the behest of Niu. It's kinda weird to go back to the times when I was one of the young 'uns wet behind their ears.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Press relations agent at a state agency. While I certainly don't want to stay in the company forever, I certainly can see myself doing press relations in the long term.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

One sequel: a new Wild ARMs game, because WA3, 4 and XF werer wonderful. A new game... hmmm. Iunno, a Kirby RPG.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Very neutral, though leaning on positive. I only had to deal with police when reporting the time I got robbed last year and the police people were very attentive, even though they pretty much didn't find anything about the culprits.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

Portuguese wine, bitches.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

Good question. TV does nothing for me as a rule of thumb, so I haven't watched new things in forever.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

Tickets to Porto Alegre, in the South, to visit a friend of mine, just last month. They were on a really nice sale. >_> Making that trip on September!

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

Nope. I'm not a competitive individual.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

I'm so used to playing alone that I honestly got more fond of it. Playing in groups is fun, but it's the kind of thing my mind doesn't wrap around very naturally.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

I honestly love the place I live. A small, comfortable place in a central city that has everything is just what I need.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Not American either. Generally, I feel that I want to vote on the candidate that I feel is willing to have a project for the -country-, instead of a project for power, though. Guess what the opposition in Brazil sorely lacks, thus originating the horrendous media bombardment we have here.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

Last year, when an infrastructure report from a research institute got released and the chairmen on the company couldn't decide on whether they'd give an official response to the report or not - and my boss was on break. We had to keep literally hundreds of journalists at bay for the whole day. I ended up answering something like 84 calls that day. And then they decided they wouldn't. GodDAMN.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Clothes and glasses. In general, I prefer paying things at a premium, though.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl forced into a morning routine. When I don't have to go to work, I usually go to bed past 2AM. Sometimes, even when I -do-. It's amazing how I never miss my wake-up routine, to be quite honest.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 05:39:43 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2012, 05:21:22 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

2002, was linked to it by Hal.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

I'm a teaching assistant. I really don't know what I want to do. Being in graduate school for three years has more or less crushed my will to do science.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

I'd love a Wild Arms XF2. And for a brand new game... some other SRPG in the vein of FFT and XF!

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Only dealt with them once, and it was fine.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

I love iced tea with just enough sweet in it to kill the bitterness.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

I have no idea. The answer is probably no, though, since I watched it with my grandmother.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

I bought some honey and homemade pickles at a farmer's market.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

I won some kind of digital device at a pharmacy club meeting back in first year.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

I like playing single-player games with an audience. Especially if I want to mock them.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Near my mom. To say near my family implies that I care otherwise.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Yeah, I'm voting for Obama. He holds my social and environmental views, and I'm not convinced that either candidate is different enough in terms of results economically to sway my vote. (Nor am I convinced that the Republican platform has the interests of working class 25 year old girls at heart.)

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

Depends on your definition of work. My TAing job? Having to explain to a student that, yes, I understand where you are coming from, but I am not in charge of creating this test grading sheet, no I won't change your grade, and having the run around with this.

If you mean my research work, that'd be like a 300 way tie of every day that nothing works.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Loose leaf tea and mp3 player.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Both! I hate afternoons though.
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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2012, 05:41:20 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

January 2008, apparently! It was all about Mafia.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

My job-which-is-current-until-August-31 is in marketing. I like it, but the particular bent of marketing I'm in -- analytics -- is definitely not a long-term goal, hence the quitting! I am still undecided on long-term path, but I am floating between professor and writer. I like to do lots of things, so choosing one is hard.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
Yeah, not my kinda question. I think I am kind of looking forward to a new Persona game, but I don't think it could top my experience of P3/P4.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.
Generally positive, though of course I remember the bitter experiences best. Two good experiences really stand out, though, when officers made me feel really well cared for (dog accident, car accident). The animal control officer can go fuck himself.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.
Hot chocolate. D: Otherwise... water.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
How I Met Your Mother. Much to my chagrin, I love it, and I will finish it eventually. (Currently in season 2 or 3.)

