
Author Topic: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3  (Read 5144 times)


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Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« on: March 20, 2008, 01:59:40 AM »
Results from week 2:

Rose (LoD) vs. Gaia (Grandia) (9-6)
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Fayt Leingod (SO3) (16-3)
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) (8-0)
Jenova (FF7) vs. Luca Blight (S2) (10-7)

Yulie Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Lyon (FE8) (11-9)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Jet (WA3) (14-3)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Basch fon Ronsenberg (FF12) (12-0)
Pent (FE7) vs. Georg (Suikos) (14-3)

Lucca (CT) vs. Zalbag (FFT) (14-2)
Tio (G2) vs. Angelo (DQ8) (12-2)
Humphrey Mintz (Suikos) vs. Eclair (La Pucelle) (7-2)
Jean (Lunar 2) vs. Shadow (FF6) (10-6)

Liz (WA2) vs. Ramus (Lunar) (14-4)
Tony (WA4) vs. Sue (G1) (13-5)
Ovelia (FFT) vs. Shir Gold (PS2) (8-0)
Ozzie (CT) vs. Peppita Rosseti (SO3) (16-4)

Some nicely close fights with Jean's Blue Dragon style beating out a ninja, and Ovelia dramatically stabbing Shir in the back, only to find that her knife had been stolen and replaced by a fingernail file.  The generally-agreed upon slaughter of the week was the random number generator pairing up Ashley, who was only narrowly not stuck in Godlike outright, vs. Basch, who barely scraped Heavy.  So it goes.

For those tuning in now, the usual reminder that this is a tourney with plot power legal, so all those fancy FMV moves and reputations now actually mean something.  As a random note, all the returning champions from the first two seasons won their matches (Hrist, Rose, KOS-MOS, Belselk, and Lyon).  Go them, or something.  Well, except Lyon.  Speaking of upgrades...  didn't Myria and Loki upgrade too, right?  Where could they have ended up?  Bluelike can be a bit silly what with even more judgment calls than normal, so call it a bonus division.

Week 3

Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3)
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs)
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2)
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP)

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7)

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5)
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4)
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2)
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF)
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 02:08:41 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3)- Xorn pretty much fails, Myria controls an entire world.
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs)- Godslayer hype. I'd put Metagod on Fou's tier and he handled that pretty well.
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2)- Slaughter. Roz's powers outstrip pretty much everyone in the Disgaea universe, which says something.
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP)- Stronger minion.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)- Donno.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)- KOS's plot powers were always pretty obscene.
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7)

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5)
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)- Complete scrub versus a heavy champ. Yeah. Jade's pretty badass plotwise and does a lot of neat stuff (Overcoming the Fonon seal, etc). Lyon is sort of pathetic.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos)- Kneejerk.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4)
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)- Rena's pretty strong plotwise, even for a Nedian. Drachma's just a badass ship captain.
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2)- Top flight commander and general/fighter against a robot. Yeah. Zalbag was nearly as feared as Orlandu and it wasn't for his hair.

Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)- It usually takes direct force to knock out Seifer (Not MUCH direct force, but still). Hammer's a good support character but Seifer's too straightforward to handle with his usual tricks.
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)- Isn't Liz.
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)- DIE SHIR
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2008, 02:38:13 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3)- XORN!!!!  (That's still a Myria vote.  I just like shouting XORNNN!!!)
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs)- Hm.  Fou-Lu's plot power isn't as easy to define for me as SR's, but the image of Fou-Lu shrugging off the blast from a super weapon is a pretty powerful one, plus he DOES have lifetimes of experience.
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2)- Rozy IS pretty ridiculous.
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP)- I'd probably take PD here, but Dark Force seems a tad weaker than the mighty Dragon Orb.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)- The Lucavi are held back by the whole mortal forms thing, enough for Drac to win I think.
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)- Ancient Egyptian Laser Beams.
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7)- No vote.

