Author Topic: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2  (Read 2536 times)


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Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« on: September 28, 2012, 05:19:06 AM »
Results!  If no vote score is listed it was not particularly close.  (Not much disagreement on Light, despite some interesting conversations on the matches.)  A tricky Norse half-god barely triumphed over some kids and the Warriors of Light defeated some demons in human shape and their pet vampire (and kidnapped little girl?).

Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) (1-1) SnowFire tiebreak.  Orphan has a huge durability edge but Ameno-sagiri has the damage edge, especially for the first half of the fight.  (Ameno's Void Light/Dark is also thematically hypable here, if not actually hypable.)
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3)
Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2) (2-1)

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) (5-2)
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3) (5-1)
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3)
Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) (2-0)

Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Loki (Valkyrie Profile) (4-3)
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) (3-0)
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG) (4-1)
Melfice (Grandia 2) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)

Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Edna (Shadow Hearts 3)
Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)
Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)

Bonus match
Ceodore, Ursula, Edge, Palom, Edward (Final Fantasy 4: The After Years) vs. Zeromus (Final Fantasy 4 DS) vs. Void
Dark Holy Elf: "Congratulations Snowfire, you may have concocted a match that only Super MC50 can vote on."  Less crossover than you'd think between two games with "Final Fantasy 4" in the title it seems.


For week 2, we get to be reminded that SnowFire is weird and likes to run double-elim tournies, so there's a winner's bracket and loser's bracket in each division.  Ramza's crew, after defeating Xorn last time, gets to face yet another evil baby-eating entity.  Meanwhile Cthulhu must face off against his old rival and deity of time, Stockerucaht-ka.  Over in bonus match ville, alchemist girls of cheaty get-turn-win doom get to face off against last time's Godlike champions.  To defeat alchemists, send more alchemists?  Maybe.

Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)
Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier)
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC)
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia)
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon)

Bonus match
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 06:06:01 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 05:57:08 AM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) Guardian Ring is really, really good and Glass Shield stops any Nebula Oculus pretty well.
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2): I'll hold off on this one.

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5)
vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC): I think?
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) This is a mess. Night Sword would be a pretty ideal way of countering TDO, but because of TDO's defenses it doesn't heal enough to keep up with TDO's damage. So Orlandu needs to constantly double for this match to be in hand which is hard because TDO himself is very fast. Unfortunately I think Ramza only gets one turn to Tailwind and that's not enough unless you allow Ramza and Orlandu to just stand outside of TDO's range and Tailwind repeatedly, but that seems cheesy.
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3) SH status blockers don't catch confusion.
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)

Loki (Valkyrie Profile
) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 06:01:29 AM »
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC)
Both WM & Summoner have revival in Phoenix/Life2, and I don't allow 2x ID, so Ghaleon is going for damage.  2x Hell Wave (if allowed) is ~.87 PCHP, and that drops a bit if he does the in-game Hell Wave + Rock & Roll.  So...  Ninja probably just gets left dead, his MDurability is apparently bad.  And...  hmm, FF5 Summoner lacks a healing summon, just has Phoenix for revival.  WM's MT'd Cure3 is only 65% healing.  Well then, team FF5 can't keep up with Ghaleon's MT offense and certainly isn't blitzing him out when Ninja gets in 2 turns or so at most...  EDIT: Also the death + Chaos Shield to slow down Team FF5's offense while forcing Summoner to spam Phoenix every turn also works like a charm, maybe also gets an easy win since I think Phoenix's revival is low HP anyway so Ghaleon can use MT damage to re-clean up WM.
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Would the Ice Knights trick work here to heal forever while Ramza Screams a lot?

Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)
Words cannot describe how screwed Team RH is.  Sky Drops don't get ID, so October is a deadly threat, Umi has to be killed ASAP due to her MT party heal, Dacre can't be ignored, Cthulhu can't be ignored...  ugly.  Aht gets exactly 1 turn to make something happen, Umi Siren's Calls Stocke, Cthulhu knocks the stuffing out of Eruca, October IDs Aht, Dacre..  hell, just Holies Insane Stocke, then Cthulhu murders the hell out of Stocke with Dark Strike when he's got a bonus vs. Insane targets anyway.  Aht uses her turn to run away if she's smart.

