
Author Topic: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.  (Read 5589 times)


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SNES/16 Bit Era:


1. Chrono Trigger (12.79)
2. Final Fantasy 6 (12.75)
3. Phantasy Star 4 (11.05)
4. Super Mario RPG (9.57)


5. Ogre Battle (8.83)
6. Tales of Phantasia (8.25)
7. Final Fantasy 4 (8)
8. Lufia 2 (7.86)
9. Final Fantasy 5 (7.63)
10. Breath of Fire 1 (7.13)


11. Earthbound (6.68)
12. Seiken Densetsu 3 (6.67)
13. Shining Force 2 (6.37)
14. Breath of Fire 2 (6.17)
15. Secret of Mana (5.31)
16. 7th Saga (4.9)

PSX Era:


1. Final Fantasy Tactics (12.90)
2. Planescape Torment (10.57)
3. Lunar:EBC (10.5)
4. Star Ocean 2 (10.31)
5. Vagrant Story (10.13)
6. Breath of Fire 4 (10.1)


7. Final Fantasy 7 (10)
8. Brigandine (9.42)
9. Tales of Eternia (8.4)
10. Wild ARMs 2 (7.15)
11. Suikoden 1 (6.77)


12. Legend of Dragoon (5.50)
13. Final Fantasy 8 (5.47)
14. Chrono Cross (4.35)
15. Persona 1 (4.16)
16. Dragon Warrior 7 (3.66)


1. Wild ARMs 4 (13.2)
2. Shadow Hearts 2 (12.89)
3. Suikoden 3 (10.95)
4. Disgaea 2 (10.91)
5. Front Mission 4 (10.6)
6. Odin Sphere (8.66)


7. Kingdom Hearts (8.23)
8. Wild ARMs 3 (7.95)
9. Grandia 3 (7.92)
10. Valkyrie Profile 2 (7.61)
11. Shadow Hearts 3 (7.08)


12. Wild ARMs 5 (6.81)
13. Tales of Symphonia (6.5)
14. Xenosaga 2 (5.26)
15. Xenosaga 1 (4.47)
16. Radiata Stories (4.18)

NOTES: I went with a 6/6/6/6/4/4 format for winners (The 4/4 being the SNES and NES/handheld era)), and a 5/5/5/5/6/6 for the failures.  I tried to reflect the general trend of rankings towards PS2 games being higher on average for their score here. Anyhow, topic's up and have fun! Please number your lists, it makes it far easier to count that way. Thanks!


Fire Emblem 7
Fire Emblem 8
Pokemon RBY
Final Fantasy 3
Dragon Warrior 4
Final Fantasy 1
Golden Sun
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Pokemon RSE
Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced
Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1
Dragon Warrior 3
Great Greed
Lufia 3
Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis
Final Fantasy Legend 2

PSX Era (2 of 2):

Legend of Mana
Breath of Fire 3
SaGa Frontier
Arc the Lad 2
Baldur's Gate 2
Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete
Vandal hearts 2
Persona 2
Wild ARMs 1
Valkyrie Profile
Tactics Ogre
Suikoden 2
Ogre Battle 64
Final Fantasy 9

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

Breath of Fire 5
Digital Devil Saga (Series)
Phantom Brave
Shadow Hearts
Final Fantasy X
Legaia: Duel Saga
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy 12
Suikoden 5
Skies of Arcadia
Fire Emblem 9
Dragon Quest 8
Xenosaga 3
Star Ocean 3
Tales of the Abyss
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 04:16:17 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2008, 04:27:10 AM »
1.   Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 1 - Hey it's SRW. I like it, act surprised.
2.   Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga - Humor value and solid gameplay.
3.   Fire Emblem 8 - Customization and making the hard mode available from the beginning are solid advantages over FE7.
4.   Fire Emblem 7 - Fun S/RPG. Not much more, but still good.
5.   Pokemon RSE - Bland, slow and frequently boring, but it's a well-balanced gameplay game, so once you get all of that past that it's got some merit.
6.   Final Fantasy 1 - Meeeeeeh.
7.   Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - It's FFTA. It sucks. Moving on.
8.   Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis - Worse gameplay than FFTA.

PSX Era (2 of 2): Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

1.    Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete - One of my all-time favorites for the writing and characters alone. Gameplay doesn't do anything really special, but doesn't fail at anything it attempts and removing random battles is always a plus.
2.   Vandal hearts 2 - Once you get used to the weird quirks it's a very fun game, and there's a lot to do.
3.   Grandia - Love for the battle system wins it every point it gets.
4.   Final Fantasy 9 - I like the aesthetics and the combat/skill systems. Zidane and Kuja can't drag it down that far.
5.   Breath of Fire 3 - My first BoF, and still a fun game. Best dragon system of the ones I've played, and a fun cast in general for combat.
6.   SaGa Frontier - Baaaaaadly in need of polish, but its successes are worth playing for.
7.   Valkyrie Profile - Fun for a while, but eventually the sheer repetitiveness takes over. Needed more variation in its core elements (the combat system and plot sequences). Having the plot of the game be an incredibly obscure secret is massive fail.
8.   Wild ARMs 1 - My baseline for a generic RPG. Does nothing particularly well or badly, which balances out to boring but playable.
9.   Suikoden 2 - What Grandia would be without its battle system (okay, and minus Justin). Boring plot, bad translation, criminally easy. Also, the army battles burn and the only PSX villain more overhyped than Luca is Sephiroth.
10.   Arc the Lad 2 - No-frills SRPG gameplay in a game about ten times as long as it has any right to be, and incredibly repetitive to boot.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):
1.   Final Fantasy X - Not my favorite PS2 RPG, but close. The gameplay overhaul works, the plot is standout, the music and visuals kick ass. It's a shame unskippable cutscenes mean I probably won't replay it.
2.   Dragon Quest 8 - Slow pacing puts it just behind FFX. Kickass style, good gameplay.
3.   Tales of the Abyss - Best of the series? As far as I've played. Good characters (for the most part), the best version of the Tales battle system, good challenge on Hard.
4.   Skies of Arcadia - Just a fun game with good atmosphere. Whee exploration!
5.   Disgaea - All the character hype is deserved, and the gameplay is mindless fun.
6.   Breath of Fire 5 - Inventive, but tries to do too much. Couldn't really get into the battle system.
7.   Star Ocean 3 - The best combat of its series, and trophies are fun to collect. Sadly, the plot twist exists.
8.   Shadow Hearts - Entertaining fluff that thinks it's dark and horrific. At least it's got Yuri and Simon's hat.
9.   Legaia: Duel Saga - Fluff.
10.   Final Fantasy X-2 - Makes the job/ability system suck, and the plot and characters are just abject and total lose.
11.   Xenosaga 3 - Fail-safe.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 06:09:35 AM by Shale »
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2008, 04:31:15 AM »
PSX Era (2 of 2):

1) Baldur's Gate 2
2) Ogre Battle 64
3) Valkyrie Profile
4) Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete
5) Grandia
6) Arc the Lad 2
7) Suikoden 2
8) Breath of Fire 3
9) SaGa Frontier
10) Final Fantasy 9
11) Tactics Ogre
12) Wild ARMs 1