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
A signed chapter-book from George R R Martin that doubled as a fundraiser for a wolf sanctuary. (It would be a book and charity!)

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?
I've won a couple notable ones. My favorite is when I won a "Smokey the Bear" fan drawing contest in 5th grade and got to go to Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?
I prefer to watch as a group, but I tend to play solo or in very small groups (2-3 people).

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
If money was no object, I would have a ranch in Northern California. I freaking love this place, but I need -space-. I would wish it was close to the parents, but I'd prefer they move down here. Maybe I'll throw in a guest house for them, haha.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?
I'm voting. I may even be a poll worker. But I'm pissed off about my "choices," so I don't know what I'm going to do yet.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
When my micromanaging boss finally pushed me too hard and I cried at work. Goddamn emotions.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
Fuck that. I barely pay retail for my groceries! Books are probably my one exception.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Morning-ish. If I can wake up at around 8am, I'm golden. I can't stay up late no matter how hard I try -- unless it's insomnia.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 05:44:12 PM by Lady Door »
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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2012, 05:47:48 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

From a certain point of view, before the group ever existed! But practically speaking, I joined after Super contacted me with some questions about Bobbin Cranbud presents in... 2007, if my forum profile is to be believed. I like to think of myself as something of a Magus figure, a boss who joins the party and loses most of his abilities, HP and mystique. ^_~

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Freelance writer, which is like unemployed except it involves more work and paying taxes on even the tiny amount I earn. It's the path I've been working on for a long time and it's had more downs than ups.

I recently had an opportunity to branch out into indie game development and I'm hoping that will fare better, but I continue to write and recently published a novel.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

A new Wild ARMs game. By far my favorite series.

For a brand new game, I'd like a Paradox-style strategy game based on the Victoria or Victoria 2 engine, set in either a steampunk fantasy world (I'd be delighted to volunteer one for this purpose...) or, better still, in a randomized world. I'm not sure how you could create Vicky style maps randomly, but if it was possible it would be amazing. Even a single secondary world fantasy map would be a blast.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.


5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

Hmmmmmmmm. Some type of coffee, but I'd be hard-pressed to pick a brand and flavor. Seattle's Best cinnamon coffee (formerly "Cinnabun" flavor) is very nice.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

If anime watched on a computer screen counts, Fate/Zero. If it has to be on a TV and/or locally available programming, the NBA Finals. Either way, I plan to watch more, although not frequently.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

Amazon had a Paradox Games pack extremely cheap, I had an Amazon gift card from two years ago. Two great tastes that taste great together!

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

When I was a teenager, I won a dance contest at a Nuggets game and got a free trip to Houston for a Nuggets/Rockets game.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

Group, narrowly. I used to have a local group I played JRPGs with, the source of many of my best memories and many of the storylines in Xenogears AtF and the Inquisitor. ^_^ Lately I've mostly been playing online with friends I met through Homestuck fandom, and while the games themselves aren't my favorites, playing multiplayer is fun.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

In a dieselpunk airship palace, usually in the Mediterranean but with frequent languid voyages to visit family and friends around the world.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

I don't plan on voting.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

How about last days? I was hired as a staff writer for Mongoose Publishing, worked on a few books, and even before I had to DO anything was making the best money I'd seen in my life. Then they discovered that the printing presses they had bought "at a great price," because they were a discontinued line and no longer under warranty, output books that fell apart if they were put together in the humidity of England. I, along with over half the other writers, was laid off as the company went into retraction.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

None. If it's not on sale, I'm not buying it and probably can't.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl.
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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2012, 07:34:55 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.
2002, but cannot recall how I found out about Bobbin in the first place.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?
Is a freight forwarder right now.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
Summon Night... wait.. it just got brough back to life a couple of days ago.
I guess it'll be Suikoden or Black/Matrix depending on my level of yaoi lust.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.
Dr. Pepper