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)
Will await arguments.  EDIT: Ah yes, Edna's fire weakness, that will hurt.
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Stat topic claims Adray's MT Fairy Light heals are pretty badass, unless it leveled incredibly slow or something.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 07:25:15 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 06:06:06 AM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)-  ... ahahshahahaha.  Yessss.  P4 buffs are time based.  Mesarthim cheeses them all out with StasisRune.  Team has no problem wittling Ameno down when he can't deal MT OHKO damage to the team.
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)-  First impression, Luc charges Open Gate.  The MK2 team can't handle having the entire front row killed at once, given how the S3 team can arrange their damage.  So Et has to use her blitz to take out Luc, meaning the rest of the team gets a chance to act and take out two front rowers before Land of Eternity goes off.  Even if some survive, the S3 team can keep up the pressure well and still kill them before card damage can catch up, assuming Raze gets a chance to put it down even.
Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier)- No vote.
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)- Kneejerk.  Distortion mocks everything but Jenna 2's stuff, and Belial can win that damage race handily enough I think.

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC)- Holding off.
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)- No vote.
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)- Yuri actually lives to buff, all downhill for myria from there.  Edit: I am hilariously wrong.
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)- Ugh.  Need to research this, may come back to it.  Edit: Well... I'd certainly consider Cancel against a Tales mage.  That basically knocks Rita and Estelle out of the fight.  Yuri can do a lot of damage on his own, but solo Violetta (which is what happens by the time he kills Kornell) he cannot.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)-  Kneejerk.  Only Dorothy can really hurt Loki, and has to leave herself vulnerable to do so.  Edit: Oh, Mirrorskin.  That works.
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)- Sleep on his MT damage you say.  Works for me.
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia)- No vote.
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)- Hum.  Aht>Umi>Cthulhu>Stocke>Eruca>Dacre>October.  Okay, Aht swaps to Eruca, who trans-turns back to Aht.  Aht>Umi>Cthulhu>Stocke>Aht>Dacre>October.  Trap Dacre.  Wait, that ends badly, Cthulhu OHKOs Eruca.  And can OHKO Aht with the cursed sword... bah.  All that wasted thinking.  No amount of jiggering lets the RH team kill two cthulhu members on turn 1, and they need that breathing room to revive and keep fighting. 

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)-  Mm.  Memory is that Luca suffered slight accuracy woes, and Edna is fire innate?  Seems like enough to tip it.  Edit: Nevermind, water.  Silly me.
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)- Only CT can save us now.
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)- A game without status blockers versus Lucavi.  That ends well.
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon)- Hello free win.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 06:22:39 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 06:08:43 AM »
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2): I could be argued but... strong kneejerk. If nothing else Silent Lake makes the whole enemy team really wussy, and Luc/Geddoe can get off weaker spells before that lands.
Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier): I can't bring myself to be super-impressed by Orphan. He's a bit of a resource grind for this team, but they can still do the key stuff, and it helps that I don't see Orphan as nearly as durable as some due to holding the full wrath of all of FF13's buffs and debuffs against him (unlike pre-C11 bosses).
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga): Belial beats Jenna 1 very soundly (even moreso than in the normal DL since boosted HP helps Jenna much less). Jenna 2 is interesting, and depends how many cores start in the same hex. Belial's opponents occupy 3 hexes IIRC, so inclined to say the cores are the same, and they get horribly destroyed by Tank Drops.