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1) Breath of Fire 5
2) Fire Emblem 9
3) Skies of Arcadia
4) Tales of the Abyss
5) Final Fantasy X
6) Shadow Hearts
7) Legaia: Duel Saga
8) Dragon Quest 8
9) Suikoden 5
10) Digital Devil Saga (Series)
11) Final Fantasy X-2
12) Star Ocean 3
13) Final Fantasy 12


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 04:33:21 AM »

1. Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1- Although, why OG1?  I suppose it's better played I guess?  Still.
2. Pokemon RSE
3. Fire Emblem 8
4. Fire Emblem 7
5. Final Fantasy 3
6. Dragon Warrior 4
7. Pokemon RBY
8. Final Fantasy 1
9. Golden Sun
10. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. Suikoden 2
2. Valkyrie Profile
3. Persona 2
4. Breath of Fire 3
5. Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete
6. Wild ARMs 1
7. Final Fantasy 9
8. SaGa Frontier
9. Grandia

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Final Fantasy X- Warning: Remainder of list not Elf-friendly.  Daisy daisy.
2. Tales of the Abyss
3. Suikoden 5
4. Breath of Fire 5
5. Disgaea
6. Skies of Arcadia
7. Shadow Hearts
8. Fire Emblem 9
9. Final Fantasy X-2
10. Phantom Brave
11. Dragon Quest 8
12. Xenosaga 3
13. Star Ocean 3
14. Digital Devil Saga (Series)
15. Legaia: Duel Saga
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 04:38:45 AM »

1. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga - So much awesome first playthrough~
2. Pokemon RSE - Lumping Pokemon games together is fun~
3. Pokemon RBY - See above~
4. Final Fantasy Legend 2 - So much nostalgia~
5. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 1 - Slightly better than FE7.
6. Fire Emblem 7 - Solid enough. This top half is really awesome.
7. Final Fantasy 1 - Then it starts being not so awesome~
8. Fire Emblem 8 - Last of the good things~
9. Golden Sun - If I had finished GG I probably would have put it over this...
10. Great Greed - Is actually kind of fun for a bit and of course a few mockable bits can get it to #10 for me~
11. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - Gimped FFT gameplay (although not outright horrible, just...) ...with nothing else.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

All these games I never heard of~

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Final Fantasy X - I held up halfway through a replay, at least~. Just remembering the epicness of it is fun~
2. Tales of the Abyss - Tales without autosuck plot and characters is win. Could switch depending on how many Jade/Dist lines I remember in a day~
3. Digital Devil Saga (Series) - Balanced SMT and I liked everything generally about it. Series means it goes higher than normal~
4. Disgaea - First playthrough of win~
5. Dragon Quest 8 - Mostly good, few notable flaws. Funner to explore than SoA.
6. Legaia: Duel Saga - I keep getting the feeling of "high average", so there you go.
7. Shadow Hearts - Quirky fun, I suppose. Generally decent memories here~
8. Star Ocean 3 - I can never seem to play this for a long period of time, and a few things bug me~
9. Skies of Arcadia - Needs a bit less encounters~ and I just didn't get a lot out of exploring the world~
10. Final Fantasy 12 - Needs longer dungeons with more monsters in them.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 05:35:40 AM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 04:51:20 AM »

1. Dragon Warrior 4- Does unique things and has gameplay that holds up even to modern standards. Has a fairly balanced equip and party system and does a good job presenting the story that is there.
2. Final Fantasy 1- Very solid entry for RPGdom's most famous series.
3. Fire Emblem 7
4. Fire Emblem 8
5. Final Fantasy 3- 7/10 material? Don't think I ranked it in the topic, but it's a good game.
6. Tactics OgreKoL- Good game, in spite of being awfully slow combat wise.
7. Pokemon RBY- Well, Leafgreen. Same difference.
8. Dragon Warrior 3- I need to finish the GBC version, which could push it up a point or two.
9. Golden Sun- The most generic RPG I've ever played. Not bad, just.. generic.
10. Lufia 3- About as good as Lufia 1.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. SaGa Frontier- Is SaGa and wins instantly.
2. Suikoden 2- Tied with S3 more or less on the awesome chart. Great villian cast besides for fanboy and Jowy, a good story, and the best castle in the series. Game was awesomely improved from S1 pretty much across the board.
3. Grandia- Also pretty cool.
4. Vandal Hearts 2- Nicely done dark story, Joshua is decent. Gameplay is complete dogshit.
5. Baldur's Gate 2- Has some of the same playability issues as torment, but I enjoyed the setting/writing far more.
6. Ogre Battle 64- Solid across the board, but.. couldn't get into it. I blame the equipment/recruiting system.
7. Legend of Mana-  Pretty, good music, Jumi story was good.
8. Final Fantasy 9- I liked the gameplay on replay, and Steiner/Beatrix were cool. Garnet and Zidane still fail.
9. Lunar:SSSC- Writing gets it this high. Kyle is hilarious.
10. Breath of Fire 3- The early child arc was great at least.
11. Tactics Ogre- Great story marred by the format. Game is too long for the kind of splitpaths it does.. normally this would not bother me but the gameplay is just frustratingly awful and doubly hurt by how bad the PSX portjob was.
12. Arc the Lad 2- Liked it at points. Just not after the teams merge.
13. Valkyrie Profile- The intro was great, so was Lezard's tower. The rest I really can leave- so much potential with the game drowned out by a completely unlikable main and gameplay that got boring in a hurry.
14. Wild ARMS 1- trash.
15. Hoshigami- Rivals DW7 for raw suck. Has less than nothing going for it as a game.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Phantom Brave- Beginning sucks and Walnut is a wanker. Otherwise, it's just so well done. Marona was an innocent/dumb type of main done right, Ash was good as the frustrated bodyguard.. all the bit characters worked perfectly and the story was grea-it was all about Marona overcoming racism to make a place for herself in the world. Gameplay was a nice variation on the usual N1 style. CTB style with one limitaion (Everyone but Marona can only be out a few rounds per battle) limited some of the abuse of the system.
2. Tales of the Abyss- Some polish issues hold the game back, but otherwise a pretty complete package. Characters were good, the gameplay was exactly as easy or hard as you want it, tons of sidequests that you don't have to do but add to the overall package.. yeah. Oh, and combat's a blast and vastly improved from ToS.
3. Suikoden 5- 10/10 game with 2/10 polish and Zerase. Recruiting is stupid as well.
4. Skies of Arcadia- Just a delightful game once you get past.. oh.. say the south sea? Well put together and the music's good. Ramirez is insanely stylish.
5. Dragon Quest 8- The salvation of the DQ series. I appreciate the game a ton but couldn't get into it- found it to lag midgame like most people, and I dropped it for a long time midway through. Oh well.
6. Shadow Hearts- Yuri and Asia trump Jenna today. DDS was good, but definitely did not enjoy the battles. SH got me back into RPG's after playing Arc the Lad Collection, Dragon Quest 7, and Hoshigami back to back to back.
7. Digital Devil Saga- Yeah. ;_;
8. Disgaea- Wish the N1 universe wasn't so hellbent on undoing the good character work done on Laharl. Funny game, gameplay needs work.
9. Breath of Fire 5- Entirely style here.
10. Legaia 2- Playable at worst. Cast could have been worse.
11. Final Fantasy X- Don't hate it, but not really a fan. Tidus and Wakka dialog is by far the high point of the game. Oh, and the ending.
12. Final Fantasy X-2- Dress system was stupid. I don't hate it like most people, though I take points off it for fucking with FFX-s stellar ending.
13. Xenosaga 3-
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 04:26:51 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2008, 04:59:45 AM »

