
Author Topic: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2  (Read 2991 times)


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Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« on: March 15, 2008, 07:50:47 PM »

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We've had various incarnations of this topic over the years, measuring how much you like a game's cast/what'd you rank from the game/how much you respect the duellers, etc. Well, we haven't had one of these in a while so I figured I'd restart the topic to give us something to talk about during the downtime. Archived topics are listed above. Feel free to bump up and vote on older topics.

Skipping text this time. The games are Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2.

Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller:
Least favorite dueller:

Strongest dueller:
Weakest dueller:

Favorite moment in the DL with this game:
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game:

A character you'd like to see added to the game:
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game:

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller:
Least favorite dueller:

Strongest dueller:
Weakest dueller:

Favorite moment in the DL with this game:
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game:

A character you'd like to see added to the game:
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game:

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?


Also, suggest ideas for what to use in the next round.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 08:03:17 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 12:21:27 AM »
Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Tia
Least favorite dueller: Guy

Strongest dueller: One of the sinestrals, would say Gades, but thats his L1 form that is awesome
Weakest dueller: Tia ;_;

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: cant think of one
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Selan beating Paulette, Tia being winless

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Rank the capsule monsters *flees*
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: everyone ranked is fine.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?


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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2008, 02:44:36 AM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller: Odin.  BtS fun and awesome Godlikeness.
Least favorite dueller: ALICIA.  FUCK YOU STUPID BITCH.

Strongest dueller: Lezard.  Just VP2 characters?  Odin or Hrist.  Arngrim for most improved.
Weakest dueller: Alicia.  Which is kind of funny, since she's a decent enough borderline Heavy/Middle (WHORE).

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Odin and Lezard.  Lezard's fun upgrading and fighting wars, and Odin pwing things.  Fun times.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Hrist losing her VP1 record.  This has been over plenty of times,, it's just me (and Shale, apparently).  Misunderstanding of things, I guess.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Honestly, all the characters!  Barring that, Mithra strikes me as a good rank, and Heimdall isn't too bad (about on par with Ull), and the mages are good to rank, with exposure in both games.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ull, assuming not everyone was ranked. 

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Eh, I like the game less than I did when I played it.  The bosses are badass, the PCs bore the hell out of me.  6.5/10?

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Amon.  I like the name,
Least favorite dueller: Guy?  He's a boringer Dekar (who isn't necessarily boring).

Strongest dueller: Maxim.  Sinistrals based on other forms, but for L2 only...Maxim.  Though he technically spans the games, so...L2 only characters...Lexis.
Weakest dueller: Uh...Tia, probably.  Gades if he didn't have other forms.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Dekar the Godlike...wait, wrong League.  Uh...none really jump to mind.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Daos dropping.  Wow, that's...yeah, a Godlike that deserved his rank falling.  Sad.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Idura and Camu are the only other good ones, and I'd not mind Idura definitely.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Eh, worked.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Love the game.  9.5/10.

For next time: TotA and P2 and EB
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 05:36:06 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2008, 02:53:29 AM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller: Alicia.
Least favorite dueller: Hrist.

Strongest dueller: I have no idea. Ull maybe?
Weakest dueller: I think Alicia. Lezard I'm not thinking about period today.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Claude vs Lezard.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Lezard arguments. EDIT: Check that, Odin hype. Lezard I can at least the reasoning for, Odin has zero going for him in the DL and is barely a middle at the very best.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: NA.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ull.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?- Okay DL game. Alicia's cool, don't horribly care about the rest. Not much strong emotion about this one as a DL game for me.

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Tia/Lexis/Artea/Dekar are all very cool fighters with unusual combat styles.
Least favorite dueller: Erim. Daos is at least cool on paper, Erim is just hideous failure.

Strongest dueller: Artea or Amon.
Weakest dueller: I...don't know. I think it's Guy if you let Tia have the seethru cape and Tia otherwise. I'll give you a more definitive response when I refinish the stat topic.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Lexis getting a win.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Erim vs Claude. *Foams*

A character you'd like to see added to the game: NA. The game has exactly two bosses that aren't generic monsters or sinstrials, and Camu's just a oneshot. Irida is sorta funny but I don't think people much care about him in the context of the DL.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: NA.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game- One of my all time favorite PC casts. Just very cool all around, the IP system really owns if you can heal at all or have any kind of equipment options.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 05:16:09 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2008, 03:24:46 AM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueler: Hrist.  Like her a lot from VP2, and has the best 5% status ever <.<
Least favorite dueler: Lezard. The arguments, mainly.

Strongest dueler: Lenneth.  The fact that she was Godlike in VP1 already, and she's probably BETTER in this form says everything.
Weakest dueler: Lezard. I take him in his PC form so yeah.  Honorable mention to Freya since egads is that HP just too sad.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Hrist getting to the finals of Heavy on her first run works for me.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Lezard Arguments.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Phyress.  Fun solid dueler.  That's about the entire reason though.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ull.  Yeah, while a good dueler, in retrospect...he probably shouldn't have been ranked.