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
Is not a TV person.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
I have impulse buy on yaoi manga all the time.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?
Really depends on what game I am playing, but small group is preffered.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
With the family.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?
Probably Obama.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
When I got my first written warning.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
If limited edition games counts.... which I purchase relifiously when the Netehrworld offers those.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2012, 08:34:06 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.
Uhh. About two years ago now, I think? I got pushed towards the site by ThePiggyman, who I knew from, because we ended up arguing over who would win out of Quina and Freya. (I didn't think I was right from the start, but it was fun trying to argue it!)
Edit: Three and a half years ago, according to my profile!

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?
Nothing, unfortunately. I'd love to get further with either the poetry or the stand-up comedy, both of which I'm doing as a hobby at the moment, but those are damn difficult to get into.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
Uhh. Sequel/series, I'd love to see a new Baten Kaitos game. As for a new game.. hm, pass.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.
Only had two experiences and both times, they've come across as incompetent and useless, so very negative.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.
Either Dr Pepper or tea. Leaning Dr Pepper at the moment.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
I think it was someone getting me to watch some of The Big Bang Theory. It was pretty bad, honestly. I don't tend to watch TV at all.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
Uhh, a couple of weeks back, I bought Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Wild Arms 3 and Shadow Hearts 3.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?
I won a GBA SP, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and a GBA-GC link cable through a competition that was "If you could play FFCC with three games characters, who would they be and why?" I think I picked Mitsurugi, Ness and Meta-Knight.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?
I prefer playing on my own. If I'm in a group, I tend to prefer sitting back and watching.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
Somewhere with a good view. I've always wanted to go to Canada, and from what I've seen of areas of it, that's probably the ideal thing for me. (Most of the pics I've seen were from relatively near the Niagara Falls, so...)

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?
Not American. That said, I'd probably be voting Obama if I were, because not-Romney seems like a good choice, and Obama definitely doesn't seem like a bad one.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
We had a regular customer who had.. some mental issues. One day, I was the only person in the office when she came in, even though we were always supposed to have two people in. That was actually kinda scary, but makes for a fantastic story, at least. >.>;;

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
Uhh, I'm just gonna cut things short here and say 'food'. Generally speaking, if I like a more expensive brand, I will buy it. Most notably, I can't stand cheap tea or Jaffa Cakes, though.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I don't really have a consistent sleep pattern, but generally much more of a night owl.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 08:37:02 PM by Yoshiken »


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2012, 01:10:27 AM »

1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

Old school crew rep-rep represent

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?
Lab Technician, no, doing research at the post grad level. Not doing anything about it right now because the government is making it less and less appealing to try and get a higher degree.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
I want a third-person action game that does not involve cover in any way, shape or form. As for sequels...Saints Row 4: Gangstas in Time

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.
Non-alcoholic: Sunkist Cherry Limeade soda
Alcoholic: Wild Turkey

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
Hell's Kitchen. No and probably not.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
Some twice-baked potatoes at the store

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?
9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
A good apartment/condo near family.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?
Yes, probably Obama

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
I used to work at a hotel. One day during a massive rainy season the river behind the hotel surged up and flooded the entire first floor of the hotel.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
Computer hardware and soda

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 03:45:02 AM by AAA »
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2012, 01:15:34 AM »
Trips, have you played that 40k space marine game? The director said in an interview that cover is for bitches and they weren't making a game for bitches.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2012, 01:42:54 AM »
1. 2002. I'm old school.

2. I report on national water policy issues for a trade newsletter. It's not exactly what I want to be doing long-term, just because it's so hyper-specialized, but it's pretty close. Put me in charge of ferreting out and analyzing new policy issues and I'll stay there forever.