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC): Hum. Fate Storm (undoubled) is a waste against two revivers, his best damage meets Golem. That said, Ghaleon easily wears down Summoner's MP and win by repeatedly deathing White Mage... unless Reflect stops Fate Storm. Not sure how I feel about that. EDIT: Even if Reflect catches Fate Storm, it doesn't matter. Ghaleon has too much durability and the other team's offence (both Gil Toss and Fumas) are reliant on money which I set a cap at which will certainly come into play against ~20PCHP (more against Gil Toss). Reflect also prevents healing and I do see Hell Wave, at least, going through reflect.
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3): Confuse is one that SH can't stop, and stopping both death and paralysis hoses their stats somewhat (granted, they maybe shouldn't bother, since those are ST and the team has adequate healing options). Still, Yuri has Arc Heal and Kurando can heal one status, so that does help somewhat, but Myria sooner or later gets lucky and hits both (happens around half the time, even), then can up pressure and start picking people off. I think, given her ~20PCHP or so, that she has too long to play with this, and should win at some point. Yuri can buff, but buffs don't stop status and Sanctuary tilts things back in her favour once Yuri and Kurando are safely controlled.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz): Dorothy uses Mirror Skin and Loki can't actually kill her. She's... weirdly close to soloing this. I don't think she quite can (Loki can stun her), but she also doesn't have to, since she even one reflective person hoses Indiscrimate badly and she can bring in friends who do things like cast Elements and Fox Hunt (to lower stun odds). Only problem here is the team has weirdly little magic damage, but Gnaw and Dorothy being able to hog ratio helps.
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2): Aurora Flash is solid MT damage that also sleeps the regenerator, Dark Star hurts like hell, Corona is nasty MT once sleep is applied. Exor just feels like he has notably more offence and although his parts die more quickly, they don't die instantly and they don't stay dead, so he has a lot of durability here in practice, I think.
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia): Team RH can probably kill a couple Cthulhuers when they go, although Umi can Siren's Call Eruca so make that just one. Failing to kill October seems like it'd be bad (Death + Cthulhu offence = two dead PCs fast), failing to kill Dacre means a revival followed by Cthulhu probably killing someone again. Could be wrong but it feels like the extra man gives Team Cthulhu the edge it needs.

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2): Luca wins this in the DL, and I can't imagine this is terribly different. +25% to flame slash damage is a nice boost for him.
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3): Gut says a team with even semi-competent MT healing can take Marcello.
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics): Hmm.
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon): The two weakest entries probably.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 02:58:15 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 06:40:59 AM »
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) - Gut says he just outlasts.
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) - Edit: HOLY CRAP TDO CAN'T BREAK ICE BRAND HEALING WHAT

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) - I'll bite.
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2) - Sure, I'll go with naptimes for Regenerators.
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) - I think.
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia) - Yar.

Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon) - uh huh
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 07:51:07 PM by Random Consonant »

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2012, 08:02:46 AM »
Naw ^-^ I'm not good on the whole math/number/calculatey thingy, other people are better at working things out there than I am =)

Hmmm. Peppita's dances and symbology in general take less usage time to level up than other skills but unlike the dances and specific offensive spells the characters can't chain healing symbologys so they don't level up quite as quick offhand depending, hmmm ... Adray's menu casting times are some of the best in the game and he could probably level his healing up pretty quick in general play over time but ... he doesn't learn Faerie Light till L37 and has join time/temp issues, if you don't manage to recruit him on disc one/early disc two as a temp and work on him then he's not going until right before the final dungeons, at L18 >_> Hmmm though I don't remember if he actually leaves again if you skip getting him on disc one and grab him just before heading for Sphere, if not this might be the best time for him to join since disc two has better EXPs and stuffs, end of disc one character level averages are L25 - L30 average, unless you're grinding, usually haven't hit L30 yet in my case. Regardless I'm skeptical of Adray having Fairy Light at L10 here, L5~ dunno. Maybe. It has to be at least L4 to around 50%~ MT healing. Yeah why not. If nothing else Peppita can throw levelled Healing Dances on the team on top of that (unless Marcello can OHKO her or something?) and Albel has Vampiric Flash for himself so ... it might take the team a while to whittle Marcy down this route if Peppita isn't going for the Power Dance > Faerie Friend blitz (would this be more effective?, number thingy) but I think they have the resources especially if Peppita uses Healing > Magical Dance chains for dual HP/MP regens (SnowFire if you're interested I posted Healing Dance figures w/th skill proficiency/chains/cancel bonus effects here -,294.msg74984.html#msg74984)   YMMV on whether Magical Dance is legit or not though (Maze of Tribulation skill)~
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 08:12:58 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2012, 10:24:44 AM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)- Too much healing.