Can't vote.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. Baldur's Gate 2
2. Valkyrie Profile
3. Persona 2
4. SaGa Frontier
5. Suikoden 2
6. Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete
7. Final Fantasy 9 (played half the game; I'm calling that enough)

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Breath of Fire 5
2. Star Ocean 3
3. Tales of the Abyss
4. Final Fantasy X
5. Suikoden 5
6. Digital Devil Saga (Series)
7. Disgaea
8. Xenosaga 3
9. Legaia: Duel Saga
10. Shadow Hearts
11. Final Fantasy 12

Kinda tough to assemble; 1-7 are all good games. Notable gap between between 7 and 8. And yes, you read that right, XS3 is not last. Mockable plot beats out no plot. I liked the music too. LoL2 and SH are merely unremarkable and I'm pretty sure I've trashed FFXII at length by now.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2008, 05:24:12 AM »

Fire Emblem 7 - This should surprise no one.
Pokemon RBY
Fire Emblem 8
Pokemon RSE - Shock. Gate is an FE and Pokemon fanboy. Surprise surprise.
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Dragon Warrior 3 - GBC version on an emulator is likely coloring my view of this.
Final Fantasy 3
Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1 - This is objectively better, but I just have trouble actually playing it. Dunno why.
Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis
Dragon Warrior 4 - Tried playing this again recently, hurts. I loved this game so much, and I can't wait for that remake so I can give it a higher rating.
Golden Sun - Isn't bad, just doesn't do anything special. Points off for obnoxious talk-beeping.
Final Fantasy 1 - Has aged pretty poorly, sadly.
Final Fantasy Legend 2 - For some reason I actually do like this game, it's just got a whole lot of issues. Enough that I can't actually call it better then anything above it.
Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - Utter shit. Massive drop from the one right above.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. SaGa Frontier - Trying to decide between this and VP for the number 1 spot was hard.
2. Valkyrie Profile
3. Ogre Battle 64 - Gate is an OB fanboy. Shock.
4. Breath of Fire 3 - This and S2 could swap places on any given day.
5. Suikoden 2
6. Persona 2
7. Baldur's Gate 2
8. Legend of Mana
9. Final Fantasy 9 - Keep in mind. I *like* FF9. Quite a bit. The top of this list is just brutal though.
10. Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete
11. Tactics Ogre - TO...I like it. I really do. Just...well, see FFL2.
12. Arc the Lad 2
13. Wild ARMs 1 - This being the worst game in a list feels wrong. Really strong list in general here.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Suikoden 5 - Fanboyism. You all saw this coming.
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Fire Emblem 9 - FE9, SO3 and SoA could shuffle around on any given day, really. All very very good.
4. Star Ocean 3
5. Skies of Arcadia
6. Digital Devil Saga (Series)
7. Legaia: Duel Saga
8. Disgaea
9. Phantom Brave
10. Final Fantasy X-2
11. Dragon Quest 8 - Good, just dragged like nothing else for a long while.
12. Tales of the Abyss - I like TotA well enough, I just find myself losing interest in it. Dunno why.
13. Breath of Fire 5 - I used to like this more. Then I played it again. It's really damn hard to play a second time, which is not good for a game that's centered around replays.
14. Final Fantasy 12 - I just don't like it's style and gameplay, and it doesn't have the awesome characters/story needed to keep me playing despite that.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 06:56:36 PM by Ciato »
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2008, 05:27:19 AM »

1) Dragon Warrior 3 - Solid game, decent play, has challenge in the remake from aftergame and original had... bad equipment options. Mmm. Good thing I never really played the original? >_>
2) Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1 - Solid fun.
3) Fire Emblem 8 - I prefer breakable over not. Only reason FE7 doesn't beat it.
4) Fire Emblem 7 - Yep.
*drop, small*
5) Pokemon RSE - Emerald only, but yeah. I'll put it here for consistency.
6) Dragon Warrior 4 - It's... not bad, but I have major problems getting into it.
7) Final Fantasy 3 - See DW4.
*drop, larger*
8) Final Fantasy 1
9) Pokemon RBY
10) Golden Sun
11) Lufia 3
12) Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis
13) Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - Hey, one of my 0.1 games!

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1) Persona 2 - ...hope you didn't expect something else here!
2) Legend of Mana - Ditto!
3) Valkyrie Profile
4) SaGa Frontier
5) Final Fantasy 9
6) Ogre Battle 64
7) Breath of Fire 3
8) Grandia
9) Tactics Ogre - Of note is that this game beats close to a third of the above list. And I think it deserves better, possibly.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1) Breath of Fire 5 - Yep.
2) Phantom Brave
3) Digital Devil Saga (Series) - This goes where DDS2 goes, by a completely arbitrary decision.
4) Disgaea
5) Dragon Quest 8
6) Final Fantasy X
7t) Legaia: Duel Saga
7t) Star Ocean 3 - If a tie is unacceptable, SO3 can go above Legaia 2.
8) Shadow Hearts - And of note is that this pretty much beats 3/4 of the other two lists. Hell.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2008, 06:11:01 AM »
Others later if I work up momentum.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Breath of Fire 5- So good.
2. Digital Devil Saga (Series)- Also really good.
3. Phantom Brave- Will Go No Further down on the list.
4. Disgaea- Laughed about it with my friends.
5. Final Fantasy 12- Okay overall.
6. Final Fantasy X- never finished my own play through, piggybacked on others.
7. Final Fantasy X-2- Finished but it was a chore by the end. Beginning was fun.
8. Skies of Arcadia- ENCOUNTERS.
9. Star Ocean 3- Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 07:02:18 PM by Ciato »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2008, 06:53:25 AM »

1. Dragon Warrior 4 - DW4 pushed the boundaries of it's day and helped assert what an RPG is. While it's not aged kindly, the core game is still magnificent.
2. Final Fantasy 1 - FF1 is about the same as DW4. It's aged better but it's a weaker game overall. Both are superb.
3. Dragon Warrior 3 - I have memories of making up stories for the party as they went along. This provided me with countless hours of entertainment as a child. Oh, and the game is good. It's not quite top shelf - it has both bad aging and less playability than the previous two entries, but it's still fine.
-Small drop-
4. Final Fantasy 3 - Eh. Apathy.
5. Final Fantasy Legend 2 - More apathy.
-Hi, Grand Canyon? I'll take three tickets to the bottom, thanks!-
6. Golden Sun - Bland shit. I didn't get far.
7. Fire Emblem 8 - See below and add minor points for the few innovations it had.
8. Fire Emblem 7 - You know what? I had some gigantic rant here that turned into comparing FE into math class. FE sucks. I said it and I'm gonna move on. (It took me like six edits to make it to something that wasn't brazenly offensive. Damn.)