3. Brand-new game: a hyper-technical third-person actioner of some sort. Restarted series: Shining Force proper.

4. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixed. As a citizen, they've been fine - I've never been pulled over when I hadn't done something blatantly illegal, and they never dicked me around. As a reporter, I've been dicked around plenty.

5. Milkshakes.

6. Probably How I Met Your Mother, just because it finished last of the stuff I was watching. Haven't turned on the TV this summer except for sports, movies and games. And yeah, it hasn't lost me yet.

7. A Nexus 7.

8. Microsoft's retailer-affiliate program had a bunch of random drawings when I was a member, and I came out of them with a bluetooth headset, a whole bunch of MS points and free Office. I also got second prizes in a few of those RPGFan contests they ran back in the day.

9. Alone, for most games.

10. Detached house, probably north of DC so I can keep my job but still be close-ish to family and friends.

11. Definitely voting, unsure between Obama and protest vote.

12. At the community paper I used to work at, two days after we changed to a constantly-updated website (21st century journalism! Video! Breaking news! Woo!), they fired my editor out of the blue and left me and the sports reporter to figure out how to put the newspaper together by ourselves, not even giving the old boss time to tell us any particular plans he had for the issue that was due two days later. And then told us we weren't getting any more overtime. Just a big red flashing "we don't give a shit about you or the quality of your work" sign. The worst part is that it took me three more years to find a new job.

13. I really can't think of much. I am a complete tightwad. If there's a game/movie/book coming out that I know I'll love (e.g. the Utena remasters) I'll buy it, but I'll sure as hell bargain-hunt first.

14. Both, just not at once. I can wake up at 5 AM and be energetic and human and functional, or I can stay up until 3 AM on a regular basis. Just give me a bit of time to adjust my sleep schedule.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2012, 02:07:56 AM »
1.  Late 2004 from a Gamefaqs link from Metroidcomposite.

2. I may or may not work in a crate factory.

3. Brand new game: Open ended action game sort of like Dark Souls but with townz and peoplez. Sounds like Zelda but I want something like it.  Reboot: A non shit DMC.

4.  My friend is a cop and he's pretty cool.  Most of his friends are cops and do stuff like download videa gaems and pron.  Campus officers are fucking assholes and pulled me over running a red light barely on a icy road.  He made me sit outside for 30 minutes in 5 degree weather searching my car for drugs.  All because "I looked like one".  It was 8 PM, and I just got done tutoring a guy who barely spoke english.

5. Orange Juice and Chocolate Milk.  I don't really drink alcohol unless I'm doing a drinking game or out socializing.

6. NCIS? I dunno, I don't watch much TV.  I just watch that show for Abby.

7.  Record of the Agarest War 2.  It came in a big box, so I had to buy it.

8. I won the Gamestop Super Smash Bros Brawl midnight release tournament, and won the state championship shortly after. They wanted me to go to Chicago for regionals but they wouldn't my pay expenses.  Fuck that, it's just a game.  I got 100 dollar giftcard, and the ugliest trophy ever.

9. Alone. If I'm with friends we play Tales games because it's the only multiplayer RPG out there.

10.  A small apartment with no retarded people living next door.  I would be as far as I could be from New Jersey.

11.  Don't care. Both Obama and Romney are equality terrible.

12.  Being attacked by a 300 pound soccor mom at my first job at Walmart.  I was 17 and didn't know any better. I smacked that bitch back though.