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC)- Think he can run WM out of MP easily enough.
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)-

The Dark One vs DL Legal FFT Team (0 resets)



Ramza Orlandu Meliadoul



Ice Brands (bare fists Ramza), Ice Shields, Thief hats (Crystal helm for Melidoul/Agrias), Black Robes (Crystal Mail for Ramza)

Knights of Ice rides again! Mustadio is a lost cause. However, as this is SRPG vs SRPG, I consider positioning. Agrias and Orlandu are going to spend the entire fight healing the formation with Ice Brand lightning stab. TDO's multitarget attacks can't break that healing. If he wants to get anywhere in this fight, he has to use his physical and hope a lucky crit OHKOs. I am not inclined to give that much credit.
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)- Kneejerk.
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2012, 05:27:59 PM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) - Riki's rings are a huge help against Ameno. Stasis Rune ain't too useful since Ameno has -two- Bewildering Fog phases, but buffing should let Mes survive that shit and LifeRain cheese the universe. SaGa is weirdly amazing in team matches.
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2) - This later. There are some factors (FFX-style PC swap! Et's initiative skill! Lily's MT slow!) that need munched here. Leaning the Suikoswarm, though.
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga) - Sure.

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) - I don't allow Fate Storm to ram into Cecilia's Parasol - feels this is a sufficiently analogous situation. Since I allow Fate Storm x2 spam...
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) - TDO can OHKO zero swordsmen in this fail-off, so Ice Sword healing spam is go. Ramza Screams Orlandu until he's like quadra-turning TDO, since -that- level of turnsplit likely allows him to solo with Night Sword. Loo loo loo.
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3) - Sure. Myria just has so much durability and speed.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) - So, Extension Force misses the OHKO on Dorothy by slivers. She nearly solos him unscaled (and man, she probably slaughters him in the DL). With a full party, she -definitely- should be able to do the job.
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2) - More MT, more damage and more hitting Melfice parts failure status holes.
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocrypha (Radiant Historia) - There are a few problems in this fight. First, Apocrypha's HP unscaled is along the lines of 18x PC HP counting all forms. Remember the offensive resource woes I mentioned against Loki that gave the party fits? Second, form two completely owns the party with Last Night (accurate MT sleep) spamming into Stone Memory stupid unless Paula's magic shield is both multitarget -and- also catches status magic, and she'll have to constantly reapply it even so. At least, Apocrypha can't OHKO Paula until form three. Third, Apocrypha is faster than everybody but Poo, who has none of the tools needed to actually -shut down- Apo (I mean, he contributes with healing, but that goes to hell the minute he himself is statused). Ultimately, this just boils down to the EB party getting eventually outgrinded. Apocrypha can even spoil Jeff's offense and skillset with Curse (...) eventually, which just fucking fails. I totally overshot the EB PCs, they're bonafide Lights in this setting. Bad stat distribution (two people who are easy to -OHKO-, let alone 2HKO, only one above average speed PC) and egregious status vulnerability just don't lend to a capable entourage.
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia) - Cthulhu OHKOs Eruca and Aht anytime he wants, risks being faster than both and Umi is faster than both Eruca and Stocke, which leads to October getting a turn to ID nearly no matter what (turn-shuffling only means Cthulhu changes whoever he OHKOs first). The only shot the RH team has is Aht outspeeding Cthulhu and landing that MT sleep skill she learns at egregiously post-aftergame levels, but not inclined to make that kind of tiebreak when there are already multiple calls against them.

Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3): Fairy Light makes Marcello fail forever. Albel and Peppita even wall Wind to make this -dumber-.
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2): Elfboy's right. Luca has 2x Edna's durability and hits a weakness, so he possibly four-rounds her even. Even the fast recharge can't let her spin this around.
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics): Okay. If Jane uses Follow Me!, Zalera just petrifies Zed and the fight's over, Jane and Emma can't outrace his status slinging ever. If she Suckers, she... delays the team's death for a round, they're screwed as soon as Zed's out of the picture. Zed... needs to OHKO Zalera if Jane uses Follow Me! (not happening) or 2HKO if she uses Sucker (closer, but still no dice). Zalera 3-2s Emma to boot, so even if she attempts status healing in the case she even -has- it, that's not helping them any. Wow, Emma, you suck.
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon): I dun wanna.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 06:50:55 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2012, 07:52:19 PM »
Ah yes fire weakness on Edna, that seals it.

For what it's worth on EF vs. Orphan (match of only Elf voting most likely), no EF myself but judging strictly from the stat topic...   Xiamou apparently has enough SP for 5 shots of the MT status immunity (which hopefully catches Deprotect/Deshell or else there are issues).  If KOS-MOS blows a bunch of her own SP on Renew, she can transfer enough SP to give Xiamou 6 shots of the status immunity.  That's 18 turns to ideally kill Orphan, or at least force Orphan to switch to Opposite Extremes (which makes the use of another Merciless Judgment questionable even if Orphan can land Deprotect/Deshell, and Dies Irae is probably easier to control with Spirits than Judgment).  Orphan has anywhere from 24 PCHP - 45 PCHP unscaled depending on how much broken is held against them (Although maybe Elf is even lower from his comments...).  On the bright side those earlier Merciless Judgments look like they turn on a bunch of low-HP activated mentalities for Team EF.  Seems that Orphan's durability and how well Team EF's offense holds up in a long fight is what'd swing it since they can't exactly spend SP like nuts on offense without running dry.


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2012, 08:08:55 PM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)
Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier)
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC)
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia)
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon) - If the call on this one was "Pokemon team fields as many 'mons at once as the other team's max party size", then it feels like the Pokemon have the upper hand here. There's some decent damage and status, and Pikachu at least has the speed advantage and a MT Thunderwave, which slows down Serge, the CC team's only decentish character.

Bonus match
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga) - I'm not actually sure here, Brahman is pretty ridiculous on durability even -scaled-.

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2012, 08:25:12 PM »
Ah yes fire weakness on Edna, that seals it.

For what it's worth on EF vs. Orphan (match of only Elf voting most likely), no EF myself but judging strictly from the stat topic...   Xiamou apparently has enough SP for 5 shots of the MT status immunity (which hopefully catches Deprotect/Deshell or else there are issues).  If KOS-MOS blows a bunch of her own SP on Renew, she can transfer enough SP to give Xiamou 6 shots of the status immunity.  That's 18 turns to ideally kill Orphan, or at least force Orphan to switch to Opposite Extremes (which makes the use of another Merciless Judgment questionable even if Orphan can land Deprotect/Deshell, and Dies Irae is probably easier to control with Spirits than Judgment).  Orphan has anywhere from 24 PCHP - 45 PCHP unscaled depending on how much broken is held against them (Although maybe Elf is even lower from his comments...).  On the bright side those earlier Merciless Judgments look like they turn on a bunch of low-HP activated mentalities for Team EF.  Seems that Orphan's durability and how well Team EF's offense holds up in a long fight is what'd swing it since they can't exactly spend SP like nuts on offense without running dry.