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. Suikoden 2 - The best game in this category. I can give no higher praise to it nor can any other words be desired.
2. SaGa Frontier
3. Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete
4. Legend of Mana
5. Vandal hearts 2
6. Grandia
7. Wild ARMs 1
8. Arc the Lad 2
9. Persona 2
10. Breath of Fire 3
11. Valkyrie Profile
12. Baldur's Gate 2
13. Hoshigami
14. Final Fantasy 9

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Tales of the Abyss
2. Dragon Quest 8
3. Disgaea
4. Skies of Arcadia
5. Shadow Hearts
6. Final Fantasy X
7. Legaia: Duel Saga
8. Star Ocean 3 (Continues to drop over time.)
9. Final Fantasy X-2
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 06:14:57 PM by Dunefar »
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2008, 01:01:50 PM »
...oh wow.  Some more tough ones...


1) Dragon Warrior 4 - Ok, this seems...fairly clear-cut.  Handhelds vs. NES is rough, because you've got a mix of old handhelds (RBY, GG) and newer ones (FE).  Still, DQ4 is a classic, and lots of fun.  Yeah, has some dumb shit associated with it too, but it's still good, and very sexy.
2) Lufia 3 - Ok, this is a bit random, as are the next few in order.  A good game, fun, lots of extra crap to do.  Story could be better, and it feels like a step down, but it's a handheld Lufia, which is cool. 
3) Fire Emblem 8 - So damn similar to FE7.  Wins by having prettier women.
4) Fire Emblem 7 - See above. 
5) Final Fantasy 1 - Nostalgia puts it above FF3.  Also, story is...kind of interesting.  FF3 doesn't do much with its story, and GARLAND is a better character than nearly anything in FF3.
6) Golden Sun - It's pretty, and it's fun, and it has puzzles.  A bit...straightforward like hitting your head on a wall, but hey, it's fun trite at least.  And not offensive.
7) Final Fantasy 3 - I think my opinion of this has fallen a little bit, since the story is craptastic.  But it's still fun.  Wish it had characters, though.
8) Great Greed - I honestly want to put it higher, but can't seem to justify it to myself.  Anyway, funny, awesome game.  FOOD FOR THOUGHT!!!
9) Final Fantasy Legend 2 - I remember the music in the final area the best about this game (Burning Blood).  I found it a SaGa game that didn't make me want to commit suicide, which is good.
10) Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1 - I...should put this higher, objectively?  It's not bad, just didn't catch me in a huge way.
11) Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga - Not bad,  A bit more apathy than anything, I suppose.
12) Dragon Warrior 3 - I think it's the...3rd worst of the series?  Still not bad for NES.
13) Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis - Eh.  Better than OB on the SNES, at least.  Not a huge impact on me, but not bad.
14) Pokemon RSE - Bleh.  Found this less interesting than GSC by a bit.  Not a huge fan of the series either. 
15) Pokemon RBY - Wow.  Awful music, no plot, glitches...yeah.  Fabulous.
16) Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - First three words doom it here.  Unimaginable suck.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1) Persona 2 - ...oh hell.  I assume this is Persona 2: All?  Either way, it's top >_>  But damn, up against Lunar 1.  Anyway, this is one of theb est games ever made, and everyone who says otherwise is a dirty Nazi. 
2) Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete - Damn shame it had to go up against P2.  A classic in all regards that's fun as hell to play.
3) Wild ARMs 1 - Great memories of this game.  Also got it for $5, which was awesome.  Really got me into PS1 RPGs.
4) Valkyrie Profile - OWNS THE SEQUEL/PREQUEL MASSIVELY.  Actual characters!  Yay!  And no Alicia!
5) Baldur's Gate 2 - Great game, but up against some tough as hell competition.  Battle system drops it, I suppose, and it has great writing, but not as good as PST.
6) Grandia - Ok, now we're getting to some tough choices and the like.  Not a bad game, but full of glitches...still, it was a fun romp, and a good system, even if it was too damn easy.
7) Arc the Lad 2 - Good game.  Falls apart later, but is still fun.
8) Breath of Fire 3 - Today's a good day for BoF3, I suppose.  It's better objectively than I do give it credit for, and it is decent enough fun. 
9) Hoshigami - Liked the story and the combat wasn't insanely idiotic.  Yeah, parts of the game weren't great, but I enjoyed it.  Rank Silphatos!
10) Suikoden 2 - FUCK NANAMI.  FUCKING STUPID REQUIREMENTS.  Otherwise, good, though I liked S4 and S1 more.
11) SaGa Frontier - Eh...honestly, this game has an insane amount of problems, way too many to really list here.  But there are portions of it that are fun.  And it has replay value - granted, "FIND THE STORY" doesn't mesh well with shitty characters and no direction,'s better than some of the other crap below it.
12) Legend of Mana - Better music than FF9.  That's...all it has.  But that counts for a lot!
13) Final Fantasy 9 - Not...awful?  I just was bored to death with it.  Characters weren't awful, though, and portions of the story were good.  Music wasn't bad either.  Honestly, objectively, it should be higher, didn't like it enough to put it higher.  Still, might switch it later.
14) Vandal hearts 2 - Good plot and writing.  Shitty otherwise.
15) Tactics Ogre - Not a huge OB fan.
16) Ogre Battle 64 - Two of them in one round is...yeah. 