13.  Milk and Digorno Pizza.

14.  Whenever people are asleep.  Mostly at night.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2012, 03:17:45 AM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

Well, I was around during the BCp boards, and at around the time those were closing started affiliating with the old school crowd despite only being passingly aware of them during BCp itself.  Although I did miss out on such... interesting... times as the true Contenders era or House of Game and such.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Cook.  I can live with it, albeit not my current, exact job.  But the general job duties are fine with me.  I don't really have an ideal career... like, I have IDEAS, stuff I wish I could do, but not so much careers as experiments or opportunities I don't really have the means to pursue.  That said, I am actively schooling to help further me in the field of food nerdery.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

Well... Radiant Historia is pretty much the game I'd ask for had you asked the first question in 2010.  A turn-based rpg that actually puts some thought and effort into expanding and evolving what turn-based games can do.  New IP or existing franchises branching out (see also Mana Khemia) is something I don't care either way about.
Restarting a series unquestionably goes to Suikoden.  Tierkreis I don't have anything against as a game, but it's Suikoden in the same way Xenoblade is a Xenosaga game; yeah, there's obviously some influence there, but it's pretty clearly a distinct, new thing.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

My personal experience has largely been negative-but-benign.  Harmless pestering with no damage done.  That said from a distance I see very little serving and protecting and more than a little basically shaking people down for money.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

I'm not sure it qualifies as a favorite, but when I don't drink water (which I normally do) I get Mt. Dew.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

Setting aside the 'news', I catch futurama here and there but don't get fussed if I miss it.  I did recently track down and watch Spectacular Spider-Man, which I'd watch more of if it existed.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

Hm.  Probably Theatrhythm.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

NOthing with prizes, and even then not since middle school.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

Alone.  Audiences are fun for replays but on a dry run I really prefer it be me and the game.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Not.  Here.
Anyway.  Mostly free of ice, not terribly prone to natural disasters, english speaking.  Relatively easy access to both nature and civilization preferred. 

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

I'll be voting.  Shortly before the mid-terms, there was much gnashing of teeth and I decided I had to vote against republicans rather than for people whose policy I agree with, so I guess it's Obama.
Odd honestly, I don't think Obama and Romney are meaningfully different on most issues, but where Obama's policies aren't terribly far off the median democrat, Romney is well to the left of the typical republican, so Obama should have an easier time staying the course than Romney will have not actively ruining the country.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

My bosses' son live above the bar.  He's a full blown alcoholic.  You'll understand if I don't think I can narrow things down too much.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Well, certain types of video games.  Otherwise, for most sorts of beverages I'll always spring for the name brand, and don't care too much what is or isn't on sale.  Knockoff colas, dews, etc just do not taste right to me.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Lessee.  Last night I went to sleep shortly before 5 am and woke up at 1:30 pm.  Yeah that's... pretty typical.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2012, 03:42:28 AM »
Trips, have you played that 40k space marine game? The director said in an interview that cover is for bitches and they weren't making a game for bitches.

I did, and it was quite fun, especially the jetpack sections.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2012, 03:47:57 AM »
It was the ultimate paradox. That game was manly as fuck but you play as a eunuch.

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2012, 05:09:54 AM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

OG crew, wut wut.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Bartender, Chez Alcatraz, Universal Studios Orlando. Not really, not sure what ideal career path is, but more or less working towards it via school.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

Wild Arms 6. Brand new game... maybe an adventure or P&P game based on Spooksville.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Mostly positive, though the last was negative.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not. 

Non-Alcohol: Mt. Dew Voltage
Alcoholic: Hmm. Tough call. I've been partial to bourbon and coke lately.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

I watch TV all the time, so... Colbert Report for the literal answer. And yeah.

Last NEW thing I watched? The Newsroom. And yes, but I need to get HBO back first.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

There's a clearance store for employees at work, usually has cool stuff. Grabbed a t-shirt with Chris Farley as Matt Foley on it that says "Well LAH-DEE-FREAKIN-DAH"

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

The last contest I won was mini-golf at DL-Con 7. Eat it, bitches. Still reigning DL Mini-Golf Champ.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?


10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC? 

Penthouse in NYC sounds awesome. Love the city, know lots of people there.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Yes, Obama.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this. 