The EF team's biggest advantage is being able to keep a very steady offense longterm (crits, which hardly get factored in the topic averages due to mass Valor/Soul presence, which -disables- them, start playing into the damage figures a lot more, and longer combos improve the crit rate. Then, a full party can build Frontier Gauge a lot faster, which also adds some punch to their offense, and their damage only really eats into SP if they use Valor or, in Haken's case, Rampage Spectre, but he doesn't bother with that in long fights, since the damage loss isn't that notable at base. The loss from not using spirits to boost offense is very notable, of course, but the resource reshuffling to healing and cheesing raises their staying power considerably, and they have the necessary resource depth to stall, especially given the fact that they don't spend precious turns to do it). Xiaomu can also twink her SP to some degree to get an extra casting of Barrier. Depending, using status healing could also be more efficient, since it's so much cheaper and doesn't take a turn, and runs off Kaguya's notably superior SP pool. -In fact-, they may be better off with Kaguya using Resolve and just healing status any time her turn comes up, worst comes to worst. 10 SP for Prayer and 20 for Resolve? Yeaaaaaah. Also, Mentalities can play into the fight as well, given how long it is, and -those- are largely benefitial (a free casting of MT 30% healing, just to cite Xiaomu, is kinda topical, but it's never -bad-). Kaguya can also do the SP transfer shuffle if she cares, etc. There's a lot of resource depth play going on there.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2012, 09:34:12 PM »
Let's just shamelessly steal votes and remove the ones I don't know.

Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier): I can't bring myself to be super-impressed by Orphan. He's a bit of a resource grind for this team, but they can still do the key stuff, and it helps that I don't see Orphan as nearly as durable as some due to holding the full wrath of all of FF13's buffs and debuffs against him (unlike pre-C11 bosses).
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga): Belial beats Jenna 1 very soundly (even moreso than in the normal DL since boosted HP helps Jenna much less). Jenna 2 is interesting, and depends how many cores start in the same hex. Belial's opponents occupy 3 hexes IIRC, so inclined to say the cores are the same, and they get horribly destroyed by Tank Drops.

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC): Hum. Fate Storm (undoubled) is a waste against two revivers, his best damage meets Golem. That said, Ghaleon easily wears down Summoner's MP and win by repeatedly deathing White Mage... unless Reflect stops Fate Storm. Not sure how I feel about that. EDIT: Even if Reflect catches Fate Storm, it doesn't matter. Ghaleon has too much durability and the other team's offence (both Gil Toss and Fumas) are reliant on money which I set a cap at which will certainly come into play against ~20PCHP (more against Gil Toss). Reflect also prevents healing and I do see Hell Wave, at least, going through reflect.
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3): Confuse is one that SH can't stop, and stopping both death and paralysis hoses their stats somewhat (granted, they maybe shouldn't bother, since those are ST and the team has adequate healing options). Still, Yuri has Arc Heal and Kurando can heal one status, so that does help somewhat, but Myria sooner or later gets lucky and hits both (happens around half the time, even), then can up pressure and start picking people off. I think, given her ~20PCHP or so, that she has too long to play with this, and should win at some point. Yuri can buff, but buffs don't stop status and Sanctuary tilts things back in her favour once Yuri and Kurando are safely controlled.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz): Dorothy uses Mirror Skin and Loki can't actually kill her. She's... weirdly close to soloing this. I don't think she quite can (Loki can stun her), but she also doesn't have to, since she even one reflective person hoses Indiscrimate badly and she can bring in friends who do things like cast Elements and Fox Hunt (to lower stun odds). Only problem here is the team has weirdly little magic damage, but Gnaw and Dorothy being able to hog ratio helps.
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2): Aurora Flash is solid MT damage that also sleeps the regenerator, Dark Star hurts like hell, Corona is nasty MT once sleep is applied. Exor just feels like he has notably more offence and although his parts die more quickly, they don't die instantly and they don't stay dead, so he has a lot of durability here in practice, I think.

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2): Luca wins this in the DL, and I can't imagine this is terribly different. +25% to flame slash damage is a nice boost for him.
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3): Gut says a team with even semi-competent MT healing can take Marcello.