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1) Disgaea - Oh you've got to be kidding me.  This one is going to be impossible to choose ;_;  Anyway...yeah, I love the story/characters, as weird as they are.  Combat is addicting and fun.  Just...amazing.  And HALF THE GAMES HERE DESERVE THIS SPOT TOO, WHICH IS MADDENING.
2) Digital Devil Saga (Series) - Damnit.  More challenge than the game below it, and faster, wins it here.  This is a rough field.
3) Tales of the Abyss - If it were faster, this might beat Disgaea.  But...DAMNIT, THIS IS STILL 10/10!!!
4) Dragon Quest 8 - Long, again, but still fantastic.  AND STILL 10/10!!!!!!
5) Final Fantasy X - Best game in the series, and as far as I'm concerned, the last one in the series.  STILL 10/10!!!!
6) Skies of Arcadia - Amazing world, decent enough characters, even if they, the plot, and the battles are a bit blandish.  And hey, 10/10!!!!!
7) Fire Emblem 9 - Fantastic.  Not as good as FE10, but still badass.  10/10, again!!!!
8) Phantom Brave - Wish they kept this system in future N1 games.  Hey, still good enough for 10/10!!!!
9) Star Ocean 3 - Ok, maybe a 9.5 here >_>  Anyway, still great, best of the series easily, and did a great job with most things, though some of the story... (the plot twist was cool - but the philosophical banter at the end was moronic)
10) Legaia: Duel Saga - Put this above SH1 because it's...well, similar in a lot of ways, but the cast is generally more...balanced?  Maybe?  And more challenging.
11) Shadow Hearts - Holy hell, I still like this game a lot, and it's 11?  Bleh.
12) Xenosaga 3 - Super probably just put all this good stuff in here so I wouldn't boost XS3's score >_>  Anyway, I do like the game, and have actually liked it more after having a huge, long discussion with my roommate about it.  So yeah...I think it's actually an 8/10 for me, possibly.  <_<  Damn this field.
13) Final Fantasy X-2 -  I like the game.  Not FFX, but still good.  Best ATB, like the system, and hey, cute girls changing in front of me = badass.
14) Suikoden 5 - For all that I go on about the game, it's not bad, possibly 8/10, at worst 6/10.  But damn, this field is tough.
15) Breath of Fire 5 - Easier than the rest.  Opinion of this has fallen HUGELY over time. 
16) Final Fantasy 12 - The easiest choice here.  I haven't finished it, but I don't like it.  I'm...over halfway?  It's shitastic.  Not even Rogue Tomato helps it.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 02:00:37 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2008, 03:59:17 PM »

1. Fire Emblem 8 (FE is solid.)
2. Fire Emblem 7 (FE is solid with marginally less polish.)
3. Great Greed (Gameplay is mindless but the game is just so absurd fun.)
4. Pokemon RBY (Eh. Never worked the will to go through the game, but I don't dislike it.)
5. Final Fantasy 3 (DS! It counts! Also it's alright but entirely brainless and repetitive for the most part. Lategame jumps off a cliff into a shark pit.)
6. Golden Sun (Is the gameplay interesting? Yes/->No Are there worthwhile characters? Yes/->No Can I remember a single piece of music from this game? Yes/->No Does it have anything except whoamg 3D on GBA? Yes/->No Does Garet ever shut up? Yes/->No)
7. Final Fantasy 1 (Just bad, these days.)
8. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced (This was never good.)

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. Suikoden 2 (Significantly weaker than the first group, this could have barely bought its way into top 5 there. Still, good.)
2. Valkyrie Profile (Charming in a very unique way. Repetitive much more so than many RPGs though.)
3. Breath of Fire 3 (Eh, I had fun.)
4. Persona 2 (Dunno. I adore the city setting, but most other things about the game don't click as weel as they should.)
5. Final Fantasy 9 (Decent yet terminally annoying at points. Also slow.)
6. Wild ARMs 1 (Average.)
7. Grandia (Bleh.)
8. Tactics Ogre (Sub-FFTA gameplay.)

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Phantom Brave (Very fresh and just combines all its parts into a game that is above all else, massively fun. The setting, the gameplay, the characters, the music...I could rant on forever.)
2. Star Ocean 3 (Yup, gameplay.)
3. Final Fantasy X-2 (Gaaameplay. Also does a wonderful job with the Spira setting, showing that defeating the big bad evil doesn't just magically vanish the problems people have.)
4. Disgaea (It was a riot to play through the first time. System has aged poorly, though.)
5. Final Fantasy X (Generally solid. Nothing I'd want to replay much though.)
6. Digital Devil Saga (Series) (Judging off DDS1 here. Good but not fantastic.)
7. Final Fantasy 12 (...what's with this group? I rate this game a 7.5 and like it, but it has very obvious flaws.)
8. Shadow Hearts (Still average or slightly above. Very tough crowd, though.)
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2008, 04:10:53 PM »

1   SRW: OG1
2   Fire Emblem 8
3   Fire Emblem 7
4   Pokemon RSE
5   Golden Sun
6   Final Fantasy Legend 2
7   Pokemon RBY
8   Dragon Warrior 4
9   Great Greed (I liked it ok?)
10   Final Fantasy 3
11   Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
12   Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced


1   Persona 2
2   Suikoden 2
3   Saga Frontier
4   Valkyrie Profile
5   Grandia
6   Final Fantasy 9
7   Arc the Lad 2
8   Breath of Fire 3
9   Lunar: SSSC
10   Ogre Battle 64
11   Legend of Mana
12   Vandal Hearts 2
13   Tactics Ogre
14   Hoshigami


1   Star Ocean 3
2   Dragon Quest 8
3   Final Fantasy X
4   Suikoden 5
5   Final Fantasy 12
6   Fire Emblem 9
7   Skies of Arcadia
8   Tales of the Abyss
9   Shadow Hearts
10   Xenosaga 3
11   Disgaea
12   Final Fantasy X-2
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 05:20:02 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2008, 04:55:57 PM »
Neph hasn't played the portable OGs? Weird.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2008, 05:18:53 PM »
What the... Hold on, I need to fix that. I would have never noticed I somehow mis-formatted that. Tralala.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 05:20:32 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2008, 12:55:10 AM »
1. Fire Emblem 7
2. Fire Emblem 8
3. Pokemon RBY
4. Final Fantasy Legend 2
5. Lufia 3
6. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
7. Dragon Warrior 4
8. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance
9. Final Fantasy 1
10. Final Fantasy 3
11. Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis

PSX Era (2 of 2)
1. Final Fantasy 9
2. Valkyrie Profile
3. Wild ARMs 1
4. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
5. Suikoden 2
6. SaGa Frontier
7. Breath of Fire 3
8. Grandia
9. Tactics Ogre
10. Legend of Mana

PS2 Era (2 of 2)
1. Dragon Quest 8
2. Fire Emblem 9
3. Phantom Brave
4. Tales of the Abyss
5. Disgaea
6. Skies of Arcadia
7. Suikoden 5
8. Shadow Hearts
9. Breath of Fire 5
10. Star Ocean 3
11. Final Fantasy X
12. Final Fantasy 12
13. Xenosaga 3


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2008, 02:01:09 AM »