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)- Ooohh, this feels close, but handing it to the noble demon.
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5)
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4)- Mmm.  Think Demi is a bit too tough for an unarmed super soldier.
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)- Her plot power is healing!  But that's good enough.
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2)- Hmm.  Seems like Tio was a generic combat model thinger, which is something the #2 badass in Ivalice can probably tackle.
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF)
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)- No vote.
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Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2008, 03:01:06 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3) - Tricky.  I get the impression both are a little over-reliant on minions to get stuff done, and Myria strikes me as smarter (Xorn only recruited insane idiots), but... Xorn wrecks more havoc.  He did destroy almost all of an entire world, and get a good start on another one.
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs) - See others.
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP) - No vote since not really a Phantasy Star player, but didn't Dark Force do most of his damage by influencing random people to do Bad Things?  That's useful but not really against Loki.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Actually..  Vormav formhype FTW?  Dracula easily defeats Hash in a "who is the bigger demon lord" off, but Dracula also has a notorious weakness to holy warriors, which Vormav once was.  Plus, even in the non-duel version of this match, Vormav already has experience in wiping out a castle full of enemies...
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - Kaboom.
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7) - No Throne of Bhaal so no godly form or whatever for me, but turning into the Avatar makes the Bhaalspawn a big huge beating machine, and I voted for Luca over Jenova, so...

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5) - Galuf is good at breaking out of magical traps and the like...  which is not what Citan is throwing at him.  Still a good match thanks to the crystals' versatility, but not sure it's enough.
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA) - Lyon sucks.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos) - The fight goes something like Ashley shoots Georg, Georg slashes Ashley, Ashley becomes Knightblazer and wins.  Can Georg kill Ashley in a single blow while shot?  ...maybe.  But then there's Accelerator which sorta counts as plot?  Fair enough tiebreak.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4) - Don't normally vote on PS4, but "a robot" should be enough to stop Chernkov here, seeing as that gets around the Gnosis-y parts of him.
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2) - Healing means Rena outlasts.
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2) - You can't Blood Suck a robot.  Though...  Zalbag's human form...  hmm, that might win, though most of Zalbag's exploits (aside from helping shoot Teta) are left kinda murky.  Eh.
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) - More experienced of the two ladies each with two forms.  Eclair probably didn't train every hour of every day while growing up, even if she did train enough to go crazy.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF) - What's required to beat Lucia: A basically functioning brain...  which the mostly plotless Gobi doesn't seem to have, so splat.
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8) - Seifer has a new member of his posse.
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 03:19:23 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2008, 03:11:52 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3) - Myria in all possible ways.
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs) - Yuri specializes in beating down Gods. Hell, he fused with one and eventually  managed to control it. That's enough to deal with an Endless.
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2) - Rozalin. Her full power is only possibly below Baal, which is -insane-.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9) - ......... ........ ...... :psyduck: Pass.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Dracula.

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4) - Rubicant. Both are hardcore, but He needed a second game for it, which tilts it to Rubicant for me.
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA) - Jade. I don't see Jade losing to many here, and Lyon doesn't bring it to the table anyway.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos) - Ashley. Lord Blazer hype is a go.

Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2) - Eh, Drachma.
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2) - Zalbag.
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) - Jean.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF) - Lucia.
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4) - Tony.
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<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2008, 03:13:22 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs)
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP)

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5)
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4)
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2)
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF)
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2008, 03:43:52 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs)
See below.
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP)
Power to destroy creation > weakened lackey of something with the power to destroy creation.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)
Kuja blew up a planet. Hrist did...what, exactly, plotwise? Killed an old man?
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)
This seems rather obvious.
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)
Reality hax.

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)
I hold the getting-punked-by-Boomerang thing against Belselk fairly heavily.
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5)
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)
Giving Lyon full credit for his powers when possessed.

Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)
Antimatter punch to the face? Drachma's main plot hype is for sheer refusal to die, and SO2 has ways of dealing with that.
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2)
Can't Blood Suck a robot!

Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 10:19:14 PM by Shale »
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2008, 03:47:54 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3)
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs) - Yuri's "Godslayer" hype here is funny...and would be about as effective as the Godslayer weapon on Fou.
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2)
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP) - PD might have a chance. DF is just a random scrub that hides in treasure boxes.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9) - Blowing up a planet is more impressive than sending fools to Valhalla.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Slaughter. Drac just uses his powers of domination and enslaves Hash as one of his servants. Vormav as a human doesn't have the Vampire Killer so he just gets curb stomped and eats fireballs and bat swarms to the face.
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - Splat.
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7) - Splat. Also 'lolwut' at Bhaalspawn in a division lower than Yuna, Loki, Darkforce, and Yuri.