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2012, 01:12:20 AM »
If the call on this one was "Pokemon team fields as many 'mons at once as the other team's max party size", then it feels like the Pokemon have the upper hand here.
Regardless, there can be three Pokemon out at once anyways, so if 3's the required number, they've got enough.
(Also, I raise my point from the last round about every team needing to take out Lapras instantly or run into immunity-ignoring (delayed) mass ID~)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2012, 02:35:17 AM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2): Too many sources of MT "SUFFER AND DIE!" damage. Don't know if Silent Lake should get physical skills though.
Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier)
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga): SHe's made for this.

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC): Items would make this doable! For most teams even <_<
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics): The Knights hit each other under a Massacre barrage? Hmm... Is that full healing? Yep.
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia): Overlimit Astion'd Meteor Storm. Rocks Fall, Everybody Dies. Also Yuri, two durable healers (Karol is insanely durable to multi-hit attacks... tenths everything below 25% HP). So the balance favors Vesperia here, for all that they were outclassed last time.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz): This? This is funny?
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia)
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia): Aht does something, the team CSTW kills them all. Umi freezes Stocke, Cthulhu kills Eruca, and Dacre buffs Speed so that Aht doesn't see another turn either. Also October Deaths.

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon): I suppose the 1-by-1 nature of PKMN makes this unfair.

Bonus match
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia): Nothing they can do to prevent the cheese train from coming out to play.
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga): Quinta-acting is badass. Having your damage split into 5 segments when the foe auto-MT heals/revives whenever you touch them is, well, not badass. Don't think he can MT OHKO them with a single action, although he may come close. Also items don't care about stats and the damage reduction item isn't caught by Eternal Zero I don't think.


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2012, 03:23:16 AM »
Jo'ou: Interesting, sounds plausible enough.  Relying on just aggressive ST status removal probably would save a bunch of SP.  (Haken also looks like he can set up at least one of his full recover mentalities with proper planning - one of Orphan's Merciless Judgments happens at a very specific HP limit you can prepare/chip to in-game, so if he makes sure he's at 10% everything after it, he gets it all back and can reload his full offense.)

Djinn/super/Pyro: To play devil's advocate a bit on Emelious's goons vs. Vesperia...  as CK noted, there's kind of a crapload of canceling on the G3 side.  Every single boss part has a cancel move - Kornell's Kornell Buster, the Iron Fist's combo, Violetta's Freeshooter (which might get 2 people, it's line target), and the Demon Scythe's combo.  Even if ToV casting times are seen as really short in the DL, that's got to interrupt some of Estelle & Rita's tricks.  (Of course, flip side is that G3 bosses can be interrupted and stunlocked as well, so if Yuri is constantly air-juggling Kornell and taking him out of the equation with the long combo, that could be a pretty huge edge for the rest of the Vesperia team to go nuts...)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2012, 04:06:45 PM »
Oh they can definitely cancel normal spells from Estelle and Rita. But honestly... in a team setting with Yuri like this... neither of them are doing much spellcasting outside of Overlimit which basically voids spell chargetime and completely nulls spellcancelling.

Also, like you said, if you're allowing the Grandia bosses to cancel Tales spells, then Rita would like to introduce them to endless BlahblahblahTIDALWAVE spam, which is trivial to turn into an infinite combo lock with physicallers like Yuri and Estelle backing her up. But I assumed we were operating under more standard DL rules otherwise the Tales team just initiative-kills anything that doesn't immune combos.


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2012, 08:38:04 PM »
Closing this tomorrow.

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2012, 01:25:41 AM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)- Boo P4.
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)
Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier)
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC)
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia)

Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)- ;_; I wanted to vote on RH.

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon)- I refuse to vote on this.
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 2
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2012, 02:05:55 PM »
Huh. Guess I was wrong about Edna =/


Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)


Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)

Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia)


Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)- *checks stat topic* Oh right Marcello's best damage is wind element, Peppita and Adray absorb (Elven Cloak) and Albel halves (Elemental Leather), yeah the team definitely has the healing power and elemental protection to handle this.
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon)
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