Lufia 2

Favorite dueler: Don't really have one offhand.
Least favorite dueler: Suppose Maxim wins this if only for the whole Spells argument.

Strongest dueler: Artea.  PC who covers all his bases well, stops some big status, and is fast.  Apparently has some IPs that make him even better.
Weakest dueler: Gades, in this form specifically.  Yes, I vote on his L1 form, but Gades in this game is just that god awful.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: When I proved everyone that Daos didn't have bad damage since his damage *DID* focus and everyone was assuming Dark Fry acted like a normal spell.  Yes, odd moment, but it made all the Daos haters eat their words <.<
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: None offhand.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Idura.  He's not a bad ranking idea, actually...heck, I remember him better than the NonDaos Sinistrals.  PLus you fight him multiple times.  Just he's someone we can live without too.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Well ranked game, so no.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Interesting case of a game since while the cast is clearly hit by DL rules with Spells...a lot of them manage to pull out adequately enough (well, in ARtea's case, he just kind of cheats the system <.<)
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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2008, 05:12:20 AM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueler: Rufus
Least favorite dueler: There's no one I dislike, really

Strongest dueler: Either Odin or Hrist
Weakest dueler: Alicia

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Silmeria beating that brat Palom
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rufus losing to Kharg

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Phyress
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Nah.  Ull is fine.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?  Uh...not really.  The game hasn't been ranked that long, so it doesn't have too many big moments that I can recall.

Lufia 2

Favorite dueler: Artea.  Dekar is a close second.
Least favorite dueler: Guy.  Remarkably average and, truth be told, kind of boring.

Strongest dueler: Artea
Weakest dueler: Tia

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Artea making it to the Heavy finals twice!  Awesome.  Maybe he'll win the title one of these days.  Selan's championship was also pretty cool since it came completely out of nowhere and I don't think anyone was really expecting it.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Tempted to say Artea losing in the Heavy finals twice, but I'm just happy he made it that far.  Instead, I'll go with Daos losing to Luc.  I'm still not sure how that happened.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Idura, sure
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Nope

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? *hypes Lufia3 Sinistrals*

Suggestions for next time: Wild Arms 2 and Chrono Cross


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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 06:19:09 AM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller: Lenneth!
Least favorite dueller: Ull I guess.

Strongest dueller: Lenneth
Weakest dueller: Arngrim?  Probably.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Nothing stands out.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ull downgrading.  Hate when speculative ranks like that underperform.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: None.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ehhhh, I dunno.  Probably none despire Ull not doing well.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Nope.

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Artea I think?  Fun competitive heavy.
Least favorite dueller: Guy.  Like OK said, basically Dekar but more boring (ie less extreme)

Strongest dueller: Blah, I can never keep the damned sinistrals strait.  The last one.
Weakest dueller: I'm not sure between Tia and Guy.  Both very different with clearly defined weaknesses.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Nothing stands out.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Same.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Not really anyone to add.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Nah, temps are funz.
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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2008, 05:17:57 PM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller:Hrist, to be honest.  Don't ask why, I just like her new PC/boss form and the fact that she's actually solid.
Least favorite dueller:Ull, come to think of it.

Strongest dueller:Lenneth, no doubt.  Keeps solid damage, adds to it with good ID and insane healing.  Alicia on crack, basically.
Weakest dueller:PC Lezard.  Though Silmeria is also rather low.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game:Hrist's Heavy run.  Mainly because it perfectly fit her transition from joke light to a solid dueller.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rufus drawing ATL-yuck.  End of story.

A character you'd like to see added to the game:None, really.  Given that Walther and Gyne are rather bleh, and Heimdall's just a one-shot random boss...well-ranked in general.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: None.  Decently well-ranked,  Ull is a bit arguable, despite being solid DL-wise.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Generally a fun game.  Archers having actual physical/magical damage split and status amuses me to no end.

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: So far, I'd say Dekar--Guy, only to extremes with his stats, which makes him not-bland.  Also, I need to replay the game, on that note.
Least favorite dueller: Guy.  Blaaaaaaaand.

Strongest dueller:Artea, at first thought.
Weakest dueller:Tia.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Can't think of one.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Likewise, can't think of one.

A character you'd like to see added to the game:None.  Anyone supporting Idura ranking should be shot; babynapping automatically fails.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: None.  Generally well-ranked.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? I need to replay.  Generally a fun game.

Next up: Still saying, WA4 and SO3.
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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2008, 12:14:47 PM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller: Rufus - VP2 Archers are fun, Rufus is the only ranked VP2 Archer (Silmeria doesn't count). I want to see more of this guy.
Least favorite dueller: Ull, maybe?