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4) - WA1 Belselk for jobbing Light.
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5) - His implied powers beat out Galuf's one or two scenes.
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos) - S2 Georg for plotless Light.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4) - Strangles kids; Demi isn't that hardcore.
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2) - Zalbag gets strategically owned by someone as stupidly obvious as Dyce; his hype as a good general is groundless...and we never see him fight except for that pathetically easy battle which only a retard would lose to.
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF) - Fuck this is sad.
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8) - Giant Mech Form > Cutting a worthless GF in half.
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4) - Bulkogidon turns Tony's mech into scrap parts.
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 03:52:55 AM by InfinityDragon »


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2008, 04:18:58 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Xorn (G3)- Actually destroyed a world, Myria lacks such record. And despite end in failure, his second try is pretty impressive too.
Fou-Lu (BoFIV)- Close, but I take that Fou edges out SR just enough for a win.
Rozalin (Disgaea2)- You need the likes of Zeta or above to stand aginst her.
Loki (VP)- Dragon Orb shalalala

Kuja (FF9)- Read ID's comment
Dracula (Castlevanias)- FFT Zodiac beasts really aren't much. There might be an argument if it is FF12.
KOS-MOS (XS)- KOS should belong to the category above.
Bhaalspawn (BGs)- And Bhaalspawn should be in the above category too. Hell, is it even possible to beat him in a plot fight?

Belselk (WA)- Rubicant is a failure who can't even pass the trial of Paladin, next.
Citan (XG)- Gaulf is not much
Lyon (FE8)
Ashley Winchester (WA2)

Demi (PS4)
Drachma (SoA)
Tio (G2)
Eclair (La Pucelle)

Lucia (Lunar2)
Seifer (FF8)
Liz (WA2)- Has better mech
Ozzie (CT)


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2008, 07:31:04 AM »
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3): Yeah, Xorn destroys the world...but Myria never intended TO destroy the world, now did she?  She did control it for a fuck long time, however, unopposed.
FLIPSIDE, the team that took down Xorn was a girl with special powers, and 3 kids, using limited powers of divine beings.  MEANWHILE, Myria was only able to be taken down by Infinity, the Power of an Entire Race of Unfairly strong beings, *AND* with the help of her sister at that.  Not to mention in one case, there were 8 and in the other, while only 6, it had a Guardian (no slouch in power), and a Woren who could transform.
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs): Godslayer hype is ridiculous; its a title, not something to be taken seriously.  Meta-God's powers are about as undefined as they come.  Furthermore, lets not forget this little aspect:
Fou-lu gets stabbed by a Dragon Slayer, a weapon designed to murder Gods.  HE LIVES AND LAUGHS IT OFF LIKE NOTHING.  After tangoing with Ryu (another God, remember, if inferior) and his buddies, the only reason he loses is cause he accepts defeat of his ideals; he's still clearly strong enough and raring to go for more fighting, just sees no point in it as he finally understands Ryu's point, hence gives up.
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2): Can't vote.  Though, Yuna would be pretty weak in a plot power tourney as it means without any Guardians, she'd be dead weight while she summons for the enemy to attack her, no <_<?
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP): Dark Forces are beaten by Mortals on EVERY SINGLE OCCASSION, and are just mindless beings.  Profound Darkness is a different story entirely granted, but Dark Force is simply just a dramatically inferior aspect of it.  Loki, meanwhile, has the Dragon Orb and knows how to use it.  The fact that it took the GODDESS OF CREATION to take him down says everything.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9): Why the fuck is Kuja not in the above Tier?  In any event, Blows up a world likes its nothing.  Hrist is damn strong, but can't compare (and no, holding the Dragon Orb for 5 seconds to blast away Freya doesn't count; she explicitly states she doesn't intend to use it for anything serious.)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias): Dracula isn't exactly what I'd call that strong.  I mean, yes, Belmonts are trained Vampire slayers by birth, but...they aren't exactly Godlike in strength either, and Dracula's running a pretty bad record against them.  Meanwhile, Vormav slaughtered an entire castle effortlessly, and IIRC, he actually KILLED HIMSELF.  IIRC, the way the Hash fight ended was Alma showed signs of not being Ajora, and Hash got paranoid so killed himself to help trigger it (while still seeming very much alive and ready to go at it some more; he didn't care, bringing back Altima was his priority, his own life be damned.)
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS): Blows shit up dead in military proportions.  Rose...can't really compare.
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7)