1 - Dragon Warrior 4 - Multiple arcs sets it above everything else.
2 - Final Fantasy Legend 2 - Dad is the most badass character ever. A dozen or so distinct worlds is also awesome.
3 - Lufia 3 - Interesting battle system at least.
4 - Dragon Warrior 3 - Average
5 - Golden Sun - Also average.
6 - Final Fantasy 1 - Knocks everything down...or so it wishes.
7 - Fire Emblem 7 - Being an SRPG, it obviously requires no strategy (That genre name is such a fucking misnomer). Fun up to the end of Lyn's arc, then gets repetitive, ridiculously easy, and boring.
8 - Final Fantasy 3 - Very few redeeming values. Class balance was non-existent, as was the plot, general gameplay, and setting.
9 - Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - Better gameplay than FFT! Too bad everything else about it sucks.
10 - Fire Emblem 8 - See FE7, only it starts out boring because it's just an FE7 clone with absolutely no originality whatsoever.
11 - Great Greed - Fucking stupid game. Pollution beats out moronic enslaved animals though.
12 - Pokemon RBY - Utterly pointless. Unless you like to waste time catching virtual crap (which MMORPGs do much better) or like to overanalyze the math in a goddamn kiddie game (go work on some puzzle books instead).
13 - Pokemon RSE - See RBY, only take out the benefit of originality...oh wait, RBY isn't original either, SMT1 already did the "collect monsters" stuff several years beforehand. RSE is just a cheap RBY hack on a better system though.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1 - Legend of Mana - Awesome gameplay, awesome world design, awesome music.
2 - Persona 2 - Better plot that LoM, inferior gameplay. Gameplay is more important.
3 - SaGa Frontier - Wins on every aspect but polish.
4 - Baldur's Gate 2 - Fun
5 - Breath of Fire 3 - See Saga Frontier, but not as good gameplay.
6 - Valkyrie Profile - Good gameplay and killer dungeon design. Main plot is miserable, but that doesn't hurt it too badly because the main meat is in the good short stories.
7 - Wild ARMs 1 - A bit above average, the gameplay wasn't great, but the setting and dungeon design was awesome.
8 - Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete - Also a bit above average. Wins on characters, but the gameplay is meh and the plot is below average.
9 - Vandal hearts 2 - Solid at everything the gameplay...the horrible gameplay drops it down a bit.
10 - Final Fantasy 9 - One of the better FFs. It's still below average because the characters make you want to strangle them.
11 - Grandia - Average or below average in all respects.
12 - Hoshigami - See Grandia
13 - Suikoden 2 - Decent plot...but the gameplay is fucking atrocious, boring, total shit. Characters outside Shu are also really fucking bad.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1 - Breath of Fire 5 - Insane, awesome gameplay, unique world design, and great dungeon design.
2 - Digital Devil Saga (Series) - Awesome setting, fun turn-based gameplay, and somewhat interesting characters. Metaphysical plot is a bit lame at times, but it's not flagrantly offensive.
3 - Disgaea - Fun gameplay if you like super powering, and the characters are downright hilarious.
4 - Star Ocean 3 - Fun gameplay, everything else sucked outside Azazer though.
5 - Final Fantasy X - Probably the best FF as it has the best gameplay...plot, characters, and world design are all horrible though.
6 - Final Fantasy X-2 - Only FF with non-fail ATB. Plot and characters make FFX look godlike though.
7 - Final Fantasy 12 - Argh, pain. So much wasted potential.
8 - Legaia: Duel Saga -  Generic shit.
9 - Shadow Hearts - Boring, generic shit.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 03:09:08 AM by InfinityDragon »


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2008, 10:37:09 PM »

1) Fire Emblem 7 - A nice game, with a simple system, and lots of quirky and likable characters?  Sign me up!  Doesn't hurt that the translation was really well done.

2) Final Fantasy 1 - Lots of nostalgia points here, certainly.  That said, it's one of the best, and the reason why a lot of what we have now even exists, so definatly deserving of a high ranking.

3) Final Fantasy 3 - Decent gameplay and the first FF to have anything resembling polish.  Set the standard for a while to come, and better writing than FF4!

4) Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1 - Just a fun little romp.  Pity it doesn't have the same appeal of the real SRWs, but it's still fun despite that.

5) Fire Emblem 8 - It's FE7 but missing something.  The writing and plotting just seems to be a touch down, and everything Ephraim touches turns to lead as the "perfect" character.  Bonus points taken off for Eirika managing to always be the one in distress, even when she's riding off to protect her brother.

6) Pokemon RSE - These two are definatly a trade off.  I mean, they're roughly equal to me, just today I'm rewarding the gameplay refinemens and additions more than...

7) Pokemon RBY - The fact that this is where it all begins.  Which is a worthy marker for a few points, especially when it's a pretty classy game.

8) Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - Not as bad as it's hyped to be.  It feels really slow for some reason, the plot is simplistic at best, and there's some severe issues with gameplay surrounding freaking Sleep and the brutal overpoweredness of it combined with Steal: Anything (Though Ability most of all).  Oh, and crippling easiness in a game it was easy to power up in.  But, not that bad if all you're looking for is a fun diversion.

9) Golden Sun - It's generic and overly cute.  That's all that can really be said about Golden Sun, and even then, they do manage to be somewhat interesting in their mechanics and setting.  Just...  everything beyond that is dull, dull, dull...

10) Final Fantasy Legend 2 - Breakable weapons?  Check!  Random Stat Gains?  Check!  Game not built around those?  Check!  I suppose this game would rank higher if I had ever managed to beat it.  But I've yet to force myself past the body level.

11) Dragon Warrior 4 - Even the good Dragon Warriors are still Dragon Warriors.

12) Lufia 3 - Just like the good Lufias are still Lufias.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1) Suikoden 2 - Good story, good music, good package.  Sure, the gameplay isn't all there, but gameplay isn't everything.  all in all, for a bunch of reasons, this is probably my favourite game of all-time.  So, there's only one place this game can take on any of my lists.

2) Valkyrie Profile - Not to say there aren't some other pretty good games on this list.  A unique presentation of the world it takes place in, complete with a focus on the individuality of a twenty character cast.  It's such a shame VP2 went the exact opposite direction with this, as the uniqueness and the unpretentious kicking of ass was the selling point of this game.

3) Final Fantasy 9 - Now that we're gone with the great games, here's the merely very good stuff.  FF9 does have the annoying main and villain, but the first half of the game is done well, and the setting is interesting.  Not to mention, Chocobo Hot & Cold was downright addictive.

4) Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete - A simple story told well.  Nothing much to really recommend it, just a really solid game that doesn't drop the ball.

5) Wild ARMs 1 - And now we're at the games that are good, but found an area or two to mess up in.  This game starts with your standard this doesn't mesh at all standard setting.  Well...  except for the cowboy mage princess.  Not to mention you have the silent main for no apparent reason.  That said, this wasn't bad, and with a lot of polishing/editing it could have been great.

6) Breath of Fire 3 - Another game that starts off great, and then you wonder where the point got off to.  You eventually find it by the end of the game, but by then you've spent twenty hours slogging through the world for the sake of slogging, and that's a bit much.

7) Legend of Mana - Gameplay is practically non-existant, moving forward in the plots isn't necessarily obvious, and sometimes hard to find.  And it just didn't appeal to me that much.  Bonus points for naming a tech Paint it Black though.

8) Tactics Ogre - Good story, horrid gameplay.  The stiffness I could live with, honestly.  It's more the fact that at lower levels, stats matter too much, and the level up bonuses are large enough that a one or two level difference is crippling.  Toss in permadeath and no three turn grace period where you can revive your characters (why is FFT the only game to use that?  It's a brilliant idea!) and the fact that all your new characters start at Level 1 is just added aggrivation.

9 Grandia - About the combat system, see Grandia 3.  However, this game is so easy that that doesn't matter.  Especially since this game encourages you to drag out those pointless fights so that you can get weapon and magic exp.  As for the story...  well...  Remember kids, thinking is bad!  And doing whatever you want is great so long as it's powered by the human spirit!  And, if you do screw things up beyond any hope of slavation, well there's always Deus Ex Machina!  Blech!

