1. What are you looking forward to next year?
- With any luck, going to university. I'm definitely gonna try to get that sorted, at least.
2. What are you not looking forward to next year?
- The wait for the above. Knowing I've basically got a 9-month wait on continuing with my life is pretty disappointing.
3. Any new years resolutions planned? If so, what are they?
- I don't normally do New Year's resolutions, but I'm going to try and prepare myself for writing more frequently by doing a poem every day of the year. Doesn't matter how shit they turn out, it'll just be to get some ideas going and to get me in the habit of writing consistently.
4. What was the highlight of your 2012?
- Probably the October Expo. Best convention I've been to for quite a long time.
5. What is the best Christmas gift you got this year?
- Reaaally nice camcorder. Wanted one so I can record poetry/comedy night stuff.
6. What was the best Christmas gift you gave this year?
- A day out zorbing. (For those who don't know, that's being rolled down a hill in a giant hamster ball.)
7. Planning on doing any travelling next year? If so, where?
- Hopefully, although no idea where. I kinda want to go to Norway, and I still want to go to both the US and Canada at some point.
8. What is your favorite seasonal Christmas food?
- Turkey and stuffing sandwiches are daaaamn nice.
9. What was your last impulse purchase? Do you regret it?
- 2 days ago, I bought a netbook for no good reason. Haven't had time to regret it just yet!
10. If you had New Years resolutions last year, did you meet them?
- Didn't have any~
11. Are you planning on doing anything for new year's eve or no?
- Got a few friends coming down from around the country, so got about 10-12 people coming to mine.
12. When was the last time you had a White Christmas?
- 4 years ago or something? We rarely get snow here, so even when we've had them, it's never lasted long.