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4): Strongest Quarter Knight > Strongest Fiend.
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5): Angel of Death > Mild Crystal use.
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA): Can't vote.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos): Knight Blazer hype and all that (plotwise, he can use it whenever he wants, after all, and its shown to be that damn strong.)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4): Kneejerk says those slaughters > Demi.
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2): Drachma's a strong fighter and well trained in art of combat.  Rena's abilities, as I said before, are pretty much "Healing is a unique trait!" and plotwise, it was pretty much used on others only.
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2): Zalbag is one of the most powerful warriors in Ivalice.  Tio is designed for combat and all that, but never actually shows anything to match.
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2): Jean's pretty bad ass, Eclair...isn't really defined how strong she is, so yeah, Jean wins based on that.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF):  Lucia isn't this weak by the end of Lunar 2.  When I say "By the end" I at least mean "right before she absorbed all powers of everyone" naturally.  She's not up to her full strength, but she's stronger, than say, Rena Lanford above.
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8): Seifer has combat experience, uses a legit weapon, and actually ISN'T THAT STUPID when it comes to combat.  Again, Seifer =/= Light plotwise.  He's good enough to be SeeD, just lacks the discipline (pretty much implied in how he's roughly Squall's equal in combat.)  Hammer...has one instance where he pulls a gun on someone...which was basically backstabbing after he gained their trust.  When facing someone he's never met before, that's not helping him.
...oh yeah, there's also "Seifer slices Odin in half" thing <_<
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4): Liz can defy logic all he wants, he still can't take on a mecha.
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT): Plotwise, Ozzie's pretty bad ass when he's not being a coward. a completely average human girl with no real combat experience.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2008, 06:36:56 PM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3)
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs)-See Meeple
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2)
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP)-See Meeple

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)-See Meeple...
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)-Agreeing with Meeple this much can't be healthy...
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)-Rose and KOS...would have a good fight before KOS won it.
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7)-Yeeeeeah.

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)-I'll buy Quarter Knights > Feinds, sure.
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5)-Easy
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)-Don't think Jade's up to taking on the demon king solo. 
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos)-Out of Georg's league, yeah.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4)
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2)
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF)
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)-Champ.
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)-Better WA joke villian.
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)-Sure
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2008, 09:09:30 PM »
Dracula isn't exactly what I'd call that strong.  I mean, yes, Belmonts are trained Vampire slayers by birth, but...they aren't exactly Godlike in strength either, and Dracula's running a pretty bad record against them.

If all you've played is SotN...that might be true to a degree; SotN is only about halfway through the series though. Belmonts and Dracula have been given ridiculous boosts in plot power since then. Julius Belmont runs around killing demons that have infinite regeneration, and he's pushing 60 years old and is equipped with a defunct Vampire Killer. The Vampire Killer, being a vampire itself, quickly drains the energy of anyone who uses it and kills them. Stronger humans, like the Morris family, can survive it for a longer period, but still die eventually. Belmonts? They aren't even affected by using the weapon.

So, if all you've played is up through SotN, then Belmonts may not be "godlike" (even then you have humans that kill hordes of supernatural creatures without breaking a sweat, which puts them on the same playing field as say, Samus Aran, and they don't have h4x technology backing them up), but anything beyond SotN implies the Belmonts to be walking tactical nukes.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2008, 10:11:56 PM »
Gods & Godslayers
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs) - Just seems a bit more awesome
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2) - TO be honest, Yuna is almost stronger as a duel than in plot power.  In terms of plot power I don't think she even rivals sin since it takes Airship + All of them to take him on

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9) - Worlds go boom
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - KOS-MOS one all I can vote on, but she wins with ease based on cutscenes
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7) - Picture a bunch of mini Gods, now picture the one who owns them all.  Bhaalspawn belongs in upper division.

Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5) - Sword powers!

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF) - Gobi can... swim?
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)- Supposed to be a pretty badass knight, just doesn't translate to a duel


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2008, 10:30:03 PM »
Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2008, 12:17:52 AM »
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7) - Ahahahaha Jenova vs. BHAALSPAWN.

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4) - Shutting the fuck up now.
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA) - Lyon's claim to fame is, what, getting killed by a ponce on a horse?  Jade is too awesome for Lyon.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos) - Knight Fucking Blazer.  End of story.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4) - captured by Zio, but to be fair, Zio has Plotshield.  Not going to really think too much here.

Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8) - what I've seen of Seifer puts him above Hammer.
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT) - not Shir.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 08:14:10 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2008, 12:25:43 AM »
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3): Yeah, Xorn destroys the world...but Myria never intended TO destroy the world, now did she?  She did control it for a fuck long time, however, unopposed.
FLIPSIDE, the team that took down Xorn was a girl with special powers, and 3 kids, using limited powers of divine beings.  MEANWHILE, Myria was only able to be taken down by Infinity, the Power of an Entire Race of Unfairly strong beings, *AND* with the help of her sister at that.  Not to mention in one case, there were 8 and in the other, while only 6, it had a Guardian (no slouch in power), and a Woren who could transform.

Though, to be fair, Xorn detsroyed the world once when the other Holy Beasts are still alive and well. And they barely defeated Xorn despite Xorn being outnumbered, and Xorn still devastated their world despite that. And I consider the power of the Holy Beasts in thei rprime to be better than what Myria has faced before.
And instead of saying myria is unopposed, it is more of that, people don't want to refuse her. If wasn't Yggdrasils so peace loving or the Broods are against fighting, you really think she'll get this far?


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2008, 12:54:54 AM »
*Sigh* at rampant hype for Grandia 3 and BG2 gods.

"God" in an RPG is a very, very broad designation that just means "power surpasses that of a normal mortal by some degree".

The G3 guardians didn't do shit that was impressive. They seemed like weak, sorry excuses for gods to me. HOW is Xorn such a badass for "barely being" defeated by that group of limp dicked scrubs?

There is a quantifiable hierarchy of godhood in the BG universe, and in it there's only one "real" god: Ao. All the rest are just a load of bickering children with varying degrees of supra-mortal power. Bhaal was near the top of the heap in his prime, granted, but his kid inherits a fractured, incomplete portion of his power, and is a total noob to the godhood thing at the very end of the saga.

Not all fictional gods are created equal and if all jRPG +Baldur's Gate gods were lumped into a big parthenon, G3 gods would be at the bottom of the heap and the Bhaalspawn would be hard to place, but would very doubtfully be at the top.

Oh yeah, also BG gods can't fully manifest themselves out of their home plane. Unless you're arbitrarily forcing the Bhaalspawn's opponents to fight on the Bhaalspawn's personal plane, Bhaalspawn will be neutered in all his fights.

Myria kicks the shit out of Xorn and though Bhaalspawn probably spanks Jenova (she's no uber god herself), I'm sick of comments like

Bhaalspawn (BGs)- And Bhaalspawn should be in the above category too. Hell, is it even possible to beat him in a plot fight?

Load of crap if you ask me...
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 12:59:41 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2008, 04:27:52 AM »
Yeah, pretty much agreeing with Monkey on this.  I mean, look at OTHER things that were called "Gods."

If nothing else, just think about the Valkyrie Profile series alone, if BGs (which sounds like a damn good example in and of itself) is unfamiliar for you.  There's a pretty dramatic drop in power alone between, say, Odin and Freya compared to the Valkyrie sisters (Goddess of Creation Lenneth excluded), and then you have to consider Brahms whose not even a God at all, yet is still stronger than most of them anyway.

Edit: Also...Nama, what?

Berserk was equally strong in BOTH Games.  The plot of both games didn't change; all that did was Berserk getting a few extra (useless) appearances in ACF, which didn't add much barring "lets remove a filler boss, instead throw in an actual character here!"

Berserk in both games beats RJ&C (even if you win in battle in WA1 -_-) handedly at Adelhyde.  The only reason he lost the second time was cause Jane basically did something that drained a fair amount of his power, down to the point where the 3 could beat him.

These facts are consistent in both games; and I think both games even state he's strongest of the Quarter Knights (though in ACF, he's far more menacing, but that's a design thing.)  Trying to claim "he needs a whole extra game to be awesome!" is just silly as that clearly is NOT the case with Berserk.