10) SaGa Frontier - I love the idea behind anthology games, where you have several short stories interacting in the same world.  Unfortunatly, the only games I know of like that are Treasure of the Rudras (which has its own glaring flaws unrelated to that), Suikoden 3, and SaGa Frontier.  (LaL is close, but not quite what I mean here.  Still great)  Unfortunatly, this is a game where every kind of growth is random, and the best character in the game might be useless if you don't know the obscure tricks of how to milk their growth.  And even if you do, you still need to get lucky.  Add in the sheer worthlessness of most plots which still revolve around needing to do the same sidequests each time in order to have the levels to even hope to begin to face the final bosses, and... yeah.  Bonus points for Riki, who has the final dungeon you can't leave, but also has no enemies for you to level up on.  Epic fail right there, and a good candidate for worst in the tier if it weren't for...

11) Hoshigami - I'd link to a video like Super did (because who doesn't want an endless loop of the level up music?) but somehow Youtube restored my faith in humanity.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1) Fire Emblem 9 - All of the options of the SNES FE's, all of the polish of the GBA FE's, and the writing taken from FE7 and improved.  Heck, it even has a lord that isn't practically perfect in every way!  If it weren't for FE10, which takes all of these ideas and (with the exception of the support system and the 'perfect' lord) improves them, this is the best FE.

2) Final Fantasy X - Good story, good gameplay, beautiful setting.  This game is probably objectively the best FF, and worthy of it's place here.

3) Suikoden 5 - For all that the story is probably the best in the series, this game just seems to be missing some of the soul of Suikoden 2 and 3.  Probably the graphics being less stylised and therefore looking more sterile.  Of course, it didn't help that most of Suiko 3's innovations are also gone, which is a shame as they need to get back to that point.  Of course, Suikoden 4's "innovations" are also mostly gone, so I'm not going to complain too much.

4) Skies of Arcadia - It's nice to play a game that isn't full of angsty youths trying to save the world with the power of love, or cutting themselves; take your pick.  Instead, just an amusing battle system, stylish (if long) airship battles, and a fun loving exploration of the world that asks you to join in its excitement and optimism.  The villains are fail, but I can't help but be lifted up a bit by Vyse's unrelenting cheerfulness.

5) Breath of Fire 5 - A really nice idea executed in an interesting way.  It does get a bit tedious at points, and the Dragon meter idea means it can't be a long game.  But it is a good one.

6) Final Fantasy 12 - Alright...  and now we're in the collection of the not so good stuff.  FF12 is a step back in a lot of ways.  Specifically, you watch more than play it, taking the role of coach.  Which isn't really where I want to be.  Now add the fact that there's no reason for two chars to be there that I can see, and that most of the dungeons are simply places you need to pass through and you need chains to get money (but woe befall you if something not in that chain enters your character's sights) and...  yeah.

7) Star Ocean 3 - I suppose this game might be worth its hype.  Just, the gameplay is of a sort I can't get in to, at all.  Which is a shame, since I got to a point where the plot started to get interesting.  And then it wasn't, and other things came along, and this just sorta got dropped.

8) Shadow Hearts - Again, only played the first half.  But, like with many of the games above, that was apparently the good part of the game.  And that only rated an entry this high?  Guess I should be glad I never finished the game then...

9) Disgaea - Honestly, if FFX didn't exist, this game would be at the bottom of the list.  Sure, the game is funny, but that's all it has.  The gameplay, if you want to call it that, is tedium refined to its very core, expressing a belief in the entertainment power of grinding.  Man...  most everyone else got out of that mindset when the NES passed on.  Even Dragon Warrior got the point in the PSX era.  So why the flipping hell are we seeing it rearing its ugly head in the era of the PS2?  It makes no sense!  And this is without the shoddy Exp system that only rewards killing blows, without giving you any reliable way to make sure a given person gets the kill, like other games that reward you for killing do!

10) Final Fantasy X-2 - Honestly, this game isn't objectively that bad.  Of course, the tone of the game kinda spits on everything FFX was, so that means I like it less than I would if it had just been some random Squenix game.  And that means it manages to, today, get below the rantable Disgaia.


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2008, 01:40:47 AM »
1. Pokemon RSE - Tempted to say this is the best out of the 6 here.
2. Fire Emblem 7 - Better than FE8, probably among the same level as RSE
3. Fire Emblem 8 - Eh, not as fun as the previous instalment
4. Golden Sun - Average
5. Pokemon RBY - Aged poorly.
6. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - I played the first two missions of this and wanted to throw up. Does that count?

PSX Era (2 of 2):
1. Valkyrie Profile - Oh, what? I can only vote on 4 games? Regardless, loved VP1. LoM is pretty close to it, but this takes it in the end.
2. Legend of Mana - Used to dislike it, love it a lot now. A game with multiple small story shorts which are fun. Lots of customizing. Gameplay is kind of quirky. Music wins. Yeah. I think the fact that it has no set plot though does hurt it a bit in the end.
3. Wild ARMs 1 - Played through around half of it. Mm...on the whole, its ACF with worse graphics (duh), and water downed gameplay. Still find it more enjoyable than FF9
4. Final Fantasy 9 - Not the worst of the worst, but is surely the worst of the 4 here.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):
1.  Star Ocean 3 - First 3 here are really good. Awesome battle system. Battle trophies were fun additions, love the character designs, music. Plot twist was meh. Not heavy dislike, but generally could be better. Full Active requiring 95% BT completion is just stupid though.
2. Tales of the Abyss - I'm waffling on how to rank the first 3. Doing it by gut, TotA stands out more. Characters and gameplay really sell it here for me.
3. Fire Emblem 9 - More so than here. FE9 is awesome. FE10 is awesomer, so by comparison, probably makes this look worse. Lower ranking due to music, and characters I feel. Gameplay feels around the same with TotA ending up being more fun vs FE9 having more challenge. And before anybody says anything, generic evil villain > Sync. So no, no Sync foul hype here.
4. Final Fantasy X - Wins battle system! Meh to everything else.
5. Skies of Arcadia - Above averagish from what I was playing. Had its moments.
6. Shadow Hearts - See above. Just like the SoA setting better than the SH setting. Probably agree with Shale on this, in that SH tries to make itself spooky but fails in doing so.
*Massive plummet to sub zero*

7. Final Fantasy 12 - Fails. Its a MMORPG on console. This means you can hunt rats for 24 hours, buy new equipment only to find better equipment after 2 hours of gameplay. Now HUNT MORE RATS. Win. This offsets the pacing in such a way that I can't find anything fun in doing this. Music is also a meh, characters all kind of suck. Except Balthier. Balthier wins.
8. Final Fantasy X-2 - Lacks even more redeeming value than the above. Take what you know about the job system, trash it a bit, then stick it with a bunch of fanservice. And no, not the good kind. If I wanted to vomit after FFTA, I honestly wanted to convulse and cut myself with scissors after playing this.
9. Xenosaga 3 - Self explanatory. Fails in every way. Horrible plot, horrible characters, bad battle system, the list goes on.