Tossup, but I'll have to say 15-hour day for a film festival at the Theater. Keeping all the projection stuff organized + dealing with asshole directors wondering why their $30 DV-Cam doesn't look like an $8000 35mm film print on the big screen and are never happy with their personally customized settings is not fun.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Game Controllers

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night Owl.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2012, 06:43:25 AM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

January of 2006. About the same time when WA4 came out basically.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Soon to be unemployed. Currently an accountant. I've come to terms with it, so I don't mind doing it long term. Ideally though I would go somewhere in industry, like maybe electronics or something after a few years. But don't have the experience yet.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

A new Wild ARMS sequel would be terrific. As for a new game, I would like to see one of our IAQs eventually developed into a game...but if we're talking about something existing and just a new concept, something like WA versus game would be cool.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Generally neutral, leaning negative the few times I've had to deal with them for anything. Just a lot of bureaucratic red tape and seemingly wasted resources. See CK.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

Iced lemon tea.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

Sherlock I think. I enjoyed it; wouldn't mind watching more of it. But that requires me to find new episodes and that requires effort.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

The one I pre-ordered one several years back got cancelled and I never got another chance to buy another one. Now seemed like a good time >_>

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

Never for anything game related. I've won several academic awards though.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

Group. Whether this is with an audience watching and making comments or co-op/competitive play. More socializing is usually cool.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Somewhere in England I imagine.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Not American and haven't been following along. Politics really isn't my thing

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

Having to do like 30-40+ tax returns in one day during April of 2007. Pretty much broke down at the end of the day from stress.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Hardware/peripherals for gaming. Clothes (don't like dealing with needing to shop around for prices. If I find something I like, I'll buy it)

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2012, 09:52:15 AM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.
Fuck if I know.  I got bored of it and left and then came back for want of shit to do when things are slow.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?
I'm in health care management.  It's not a bad racket but I'm going to teach history, I think.  School takes so fucking long.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
I'd get Suda51 to make a JRPG because he could really tear into them like they need to be.  As far as sequels, Alpha Protocol 2, no question about it.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.
Well, I wouldn't be called "the Repeat Offender" if I had positive experiences.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.
18-year-old Glenlivet.  Anyone who didn't answer this has never had it.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
Like on an actual TV?  Fuck if I know.  If DVDs and Netflix and such counts, then either Community or Always Sunny.  And yes, I'll watch more considering I own the entire series of both shows.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
Something from the Steam sale, probably.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?
A bunch of them.  I don't think I feel like going into each individual case.  Let's just say I'm good at talking and I'm good at drinking and I'm good at board games and I'm lucky.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?
With other people.  They are an experience that is generally enhanced when shared.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
There's this penthouse condo in Downtown Portland I've had my eye on for several years.  I grew up there so I'm pretty fond of the place, plus there's a bar in town where the bartender knows my name and I don't need to specify what I want to drink.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?
Yes. It's really a two-party system and I vote, as usual, for the candidate I think won't put atheists in reeducation camps.  So not Romney, cause living in Utah taught me not to trust Mormons.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
I once spent eleven straight hours sealing tile in a bathroom.  The next day my legs were so sore from crouching all day I fell out of bed when I tried to get up.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
Scotch and guns.  Suits?

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Let's see, I posted this at 1:55 because I was bored but not tired or drunk enough to pass out.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2012, 10:05:13 AM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

My FE1 stat topic stuff is timestamped late 2005 so I guess somewhere in that vicinity.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Business Application Developer. Currently I'd be fairly happy to continue at it forever.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

No real idea for the new game. I don't see how I could not pick BoF for the restart.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.


5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.


6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

Gruen Sweat. Yes I watched the last show that I watched. Yes I do plan to watch more.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

Collection of The Tick comics I think?

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

Wouldn't remember.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?


10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Near family, easy to clean, no garden.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?


12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

Wouldn't remember.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Not much these days. Depends on what you consider a premium.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Not sure how you define them.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2012, 03:45:55 PM »
1. Uh... back when I was in highschool and RPing, so that makes it... '03? '04?