(mind, it'd make sense if you were talking gameplay wise, as Belselk of WA1 isn't nearly as strong as Berserk of ACF for a boss <_<)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 04:33:11 AM by Meeplelard »
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2008, 08:00:14 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3)- Unsure
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs)- Yuri. What SR did to Shanghai impressed a lot more than anything Fou Lu ever did. Plot wise, Yuri fused with basically two of the most powerful beings on Earth.
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP)- Loki

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)- Kuja
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)- KOSMOS

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4)- Belselk
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5)- Citan
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA)- Jade
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos)- Ashley

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4)- Demi
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2)- Rena
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2)- Tio

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF)- Lucia
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8)- Seifer
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4)- Liz. Plotwise, Tony feels like a complete jobber.
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT)- Uh....
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2008, 08:50:52 AM »
The G3 guardians didn't do shit that was impressive. They seemed like weak, sorry excuses for gods to me. HOW is Xorn such a badass for "barely being" defeated by that group of limp dicked scrubs?

They are, but that doesn't mean they were. Remember that they never fully recovered from the beating Xorn had delivered to them.

As for Bhaal, you mentioned it yourself, he is at the upper tier of the hierarchy in his prime, and I can barely think og anyone who can beat him his superiors from his own game.
As for whether he can manifest himself outside his plane is a moot matter. Or I can say dump Fate to light. His own programing cannot sustain his own existance outside Eternal Sphere. Hell, everything from Eternal Sphere are binary codes in the first place, which means their world technicaly might even be a 3 dimensional world which would warrent auto lose to almost everything.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2008, 08:40:29 PM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3): Destroying a world vs. controlling a world? Dilemma. Tiebreak is that Xorn basically loses to a bunch of relative nobodies; Alfina's the best and she's definitely not as good as Ryu. Oh yeah, and Myria would have beaten Ryu if not for Yggdrasil, too, so that's -two- plot Godlikes needed to take her down.
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs): People are hyping the plotless Meta-God here? What the fuck. See Monkey's rants on gods; we don't know how good of one Meta-God is. I'd have more respect for what SR did to Shanghai if I felt Yuri could control that power, but this is never indicated? And even worse, SH2 seemed to imply even Yuri getting it was non-canon.
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP): Right.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9): Planet go boom.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias): SotN Drac vote. He is... kinda pathetic. Anyone want to argue this? Regardless, Hash tearing through a castle like it's nothing and never actually being beaten in battle is pretty impressive.
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS): XS power is just on a higher tier than LoD power in general.

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4): Berserk is pretty broken.
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5): If Galuf could pull the same stunt he did against X-Death against Citan... but I don't really see it.
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA): There's a lategame cutscene in which Jade says the fon slot seal is gone, and he's... no better than any of the other PCs at that point. Which is to say, a solid warrior, but Lyon is possessed by a big bad who would eat Van as a light snack.
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos): Too bad everyone isn't praying for tranny Ashley to beat Georg. The simple musketeer is no match for the finest swordsman in the land.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4): Their basic character descriptions has me leaning Demi, but Demi still manages to get kidnapped, while Cherenkov is a nasty, brutish killer.
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2): Zalbag is good general, but Tio's personal power is clearly superior, I think.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2008, 08:53:06 PM »
On Yuri: Meta-God's plot is "it's strong enough to destroy the world, or at least the world as we know it." Seems kind of adequate. And whether or not he can manifest SR is beside the point - he absorbed and subdued it in Shanghai (and to call that non-canon you'd have to throw out...the entire series from that point on), and once he got his head together it never even threatened to make trouble again.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2008, 08:58:40 PM »
He absorbs and subdues it, but can't consciously use its power.

Being good enough to destroy a world as weak (by overly epic RPG standards) as 1911 earth doesn't impress me much. If we knew -how- it was supposed to destroy the world, that would help! Heck, for all we know, Simon could be completely full of shit; Meta-God could be as ineffecitve as Asmodeus and Astaroth given a chance.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2008, 09:02:05 PM »
He absorbs and subdues it, but can't consciously use its power.

....and? I think we're arguing two different things here, because that's not remotely relevant to the "fuse with Fou-Lu" strategy.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 3
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2008, 09:06:53 PM »
Er... in order to fuse with something, doesn't Yuri have to beat it first? The strategy seems moot. We come back to deciding who would win, and I think there's ample evidence that Fou-Lu's exploits (being practically invincible to all sorts of hell his enemies subject him too, not the least of which include a supposed god-slaying weapon and the curse-cannon of doom) are more impressive than Yuri's (beating some "gods" of ambiguous power).

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.