*shoots Super for the PS2 list including 3 horrible pieces of trash and making me think which one is better*

<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2008, 02:09:24 AM »

1 - Pokemon RSE
2 - Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 1
3 - Fire Emblem 7
4 - Final Fantasy 3
5 - Dragon Warrior 3
6 - Final Fantasy 1
7 - Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
8 - Pokemon RBY
9 - Fire Emblem 8
10 - Golden Sun
11 - Lufia 3
12 - Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis
13 - Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced

Haven't played enough PS2 or PS1 games to actually be able to make a list.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2008, 02:32:56 AM »
1. Fire Emblem 7
2. Pokemon RSE
3. Fire Emblem 8
4. Final Fantasy 3
5. Pokemon RBY
6. Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1
7. Dragon Warrior 4
8. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
9. Final Fantasy 1

1. Valkyrie Profile
2. Legend of Mana
3. Suikoden 2
4. Final Fantasy 9
5. Breath of Fire 3
6. Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete
7. SaGa Frontier
8. Grandia
9. Wild ARMs 1

1. Final Fantasy X: Pretty much everything about this game is top tier to me.
2. Fire Emblem 9: Sexy FE is sexy.
3. Suikoden 5: Plot is pretty uber.
4. Star Ocean 3: Plot is pretty good at least. Gameplay... awesome for an ARPG!
5. Legaia: Duel Saga: Amusing enough fluff. Doesn't really do anything badly.
6. Dragon Quest 8: Battle system is weak. But Marcello/Leopold/Morrie/Don Mole makes for win.
7. Digital Devil Saga (Series): If this were DDS2 alone, it might beat Legaia and DQ8 at least.
8. Breath of Fire 5: A remarkably good core battle system for such an overall terrible game.
9. Shadow Hearts: Sucks. But its first half was okay.
10. Xenosaga 3: See above. Better first half! Worse second.
11. Disgaea: Uh, humour. Gameplay is... what it is.
12. Tales of the Abyss: See above, replace "humour" with "Luke, Tear, and Dist".
13. Final Fantasy X-2: At least I finished the above two.

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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2008, 02:53:17 AM »

1. Pokemon RSE
2. Fire Emblem 8
3. Pokemon RBY
4. Fire Emblem 7
5. Final Fantasy 3
6. Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis
7. Great Greed
8. Final Fantasy 1
9. Dragon Warrior 4
10. Golden Sun
11. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. Tactics Ogre
2. SaGa Frontier
3. Suikoden 2
4. Breath of Fire 3
5. Persona 2
6. Valkyrie Profile
7. Final Fantasy 9
8. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
9. Vandal hearts 2
10. Wild ARMs 1
11. Grandia

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1. Dragon Quest 8
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Suikoden 5
4. Fire Emblem 9
5. Digital Devil Saga (Series)
6. Breath of Fire 5
7. Disgaea
8. Shadow Hearts
9. Tales of the Abyss
10. Final Fantasy X-2
11. Xenosaga 3
« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 02:55:12 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2008, 10:23:07 PM »

1. Fire Emblem 7- Pure awesome
2. Fire Emblem 8- Too easy to be quite pure awesome
3. Pokemon RBY- Despite some flaws, original Pokemon owned
4. Final Fantasy 1- Nostalgic awesome
5. Pokemon RSE- Decent
6. Final Fantasy 3- Meh
7. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced- Fail

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1. Baldur's Gate 2- If you know me, you know this will be one on almost any list
2. Final Fantasy 9- Best PSX FF by far
3. Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete- Fun, not spectacular
4. Valkyrie Profile- See above
5. Breath of Fire 3- Far inferior to 4
6. Suikoden 2- Mehish all around
7. Tactics Ogre- Booo, not sure why I couldn't get into this, but I couldn't

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

Disgaea- Pure win
Final Fantasy X- Second to only Disgaea in this era I think
Dragon Quest 8- Also fucking awesome, being 3/6 for me here is pretty evil
             BIG DROP
Shadow Hearts- Solid, not great
             BIG DROP
Final Fantasy X-2- Fast paced and upbeat... that's about all
             BIG DROP
Final Fantasy 12- This game fucking sucked, wasted money instantly buying it because I assumed it would be good.

(This round doesn't count for me hence no numbering.  Unless of course I can put XS3 as my 7th game based on XS2 being so bad that I refused to touch 3.)


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Re: Best RPG ever style contest: Broken up into eras and LISTED, part 2.
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2008, 01:19:59 AM »

1) Super Robot Taisen: Orginial Generation 1 - Is freaking awesome.
2) Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga - Liked this quite a bit.
3) Pokemon RSE - Guilty pleasure, I guess?
4) Pokemon RBY - Nostalgia.  Plus above.
5) Final Fantasy Legend 2 - Not great but eh.
6) Final Fantasy 3 - Sucks.
7) Final Fantasy 1 - Sucks more.
8) Dragon Warrior 4 - Sucks even more.
9) Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis - Is fail.
10) Fire Emblem 8 - Is FE.
11) Fire Emblem 7 - Is FE without Lute.
12) Lufia 3 - Seemed just dull.
13) Dragon Warrior 3 - Probably the second worst coded game ever.
14) Golden Sun - IS just dull.
15) Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced - Is epic fail.

PSX Era (2 of 2):

1) Persona 2 - So I liked it.  What.
2) SaGa Frontier - I liked it enough to play every path at least once.  That says something.
3) Valkyrie Profile - Mmm, VP.
4) Arc the Lad 2 - So I liked it.  What.
5) Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete - Writing hype.
6) Wild ARMs 1 - I are WA fanboy.
7) Grandia - I liked the gameplay, but everything else fails.
8) Breath of Fire 3 - Just overall meh.
9) Vandal hearts 2 - Same as above.  At least it had fufufu~
10) Final Fantasy 9 - Same as above.
11) Suikoden 2 - Same as above.
12) Legend of Mana - Pretty~  Pretty music~  Nothing else.
13) Tactics Ogre - Permadeath.
14) Hoshigami - Same as above, plus is Hoshi.

PS2 Era (2 of 2):

1) Final Fantasy X - Is freakin' FFX.
2) Phantom Brave - I like me some PB.
3) Legaia: Duel Saga - For some reason I liked this game.
4) Breath of Fire 5 - Same as above.
5) Suikoden 5 - Plot hype.  And uh... plot hype.
6) Tales of the Abyss - Natalia hype.
7) Disgaea - Guilty pleasure.  Has issues though.
8) Digital Devil Saga (Series) - Plot went down the shitter at the end but gameplay was good.
9) Star Ocean 3 - Meh.
10) Dragon Quest 8 - More meh.
11) Shadow Hearts - Even more meh.
12) Skies of Arcadia - Fails.  lol fetchquests
13) Xenosaga 3 - Fails.  lol plot
14) Final Fantasy 12 - Fails.  lol characters
15) Final Fantasy X-2 - Fails.  lol gameplay