2. Localizer at Aeria Games. Not really. Game writing/writing in general and yes. Slowly, admittedly.

3. Do we get a promise it won't suck? If so, Baldur's Gate 3.

4. N/A

5. Dr. Pepper.

6. Make It or Break It. No, Ash more or less put it on and so I watched it too.

7. I'm assuming food doesn't count. iPod game. Robot Unicorn Attack, I think.

8. Pretty sure I've won something in recent memory, but I'm blanking.

9. Changes moment to moment.

10. House here in the bay area. Maybe Berkeley hills?

11. Sure and probably.

12. Getting fired from my first job.

13. Board games (support my local store) and... hmm... electronics, I guess?

14. Night owl.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2012, 05:17:13 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.
I've always been here.  Zenny, the eternal constant.
2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?
I get gawked at in public and speak English at some children.  Definitely want to bum around the world and do shit like this for a while.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
Half Life 2: Episode 3 would be nice.  Also a game that makes you feel like Laggy.  I feel that game would be fun.

play a game i want to play a game lets play a want to i want to lets play a game i want to play a game

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.
lol.  Pigs is pigs no matter where you go.  Few good cops, sure, but the sheer amount of unhelpful power tripping assholes in the field ruin it for everyone.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
Been catching up on It's Always Sunny.  Probably gonna watch Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad soon.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
A lot of beer, because America

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?
I'm Zenny.  I'm better than you, especially Meeple.  That's all that matters.  I don't need a contest to reaffirm this.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
Inside a robot brain

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
Dude got stabbed at the hotel I was working at.  Or there was a fight? There was a lot of blood and a lot of dealing with the police being unhelpful.  I guess that's far enough in the past that I forgot about it though.  Once had to clean several months of gunk off of a loading dock with a power sprayer in 100 degree weather, that was pretty great.  Let's go with that.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
Nice suit is always a good buy.  I sometimes also like to pretend that I am the king of catville and rub kitty litter on my junk.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
sometimes I sit down and I just. don't. stop. pooping.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2012, 11:31:00 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

Let's see. I knew about the RPGP, so I guess I was around that site in 2003ish. I joined the forums late and never really posted much anyways, it soon died and I had nothing. until I was browsing the Gamefaqs forums and came across someone who had the DL linked to his/her sig and I found this place. Dunno when that happened. But since then I have been around enjoying and annoying the community. 

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

I work in a country club in the fitness center. by the time I get to work my boss (who is a genuinely cool and interesting fellow in his own right) is gone and I am alone for all of my shifts. No one tells me what to do and I enjoy browsing the internet and working out while getting paid just to sit on my ass all day. The negative is the pay, so pros and cons I guess.

But this is just a three year long temp job right now! I am currently on my last leg of the first part of school. I am heading towards a degree in mass communication, so after this semester I will try and transfer to a larger school and hope to get a job that deals with some sports. Fingers crossed!

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

Fuck these new games. Give me more Suikoden goodness! Blah blah blah psp game, give me another game that deals with the main storyline! *cries*

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Been arrested three times! Let's leave it at that. >_>

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.


6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

Gundam 08th MS Team. Finished, I was watching Zeta Gundam before that and I am going to finish watching it this time!

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

Today i bought a poker chip set for 26 bucks at target. The aluminum box is all busted up, but it will do for now!

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

Won a lot of poker games for money, won a drawing contest when I was young, won a RPGFan contest once, but I never played the MMO that I won from there. etc etc.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

Both? Solo is fun I guess, but group gaming is hilarious when done right or wrong!

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

I want a fucking castle! you know all bad ass looking, but with modern technology mixed into it to make the wifey comfortable too.

11. The US presidential election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Ron Paul or Hulk Hogan are usually my nominees.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

Worst? I was arrested when I first got this current job and my Home Depot gig too. Eventually I was forced into serving jail time, so I had to lie to my Home Depot bosses by telling them one of my uncles died in Miami and I had to take that week off pronto. They bought it and I was free from their prying eyes.