Strongest dueller: Lenneth is... wow. Arngrim for most improved!
Weakest dueller: Silmeria maybe? That's kinda sad.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Hrist's run to the finals after ranking. Odin Hype is hilarious to me.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Nothing offensive so far.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Dylan and Leone? They're not powerful, but they feel like a big part of the story that got forgotten. It wouldn't hurt me if they didn't get ranked though. I'd probably support Mithra too, but again, not a priority.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ull. Though his ranking doesn't bother me much.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Ranking Ull and not Dylan and Leone seems weird, but I'll live.

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Artea - just has neat tricks.
Least favorite dueller: Guy's kinda boring, but I still like him.

Strongest dueller: Gades? (L1 form!)
Weakest dueller: Somehow, also Gades!

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Lots of good moments, can't remember any specifics.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Nothing too offensive comes to mind.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Well-ranked.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Nope, good ranking.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? I want to see more of Artea, and Tia needs a win.



Also, suggest ideas for what to use in the next round.

Chrono Cross and Wild Arms 4
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 12:56:42 PM by DjinnAndTonic »

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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2008, 11:32:37 AM »
Wow HATE from OK - that's unusual >_> What did Alicia do <_<

Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller: Hrist and Brahms
Least favorite dueller: Lenneth

Strongest dueller: Apparently Lenneth
Weakest dueller: Arngrim

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Hrist doing well.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Lenneth hype

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Dylan! <3
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ull

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? - Agree w/th Djinn and Lezard being in Heavy confuses the hell out of me.

Next Round - S03 and WA4
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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2008, 12:13:41 PM »
She EXISTED.  >_>
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2008, 02:36:52 PM »
She EXISTED.  >_>

That's my kind of reason!

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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2008, 03:58:17 AM »
Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Artea. Dekar is a close second
Least favorite dueller: Hmm, probably Gades. I'd probably like his other forms, but this one fails. *Needs to check the other stat topics*

Strongest dueller: Off the top of my head...probably Amon, good speed and damage, plus a lot of hit points. There's also Daos, maybe, I'd need my notes to be sure of his damage.
Weakest dueller: Tia, terrible durability, followed by the game relying on Storebought magic, ouch.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: None, really.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: None, really

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Pass
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Pass

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Nothing that isn't obvious

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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2008, 05:06:23 AM »
Valkyrie Profile 2

Favorite dueller: Hrist. Boss form!
Least favorite dueller: Silmeria. Bleh, she shouldn't be this good in the DL considering how damned ineffective she is in-game.

Strongest dueller: Lenneth or something.
Weakest dueller: Lezard.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Um, not much to say.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: ARGH, LEZARD BEATING ROFEL.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: No one in particular.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Yup.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: DEKAR.
Least favorite dueller: Maxim. Hype bait I guess. Bleh.

Strongest dueller: Amon.
Weakest dueller: Tia.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: ---
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Claude vs. Amon.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: No one.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: No one.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2008, 11:37:58 PM »
Favorite dueller: Hrist? Mostly a character thing there. Not normally a huge fan of statusweapons, but eh, makes up for her not having Gungnir in the DL I suppose.
Least favorite dueller: Lezard. Found him a complete scrub in-game as a boss (not to mention I detest him as a villain), and don't view the DR as legal, yet he gets hype as a Godlike for it.

Strongest dueller: Ull. So very obviously superior to all the other bosses, and is good enough to beat the PCs to me, too. EDIT: Lenneth including VPs, dur. Dunno why I was thinking pure VP2 for this when I turned around and used VPs types for the next category!
Weakest dueller: I think Freya? Lezard and Odin are also pretty bad, but Odin presumably has a bit more HP than Freya, while Lezard as a PC has more HP than either! And ID makes up for VP2 mage damage some.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Hrist beating Albert Simon.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: lol lezard tanks fate storm

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Phyress! Nobody really.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ull's iffy, but whatever. I'm much more tolerant of iffy bosses who can draw.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? PCs are pretty neat. Bosses suck outside of Ull (and Hrist I suppose, for all that I vote on PC). Really terrible. but but but they are good if you ignore all sealstones and accessories and skills really!

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Artea. Elf! And he's just a total powerhouse in-game and in the DL.
Least favorite dueller: Gades. All the Sinistrals are pretty bad, getting hype for more obscure forms, but he has the largest split I think (Amon/Erim/Daos are all at least decent Heavies in L2, Gades is just pathetic).

Strongest dueller: Think Artea beats Daos? Not entirely sure.
Weakest dueller: Gades.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Selan doing well was neat to see.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Probably this season!

A character you'd like to see added to the game: IDURA (nobody).
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Every damn Sinistral is a walking pile of votesplit idiocy. Lufia 2 is the most popular game in the series, why should I play 1 and 3 to vote on its villains? Leave it to the Lufia series to find a way to fail.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Aside from occasional Dekar and frequent Maxim overhype, this is a neat PC cast.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 06:54:23 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Rate this game in the DL: Valkyrie Profile 2 and Lufia 2
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2008, 06:50:08 PM »
Updating tomorrow.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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