Fun Fact 1: I never told my parents either. Told my mom I went on a week long camping trip and that I didn't call her because where we went, my phone didn't get any reception. I know these things have little to do with my actual work, but whatever!

Fun Fact 2: I sometimes see the judge that handled one of my court cases while at this country club job. Doubt he remembers me, but I certainly remember him!

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Gearing up to buy a new bed. King size preferably, I am not going cheap on that purchase. The second? toilet paper. My anus is precious. No knockoffs for it!

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Both? I need little sleep to function throughout the day. I can stay up late at night playing games till the sun comes up. I can set my alarm to wake me up at any time, and with no coffee or any caffeine I am ready to suck that day's dick! HOORAH~
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 12:03:20 AM by Scar »
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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2012, 12:21:21 AM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

I joined in 2009, when I was finally swearing off RP boards for good due to constant board drama on another board. I made the profile then went AFK for a few years due to my isolated nature.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

I wish to be a teacher, so I'm currently in my last semester of college. Boy, gaming is going to be fun when I'm an elementary school teacher.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be? 

Well that depends...I would LIKE a new Persona game...if you mean by new as in from the series. As for series that stopped? Parasite Eve, Bloody Roar and Breath of Fire, damnit!

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Haven't gotten in trouble, but when I had my car accident, the police were very helpful since I was crying like a damn moron.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

Strawberry Daq (Alcoholic) and Lemonade (Non-Alcoholic)

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

Supernatural...though Young Justice has been growing on me (though I have to use sneaky ways to watch the latter). Do I plan to watch more? Yea...

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

*Looks at her copy of Guild Wars 2* What? I started MMOs with GW1...

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

I never win. E.V.E.R.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

Depends on my mood really. When I'm happy, pissed off or in a masochistic mood, I play against friends. I prefer to play alone when I'm VERY depressed or want to get something done.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Given how on bad terms I am with my family...I'd like to live in a condo in ******* near where my boyfriend lives.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

*Sigh* I do not care about either candidate. Give me one that doesn't have some sort of trash talking or negative attack ads and we'll talk.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

Depends on your definition of "worst day". That's all I'm going to say.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Better INTERNET and CABLE TV. I don't have either.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

This is an interesting question. The answer is I can do either, it just depends on how the previous day was and what time of year it is.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 12:25:18 AM by Meiousei »


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2012, 03:11:26 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

Early 2003. Just in time for the tourney proper to go on a summer hiatus, as I recall. It is somewhat amazing to me to consider I've been hanging out with you mooks for nine years. This is far longer than I've maintained connections with anyone on a personal basis.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

A) Subcontractor doing HR work for TSA, principally cleaning up after other people's mistakes; B) no; C) doesn't matter; D) not in any practical sense.

3. You can have one brand new game made, and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

A) Something produced by me, probably lesbians would be involved; B) another Star Control game that didn't suck (that is, made by Ford and Reiche).

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Only direct experience with the police was when I got into a car crash in 2008. The cop that stopped by to report the incident was entirely decent about it, possibly because I was wholly upfront about it being my fault (which it was).

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

Orange juice.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

The last show I actively watched was Lost, which I stuck with to the end despite the last couple years being a right mess. It was kind of a shared family thing by that point which I had to be able to comment on.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

I dunno, probably a videogame.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

Some local radio contests in high school. Some tickets (Eric Clapton concert, hockey game) and knickknacks.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

I am not terribly fond of interacting with other human beings, so take a guess.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

FTL spaceship.

11. The US presidential election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Yes, and Obama. I am not wholly enthused about his performance, but I find the GOP platform regressive and loathsome.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

My first job was working at a dog grooming place. I'm just gonna leave you guys with this-- let you use your imagination.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Orange juice. Italian food.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Both. I do not have the healthiest sleep schedule.